Ejemplo n.º 1
static int osc_send_set(CSOUND *csound, OSCSEND *p)
    char port[8];
    char *pp = port;
    char *hh;
    //unsigned int i;

    /* with too many args, XINCODE may not work correctly */
    if (UNLIKELY(p->INOCOUNT > 31))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Too many arguments to OSCsend"));
    /* a-rate arguments are not allowed */
    /* for (i = 0; i < p->INOCOUNT-5; i++) { */
    /*   if (strcmp("a", csound->GetTypeForArg(p->arg[i])->varTypeName) == 0) { */
    /*     return csound->InitError(csound, Str("No a-rate arguments allowed")); */
    /*   } */
    /* } */

    if (*p->port<0)
      pp = NULL;
      snprintf(port, 8, "%d", (int) MYFLT2LRND(*p->port));
    hh = (char*) p->host->data;
    if (*hh=='\0') hh = NULL;
    p->addr = lo_address_new(hh, pp);
    p->cnt = 0;
    p->last = 0;
    csound->RegisterDeinitCallback(csound, p,
                                   (int (*)(CSOUND *, void *)) oscsend_deinit);
    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int osc_send_set(CSOUND *csound, OSCSEND *p)
    char port[8];
    char *pp = port;
    char *hh;

    /* with too many args, XINCODE may not work correctly */
    if (UNLIKELY(p->INOCOUNT > 31))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Too many arguments to OSCsend"));
    /* a-rate arguments are not allowed */
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("No a-rate arguments allowed"));

    if (*p->port<0)
      pp = NULL;
      snprintf(port, 8, "%d", (int) MYFLT2LRND(*p->port));
    hh = (char*) p->host->data;
    if (*hh=='\0') hh = NULL;
    p->addr = lo_address_new(hh, pp);
    p->cnt = 0;
    p->last = 0;
    csound->RegisterDeinitCallback(csound, p,
                                   (int (*)(CSOUND *, void *)) oscsend_deinit);
    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void array_free_var_mem(void* csnd, void* p) {
    CSOUND* csound = (CSOUND*)csnd;
    ARRAYDAT* dat = (ARRAYDAT*)p;

    if(dat->data != NULL) {
        CS_TYPE* arrayType = dat->arrayType;

        if (arrayType->freeVariableMemory != NULL) {
            MYFLT* mem = dat->data;
            size_t memMyfltSize = dat->arrayMemberSize / sizeof(MYFLT);
            int i, size = dat->sizes[0];
            for (i = 1; i < dat->dimensions; i++) {
                size *= dat->sizes[i];
            size = MYFLT2LRND(size);
            for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                                              dat->data + (i * memMyfltSize));

        csound->Free(csound, dat->data);

    if(dat->sizes != NULL) {
        csound->Free(csound, dat->sizes);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static int pan2set(CSOUND *csound, PAN2 *p)
    int type = p->type = MYFLT2LRND(*p->itype);
    if (UNLIKELY(type <0 || type > 3))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Unknown panning type"));
    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int32_t pvreadset_(CSOUND *csound, PVREAD *p, int32_t stringname)
    char      pvfilnam[256];

    if (stringname==0){
      if (csound->ISSTRCOD(*p->ifilno))
        strNcpy(pvfilnam,get_arg_string(csound, *p->ifilno), MAXNAME);
      else csound->strarg2name(csound, pvfilnam, p->ifilno, "pvoc.",0);
    else strNcpy(pvfilnam, ((STRINGDAT *)p->ifilno)->data, MAXNAME);

    if (pvocex_loadfile(csound, pvfilnam, p) == OK) {
      p->prFlg = 1;
      p->mybin = MYFLT2LRND(*p->ibin);
      return OK;
    return NOTOK;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void sfopenout(CSOUND *csound)                  /* init for sound out       */
{                                               /* (not called if nosound)  */
    OPARMS  *O = csound->oparms;
    char    *s, *fName, *fullName;
    SF_INFO sfinfo;
    int     osfd = 1;   /* stdout */

    if (O->outfilename == NULL) {
      switch (O->filetyp) {
      case TYP_WAV:
      case TYP_W64:
      case TYP_WAVEX:
      case TYP_RF64:
        O->outfilename = "test.wav";
      case TYP_AIFF:
        O->outfilename = "test.aif";
      case TYP_AU:
        O->outfilename = "test.au";
      case TYP_PAF:
        O->outfilename = "test.paf";
      case TYP_SVX:
        O->outfilename = "test.svx";
      case TYP_NIST:
        O->outfilename = "test.sph";
      case TYP_VOC:
        O->outfilename = "test.voc";
      /* case TYP_IRCAM: */
      /*   O->outfilename = ""; */
      /*   break; */
      /* case TYP_MAT4: */
      /*   O->outfilename = ""; */
      /*   break;  */
      /* case TYP_MAT5: */
      /*   O->outfilename = ""; */
      /*   break;  */
      /* case TYP_PVF: */
      /*   O->outfilename = ""; */
      /*   break;   */
      case TYP_XI:
        O->outfilename = "test.xi";
      /* case TYP_HTK: */
      /*   O->outfilename = ""; */
      /*   break;   */
      /* case TYP_SDS: */
      /*   O->outfilename = "test.sds"; */
      /*   break;   */
      case TYP_AVR:
        O->outfilename = "test.avr";
      case TYP_SD2:
        O->outfilename = "test.sd2";
      case TYP_FLAC:
        O->outfilename = "test.flac";
      case TYP_CAF:
        O->outfilename = "test.caf";
      case TYP_OGG:
        O->outfilename = "test.ogg";
      /* case TYP_MPC2K: */
      /*   O->outfilename = ""; */
      /*   break; */
        O->outfilename = "test";
    STA(sfoutname) = fName = O->outfilename;

