Ejemplo n.º 1
PVideoFrame __stdcall MVFlowInter::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env)
   PVideoFrame dst;
   BYTE *pDst[3];
	const BYTE *pRef[3], *pSrc[3];
    int nDstPitches[3], nRefPitches[3], nSrcPitches[3];
	unsigned char *pDstYUY2;
	int nDstPitchYUY2;

   int off = mvClipB.GetDeltaFrame(); // integer offset of reference frame

	PVideoFrame mvF = mvClipF.GetFrame(n+off, env);
  mvClipF.Update(mvF, env);// forward from current to next
  mvF = 0;
	PVideoFrame mvB = mvClipB.GetFrame(n, env);
   mvClipB.Update(mvB, env);// backward from next to current
   mvB = 0;

//   int sharp = mvClipB.GetSharp();
	PVideoFrame	src	= finest->GetFrame(n, env);
		PVideoFrame ref = finest->GetFrame(n+off, env);//  ref for  compensation
		dst = env->NewVideoFrame(vi);

   if ( mvClipB.IsUsable()  && mvClipF.IsUsable() )
		if ( (pixelType & VideoInfo::CS_YUY2) == VideoInfo::CS_YUY2 )
            // planar data packed to interleaved format (same as interleved2planar by kassandro) - v2.0.0.5
            pSrc[0] = src->GetReadPtr();
            pSrc[1] = pSrc[0] + src->GetRowSize()/2;
            pSrc[2] = pSrc[1] + src->GetRowSize()/4;
            nSrcPitches[0] = src->GetPitch();
            nSrcPitches[1] = nSrcPitches[0];
            nSrcPitches[2] = nSrcPitches[0];
            // planar data packed to interleaved format (same as interleved2planar by kassandro) - v2.0.0.5
            pRef[0] = ref->GetReadPtr();
            pRef[1] = pRef[0] + ref->GetRowSize()/2;
            pRef[2] = pRef[1] + ref->GetRowSize()/4;
            nRefPitches[0] = ref->GetPitch();
            nRefPitches[1] = nRefPitches[0];
            nRefPitches[2] = nRefPitches[0];

            if (!planar)
			pDstYUY2 = dst->GetWritePtr();
			nDstPitchYUY2 = dst->GetPitch();
			pDst[0] = DstPlanes->GetPtr();
			pDst[1] = DstPlanes->GetPtrU();
			pDst[2] = DstPlanes->GetPtrV();
			nDstPitches[0]  = DstPlanes->GetPitch();
			nDstPitches[1]  = DstPlanes->GetPitchUV();
			nDstPitches[2]  = DstPlanes->GetPitchUV();
                pDst[0] = dst->GetWritePtr();
                pDst[1] = pDst[0] + dst->GetRowSize()/2;
                pDst[2] = pDst[1] + dst->GetRowSize()/4;;
                nDstPitches[0] = dst->GetPitch();
                nDstPitches[1] = nDstPitches[0];
                nDstPitches[2] = nDstPitches[0];
         pDst[0] = YWPLAN(dst);
         pDst[1] = UWPLAN(dst);
         pDst[2] = VWPLAN(dst);
         nDstPitches[0] = YPITCH(dst);
         nDstPitches[1] = UPITCH(dst);
         nDstPitches[2] = VPITCH(dst);

         pRef[0] = YRPLAN(ref);
         pRef[1] = URPLAN(ref);
         pRef[2] = VRPLAN(ref);
         nRefPitches[0] = YPITCH(ref);
         nRefPitches[1] = UPITCH(ref);
         nRefPitches[2] = VPITCH(ref);

         pSrc[0] = YRPLAN(src);
         pSrc[1] = URPLAN(src);
         pSrc[2] = VRPLAN(src);
         nSrcPitches[0] = YPITCH(src);
         nSrcPitches[1] = UPITCH(src);
         nSrcPitches[2] = VPITCH(src);

    int nOffsetY = nRefPitches[0] * nVPadding*nPel + nHPadding*nPel;
    int nOffsetUV = nRefPitches[1] * nVPaddingUV*nPel + nHPaddingUV*nPel;

	  // make  vector vx and vy small masks
	 // 1. ATTENTION: vectors are assumed SHORT (|vx|, |vy| < 127) !
	 // 2. they will be zeroed if not
	// 3. added 128 to all values
	MakeVectorSmallMasks(mvClipB, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallYB, nBlkXP, VYSmallYB, nBlkXP);
	MakeVectorSmallMasks(mvClipF, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallYF, nBlkXP, VYSmallYF, nBlkXP);
	if (nBlkXP > nBlkX) // fill right
		for (int j=0; j<nBlkY; j++)
			VXSmallYB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = min(VXSmallYB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1],128);
			VYSmallYB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VYSmallYB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
			VXSmallYF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = min(VXSmallYF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1],128);
			VYSmallYF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VYSmallYF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
	if (nBlkYP > nBlkY) // fill bottom
		for (int i=0; i<nBlkXP; i++)
			VXSmallYB[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VXSmallYB[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];
			VYSmallYB[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = min(VYSmallYB[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i],128);
			VXSmallYF[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VXSmallYF[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];
			VYSmallYF[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = min(VYSmallYF[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i],128);
	VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VXSmallYB, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VXSmallUVB, 2);
	VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VYSmallYB, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VYSmallUVB, yRatioUV);
	VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VXSmallYF, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VXSmallUVF, 2);
	VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VYSmallYF, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VYSmallUVF, yRatioUV);

	  // analyse vectors field to detect occlusion
//	  double occNormB = (256-time256)/(256*ml);
	MakeVectorOcclusionMaskTime(mvClipB, nBlkX, nBlkY, ml, 1.0, nPel, MaskSmallB, nBlkXP, (256-time256), nBlkSizeX - nOverlapX, nBlkSizeY - nOverlapY);
//	  double occNormF = time256/(256*ml);
	MakeVectorOcclusionMaskTime(mvClipF, nBlkX, nBlkY, ml, 1.0, nPel, MaskSmallF, nBlkXP, time256, nBlkSizeX - nOverlapX, nBlkSizeY - nOverlapY);
	if (nBlkXP > nBlkX) // fill right
		for (int j=0; j<nBlkY; j++)
			MaskSmallB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = MaskSmallB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
			MaskSmallF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = MaskSmallF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
	if (nBlkYP > nBlkY) // fill bottom
		for (int i=0; i<nBlkXP; i++)
			MaskSmallB[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = MaskSmallB[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];
			MaskSmallF[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = MaskSmallF[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];
	  // upsize (bilinear interpolate) vector masks to fullframe size

	  int dummyplane = PLANAR_Y; // use luma plane resizer code for all planes if we resize from luma small mask
	  upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullYB, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VXSmallYB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
	  upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullYB, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VYSmallYB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
	  upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullUVB, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VXSmallUVB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
	  upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullUVB, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VYSmallUVB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);

	  upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullYF, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VXSmallYF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
	  upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullYF, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VYSmallYF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
	  upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullUVF, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VXSmallUVF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
	  upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullUVF, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VYSmallUVF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);

    upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(MaskFullYB, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, MaskSmallB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
	upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(MaskFullUVB, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, MaskSmallB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);

    upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(MaskFullYF, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, MaskSmallF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
	upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(MaskFullUVF, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, MaskSmallF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);

    // Get motion info from more frames for occlusion areas
	PVideoFrame mvFF = mvClipF.GetFrame(n, env);
    mvClipF.Update(mvFF, env);// forward from prev to cur
    mvFF = 0;
	PVideoFrame mvBB = mvClipB.GetFrame(n+off, env);
    mvClipB.Update(mvBB, env);// backward from next next to next
    mvBB = 0;

   if ( mvClipB.IsUsable()  && mvClipF.IsUsable() )
    // get vector mask from extra frames
	MakeVectorSmallMasks(mvClipB, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallYBB, nBlkXP, VYSmallYBB, nBlkXP);
	MakeVectorSmallMasks(mvClipF, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallYFF, nBlkXP, VYSmallYFF, nBlkXP);
	if (nBlkXP > nBlkX) // fill right
		for (int j=0; j<nBlkY; j++)
			VXSmallYBB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = min(VXSmallYBB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1],128);
			VYSmallYBB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VYSmallYBB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
			VXSmallYFF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = min(VXSmallYFF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1],128);
			VYSmallYFF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VYSmallYFF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
	if (nBlkYP > nBlkY) // fill bottom
		for (int i=0; i<nBlkXP; i++)
			VXSmallYBB[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VXSmallYBB[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];
			VYSmallYBB[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = min(VYSmallYBB[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i],128);
			VXSmallYFF[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VXSmallYFF[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];
			VYSmallYFF[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = min(VYSmallYFF[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i],128);
	VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VXSmallYBB, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VXSmallUVBB, 2);
	VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VYSmallYBB, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VYSmallUVBB, yRatioUV);
	VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VXSmallYFF, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VXSmallUVFF, 2);
	VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VYSmallYFF, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VYSmallUVFF, yRatioUV);

