Ejemplo n.º 1
void MacPrinterCanvas::setmapmode(HDC hdc) {
	int s = int(1440./scale_);
	MWassert(SetMapMode(hdc, MM_ANISOTROPIC));
	//MWassert(SetWindowExtEx(hdc, 1440, 1440, NULL));
	MWassert(SetWindowExtEx(hdc, s, s, NULL));
		GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX),
		-GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY),
Ejemplo n.º 2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Render an image onto the GDI surface.  The image is transformed in
// terms of scaling only initially (all that Windows 3.1 supports).
// Rotation is initially not supported.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void MWcanvas16::image(const Raster* ras, Coord x, Coord y)
    // convert the coordinates to TWIPS for the page space to device space
    // mapping.
    Coord tx, ty, tw, th;
    if (transformed_) {
        matrix().transform(x, y, tx, ty);
        matrix().transform(x+ras->width(), y+ras->height(), tw, th);
        tw -= tx;
        th -= ty;
    } else {
        tx = x;
        ty = y;
        tw = ras->width();
        ty = ras->height();

    int x0 = COORD2TWIPS( tx );
    int y0 = COORD2TWIPS( ty );
    int width = COORD2TWIPS( tw );
    int height = COORD2TWIPS( th );

    // ---- blt... the destination will be transformed ----
    MWassert( StretchBlt(drawable_, x0, y0 + height, width, - height,
                         0, 0, ras->pwidth(), ras->pheight(), SRCCOPY) );

Ejemplo n.º 3
void MWcanvas16::flush()
    // ---- check if there is anything to do ----
    int nchars = (int) (text_ptr_ - text_buff_);
    if ((nchars == 0) || (lg_font_ == nil))

    // ---- render the text ----
    SetBkMode(drawable_, TRANSPARENT);
    FontRep* fr = lg_font_->rep(nil);

// the one consequence of caching the font is that it is no longer possible
// to transform the angle like this at this point.  so we lose rotated text
// but gain the ability to use different fonts!
    //	fr->orientation(transformAngle());
//	HFONT new_fnt = fr->Create();
//  	if (!new_fnt) {
//  		new_fnt = fr->Create();
//  	}
    HFONT old_fnt = (HFONT) SelectObject(drawable_, fr->HFont());
    SetTextAlign(drawable_, TA_LEFT | TA_BASELINE | TA_NOUPDATECP);
    TextOut(drawable_, text_x0_, text_y0_, text_buff_, nchars);
    SelectObject(drawable_, old_fnt);
//	DeleteObject( SelectObject(drawable_, old_fnt));
    // ---- reset the buffer ----
    text_ptr_ = text_buff_;

Ejemplo n.º 4
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Changes the Color to use when rendering onto the canvas.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void MWcanvas16::color(const Color* c)
    // ---- render anything that was buffered ----

    // ---- reference new color ----
    lg_color_ = c;

    // ---- set new pen color ----
    pen_stats_.lopnColor = c->rep()->msColor();
    pen_ = CreatePenIndirect(&pen_stats_);
    DeleteObject( SelectObject(drawable_, pen_));

    // ----  set new brush color ----
    if (c->rep()->stipple)
        // THIS NEEDS WORK
        // brush_stats_.lbStyle = BS_PATTERN;
        // brush_stats_.lbHatch = (long) c->rep()->stipple->hbm_;
        brush_stats_.lbStyle = BS_SOLID;
        brush_stats_.lbColor = c->rep()->msColor();
    brush_ = CreateBrushIndirect(&brush_stats_);
    DeleteObject( SelectObject(drawable_, brush_));

    // ---- set text color ----
    SetTextColor(drawable_, c->rep()->msColor());

    // ---- set color operation ----
    ColorRep* r = c->rep();
    if (r->op == Color::Copy)
        SetROP2(drawable_, R2_COPYPEN);
    else if (r->op == Color::Xor)
//		SetROP2(drawable_, R2_XORPEN);
        SetROP2(drawable_, 6);   // this is insane, but...
    else if (r->op == Color::Invisible)
        SetROP2(drawable_, R2_NOP);
        // ----- unrecognized color mode ----
Ejemplo n.º 5
void MWcanvas16::fill(const Color* c)
    if (c->rep()->stipple)
        // ---- stipple some color into the area ----
        stencilFill(c->rep()->stipple, c);
        PathRenderInfo* p = &MWcanvas16::path_;
        int n = (int) (p->cur_point_ - p->point_);
        if (n <= 2)

        HPEN hpen = (HPEN)SelectObject(drawable_, CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, lg_color_->rep()->msColor()));

