Ejemplo n.º 1
|   ParseCommandLine
static void
ParseCommandLine(char** args)
    const char* arg;
    char**      tmp = args+1;

    /* default values */
    Options.port = 0;
    Options.path = "";

    while ((arg = *tmp++)) {
        if (Options.port == 0 && !strcmp(arg, "-p")) {
            long port;
            if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(*tmp++, port, false))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid port\n");
            Options.port = port;
        } else if (Options.path.IsEmpty() && !strcmp(arg, "-f")) {
            Options.path = *tmp++;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: too many arguments\n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
|   NPT_Url::SetHost
NPT_Url::SetHost(const char* host)
    const char* port = host;
    while (*port && *port != ':') port++;
    if (*port) {
        m_Host.Assign(host, (NPT_Size)(port-host));
        unsigned int port_number;
        if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(NPT_ParseInteger(port+1, port_number, false))) {
            m_Port = (short)port_number;
    } else {
        m_Host = host;

    return NPT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 3
|   NPT_LogManager::ParseConfigSource
NPT_LogManager::ParseConfigSource(NPT_String& source) 
    if (source.StartsWith("file:")) {
        /* file source */
    } else if (source.StartsWith("plist:")) {
        /* property list source */
        ParseConfig(source.GetChars()+6, source.GetLength()-6);
    } else if (source.StartsWith("http:port=")) {
        /* http configurator */
        unsigned int port = 0;
        NPT_Result result = NPT_ParseInteger(source.GetChars()+10, port, true);
        if (NPT_FAILED(result)) return result;
        new NPT_HttpLoggerConfigurator(port);
    } else {

    return NPT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int SimpleDMR::onAction(const ServiceDecl *serviceDecl, const ActionDecl *actionDecl, AbortableTask *task, const FrontEnd::InterfaceContext *ifctx, const FrontEnd::RequestContext& reqCtx, const NPT_HttpRequest *req, const NPT_List<NPT_String>& inputArgNames, const NPT_List<NPT_String>& inputArgValues, NPT_List<NPT_String>& outputArgValues)
	WriteLocker locker(m_stateLock);
	if (NPT_String::Compare(serviceDecl->serviceId, "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport") == 0) {

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "SetAVTransportURI") == 0) {
			if (inputArgValues.GetItemCount() != 3) {
				// Invalid Args
				return 402;

			if (inputArgValues.GetFirstItem()->Compare("0") != 0) {
				// Invalid InstanceID
				return 718;

			NPT_HttpClient httpClient;
			NPT_HttpRequest req(*inputArgValues.GetItem(1), NPT_HTTP_METHOD_GET, NPT_HTTP_PROTOCOL_1_1);
			NPT_HttpResponse *resp;
			NPT_Result nr;
			HttpClientAbortCallback abortCallback(&httpClient);
			if (task->registerAbortCallback(&abortCallback)) {
				nr = httpClient.SendRequest(req, resp);
			} else {
				return 715;

			if (NPT_FAILED(nr)) {
				return 716;

			PtrHolder<NPT_HttpResponse> resp1(resp);
			if (resp->GetStatusCode() != 200) {
				return 716;

			NPT_HttpHeader *hdrContentType = resp->GetHeaders().GetHeader(NPT_HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE);
			if (!hdrContentType) {
				return 714;

			setVar(DMRVAR_AVTransportURI, *inputArgValues.GetItem(1));
			setVar(DMRVAR_AVTransportURIMetaData, *inputArgValues.GetItem(2));
			setVar(DMRVAR_CurrentTrackMetaData, *inputArgValues.GetItem(2));
			m_callback->doDmrOpen(this, *inputArgValues.GetItem(1), hdrContentType->GetValue(), *inputArgValues.GetItem(2));
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetMediaInfo") == 0) {
			if (inputArgValues.GetItemCount() != 1) {
				// Invalid Args
				return 402;

			if (inputArgValues.GetFirstItem()->Compare("0") != 0) {
				// Invalid InstanceID
				return 718;

			*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_NumberOfTracks - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(1) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_CurrentMediaDuration - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(2) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_AVTransportURI - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(3) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_AVTransportURIMetaData - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(4) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_NextAVTransportURI - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(5) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_NextAVTransportURIMetaData - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(6) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_PlaybackStorageMedium - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(7) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_RecordStorageMedium - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(8) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_RecordMediumWriteStatus - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetTransportInfo") == 0) {
			if (inputArgValues.GetItemCount() != 1) {
				// Invalid Args
				return 402;

			if (inputArgValues.GetFirstItem()->Compare("0") != 0) {
				// Invalid InstanceID
				return 718;

			*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_TransportState - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(1) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_TransportStatus - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(2) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_TransportPlaySpeed - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetPositionInfo") == 0) {
			if (inputArgValues.GetItemCount() != 1) {
				// Invalid Args
				return 402;

			if (inputArgValues.GetFirstItem()->Compare("0") != 0) {
				// Invalid InstanceID
				return 718;

