Ejemplo n.º 1
void	M_apm_round_fixpt(M_APM btmp, int places, M_APM atmp)
int	xp, ii;

xp = atmp->m_apm_exponent;
ii = xp + places - 1;

M_set_to_zero(btmp); /* assume number is too small so the net result is 0 */

if (ii >= 0)
   m_apm_round(btmp, ii, atmp);
   if (ii == -1)	/* next digit is significant which may round up */
      if (atmp->m_apm_data[0] >= 50)	/* digit >= 5, round up */
         m_apm_copy(btmp, atmp);
	 btmp->m_apm_data[0] = 10;
	 btmp->m_apm_exponent += 1;
	 btmp->m_apm_datalength = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void	m_apm_integer_divide(M_APM rr, M_APM aa, M_APM bb)
 *    we must use this divide function since the 
 *    faster divide function using the reciprocal
 *    will round the result (possibly changing 
 *    nnm.999999...  -->  nn(m+1).0000 which would 
 *    invalidate the 'integer_divide' goal).
 if (aa->m_apm_error || bb->m_apm_error)

M_apm_sdivide(rr, 4, aa, bb);

if (rr->m_apm_exponent <= 0)        /* result is 0 */
   if (rr->m_apm_datalength > rr->m_apm_exponent)
      rr->m_apm_datalength = rr->m_apm_exponent;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 *      return the nearest integer <= input
void	m_apm_floor(M_APM bb, M_APM aa)
M_APM	mtmp;

m_apm_copy(bb, aa);

if (m_apm_is_integer(bb))          /* if integer, we're done */

if (bb->m_apm_exponent <= 0)       /* if |bb| < 1, result is -1 or 0 */
   if (bb->m_apm_sign < 0)
     m_apm_negate(bb, MM_One);


if (bb->m_apm_sign < 0)
   mtmp = M_get_stack_var();
   m_apm_negate(mtmp, bb);

   mtmp->m_apm_datalength = mtmp->m_apm_exponent;

   m_apm_add(bb, mtmp, MM_One);
   bb->m_apm_sign = -1;
   bb->m_apm_datalength = bb->m_apm_exponent;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void	M_fast_multiply(M_APM rr, M_APM aa, M_APM bb)
void	*vp;
int	ii, k, nexp, sign;

if (M_firsttimef)
   M_firsttimef = FALSE;

   for (k=0; k < M_STACK_SIZE; k++)
     mul_stack_data_size[k] = 0;

   size_flag = M_get_sizeof_int();
   bit_limit = 8 * size_flag + 1;

   M_ain = m_apm_init();
   M_bin = m_apm_init();

exp_stack_ptr   = -1;
M_mul_stack_ptr = -1;

m_apm_copy(M_ain, aa);
m_apm_copy(M_bin, bb);

sign = M_ain->m_apm_sign * M_bin->m_apm_sign;
nexp = M_ain->m_apm_exponent + M_bin->m_apm_exponent;

if (M_ain->m_apm_datalength >= M_bin->m_apm_datalength)
  ii = M_ain->m_apm_datalength;
  ii = M_bin->m_apm_datalength;

ii = (ii + 1) >> 1;
ii = M_next_power_of_2(ii);

/* Note: 'ii' must be >= 4 here. this is guaranteed 
   by the caller: m_apm_multiply

k = 2 * ii;                   /* required size of result, in bytes  */

M_apm_pad(M_ain, k);          /* fill out the data so the number of */
M_apm_pad(M_bin, k);          /* bytes is an exact power of 2       */

if (k > rr->m_apm_malloclength)
   if ((vp = MAPM_REALLOC(rr->m_apm_data, (k + 32))) == NULL)
      /* fatal, this does not return */

      M_apm_log_error_msg(M_APM_FATAL, "\'M_fast_multiply\', Out of memory");
   rr->m_apm_malloclength = k + 28;
   rr->m_apm_data = (UCHAR *)vp;


M_fmul_div_conq(rr->m_apm_data, M_ain->m_apm_data, 
                                M_bin->m_apm_data, ii);

 *     if the numbers are *really* big, use the divide-and-conquer
 *     routine first until the numbers are small enough to be handled 
 *     by the FFT algorithm. If the numbers are already small enough,
 *     call the FFT multiplication now.
 *     Note that 'ii' here is (and must be) an exact power of 2.

