Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Sets the mover Z position
void SetMoverZ(PMOVER pMover, int y, uint32 zFactor) {
	if (!pMover->bHidden) {
		if (MoverIsSWalking(pMover) && pMover->zOverride != -1) {
			// Special for SWalk()
			MultiSetZPosition(pMover->actorObj, (pMover->zOverride << ZSHIFT) + y);
		} else {
			// Normal case
			MultiSetZPosition(pMover->actorObj, (zFactor << ZSHIFT) + y);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Guess what these do.
int AsetZPos(OBJECT *pObj, int y, int32 z) {
	int zPos;

	z += z ? -1 : 0;

	zPos = y + (z << ZSHIFT);
	MultiSetZPosition(pObj, zPos);
	return zPos;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Change which reel is playing for a moving actor.
void AlterMover(PMOVER pMover, SCNHANDLE film, AR_FUNCTION fn) {
	const FILM *pfilm;

	assert(pMover->actorObj); // Altering null moving actor's animation script

	if (fn == AR_POPREEL) {
		// Use the saved film
		film = pMover->hPushedFilm;
	if (fn == AR_PUSHREEL) {
		// Save the one we're replacing
		pMover->hPushedFilm = (pMover->bSpecReel) ? pMover->hLastFilm : 0;

	if (film == 0) {
		if (pMover->bSpecReel) {
			// Revert to 'normal' actor
			SetMoverWalkReel(pMover, pMover->direction, pMover->scale, true);
			pMover->bSpecReel = false;
	} else {
		// Remember this one in case the actor talks
		pMover->hLastFilm = film;

		pfilm = (const FILM *)LockMem(film);
		assert(pfilm != NULL);

		InitStepAnimScript(&pMover->actorAnim, pMover->actorObj, FROM_32(pfilm->reels[0].script), ONE_SECOND / FROM_32(pfilm->frate));
		if (!TinselV2)
			pMover->stepCount = 0;

		// If no path, just use first path in the scene
		if (pMover->hCpath != NOPOLY)
			SetMoverZ(pMover, pMover->objY, GetPolyZfactor(pMover->hCpath));
			SetMoverZ(pMover, pMover->objY, GetPolyZfactor(FirstPathPoly()));

		if (fn == AR_WALKREEL) {
			pMover->bSpecReel = false;
			pMover->bWalkReel = true;
		} else {
			pMover->bSpecReel = true;
			pMover->bWalkReel = false;

#ifdef DEBUG
			assert(StepAnimScript(&pMover->actorAnim) != ScriptFinished); // Actor reel has finished!
			StepAnimScript(&pMover->actorAnim);	// 04/01/95

		// Hang on, we may not want him yet! 04/01/95
		if (pMover->bHidden)
			MultiSetZPosition(pMover->actorObj, -1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * If the actor's object exists, move it behind the background.
 * MultiHideObject() is deliberately not used, as StepAnimScript() calls
 * cause the object to re-appear.
void HideMover(PMOVER pMover, int sf) {
	assert(pMover); // Hiding null moving actor

	pMover->bHidden = true;

	if (!TinselV2) {
		// sf is only passed in Tinsel v1
		pMover->SlowFactor = sf;
	} else {
		// Tinsel 2 specific code
		if (IsTaggedActor(pMover->actorID)) {
			// It may be pointed to
			SetActorPointedTo(pMover->actorID, false);
			SetActorTagWanted(pMover->actorID, false, false, 0);

	if (pMover->actorObj)
		MultiSetZPosition(pMover->actorObj, -1);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Run main animation that comprises the scene background.
static void BGmainProcess(CORO_PARAM, const void *param) {


	const FILM *pFilm;
	const FREEL *pReel;
	const MULTI_INIT *pmi;

	// get the stuff copied to process when it was created
	if (pBG[0] == NULL) {
		/*** At start of scene ***/

		if (!TinselV2) {
			pReel = (const FREEL *)param;

			// Get the MULTI_INIT structure
			pmi = (const MULTI_INIT *)LockMem(FROM_LE_32(pReel->mobj));

			// Initialise and insert the object, and initialise its script.
			pBG[0] = MultiInitObject(pmi);
			MultiInsertObject(GetPlayfieldList(FIELD_WORLD), pBG[0]);
			InitStepAnimScript(&thisAnim[0], pBG[0], FROM_LE_32(pReel->script), BGspeed);
			bgReels = 1;
		} else {
			/*** At start of scene ***/
			pFilm = (const FILM *)LockMem(hBackground);
			bgReels = FROM_LE_32(pFilm->numreels);

			int i;
			for (i = 0; i < bgReels; i++) {
				// Get the MULTI_INIT structure
				pmi = (PMULTI_INIT) LockMem(FROM_LE_32(pFilm->reels[i].mobj));

				// Initialise and insert the object, and initialise its script.
				pBG[i] = MultiInitObject(pmi);
				MultiInsertObject(GetPlayfieldList(FIELD_WORLD), pBG[i]);
				MultiSetZPosition(pBG[i], 0);
				InitStepAnimScript(&thisAnim[i], pBG[i], FROM_LE_32(pFilm->reels[i].script), BGspeed);

				if (i > 0)
					pBG[i-1]->pSlave = pBG[i];

		if (bDoFadeIn) {
			bDoFadeIn = false;
		} else if (TinselV2)

		for (;;) {
			for (int i = 0; i < bgReels; i++) {
				if (StepAnimScript(&thisAnim[i]) == ScriptFinished)
					error("Background animation has finished");

	} else {
		// New background during scene
		if (!TinselV2) {
			pReel = (const FREEL *)param;
			InitStepAnimScript(&thisAnim[0], pBG[0], FROM_LE_32(pReel->script), BGspeed);
		} else {
			pFilm = (const FILM *)LockMem(hBackground);
			assert(bgReels == (int32)FROM_LE_32(pFilm->numreels));

			// Just re-initialise the scripts.
			for (int i = 0; i < bgReels; i++) {
				InitStepAnimScript(&thisAnim[i], pBG[i], pFilm->reels[i].script, BGspeed);
