Ejemplo n.º 1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pass an uninitialized file object. The function will ask the user for the
// filename and try to open it. It returns true on success (file was opened),
// false if file couldn't be opened/created and -1 if the file selection
// dialog was canceled.
static bool OpenLogFile(wxFile& file, wxString& filename, wxWindow *parent)
	filename = wxSaveFileSelector(L"log", L"txt", L"log.txt", parent);
	if ( !filename ) return false; // canceled

	if( wxFile::Exists(filename) )
		bool bAppend = false;
		wxString strMsg;
		strMsg.Printf(L"Append log to file '%s' (choosing [No] will overwrite it)?",

		switch ( Msgbox::ShowModal( _("Save log question"), strMsg, MsgButtons().YesNo().Cancel() ) )
			case wxID_YES:
				bAppend = true;

			case wxID_NO:
				bAppend = false;

			case wxID_CANCEL:
				return false;

				pxFailDev( "invalid message box return value" );

		return ( bAppend ) ?
			file.Open(filename, wxFile::write_append) :
			file.Create(filename, true /* overwrite */);

	return file.Create(filename);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void pxLogConsole::DoLog( wxLogLevel level, const wxChar *szString, time_t t )
	wxString message(szString);
void pxLogConsole::DoLogRecord(wxLogLevel level, const wxString &message, const wxLogRecordInfo &info)
	switch ( level )
		case wxLOG_Trace:
		case wxLOG_Debug:
			wxString str;
			TimeStamp( &str );
			MSW_OutputDebugString( str + message + L"\n" );

		case wxLOG_FatalError:
			// This one is unused by wx, and unused by PCSX2 (we prefer exceptions, thanks).
			pxFailDev( "Stop using FatalError and use assertions or exceptions instead." );

		case wxLOG_Status:
			// Also unsed by wx, and unused by PCSX2 also (we prefer direct API calls to our main window!)
			pxFailDev( "Stop using wxLogStatus just access the Pcsx2App functions directly instead." );

		case wxLOG_Info:
			if ( !GetVerbose() ) return;
			// fallthrough!

		case wxLOG_Message:
			Console.WriteLn( L"[wx] %s", WX_STR(message));

		case wxLOG_Error:
			Console.Error(L"[wx] %s", WX_STR(message));

		case wxLOG_Warning:
			Console.Warning(L"[wx] %s", WX_STR(message));

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ConsoleTestThread::ExecuteTaskInThread()
	static int numtrack = 0;

	while( !m_done )
		// Two lines, both formatted, and varied colors.  This makes for a fairly realistic
		// worst case scenario (without being entirely unrealistic).
		Console.WriteLn( L"This is a threaded logging test. Something bad could happen... %d", ++numtrack );
		Console.Warning( L"Testing high stress loads %s", L"(multi-color)" );
		Yield( 0 );

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pass an uninitialized file object. The function will ask the user for the
// filename and try to open it. It returns true on success (file was opened),
// false if file couldn't be opened/created and -1 if the file selection
// dialog was canceled.
static bool OpenLogFile(wxFile& file, wxString& filename, wxWindow *parent)
	filename = wxSaveFileSelector(L"log", L"txt", L"log.txt", parent);
	if ( !filename ) return false; // canceled

	if( wxFile::Exists(filename) )
		bool bAppend = false;
		wxString strMsg;
		strMsg.Printf(L"Append log to file '%s' (choosing [No] will overwrite it)?",

		switch ( Msgbox::ShowModal( _("Save log question"), strMsg, MsgButtons().YesNo().Cancel() ) )
			case wxID_YES:
				bAppend = true;

			case wxID_NO:
				bAppend = false;

			case wxID_CANCEL:
				return false;

				pxFailDev( "invalid message box return value" );

		return ( bAppend ) ?
			file.Open(filename, wxFile::write_append) :
			file.Create(filename, true /* overwrite */);

