Ejemplo n.º 1
void EDirectory::DrawLine(PCell B, int Line, int Col, ChColor color, int Width) {
    char s[1024];

    MoveCh(B, ' ', color, Width);
    if (Files && Line >= 0 && Line < FCount) {
        int Year, Mon, Day, Hour, Min, Sec;
        struct tm *t;
        time_t tim;

        tim = Files[Line]->MTime();
        t = localtime(&tim);

        if (t) {
            Year = t->tm_year + 1900;
            Mon = t->tm_mon + 1;
            Day = t->tm_mday;
            Hour = t->tm_hour;
            Min = t->tm_min;
            Sec = t->tm_sec;
        } else {
            Year = Mon = Day = Hour = Min = Sec = 0;

        sprintf(s, " %04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %8ld ",
                Year, Mon, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, Files[Line]->Size());

        strcat(s, Files[Line]->Name());
        s[strlen(s) + 1] = '\0';
        s[strlen(s)] = (Files[Line]->Type() == fiDIRECTORY)? SLASH : ' ';

        if (Col < int(strlen(s)))
            MoveStr(B, 0, Width, s + Col, color, Width);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void EView::SetMsg(const char *msg) {
    if (CurMsg)
    CurMsg = 0;
    if (msg && strlen(msg))
        CurMsg = strdup(msg);
    if (CurMsg && msg && MView) {
        TDrawBuffer B;
        char SColor;
        int Cols, Rows;

        MView->ConQuerySize(&Cols, &Rows);

        if (MView->IsActive())
            SColor = hcStatus_Active;
            SColor = hcStatus_Normal;

        MoveChar(B, 0, Cols, ' ', SColor, Cols);
        MoveStr(B, 0, Cols, CurMsg, SColor, Cols);
        if (MView->Win->GetStatusContext() == MView)
            MView->ConPutBox(0, Rows - 1, Cols, 1, B);
        //printf("%s\n", Msg);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ESvnBase::DrawLine (PCell B,int Line,int Col,ChColor color,int Width) {
    if (Line<LineCount)
        if (Col<(int)strlen (Lines[Line]->Msg)) {
            char str[1024];
            int len;

            len=UnTabStr (str,sizeof (str),Lines[Line]->Msg,strlen (Lines[Line]->Msg));
            if (len>Col) MoveStr (B,0,Width,str+Col,color,Width);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void EListPort::RepaintStatus() {
    TDrawBuffer B;
    char s[80];
    int W, H;
    char SColor;

    if (View == 0 || View->MView == 0 || View->MView->Win == 0)
        return ;

    View->MView->ConQuerySize(&W, &H);



    if (List->View == View)

    if (View->MView->Win->GetStatusContext() != View->MView)

    View->MView->Win->SetSbVPos(TopRow, H, List->Count + (WeirdScroll ? H - 1 : 0));
    View->MView->Win->SetSbHPos(LeftCol, W, 1024 + (WeirdScroll ? W - 1 : 0));

    if (View->MView->IsActive()) // hack
        SColor = hcStatus_Active;
        SColor = hcStatus_Normal;
    MoveCh(B, ' ', SColor, W);
    if (View->CurMsg == 0) {
        if (List->Title)
            MoveStr(B, 0, W, List->Title, SColor, W);
        sprintf(s, "%c%d/%d", ConGetDrawChar(DCH_V), Row + 1, List->Count);
        MoveStr(B, W - strlen(s), W, s, SColor, W);
    } else {
        MoveStr(B, 0, W, View->CurMsg, SColor, W);
    View->MView->ConPutBox(0, H - 1, W, 1, B);

    if (View->MView->Win->GetStatusContext() == View->MView &&
        View->MView->Win->ConSetCursorPos(0, Row - TopRow);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void RoutineView::DrawLine(PCell B, int Line, int Col, ChColor color,
                           int Width) {
  if (Buffer->RLine(Buffer->rlst.Lines[Line])->Count > Col) {
    char str[1024];
    int  len;

    len = UnTabStr(str, sizeof(str),

    if (len > Col) MoveStr(B, 0, Width, str + Col, color, len - Col);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void ExComplete::RepaintStatus() {
  TDrawBuffer B;
  int W, H;

