Ejemplo n.º 1
 * WalkModList callback.
 * @returns WR_CONTINUE
 * @param   mh          The module.
 * @param   _idx        Pointer to the current module index.
static walk_result ModCallback( mod_handle mh, void *_idx )
    int         *idx = (int *)_idx;
    char        buff[2048];
    unsigned    len;
    const char  *lang;
    address     addr = {0};

    printf( "%5d  ", ++*idx );

    /* address */
    addr = ModAddr( mh );
    printf( "%04x:%08lx  ", addr.mach.segment, (long)addr.mach.offset );

    /* what info do we have? */
    printf( "%c%c%c%c  ",
            ModHasInfo( mh, HK_IMAGE ) == DS_OK ? 'I' : '-',
            ModHasInfo( mh, HK_TYPE  ) == DS_OK ? 'T' : '-',
            ModHasInfo( mh, HK_CUE   ) == DS_OK ? 'C' : '-',
            ModHasInfo( mh, HK_SYM   ) == DS_OK ? 'S' : '-'

    /* language and name */
    lang = ModSrcLang( mh );
    len = ModName( mh, buff, sizeof(buff) );
    if( len == 0 ) {
        buff[0] = '\0';
    printf( "%-4s  %s\n", lang, buff );

    return( WR_CONTINUE );
Ejemplo n.º 2
wp_asmfile *WPAsmOpen( sio_data * curr_sio, int src_row, bool quiet )
    wp_asmfile *        wpasm_file;
    cue_handle *        ch;
    cue_handle *        ch2;
    mod_info *          curr_mod;
    file_info *         curr_file;
    massgd_sample_addr * samp_data;
    wp_asmline *        asm_line;
    mod_handle          mh;
    file_handle         fh;
    address             addr;
    cue_fileid          fid;
    search_result       cue_find;
    int                 rows;
    int                 asm_group;
    int                 asm_row;
    int                 file_index;
    int                 addr_cmp;
    clicks_t            addr_tick_index;

    ch = alloca( DIPHandleSize( HK_CUE ) );
    ch2 = alloca( DIPHandleSize( HK_CUE ) );
    curr_file = curr_sio->curr_file;
    curr_mod = curr_sio->curr_mod;
    if( curr_file->fid == 0 || LineCue( curr_mod->mh, curr_sio->curr_file->fid,
                                        src_row, 0, ch2 ) == SR_NONE ) {
        ch2 = NULL;
    fh = ExeOpen( curr_sio->curr_image->name );
    if( fh == -1 ) {
        ErrorMsg( LIT( Exe_Not_Found ), curr_sio->curr_image->name );
        return( NULL );
    wpasm_file = ProfCAlloc( sizeof(wp_asmfile) );
    curr_sio->asm_file = wpasm_file;
    wpasm_file->asm_buff = ProfAlloc( MAX_ASM_BUFF_LEN );
    wpasm_file->asm_buff_len = MAX_ASM_BUFF_LEN;
    SetNumBytes( 0 );
    SetExeFile( fh, false );
    wpasm_file->fh = fh;
    addr = ModAddr( curr_mod->mh );
    SetExeOffset( addr );
    wpasm_file->max_time = 0;
    addr_tick_index = curr_mod->first_tick_index - 1;
    samp_data = WPGetMassgdSampData( curr_sio, addr_tick_index++ );
    wpasm_file->asm_data = ProfAlloc( sizeof(wp_asm_groups) );
    wpasm_file->asm_data[0].asm_lines = ProfAlloc( MAX_ASM_LINE_SIZE );
    wpasm_file->asm_groups = 0;
    rows = 0;
    for( ;; ) {
        mh = curr_mod->mh;
        if( EndOfSegment()
            || AddrMod( addr, &mh ) == SR_NONE || mh != curr_mod->mh ) break;
        cue_find = (AddrCue( curr_mod->mh, addr, ch ) == SR_EXACT);
        if( ch2 != NULL && CueCmp( ch, ch2 ) == 0 ) {
            wpasm_file->entry_line = rows;
            ch2 = NULL;
        asm_line = WPGetAsmLoc( wpasm_file, rows, &asm_group, &asm_row );
        if( cue_find ) {
            asm_line->source_line = true;
            asm_line->u.src.line = CueLine( ch );
            asm_line->u.src.src_file = NULL;
            if( !curr_file->unknown_file ) {
                fid = CueFileId( ch );
                file_index = 0;
                while( file_index < curr_mod->file_count ) {
                    curr_file = curr_mod->mod_file[file_index];
                    if( curr_file->fid == fid ) {
                        asm_line->u.src.src_file =
                                FOpenSource( curr_file->name, mh, fid );
            asm_line = WPGetAsmLoc( wpasm_file, rows, &asm_group, &asm_row );
        asm_line = &wpasm_file->asm_data[asm_group].asm_lines[asm_row];
        asm_line->source_line = false;
        asm_line->u.asm_line.addr = addr;
        asm_line->u.asm_line.tick_count = 0;
        for( ;; ) {
            if( samp_data == NULL ) break;
            addr_cmp = AddrCmp( &addr, samp_data->raw );
            if( addr_cmp < 0 ) break;
            if( addr_cmp == 0 ) {
                asm_line->u.asm_line.tick_count = samp_data->hits;
                if( asm_line->u.asm_line.tick_count > wpasm_file->max_time ) {
                    wpasm_file->max_time = asm_line->u.asm_line.tick_count;
            samp_data = WPGetMassgdSampData( curr_sio, addr_tick_index++ );
        CodeAdvance( &addr );
    WPGetAsmLoc( wpasm_file, rows, &asm_group, &asm_row );
    wpasm_file->asm_data[asm_group].asm_lines =
            ProfRealloc( wpasm_file->asm_data[asm_group].asm_lines,
                         sizeof(wp_asmline)*(asm_row+1) );
    wpasm_file->asm_rows = rows;
    return( wpasm_file );