			*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_CurrentTrack - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(1) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_CurrentTrackDuration - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(2) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_CurrentTrackMetaData - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(3) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_CurrentTrackURI - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(4) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_RelativeTimePosition - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(5) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_AbsoluteTimePosition - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(6) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_RelativeCounterPosition - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(7) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_AbsoluteCounterPosition - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetDeviceCapabilities") == 0) {
			if (inputArgValues.GetItemCount() != 1) {
				// Invalid Args
				return 402;

			if (inputArgValues.GetFirstItem()->Compare("0") != 0) {
				// Invalid InstanceID
				return 718;

			*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_PossiblePlaybackStorageMedia - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(1) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_PossibleRecordStorageMedia - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(2) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_PossibleRecordQualityModes - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetTransportSettings") == 0) {
			if (inputArgValues.GetItemCount() != 1) {
				// Invalid Args
				return 402;

			if (inputArgValues.GetFirstItem()->Compare("0") != 0) {
				// Invalid InstanceID
				return 718;

			*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_CurrentPlayMode - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(1) = m_avtVars[DMRVAR_CurrentRecordQualityMode - DMRVAR_BaseIndexAVT];
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "Stop") == 0) {
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "Play") == 0) {
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "Pause") == 0) {
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "Seek") == 0) {
			if (inputArgValues.GetItemCount() != 3) {
				// Invalid Args
				return 402;

			if (inputArgValues.GetFirstItem()->Compare("0") != 0) {
				// Invalid InstanceID
				return 718;

			const NPT_String& seekMode = *inputArgValues.GetItem(1);
			const NPT_String& seekTarget = *inputArgValues.GetItem(2);
			if (seekMode.Compare("TRACK_NR") == 0) {
				// TODO:
			} else if (seekMode.Compare("REL_TIME") == 0) {
				NPT_UInt64 pos;
				if (NPT_FAILED(Helper::parseTrackDurationString(seekTarget, pos))) {
					// Illegal seek target
					return 711;
				m_callback->doDmrSeekTo(this, pos);
			} else {
				// Seek mode not supported
				return 710;

			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "Next") == 0) {
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "Previous") == 0) {
			return 0;

		return 602;

	if (NPT_String::Compare(serviceDecl->serviceId, "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl") == 0) {

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "ListPresets") == 0) {
			if (inputArgValues.GetItemCount() != 1) {
				// Invalid Args
				return 402;

			if (inputArgValues.GetFirstItem()->Compare("0") != 0) {
				// Invalid InstanceID
				return 702;

			*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = m_rcsVars[DMRVAR_PresetNameList - DMRVAR_BaseIndexRCS];
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "SelectPreset") == 0) {
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetMute") == 0) {
			if (inputArgValues.GetItemCount() != 2) {
				// Invalid Args
				return 402;

			if (inputArgValues.GetFirstItem()->Compare("0") != 0) {
				// Invalid InstanceID
				return 702;

			*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = m_rcsVars[DMRVAR_Mute - DMRVAR_BaseIndexRCS];
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "SetMute") == 0) {
			if (inputArgValues.GetItemCount() != 3) {
				// Invalid Args
				return 402;

			if (inputArgValues.GetFirstItem()->Compare("0") != 0) {
				// Invalid InstanceID
				return 702;

			const NPT_String& desiredMute = *inputArgValues.GetItem(2);
			m_callback->doDmrSetMute(this, desiredMute.Compare("true", true) == 0 || desiredMute.Compare("1") == 0);
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetVolume") == 0) {
			if (inputArgValues.GetItemCount() != 2) {
				// Invalid Args
				return 402;

			if (inputArgValues.GetFirstItem()->Compare("0") != 0) {
				// Invalid InstanceID
				return 702;

			*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = m_rcsVars[DMRVAR_Volume - DMRVAR_BaseIndexRCS];
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "SetVolume") == 0) {
			if (inputArgValues.GetItemCount() != 3) {
				// Invalid Args
				return 402;

			if (inputArgValues.GetFirstItem()->Compare("0") != 0) {
				// Invalid InstanceID
				return 702;

			const NPT_String& desiredVolume = *inputArgValues.GetItem(2);
			int volume;
			if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(desiredVolume, volume))) {
				// Invalid Args
				return 402;
			m_callback->doDmrSetVolume(this, volume);
			return 0;

		return 602;

	if (NPT_String::Compare(serviceDecl->serviceId, "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ConnectionManager") == 0) {

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetProtocolInfo") == 0) {
			NPT_String v;
			if (getStateValue(serviceDecl->serviceId, "SourceProtocolInfo", v)) {
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = v;

			if (getStateValue(serviceDecl->serviceId, "SinkProtocolInfo", v)) {
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(1) = v;
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetCurrentConnectionIDs") == 0) {
			NPT_String v;
			if (getStateValue(serviceDecl->serviceId, "SourceProtocolInfo", v)) {
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = v;
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetCurrentConnectionInfo") == 0) {
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = "0";
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(1) = "0";
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(2) = "";
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(3) = "";
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(4) = "-1";
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(5) = "Input"; // or "Output"? WTF!
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(6) = "OK";
			return 0;

		return 602;

	return 501;
Ejemplo n.º 5
|    NPT_String::ToInteger
NPT_String::ToInteger(unsigned long& value, bool relaxed) const
    return NPT_ParseInteger(GetChars(), value, relaxed);
Ejemplo n.º 6
|       main
main(int argc, char** argv)
    // check command line
    if (argc < 2) {

