Ejemplo n.º 1
void TestMarshal( const Seperator& cmd )
    const char* cmdName = cmd.arg( 0 ).c_str();

    DBRowDescriptor *header = new DBRowDescriptor;
    // Fill header:
    header->AddColumn( "historyDate", DBTYPE_FILETIME );
    header->AddColumn( "lowPrice", DBTYPE_CY );
    header->AddColumn( "highPrice", DBTYPE_CY );
    header->AddColumn( "avgPrice", DBTYPE_CY );
    header->AddColumn( "volume", DBTYPE_I8 );
    header->AddColumn( "orders", DBTYPE_I4 );

    CRowSet* rs = new CRowSet( &header );

    PyPackedRow* row = rs->NewRow();
    row->SetField( "historyDate", new PyLong( Win32TimeNow() ) );
    row->SetField( "lowPrice", new PyLong( 18000 ) );
    row->SetField( "highPrice", new PyLong( 19000 ) );
    row->SetField( "avgPrice", new PyLong( 18400 ) );
    row->SetField( "volume", new PyLong( 5463586 ) );
    row->SetField( "orders", new PyInt( 254 ) );

    sLog.Log( cmdName, "Marshaling..." );

    Buffer marshaled;
    bool res = MarshalDeflate( rs, marshaled );
    PyDecRef( rs );

    if( !res )
        sLog.Error( cmdName, "Failed to marshal Python object." );

    sLog.Log( cmdName, "Unmarshaling..." );

    PyRep* rep = InflateUnmarshal( marshaled );
    if( NULL == rep )
        sLog.Error( cmdName, "Failed to unmarshal Python object." );

    sLog.Success( cmdName, "Final:" );
    rep->Dump( stdout, "    " );

    PyDecRef( rep );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void EVETCPConnection::QueueRep( const PyRep* rep )
    Buffer* buf = new Buffer;

    // make room for length
    const Buffer::iterator<uint32> bufLen = buf->end<uint32>();
    buf->ResizeAt( bufLen, 1 );

    if( !MarshalDeflate( rep, *buf ) )
        sLog.Error( "Network", "Failed to marshal new packet." );
    else if( PACKET_SIZE_LIMIT < buf->size() )
        sLog.Error( "Network", "Packet length %u exceeds hardcoded packet length limit %lu.", buf->size(), PACKET_SIZE_LIMIT );
        // write length
        *bufLen = ( buf->size() - sizeof( uint32 ) );

        Send( &buf );

    SafeDelete( buf );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CachedObjectMgr::UpdateCache(const PyRep *objectID, PyRep **in_cached_data)
    PyRep *cached_data = *in_cached_data;
    *in_cached_data = NULL;

    //if(is_log_enabled(SERVICE__CACHE_DUMP)) {
      //  PyLogsysDump dumper(SERVICE__CACHE_DUMP, SERVICE__CACHE_DUMP, false, true);
        //cached_data->visit(&dumper, 0);

    Buffer* data = new Buffer;
    bool res = MarshalDeflate( cached_data, *data );
	PyDecRef( cached_data );

    if( res ) {
	    PyBuffer* buf = new PyBuffer( &data );
        _UpdateCache( objectID, &buf );
    } else {
        sLog.Error( "Cached Obj Mgr", "Failed to marshal or deflate new cache object." );

    SafeDelete( data );