if (size_flag == 2)   /* if still using 16 bit compilers .... */
   M_fast_mul_fft(rr->m_apm_data, M_ain->m_apm_data, 
                                  M_bin->m_apm_data, ii);
else                  /* >= 32 bit compilers */
   if (ii > (MAX_FFT_BYTES + 2))
      M_fmul_div_conq(rr->m_apm_data, M_ain->m_apm_data, 
                                      M_bin->m_apm_data, ii);
      M_fast_mul_fft(rr->m_apm_data, M_ain->m_apm_data, 
                                     M_bin->m_apm_data, ii);


rr->m_apm_sign       = sign;
rr->m_apm_exponent   = nexp;
rr->m_apm_datalength = 4 * ii;

Ejemplo n.º 5
void	m_apm_multiply(M_APM r, M_APM a, M_APM b)
int	ai, itmp, sign, nexp, ii, jj, indexa, indexb, index0, numdigits;
UCHAR   *cp, *cpr, *cp_div, *cp_rem;
void	*vp;

sign = a->m_apm_sign * b->m_apm_sign;
nexp = a->m_apm_exponent + b->m_apm_exponent;

if (sign == 0)      /* one number is zero, result is zero */

numdigits = a->m_apm_datalength + b->m_apm_datalength;
indexa = (a->m_apm_datalength + 1) >> 1;
indexb = (b->m_apm_datalength + 1) >> 1;

 *	If we are multiplying 2 'big' numbers, use the fast algorithm.
 *	This is a **very** approx break even point between this algorithm
 *      and the FFT multiply. Note that different CPU's, operating systems,
 *      and compiler's may yield a different break even point. This point
 *      (~96 decimal digits) is how the test came out on the author's system.

if (indexa >= 48 && indexb >= 48)
   M_fast_multiply(r, a, b);

ii = (numdigits + 1) >> 1;     /* required size of result, in bytes */

if (ii > r->m_apm_malloclength)
   if ((vp = MAPM_REALLOC(r->m_apm_data, (ii + 32))) == NULL)
      /* fatal, this does not return */

      M_apm_log_error_msg(M_APM_FATAL, "\'m_apm_multiply\', Out of memory");
   r->m_apm_malloclength = ii + 28;
   r->m_apm_data = (UCHAR *)vp;

M_get_div_rem_addr(&cp_div, &cp_rem);

index0 = indexa + indexb;
cp = r->m_apm_data;
memset(cp, 0, index0);
ii = indexa;

while (TRUE)
   cpr = cp + index0;
   jj  = indexb;
   ai  = (int)a->m_apm_data[--ii];

   while (TRUE)
      itmp = ai * b->m_apm_data[--jj];

      *(cpr-1) += cp_div[itmp];
      *cpr     += cp_rem[itmp];

      if (*cpr >= 100)
         *cpr     -= 100;
         *(cpr-1) += 1;


      if (*cpr >= 100)
         *cpr     -= 100;
         *(cpr-1) += 1;

      if (jj == 0)

   if (ii == 0)

r->m_apm_sign       = sign;
r->m_apm_exponent   = nexp;
r->m_apm_datalength = numdigits;

Ejemplo n.º 6
void	M_apm_sdivide(M_APM r, int places, M_APM a, M_APM b)
int	j, k, m, b0, sign, nexp, indexr, icompare, iterations;
long    trial_numer;
void	*vp;

if (M_div_firsttime)
   M_div_firsttime = FALSE;

   M_div_worka = m_apm_init();
   M_div_workb = m_apm_init();
   M_div_tmp7  = m_apm_init();
   M_div_tmp8  = m_apm_init();
   M_div_tmp9  = m_apm_init();

sign = a->m_apm_sign * b->m_apm_sign;

if (sign == 0)      /* one number is zero, result is zero */
   if (b->m_apm_sign == 0)
      M_apm_log_error_msg(M_APM_RETURN, "\'M_apm_sdivide\', Divide by 0");


 *  Knuth step D1. Since base = 100, base / 2 = 50.
 *  (also make the working copies positive)

if (b->m_apm_data[0] >= 50)
   m_apm_absolute_value(M_div_worka, a);
   m_apm_absolute_value(M_div_workb, b);
else       /* 'normal' step D1 */
   k = 100 / (b->m_apm_data[0] + 1);
   m_apm_set_long(M_div_tmp9, (long)k);

   m_apm_multiply(M_div_worka, M_div_tmp9, a);
   m_apm_multiply(M_div_workb, M_div_tmp9, b);

   M_div_worka->m_apm_sign = 1;
   M_div_workb->m_apm_sign = 1;