  // Currently use this fixed colors - maybe there are some better defines??
#define COM_NORM 0x17
#define COM_ORIG 0x1C
#define COM_HIGH 0x1E
#define COM_MARK 0x2E
#define COM_ERR  0x1C

  ConQuerySize(&W, &H);
  MoveCh(B, ' ', COM_NORM, W);

  if ((WordsLast > 0) && (WordBegin != NULL) && (Words != NULL)
      && ((Words[WordPos]) != NULL)) {
    const char *sc = STRCOMPLETE;
    int p          = sizeof(STRCOMPLETE) - 1;

    if (W < 35) {
      // if the width is quite small
      sc += p - 1; // jump to last character
      p   = 1;
      MoveStr(B, 0, W, sc,        COM_NORM, W);

    // int cur = p;
      MoveStr(B, p, W, WordBegin, COM_ORIG, W);
    p += strlen(WordBegin);
    int l = strlen(Words[WordPos]);

    if (WordFixed > 0) {
      MoveStr(B, p, W, Words[WordPos], COM_MARK, W);
      p += WordFixed;
      l -= WordFixed;
      MoveStr(B, p, W, Words[WordPos] + WordFixed,
            (WordFixedCount == 1) ? COM_ORIG : COM_HIGH, W);
    p += l;
    char s[100];
    sprintf(s, "] (T:%d/%d  S:%d)", WordPos + 1, WordsLast,
    MoveStr(B, p, W, s, COM_NORM, W);

    // ConSetCursorPos(cur + WordFixed, H - 1);
  } else MoveStr(B, 0, W, STRNOCOMPLETE, COM_ERR, W);
  ConPutBox(0, H - 1, W, 1, B);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void ExISearch::RepaintStatus() {
    TDrawBuffer B;
    char s[MAXISEARCH + 1];
    const char *p;
    int W, H;
    ConQuerySize(&W, &H);
    switch (state) {
    case INoMatch: p = " No Match. "; break;
    case INoPrev: p = " No Prev Match. "; break;
    case INoNext: p = " No Next Match. "; break;
    case IOk: default: p = ""; break;
    sprintf(s, "ISearch [%s]%s", ISearchStr, p);
    MoveCh(B, ' ', 0x17, W);
    MoveStr(B, 0, W, s, 0x17, W);
    ConPutBox(0, H - 1, W, 1, B);
    ConSetCursorPos(strlen(s) - 1, H - 1);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void EventMapView::DrawLine(PCell B, int Line, int Col, ChColor color, int Width) {
    if (Line < BCount) 
        if (Col < int(strlen(BList[Line])))
            MoveStr(B, 0, Width, BList[Line] + Col, color, Width);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void ExASCII::HandleEvent(TEvent& Event) {
  int W, H;

  ConQuerySize(&W, &H);

  switch (Event.What) {
  case evKeyDown:

    switch (kbCode(Event.Key.Code)) {
    case kbLeft:
      Event.What = evNone;

    case kbRight:
      Event.What = evNone;

    case kbHome:
      Pos        = 0;
      Event.What = evNone;

    case kbEnd:
      Pos        = 255;
      Event.What = evNone;

    case kbLeft + kfCtrl:
      Pos       -= 16;
      Event.What = evNone;

    case kbRight + kfCtrl:
      Pos       += 16;
      Event.What = evNone;

    case kbUp:
      Pos       -= W;
      LPos      -= W;
      Event.What = evNone;

    case kbDown:
      Pos       += W;
      LPos      += W;
      Event.What = evNone;

    case kbEsc:
      Event.What = evNone;

    case kbEnter:
      Event.What = evNone;