    if (strcmp(fName, "stdout") == 0) {
      STA(pipdevout) = 1;
#ifdef PIPES
    else if (fName[0] == '|') {
      STA(pout) = _popen(fName+1, "w");
      osfd = fileno(STA(pout));
      STA(pipdevout) = 1;
      if (O->filetyp == TYP_AIFF || O->filetyp == TYP_WAV) {
        char fmt_name[6];
        if (O->sfsampsize == 8) {
          strcpy(fmt_name, "AU");
          O->filetyp = TYP_AU;
        else {
          strcpy(fmt_name, "IRCAM");
          O->filetyp = TYP_IRCAM;
        csound->Message(csound, Str("Output file type changed to %s "
                                    "for use in pipe\n"), fmt_name);
    else {
      csRtAudioParams   parm;
      /* check for real time audio output, and get device name/number */
      parm.devNum = check_rtaudio_name(fName, &(parm.devName), 1);
      if (parm.devNum >= 0) {
        /* set device parameters */
        parm.bufSamp_SW   = (unsigned int) O->outbufsamps / csound->nchnls;
        parm.bufSamp_HW   = O->oMaxLag;
        parm.nChannels    = csound->nchnls;
        parm.sampleFormat = O->outformat;
        parm.sampleRate   = (float) csound->esr;
        csound->spoutran  = spoutsf;
        /* open devaudio for output */
        if (UNLIKELY(csound->playopen_callback(csound, &parm) != 0))
          csoundDie(csound, Str("Failed to initialise real time audio output"));
        /*  & redirect audio puts  */
        csound->audtran = csound->rtplay_callback;
        STA(outbufrem)  = parm.bufSamp_SW * parm.nChannels;
        STA(pipdevout)  = 2;      /* no backward seeks !   */
        if (O->realtime == 1)     /* set realtime priority mode */
          csound->realtime_audio_flag = 1;
        goto outset;              /* no header needed      */
      else if (strcmp(fName, "null") == 0) {
        STA(outfile) = NULL;
        if (csound->dither_output && csound->oparms->outformat!=AE_FLOAT &&
            csound->oparms->outformat!=AE_DOUBLE) {
          if (csound->oparms->outformat==AE_SHORT)
            if (csound->dither_output==1)
              csound->audtran = writesf_dither_16;
              csound->audtran = writesf_dither_u16;
          else if (csound->oparms->outformat==AE_CHAR)
            if (csound->dither_output==1)
              csound->audtran = writesf_dither_8;
              csound->audtran = writesf_dither_u8;
            csound->audtran = writesf;
          csound->audtran = writesf;
        goto outset;
    /* set format parameters */
    memset(&sfinfo, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO));
    //sfinfo.frames     = 0;
    sfinfo.samplerate = (int) MYFLT2LRND(csound->esr);
    sfinfo.channels   = csound->nchnls;
    sfinfo.format     = TYPE2SF(O->filetyp) | FORMAT2SF(O->outformat);
    /* open file */
    if (STA(pipdevout)) {
      STA(outfile) = sf_open_fd(osfd, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, 0);
#ifdef PIPES
      if (STA(outfile) == NULL) {
        char fmt_name[6];
        if (O->sfsampsize == 8) {
          if (UNLIKELY(O->filetyp == TYP_AU))
            csoundDie(csound, Str("sfinit: cannot open fd %d\n%s"), osfd,
          strcpy(fmt_name, "AU");
          O->filetyp = TYP_AU;
        else {
          if (UNLIKELY(O->filetyp == TYP_IRCAM))
            csoundDie(csound, Str("sfinit: cannot open fd %d\n%s"), osfd,
          strcpy(fmt_name, "IRCAM");
          O->filetyp = TYP_IRCAM;
        csound->Message(csound, Str("Output file type changed to %s "
                                    "for use in pipe\n"), fmt_name);
        sfinfo.format = TYPE2SF(O->filetyp) | FORMAT2SF(O->outformat);
        STA(outfile) = sf_open_fd(osfd, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, 0);
      if (UNLIKELY(STA(outfile) == NULL))
        csoundDie(csound, Str("sfinit: cannot open fd %d\n%s"), osfd,
      sf_command(STA(outfile), SFC_SET_VBR_ENCODING_QUALITY,
                 &O->quality, sizeof(double));
    else {
      fullName = csoundFindOutputFile(csound, fName, "SFDIR");
      if (UNLIKELY(fullName == NULL))
        csoundDie(csound, Str("sfinit: cannot open %s"), fName);
      STA(sfoutname) = fullName;
      STA(outfile)   = sf_open(fullName, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo);
      if (UNLIKELY(STA(outfile) == NULL))
        csoundDie(csound, Str("sfinit: cannot open %s\n%s"),
                  fullName, sf_strerror (NULL));
      sf_command(STA(outfile), SFC_SET_VBR_ENCODING_QUALITY,
                 &O->quality, sizeof(double));
      /* only notify the host if we opened a real file, not stdout or a pipe */
      csoundNotifyFileOpened(csound, fullName,
                              type2csfiletype(O->filetyp, O->outformat), 1, 0);
    /* IV - Feb 22 2005: clip integer formats */
    if (O->outformat != AE_FLOAT && O->outformat != AE_DOUBLE)
      sf_command(STA(outfile), SFC_SET_CLIPPING, NULL, SF_TRUE);
    sf_command(STA(outfile), SFC_SET_ADD_PEAK_CHUNK,
               NULL, (csound->peakchunks ? SF_TRUE : SF_FALSE));
    if (csound->dither_output) {        /* This may not be written yet!! */
      SF_DITHER_INFO  ditherInfo;
      memset(&ditherInfo, 0, sizeof(SF_DITHER_INFO));
      ditherInfo.type  = SFD_TRIANGULAR_PDF | SFD_DEFAULT_LEVEL;
      ditherInfo.level = 1.0;
      ditherInfo.name  = (char*) NULL;
      sf_command(STA(outfile), SFC_SET_DITHER_ON_WRITE,
                 &ditherInfo, sizeof(SF_DITHER_INFO));
    if (!(O->outformat == AE_FLOAT || O->outformat == AE_DOUBLE) ||
        (O->filetyp == TYP_WAV || O->filetyp == TYP_AIFF ||
         O->filetyp == TYP_W64))
      csound->spoutran = spoutsf;       /* accumulate output */
      csound->spoutran = spoutsf_noscale;
    if (csound->dither_output && csound->oparms->outformat!=AE_FLOAT &&
        csound->oparms->outformat!=AE_DOUBLE) {
      if (csound->oparms->outformat==AE_SHORT)
        csound->audtran = writesf_dither_16;
      else if (csound->oparms->outformat==AE_CHAR)
        csound->audtran = writesf_dither_8;
        csound->audtran = writesf;
      csound->audtran = writesf;
    /* Write any tags. */
    if ((s = csound->SF_id_title) != NULL && *s != '\0')
      sf_set_string(STA(outfile), SF_STR_TITLE, s);
    if ((s = csound->SF_csd_licence) == NULL || *s == '\0')
      s = csound->SF_id_copyright;
    if (s != NULL && *s != '\0')
      sf_set_string(STA(outfile), SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, s);
    else if (csound->SF_id_scopyright>=0) {
      char buff[256];
      time_t tt = time(NULL);
      strftime(buff, 256, "Copyright %Y: ", gmtime(&tt));
      strncat(buff,copyrightcode(csound->SF_id_scopyright), 255);
      buff[255] = '\0';
      sf_set_string(STA(outfile), SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, buff);
    if ((s = csound->SF_id_software) != NULL && *s != '\0')
      sf_set_string(STA(outfile), SF_STR_SOFTWARE, s);
    if ((s = csound->SF_id_artist) != NULL && *s != '\0')
      sf_set_string(STA(outfile), SF_STR_ARTIST, s);
    if ((s = csound->SF_id_comment) != NULL && *s != '\0')
      sf_set_string(STA(outfile), SF_STR_COMMENT, s);
    if ((s = csound->SF_id_date) != NULL && *s != '\0')
      sf_set_string(STA(outfile), SF_STR_DATE, s);
    /* file is now open */
    STA(osfopen) = 1;

