Ejemplo n.º 1
void MyQCQP::optimize()
	// resize alpha
	if(alpha != NULL)
		delete []alpha;
	alpha = new double[numvar];

	double *c_ = new double[numvar];
	for(int i = 0;i<numvar;i++) c_[i] = c[i];

	MSKboundkeye *bkc_ = new MSKboundkeye[numcon];
	double * blc_ = new double[numcon];
	double * buc_ = new double[numcon];
	for(int i = 0;i<numcon;i++)
		bkc_[i] = bkc[i];
		blc_[i] = blc[i];
		buc_[i] = buc[i];

	MSKboundkeye *bkx_ = new MSKboundkeye[numvar];
	double * blx_ = new double[numvar];
	double * bux_ = new double[numvar];
	for(int i = 0;i<numvar;i++)
		bkx_[i] = bkx[i];
		blx_[i] = blx[i];
		bux_[i] = bux[i];

	MSKlidxt *aptrb_ = new MSKlidxt[aptrb.size()];
	for(size_t i = 0;i<aptrb.size();i++) aptrb_[i] = aptrb[i];
	MSKlidxt * aptre_ = new MSKlidxt[aptre.size()];
	for(size_t i = 0;i<aptre.size();i++) aptre_[i] = aptre[i];
	MSKidxt * asub_ = new MSKidxt[asub.size()];
	for(size_t i = 0;i<asub.size();i++) asub_[i] = asub[i];
	double *aval_ = new double[aval.size()];
	for(size_t i = 0;i<aval.size();i++) aval_[i] = aval[i];

	MSKrescodee r;
	MSKenv_t env;
	MSKtask_t task;
	r = MSK_makeenv(&env,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
	r = MSK_initenv(env);

	if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
		r = MSK_maketask(env,numcon,numvar,&task);
		if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
			r = MSK_append(task,MSK_ACC_CON,numcon);

		if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
			r = MSK_append(task,MSK_ACC_VAR, numvar);

		for(int j = 0;j<numvar && r== MSK_RES_OK;j++)
			if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
				r = MSK_putcj(task,j,c_[j]);

			if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
				r = MSK_putbound(task,MSK_ACC_VAR,j,bkx_[j],blx_[j],bux_[j]);

			if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
				r = MSK_putavec(task,MSK_ACC_VAR,j,aptre_[j] - aptrb_[j], asub_ + aptrb_[j],aval_+aptrb_[j]);

		for(int i=0;i<numcon  && r== MSK_RES_OK;i++)
			r = MSK_putbound(task,MSK_ACC_CON,i,bkc_[i],blc_[i],buc_[i]);

		delete []c_;
		delete []bkx_;
		delete []blx_;
		delete []bux_;
		delete []aptrb_;
		delete []aptre_;
		delete []asub_;
		delete []aval_;
		delete []bkc_;
		delete []blc_;
		delete []buc_;

		for(int i=0;i<numcon-1 && r== MSK_RES_OK;i++) // numcon-1 quadratic constraints
			int nzero = qsubi[i].size();
			MSKidxt * qsubi_ = new MSKidxt[nzero];
			MSKidxt * qsubj_ = new MSKidxt[nzero];
			double * qval_ = new double[nzero];
			for(int m = 0;m<nzero;m++)
				qsubi_[m] = qsubi[i][m];
				qsubj_[m] = qsubj[i][m];
				qval_[m] = qval[i][m];

			if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
				r = MSK_putqconk(task,i,nzero,qsubi_,qsubj_,qval_);

			delete []qsubi_;
			delete []qsubj_;
			delete []qval_;

		if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
			r = MSK_putobjsense(task,MSK_OBJECTIVE_SENSE_MINIMIZE);

		if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
			MSKrescodee trmcode;
			r = MSK_optimizetrm(task,&trmcode);

			MSK_getsolutionslice(task,MSK_SOL_ITR, MSK_SOL_ITEM_XX,0,numvar,alpha);

Ejemplo n.º 2
template <typename _Scalar> typename MosekOpt<_Scalar>::ReturnType
update( bool verbose )
    if ( _task != NULL )
        std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "update can only be called once! returning." << std::endl;
        return MSK_RES_ERR_UNKNOWN;

    /* Create the optimization task. */
    if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
        _r = MSK_maketask( _env, this->getConstraintCount(), this->getVarCount(), &_task );
        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "could not create task with " << this->getVarCount() << " vars, and " << this->getConstraintCount() << " constraints" << std::endl;