    // upsize vectors to full frame
	  upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullYBB, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VXSmallYBB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
	  upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullYBB, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VYSmallYBB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
	  upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullUVBB, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VXSmallUVBB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
	  upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullUVBB, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VYSmallUVBB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);

	  upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullYFF, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VXSmallYFF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
	  upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullYFF, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VYSmallYFF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
	  upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullUVFF, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VXSmallUVFF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
	  upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullUVFF, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VYSmallUVFF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);

			FlowInterExtra(pDst[0], nDstPitches[0], pRef[0] + nOffsetY, pSrc[0] + nOffsetY, nRefPitches[0],
				VXFullYB, VXFullYF, VYFullYB, VYFullYF, MaskFullYB, MaskFullYF, VPitchY,
				nWidth, nHeight, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, VXFullYBB, VXFullYFF, VYFullYBB, VYFullYFF);
			FlowInterExtra(pDst[1], nDstPitches[1], pRef[1] + nOffsetUV, pSrc[1] + nOffsetUV, nRefPitches[1],
				VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
				nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, VXFullUVBB, VXFullUVFF, VYFullUVBB, VYFullUVFF);
			FlowInterExtra(pDst[2], nDstPitches[2], pRef[2] + nOffsetUV, pSrc[2] + nOffsetUV, nRefPitches[2],
				VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
				nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, VXFullUVBB, VXFullUVFF, VYFullUVBB, VYFullUVFF);
   else // bad extra frames, use old method without extra frames
			FlowInter(pDst[0], nDstPitches[0], pRef[0] + nOffsetY, pSrc[0] + nOffsetY, nRefPitches[0],
				VXFullYB, VXFullYF, VYFullYB, VYFullYF, MaskFullYB, MaskFullYF, VPitchY,
				nWidth, nHeight, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF);
			FlowInter(pDst[1], nDstPitches[1], pRef[1] + nOffsetUV, pSrc[1] + nOffsetUV, nRefPitches[1],
				VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
				nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF);
			FlowInter(pDst[2], nDstPitches[2], pRef[2] + nOffsetUV, pSrc[2] + nOffsetUV, nRefPitches[2],
				VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
				nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF);

		if ( (pixelType & VideoInfo::CS_YUY2) == VideoInfo::CS_YUY2 && !planar)
			YUY2FromPlanes(pDstYUY2, nDstPitchYUY2, nWidth, nHeight,
								  pDst[0], nDstPitches[0], pDst[1], pDst[2], nDstPitches[1], isse);
		return dst;
       // poor estimation

        // prepare pointers
        PVideoFrame src = child->GetFrame(n,env); // it is easy to use child here - v2.0

	if (blend) //let's blend src with ref frames like ConvertFPS
        PVideoFrame ref = child->GetFrame(n+off,env);
         if ( (pixelType & VideoInfo::CS_YUY2) == VideoInfo::CS_YUY2 )
			pSrc[0] = src->GetReadPtr(); // we can blend YUY2
			nSrcPitches[0] = src->GetPitch();
			pRef[0] = ref->GetReadPtr();
			nRefPitches[0]  = ref->GetPitch();
			pDstYUY2 = dst->GetWritePtr();
			nDstPitchYUY2 = dst->GetPitch();
            Blend(pDstYUY2, pSrc[0], pRef[0], nHeight, nWidth*2, nDstPitchYUY2, nSrcPitches[0], nRefPitches[0], time256, isse);
         pDst[0] = YWPLAN(dst);
         pDst[1] = UWPLAN(dst);
         pDst[2] = VWPLAN(dst);
         nDstPitches[0] = YPITCH(dst);
         nDstPitches[1] = UPITCH(dst);
         nDstPitches[2] = VPITCH(dst);

         pRef[0] = YRPLAN(ref);
         pRef[1] = URPLAN(ref);
         pRef[2] = VRPLAN(ref);
         nRefPitches[0] = YPITCH(ref);
         nRefPitches[1] = UPITCH(ref);
         nRefPitches[2] = VPITCH(ref);

         pSrc[0] = YRPLAN(src);
         pSrc[1] = URPLAN(src);
         pSrc[2] = VRPLAN(src);
         nSrcPitches[0] = YPITCH(src);
         nSrcPitches[1] = UPITCH(src);
         nSrcPitches[2] = VPITCH(src);
       // blend with time weight
        Blend(pDst[0], pSrc[0], pRef[0], nHeight, nWidth, nDstPitches[0], nSrcPitches[0], nRefPitches[0], time256, isse);
        Blend(pDst[1], pSrc[1], pRef[1], nHeightUV, nWidthUV, nDstPitches[1], nSrcPitches[1], nRefPitches[1], time256, isse);
        Blend(pDst[2], pSrc[2], pRef[2], nHeightUV, nWidthUV, nDstPitches[2], nSrcPitches[2], nRefPitches[2], time256, isse);
 		return dst;
		return src; // like ChangeFPS

Ejemplo n.º 2
static const VSFrameRef *VS_CC mvflowfpsGetFrame(int n, int activationReason, void **instanceData, void **frameData, VSFrameContext *frameCtx, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi) {
    MVFlowFPSData *d = (MVFlowFPSData *) * instanceData;

    if (activationReason == arInitial) {
        int off = d->mvClipB->GetDeltaFrame(); // integer offset of reference frame

        int nleft = (int)(n * d->fa / d->fb);
        int nright = nleft + off;

        int time256 = int( (double(n) * double(d->fa) / double(d->fb) - nleft) * 256 + 0.5);
        if (off > 1)
            time256 = time256 / off;

        if (time256 == 0) {
            vsapi->requestFrameFilter(d->vi.numFrames ? VSMIN(nleft, d->vi.numFrames - 1) : nleft, d->node, frameCtx);
            return 0;
        } else if (time256 == 256) {
            vsapi->requestFrameFilter(d->vi.numFrames ? VSMIN(nright, d->vi.numFrames - 1) : nright, d->node, frameCtx);
            return 0;

        if ((nleft < d->vi.numFrames && nright < d->vi.numFrames) || !d->vi.numFrames) { // for the good estimation case
            if (d->maskmode == 2)
                vsapi->requestFrameFilter(nleft, d->mvfw, frameCtx); // requests nleft - off, nleft
            vsapi->requestFrameFilter(nright, d->mvfw, frameCtx); // requests nleft, nleft + off
            vsapi->requestFrameFilter(nleft, d->mvbw, frameCtx); // requests nleft, nleft + off
            if (d->maskmode == 2)
                vsapi->requestFrameFilter(nright, d->mvbw, frameCtx); // requests nleft + off, nleft + off + off

            vsapi->requestFrameFilter(nleft, d->finest, frameCtx);
            vsapi->requestFrameFilter(nright, d->finest, frameCtx);

        vsapi->requestFrameFilter(d->vi.numFrames ? VSMIN(nleft, d->vi.numFrames - 1) : nleft, d->node, frameCtx);

        if (d->blend)
            vsapi->requestFrameFilter(d->vi.numFrames ? VSMIN(nright, d->vi.numFrames - 1) : nright, d->node, frameCtx);

    } else if (activationReason == arAllFramesReady) {
        int nleft = (int)(n * d->fa / d->fb);
        // intermediate product may be very large! Now I know how to multiply int64
        int time256 = int( (double(n)*double(d->fa)/double(d->fb) - nleft) * 256 + 0.5);

        int off = d->mvClipB->GetDeltaFrame(); // integer offset of reference frame
        // usually off must be = 1
        if (off > 1)
            time256 = time256 / off;

        int nright = nleft + off;

        if (time256 == 0) {
            return vsapi->getFrameFilter(d->vi.numFrames ? VSMIN(nleft, d->vi.numFrames - 1) : nleft, d->node, frameCtx); // simply left
        } else if (time256 == 256) {
            return vsapi->getFrameFilter(d->vi.numFrames ? VSMIN(nright, d->vi.numFrames - 1) : nright, d->node, frameCtx); // simply right