    // init endpoints
    EndPoint in_endpoint;
    in_endpoint.direction = ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_IN;
    EndPoint out_endpoint;
    out_endpoint.direction = ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_OUT;
    EndPoint* current_endpoint = &in_endpoint;

    // init other parameters
    unsigned int packet_size = PUMP_DEFAULT_PACKET_SIZE;

    // init options
    Options.verbose       = false;
    Options.show_progress = false;

    // parse command line
    char* arg;
    while ((arg = *argv++)) {
        if (current_endpoint == NULL) {
            NPT_Debug("ERROR: unexpected argument (%s)\n", arg);
        if (!strcmp(arg, "--packet-size")) {
            packet_size = strtoul(*argv++, NULL, 10);
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--verbose")) {
            Options.verbose = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--show-progress")) {
            Options.show_progress = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "udp")) {
            if (argv[0] && argv[1]) {
                if (!strcmp(argv[0], "server")) {
                    if (current_endpoint->direction == ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_OUT){
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: cannot use 'udp server' as output\n");
                    current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_UDP_SERVER;
                    current_endpoint->info.udp_server.port = 
                        strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10);
                    argv += 2;
                } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "client")) {
                    if (current_endpoint->direction == ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_IN) {
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: cannot use 'udp client' as input\n");
                    if (argv[2]) {
                        current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_UDP_CLIENT;
                        current_endpoint->info.udp_client.hostname = argv[1];
                        current_endpoint->info.udp_client.port = 
                            strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);
                        argv += 3;                        
                    } else {
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'udp client'\n");
            } else {
                NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'udp' endpoint\n");
         } else if (!strcmp(arg, "multicast")) {
            if (argv[0] && argv[1]) {
                if (!strcmp(argv[0], "server")) {
                    if (current_endpoint->direction == ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_OUT){
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: cannot use 'multicast server' as output\n");
                    if (argv[2]) {
                        current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_MULTICAST_SERVER;
                        current_endpoint->info.multicast_server.groupname = argv[1];
                        current_endpoint->info.multicast_server.port = 
                            strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);
                        argv += 3;                        
                    } else {
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'multicast server'\n");
                } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "client")) {
                    if (current_endpoint->direction == ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_IN) {
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: cannot use 'udp client' as input\n");
                    if (argv[2] && argv[3]) {
                        current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_MULTICAST_CLIENT;
                        current_endpoint->info.multicast_client.groupname = argv[1];
                        current_endpoint->info.multicast_client.port = 
                            strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);
                        current_endpoint->info.multicast_client.ttl = 
                            strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 10);
                        argv += 4;                        
                    } else {
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'multicast client'\n");
            } else {
                NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'multicast' endpoint\n");
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "tcp")) {
            if (argv[0] && argv[1]) {
                if (!strcmp(argv[0], "server")) {
                    current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_TCP_SERVER;
                    current_endpoint->info.tcp_server.port = 
                        strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10);
                    argv += 2;
                } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "client")) {
                    if (argv[2]) {
                        current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_TCP_CLIENT;
                        current_endpoint->info.tcp_client.hostname = argv[1];
                        current_endpoint->info.tcp_client.port = 
                            strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);
                        argv += 3;                        
                    } else {
                        NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'tcp client'\n");
            } else {
                NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'tcp' endpoint\n");
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "file")) {
            if (argv[0]) {
                current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_FILE;
                current_endpoint->info.file.name = *argv++;
            } else {
                NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'file' endpoint\n");
        } else if (!strcmp(arg, "serial")) {
            if (argv[0]) {
                current_endpoint->type = ENDPOINT_TYPE_SERIAL_PORT;
                current_endpoint->info.serial_port.name = *argv++;
            } else {
                NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'serial' endpoint\n");
            if (argv[0]) {
                long speed = 0;
                if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(*argv++, speed))) {
                    NPT_Debug("ERROR: invalid speed for 'serial' endpoint\n");
                current_endpoint->info.serial_port.speed = (unsigned int)speed;
            } else {
                NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing argument for 'serial' endpoint\n");
        } else {
            NPT_Debug("ERROR: invalid argument (%s)\n", arg);

        if (current_endpoint == &in_endpoint) {
            current_endpoint = &out_endpoint;
        } else {
            current_endpoint = NULL;

    if (current_endpoint) {
        NPT_Debug("ERROR: missing endpoint specification\n");

    // data pump
    NPT_Result result;

    // allocate buffer
    unsigned char* buffer;
    buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(packet_size);
    if (buffer == NULL) {
        NPT_Debug("ERROR: out of memory\n");

    // get output stream
    NPT_OutputStreamReference out;
    result = GetEndPointStreams(&out_endpoint, NULL, &out);
    if (NPT_FAILED(result)) {
        NPT_Debug("ERROR: failed to get stream for output (%d)", result);

    unsigned long offset = 0;
    unsigned long total  = 0;
    if (in_endpoint.type == ENDPOINT_TYPE_UDP_SERVER ||
        in_endpoint.type == ENDPOINT_TYPE_MULTICAST_SERVER) {
        NPT_UdpSocket* udp_socket;
        result = GetEndPointUdpSocket(&in_endpoint, udp_socket);

