void onHub_IncomingCommand(dcpp::interfaces::Hub* h, const char* line, bool& handled) throw() { if(!handled) { bool isAdc = strncmp(h->getHubURL(), "adc://", 6) == 0 || strncmp(h->getHubURL(), "adcs://", 7) == 0; MakeCall((isAdc ? "adch" : "nmdch"), "DataArrival", 1, h, line); handled = GetLuaBool(); } }
void onHub_OutgoingMessage(dcpp::interfaces::Hub* h, dcpp::interfaces::ChatMessage* cm, bool& handled) throw() { if(!handled) { if(cm->getReplyTo() == 0) { // hub message MakeCall("dcpp", "OnCommandEnter", 1, h, (const char*)cm->getText()); handled = GetLuaBool(); } else { // private message /*dcppChatMessage* cm = (dcppChatMessage*)p1; if(!cm || !cm->replyTo) return DCPP_FALSE; //bool isAdc = strncmp(url, "adc://", 6) == 0 || strncmp(url, "adcs://", 7) == 0; dcppBuffer buf = { 0 }; buf.buf = new char[40]; buf.size = 40; memset(buf.buf, 0, (size_t)buf.size); LuaManager::dcppLib->call(DCPP_CALL_USER_GET_CID, cm->replyTo, (dcpp_param)&buf, 0); MakeCall("dcpp", cm->incoming ? "OnPrivateMessageIn" : "OnPrivateMessageOut", 1, (const char*)buf.buf, cm->message); delete buf.buf; return GetLuaBool() ? DCPP_TRUE : DCPP_FALSE;*/ } } }
/************************************************************** FUNCTION NAME : FdlMakeCall(void) PURPOSE : make call from FDL INPUT PARAMETERS : nil OUTPUT PARAMETERS : nil RETURNS : void Author : Vanita Jain **************************************************************/ void FdlMakeCall() { if(gpFDLBDLContext->HighlightedFDN != 255) { g_phb_cntx.dial_from_list = MMI_PHB_FDN; MakeCall((PS8)gpFDLBDLContext->FDLBDLEntries[gpFDLBDLContext->HighlightedFDN].tel.number); } }
/************************************************************** FUNCTION NAME : SendCallBarrActivate(void) PURPOSE : function to send req for call barring activate INPUT PARAMETERS : nil OUTPUT PARAMETERS : nil RETURNS : void **************************************************************/ void SendCallBarrActivate(void) { S8 input_string[(MAX_DIGITS_USSD * ENCODING_LENGTH)]; PS8 hash_string = NULL ; S8 string_out[20]; memset(string_out,0,20); memset(input_string,0, (MAX_DIGITS_USSD * ENCODING_LENGTH)); hash_string = (PS8) GetString(STR_HASH_VALUE); switch(g_callset_cntx_p->SSBarType) { /* incase of call barring all outgoing calls */ case BARRING_OUTGOING_ALLCALLS: strcpy((S8*) string_out, "*33*"); AnsiiToUnicodeString((PS8) input_string,(PS8)string_out); break; /* incase of call barring all outgoing international calls */ case BARRING_OUTGOING_INTERCALL : strcpy((S8*) string_out, "*331*"); AnsiiToUnicodeString((PS8) input_string,(PS8)string_out); break; /* incase of call barring all outgoing international calls expect home */ case BARRING_OUTGOING_INTEREXCEPTHOME : strcpy((S8*) string_out, "*332*"); AnsiiToUnicodeString((PS8) input_string,(PS8)string_out); break; /* incase of call barring all incoming calls */ case BARRING_INCOMING_ALLCALLS : strcpy((S8*) string_out, "*35*"); AnsiiToUnicodeString((PS8) input_string,(PS8)string_out); break; /* incase of call barring all incoming roaming calls */ case BARRING_INCOMING_ROAMING : strcpy((S8*) string_out, "*351*"); AnsiiToUnicodeString((PS8) input_string,(PS8)string_out); break; } pfnUnicodeStrcat((PS8) input_string,(PS8) g_callset_cntx_p->SSBarPassOld); pfnUnicodeStrcat((PS8) input_string,(PS8) hash_string); /* set protocol event handler for the call barring response */ #ifdef __MMI_MULTI_SIM__ MTPNP_CallSetSetProtocolEventHandler(CALLSETBarringRsp, PRT_MMI_SS_CALL_BARRING_RSP); #else SetProtocolEventHandler(CALLSETBarringRsp, PRT_MMI_SS_CALL_BARRING_RSP); #endif #ifdef __MMI_MULTI_SIM__ MTPNP_AD_Set_Channel(MTPNP_AD_CALL_CHANNEL, g_callset_cntx_p->nSimId); #endif /* make a corresponding ss string for call barring option */ MakeCall((PS8) input_string); return; }
string ClientScriptInstance::formatChatMessage(const tstring& aLine) { Lock l(cs); // this string is probably in UTF-8. Does lua want/need strings in the active code page? string processed = Text::fromT(aLine); MakeCall("dcpp", "FormatChatText", 1, (Client*)this, processed); if (lua_isstring(L, -1)) processed = lua_tostring(L, -1); lua_settop(L, 0); return Text::toT(processed); }
//arbitary URL version CRemoteCall::CRemoteCall ( const char * szURL, CLuaArguments * arguments, CLuaMain * luaMain, const CLuaFunctionRef& iFunction ) { m_VM = luaMain; m_iFunction = iFunction; arguments->WriteToJSONString ( m_strData, true ); m_strURL = szURL; MakeCall(); }
CRemoteCall::CRemoteCall ( const char * szServerHost, const char * szResourceName, const char * szFunctionName, CLuaArguments * arguments, CLuaMain * luaMain, const CLuaFunctionRef& iFunction ) { m_VM = luaMain; m_iFunction = iFunction; arguments->WriteToJSONString ( m_strData, true ); m_strURL = SString ( "http://%s/%s/call/%s", szServerHost, szResourceName, szFunctionName ); MakeCall(); }
//arbitary URL version CRemoteCall::CRemoteCall ( char * szURL, CLuaArguments * arguments, CLuaMain * luaMain, int iFunction ) { m_VM = luaMain; m_iFunction = iFunction; arguments->WriteToJSONString ( m_strData, true ); strncpy ( m_szURL, szURL, 511 ); m_szURL[511] = '\0'; MakeCall(); }
Smt_Uint TBaseDevice::OnCmdMakeCall(Smt_Pdu &pdu) { Smt_Uint channel; Smt_String ani; Smt_String dnis; pdu.GetUint(Key_IVR_ChannelID, &channel); pdu.GetString(Key_IVR_ANI, &ani); pdu.GetString(Key_IVR_DNIS, &dnis); if(!CheckUserAndChannel(channel))return Smt_Fail; MakeCall(channel, ani, dnis); return Smt_Success; }
/************************************************************** FUNCTION NAME : SendBarrQuery(void) PURPOSE : function to send req for call barring query status. INPUT PARAMETERS : nil OUTPUT PARAMETERS : nil RETURNS : void **************************************************************/ void SendBarrQuery(void) { S8 input_string[(MAX_DIGITS_USSD * ENCODING_LENGTH)]; S8 string_type[30]; memset(input_string,0,( MAX_DIGITS_USSD * ENCODING_LENGTH)); memset(string_type,0,30); switch(g_callset_cntx_p->SSBarType) { /* incase of call barring all outgoing calls */ case BARRING_OUTGOING_ALLCALLS: strcpy((S8*) string_type, "*#33#"); AnsiiToUnicodeString((PS8) input_string,(PS8)string_type); break; /* incase of call barring all outgoing international calls */ case BARRING_OUTGOING_INTERCALL : strcpy((S8*) string_type, "*#331#"); AnsiiToUnicodeString((PS8) input_string,(PS8)string_type); break; /* incase of call barring all