#if 0
  case evMouseDown:

    if ((E.Mouse.X < XPos) || (E.Mouse.X >= XPos + 34) ||
        (E.Mouse.Y < YPos) || (E.Mouse.Y >= YPos + 10)) {
      abort = 2;

    do {
      x = E.Mouse.X - XPos - 1;
      y = E.Mouse.Y - YPos - 1;

      if ((x >= 0) && (x < 32) &&
          (y >= 0) && (y < 8)) {
        X = x;
        Y = y;

        if (X >= 32) X = 31;

        if (Y >= 8) Y = 7;

        if (X < 0) X = 0;

        if (Y < 0) Y = 0;
        frames->ConSetCursorPos(X + XPos + 1, Y + YPos + 1);
        sprintf(s, "0%03o %03d 0x%02X",
                X + Y * 32, X + Y * 32, X + Y * 32);
        MoveStr(B, 0, 13, s, hcAsciiStatus, 13);
        frames->ConPutBox(XPos + 2, YPos + 9, 13, 1, B);

      if (E.Mouse.Count == 2) {
        abort = 1;
      gui->ConGetEvent(evMouse, &E, -1, 1);

      if (E.What == evMouseUp) break;
    } while (1);
#endif // if 0
Ejemplo n.º 10
void EBuffer::Redraw() {
  int HilitX;
  EView *V;
  EEditPort *W;
  int Row;
  TDrawBuffer B;
  char s[256];
  ChColor SColor;
  int     RowA, RowZ;

    int W1, H1;

    if (!(View && View->MView)) return;

    View->MView->ConQuerySize(&W1, &H1);

    if ((H1 < 1) || (W1 < 1)) return;

  //    printf("Redraw\n");
  if (CP.Row >= VCount) CP.Row = VCount - 1;

  if (CP.Row < 0) CP.Row = 0;

  V = View; /* check some window data */

  if (!V) {
    MinRedraw   = MaxRedraw = -1;
    RedrawToEos = 0;

  if ((View == 0) || (View->MView == 0) || (View->MView->Win == 0)) return;

  for (; V; V = V->NextView) {
    //        printf("Checking\x7\n");
    if (V->Model != this) assert(1 == 0);

    W = GetViewVPort(V);

    if ((W->Rows < 1) || (W->Cols < 1)) continue;

    if (V == View) {
      int scrollJumpX   = Min(ScrollJumpX, W->Cols / 2);
      int scrollJumpY   = Min(ScrollJumpY, W->Rows / 2);
      int scrollBorderX = Min(ScrollBorderX, W->Cols / 2);
      int scrollBorderY = Min(ScrollBorderY, W->Rows / 2);

      W->CP = CP;
      TP    = W->TP;

      if (W->ReCenter) {
        W->TP.Row   = CP.Row - W->Rows / 2;
        W->TP.Col   = CP.Col - W->Cols + 8;
        W->ReCenter = 0;

      if (W->TP.Row + scrollBorderY > CP.Row) W->TP.Row = CP.Row - scrollJumpY +
                                                          1 - scrollBorderY;

      if (W->TP.Row + W->Rows - scrollBorderY <= CP.Row) W->TP.Row = CP.Row -
                                                                     W->Rows +
                                                                     1 +
                                                                     scrollJumpY - 1 + scrollBorderY;

      if (!WeirdScroll) if (W->TP.Row + W->Rows >= VCount) W->TP.Row = VCount -

      if (W->TP.Row < 0) W->TP.Row = 0;

      if (W->TP.Col + scrollBorderX > CP.Col) W->TP.Col = CP.Col - scrollJumpX -

      if (W->TP.Col + W->Cols - scrollBorderX <= CP.Col) W->TP.Col = CP.Col -
                                                                     W->Cols +
                                                                     + scrollBorderX;

      if (W->TP.Col < 0) W->TP.Col = 0;

      if ((W->OldTP.Row != -1) && (W->OldTP.Col != -1) && (RedrawToEos == 0)) {
        if ((W->OldTP.Row != W->TP.Row) || (W->OldTP.Col != W->TP.Col)) {
          int A, B;
          int DeltaX, DeltaY;
          int Rows   = W->Rows;
          int Delta1 = 0, Delta2 = 0;