        // packet loop
        NPT_DataBuffer packet(32768);
        NPT_SocketAddress address;

        do {
            result = udp_socket->Receive(packet, &address);
            if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
                if (Options.verbose) {
                    NPT_String ip = address.GetIpAddress().ToString();
                    NPT_Debug("Received %d bytes from %s\n", packet.GetDataSize(), ip.GetChars());
                result = out->Write(packet.GetData(), packet.GetDataSize(), NULL);
                offset += packet.GetDataSize();
                total  += packet.GetDataSize();
        } while (NPT_SUCCEEDED(result));
    } else {
        // get the input stream
        NPT_InputStreamReference in;
        result = GetEndPointStreams(&in_endpoint, &in, NULL);
        if (NPT_FAILED(result)) {
            NPT_Debug("ERROR: failed to get stream for input (%d)\n", result);

        // stream loop 
        do {
            NPT_Size bytes_read;
            NPT_Size bytes_written;

            // send 
            result = in->Read(buffer, packet_size, &bytes_read);
            if (Options.show_progress) {
                NPT_Debug("[%d]\r", total);
            if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(result) && bytes_read) {
                result = out->Write(buffer, bytes_read, &bytes_written);
                if (Options.show_progress) {
                    NPT_Debug("[%d]\r", total);
                offset += bytes_written;
                total  += bytes_written;
            } else {
                printf("[%d] *******************\n", result);
        } while (NPT_SUCCEEDED(result));

    delete buffer;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
|   NPT_DateTime::FromString
NPT_DateTime::FromString(const char* date, Format format)
    if (date == NULL || date[0] == '\0') return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS;
    // create a local copy to work with
    NPT_String workspace(date);
    char* input = workspace.UseChars();
    NPT_Size input_size = workspace.GetLength();
    switch (format) {
      case FORMAT_W3C: {
        if (input_size < 17 && input_size != 10) return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;

        // check separators
        if (input[4] != '-' || 
            input[7] != '-') {
            return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
        // replace separators with terminators
        input[4] = input[7] = '\0';
        bool no_seconds = true;
        if (input_size > 10) {
            if (input[10] != 'T' || 
                input[13] != ':') {
                return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
           input[10] = input[13] = '\0';
            if (input[16] == ':') {
                input[16] = '\0';
                no_seconds = false;
                if (input_size < 20) return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
            } else {
                m_Seconds = 0;
        // parse CCYY-MM-DD fields
        if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input,    m_Year,    false)) ||
            NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+5,  m_Month,   false)) ||
            NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+8,  m_Day,     false))) {
            return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;

        // parse remaining fields if any
        if (input_size > 10) {
            // parse the timezone part
            if (input[input_size-1] == 'Z') {
                m_TimeZone = 0;
                input[input_size-1] = '\0';
            } else if (input[input_size-6] == '+' || input[input_size-6] == '-') {
                if (input[input_size-3] != ':') return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
                input[input_size-3] = '\0';
                unsigned int hh, mm;
                if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+input_size-5, hh, false)) ||
                    NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+input_size-2, mm, false))) {
                    return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
                if (hh > 59 || mm > 59) return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
                m_TimeZone = hh*60+mm;
                if (input[input_size-6] == '-') m_TimeZone = -m_TimeZone;
                input[input_size-6] = '\0';
            // parse fields
            if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+11, m_Hours,   false)) ||
                NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+14, m_Minutes, false))) {
                return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
            if (!no_seconds && input[19] == '.') {
                char fraction[10];
                fraction[9] = '\0';
                unsigned int fraction_size = NPT_StringLength(input+20);
                if (fraction_size == 0) return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
                for (unsigned int i=0; i<9; i++) {
                    if (i < fraction_size) {
                        fraction[i] = input[20+i];
                    } else {
                        fraction[i] = '0';
                if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(fraction, m_NanoSeconds, false))) {
                    return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
                input[19] = '\0';
            } else {
                m_NanoSeconds = 0;
            if (!no_seconds) {
                if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+17, m_Seconds, false))) {
                    return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
      case FORMAT_RFC_1036: 
      case FORMAT_RFC_1123: {
        if (input_size < 26) return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
        // look for the weekday and separtor
        const char* wday = input;
        while (*input && *input != ',') {
        if (*input == '\0' || *wday == ',') return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
        *input++ = '\0';
        // look for the timezone
        char* timezone = input+input_size-1;
        unsigned int timezone_size = 0;
        while (input_size && *timezone != ' ') {
        if (input_size == 0) return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
        *timezone++ = '\0';
        // check separators
        if (input_size < 20) return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
        unsigned int yl = input_size-18;
        if (yl != 2 && yl != 4) return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
        char sep;
        int wday_index;
        if (format == FORMAT_RFC_1036) {
            sep = '-';
            wday_index = MatchString(wday, NPT_TIME_DAYS_LONG, 7);
        } else {
            sep = ' ';
            wday_index = MatchString(wday, NPT_TIME_DAYS_SHORT, 7);
        if (input[0]     != ' ' || 
            input[3]     != sep || 
            input[7]     != sep ||
            input[8+yl]  != ' ' ||
            input[11+yl] != ':' ||
            input[14+yl] != ':') {
            return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
        input[3] = input[7] = input[8+yl] = input[11+yl] = input[14+yl] = '\0';            