outgoing international calls expect home */ case BARRING_OUTGOING_INTEREXCEPTHOME : strcpy((S8*)string_type, "*#332#"); AnsiiToUnicodeString((PS8) input_string,(PS8)string_type); break; /* incase of call barring all incoming calls */ case BARRING_INCOMING_ALLCALLS : strcpy((S8*) string_type, "*#35#"); AnsiiToUnicodeString((PS8) input_string,(PS8)string_type); break; /* incase of call barring all incoming roaming calls */ case BARRING_INCOMING_ROAMING : strcpy((S8*) string_type, "*#351#"); AnsiiToUnicodeString((PS8) input_string,(PS8)string_type); break; } /* set protocol event handler for the call barring response */ #ifdef __MMI_MULTI_SIM__ MTPNP_CallSetSetProtocolEventHandler(CALLSETBarringRsp, PRT_MMI_SS_CALL_BARRING_RSP); #else SetProtocolEventHandler(CALLSETBarringRsp, PRT_MMI_SS_CALL_BARRING_RSP); #endif #ifdef __MMI_MULTI_SIM__ MTPNP_AD_Set_Channel(MTPNP_AD_CALL_CHANNEL, g_callset_cntx_p->nSimId); #endif /* make a corresponding ss string for call barring option */ MakeCall((PS8) input_string); return; }
void CTAPIServerConnection::OnReceive(int nErrorCode) { char buf[10000]; int i=Receive(&buf,10000); buf[i]=0; CString msg = buf; if (msg.Left(8)=="OUTCALL:") { CString Number = msg.Right(msg.GetLength()-8); dlg->Log("Making call to "+Number); MakeCall(Number); } //m_pData->OnReceive(buf); }
CRemoteCall::CRemoteCall ( char * szServerHost, char * szResourceName, char * szFunctionName, CLuaArguments * arguments, CLuaMain * luaMain, int iFunction ) { m_szServerHost = szServerHost; m_szResourceName = szResourceName; m_szFunctionName = szFunctionName; m_VM = luaMain; m_iFunction = iFunction; arguments->WriteToJSONString ( m_strData, true ); _snprintf ( m_szURL, 511, "http://%s/%s/call/%s", m_szServerHost, m_szResourceName, m_szFunctionName ); m_szURL[511] = '\0'; MakeCall(); }
/***************************************************************************** * FUNCTION * mmi_vrsi_redial_dial_number * DESCRIPTION * Call call management function and dial out the number * PARAMETERS * void * RETURNS * void *****************************************************************************/ void mmi_vrsi_redial_dial_number(void) { /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Local Variables */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ LOG_CALL *redial_call = NULL; /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Code Body */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (g_vrsi_redial_type == PHB_LND) { redial_call = &chis_p->dialedCalls[0]; } else if (g_vrsi_redial_type == PHB_LNM) { redial_call = &chis_p->missedCalls[0]; } else if (g_vrsi_redial_type == PHB_LNR) { redial_call = &chis_p->recvdCalls[0]; } if (redial_call->numLength) { #ifdef __MMI_DUAL_SIM_MASTER__ mmi_ucm_app_entry_dial_option((U8*)redial_call->number,NULL,NULL); #else MakeCall((S8*) redial_call->number); #endif /*__MMI_DUAL_SIM_MASTER__*/ } else { DisplayPopup( (PU8) GetString(STR_GLOBAL_ERROR), IMG_GLOBAL_ERROR, TRUE, UI_POPUP_NOTIFYDURATION_TIME, ERROR_TONE); } }
