void FuseProb::normalize(Mat& M) //Used only to display the images properly
	cout<<"In normalize"<<endl;
	double v; 
	Point A;
	Mat M_temp(m_rows, m_cols, CV_64F);
	for(int i=0; i<m_rows; ++i)
		for(int j=0; j<m_cols; ++j)
			if(!isNavigable(M_temp, i, j))
				M_temp.at<double>(i, j)*=(-1);

	minMaxLoc(M_temp, NULL, &v, NULL, &A);
	cout<<"V is "<<v<<endl;
	for(int i=0; i<m_rows; ++i)
		for(int j=0; j<m_cols; ++j)
			if(isNavigable(M, i, j))
				M.at<double>(i, j)/=v;


	cout<<"Done in normalize"<<endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
MergedSolver::MergedSolver(const_SystemMatrix_ptr M, const Options* options)
    const index_t rank = M->mpi_info->rank;
    const index_t size = M->mpi_info->size;
    const dim_t global_n = M->getGlobalNumRows();
    const dim_t n_block = M->mainBlock->row_block_size;
    const std::vector<index_t> dist(M->pattern->input_distribution->first_component);

    SparseMatrix_ptr M_temp(M->mergeSystemMatrix());

    mpi_info = M->mpi_info;
    reordering = options->reordering;
    refinements = options->coarse_matrix_refinements;
    //verbose = options->verbose;
    verbose = false;
    sweeps = options->pre_sweeps+options->post_sweeps;

    // First, gather x and b into rank 0
    b = new double[global_n*n_block];
    x = new double[global_n*n_block];
    counts = new int[size];
    offset = new int[size];

#pragma omp parallel for
    for (dim_t i=0; i<size; i++) {
        const dim_t p = dist[i];
        counts[i] = (dist[i+1] - p)*n_block;
        offset[i] = p*n_block;

    if (rank == 0) {
        A = M_temp->unroll(MATRIX_FORMAT_BLK1 + MATRIX_FORMAT_OFFSET1);
        A->solver_package = PASO_MKL;
#elif defined ESYS_HAVE_UMFPACK
        A = M_temp->unroll(MATRIX_FORMAT_BLK1 + MATRIX_FORMAT_CSC);
        A->solver_package = PASO_UMFPACK;
        A->solver_p = Preconditioner_LocalSmoother_alloc(A,
                            (options->smoother == PASO_JACOBI), verbose);
        A->solver_package = PASO_SMOOTHER;