        MVClipBalls ballsF(d->mvClipF, vsapi);
        MVClipBalls ballsB(d->mvClipB, vsapi);

        bool isUsableF = false;
        bool isUsableB = false;

        if ((nleft < d->vi.numFrames && nright < d->vi.numFrames) || !d->vi.numFrames) {
            const VSFrameRef *mvF = vsapi->getFrameFilter(nright, d->mvfw, frameCtx);
            ballsF.Update(mvF);// forward from current to next
            isUsableF = ballsF.IsUsable();

            const VSFrameRef *mvB = vsapi->getFrameFilter(nleft, d->mvbw, frameCtx);
            ballsB.Update(mvB);// backward from next to current
            isUsableB = ballsB.IsUsable();

        const int nWidth = d->bleh->nWidth;
        const int nHeight = d->bleh->nHeight;
        const int nWidthUV = d->nWidthUV;
        const int nHeightUV = d->nHeightUV;
        const int maskmode = d->maskmode;
        const bool blend = d->blend;
        const bool isse = d->isse;
        const double ml = d->ml;
        const int xRatioUV = d->bleh->xRatioUV;
        const int yRatioUV = d->bleh->yRatioUV;
        const int nBlkX = d->bleh->nBlkX;
        const int nBlkY = d->bleh->nBlkY;
        const int nBlkSizeX = d->bleh->nBlkSizeX;
        const int nBlkSizeY = d->bleh->nBlkSizeY;
        const int nOverlapX = d->bleh->nOverlapX;
        const int nOverlapY = d->bleh->nOverlapY;
        const int nVPadding = d->bleh->nVPadding;
        const int nHPadding = d->bleh->nHPadding;
        const int nVPaddingUV = d->nVPaddingUV;
        const int nHPaddingUV = d->nHPaddingUV;
        const int nPel = d->bleh->nPel;
        const int VPitchY = d->VPitchY;
        const int VPitchUV = d->VPitchUV;
        const int nBlkXP = d->nBlkXP;
        const int nBlkYP = d->nBlkYP;
        SimpleResize *upsizer = d->upsizer;
        SimpleResize *upsizerUV = d->upsizerUV;
        int *LUTVB = d->LUTVB;
        int *LUTVF = d->LUTVF;

        uint8_t *VXFullYB = d->VXFullYB;
        uint8_t *VXFullUVB = d->VXFullUVB;
        uint8_t *VYFullYB = d->VYFullYB;
        uint8_t *VYFullUVB = d->VYFullUVB;
        uint8_t *VXSmallYB = d->VXSmallYB;
        uint8_t *VYSmallYB = d->VYSmallYB;
        uint8_t *VXSmallUVB = d->VXSmallUVB;
        uint8_t *VYSmallUVB = d->VYSmallUVB;
        uint8_t *VXFullYF = d->VXFullYF;
        uint8_t *VXFullUVF = d->VXFullUVF;
        uint8_t *VYFullYF = d->VYFullYF;
        uint8_t *VYFullUVF = d->VYFullUVF;
        uint8_t *VXSmallYF = d->VXSmallYF;
        uint8_t *VYSmallYF = d->VYSmallYF;
        uint8_t *VXSmallUVF = d->VXSmallUVF;
        uint8_t *VYSmallUVF = d->VYSmallUVF;

        uint8_t *VXFullYBB = d->VXFullYBB;
        uint8_t *VXFullUVBB = d->VXFullUVBB;
        uint8_t *VYFullYBB = d->VYFullYBB;
        uint8_t *VYFullUVBB = d->VYFullUVBB;
        uint8_t *VXSmallYBB = d->VXSmallYBB;
        uint8_t *VYSmallYBB = d->VYSmallYBB;
        uint8_t *VXSmallUVBB = d->VXSmallUVBB;
        uint8_t *VYSmallUVBB = d->VYSmallUVBB;
        uint8_t *VXFullYFF = d->VXFullYFF;
        uint8_t *VXFullUVFF = d->VXFullUVFF;
        uint8_t *VYFullYFF = d->VYFullYFF;
        uint8_t *VYFullUVFF = d->VYFullUVFF;
        uint8_t *VXSmallYFF = d->VXSmallYFF;
        uint8_t *VYSmallYFF = d->VYSmallYFF;
        uint8_t *VXSmallUVFF = d->VXSmallUVFF;
        uint8_t *VYSmallUVFF = d->VYSmallUVFF;

        uint8_t *MaskSmallB = d->MaskSmallB;
        uint8_t *MaskFullYB = d->MaskFullYB;
        uint8_t *MaskFullUVB = d->MaskFullUVB;
        uint8_t *MaskSmallF = d->MaskSmallF;
        uint8_t *MaskFullYF = d->MaskFullYF;
        uint8_t *MaskFullUVF = d->MaskFullUVF;

        int bitsPerSample = d->vi.format->bitsPerSample;
        int bytesPerSample = d->vi.format->bytesPerSample;

        if (isUsableB && isUsableF) {
            uint8_t *pDst[3];
            const uint8_t *pRef[3], *pSrc[3];
            int nDstPitches[3], nRefPitches[3];

            // If both are usable, that means both nleft and nright are less than numFrames, or that we don't have numFrames. Thus there is no need to check nleft and nright here.
            const VSFrameRef *src = vsapi->getFrameFilter(nleft, d->finest, frameCtx);
            const VSFrameRef *ref = vsapi->getFrameFilter(nright, d->finest, frameCtx);//  right frame for  compensation
            VSFrameRef *dst = vsapi->newVideoFrame(d->vi.format, d->vi.width, d->vi.height, src, core);

            Create_LUTV(time256, LUTVB, LUTVF); // lookup table

            for (int i = 0; i < d->vi.format->numPlanes; i++) {
                pDst[i] = vsapi->getWritePtr(dst, i);
                pRef[i] = vsapi->getReadPtr(ref, i);
                pSrc[i] = vsapi->getReadPtr(src, i);
                nDstPitches[i] = vsapi->getStride(dst, i);
                nRefPitches[i] = vsapi->getStride(ref, i);

            int nOffsetY = nRefPitches[0] * nVPadding * nPel + nHPadding * bytesPerSample * nPel;
            int nOffsetUV = nRefPitches[1] * nVPaddingUV * nPel + nHPaddingUV * bytesPerSample * nPel;

            if (nright != d->nrightLast) {
                // make  vector vx and vy small masks
                // 1. ATTENTION: vectors are assumed SHORT (|vx|, |vy| < 127) !
                // 2. they will be zeroed if not
                // 3. added 128 to all values
                MakeVectorSmallMasks(&ballsB, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallYB, nBlkXP, VYSmallYB, nBlkXP);
                if (nBlkXP > nBlkX) {// fill right
                    for (int j=0; j<nBlkY; j++) {
                        VXSmallYB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VSMIN(VXSmallYB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1],128);
                        VYSmallYB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VYSmallYB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
                if (nBlkYP > nBlkY) {// fill bottom
                    for (int i=0; i<nBlkXP; i++) {
                        VXSmallYB[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VXSmallYB[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];
                        VYSmallYB[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VSMIN(VYSmallYB[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i],128);

                upsizer->Resize(VXFullYB, VPitchY, VXSmallYB, nBlkXP);
                upsizer->Resize(VYFullYB, VPitchY, VYSmallYB, nBlkXP);

                if (d->vi.format->colorFamily != cmGray) {
                    VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VXSmallYB, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VXSmallUVB, xRatioUV);
                    VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VYSmallYB, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VYSmallUVB, yRatioUV);