/************************************************************** FUNCTION NAME : SendChangePswdReq(void ) PURPOSE : function for sending req for cancel all (call barring) . INPUT PARAMETERS : nil OUTPUT PARAMETERS : nil RETURNS : void **************************************************************/ void SendCancelAllReq(void) { U8 input_string[MAX_DIGITS_USSD]; PS8 hash_string = NULL ; U8 string_type[20]; /* format the string for the ss string handling */ memset(input_string,0, MAX_DIGITS_USSD); memset(string_type,0,20); hash_string= (PS8) GetString(STR_HASH_VALUE); strcpy((PS8) string_type,(PS8)"#330*"); AnsiiToUnicodeString((PS8) input_string,(PS8)string_type); pfnUnicodeStrcat((S8*) input_string,(S8*) g_callset_cntx_p->SSBarPassOld); pfnUnicodeStrcat((S8*) input_string,(S8*) hash_string); #ifdef __MMI_MULTI_SIM__ MTPNP_AD_Set_Channel(MTPNP_AD_CALL_CHANNEL, g_callset_cntx_p->nSimId); #endif /* make a corresponding ss string for call fwd option */ MakeCall((PS8) input_string); return; }
/************************************************************** FUNCTION NAME : SendChangePswdReq(void ) PURPOSE : function for sending req for call barring change passwd. INPUT PARAMETERS : nil OUTPUT PARAMETERS : nil RETURNS : void **************************************************************/ void SendChangePswdReq(void) { U8 input_string[MAX_DIGITS_USSD]; U8 string_type[20]; PS8 hash_string = NULL ; U8 uni_string[10]; memset(uni_string,0,10); /* format the string for the ss string handling */ memset(input_string,0, MAX_DIGITS_USSD); memset(string_type,0,20); strcpy((PS8) string_type,(PS8)"*03**"); hash_string = (PS8) GetString(STR_HASH_VALUE); AnsiiToUnicodeString((PS8) input_string,(PS8)string_type); pfnUnicodeStrcat((PS8) input_string,(PS8) g_callset_cntx_p->SSBarPassOld); strcpy((PS8) string_type,(PS8) "*"); AnsiiToUnicodeString((PS8) uni_string,(PS8)string_type); pfnUnicodeStrcat((PS8) input_string,(PS8) uni_string); pfnUnicodeStrcat((PS8) input_string,(PS8) g_callset_cntx_p->SSBarPassNew); pfnUnicodeStrcat((PS8) input_string,(PS8) uni_string); pfnUnicodeStrcat((PS8) input_string,(PS8) g_callset_cntx_p->SSBarPassCfrm); pfnUnicodeStrcat((PS8) input_string,(PS8) hash_string); /* set protocol event handler for the call barring passwd change response */ #ifdef __MMI_MULTI_SIM__ MTPNP_CallSetSetProtocolEventHandler(CALLSETBarringPassRsp, PRT_MMI_SS_CHANGE_PASSWORD_RSP); #else SetProtocolEventHandler(CALLSETBarringPassRsp, PRT_MMI_SS_CHANGE_PASSWORD_RSP); #endif #ifdef __MMI_MULTI_SIM__ MTPNP_AD_Set_Channel(MTPNP_AD_CALL_CHANNEL, g_callset_cntx_p->nSimId); #endif /* make a corresponding ss string for call barring passwd change response option */ MakeCall((PS8) input_string); return; }
void onTimer_Second(uint64_t) throw() { if(LuaManager::timerActive) { MakeCall("dcpp", "OnTimer"); } }
void onUserConnection_OutgoingLine(dcpp::interfaces::UserConnection* uc, const char* line, bool& handled) throw() { if(!handled) { MakeCall("dcpp", "UserDataOut", 1, uc, line); handled = GetLuaBool(); } }
void onHubManager_HubDisconnected(dcpp::interfaces::Hub* h) throw() { bool isAdc = strncmp(h->getHubURL(), "adc://", 6) == 0 || strncmp(h->getHubURL(), "adcs://", 7) == 0; MakeCall((isAdc ? "adch" : "nmdch"), "OnHubRemoved", 0, h); h->remEventListener((dcpp::interfaces::HubListener*)this); }