        // parse fields
        m_Month = 1+MatchString(input+4, NPT_TIME_MONTHS, 12);
        if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+1,     m_Day,     false)) ||
            NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+8,     m_Year,    false)) ||
            NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+9+yl,  m_Hours,   false)) ||
            NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+12+yl, m_Minutes, false)) ||
            NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+15+yl, m_Seconds, false))) {
            return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
        // adjust short year lengths
        if (yl == 2) m_Year += 1900;
        // parse the timezone
        if (NPT_StringsEqual(timezone, "GMT") ||
            NPT_StringsEqual(timezone, "UT")  ||
            NPT_StringsEqual(timezone, "Z")) {
            m_TimeZone = 0;
        } else if (NPT_StringsEqual(timezone, "EDT")) {
            m_TimeZone = -4*60;
        } else if (NPT_StringsEqual(timezone, "EST") ||
                   NPT_StringsEqual(timezone, "CDT")) {
            m_TimeZone = -5*60;
        } else if (NPT_StringsEqual(timezone, "CST") ||
                   NPT_StringsEqual(timezone, "MDT")) {
            m_TimeZone = -6*60;
        } else if (NPT_StringsEqual(timezone, "MST") ||
                   NPT_StringsEqual(timezone, "PDT")) {
            m_TimeZone = -7*60;
        } else if (NPT_StringsEqual(timezone, "PST")) {
            m_TimeZone = -8*60;
        } else if (timezone_size == 1) {
            if (timezone[0] >= 'A' && timezone[0] <= 'I') {
                m_TimeZone = -60*(1+timezone[0]-'A');
            } else if (timezone[0] >= 'K' && timezone[0] <= 'M') {
                m_TimeZone = -60*(timezone[0]-'A');            
            } else if (timezone[0] >= 'N' && timezone[0] <= 'Y') {
                m_TimeZone = 60*(1+timezone[0]-'N');
            } else {
                return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
        } else if (timezone_size == 5) {
            int sign;
            if (timezone[0] == '-') {
                sign = -1;
            } else if (timezone[0] == '+') {
                sign = 1;
            } else {
                return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
            NPT_UInt32 tz;
            if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(timezone+1, tz, false))) {
                return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
            unsigned int hh = (tz/100);
            unsigned int mm = (tz%100);
            if (hh > 59 || mm > 59) return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
            m_TimeZone = sign*(hh*60+mm);
        } else {
            return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
        // compute the number of days elapsed since 1900
        NPT_UInt32 days = ElapsedDaysSince1900(*this);
        if ((int)((days+1)%7) != wday_index) {
        m_NanoSeconds = 0;

      case FORMAT_ANSI: {
        if (input_size != 24) return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;

        // check separators
        if (input[3]  != ' ' || 
            input[7]  != ' ' || 
            input[10] != ' ' || 
            input[13] != ':' || 
            input[16] != ':' ||
            input[19] != ' ') {
            return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
        input[3] = input[7] = input[10] = input[13] = input[16] = input[19] = '\0';
        if (input[8] == ' ') input[8] = '0';
        m_Month = 1+MatchString(input+4, NPT_TIME_MONTHS, 12);
        if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+8,  m_Day,     false)) ||
            NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+11, m_Hours,   false)) ||
            NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+14, m_Minutes, false)) ||
            NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+17, m_Seconds, false)) ||
            NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(input+20, m_Year,    false))) {
            return NPT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;

        // compute the number of days elapsed since 1900
        NPT_UInt32 days = ElapsedDaysSince1900(*this);
        if ((int)((days+1)%7) != MatchString(input, NPT_TIME_DAYS_SHORT, 7)) {
        m_TimeZone    = 0;
        m_NanoSeconds = 0;
    return CheckDate(*this);
Ejemplo n.º 8
|       main
main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/)
    NPT_Result result;

    NPT_String t = "hello";
    NPT_String base64;
    NPT_DataBuffer data;
    result = NPT_Base64::Encode((const NPT_Byte*)t.GetChars(), t.GetLength(), base64);
    NPT_ASSERT(base64 == "aGVsbG8=");
    result = NPT_Base64::Decode(base64.GetChars(), base64.GetLength(), data);
    NPT_ASSERT(data.GetDataSize() == t.GetLength());
    NPT_String tt((const char*)data.GetData(), data.GetDataSize());
    NPT_ASSERT(tt == t);

    t = "hello!";
    result = NPT_Base64::Encode((const NPT_Byte*)t.GetChars(), t.GetLength(), base64);
    NPT_ASSERT(base64 == "aGVsbG8h");
    result = NPT_Base64::Decode(base64.GetChars(), base64.GetLength(), data);
    NPT_ASSERT(data.GetDataSize() == t.GetLength());
    tt.Assign((const char*)data.GetData(), data.GetDataSize());
    NPT_ASSERT(tt == t);