    // redirect output
    if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
        _r = MSK_linkfunctotaskstream( _task, MSK_STREAM_LOG, NULL, mosekPrintStr );
        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "could not create rewire output to mosekPrintStr(), continuing though..." << std::endl;

    // Append _numCon empty constraints. The constraints will initially have no bounds.
    if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
        if ( verbose ) std::cout << "my: MSK_appendcons(_task,"<< this->getConstraintCount() <<");" << std::endl;
        _r = MSK_appendcons( _task, this->getConstraintCount() );
        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "could not append " << this->getConstraintCount() << " constraints" << std::endl;

    // Append _numVar variables. The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0).
    if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
        if ( verbose ) std::cout << "my: MSK_appendvars(_task," << this->getVarCount() <<");" << std::endl;
        _r = MSK_appendvars( _task, this->getVarCount() );
        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "could not append " << this->getVarCount() << " variables" << std::endl;

    // Optionally add a constant term to the objective.
    if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
        if ( verbose ) std::cout << "my: MSK_putcfix(_task," << this->getObjectiveBias() << ");" << std::endl;
        _r = MSK_putcfix( _task, this->getObjectiveBias() );
        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "could not add constant " << this->getObjectiveBias() << " to objective function" << std::endl;

    // set Variables
    for ( size_t j = 0; (j < this->getVarCount()) && (MSK_RES_OK == _r); ++j )
        // set Variable j's Bounds // blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j]
        if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
            _r = MSK_putvarbound( _task,
                                  j,                                                     /* Index of variable.*/
                                  MosekOpt<Scalar>::getBoundTypeCustom( this->getVarBoundType(j) ), /* Bound key.*/
                                  this->getVarLowerBound(j),                             /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                                  this->getVarUpperBound(j) );                           /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/

            if ( verbose ) std::cout << "my: MSK_putvarbound(_task," << j << "," << this->getVarBoundType(j) << "," << this->getVarLowerBound(j) << "," << this->getVarUpperBound(j) << ");" << std::endl;

        // set Variable j's Type
        if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
            _r = MSK_putvartype( _task, j, MosekOpt<Scalar>::getVarTypeCustom(this->getVarType(j)) );

        // set Variable j's linear coefficient in the objective function
        if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
            if ( verbose ) std::cout << "my: putcj(_task," << j << "," << this->getLinObjectives()[j] << ")" << std::endl;
            _r = MSK_putcj( _task, j, this->getLinObjectives()[j] );

    // set Quadratic Objectives
    if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
        const int numNonZeros = this->getQuadraticObjectives().size();
        MSKint32t *qsubi = new MSKint32t[numNonZeros],
                  *qsubj = new MSKint32t[numNonZeros];
        double    *qval  = new double[numNonZeros];

        for ( size_t qi = 0; qi != this->getQuadraticObjectives().size(); ++qi )
            qsubi[qi] = this->getQuadraticObjectives()[qi].row();
            qsubj[qi] = this->getQuadraticObjectives()[qi].col();
            qval [qi] = this->getQuadraticObjectives()[qi].value();

        if ( verbose ) std::cout<<"my: putqobj( _task, " << numNonZeros << ",\n";
        for ( size_t vi = 0; vi != numNonZeros; ++vi )
            if ( verbose ) std::cout << qsubi[vi] << "," << qsubj[vi] << ", " << qval[vi] << std::endl;
        if ( verbose ) std::cout << ");" << std::endl;

        _r = MSK_putqobj( _task, numNonZeros, qsubi, qsubj, qval );

        if ( qsubi ) { delete[] qsubi; qsubi = NULL; }
        if ( qsubj ) { delete[] qsubj; qsubj = NULL; }
        if ( qval  ) { delete[] qval ; qval  = NULL; }

        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "Setting Quadratic Objectives caused error code " << (int)_r << std::endl;
    } // ...Quadratic objective

    // set Linear Constraints
        typename ParentType::SparseMatrix A( this->getLinConstraintsMatrix() );
//        ( this->getConstraintCount(), this->getVarCount() );
//        A.setFromTriplets( this->getLinConstraints().begin(), this->getLinConstraints().end() );
        std::vector<double>         aval;                // Linear constraints coeff matrix (sparse)
        std::vector<int>            asub;                // Linear constraints coeff matrix indices
        std::vector<int>            aptrb, aptre;
        for ( int row = 0; (row < A.outerSize()) && (MSK_RES_OK == _r); ++row )
            // set Constraint Bounds for row
            if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
                if ( verbose ) std::cout << "my: MSK_putconbound( _task, " << row << ", "
                                         << MosekOpt<Scalar>::getBoundTypeCustom( this->getConstraintBoundType(row) ) << ", "
                                         << this->getConstraintLowerBound( row ) << ", "
                                         << this->getConstraintUpperBound( row ) << ")"
                                         << std::endl; fflush( stdout );