                    upsizerUV->Resize(VXFullUVB, VPitchUV, VXSmallUVB, nBlkXP);
                    upsizerUV->Resize(VYFullUVB, VPitchUV, VYSmallUVB, nBlkXP);
            // analyse vectors field to detect occlusion
            //        double occNormB = (256-time256)/(256*ml);
            //        MakeVectorOcclusionMask(mvClipB, nBlkX, nBlkY, occNormB, 1.0, nPel, MaskSmallB, nBlkXP);
            MakeVectorOcclusionMaskTime(&ballsB, nBlkX, nBlkY, ml, 1.0, nPel, MaskSmallB, nBlkXP, (256-time256), nBlkSizeX - nOverlapX, nBlkSizeY - nOverlapY);
            if (nBlkXP > nBlkX) // fill right
                for (int j=0; j<nBlkY; j++)
                    MaskSmallB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = MaskSmallB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
            if (nBlkYP > nBlkY) // fill bottom
                for (int i=0; i<nBlkXP; i++)
                    MaskSmallB[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = MaskSmallB[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];

            upsizer->Resize(MaskFullYB, VPitchY, MaskSmallB, nBlkXP);
            if (d->vi.format->colorFamily != cmGray)
                upsizerUV->Resize(MaskFullUVB, VPitchUV, MaskSmallB, nBlkXP);

            d->nrightLast = nright;

            if (nleft != d->nleftLast) {
                // make  vector vx and vy small masks
                // 1. ATTENTION: vectors are assumed SHORT (|vx|, |vy| < 127) !
                // 2. they will be zeroed if not
                // 3. added 128 to all values
                MakeVectorSmallMasks(&ballsF, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallYF, nBlkXP, VYSmallYF, nBlkXP);
                if (nBlkXP > nBlkX) {// fill right
                    for (int j=0; j<nBlkY; j++) {
                        VXSmallYF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VSMIN(VXSmallYF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1],128);
                        VYSmallYF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VYSmallYF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
                if (nBlkYP > nBlkY) {// fill bottom
                    for (int i=0; i<nBlkXP; i++) {
                        VXSmallYF[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VXSmallYF[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];
                        VYSmallYF[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VSMIN(VYSmallYF[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i],128);

                upsizer->Resize(VXFullYF, VPitchY, VXSmallYF, nBlkXP);
                upsizer->Resize(VYFullYF, VPitchY, VYSmallYF, nBlkXP);

                if (d->vi.format->colorFamily != cmGray) {
                    VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VXSmallYF, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VXSmallUVF, xRatioUV);
                    VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VYSmallYF, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VYSmallUVF, yRatioUV);

                    upsizerUV->Resize(VXFullUVF, VPitchUV, VXSmallUVF, nBlkXP);
                    upsizerUV->Resize(VYFullUVF, VPitchUV, VYSmallUVF, nBlkXP);
            // analyse vectors field to detect occlusion
            //        double occNormF = time256/(256*ml);
            //        MakeVectorOcclusionMask(mvClipF, nBlkX, nBlkY, occNormF, 1.0, nPel, MaskSmallF, nBlkXP);
            MakeVectorOcclusionMaskTime(&ballsF, nBlkX, nBlkY, ml, 1.0, nPel, MaskSmallF, nBlkXP, time256, nBlkSizeX - nOverlapX, nBlkSizeY - nOverlapY);
            if (nBlkXP > nBlkX) // fill right
                for (int j=0; j<nBlkY; j++)
                    MaskSmallF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = MaskSmallF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
            if (nBlkYP > nBlkY) // fill bottom
                for (int i=0; i<nBlkXP; i++)
                    MaskSmallF[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = MaskSmallF[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];

            upsizer->Resize(MaskFullYF, VPitchY, MaskSmallF, nBlkXP);
            if (d->vi.format->colorFamily != cmGray)
                upsizerUV->Resize(MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV, MaskSmallF, nBlkXP);

            d->nleftLast = nleft;

            if (maskmode == 2) { // These motion vectors should only be needed with maskmode 2. Why was the Avisynth plugin requesting them for all mask modes?
                // Get motion info from more frames for occlusion areas
                const VSFrameRef *mvFF = vsapi->getFrameFilter(nleft, d->mvfw, frameCtx);
                ballsF.Update(mvFF);// forward from prev to cur
                isUsableF = ballsF.IsUsable();

                const VSFrameRef *mvBB = vsapi->getFrameFilter(nright, d->mvbw, frameCtx);
                ballsB.Update(mvBB);// backward from next next to next
                isUsableB = ballsB.IsUsable();

            if (maskmode == 2 && isUsableB && isUsableF) {// slow method with extra frames
                // get vector mask from extra frames
                MakeVectorSmallMasks(&ballsB, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallYBB, nBlkXP, VYSmallYBB, nBlkXP);
                MakeVectorSmallMasks(&ballsF, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallYFF, nBlkXP, VYSmallYFF, nBlkXP);
                if (nBlkXP > nBlkX) {// fill right
                    for (int j=0; j<nBlkY; j++) {
                        VXSmallYBB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VSMIN(VXSmallYBB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1],128);
                        VYSmallYBB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VYSmallYBB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
                        VXSmallYFF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VSMIN(VXSmallYFF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1],128);
                        VYSmallYFF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VYSmallYFF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
                if (nBlkYP > nBlkY) {// fill bottom
                    for (int i=0; i<nBlkXP; i++) {
                        VXSmallYBB[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VXSmallYBB[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];
                        VYSmallYBB[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VSMIN(VYSmallYBB[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i],128);
                        VXSmallYFF[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VXSmallYFF[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];
                        VYSmallYFF[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VSMIN(VYSmallYFF[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i],128);

                upsizer->Resize(VXFullYBB, VPitchY, VXSmallYBB, nBlkXP);
                upsizer->Resize(VYFullYBB, VPitchY, VYSmallYBB, nBlkXP);

                upsizer->Resize(VXFullYFF, VPitchY, VXSmallYFF, nBlkXP);
                upsizer->Resize(VYFullYFF, VPitchY, VYSmallYFF, nBlkXP);

                FlowInterExtra(pDst[0], nDstPitches[0], pRef[0] + nOffsetY, pSrc[0] + nOffsetY, nRefPitches[0],
                        VXFullYB, VXFullYF, VYFullYB, VYFullYF, MaskFullYB, MaskFullYF, VPitchY,
                        nWidth, nHeight, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, VXFullYBB, VXFullYFF, VYFullYBB, VYFullYFF, bitsPerSample);
                if (d->vi.format->colorFamily != cmGray) {
                    VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VXSmallYBB, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VXSmallUVBB, xRatioUV);
                    VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VYSmallYBB, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VYSmallUVBB, yRatioUV);
                    VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VXSmallYFF, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VXSmallUVFF, xRatioUV);
                    VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VYSmallYFF, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VYSmallUVFF, yRatioUV);

                    upsizerUV->Resize(VXFullUVBB, VPitchUV, VXSmallUVBB, nBlkXP);
                    upsizerUV->Resize(VYFullUVBB, VPitchUV, VYSmallUVBB, nBlkXP);

                    upsizerUV->Resize(VXFullUVFF, VPitchUV, VXSmallUVFF, nBlkXP);
                    upsizerUV->Resize(VYFullUVFF, VPitchUV, VYSmallUVFF, nBlkXP);

                    FlowInterExtra(pDst[1], nDstPitches[1], pRef[1] + nOffsetUV, pSrc[1] + nOffsetUV, nRefPitches[1],
                            VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                            nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, VXFullUVBB, VXFullUVFF, VYFullUVBB, VYFullUVFF, bitsPerSample);
                    FlowInterExtra(pDst[2], nDstPitches[2], pRef[2] + nOffsetUV, pSrc[2] + nOffsetUV, nRefPitches[2],
                            VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                            nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, VXFullUVBB, VXFullUVFF, VYFullUVBB, VYFullUVFF, bitsPerSample);
            } else if (maskmode == 1) {// old method without extra frames
                FlowInter(pDst[0], nDstPitches[0], pRef[0] + nOffsetY, pSrc[0] + nOffsetY, nRefPitches[0],
                        VXFullYB, VXFullYF, VYFullYB, VYFullYF, MaskFullYB, MaskFullYF, VPitchY,
                        nWidth, nHeight, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, bitsPerSample);
                if (d->vi.format->colorFamily != cmGray) {
                    FlowInter(pDst[1], nDstPitches[1], pRef[1] + nOffsetUV, pSrc[1] + nOffsetUV, nRefPitches[1],
                            VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                            nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, bitsPerSample);
                    FlowInter(pDst[2], nDstPitches[2], pRef[2] + nOffsetUV, pSrc[2] + nOffsetUV, nRefPitches[2],
                        VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                        nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, bitsPerSample);
            } else {// mode=0, faster simple method
                FlowInterSimple(pDst[0], nDstPitches[0], pRef[0] + nOffsetY, pSrc[0] + nOffsetY, nRefPitches[0],
                        VXFullYB, VXFullYF, VYFullYB, VYFullYF, MaskFullYB, MaskFullYF, VPitchY,
                        nWidth, nHeight, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, bitsPerSample);
                if (d->vi.format->colorFamily != cmGray) {
                    FlowInterSimple(pDst[1], nDstPitches[1], pRef[1] + nOffsetUV, pSrc[1] + nOffsetUV, nRefPitches[1],
                            VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                            nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, bitsPerSample);
                    FlowInterSimple(pDst[2], nDstPitches[2], pRef[2] + nOffsetUV, pSrc[2] + nOffsetUV, nRefPitches[2],
                            VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                            nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, bitsPerSample);


