Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Transfer the block form the remote rank, that holds it,
 * or if it´s the same rank, copy it by using memcpy.
void grid::NumaDistStaticGrid::getBlock(unsigned long block,
        long oldBlock,
        unsigned long cacheIndex,
        unsigned char *cache) {
    unsigned long blockSize = getTotalBlockSize();
    int remoteRank = getBlockRank(block);
    int mpiResult;
    if (remoteRank == getMPIRank()) {
        //The block is located in the same NUMA Domain, but in the memspace of another thread.
        pthread_t remoteId = getThreadId(block);
        size_t offset = getType().getSize()*blockSize*getBlockThreadOffset(block);
        //copy the block
     //   std::cout << "Memcpy Thread: " << remoteId << " Pointer: " << &(m_threadHandle.getStaticPtr(remoteId, m_id));
        memcpy(cache, m_threadHandle.getStaticPtr(remoteId, m_id) + offset, getType().getSize()*blockSize);
    else {
        //This section is critical. Only one Thread is allowed to access.
        //TODO: Find a better solution than pthread mutex.
        unsigned long offset = getBlockOffset(block);
        mpiResult = m_threadHandle.getBlock(cache,
                offset * blockSize,
        assert(mpiResult == MPI_SUCCESS);


Ejemplo n.º 2
void grid::NumaLocalStaticGrid::getAt(void* buf, types::Type::converter_t converter,
        long unsigned int x, long unsigned int y, long unsigned int z) {

    unsigned long blockSize = getTotalBlockSize();
    unsigned long block = getBlockByCoords(x, y, z);
    int remoteMPIRank = getBlockRank(block);
    unsigned long remoteThreadId = getThreadId(block);
    unsigned long offset = getBlockThreadOffset(block);

    // Offset inside the block
    x %= getBlockSize(0);
    y %= getBlockSize(1);
    z %= getBlockSize(2);
    assert(remoteMPIRank == getMPIRank());
    assert(remoteThreadId == pthread_self());
    if(pthread_equal(remoteThreadId, pthread_self())){
        (getType().*converter)(&m_data[getType().getSize() *
                (blockSize * offset // jump to the correct block
                + (z * getBlockSize(1) + y) * getBlockSize(0) + x) // correct value inside the block
Ejemplo n.º 3
int asagi::Grid::nodeLocalRank(MPI_Comm comm)
	// The main idea for this function is taken from:
	// https://blogs.fau.de/wittmann/2013/02/mpi-node-local-rank-determination/
	// http://git.rrze.uni-erlangen.de/gitweb/?p=apsm.git;a=blob;f=MpiNodeRank.cpp;hb=HEAD

	int mpiResult; NDBG_UNUSED(mpiResult);

	typedef char procName_t[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME+1];

	// Get the processor name
	procName_t procName;
	int procNameLength;

	MPI_Get_processor_name(procName, &procNameLength);
	assert(procNameLength <= MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME);

	procName[procNameLength] = '\0';

	// Compute Adler32 hash
	const uint8_t* buffer = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(procName);
	uint32_t s1 = 1;
	uint32_t s2 = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < procNameLength; i++) {
		s1 = (s1 + buffer[i]) % 65521;
		s2 = (s2 + s1) % 65521;

	uint32_t hash = (s2 << 16) | s1;
	int rank;
	mpiResult = MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
	assert(mpiResult == MPI_SUCCESS);

	MPI_Comm nodeComm;
	mpiResult = MPI_Comm_split(comm, hash, rank, &nodeComm);
	assert(mpiResult == MPI_SUCCESS);

	// Gather all proc names of this node to detect Adler32 collisions
	int nodeSize;
	mpiResult = MPI_Comm_size(nodeComm, &nodeSize);
	assert(mpiResult == MPI_SUCCESS);

	procName_t* procNames = new procName_t[nodeSize];

	mpiResult = MPI_Allgather(procName, MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME+1, MPI_CHAR,
    	procNames, MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME+1, MPI_CHAR, nodeComm);
	assert(mpiResult == MPI_SUCCESS);

	// recv contains now an array of hostnames from all MPI ranks of
	// this communicator. They are sorted ascending by the MPI rank.
	int nodeRank, realNodeRank = 0;
	mpiResult = MPI_Comm_rank(nodeComm, &nodeRank);
	assert(mpiResult == MPI_SUCCESS);

	for (int i = 0; i < nodeRank; i++) {
		if (strcmp(procName, procNames[i]) == 0)
			// Detect false hash collisions

	mpiResult = MPI_Comm_free(&nodeComm);
	assert(mpiResult == MPI_SUCCESS);

	delete [] procNames;

	return realNodeRank;