    O->sfsampsize = (int) sfsampsize(FORMAT2SF(O->outformat));
    /* calc outbuf size & alloc bufspace */
    STA(outbufsiz) = O->outbufsamps * sizeof(MYFLT);
    STA(outbufp)   = STA(outbuf) = csound->Malloc(csound, STA(outbufsiz));
    if (STA(pipdevout) == 2)
                      Str("writing %d sample blks of %lu-bit floats to %s\n"),
                      O->outbufsamps, (unsigned long) sizeof(MYFLT)*8,
    else {
     csound->Message(csound, Str("writing %d-byte blks of %s to %s"),
                    O->outbufsamps * O->sfsampsize,
                    getstrformat(O->outformat), STA(sfoutname));

    if (O->sfheader == 0)
      csound->Message(csound, Str(" (raw)\n"));
      csound->Message(csound, " (%s)\n", type2string(O->filetyp));
    STA(osfopen)   = 1;
    STA(outbufrem) = O->outbufsamps;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void sfopenin(CSOUND *csound)           /* init for continuous soundin */
    OPARMS  *O = csound->oparms;
    char    *sfname, *fullName;
    SF_INFO sfinfo;
    int     fileType = (int) TYP_RAW;
    int     isfd = 0;   /* stdin */

    STA(inbufrem) = (uint32) 0;    /* start with empty buffer */
    sfname = O->infilename;
    if (UNLIKELY(sfname == NULL || sfname[0] == '\0'))
      csound->Die(csound, Str("error: no input file name"));

