Ejemplo n.º 1
* Function Name: Mixer_1_Wakeup
* Summary:
*  Enables block's operation and restores its configuration. Should be called
*  just after awaking from sleep.
* Parameters:  
*  None
* Return: 
*  void
* Global variables:
*  Mixer_1_backup:  The structure field 'enableState' is used to 
*  restore the enable state of block after wakeup from sleep mode.
void Mixer_1_Wakeup(void) 
    /* Restore the user configuration */
    /* Enable's the component operation */
    if(Mixer_1_backup.enableState == Mixer_1_ENABLED)
    } /* Do nothing if component was disable before */
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: Mixer_1.c Proyecto: kLabUM/IoT
* Function Name: Mixer_1_Start
* Summary:
*  The start function initializes the SC block control registers based on the
*  Mixer type selected and and enables power to the SC block
* Parameters:  
*  void
* Return: 
*  void 
* Global variables:
*  Mixer_1_initVar:  Used to check the initial configuration,
*  modified when this function is called for the first time.
* Theory: 
*  Full initialization of the SC Block configuration registers is only perfomed 
*  the first time the routine executes - global variable 
*  Mixer_1_initVar is used indicate that the static configuration has 
*  been completed.
void Mixer_1_Start(void) 
    /* If not Initialized then initialize all required hardware and software */
    if(Mixer_1_initVar == 0u)
        Mixer_1_initVar = 1u;
    /* Enable the power to the block */