    t = "hello!!";
    result = NPT_Base64::Encode((const NPT_Byte*)t.GetChars(), t.GetLength(), base64);
    NPT_ASSERT(base64 == "aGVsbG8hIQ==");
    result = NPT_Base64::Decode(base64.GetChars(), base64.GetLength(), data);
    NPT_ASSERT(data.GetDataSize() == t.GetLength());
    tt.Assign((const char*)data.GetData(), data.GetDataSize());
    NPT_ASSERT(tt == t);
    unsigned char r256_bin[] = {
        0x7d, 0x5f, 0xd0, 0xf4, 0x6a, 0xa8, 0xae, 0x34, 0x6e, 0x32, 0x1d, 0xa1,
        0xef, 0x66, 0xdd, 0x82, 0x76, 0xa6, 0xfd, 0x8c, 0x75, 0x97, 0xa0, 0x01,
        0x00, 0xde, 0x52, 0xef, 0xdf, 0xb6, 0x3e, 0xe4, 0x7b, 0x45, 0xdd, 0x2b,
        0xa1, 0x9c, 0xb0, 0x6d, 0x2c, 0x75, 0xb1, 0x87, 0x43, 0x0f, 0xea, 0x24,
        0x36, 0x11, 0x7e, 0xee, 0xd1, 0x91, 0x7f, 0x7b, 0x02, 0xea, 0x9a, 0x2a,
        0x25, 0xc0, 0xac, 0x99, 0xa4, 0x89, 0x55, 0x5b, 0x82, 0xdf, 0xb0, 0x7e,
        0xa1, 0x78, 0x0f, 0xdf, 0x25, 0x5f, 0x3d, 0xba, 0xcb, 0xbc, 0x35, 0x04,
        0xc3, 0xf4, 0xb8, 0xc0, 0x17, 0x8e, 0x75, 0x01, 0xe6, 0x2f, 0x88, 0x2c,
        0x76, 0x0a, 0x8c, 0x3f, 0x83, 0xd4, 0x10, 0xa8, 0x00, 0xfc, 0xa0, 0x92,
        0x7b, 0xae, 0xa3, 0x8c, 0x47, 0xea, 0x25, 0xf9, 0x29, 0x81, 0x1c, 0x21,
        0xf2, 0xf4, 0xfe, 0x07, 0x7e, 0x4b, 0x01, 0x79, 0x41, 0x3a, 0xb6, 0x71,
        0x0b, 0x75, 0xa7, 0x9d, 0x1b, 0x12, 0xc4, 0x46, 0x06, 0xf3, 0x5f, 0x00,
        0x05, 0x2a, 0x1b, 0x34, 0xd6, 0x87, 0xc4, 0x70, 0xcc, 0xc3, 0x9e, 0xa8,
        0x24, 0x2c, 0x97, 0x4e, 0xfc, 0x91, 0x70, 0x1c, 0x29, 0x66, 0xc3, 0x23,
        0xbf, 0xd7, 0x4d, 0x35, 0x51, 0xff, 0xeb, 0xde, 0x45, 0xbd, 0x8d, 0x80,
        0x44, 0x2a, 0x8d, 0xc0, 0xe8, 0x6a, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x46, 0x9f, 0xf2, 0x3c,
        0x93, 0x0d, 0x27, 0x02, 0xe4, 0x79, 0xa1, 0x21, 0xf4, 0x43, 0xcd, 0x4c,
        0x22, 0x25, 0x9e, 0x93, 0xeb, 0x77, 0x8e, 0x1e, 0x57, 0x1e, 0x9b, 0xcb,
        0x91, 0x86, 0xcf, 0x15, 0xaf, 0xd5, 0x03, 0x0f, 0x70, 0xbe, 0x6e, 0x37,
        0xea, 0x37, 0xdd, 0xf6, 0xa1, 0xb1, 0xf7, 0x05, 0xbc, 0x2d, 0x44, 0x60,
        0x35, 0xa4, 0x05, 0x0b, 0x22, 0x7d, 0x7a, 0x71, 0xe5, 0x1d, 0x8e, 0xcb,
        0xc3, 0xb8, 0x3a, 0xe1
    NPT_String b64;
    NPT_Base64::Encode(r256_bin, sizeof(r256_bin), b64);
    NPT_DataBuffer r256_out;
    NPT_Base64::Decode(b64.GetChars(), b64.GetLength(), r256_out);
    NPT_ASSERT(r256_out.GetDataSize() == sizeof(r256_bin));
    NPT_ASSERT(r256_bin[sizeof(r256_bin)-1] == r256_out.GetData()[sizeof(r256_bin)-1]);