    if (strcmp(sfname, "stdin") == 0) {
      STA(pipdevin) = 1;
#ifdef PIPES
    else if (sfname[0] == '|') {
      STA(pin) = _popen(sfname + 1, "r");
      isfd = fileno(STA(pin));
      STA(pipdevin) = 1;
    else {
      csRtAudioParams   parm;
      /* check for real time audio input, and get device name/number */
      parm.devNum = check_rtaudio_name(sfname, &(parm.devName), 0);
      if (parm.devNum >= 0) {
        /* set device parameters */
        parm.bufSamp_SW   =
          (unsigned int) O->inbufsamps / (unsigned int) csound->inchnls;
        parm.bufSamp_HW   = O->oMaxLag;
        parm.nChannels    = csound->inchnls;
        parm.sampleFormat = O->informat;
        parm.sampleRate   = (float) csound->esr;
        /* open devaudio for input */
        if (UNLIKELY(csound->recopen_callback(csound, &parm) != 0))
          csoundDie(csound, Str("Failed to initialise real time audio input"));
        /*  & redirect audio gets  */
        csound->audrecv = csound->rtrecord_callback;
        STA(pipdevin) = 2;       /* no backward seeks !     */
        goto inset;             /* no header processing    */
    /* open file */
    memset(&sfinfo, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO));
    if (STA(pipdevin)) {
      STA(infile) = sf_open_fd(isfd, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, 0);
      if (UNLIKELY(STA(infile) == NULL)) {
        /* open failed: possibly raw file, but cannot seek back to try again */
        const char *sfError = Str(sf_strerror(NULL));
        csoundDie(csound, Str("isfinit: cannot open %s -- %s"), sfname, sfError);
    else {
      fullName = csoundFindInputFile(csound, sfname, "SFDIR;SSDIR");
      if (UNLIKELY(fullName == NULL))                     /* if not found */
        csoundDie(csound, Str("isfinit: cannot open %s"), sfname);
      STA(infile) = sf_open(fullName, SFM_READ, &sfinfo);
      if (STA(infile) == NULL) {
        /* open failed: maybe raw file ? */
        memset(&sfinfo, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO));
        sfinfo.samplerate = (int) MYFLT2LRND(csound->esr);
        sfinfo.channels = csound->nchnls;
        /* FIXME: assumes input sample format is same as output */
        sfinfo.format = TYPE2SF(TYP_RAW) | FORMAT2SF(O->outformat);
        STA(infile) = sf_open(fullName, SFM_READ, &sfinfo);  /* try again */
      if (UNLIKELY(STA(infile) == NULL)) {
        const char *sfError = Str(sf_strerror(NULL));
        csoundDie(csound, Str("isfinit: cannot open %s -- %s"), fullName, sfError);
      /* only notify the host if we opened a real file, not stdin or a pipe */
      csoundNotifyFileOpened(csound, fullName,
                              sftype2csfiletype(sfinfo.format), 0, 0);
      sfname = fullName;
    /* chk the hdr codes  */
    if (sfinfo.samplerate != (int) MYFLT2LRND(csound->esr)) {
      csound->Warning(csound, Str("audio_in %s has sr = %d, orch sr = %d"),
                              sfname, (int) sfinfo.samplerate,
                              (int) MYFLT2LRND(csound->esr));
    if (sfinfo.channels != csound->inchnls) {
      csound->Warning(csound, Str("audio_in %s has %d chnls, orch %d chnls_i"),
                              sfname, (int) sfinfo.channels, csound->inchnls);
    /* Do we care about the format?  Can assume float?? */
    O->informat = SF2FORMAT(sfinfo.format);
    fileType = (int) SF2TYPE(sfinfo.format);
    csound->audrecv = readsf;           /* will use standard audio gets  */
    if ((O->informat == AE_FLOAT || O->informat == AE_DOUBLE) &&
        !(fileType == TYP_WAV || fileType == TYP_AIFF || fileType == TYP_W64)) {
      /* do not scale "raw" floating point files */
      csound->spinrecv = sndfilein_noscale;

    /* calc inbufsize reqd */
    STA(inbufsiz) = (unsigned) (O->inbufsamps * sizeof(MYFLT));
    STA(inbuf) = (MYFLT*) csound->Calloc(csound,
                                         STA(inbufsiz)); /* alloc inbuf space */
    if (STA(pipdevout) == 2)
                      Str("reading %d sample blks of %lu-bit floats from %s\n"),
                      O->inbufsamps * O->sfsampsize,
                      (unsigned long) sizeof(MYFLT)*8, sfname);
    else {
                      Str("reading %d-byte blks of %s from %s (%s)\n"),
                      O->inbufsamps * (int) sfsampsize(FORMAT2SF(O->informat)),
                      getstrformat(O->informat), sfname, type2string(fileType));
    STA(isfopen) = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static int OSC_list(CSOUND *csound, OSCLISTEN *p)
    OSC_PAT *m;