            return dst;
        } else { // poor estimation
            const VSFrameRef *src = vsapi->getFrameFilter(d->vi.numFrames ? VSMIN(nleft, d->vi.numFrames - 1) : nleft, d->node, frameCtx);

            if (blend) {//let's blend src with ref frames like ConvertFPS
                uint8_t *pDst[3];
                const uint8_t *pRef[3], *pSrc[3];
                int nDstPitches[3], nRefPitches[3], nSrcPitches[3];

                const VSFrameRef *ref = vsapi->getFrameFilter(d->vi.numFrames ? VSMIN(nright, d->vi.numFrames - 1) : nright, d->node, frameCtx);

                VSFrameRef *dst = vsapi->newVideoFrame(d->vi.format, d->vi.width, d->vi.height, src, core);

                for (int i = 0; i < d->vi.format->numPlanes; i++) {
                    pDst[i] = vsapi->getWritePtr(dst, i);
                    pRef[i] = vsapi->getReadPtr(ref, i);
                    pSrc[i] = vsapi->getReadPtr(src, i);
                    nDstPitches[i] = vsapi->getStride(dst, i);
                    nRefPitches[i] = vsapi->getStride(ref, i);
                    nSrcPitches[i] = vsapi->getStride(src, i);

                // blend with time weight
                Blend(pDst[0], pSrc[0], pRef[0], nHeight, nWidth, nDstPitches[0], nSrcPitches[0], nRefPitches[0], time256, isse, bitsPerSample);
                if (d->vi.format->colorFamily != cmGray) {
                    Blend(pDst[1], pSrc[1], pRef[1], nHeightUV, nWidthUV, nDstPitches[1], nSrcPitches[1], nRefPitches[1], time256, isse, bitsPerSample);
                    Blend(pDst[2], pSrc[2], pRef[2], nHeightUV, nWidthUV, nDstPitches[2], nSrcPitches[2], nRefPitches[2], time256, isse, bitsPerSample);


                return dst;
            } else {
                return src; // like ChangeFPS

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
PVideoFrame __stdcall MVFlowInter::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env)
    PVideoFrame src	= child->GetFrame(n, env);
    PVideoFrame dst = env->NewVideoFrame(vi);

    // convert to frames
    unsigned char *pDst[3];
    int nDstPitches[3];
    DstPlanes->ConvertVideoFrameToPlanes(&dst, pDst, nDstPitches);

    int off = mvClipB.GetDeltaFrame(); // integer offset of reference frame

    // get reference frame
    PVideoFrame ref = child->GetFrame(n+off, env);//  ref for  compensation

    PVideoFrame mvB = mvClipB.GetFrame(n, env);
    mvClipB.Update(mvB, env);// backward from next to current
    PVideoFrame mvF = mvClipF.GetFrame(n+off, env);
    mvClipF.Update(mvF, env);// forward from current to next

    if ( mvClipB.IsUsable()  && mvClipF.IsUsable()) {
        PMVGroupOfFrames pRefGOFF = mvCore->GetFrame(nIdx, n); // forward ref
        PMVGroupOfFrames pRefGOFB = mvCore->GetFrame(nIdx, n + off); // backward ref

        if (!pRefGOFF->IsProcessed()) {
            PVideoFrame src2x;
            if (usePelClipHere) {
                src2x = pelclip->GetFrame(n, env);
            ProcessFrameIntoGroupOfFrames(&pRefGOFF, &src, &src2x, mvClipF.GetSharp(), pixelType, 
                                          nHeight, nWidth, nPel, isse);

        if (!pRefGOFB->IsProcessed()) {
            PVideoFrame ref2x;
            pRefGOFB->SetParity(child->GetParity(n + off));
            if (usePelClipHere) {
                ref2x = pelclip->GetFrame(n+off, env);
            ProcessFrameIntoGroupOfFrames(&pRefGOFB, &ref, &ref2x, mvClipB.GetSharp(), pixelType, 
                                          nHeight, nWidth, nPel, isse);

        MVPlane *pPlanesB[3];
        MVPlane *pPlanesF[3];

        pPlanesB[0] = pRefGOFB->GetFrame(0)->GetPlane(YPLANE);
        pPlanesB[1] = pRefGOFB->GetFrame(0)->GetPlane(UPLANE);
        pPlanesB[2] = pRefGOFB->GetFrame(0)->GetPlane(VPLANE);

        pPlanesF[0] = pRefGOFF->GetFrame(0)->GetPlane(YPLANE);
        pPlanesF[1] = pRefGOFF->GetFrame(0)->GetPlane(UPLANE);
        pPlanesF[2] = pRefGOFF->GetFrame(0)->GetPlane(VPLANE);