    unsigned char random_bytes[] = {
        0xc7, 0xee, 0x49, 0x9e, 0x2c, 0x8b, 0x1c, 0x16, 0x9e, 0x7f, 0x30, 0xd0,
        0xc6, 0x12, 0x30, 0x80, 0x81, 0xcd, 0x20, 0x20, 0x26, 0xaf, 0x4f, 0xd6,
        0xfc, 0x86, 0x2e, 0x85, 0xf3, 0x10, 0x38, 0x2b, 0x0e, 0xbb, 0x80, 0x68,
        0xbe, 0xff, 0x1c, 0xdc, 0x72, 0xb5, 0x0d, 0x8f, 0x8e, 0x6c, 0x09, 0x63,
        0xba, 0x21, 0x23, 0xb2, 0x24, 0x17, 0xd3, 0x17, 0x69, 0x44, 0x77, 0x11,
        0x36, 0x6a, 0x6e, 0xf2, 0x44, 0x87, 0xa1, 0xd3, 0xf3, 0x1f, 0x6c, 0x38,
        0x22, 0x4a, 0x44, 0x70, 0x66, 0xef, 0x8c, 0x3a, 0x51, 0xc8, 0xee, 0x85,
        0x00, 0x25, 0x93, 0x10, 0x2e, 0x0b, 0x1b, 0x03, 0x94, 0x47, 0x05, 0x22,
        0xd0, 0xc4, 0xec, 0x2e, 0xcc, 0xbc, 0xbb, 0x67, 0xfd, 0xec, 0x0e, 0xb1,
        0x3f, 0xbc, 0x82, 0xe0, 0xa7, 0x9c, 0xf3, 0xae, 0xbd, 0xb7, 0xab, 0x02,
        0xf1, 0xd9, 0x17, 0x4c, 0x9d, 0xeb, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x1e, 0x19, 0x6e, 0xb3,
        0xfd, 0x7d, 0xea, 0x49, 0x85, 0x43, 0x2f, 0x56, 0x81, 0x89, 0xba, 0x71,
        0x37, 0x10, 0xb5, 0x74, 0xab, 0x90, 0x4d, 0xc4, 0xd1, 0x0d, 0x8d, 0x6f,
        0x01, 0xf5, 0x2c, 0xc9, 0x1a, 0x79, 0xa1, 0x41, 0x71, 0x2b, 0xfb, 0xf3,
        0xd5, 0xe4, 0x2a, 0xf5, 0xad, 0x80, 0x7a, 0x03, 0xff, 0x5f, 0x45, 0x8c,
        0xec, 0x6a, 0x4b, 0x05, 0xe3, 0x65, 0x19, 0x70, 0x05, 0xad, 0xc4, 0xb8,
        0x4e, 0x9e, 0x9a, 0x36, 0x4a, 0x86, 0x9d, 0xf5, 0x99, 0xcb, 0x00, 0xb8,
        0xb9, 0xa7, 0x86, 0x18, 0xfc, 0x9a, 0xe7, 0x00, 0x6a, 0x67, 0xfa, 0x42,
        0x9d, 0xff, 0x4d, 0x7a, 0xe4, 0xe8, 0x03, 0x88, 0xff, 0x60, 0xe1, 0x8d,
        0x09, 0x5f, 0x6f, 0xde, 0x6b
    NPT_Array<unsigned char> random(random_bytes, NPT_ARRAY_SIZE(random_bytes));

    t = "x+5JniyLHBaefzDQxhIwgIHNICAmr0/W/IYuhfMQOCsOu4Bovv8c3HK1DY+ObAlj\r\n"
    result = NPT_Base64::Decode(t.GetChars(), t.GetLength(), data);
    NPT_ASSERT(data.GetDataSize() == 233);
    NPT_Array<unsigned char> verif(data.GetData(), data.GetDataSize());
    NPT_ASSERT(verif == random);

    result = NPT_Base64::Encode(&random[0], random.GetItemCount(), base64, NPT_BASE64_PEM_BLOCKS_PER_LINE);
    NPT_ASSERT(base64 == t);

    NPT_String t_url = t;
    t.Replace('/', '_');
    t.Replace('+', '-');
    result = NPT_Base64::Encode(&random[0], random.GetItemCount(), base64, NPT_BASE64_PEM_BLOCKS_PER_LINE, true);
    NPT_ASSERT(base64 == t);
    t = "76768484767685839";
    result = NPT_Base64::Decode(t.GetChars(), t.GetLength(), data);

    t = "76869=978686";
    result = NPT_Base64::Decode(t.GetChars(), t.GetLength(), data);

    t = "7686=8978686";
    result = NPT_Base64::Decode(t.GetChars(), t.GetLength(), data);

    t = "7686==978686";
    result = NPT_Base64::Decode(t.GetChars(), t.GetLength(), data);

    // test IP address parsing
    NPT_IpAddress ip;
    NPT_ASSERT(ip.AsBytes()[0] == 1);
    NPT_ASSERT(ip.AsBytes()[1] == 2);
    NPT_ASSERT(ip.AsBytes()[2] == 3);
    NPT_ASSERT(ip.AsBytes()[3] == 4);
    NPT_ASSERT(ip.AsBytes()[0] == 255);
    NPT_ASSERT(ip.AsBytes()[1] == 255);
    NPT_ASSERT(ip.AsBytes()[2] == 0);
    NPT_ASSERT(ip.AsBytes()[3] == 1);
    NPT_ASSERT(ip.AsBytes()[0] == 0);
    NPT_ASSERT(ip.AsBytes()[1] == 0);
    NPT_ASSERT(ip.AsBytes()[2] == 0);
    NPT_ASSERT(ip.AsBytes()[3] == 0);