    /* quick check for empty queue */
    if (p->patterns == NULL) {
      *p->kans = 0;
      return OK;
    m = p->patterns;
    /* check again for thread safety */
    if (m != NULL) {
      int i;
      /* unlink from queue */
      p->patterns = m->next;
      /* copy arguments */
      //printf("copying args\n");
      for (i = 0; p->saved_types[i] != '\0'; i++) {
        //printf("%d: type %c\n", i, p->saved_types[i]);
        if (p->saved_types[i] == 's') {
          char *src = m->args[i].string.data;
          char *dst = ((STRINGDAT*) p->args[i])->data;
          if (src != NULL) {
            if (((STRINGDAT*) p->args[i])->size <= (int) strlen(src)){
              if (dst != NULL) csound->Free(csound, dst);
              dst = csound->Strdup(csound, src);
              ((STRINGDAT*) p->args[i])->size = strlen(dst) + 1;
              ((STRINGDAT*) p->args[i])->data = dst;
            strcpy(dst, src);
        else if (p->saved_types[i]=='b') {
          char c = p->type->data[i];
          int len =  lo_blob_datasize(m->args[i].blob);
          //printf("blob found %p type %c\n", m->args[i].blob, c);
          //printf("length = %d\n", lo_blob_datasize(m->args[i].blob));
          int *idata = lo_blob_dataptr(m->args[i].blob);
          if (c == 'A') {       /* Decode an numeric array */
            int j;
            MYFLT* data = (MYFLT*)(&idata[1+idata[0]]);
            int size = 1;
            ARRAYDAT* foo = (ARRAYDAT*)p->args[i];
            foo->dimensions = idata[0];
            csound->Free(csound, foo->sizes);
            foo->sizes = (int*)csound->Malloc(csound, sizeof(int)*idata[0]);
#ifdef JPFF
            printf("dimension=%d\n", idata[0]);
            for (j=0; j<idata[0]; j++) {
              foo->sizes[j] = idata[j+1];
#ifdef JPFF
              printf("sizes[%d] = %d\n", j, idata[j+1]);
#ifdef JPFF
            printf("idata = %i %i %i %i %i %i %i ...\n",
                   idata[0], idata[1], idata[2], idata[3],
                   idata[4], idata[5], idata[6]);
            printf("data = %f, %f, %f...\n", data[0], data[1], data[2]);
            foo->data = (MYFLT*)csound->Malloc(csound, sizeof(MYFLT)*size);
            memcpy(foo->data, data, sizeof(MYFLT)*size);
            //printf("data = %f %f ...\n", foo->data[0], foo->data[1]);
          else if (c == 'a') {
            MYFLT *data= (MYFLT*)idata;
            unsigned int len = (int)data[0];
            if (len>CS_KSMPS) len = CS_KSMPS;
            memcpy(p->args[i], &data[1], len*sizeof(MYFLT));
          else if (c == 'G') {  /* ftable received */
            FUNC* data = (FUNC*)idata;
            int fno = MYFLT2LRND(*p->args[i]);
            FUNC *ftp;
            if (UNLIKELY(fno <= 0 /* ||
                         fno > csound->maxfnum */))
              return csound->PerfError(csound, p->h.insdshead,
                                       Str("Invalid ftable no. %d"), fno);
            ftp = csound->FTFindP(csound, p->args[i]);
            if (ftp==NULL) // need to allocate ***FIXME***
            memcpy(ftp, data, sizeof(FUNC)-sizeof(MYFLT*));
            ftp->fno = fno;
            ftp->ftable = (MYFLT*)csound->ReAlloc(csound, ftp->ftable,
              MYFLT* dst = ftp->ftable;
              MYFLT* src = (MYFLT*)(&(data->ftable));
#ifdef JPFF
              //int j;
              printf("copy data: from %p to %p length %d %d\n",
                     src, dst, len-sizeof(FUNC)+sizeof(MYFLT*), data->flen);
              printf("was %f %f %f ...\n", dst[0], dst[1], dst[2]);
              printf("will be %f %f %f ...\n", src[0],src[1], src[2]);
              memcpy(dst, src, len-sizeof(FUNC)+sizeof(MYFLT*));
              //for (j=0; j<data->flen;j++) dst[j]=src[j];
              //printf("now %f %f %f ...\n", dst[0], dst[1], dst[2]);
          else if (c == 'S') {
          else return csound->PerfError(csound,  p->h.insdshead, "Oh dear");
          csound->Free(csound, m->args[i].blob);
          *(p->args[i]) = m->args[i].number;
      /* push to stack of free message structures */
      m->next = p->freePatterns;
      p->freePatterns = m;
      *p->kans = 1;
      *p->kans = 0;
    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static int osc_send(CSOUND *csound, OSCSEND *p)
    /* Types I allow at present:
       0) int
       1) float
       2) string
       3) double
       4) char
       5) table as blob
    char port[8];
    char *pp = port;
    char *hh;

    if (*p->port<0)
      pp = NULL;
      snprintf(port, 8, "%d", (int) MYFLT2LRND(*p->port));
    hh = (char*) p->host->data;
    if (*hh=='\0') hh = NULL;
    if(p->addr != NULL)
    p->addr = lo_address_new(hh, pp);