        POINT* pt = p->point_;
        if (xrect(pt, n))
            // ---- draw a rectangle ----
            int x = Math::min(pt[0].x, pt[2].x);
            int y = Math::min(pt[0].y, pt[2].y);
            int x1 = Math::max(pt[0].x, pt[2].x);
            int y1 = Math::max(pt[0].y, pt[2].y);
            Rectangle(drawable_, x, y, x1, y1);
            Polygon(drawable_, pt, n);
        DeleteObject(SelectObject(drawable_, hpen));

#ifdef DEBUG
    // ---- canvas debug ----
    MWassert( LPtoDP(drawable_, pt, n) );
    printf("fill ");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        BOOL vis = PtVisible(drawable_,  pt[i].x, pt[i].y);
        if (vis)
            printf("[%d,%d] ", pt[i].x, pt[i].y);
            printf("(%d,%d> ", pt[i].x, pt[i].y);
Ejemplo n.º 6
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stencil the "set" bits of the bitmap onto the canvas in the given color
// at the given origin.  The origin is in terms of the point system with
// the origin in the lower left, which must be converted to the device
// coordinate system which has an origin in the upper left.  Further, the
// blt coordinates must be adjusted this way as well.
// If the transformation matrix is identity, the bitmap is simply blt'd
// using the raster operation discussed in the Petzold V3.0 book on page
// 624 which transfers only the black bits.  It corresponds to the operation
// ((Destination ^ Pattern) & Source) ^ Pattern.  If the transformer is not
// identity, then the Windows function StretchBlt is used to scale the
// bitmap.  The default mode of STRETCH_ANDSCANS is appropriate since it
// favors the black bits.
// Currently, a rotated bitmap is NOT supported!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void MWcanvas16::stencil(
    const Bitmap* mask, 			// bitmap to render
    const Color* c, 				// color to use
    Coord x, 						// x-coordinate
    Coord y) 						// y-coordinate
    BitmapRep& br = * mask->rep();
    HBITMAP hbm = CreateBitmapIndirect((BITMAP*) &(br.bm_));
    HDC mem_hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(drawable_);
    SelectObject(mem_hdc, hbm);

    // convert the coordinates to TWIPS for the page space to device space
    // mapping.
    int x0 = COORD2TWIPS( x + mask->left_bearing() );
    int y0 = COORD2TWIPS( y - mask->descent() );
    int width = COORD2TWIPS( mask->width() );
    int height = COORD2TWIPS( mask->height() );

    // ---- set the color to use ----

    // For some reason, text color must be black when stenciling or the
    // colors of the stencil are affected.
    SetTextColor(drawable_, RGB(0, 0, 0));

    // ---- blt... the destination will be transformed ----
    MWassert( StretchBlt(drawable_, x0, y0 + height, width, - height,
                         mem_hdc, 0, 0, br.bm_.bmWidth, br.bm_.bmHeight, 0xB8074AL) );

    // ---- cleanup ----
Ejemplo n.º 7
void MWcanvas16::clip()

    // ---- make sure there are multiple points ----
    PathRenderInfo* p = &path_;
    POINT* pt = p->point_;
    int n = (int) (p->cur_point_ - p->point_);
    if (n <= 2)

    // The path must be in terms of device units for specification of
    // clipping... so we transform the path specifications from logical
    // units (TWIPS) to device units before setting the clipping.
    if(drawable_ == nil)	// sometimes its null because of event input -- just ignore
    MWassert( LPtoDP(drawable_, pt, n) );

    // ---- create a region to represent clipping ----
    HRGN clip;
    if (xrect(pt, n))
        // ---- rectangular clipping area ----
        RECT xr;
        xr.left = Math::min(pt[0].x, pt[2].x);
        xr.top = Math::min(pt[0].y, pt[2].y);
        xr.right = Math::max(pt[0].x, pt[2].x);
        xr.bottom = Math::max(pt[0].y, pt[2].y);
        clip = CreateRectRgn(xr.left, xr.top, xr.right, xr.bottom );
        clip = CreatePolygonRgn(pt, n, WINDING);
#if 1
    // ---- merge with existing clipping area ----
    HRGN intersect = CreateRectRgn(0,0,0,0);
    CombineRgn(intersect, clipping_, clip, RGN_AND);
    clip = intersect;

    // ---- set new clipping area ----
    SelectClipRgn(drawable_, clip);
    clipping_ = clip;

#ifdef DEBUG
    // ---- canvas debug ----
    printf("clip ");
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        printf("[%d,%d] ", pt[i].x, pt[i].y);