          DeltaY = W->TP.Row - W->OldTP.Row;
          DeltaX = W->TP.Col - W->OldTP.Col;

          if ((DeltaX == 0) && (-Rows < DeltaY) && (DeltaY < Rows)) {
            if (DeltaY < 0) {
              A = W->TP.Row;
              B = W->TP.Row - DeltaY;
            } else {
              A = W->TP.Row + Rows - DeltaY;
              B = W->TP.Row + Rows;
          } else {
            A = W->TP.Row;
            B = W->TP.Row + W->Rows;

          if (A >= VCount) {
            Delta1 = A - VCount + 1;
            A      = VCount - 1;

          if (B >= VCount) {
            Delta2 = B - VCount + 1;
            B      = VCount - 1;

          if (A < 0) A = 0;

          if (B < 0) B = 0;
          Draw(VToR(A) + Delta1, VToR(B) + Delta2);
      } else {
        int A     = W->TP.Row;
        int B     = A + W->Rows;
        int Delta = 0;

        if (B > VCount) {
          Delta += B - VCount;
          B      = VCount;
        int LastV = VToR(VCount - 1);
        int B1    = (B == VCount) ? RCount : VToR(B);

        if (B1 >= LastV) {
          Delta += B1 - LastV;
          B1     = LastV;

        if (B1 < 0) B1 = 0;
          Draw(VToR(A), B1 + Delta);

      W->OldTP = W->TP;
      TP       = W->TP;

    if (W->CP.Row >= VCount) W->CP.Row = VCount - 1;

    if (W->CP.Row < 0) W->CP.Row = 0;

    if (W->TP.Row > W->CP.Row) W->TP.Row = W->CP.Row;

    if (W->TP.Row < 0) W->TP.Row = 0;

    if (V->MView->IsActive()) // hack
      SColor = hcStatus_Active;
    else SColor = hcStatus_Normal;
    MoveChar(B, 0, W->Cols, ' ', SColor, W->Cols);

    if (V->MView->Win->GetViewContext() == V->MView) {
      V->MView->Win->SetSbVPos(W->TP.Row, W->Rows, VCount +
                               (WeirdScroll ? W->Rows - 1 : 0));
      V->MView->Win->SetSbHPos(W->TP.Col, W->Cols, 1024 +
                               (WeirdScroll ? W->Cols - 1 : 0));

    if (V->CurMsg == 0) {
        int CurLine   = W->CP.Row;
        int ActLine   = VToR(W->CP.Row);
        int CurColumn = W->CP.Col;
        int CurPos    = CharOffset(RLine(ActLine), CurColumn);
        int NumLines  = RCount;
        int NumChars  = RLine(ActLine)->Count;

        //            int NumColumns = ScreenPos(Line(CurLine), NumChars);
        char *fName         = FileName;
        unsigned char CurCh = 0xFF;
        int  lf             = strlen(fName);
        char CCharStr[20]   = "";

        if (lf > 34) fName += lf - 34;

        if (CurPos < NumChars) {
          CurCh = VLine(CurLine)->Chars[CurPos];
          sprintf(CCharStr, "%3u,%02X", CurCh, CurCh);
        } else {
          if (CurPos > NumChars) strcpy(CCharStr, "      ");
          else if (CurLine < NumLines - 1) strcpy(CCharStr, "   EOL");
          else strcpy(CCharStr, "   EOF");

          sprintf(s, "%04d:%02d (%04d:%02d) %c%c%c%c%c %.6s %c",

//                    CurLine + 1,
                ActLine + 1,
                CurColumn + 1,

//                    CurPos + 1,
                (BFI(this, BFI_Insert)) ? 'I' : ' ',
                (BFI(this, BFI_AutoIndent)) ? 'A' : ' ',

                //                    (BFI(this, BFI_ExpandTabs))?'T':' ',
                (BFI(this, BFI_MatchCase)) ? 'C' : ' ',
                AutoExtend ?
                  (BlockMode == bmStream) ? 's' :
                  (BlockMode == bmLine) ? 'l' : 'c'
                ) :
                ((BlockMode == bmStream) ? 'S' :
                 (BlockMode == bmLine) ? 'L' : 'C'
                (BFI(this, BFI_WordWrap) == 3) ? 't' :
                (BFI(this, BFI_WordWrap) == 2) ? 'W' :
                (BFI(this, BFI_WordWrap) == 1) ? 'w' :
                ' ',