    if (p->cnt++ ==0 || *p->kwhen!=p->last) {
      int i=0;
      int msk = 0x20;           /* First argument */
      lo_message msg = lo_message_new();
      char *type = (char*)p->type->data;
      MYFLT **arg = p->arg;
      p->last = *p->kwhen;
      for (i=0; type[i]!='\0'; i++, msk <<=1) {
        /* Need to add type checks */
        switch (type[i]) {
        case 'i':
          lo_message_add_int32(msg, (int32_t) MYFLT2LRND(*arg[i]));
        case 'l':
        case 'h':
          lo_message_add_int64(msg, (int64_t) MYFLT2LRND(*arg[i]));
        case 'c':
          lo_message_add_char(msg, (char) (*arg[i] + FL(0.5)));
        case 'm':
            union a {
              int32_t  x;
              uint8_t  m[4];
            } mm;
            mm.x = *arg[i]+FL(0.5);
            lo_message_add_midi(msg, mm.m);
        case 'f':
          lo_message_add_float(msg, (float)(*arg[i]));
        case 'd':
          lo_message_add_double(msg, (double)(*arg[i]));
        case 's':
            lo_message_add_string(msg, ((STRINGDAT *)arg[i])->data);
        case 'b':               /* Boolean */
          if (*arg[i]==FL(0.0)) lo_message_add_true(msg);
          else lo_message_add_false(msg);
        case 't':               /* timestamp */
            lo_timetag tt;
            tt.sec = (uint32_t)(*arg[i]+FL(0.5));
            msk <<= 1; i++;
            if (UNLIKELY(type[i]!='t'))
              return csound->PerfError(csound, p->h.insdshead,
                                       Str("Time stamp is two values"));
            tt.frac = (uint32_t)(*arg[i]+FL(0.5));
            lo_message_add_timetag(msg, tt);
          //#ifdef SOMEFINEDAY
        case 'G':               /* fGen Table/blob */
            lo_blob myblob;
            int     len, olen;
            FUNC    *ftp;
            void *data;
            /* make sure fn exists */
            if (LIKELY((ftp=csound->FTnp2Find(csound,arg[i]))!=NULL)) {
              len = ftp->flen;        /* and set it up */
              data = csound->Malloc(csound,
              memcpy(data, ftp, sizeof(FUNC)-sizeof(MYFLT*));
                     ftp->ftable, sizeof(MYFLT)*len);
            else {
              return csound->PerfError(csound, p->h.insdshead,
                                       Str("ftable %.2f does not exist"), *arg[i]);
            myblob = lo_blob_new(olen, data);
            lo_message_add_blob(msg, myblob);
            csound->Free(csound, data);
        case 'a':               /* Audio as blob */
            lo_blob myblob;
            MYFLT *data = csound->Malloc(csound, sizeof(MYFLT)*(CS_KSMPS+1));
            data[0] = CS_KSMPS;
            memcpy(&data[1], arg[i], data[0]);
            myblob = lo_blob_new(sizeof(MYFLT)*(CS_KSMPS+1), data);
            lo_message_add_blob(msg, myblob);
            csound->Free(csound, data);
        case 'A':               /* Array/blob */
            lo_blob myblob;
            int     len = 1;
            ARRAYDAT *ss;
            /* make sure fn exists */
            if (LIKELY((ss = (ARRAYDAT*)arg[i]) !=NULL &&
                       ss->data != NULL)) {
              int j, d;
              for (j=0,d=ss->dimensions; d>0; j++, d--)
                len *= ss->sizes[j];
              len *= sizeof(MYFLT);
            else {
              return csound->PerfError(csound, p->h.insdshead,
                                       Str("argument %d is not an array"), i);
            // two parts needed
              void *dd = malloc(len+sizeof(int)*(1+ss->dimensions));
              memcpy(dd, &ss->dimensions, sizeof(int));
              memcpy(dd+sizeof(int), ss->sizes, sizeof(int)*ss->dimensions);
              memcpy(dd+sizeof(int)*(1+ss->dimensions), ss->data, len);
      /* printf("dd length = %d dimensions = %d, %d %d %.8x %.8x %.8x %.8x\n", */
      /*        len+sizeof(int)*(1+ss->dimensions), ss->dimensions, */
      /*        ((int*)dd)[0], ((int*)dd)[1], ((int*)dd)[2], ((int*)dd)[3], */
      /*        ((int*)dd)[4], ((int*)dd)[5]); */
              myblob = lo_blob_new(len, dd);
            lo_message_add_blob(msg, myblob);
        case 'S': csound->Warning(csound, "S unimplemented"); break;
          csound->Warning(csound, Str("Unknown OSC type %c\n"), type[1]);
      lo_send_message(p->addr, (char*)p->dest->data, msg);
    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static int32_t ftconv_init(CSOUND *csound, FTCONV *p)
    FUNC    *ftp;
    int32_t     i, j, k, n, nBytes, skipSamples;
    //MYFLT   FFTscale;

    /* check parameters */
    p->nChannels = (int32_t) p->OUTOCOUNT;
    if (UNLIKELY(p->nChannels < 1 || p->nChannels > FTCONV_MAXCHN)) {
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("ftconv: invalid number of channels"));
    /* partition length */
    p->partSize = MYFLT2LRND(*(p->iPartLen));
    if (UNLIKELY(p->partSize < 4 || (p->partSize & (p->partSize - 1)) != 0)) {
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("ftconv: invalid impulse response "
                                           "partition length"));
    ftp = csound->FTnp2Find(csound, p->iFTNum);
    if (UNLIKELY(ftp == NULL))
      return NOTOK; /* ftfind should already have printed the error message */
    /* calculate total length / number of partitions */
    n = (int32_t) ftp->flen / p->nChannels;
    skipSamples = MYFLT2LRND(*(p->iSkipSamples));
    n -= skipSamples;
    if (MYFLT2LRND(*(p->iTotLen)) > 0 && n > MYFLT2LRND(*(p->iTotLen)))
      n = MYFLT2LRND(*(p->iTotLen));
    if (UNLIKELY(n <= 0)) {
      return csound->InitError(csound,
                               Str("ftconv: invalid length, or insufficient"
                                   " IR data for convolution"));
    p->nPartitions = (n + (p->partSize - 1)) / p->partSize;
    /* calculate the amount of aux space to allocate (in bytes) */
    nBytes = buf_bytes_alloc(p->nChannels, p->partSize, p->nPartitions);
    if (nBytes != (int32_t) p->auxData.size)
      csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (int32) nBytes, &(p->auxData));
    else if (p->initDone > 0 && *(p->iSkipInit) != FL(0.0))
      return OK;    /* skip initialisation if requested */
    /* if skipping samples: check for possible truncation of IR */
      if (skipSamples > 0 && (csound->oparms->msglevel & WARNMSG)) {
      n = skipSamples * p->nChannels;
      if (n > (int32_t) ftp->flen)
        n = (int32_t) ftp->flen;
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (UNLIKELY(ftp->ftable[i] != FL(0.0))) {
                          Str("ftconv: skipped non-zero samples, "
                              "impulse response may be truncated\n"));
    /* initialise buffer pointers */
    set_buf_pointers(p, p->nChannels, p->partSize, p->nPartitions);
    /* clear ring buffer to zero */
    n = (p->partSize << 1) * p->nPartitions;
    memset(p->ringBuf, 0, n*sizeof(MYFLT));
    /* for (i = 0; i < n; i++) */
    /*   p->ringBuf[i] = FL(0.0); */
    /* initialise buffer index */
    p->cnt = 0;
    p->rbCnt = 0;
    /* calculate FFT of impulse response partitions, in reverse order */
    /* also apply FFT amplitude scale here */
    //FFTscale = csound->GetInverseRealFFTScale(csound, (p->partSize << 1));
    p->fwdsetup = csound->RealFFT2Setup(csound,(p->partSize << 1), FFT_FWD);
    p->invsetup = csound->RealFFT2Setup(csound,(p->partSize << 1), FFT_INV);
    for (j = 0; j < p->nChannels; j++) {
      i = (skipSamples * p->nChannels) + j;           /* table read position */
      n = (p->partSize << 1) * (p->nPartitions - 1);  /* IR write position */
      do {
        for (k = 0; k < p->partSize; k++) {
          if (i >= 0 && i < (int32_t) ftp->flen)
            p->IR_Data[j][n + k] = ftp->ftable[i];// * FFTscale;
            p->IR_Data[j][n + k] = FL(0.0);
          i += p->nChannels;
        /* pad second half of IR to zero */
        for (k = p->partSize; k < (p->partSize << 1); k++)
          p->IR_Data[j][n + k] = FL(0.0);
        /* calculate FFT */
        csound->RealFFT2(csound, p->fwdsetup, &(p->IR_Data[j][n]));
        n -= (p->partSize << 1);
      } while (n >= 0);
    /* clear output buffers to zero */
    /*memset(p->outBuffers, 0, p->nChannels*(p->partSize << 1)*sizeof(MYFLT));*/
    for (j = 0; j < p->nChannels; j++) {
      for (i = 0; i < (p->partSize << 1); i++)
        p->outBuffers[j][i] = FL(0.0);
    p->initDone = 1;