        if (nPel>=2) {
            if (usePelClipHere) { // simply padding 2x planes
                PlaneCopy(pel2PlaneYB + nHPadding*nPel + nVPadding*nPel * pel2PitchY, pel2PitchY,
                          pRefGOFB->GetVF2xYPtr(), pRefGOFB->GetVF2xYPitch(), nWidth*nPel, nHeight*nPel, isse);
                Padding::PadReferenceFrame(pel2PlaneYB, pel2PitchY, nHPadding*nPel, nVPadding*nPel, nWidth*nPel, 
                PlaneCopy(pel2PlaneUB + nHPaddingUV*nPel + nVPaddingUV*nPel * pel2PitchUV, pel2PitchUV,
                          pRefGOFB->GetVF2xUPtr(), pRefGOFB->GetVF2xUPitch(), nWidthUV*nPel, nHeightUV*nPel, isse);
                Padding::PadReferenceFrame(pel2PlaneUB, pel2PitchUV, nHPaddingUV*nPel, nVPaddingUV*nPel, nWidthUV*nPel, 
                PlaneCopy(pel2PlaneVB + nHPaddingUV*nPel + nVPaddingUV*nPel * pel2PitchUV, pel2PitchUV,
                          pRefGOFB->GetVF2xVPtr(), pRefGOFB->GetVF2xVPitch(), nWidthUV*nPel, nHeightUV*nPel, isse);
                Padding::PadReferenceFrame(pel2PlaneVB, pel2PitchUV, nHPaddingUV*nPel, nVPaddingUV*nPel, nWidthUV*nPel, 
                PlaneCopy(pel2PlaneYF + nHPadding*nPel + nVPadding*nPel * pel2PitchY, pel2PitchY,
                          pRefGOFF->GetVF2xYPtr(), pRefGOFF->GetVF2xYPitch(), nWidth*nPel, nHeight*nPel, isse);
                Padding::PadReferenceFrame(pel2PlaneYB, pel2PitchY, nHPadding*nPel, nVPadding*nPel, nWidth*nPel, 
                PlaneCopy(pel2PlaneUF + nHPaddingUV*nPel + nVPaddingUV*nPel * pel2PitchUV, pel2PitchUV,
                          pRefGOFF->GetVF2xUPtr(), pRefGOFF->GetVF2xUPitch(), nWidthUV*nPel, nHeightUV*nPel, isse);
                Padding::PadReferenceFrame(pel2PlaneUB, pel2PitchUV, nHPaddingUV*nPel, nVPaddingUV*nPel, nWidthUV*nPel, 
                PlaneCopy(pel2PlaneVF + nHPaddingUV*nPel + nVPaddingUV*nPel * pel2PitchUV, pel2PitchUV,
                          pRefGOFF->GetVF2xVPtr(), pRefGOFF->GetVF2xVPitch(), nWidthUV*nPel, nHeightUV*nPel, isse);
                Padding::PadReferenceFrame(pel2PlaneVF, pel2PitchUV, nHPaddingUV*nPel, nVPaddingUV*nPel, nWidthUV*nPel, 
            else if (nPel==2) {
                // merge refined planes to big single plane
                Merge4PlanesToBig(pel2PlaneYB, pel2PitchY, pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,0),
                                  pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0), pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,1),
                                  pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,1), pPlanesB[0]->GetExtendedWidth(),
                                  pPlanesB[0]->GetExtendedHeight(), pPlanesB[0]->GetPitch(), isse);
                Merge4PlanesToBig(pel2PlaneUB, pel2PitchUV, pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,0),
                                  pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0), pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,1),
                                  pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,1), pPlanesB[1]->GetExtendedWidth(),
                                  pPlanesB[1]->GetExtendedHeight(), pPlanesB[1]->GetPitch(), isse);
                Merge4PlanesToBig(pel2PlaneVB, pel2PitchUV, pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,0),
                                  pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0), pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,1),
                                  pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,1), pPlanesB[2]->GetExtendedWidth(),
                                  pPlanesB[2]->GetExtendedHeight(), pPlanesB[2]->GetPitch(), isse);
                Merge4PlanesToBig(pel2PlaneYF, pel2PitchY, pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,0),
                                  pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0), pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,1),
                                  pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,1), pPlanesF[0]->GetExtendedWidth(),
                                  pPlanesF[0]->GetExtendedHeight(), pPlanesF[0]->GetPitch(), isse);
                Merge4PlanesToBig(pel2PlaneUF, pel2PitchUV, pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,0),
                                  pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0), pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,1),
                                  pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,1), pPlanesF[1]->GetExtendedWidth(),
                                  pPlanesF[1]->GetExtendedHeight(), pPlanesF[1]->GetPitch(), isse);
                Merge4PlanesToBig(pel2PlaneVF, pel2PitchUV, pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,0),
                                  pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0), pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,1),
                                  pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,1), pPlanesF[2]->GetExtendedWidth(),
                                  pPlanesF[2]->GetExtendedHeight(), pPlanesF[2]->GetPitch(), isse);
            else if (nPel==4) {
                // merge refined planes to big single plane
                Merge16PlanesToBig(pel2PlaneYB, pel2PitchY,
                                   pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,0), pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0),
                                   pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,0), pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,0),
                                   pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0), pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,1),
                                   pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,2), pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,3),
                                   pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,0), pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,1),
                                   pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,2), pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,3),
                                   pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,0), pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,1),
                                   pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,2), pPlanesB[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,3),
                                   pPlanesB[0]->GetExtendedWidth(), pPlanesB[0]->GetExtendedHeight(), 
                                   pPlanesB[0]->GetPitch(), isse);
                Merge16PlanesToBig(pel2PlaneUB, pel2PitchUV,
                                   pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,0), pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0),
                                   pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,0), pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,0),
                                   pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0), pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,1),
                                   pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,2), pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,3),
                                   pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,0), pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,1),
                                   pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,2), pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,3),
                                   pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,0), pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,1),
                                   pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,2), pPlanesB[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,3),
                                   pPlanesB[1]->GetExtendedWidth(), pPlanesB[1]->GetExtendedHeight(), 
                                   pPlanesB[1]->GetPitch(), isse);
                Merge16PlanesToBig(pel2PlaneVB, pel2PitchUV,
                                   pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,0), pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0),
                                   pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,0), pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,0),
                                   pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0), pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,1),
                                   pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,2), pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,3),
                                   pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,0), pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,1),
                                   pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,2), pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,3),
                                   pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,0), pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,1),
                                   pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,2), pPlanesB[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,3),
                                   pPlanesB[2]->GetExtendedWidth(), pPlanesB[2]->GetExtendedHeight(), 
                                   pPlanesB[2]->GetPitch(), isse);
                Merge16PlanesToBig(pel2PlaneYF, pel2PitchY,
                                   pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,0), pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0),
                                   pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,0), pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,0),
                                   pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0), pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,1),
                                   pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,2), pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,3),
                                   pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,0), pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,1),
                                   pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,2), pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,3),
                                   pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,0), pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,1),
                                   pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,2), pPlanesF[0]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,3),
                                   pPlanesF[0]->GetExtendedWidth(), pPlanesF[0]->GetExtendedHeight(), 
                                   pPlanesF[0]->GetPitch(), isse);
                Merge16PlanesToBig(pel2PlaneUF, pel2PitchUV,
                                   pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,0), pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0),
                                   pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,0), pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,0),
                                   pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0), pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,1),
                                   pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,2), pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,3),
                                   pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,0), pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,1),
                                   pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,2), pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,3),
                                   pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,0), pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,1),
                                   pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,2), pPlanesF[1]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,3),
                                   pPlanesF[1]->GetExtendedWidth(), pPlanesF[1]->GetExtendedHeight(),
                                   pPlanesF[1]->GetPitch(), isse);
                Merge16PlanesToBig(pel2PlaneVF, pel2PitchUV,
                                   pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(0,0), pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0),
                                   pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,0), pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,0),
                                   pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,0), pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,1),
                                   pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,2), pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(1,3),
                                   pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,0), pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,1),
                                   pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,2), pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(2,3),
                                   pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,0), pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,1),
                                   pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,2), pPlanesF[2]->GetAbsolutePointer(3,3),
                                   pPlanesF[2]->GetExtendedWidth(), pPlanesF[2]->GetExtendedHeight(), pPlanesF[2]->GetPitch(), isse);

        // make  vector vx and vy small masks
        // 1. ATTENTION: vectors are assumed SHORT (|vx|, |vy| < 127) !
        // 2. they will be zeroed if not
        // 3. added 128 to all values
        MakeVectorSmallMasks(mvClipB, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallYB, nBlkXP, VYSmallYB, nBlkXP);
        MakeVectorSmallMasks(mvClipF, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallYF, nBlkXP, VYSmallYF, nBlkXP);
        if (nBlkXP > nBlkX) // fill right
            for (int j=0; j<nBlkY; j++) {
                VXSmallYB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = std::min<BYTE>(VXSmallYB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1],128);
                VYSmallYB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VYSmallYB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
                VXSmallYF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = std::min<BYTE>(VXSmallYF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1],128);
                VYSmallYF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VYSmallYF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
        if (nBlkYP > nBlkY) // fill bottom
            for (int i=0; i<nBlkXP; i++) {
                VXSmallYB[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VXSmallYB[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];
                VYSmallYB[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = std::min<BYTE>(VYSmallYB[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i],128);
                VXSmallYF[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VXSmallYF[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];
                VYSmallYF[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = std::min<BYTE>(VYSmallYF[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i],128);
        VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VXSmallYB, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VXSmallUVB, 2);
        VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VYSmallYB, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VYSmallUVB, yRatioUV);
        VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VXSmallYF, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VXSmallUVF, 2);
        VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VYSmallYF, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VYSmallUVF, yRatioUV);

        // analyse vectors field to detect occlusion
        //	  double occNormB = (256-time256)/(256*ml);
        MakeVectorOcclusionMaskTime(mvClipB, nBlkX, nBlkY, 1/ml, 1.0, nPel, MaskSmallB, nBlkXP, 
                                    (256-time256), nBlkSizeX - nOverlapX, nBlkSizeY - nOverlapY);
        //	  double occNormF = time256/(256*ml);
        MakeVectorOcclusionMaskTime(mvClipF, nBlkX, nBlkY, 1/ml, 1.0, nPel, MaskSmallF, nBlkXP, 
                                    time256, nBlkSizeX - nOverlapX, nBlkSizeY - nOverlapY);
        if (nBlkXP > nBlkX) // fill right
            for (int j=0; j<nBlkY; j++) {
                MaskSmallB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = MaskSmallB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
                MaskSmallF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = MaskSmallF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
        if (nBlkYP > nBlkY) // fill bottom
            for (int i=0; i<nBlkXP; i++) {
                MaskSmallB[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = MaskSmallB[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];
                MaskSmallF[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = MaskSmallF[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];

        int dummyplane = PLANAR_Y; // use luma plane resizer code for all planes if we resize from luma small mask
        upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullYB, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VXSmallYB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
        upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullYB, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VYSmallYB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
        upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullUVB, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VXSmallUVB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
        upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullUVB, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VYSmallUVB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);

        upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullYF, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VXSmallYF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
        upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullYF, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VYSmallYF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
        upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullUVF, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VXSmallUVF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
        upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullUVF, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VYSmallUVF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);

        upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(MaskFullYB, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, MaskSmallB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
        upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(MaskFullUVB, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, MaskSmallB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);

        upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(MaskFullYF, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, MaskSmallF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
        upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(MaskFullUVF, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, MaskSmallF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);

