Ejemplo n.º 1
    symtabADT table;
    scannerADT scanner;
    string line, name, value;

    table = NewSymbolTable();
    scanner = NewScanner();
    SetScannerSpaceOption(scanner, IgnoreSpaces);
    while (TRUE) {
        printf("-> ");
        line = GetLine();
        if (StringEqual(line, "quit")) break;
        SetScannerString(scanner, line);
        name = ReadToken(scanner);
        if (MoreTokensExist(scanner)) {
            if (!StringEqual(ReadToken(scanner), "=")) {
                Error("Missing equal sign in assignment");
            value = ReadToken(scanner);
            if (MoreTokensExist(scanner)) {
                Error("Statement contains additional data");
            Enter(table, name, value);
        } else {
            value = Lookup(table, name);
            if (value == UNDEFINED) {
                printf("'%s' is undefined.\n", name);
            } else {
                printf("%s\n", value);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Parse a generic list (either () or []) */
VyParseTree* ParseListGeneric(int endTokenType){
	/* Create a list with no items in it */
	VyParseTree* list = MakeListTree();

	/* Make sure there is more to read and that the file isn't over */
		return ParseError("Unclosed list at end of file.");	

	/* While the list, isn't over add items to it */
	VyToken* nextToken;
	while((nextToken = GetLookAheadToken())->type != endTokenType){
		/* Add the next element, which is recieved from Parse(), to the list */
		VyParseTree* nextElement = Parse();
		AddToList(list, nextElement);

		/* If there are no more tokens, then a parenthesis is unclosed */
		if(!MoreTokensExist()) {
			VyParseTree* error = ParseError("Unclosed list");
			SetPosition(error, nextToken->pos);
			AddToList(list, error);
			return list;


	return list;

Ejemplo n.º 3
/* A utility function for parsing a whole file */
VyParseTree* ParseFile(char* filename){
	if(filename == NULL){
		fprintf(stderr, "Null pointer as filename.");
		return NULL;

	/* Perform lexing */

	if(GetNumTokens() < 1){
		printf("Empty file: %s\n", filename);
		return NULL;
	/* Parse the tokens */
	VyParseTree* list = MakeListTree();
	while(MoreTokensExist()) {
		VyParseTree* tree = Parse();
		AddToList(list, tree);


	return list;

Ejemplo n.º 4
    scannerADT myScanner;
    string token;
    int nTokens;

    myScanner = NewScanner();
    printf("Enter input line: ");
    SetScannerString(myScanner, GetLine());
    nTokens = 0;
    while (MoreTokensExist(myScanner)) {
        token = ReadToken(myScanner);
        printf("%2d: \"%s\"\n", nTokens, token);
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Parse the next expression */
VyParseTree* Parse(){
	/* Check that we have not reached the end of the input stream; if so, return null */
		return NULL;	

	/* Get the next token */
	VyToken* next = GetNextToken();

	/* It's type is used to determine how to continue parsing */
	int tokType = next->type;

	/* Store the result of parsing before returning it */
	VyParseTree* expr;

	/* If it starts with a parenthesis, parse it as a list */
	if(tokType == OPAREN){
		expr =  ParseList();

	/* If it begins with a quote, then parse whatever is next and quote it */
	else if(tokType == QUOTE){
		expr = ParseQuoted();

	/* Parse a substitution */
	else if(tokType == DOLLAR){
		expr = ParseSubstitution();
	/* Parse a splicing substitution */
	else if(tokType == DOLLARAT){
		expr = ParseSpliceSubstitution();	

	/* Parse a bracketed list */
	else if(tokType == OBRACKET){
		expr = ParseBracketedList();

	/* Parse an infix list (curly braces) */
	else if(tokType == OCURLY){
		expr = ParseCurlyList();	
	/* If it is a number, identifier, or string then make a parse tree out of the token */
	else if(tokType == IDENT){
		VyParseTree* ident = MakeIdent();
		SetStrData(ident, next->data);
		expr = ident;
	else if(tokType == NUM){
		expr = ParseNumberFromToken(next);
	else if(tokType == STRING){
		VyParseTree* str = MakeString();
		expr = str;
	/* Unexpected end of list */
	else if(tokType == CPAREN || tokType == CBRACKET || tokType == CCURLY){
		VyParseTree* err = ParseError("Unexpected end of list");
		SetPosition(err, next->pos);
		return err;

	/* If there is no expression before a :, then the token type will be COLON
	 * Instead of dying, add an error */
	else if(tokType == COLON){
		VyParseTree* error = ParseError("Reference lacking instance");
		SetPosition(error, next->pos);  
		return error;

	/* Handle object references: Check whether the next token is a colon.
	 * If so, then use the previously parsed expression (expr) and another
	 * expression  gotten from Parse() to create a reference node */
	VyToken* lookAhead = GetNextToken();
	if(lookAhead != NULL /* Make sure that the token list didn't end before looking at the type */
			&& lookAhead->type == COLON){ 
		VyParseTree* obj = expr;

		VyParseTree* ref = Parse();

		/* Check for validity */
		if(ref == NULL){
			expr = Reference(obj, ParseError("Incomplete reference."));  
			expr = Reference(obj, ref);
		/* Backtrack one token to make up for the lookahead */
		if(lookAhead != NULL) BacktrackToken();

	/* Set the position of the current expression */
	SetPosition(expr, next->pos);

	/* If the tree is an object reference, set the position of 
	 * the first part (obj), because it wasn't gotten through a full Parse() call*/
	if(expr->type == TREE_REF){
		SetPosition(GetObj(expr), next->pos);

	return expr;