/* setup trial denominator for step D3 */

b0 = 100 * (int)M_div_workb->m_apm_data[0];

if (M_div_workb->m_apm_datalength >= 3)
  b0 += M_div_workb->m_apm_data[1];

nexp = M_div_worka->m_apm_exponent - M_div_workb->m_apm_exponent;

if (nexp > 0)
  iterations = nexp + places + 1;
  iterations = places + 1;

k = (iterations + 1) >> 1;     /* required size of result, in bytes */

if (k > r->m_apm_malloclength)
   if ((vp = MAPM_REALLOC(r->m_apm_data, (k + 32))) == NULL)
      /* fatal, this does not return */

      M_apm_log_error_msg(M_APM_FATAL, "\'M_apm_sdivide\', Out of memory");
   r->m_apm_malloclength = k + 28;
   r->m_apm_data = (UCHAR *)vp;

/* clear the exponent in the working copies */

M_div_worka->m_apm_exponent = 0;
M_div_workb->m_apm_exponent = 0;

/* if numbers are equal, ratio == 1.00000... */

if ((icompare = m_apm_compare(M_div_worka, M_div_workb)) == 0)
   iterations = 1;
   r->m_apm_data[0] = 10;
else			           /* ratio not 1, do the real division */
   if (icompare == 1)                        /* numerator > denominator */
      nexp++;                           /* to adjust the final exponent */
      M_div_worka->m_apm_exponent += 1;     /* multiply numerator by 10 */
   else                                      /* numerator < denominator */
      M_div_worka->m_apm_exponent += 2;    /* multiply numerator by 100 */

   indexr = 0;
   m      = 0;

   while (TRUE)
       *  Knuth step D3. Only use the 3rd -> 6th digits if the number
       *  actually has that many digits.

      trial_numer = 10000L * (long)M_div_worka->m_apm_data[0];
      if (M_div_worka->m_apm_datalength >= 5)
         trial_numer += 100 * M_div_worka->m_apm_data[1]
                            + M_div_worka->m_apm_data[2];
         if (M_div_worka->m_apm_datalength >= 3)
           trial_numer += 100 * M_div_worka->m_apm_data[1];

      j = (int)(trial_numer / b0);

       *    Since the library 'normalizes' all the results, we need
       *    to look at the exponent of the number to decide if we 
       *    have a lead in 0n or 00.

      if ((k = 2 - M_div_worka->m_apm_exponent) > 0)
	 while (TRUE)
	    j /= 10;
	    if (--k == 0)

      if (j == 100)     /* qhat == base ??      */
        j = 99;         /* if so, decrease by 1 */

      m_apm_set_long(M_div_tmp8, (long)j);
      m_apm_multiply(M_div_tmp7, M_div_tmp8, M_div_workb);

       *    Compare our q-hat (j) against the desired number.
       *    j is either correct, 1 too large, or 2 too large
       *    per Theorem B on pg 272 of Art of Compter Programming,
       *    Volume 2, 3rd Edition.
       *    The above statement is only true if using the 2 leading
       *    digits of the numerator and the leading digit of the 
       *    denominator. Since we are using the (3) leading digits
       *    of the numerator and the (2) leading digits of the 
       *    denominator, we eliminate the case where our q-hat is 
       *    2 too large, (and q-hat being 1 too large is quite remote).

      if (m_apm_compare(M_div_tmp7, M_div_worka) == 1)
         m_apm_subtract(M_div_tmp8, M_div_tmp7, M_div_workb);
         m_apm_copy(M_div_tmp7, M_div_tmp8);

       *  Since we know q-hat is correct, step D6 is unnecessary.
       *  Store q-hat, step D5. Since D6 is unnecessary, we can 
       *  do D5 before D4 and decide if we are done.

      r->m_apm_data[indexr++] = (UCHAR)j;    /* j == 'qhat' */
      m += 2;

      if (m >= iterations)

      /* step D4 */

      m_apm_subtract(M_div_tmp9, M_div_worka, M_div_tmp7);

       *  if the subtraction yields zero, the division is exact
       *  and we are done early.

      if (M_div_tmp9->m_apm_sign == 0)
	 iterations = m;

      /* multiply by 100 and re-save */
      M_div_tmp9->m_apm_exponent += 2;
      m_apm_copy(M_div_worka, M_div_tmp9);

r->m_apm_sign       = sign;
r->m_apm_exponent   = nexp;
r->m_apm_datalength = iterations;