        // Get motion info from more frames for occlusion areas, and reverse backward and forward
        PVideoFrame mvBB = mvClipB.GetFrame(n+off, env);
        mvClipB.Update(mvBB, env);// backward from next next to next
        PVideoFrame mvFF = mvClipF.GetFrame(n, env);
        mvClipF.Update(mvFF, env);// forward from prev to cur

        if ( mvClipB.IsUsable()  && mvClipF.IsUsable() ) {
            // get vector mask from extra frames
            MakeVectorSmallMasks(mvClipB, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallYBB, nBlkXP, VYSmallYBB, nBlkXP);
            MakeVectorSmallMasks(mvClipF, nBlkX, nBlkY, VXSmallYFF, nBlkXP, VYSmallYFF, nBlkXP);
            if (nBlkXP > nBlkX) // fill right
                for (int j=0; j<nBlkY; j++) {
                    VXSmallYBB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = std::min<BYTE>(VXSmallYBB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1],128);
                    VYSmallYBB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VYSmallYBB[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
                    VXSmallYFF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = std::min<BYTE>(VXSmallYFF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1],128);
                    VYSmallYFF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX] = VYSmallYFF[j*nBlkXP + nBlkX-1];
            if (nBlkYP > nBlkY) // fill bottom
                for (int i=0; i<nBlkXP; i++) {
                    VXSmallYBB[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VXSmallYBB[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];
                    VYSmallYBB[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = std::min<BYTE>(VYSmallYBB[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i],128);
                    VXSmallYFF[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = VXSmallYFF[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i];
                    VYSmallYFF[nBlkXP*nBlkY +i] = std::min<BYTE>(VYSmallYFF[nBlkXP*(nBlkY-1) +i],128);
            VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VXSmallYBB, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VXSmallUVBB, 2);
            VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VYSmallYBB, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VYSmallUVBB, yRatioUV);
            VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VXSmallYFF, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VXSmallUVFF, 2);
            VectorSmallMaskYToHalfUV(VYSmallYFF, nBlkXP, nBlkYP, VYSmallUVFF, yRatioUV);

            // upsize vectors to full frame
            upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullYBB, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VXSmallYBB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
            upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullYBB, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VYSmallYBB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
            upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullUVBB, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VXSmallUVBB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
            upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullUVBB, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VYSmallUVBB, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);

            upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullYFF, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VXSmallYFF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
            upsizer->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullYFF, nWidthP, nHeightP, VPitchY, VYSmallYFF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
            upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VXFullUVFF, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VXSmallUVFF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);
            upsizerUV->SimpleResizeDo(VYFullUVFF, nWidthPUV, nHeightPUV, VPitchUV, VYSmallUVFF, nBlkXP, nBlkXP, dummyplane);

            if (nPel>=2) {
                FlowInterExtra(pDst[0], nDstPitches[0], pel2PlaneYB + pel2OffsetY, pel2PlaneYF + pel2OffsetY, pel2PitchY,
                               VXFullYB, VXFullYF, VYFullYB, VYFullYF, MaskFullYB, MaskFullYF, VPitchY,
                               nWidth, nHeight, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, VXFullYBB, VXFullYFF, VYFullYBB, VYFullYFF);
                FlowInterExtra(pDst[1], nDstPitches[1], pel2PlaneUB + pel2OffsetUV, pel2PlaneUF + pel2OffsetUV, pel2PitchUV,
                               VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                               nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, VXFullUVBB, VXFullUVFF, VYFullUVBB, VYFullUVFF);
                FlowInterExtra(pDst[2], nDstPitches[2], pel2PlaneVB + pel2OffsetUV, pel2PlaneVF + pel2OffsetUV, pel2PitchUV,
                               VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                               nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, VXFullUVBB, VXFullUVFF, VYFullUVBB, VYFullUVFF);

            else if (nPel==1) {
                FlowInterExtra(pDst[0], nDstPitches[0], pPlanesB[0]->GetPointer(0,0), pPlanesF[0]->GetPointer(0,0), pPlanesB[0]->GetPitch(),
                               VXFullYB, VXFullYF, VYFullYB, VYFullYF, MaskFullYB, MaskFullYF, VPitchY,
                               nWidth, nHeight, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, VXFullYBB, VXFullYFF, VYFullYBB, VYFullYFF);
                FlowInterExtra(pDst[1], nDstPitches[1], pPlanesB[1]->GetPointer(0,0), pPlanesF[1]->GetPointer(0,0), pPlanesB[1]->GetPitch(),
                               VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                               nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, VXFullUVBB, VXFullUVFF, VYFullUVBB, VYFullUVFF);
                FlowInterExtra(pDst[2], nDstPitches[2], pPlanesB[2]->GetPointer(0,0), pPlanesF[2]->GetPointer(0,0), pPlanesB[2]->GetPitch(),
                               VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                               nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF, VXFullUVBB, VXFullUVFF, VYFullUVBB, VYFullUVFF);
        else // bad extra frames, use old method without extra frames
            if (nPel>=2) {
                FlowInter(pDst[0], nDstPitches[0], pel2PlaneYB + pel2OffsetY, pel2PlaneYF + pel2OffsetY, pel2PitchY,
                          VXFullYB, VXFullYF, VYFullYB, VYFullYF, MaskFullYB, MaskFullYF, VPitchY,
                          nWidth, nHeight, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF);
                FlowInter(pDst[1], nDstPitches[1], pel2PlaneUB + pel2OffsetUV, pel2PlaneUF + pel2OffsetUV, pel2PitchUV,
                          VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                          nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF);
                FlowInter(pDst[2], nDstPitches[2], pel2PlaneVB + pel2OffsetUV, pel2PlaneVF + pel2OffsetUV, pel2PitchUV,
                          VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                          nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF);
            else if (nPel==1) {
                FlowInter(pDst[0], nDstPitches[0], pPlanesB[0]->GetPointer(0,0), pPlanesF[0]->GetPointer(0,0), pPlanesB[0]->GetPitch(),
                          VXFullYB, VXFullYF, VYFullYB, VYFullYF, MaskFullYB, MaskFullYF, VPitchY,
                          nWidth, nHeight, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF);
                FlowInter(pDst[1], nDstPitches[1], pPlanesB[1]->GetPointer(0,0), pPlanesF[1]->GetPointer(0,0), pPlanesB[1]->GetPitch(),
                          VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                          nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF);
                FlowInter(pDst[2], nDstPitches[2], pPlanesB[2]->GetPointer(0,0), pPlanesF[2]->GetPointer(0,0), pPlanesB[2]->GetPitch(),
                          VXFullUVB, VXFullUVF, VYFullUVB, VYFullUVF, MaskFullUVB, MaskFullUVF, VPitchUV,
                          nWidthUV, nHeightUV, time256, nPel, LUTVB, LUTVF);
    else {
        //	   return src;
        // poor estimation, let's blend src with ref frames
        unsigned char const *pRef[3], *pSrc[3];
        int nRefPitches[3], nSrcPitches[3];
        SrcPlanes->ConvertVideoFrameToPlanes(&src, pSrc, nSrcPitches);
        RefPlanes->ConvertVideoFrameToPlanes(&ref, pRef, nRefPitches);

        // blend with time weight
        Blend(pDst[0], pSrc[0], pRef[0], nHeight, nWidth, nDstPitches[0], nSrcPitches[0], nRefPitches[0], time256, isse);
        Blend(pDst[1], pSrc[1], pRef[1], nHeightUV, nWidthUV, nDstPitches[1], nSrcPitches[1], nRefPitches[1], time256, isse);
        Blend(pDst[2], pSrc[2], pRef[2], nHeightUV, nWidthUV, nDstPitches[2], nSrcPitches[2], nRefPitches[2], time256, isse);