//                    (BFI(this, BFI_Undo))?'U':' ',
//                    (BFI(this, BFI_Trim))?'E':' ',
//                    (Flags.KeepBackups)?'B':' ',
                (Modified != 0) ? '*' : (BFI(this, BFI_ReadOnly)) ? '%' : ' '

        int  l  = strlen(s);
        int  fw = W->Cols - l;
        int  fl = strlen(FileName);
        char num[32];

        MoveStr(B, 0, W->Cols, s, SColor, W->Cols);
        sprintf(num, " %s %d", CCharStr, ModelNo);
          MoveStr(B, W->Cols - strlen(num), W->Cols, num, SColor, W->Cols);

        fw -= strlen(num);

        if (fl > fw) {
          MoveStr(B, l, W->Cols, FileName + fl - fw, SColor, W->Cols);
        } else {
          MoveStr(B, l, W->Cols, FileName,           SColor, W->Cols);
    } else {
          MoveStr(B, 0, W->Cols, V->CurMsg, SColor, W->Cols);

    if (V->MView->Win->GetStatusContext() == V->MView) {
      V->MView->ConPutBox(0, W->Rows, W->Cols, 1, B);

      if (V->MView->IsActive()) {
        V->MView->ConSetCursorPos(W->CP.Col - W->TP.Col, W->CP.Row - W->TP.Row);
        V->MView->ConSetInsertState(BFI(this, BFI_Insert));


  if (BFI(this, BFI_AutoHilitParen) == 1) {
    if ((Match.Row == -1) && (Match.Col == -1)) HilitMatchBracket();

  //    if ((Window == WW) && (MinRedraw == -1))
  //        MaxRedraw = MinRedraw = VToR(CP.Row);

  // printf("\n\nMinRedraw = %d, MaxRedraw = %d", MinRedraw, MaxRedraw);
  if (MinRedraw == -1) return;

  //    printf("Will redraw: %d to %d, to eos = %d\n", MinRedraw, MaxRedraw,
  // RedrawToEos);
  if (MinRedraw >= VCount) MinRedraw = VCount - 1;

  if (MinRedraw < 0) MinRedraw = 0;

  //    puts("xxx\x7");
  //    printf("%d\n", MinRedraw);
  Row = RowA = RToVN(MinRedraw);

  //    puts("xxx\x7");
  RowZ = MaxRedraw;

  if (MaxRedraw != -1) {
    int Delta = 0;

    if (MaxRedraw >= RCount) {
      Delta     = MaxRedraw - RCount + 1;
      MaxRedraw = RCount - 1;

    if (MaxRedraw < 0) MaxRedraw = 0;

    //        printf("%d\n", MaxRedraw);
    RowZ = RToVN(MaxRedraw) + Delta;

  //    puts("xxx\x7");
  // printf("\nRowA = %d, RowZ = %d", RowA, RowZ);

  V = View;

  while (V) {
    if (V->Model != this) assert(1 == 0);

    W = GetViewVPort(V);

    for (int R = W->TP.Row; R < W->TP.Row + W->Rows; R++) {
      Row = R;

      if ((Row >= RowA) &&
          (RedrawToEos || (Row <= RowZ))) {
        DrawLine(B, Row, W->TP.Col, W->Cols, HilitX);
        W->DrawLine(Row, B);

        if (HilitX && (Row == RowZ)) RowZ++;
    V = V->NextView;
  MinRedraw   = MaxRedraw = -1;
  RedrawToEos = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void EBuffer::DrawLine(TDrawBuffer B, int VRow, int C, int W, int& HilitX) {
  hlState State;
  int     StartPos, EndPos;

  HilitX = 0;
               MoveChar(B, 0, W, ' ', hcPlain_Background, W);