    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 11
static int osc_send(CSOUND *csound, OSCSEND *p)
    /* Types I allow at present:
       0) int
       1) float
       2) string
       3) double
       4) char
       5) table as blob
    if (p->cnt++ ==0 || *p->kwhen!=p->last) {
      int i=0;
      int msk = 0x20;           /* First argument */
      lo_message msg = lo_message_new();
      char *type = (char*)p->type->data;
      MYFLT **arg = p->arg;
      p->last = *p->kwhen;
      for (i=0; type[i]!='\0'; i++, msk <<=1) {
        /* Need to add type checks */
        switch (type[i]) {
        case 'i':
          lo_message_add_int32(msg, (int32_t) MYFLT2LRND(*arg[i]));
        case 'l':
          lo_message_add_int64(msg, (int64_t) MYFLT2LRND(*arg[i]));
        case 'c':
          lo_message_add_char(msg, (char) (*arg[i] + FL(0.5)));
        case 'm':
            union a {
              int32_t  x;
              uint8_t  m[4];
            } mm;
            mm.x = *arg[i]+FL(0.5);
            lo_message_add_midi(msg, mm.m);
        case 'f':
          lo_message_add_float(msg, (float)(*arg[i]));
        case 'd':
          lo_message_add_double(msg, (double)(*arg[i]));
        case 's':
            lo_message_add_string(msg, ((STRINGDAT *)arg[i])->data);
        case 'b':               /* Boolean */
          if (*arg[i]==FL(0.0)) lo_message_add_true(msg);
          else lo_message_add_false(msg);
        case 't':               /* timestamp */
            lo_timetag tt;
            tt.sec = (uint32_t)(*arg[i]+FL(0.5));
            msk <<= 1; i++;
            if (UNLIKELY(type[i]!='t'))
              return csound->PerfError(csound, p->h.insdshead,
                                       Str("Time stamp is two values"));
            tt.frac = (uint32_t)(*arg[i]+FL(0.5));
            lo_message_add_timetag(msg, tt);
          //#ifdef SOMEFINEDAY
        case 'T':               /* Table/blob */
            lo_blob myblob;
            int     len;
            FUNC    *ftp;
            void *data;
            /* make sure fn exists */
            if (LIKELY((ftp=csound->FTnp2Find(csound,arg[i]))!=NULL)) {
              data = ftp->ftable;
              len = ftp->flen-1;        /* and set it up */
            else {
              return csound->PerfError(csound, p->h.insdshead,
                                       Str("ftable %.2f does not exist"), *arg[i]);
            myblob = lo_blob_new(sizeof(MYFLT)*len, data);
            lo_message_add_blob(msg, myblob);
          csound->Warning(csound, Str("Unknown OSC type %c\n"), type[1]);
      lo_send_message(p->addr, (char*)p->dest->data, msg);
    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static int32_t pvsfreadset_(CSOUND *csound, PVSFREAD *p, int32_t stringname)
    uint32   N;
    char            pvfilnam[MAXNAME];

    if (stringname) strNcpy(pvfilnam, ((STRINGDAT*)p->ifilno)->data, MAXNAME-1);
    else if (csound->ISSTRCOD(*p->ifilno))
      strNcpy(pvfilnam, get_arg_string(csound, *p->ifilno), MAXNAME-1);
    else csound->strarg2name(csound, pvfilnam, p->ifilno, "pvoc.", 0);

    if (UNLIKELY(PVOCEX_LoadFile(csound, pvfilnam, &pp) != 0)) {
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Failed to load PVOC-EX file"));
    p->ptr = 0;
    p->overlap = pp.overlap;
    p->winsize = pp.winsize;
    p->fftsize = pp.fftsize;
    p->wintype = pp.wintype;
    p->format  = pp.format;
    p->chans   = pp.chans;
    p->nframes = pp.nframes;
    p->arate   = csound->esr / (MYFLT) pp.overlap;
    p->membase = (float*) pp.data;

