KinematicNodeDummy *generatePenNode(boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type &ptree, kinematics::NodeID nodeID, uint intID) const {
		MotorID id = MotorID(0);
		std::string name = "";
		Millimeter translationX = 0 * millimeters;
		Millimeter translationY = 0 * millimeters;
		Millimeter translationZ = 0 * millimeters;
		Degree alphaX = 0 * degrees;
		Degree alphaY = 0 * degrees;
		Degree alphaZ = 0 * degrees;
		double defaultValue = 0.;
		double minValue = 0.;
		double maxValue = 0.;
		double maxForce = 0.;
		double maxSpeed = 0.;
		assembleAttrs(ptree, id, name, translationX, translationY, translationZ, alphaX, alphaY, alphaZ, defaultValue, minValue, maxValue, maxForce, maxSpeed);

		KinematicNodePen *node = new KinematicNodePen(nullptr, name, translationX, translationY, translationZ, alphaX, alphaY, alphaZ);

		node->setMaxValues({{id, maxValue}});
		node->setMinValues({{id, minValue}});
		node->setPreferedValues({{id, defaultValue}});
		node->setValues({{id, defaultValue}});
		node->setMotor2IntMap({{id, intID}});
		return node;
osaODEServoMotor::osaODEServoMotor(dWorldID world, 
				       dBodyID body1, 
				       dBodyID body2,
				       const vctFixedSizeVector<double,3>& axis,
				       double vwmax,
				       double ftmax,
				       dJointType motortype ) : 
  vwmax( fabs( vwmax ) ),
  ftmax( fabs( ftmax ) ) {
  if( motortype == dJointTypeHinge ){
    motorid = dJointCreateAMotor( world, 0 );       // create the motor
    dJointAttach( MotorID(), body1, body2 );        // attach the joint
    dJointSetAMotorMode( MotorID(), dAMotorUser );  // motor is in user mode
    dJointSetAMotorNumAxes( MotorID(), 1 );         // only 1 axis
    dJointSetAMotorAxis( MotorID(), 0, 2, axis[0], axis[1], axis[2] );

    SetVelocity( 0.0 );    // idle the motor

  if( motortype == dJointTypeSlider ){
    motorid = dJointCreateLMotor( world, 0 );     // create the motor
    dJointAttach( MotorID(), body1, body2 );      // attach the joint
    dJointSetLMotorNumAxes( MotorID(), 1 );       // 1 axis 
    dJointSetLMotorAxis( MotorID(), 0, 2, axis[0], axis[1], axis[2] );

    SetVelocity( 0.0 );    // idle the motor
	KinematicNodeWheel *generatePropellerNode(boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type &ptree, kinematics::NodeID nodeID, uint intID) const {
		MotorID id = MotorID(0);
		std::string name = "";
		Millimeter translationX = 0 * millimeters;
		Millimeter translationY = 0 * millimeters;
		Millimeter translationZ = 0 * millimeters;
		Degree alphaX = 0 * degrees;
		Degree alphaY = 0 * degrees;
		Degree alphaZ = 0 * degrees;
		double defaultValue = 0.;
		double minValue = 0.;
		double maxValue = 0.;
		double maxForce = 0.;
		double maxSpeed = 0.;

		assembleAttrs(ptree, id, name, translationX, translationY, translationZ, alphaX, alphaY, alphaZ, defaultValue, minValue, maxValue, maxForce, maxSpeed);

		double speedToForceFactor = 0.;
		boost::optional<double> speedToForceFactorProp = ptree.second.get_optional<double>("<xmlattr>.speedtoforcefactor");
		if (speedToForceFactorProp.is_initialized()) {
			speedToForceFactor = speedToForceFactorProp.get();

		KinematicNodePropeller *node = new KinematicNodePropeller(nullptr,
						maxSpeed * rounds_per_minute,
		// following values must be in rad
		node->setMaxValues({{id, Radian(maxValue * degrees).value()}});
		node->setMinValues({{id, Radian(minValue * degrees).value()}});
		node->setPreferedValues({{id, Radian(defaultValue * degrees).value()}});
		node->setValues({{id, Radian(defaultValue * degrees).value()}});
		node->setMotor2IntMap({{id, intID}});
		return node;
void osaODEServoMotor::SetVelocity( double qd ){

  if( dJointGetType( MotorID() ) == dJointTypeAMotor ){
    dJointSetAMotorParam( MotorID(), dParamVel,  qd );
    dJointSetAMotorParam( MotorID(), dParamFMax, ftmax );

  if( dJointGetType( MotorID() ) == dJointTypeLMotor ){
    dJointSetLMotorParam( MotorID(), dParamVel,  qd/1000.0 );
    dJointSetLMotorParam( MotorID(), dParamFMax, ftmax );
	KinematicNodeFixed *generateFixedNode(boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type &ptree, kinematics::NodeID nodeID) const {
		MotorID id = MotorID(0);
		std::string name = "";
		Millimeter translationX = 0 * millimeters;
		Millimeter translationY = 0 * millimeters;
		Millimeter translationZ = 0 * millimeters;
		Degree alphaX = 0 * degrees;
		Degree alphaY = 0 * degrees;
		Degree alphaZ = 0 * degrees;
		double defaultValue = 0.;
		double minValue = 0.;
		double maxValue = 0.;
		double maxForce = 0.;
		double maxSpeed = 0.;
		assembleAttrs(ptree, id, name, translationX, translationY, translationZ, alphaX, alphaY, alphaZ, defaultValue, minValue, maxValue, maxForce, maxSpeed);

		KinematicNodeFixed *node = new KinematicNodeFixed(nullptr, name, translationX, translationY, translationZ, alphaX, alphaY, alphaZ);
		return node;
	KinematicNodeWheel *generateWheelNode(boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type &ptree, kinematics::NodeID nodeID, uint intID) const {
		MotorID id = MotorID(0);
		std::string name = "";
		Millimeter translationX = 0 * millimeters;
		Millimeter translationY = 0 * millimeters;
		Millimeter translationZ = 0 * millimeters;
		Degree alphaX = 0 * degrees;
		Degree alphaY = 0 * degrees;
		Degree alphaZ = 0 * degrees;
		double defaultValue = 0.;
		double minValue = 0.;
		double maxValue = 0.;
		double maxForce = 0.;
		double maxSpeed = 0.;

		assembleAttrs(ptree, id, name, translationX, translationY, translationZ, alphaX, alphaY, alphaZ, defaultValue, minValue, maxValue, maxForce, maxSpeed);

		KinematicNodeWheel* node = new KinematicNodeWheel(nullptr,
						maxSpeed * rounds_per_minute,
		// following values must be in rad
		node->setMaxValues({{id, Radian(maxValue * degrees).value()}});
		node->setMinValues({{id, Radian(minValue * degrees).value()}});
		node->setPreferedValues({{id, Radian(defaultValue * degrees).value()}});
		node->setValues({{id, Radian(defaultValue * degrees).value()}});
		node->setMotor2IntMap({{id, intID}});
		return node;