  //    if ((VRow == VCount - 1) && !BFI(this, BFI_ForceNewLine)) {
  // if (BFI(this, BFI_ShowMarkers))
  //     MoveChar(B, 0, W, EOF_MARKER, hcPlain_Markers, W);
  //    }
  if (VRow < VCount) {
    int Row     = VToR(VRow);
    PELine L    = RLine(Row);
    int    ECol = 0;

    if (Row > 0) State = RLine(Row - 1)->StateE;
    else State = 0;

    if ((BFI(this, BFI_HilitOn) == 1) && (HilitProc != 0)) HilitProc(this,
    else Hilit_Plain(this, Row, B, C, W, L, State, 0, &ECol);

    if (L->StateE != State) {
      HilitX    = 1;
      L->StateE = State;

    if (BFI(this, BFI_ShowMarkers)) {
               MoveChar(B, ECol - C, W,
                 (Row == RCount - 1) ? DCH_EOF : DCH_EOL), hcPlain_Markers, 1);
      ECol += 1;

    if (Row < RCount) {
      int f;
      int Folded = 0;
      static char fold[20];
      int l;

      f = FindFold(Row);

      if (f != -1) {
        int foldColor;

        if (FF[f].level < 5) foldColor = hcPlain_Folds[FF[f].level];
        else foldColor = hcPlain_Folds[4];

        if (FF[f].open == 1) {
          l = sprintf(fold, "[%d]", FF[f].level);
          MoveStr(B, ECol - C + 1, W, fold, foldColor, 10);
          ECol += l;
        } else {
          if (VRow < VCount - 1) {
            Folded = Vis(VRow + 1) - Vis(VRow) + 1;
          } else if (VRow < VCount) {
            Folded = RCount - (VRow + Vis(VRow));
          l = sprintf(fold, "(%d:%d)", FF[f].level, Folded);
          MoveStr(B, ECol - C + 1, W, fold, foldColor, 10);
          ECol += l;
          MoveAttr(B, 0, W, foldColor, W);

    if ((BB.Row != -1) && (BE.Row != -1) && (Row >= BB.Row) && (Row <= BE.Row)) {
      switch (BlockMode) {
      case bmLine:
        StartPos = 0;

        if (Row == BE.Row) EndPos = 0;
        else EndPos = W;

      case bmColumn:
        StartPos = BB.Col - C;

        if (Row == BE.Row) EndPos = BB.Col - C;
        else EndPos = BE.Col - C;

      case bmStream:

        if ((Row == BB.Row) && (Row == BE.Row)) {
          StartPos = BB.Col - C;
          EndPos   = BE.Col - C;
        } else if (Row == BB.Row) {
          StartPos = BB.Col - C;
          EndPos   = W;
        } else if (Row == BE.Row) {
          StartPos = 0;
          EndPos   = BE.Col - C;
        } else {
          StartPos = 0;
          EndPos   = W;

        StartPos = EndPos = 0;

      if (BFI(this, BFI_SeeThruSel)) MoveBgAttr(B,
                                                EndPos - StartPos);
      else MoveAttr(B, StartPos, W, hcPlain_Selected, EndPos - StartPos);

    if (BFI(this, BFI_ShowBookmarks)) {
      int i = 0;
      char  *Name;
      EPoint P;

      while ((i = GetBookmarkForLine(i, Row, Name, P)) != -1) {
        if (strncmp(Name, "_BMK", 4) == 0) {
          // User bookmark, hilite line
          if (BFI(this, BFI_SeeThruSel)) MoveBgAttr(B, 0, W, hcPlain_Bookmark, W);
          else MoveAttr(B, 0, W, hcPlain_Bookmark, W);

    if ((Match.Row != -1) && (Match.Col != -1)) {
      if (Row == Match.Row) {
        if (BFI(this, BFI_SeeThruSel)) MoveBgAttr(B,
                                                  Match.Col - C,
        else MoveAttr(B, Match.Col - C, W, hcPlain_Found, MatchLen);
  } else if (VRow == VCount) {
    if (BFI(this, BFI_ShowMarkers)) MoveChar(B, 0, W, ConGetDrawChar(
                                               DCH_END), hcPlain_Markers, W);