                _r = MSK_putconbound( _task,
                                      row,                                                          /* Index of constraint.*/
                                      MosekOpt<Scalar>::getBoundTypeCustom(this->getConstraintBoundType(row)), /* Bound key.*/
                                      this->getConstraintLowerBound(row),                           /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                                      this->getConstraintUpperBound(row) );                         /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/

            // set Linear Constraint row
            if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
                // new line starts at index == current size
                aptrb.push_back( aval.size() );
                // add coeffs from new line
                for ( typename ParentType::SparseMatrix::InnerIterator it(A,row); it; ++it )
                    if ( row != it.row() ) std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "this shouldn't happen" << std::endl;
                    // coeff value
                    aval.push_back( it.value() );  // TODO: A should be a matrix, not a vector...
                    // coeff subscript
                    asub.push_back( it.col() );
                // new line ends at index == new size
                aptre.push_back( aval.size() );

                if ( verbose ) {
                    std::cout << "my: MSK_putarow( _task, "
                              << row << ", "
                              << aptre[row] - aptrb[row] << ", "
                              << *(asub.data() + aptrb[row]) << ", "
                              << *(aval.data() + aptrb[row]) << ");"
                              << std::endl; fflush( stdout );

                _r = MSK_putarow( _task,
                                  row,                 /* Row index.*/
                                  aptre[row] - aptrb[row], /* Number of non-zeros in row i.*/
                                  asub.data() + aptrb[row],     /* Pointer to column indexes of row i.*/
                                  aval.data() + aptrb[row]);    /* Pointer to values of row i.*/
        } // ... for A.rows

        // report error
        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "Setting Lin constraints caused error code " << (int)_r << std::endl;
    } // ...set Linear Constraints

    // set Quadratic constraints
    if ( verbose ) std::cout << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "adding q constraints" << std::endl;
    for ( size_t constr_id = 0; (constr_id != this->getQuadraticConstraints().size()) && (MSK_RES_OK == _r); ++constr_id )
        const int numNonZeros = this->getQuadraticConstraints(constr_id).size();

        MSKint32t *qsubi = new MSKint32t[numNonZeros],
                  *qsubj = new MSKint32t[numNonZeros];
        double    *qval  = new double[numNonZeros];

        for ( size_t qi = 0; qi != this->getQuadraticConstraints(constr_id).size(); ++qi )
            qsubi[qi] = this->getQuadraticConstraints(constr_id)[qi].row();
            qsubj[qi] = this->getQuadraticConstraints(constr_id)[qi].col();
            qval [qi] = this->getQuadraticConstraints(constr_id)[qi].value();

        if ( verbose ) std::cout<<"my: MSK_putqonk( _task, " << constr_id << ", " << numNonZeros << ",\n";
        for(size_t vi=0;vi!=numNonZeros;++vi)
            if ( verbose ) std::cout << qsubi[vi] << "," << qsubj[vi] << ", " << qval[vi] << std::endl;
        if ( verbose ) std::cout << "); " << std::endl;

        _r = MSK_putqconk(_task,

        if ( qsubi ) { delete[] qsubi; qsubi = NULL; }
        if ( qsubj ) { delete[] qsubj; qsubj = NULL; }
        if ( qval  ) { delete[] qval ; qval  = NULL; }

        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "Setting Quad constraints caused error code " << (int)_r << std::endl;
    } // ...set Quadratic Constraints

    // save to file
        if ( _r == MSK_RES_OK )
            _r = MSK_putintparam( _task, MSK_IPAR_WRITE_DATA_FORMAT, MSK_DATA_FORMAT_LP );
            if ( _r == MSK_RES_OK )
                _r = MSK_writedata( _task, "mosek.lp" );
                if ( _r != MSK_RES_OK )
                    std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "Writedata did not work" << (int)_r << std::endl;

    if ( _r == MSK_RES_OK )
        this->_updated = true;

    // return error code
    return _r;
} // ...MosekOpt::update()