Ejemplo n.º 1
static void first_and_last_instructions(word**first, word **last,
					mlval codepointer)
  mlval codeobject  = FOLLOWBACK(codepointer);
  mlval ancillaries = CCVANCILLARY(codeobject);
  mlval profiles = FIELD(ancillaries,ANC_PROFILES);
  size_t length = NFIELDS(profiles);
  unsigned int codenumber = CCODENUMBER(codepointer);
  *first = (word*) (codepointer-POINTER+8);
  *last = NULL;

  if (length == codenumber+1) {
    mlval header = *(mlval*)(codeobject-POINTER);
    *last = ((word*) (codeobject-POINTER))+LENGTH(header)-1;
  } else {
    word *p = *first;
    size_t offset = (codepointer-codeobject+8);
    for(; p+=2, offset += 8; ) {
      word w = *p;
      if (SECONDARY(w) == BACKPTR && LENGTH(w) == offset) {
	*last = p-1;
    if (*last == NULL)
      error ("no backptr found!\n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
extern int pc_in_closure(word pc, mlval clos)
  mlval code = FIELD(clos,0);
  word code_start = (word)CCODESTART(code);
  /* is it after the start of this function ? */
  if (pc >= code_start) {
    mlval codeobj = FOLLOWBACK(code);
    word code_end = ((word)OBJECT(codeobj)) + (LENGTH(OBJECT(codeobj)[0]) << 2);
    /* is it before the end of this code object ? */
    if (pc < code_end) { 
      int codenum = CCODENUMBER(code);
      int codes = NFIELDS(FIELD(CCVANCILLARY(codeobj), ANC_NAMES));
      if (codes != codenum+1) {
	if (FIELD(clos,1) == 0) {
	  /* so we are in a shared closure; not the case for stub_c */
	  mlval nextcode = FIELD(clos,2);
	  if (nextcode > code) {
	    code_end = (word)CCODESTART(nextcode);
	    /* is it after the end of this code item ? */
	    if (pc >= code_end)
	      return 0;
	  } else {
	    error("code vectors in wrong order");
      return 1;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
extern void      ml2c_tuple(MLvalue val, MLvalue *result)
{ int i, len;
  mlval tup;

  tup = TO_mlval(val);
  len = NFIELDS(tup);

  for (i=0; i < len; i++){
     result[i] = TO_MLvalue(FIELD(tup,i));
Ejemplo n.º 4
mxArray *
hikm_to_matlab (VlHIKMTree * tree)
  int K      = vl_hikm_get_K (tree) ;
  int depth  = vl_hikm_get_depth (tree) ;
  mwSize  dims [2] = {1, 1} ;
  mxArray *mtree ;
  const char *field_names[] = {"K", "depth", "centers", "sub"} ;

  /* Create the main struct array */
  mtree = mxCreateStructArray
    (2, dims, NFIELDS(field_names), field_names) ;
  mxSetField (mtree, 0, "K",      mxCreateDoubleScalar (K)) ;
  mxSetField (mtree, 0, "depth",  mxCreateDoubleScalar (depth)) ;
  if (tree->root) xcreate (mtree, 0, tree->root) ;
  return mtree;
Ejemplo n.º 5
extern int       ml2c_tuple_length(MLvalue val)
{ return( NFIELDS(TO_mlval(val)) ); }