void jWap_MakeCallHandler(void* pvCallbackInfo) { JC_CHAR *pszURLWithScheme ; ST_BE_SCHEME_LISTENER *pstSchemeListener ; JC_CHAR *pszURL ; JC_CHAR *pszFilterdURLWithScheme ; JC_CHAR *pszNumber ; JC_CHAR *pmNumPtr ; JC_CHAR *pmNamePtr ; JC_CHAR *pmNum ; JC_UINT8 ucNumLen ; JC_UINT8 ucNameLen ; JC_CHAR *pmName ; pszURLWithScheme = NULL ; pszURL = NULL ; pstSchemeListener = (ST_BE_SCHEME_LISTENER *)pvCallbackInfo ; pszFilterdURLWithScheme = JC_NULL ; pmNamePtr = JC_NULL ; pmNum = JC_NULL ; pmName = NULL ; pszURL = jc_wstrchr(pstSchemeListener->pmURI, '!'); if(NULL != pszURL) { mmi_trace (1, "@@@ pszurl not null @@@") ; pszFilterdURLWithScheme = (JC_CHAR *) jdd_MemAlloc ((jc_wstrlen (pstSchemeListener->pmURI) - \ jc_wstrlen(pszURL)) + 1, sizeof (JC_CHAR)); if (JC_NULL != pszFilterdURLWithScheme) { mmi_trace (1, "@@@ alloc clear @@@") ; jc_wstrncpy(pszFilterdURLWithScheme,pstSchemeListener->pmURI, jc_wstrlen(pstSchemeListener->pmURI)- jc_wstrlen(pszURL)); } } else { pszFilterdURLWithScheme = (JC_CHAR *) jdd_MemAlloc (jc_wstrlen (pstSchemeListener->pmURI) + 1, sizeof (JC_CHAR)) ; jc_wstrcpy (pszFilterdURLWithScheme, pstSchemeListener->pmURI) ; } if (jdi_CUtilsTcsStrStartsWith (pszFilterdURLWithScheme, WTAI_MC_SCHEME)) { mmi_trace (1, "@@@ WTAI_MC_SCHEME @@@") ; pszNumber = pszFilterdURLWithScheme + 13 ; MakeCall((PS8) pszNumber) ; } else if (jdi_CUtilsTcsStrStartsWith (pszFilterdURLWithScheme, WTAI_SD_SCHEME)) { /* Display Popup. DTMF NOT SUPPORTED */ } else if (jdi_CUtilsTcsStrStartsWith (pszFilterdURLWithScheme, WTAI_AP_SCHEME)) { pmNumPtr = pszFilterdURLWithScheme + 13 ; pmNamePtr = jdi_CUtilsTcsStrStr (pmNumPtr, ";") ; ucNumLen = pmNamePtr - pmNumPtr ; if (pmNamePtr) { pmNamePtr ++ ; } ucNameLen = jc_wstrlen(pmNamePtr) ; if(MAX_TEL_NAME <= ucNameLen) { ucNameLen = MAX_TEL_NAME ; } pmName = jdd_MemAlloc (ucNameLen + 1, sizeof (JC_CHAR)) ; jc_wstrncpy (pmName, pmNamePtr, ucNameLen) ; if(MAX_TEL_NUM <= ucNumLen ) { ucNumLen = MAX_TEL_NUM ; } pmNum = jdd_MemAlloc (ucNumLen + 1, sizeof (JC_CHAR)) ; if (pmNum) { jc_wstrncpy (pmNum, pmNumPtr, ucNumLen) ; mmi_phb_op_add_entry_Directly_req((S8*)pmName, (S8*)pmNum) ; //jdd_MemFree(pmName) ; //jdd_MemFree(pmNum) ; } } if (pszFilterdURLWithScheme) { jdd_MemFree (pszFilterdURLWithScheme) ; } if (pmNum) { jdd_MemFree (pmNum) ; } }
bool UserConnectionScriptInstance::onUserConnectionMessageOut(UserConnection* aConn, const string& aLine) { Lock l(cs); MakeCall("dcpp", "UserDataOut", 1, aConn, aLine); return GetLuaBool(); }
bool ClientScriptInstance::onHubFrameEnter(Client* aClient, const string& aLine) { Lock l(cs); // ditto the comment above MakeCall("dcpp", "OnCommandEnter", 1, aClient, aLine); return GetLuaBool(); }
BaseCaller( Trace& Tr, SimpleMatrix<int>& Peak, int nPos, int nAmbiguityWindow ) { MakeCall(Tr,Peak,nPos,nAmbiguityWindow); }
/***************************************************************************** FUNCTION NAME : Sp_Make_Call PURPOSE :make call. INPUT PARAMETERS : void OUTPUT PARAMETERS : void RETURNS : ******************************************************************************/ void Sp_Make_Call (void) { mmi_trace(g_sw_SP,"niej Sp_Make_Call"); MakeCall(g_msg_cntx.smsPhoneNumber); }