    // convert back from planes
    unsigned char *pDstYUY2 = dst->GetWritePtr();
    int nDstPitchYUY2 = dst->GetPitch();
    DstPlanes->YUY2FromPlanes(pDstYUY2, nDstPitchYUY2);

    return dst;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static const VSFrameRef *VS_CC mvmaskGetFrame(int n, int activationReason, void **instanceData, void **frameData, VSFrameContext *frameCtx, VSCore *core, const VSAPI *vsapi) {

    MVMaskData *d = (MVMaskData *)*instanceData;

    if (activationReason == arInitial) {
        vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n, d->vectors, frameCtx);
        vsapi->requestFrameFilter(n, d->node, frameCtx);
    } else if (activationReason == arAllFramesReady) {
        const VSFrameRef *src = vsapi->getFrameFilter(n, d->node, frameCtx);
        VSFrameRef *dst = vsapi->newVideoFrame(d->vi.format, d->vi.width, d->vi.height, src, core);

        const uint8_t *pSrc[3];
        uint8_t *pDst[3];
        int nDstPitches[3];
        int nSrcPitches[3];

        pSrc[0] = vsapi->getReadPtr(src, 0);
        nSrcPitches[0] = vsapi->getStride(src, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            pDst[i] = vsapi->getWritePtr(dst, i);
            nDstPitches[i] = vsapi->getStride(dst, i);

        FakeGroupOfPlanes fgop;
        const VSFrameRef *mvn = vsapi->getFrameFilter(n, d->vectors, frameCtx);
        fgopInit(&fgop, &d->vectors_data);
        const VSMap *mvprops = vsapi->getFramePropsRO(mvn);
        fgopUpdate(&fgop, (const uint8_t *)vsapi->propGetData(mvprops, prop_MVTools_vectors, 0, NULL));

        const int kind = d->kind;
        const int nWidth = d->vectors_data.nWidth;
        const int nHeight = d->vectors_data.nHeight;
        const int nWidthUV = d->nWidthUV;
        const int nHeightUV = d->nHeightUV;
        const int nSceneChangeValue = d->nSceneChangeValue;

        if (fgopIsUsable(&fgop, d->thscd1, d->thscd2)) {
            const int nBlkX = d->vectors_data.nBlkX;
            const int nBlkY = d->vectors_data.nBlkY;
            const int nBlkCount = nBlkX * nBlkY;
            const float fMaskNormFactor = d->fMaskNormFactor;
            const float fMaskNormFactor2 = d->fMaskNormFactor2;
            const float fGamma = d->fGamma;
            const float fHalfGamma = d->fHalfGamma;
            const int nPel = d->vectors_data.nPel;
            const int nBlkSizeX = d->vectors_data.nBlkSizeX;
            const int nBlkSizeY = d->vectors_data.nBlkSizeY;
            const int nOverlapX = d->vectors_data.nOverlapX;
            const int nOverlapY = d->vectors_data.nOverlapY;
            const int nWidthB = d->nWidthB;
            const int nHeightB = d->nHeightB;
            const int nWidthBUV = d->nWidthBUV;
            const int nHeightBUV = d->nHeightBUV;
            SimpleResize *upsizer = &d->upsizer;
            SimpleResize *upsizerUV = &d->upsizerUV;
            const int time256 = d->time256;
            const int bitsPerSample = vsapi->getFrameFormat(src)->bitsPerSample;

            uint8_t *smallMask = (uint8_t *)malloc(nBlkX * nBlkY);
            uint8_t *smallMaskV = (uint8_t *)malloc(nBlkX * nBlkY);

            if (kind == 0) { // vector length mask
                for (int j = 0; j < nBlkCount; j++)
                    smallMask[j] = mvmaskLength(fgopGetBlock(&fgop, 0, j)->vector, nPel, fMaskNormFactor2, fHalfGamma);
            } else if (kind == 1) { // SAD mask
                MakeSADMaskTime(&fgop, nBlkX, nBlkY, 4.0 * fMaskNormFactor / (nBlkSizeX * nBlkSizeY), fGamma, nPel, smallMask, nBlkX, time256, nBlkSizeX - nOverlapX, nBlkSizeY - nOverlapY, bitsPerSample);
            } else if (kind == 2) { // occlusion mask
                MakeVectorOcclusionMaskTime(&fgop, d->vectors_data.isBackward, nBlkX, nBlkY, 1.0 / fMaskNormFactor, fGamma, nPel, smallMask, nBlkX, time256, nBlkSizeX - nOverlapX, nBlkSizeY - nOverlapY);
            } else if (kind == 3) { // vector x mask
                for (int j = 0; j < nBlkCount; j++)
                    smallMask[j] = VSMAX(0, VSMIN(255, (int)(fgopGetBlock(&fgop, 0, j)->vector.x * fMaskNormFactor * 100 + 128))); // shited by 128 for signed support
            } else if (kind == 4) { // vector y mask
                for (int j = 0; j < nBlkCount; j++)
                    smallMask[j] = VSMAX(0, VSMIN(255, (int)(fgopGetBlock(&fgop, 0, j)->vector.y * fMaskNormFactor * 100 + 128))); // shited by 128 for signed support
            } else if (kind == 5) {                                      // vector x mask in U, y mask in V
                for (int j = 0; j < nBlkCount; j++) {
                    VECTOR v = fgopGetBlock(&fgop, 0, j)->vector;
                    smallMask[j] = VSMAX(0, VSMIN(255, (int)(v.x * fMaskNormFactor * 100 + 128)));  // shited by 128 for signed support
                    smallMaskV[j] = VSMAX(0, VSMIN(255, (int)(v.y * fMaskNormFactor * 100 + 128))); // shited by 128 for signed support

            if (kind == 5) { // do not change luma for kind=5
                memcpy(pDst[0], pSrc[0], nSrcPitches[0] * nHeight);
            } else {
                upsizer->simpleResize_uint8_t(upsizer, pDst[0], nDstPitches[0], smallMask, nBlkX);
                if (nWidth > nWidthB)
                    for (int h = 0; h < nHeight; h++)
                        for (int w = nWidthB; w < nWidth; w++)
                            *(pDst[0] + h * nDstPitches[0] + w) = *(pDst[0] + h * nDstPitches[0] + nWidthB - 1);
                if (nHeight > nHeightB)
                    vs_bitblt(pDst[0] + nHeightB * nDstPitches[0], nDstPitches[0], pDst[0] + (nHeightB - 1) * nDstPitches[0], nDstPitches[0], nWidth, nHeight - nHeightB);

            // chroma
            upsizerUV->simpleResize_uint8_t(upsizerUV, pDst[1], nDstPitches[1], smallMask, nBlkX);

            if (kind == 5)
                upsizerUV->simpleResize_uint8_t(upsizerUV, pDst[2], nDstPitches[2], smallMaskV, nBlkX);
                memcpy(pDst[2], pDst[1], nHeightUV * nDstPitches[1]);

            if (nWidthUV > nWidthBUV)
                for (int h = 0; h < nHeightUV; h++)
                    for (int w = nWidthBUV; w < nWidthUV; w++) {
                        *(pDst[1] + h * nDstPitches[1] + w) = *(pDst[1] + h * nDstPitches[1] + nWidthBUV - 1);
                        *(pDst[2] + h * nDstPitches[2] + w) = *(pDst[2] + h * nDstPitches[2] + nWidthBUV - 1);
            if (nHeightUV > nHeightBUV) {
                vs_bitblt(pDst[1] + nHeightBUV * nDstPitches[1], nDstPitches[1], pDst[1] + (nHeightBUV - 1) * nDstPitches[1], nDstPitches[1], nWidthUV, nHeightUV - nHeightBUV);
                vs_bitblt(pDst[2] + nHeightBUV * nDstPitches[2], nDstPitches[2], pDst[2] + (nHeightBUV - 1) * nDstPitches[2], nDstPitches[2], nWidthUV, nHeightUV - nHeightBUV);

        } else { // not usable
            if (kind == 5)
                memcpy(pDst[0], pSrc[0], nSrcPitches[0] * nHeight);
                memset(pDst[0], nSceneChangeValue, nHeight * nDstPitches[0]);

            memset(pDst[1], nSceneChangeValue, nHeightUV * nDstPitches[1]);
            memset(pDst[2], nSceneChangeValue, nHeightUV * nDstPitches[2]);



        return dst;

    return 0;