	return file.Create(filename);
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Portable installations are assumed to be run in either administrator rights mode, or run
// from "insecure media" such as a removable flash drive.  In these cases, the default path for
// PCSX2 user documents becomes ".", which is the current working directory.
// Portable installation mode is typically enabled via the presence of an INI file in the
// same directory that PCSX2 is installed to.
wxConfigBase* Pcsx2App::TestForPortableInstall()
	InstallationMode = InstallMode_Registered;

	const wxFileName portableIniFile( GetPortableIniPath() );
	const wxDirName portableDocsFolder( portableIniFile.GetPath() );

	if (Startup.PortableMode || portableIniFile.FileExists())
		wxString FilenameStr = portableIniFile.GetFullPath();
		if (Startup.PortableMode)
			Console.WriteLn( L"(UserMode) Portable mode requested via commandline switch!" );
			Console.WriteLn( L"(UserMode) Found portable install ini @ %s", FilenameStr.c_str() );

		// Just because the portable ini file exists doesn't mean we can actually run in portable
		// mode.  In order to determine our read/write permissions to the PCSX2, we must try to
		// modify the configured documents folder, and catch any ensuing error.

		ScopedPtr<wxFileConfig> conf_portable( OpenFileConfig( portableIniFile.GetFullPath() ) );

		while( true )
			wxString accessFailedStr, createFailedStr;
			if (TestUserPermissionsRights( portableDocsFolder, createFailedStr, accessFailedStr )) break;
			wxDialogWithHelpers dialog( NULL, AddAppName(_("Portable mode error - %s")) );

			wxTextCtrl* scrollText = new wxTextCtrl(
				&dialog, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,

			if (!createFailedStr.IsEmpty())
				scrollText->AppendText( createFailedStr + L"\n" );

			if (!accessFailedStr.IsEmpty())
				scrollText->AppendText( accessFailedStr + L"\n" );

			dialog += dialog.Heading( _("PCSX2 has been installed as a portable application but cannot run due to the following errors:" ) );
			dialog += scrollText | pxExpand.Border(wxALL, 16);
			dialog += 6;
			dialog += dialog.Text( GetMsg_PortableModeRights() );
			// [TODO] : Add url for platform-relevant user permissions tutorials?  (low priority)

			wxWindowID result = pxIssueConfirmation( dialog,
				MsgButtons().Retry().Cancel().Custom(_("Switch to User Documents Mode"), "switchmode")
			switch (result)
				case wxID_CANCEL:
					throw Exception::StartupAborted( L"User canceled portable mode due to insufficient user access/permissions." );

				case wxID_RETRY:
					// do nothing (continues while loop)
				case pxID_CUSTOM:
					wxDialogWithHelpers dialog2( NULL, AddAppName(_("%s is switching to local install mode.")) );
					dialog2 += dialog2.Heading( _("Try to remove the file called \"portable.ini\" from your installation directory manually." ) );
					dialog2 += 6;
					pxIssueConfirmation( dialog2, MsgButtons().OK() );
					conf_portable.DetachPtr(); // Not sure but can't hurt
					return NULL;

		// Success -- all user-based folders have write access.  PCSX2 should be able to run error-free!
		// Force-set the custom documents mode, and set the 

		InstallationMode = InstallMode_Portable;
		DocsFolderMode = DocsFolder_Custom;
		CustomDocumentsFolder = portableDocsFolder;
		return conf_portable.DetachPtr();
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
	bool YesNo( const wxString& text, const wxString& caption, int icon )
		return ShowModal(caption, text, MsgButtons().YesNo()) == wxID_YES;
Ejemplo n.º 5
	// Pops up a dialog box with Ok/Cancel buttons.  Returns the result of the inquiry,
	// true if OK, false if cancel.
	bool OkCancel( const wxString& text, const wxString& caption, int icon )
		return ShowModal(caption, text, MsgButtons().OKCancel()) == wxID_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 6
	// Pops up an alert Dialog Box with a singular "OK" button.
	// Always returns false.
	bool Alert( const wxString& text, const wxString& caption, int icon )
		ShowModal( caption, text, MsgButtons().OK() );
		return false;