    if (UNLIKELY(p->overlap < (int32_t)CS_KSMPS || p->overlap < 10))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Sliding version not yet available"));
    if (UNLIKELY(p->nframes <= 0))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("pvsfread: file is empty!\n"));
    /* special case if only one frame - it is an impulse response */
    if (UNLIKELY(p->nframes == 1))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("pvsfread: file has only one frame "
                              "(= impulse response).\n"));
    if (UNLIKELY(p->overlap < (int32_t)CS_KSMPS))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("pvsfread: analysis frame overlap "
                              "must be >= ksmps\n"));
    p->blockalign = (p->fftsize+2) * p->chans;
    if (UNLIKELY((*p->ichan) >= p->chans))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("pvsfread: ichan value exceeds "
                              "file channel count.\n"));
    if (UNLIKELY((int32_t) (*p->ichan) < 0))
      return csound->InitError(csound,
                               Str("pvsfread: ichan cannot be negative.\n"));

    N = p->fftsize;
    /* setup output signal */
    csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (N + 2) * sizeof(float), &p->fout->frame);
    /* init sig with first frame from file,
       regardless (always zero amps, but with bin freqs) */
    p->chanoffset = (int32_t) MYFLT2LRND(*p->ichan) * (N + 2);
    memcpy((float *) p->fout->frame.auxp,               /* RWD MUST be 32bit */
           (float *) pp.data + (int32_t) p->chanoffset,    /* RWD MUST be 32bit */
           (size_t) ((int32_t) (N + 2) * (int32_t) sizeof(float)));
    p->membase += p->blockalign;  /* move to 2nd frame in file, as startpoint */
    p->fout->N           =  N;
    p->fout->overlap = p->overlap;
    p->fout->winsize = p->winsize;
    p->fout->wintype = p->wintype;
    p->fout->format  = p->format;
    p->fout->framecount = 1;
    p->lastframe = 0;
    return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 13
static int32_t linuxjoystick (CSOUND *csound, LINUXJOYSTICK *stick)
    static int32_t read_pos = 0;
    struct js_event js;
    int32_t read_size;
    int32_t getmore;
    int32_t evtidx;
    long long evtmask = 0;
    char device[256];

    if (UNLIKELY(stick->initme == 0)) {
      stick->timeout = 0;
      stick->devFD = -10;
      stick->initme = 1;
    if (UNLIKELY(*stick->ktable != stick->table)) {
      if (UNLIKELY((void *)(stick->ftp = csound->FTnp2Find(csound, stick->ktable))
                   == NULL)) {
        csound->Warning(csound, Str("linuxjoystick: No such table %f"),
        return OK;
      stick->table = *stick->ktable;
    if (stick->devFD < 0 || *stick->kdev != stick->dev) {
      if (stick->timeout > 0 && *stick->kdev == stick->dev) {
        return OK;
      stick->dev = (int32_t)MYFLT2LRND(*stick->kdev);
      snprintf(device, 256, "/dev/js%i", stick->dev);
      if ((stick->devFD = open(device, O_RDONLY, O_NONBLOCK)) < 0) {
        snprintf(device, 256, "/dev/input/js%i", stick->dev);
        stick->devFD = open(device, O_RDONLY, O_NONBLOCK);
      if (LIKELY(stick->devFD > 0)) {
        fcntl(stick->devFD, F_SETFL, fcntl(stick->devFD, F_GETFL, 0)|O_NONBLOCK);
        ioctl(stick->devFD, JSIOCGAXES, &stick->numk);
        ioctl(stick->devFD, JSIOCGBUTTONS, &stick->numb);
        if (UNLIKELY(stick->ftp->flen < 2u+(stick->numk)+(stick->numb))) {
             Str("linuxjoystick: table %d of size %d too small for data size %d"),
              )stick->table, stick->ftp->flen, 2+stick->numk+stick->numb);
          return OK;
        stick->ftp->ftable[ 0 ] = (MYFLT) stick->numk;
        stick->ftp->ftable[ 1 ] = (MYFLT) stick->numb;
        evtmask = 3;
      else {
        stick->timeout = 10000;
                        Str("linuxjoystick: could not open device "
                            "/dev/input/js%d for reason: %s\n"),
                        stick->dev, strerror(errno));
                        Str("linuxjoystick: could not open device "
                            "/dev/js%d for reason: %s\n"),
                        stick->dev, strerror(errno));
        return OK;
    getmore = 1;
    while (getmore) {
      read_size = read(stick->devFD, (void *) &js+read_pos,
                       sizeof(struct js_event)-read_pos);
      if (read_size == -1 && errno == EAGAIN ) {
        getmore = 0;
      else if (UNLIKELY(read_size < 1)) {
        csound->Warning(csound, Str("linuxjoystick: read %d closing joystick"),
        stick->devFD = -1;
        getmore = 0;
      else {
        read_pos += read_size;
        if (read_pos == sizeof(struct js_event)) {
          read_pos = 0;
          if (js.type & JS_EVENT_AXIS) {
            evtidx = 2 + js.number;
          else if (js.type & JS_EVENT_BUTTON) {
            evtidx = 2 + stick->numk + js.number;
          else {
            csound->Warning(csound, Str("unknown joystick event type %i"),
            return OK;
          evtmask = evtmask | (1 << evtidx);
          stick->ftp->ftable[ evtidx ] = (MYFLT) js.value;
    *stick->kresult = (MYFLT) evtmask;
    return OK;