Ejemplo n.º 1
  TreeValue* FileFormatXMove::Read(const MotionFileHandler& /*context*/, std::istream& is, const BinMemFactory& memfactory, const TreeValue* readoptions) const throw(MotionFileException) 
		// options
		FileFormatOptionsXMove xmove_options;
		if (readoptions)

		// load XML
		pugi::xml_document doc;
		pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load(is);
		if (!result)
			throw MotionFileException(MotionFileException::formaterror, result.description());

		std::auto_ptr<XMLReadingMachine> reader;
		if (xmove_options.LegacyCompoundNames)
			// Support legacy version of format in which 
			// elements of time sequence and event groups structures have assumed types
			// and some naming conventions are different
			reader = std::auto_ptr<XMLReadingMachine>( new XMLReadingMachineLegacy(memfactory) );
			// Standard XML reader
			reader = std::auto_ptr<XMLReadingMachine>( new XMLReadingMachine(memfactory) );

		// find xmove node
		pugi::xml_node xmove_node = doc.child("xmove");

		// must have xmove node
		if (!xmove_node)
			throw MotionFileException(MotionFileException::formaterror, "XML missing xmove section");

		// parse XML tree
		TreeValue* trial_tree = reader->ReadValue(xmove_node);
		TreeCompound* trial_object = TreeValueCast<TreeCompound>( trial_tree );

		// optionally replace any float32 info with float64
		if (xmove_options.ConvertBinaryFloat32)
			for (size_t calclevel = 0; calclevel < trial_object->NumElements(); calclevel++)
				TreeCompound* section = TreeValueCast<TreeCompound> ( trial_object->Node(calclevel)->Value() );
				ConvertListFloat32To64(section, "Sequences", TimeSequence::StructureName, memfactory);
				ConvertListFloat32To64(section, "EventGroups", EventGroup::StructureName, memfactory);

		return trial_object;

Ejemplo n.º 2
	TreeValue* MOBLFormatReader::ReadTrial(UInt32 index) throw(MotionFileException)
		// move to required trial
		UInt32 doc_index_needed = index + 1;
		if (!PositionReader(doc_index_needed))
			throw MotionFileException(MotionFileException::formaterror, "invalid trial index");

		// auto ptr so it will get released on exception thrown
		std::auto_ptr<TreeCompound> MOBLresult( new TreeCompound );

		// read
			BSONReaderMOBL reader(*stream);
		catch (const BSONReadException& e)
			throw MotionFileException(MotionFileException::formaterror, e.message.c_str());

		// successful read means now at next doc

		// the data is actually in 'd' subsections
		const TreeCompound* MOBLAcq = MOBLresult->GetType<TreeCompound>("Acq");
		const TreeCompound* MOBLAcq_d = MOBLAcq ? MOBLAcq->GetType<TreeCompound>("d") : NULL;
		const TreeCompound* MOBLUserInput = MOBLresult->GetType<TreeCompound>("UserInput");
		const TreeCompound* MOBLUserInput_d = MOBLUserInput ? MOBLUserInput->GetType<TreeCompound>("d") : NULL;

		// copy those parts (should do shallow copy for time sequences anyway)
		TreeCompound* Acq = new TreeCompound;
		TreeCompound* UserInput = new TreeCompound;

		// make new item
		TreeCompound* result = new TreeCompound;
		result->Set("Acq", Acq);
		result->Set("UserInput", UserInput);
		return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
	bool MOBLFormatReader::PositionReader(UInt32 doc_index_needed)  throw(MotionFileException)
		// must reset reader if we've already read past this index
		// or if no reader yet created
		if ((num_docs_read > doc_index_needed) || (stream == NULL))
			// remove previous reader if any

			// clear error bits

			// skip header (always uncompressed)
			is->seekg(21, std::ios::beg);

			// use appropriate decoder
			if (readoptions.UseGZIP)
				stream = new BSONInputStreamGZ(*is);
				stream = new BSONInputStreamSTL(*is);

			// reset docs read
			num_docs_read = 0;

		// skip to trial
			while (num_docs_read < doc_index_needed)
				UInt32 docsize(0);
				stream->ReadBinary(&docsize, 4);
		catch (const BSONReadException& e)
			throw MotionFileException(MotionFileException::formaterror, e.message.c_str());

		return stream->HaveMore();