    // MIME parameter parser
    NPT_Map<NPT_String,NPT_String> params;
    result = NPT_ParseMimeParameters(NULL, params);
    result = NPT_ParseMimeParameters("", params);
    NPT_ASSERT(params.GetEntryCount() == 0);
    result = NPT_ParseMimeParameters("foo=bar", params);
    NPT_ASSERT(params.GetEntryCount() == 1);
    NPT_ASSERT(params["foo"] == "bar");

    result = NPT_ParseMimeParameters(" foo =bar", params);
    NPT_ASSERT(params.GetEntryCount() == 1);
    NPT_ASSERT(params["foo"] == "bar");

    result = NPT_ParseMimeParameters(" foo= bar", params);
    NPT_ASSERT(params.GetEntryCount() == 1);
    NPT_ASSERT(params["foo"] == "bar");
    result = NPT_ParseMimeParameters(" foo= bar;", params);
    NPT_ASSERT(params.GetEntryCount() == 1);
    NPT_ASSERT(params["foo"] == "bar");

    result = NPT_ParseMimeParameters("foo=\"bar\"", params);
    NPT_ASSERT(params.GetEntryCount() == 1);
    NPT_ASSERT(params["foo"] == "bar");

    result = NPT_ParseMimeParameters("foo=\"ba\"r\"", params);

    result = NPT_ParseMimeParameters("foo=\"ba\\\"r\"", params);
    NPT_ASSERT(params.GetEntryCount() == 1);
    NPT_ASSERT(params["foo"] == "ba\"r");

    result = NPT_ParseMimeParameters("foo=\"bar\\\"\"", params);
    NPT_ASSERT(params.GetEntryCount() == 1);
    NPT_ASSERT(params["foo"] == "bar\"");

    result = NPT_ParseMimeParameters("foo=\"bar\\\\\"", params);
    NPT_ASSERT(params.GetEntryCount() == 1);
    NPT_ASSERT(params["foo"] == "bar\\");

    result = NPT_ParseMimeParameters("a=1;b=2; c=3; d=4 ; e=\"\\;\"; f=\";\"", params);
    NPT_ASSERT(params.GetEntryCount() == 6);
    NPT_ASSERT(params["a"] == "1");
    NPT_ASSERT(params["b"] == "2");
    NPT_ASSERT(params["c"] == "3");
    NPT_ASSERT(params["d"] == "4");
    NPT_ASSERT(params["e"] == ";");
    NPT_ASSERT(params["f"] == ";");

    // number parsing
    float      f;
    int        i;
    NPT_Int32  i32;
    NPT_UInt32 ui32;
    NPT_Int64  i64;
    NPT_UInt64 ui64;

    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger("ssdfsdf", i, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger("", i, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger(NULL, i, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger("123a", i, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger("a123", i, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger(" 123", i, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger("a 123", i, true));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger(" a123", i, true));

    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger("+1", i, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(i, 1);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger("+123", i, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(i, 123);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger("-1", i, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(i, -1);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger("-123", i, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(i, -123);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger("-123fgs", i, true));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(i, -123);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger("  -123fgs", i, true));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(i, -123);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger("0", i, true));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(i, 0);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger("7768", i, true));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(i, 7768);

    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger32("2147483647", i32, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(i32, 2147483647);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger32("-2147483647", i32, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(i32, -2147483647);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger32("-2147483648", i32, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(i32, (-2147483647 - 1));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger32("2147483648", i32, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger32("-2147483649", i32, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger32("-21474836480", i32, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger32("21474836470", i32, false));

    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger32U("4294967295", ui32, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(ui32, 4294967295U);
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger32U("4294967296", ui32, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger32U("-1", ui32, false));

    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger64("9223372036854775807", i64, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(i64, NPT_INT64_C(9223372036854775807));
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger64("-9223372036854775807", i64, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(i64, NPT_INT64_C(-9223372036854775807));
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger64("-9223372036854775808", i64, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(i64, (NPT_INT64_C(-9223372036854775807) - NPT_INT64_C(1)));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger64("9223372036854775808", i64, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger64("-9223372036854775809", i64, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger64("-9223372036854775897", i64, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger64("9223372036854775897", i64, false));

    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseInteger64U("18446744073709551615", ui64, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_I(ui64, NPT_UINT64_C(18446744073709551615));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger64U("18446744073709551616", ui64, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseInteger64U("-1", ui64, false));

    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseFloat("ssdfsdf", f, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseFloat("", f, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseFloat(NULL, f, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseFloat("123.", f, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseFloat("a123", f, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseFloat(" 123", f, false));
    SHOULD_FAIL(NPT_ParseFloat(" 127.89E5ff", f, false));

    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseFloat("+1.0", f, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_F(f, 1.0f);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseFloat("+123", f, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_F(f, 123.0f);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseFloat("-0.1", f, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_F(f, -0.1f);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseFloat("0.23e-13", f, false));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_F(f, 0.23e-13f);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseFloat(" 127.89E5ff", f, true));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_F(f, 127.89E5f);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseFloat("+0.3db", f, true));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_F(f, 0.3f);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseFloat("+.3db", f, true));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_F(f, 0.3f);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseFloat("-.3db", f, true));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_F(f, -0.3f);
    SHOULD_SUCCEED(NPT_ParseFloat(".3db", f, true));
    SHOULD_EQUAL_F(f, .3f);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
|    BtPlayerServer::SetupResponse
BtPlayerServer::SetupResponse(NPT_HttpRequest&              request,
                              const NPT_HttpRequestContext& /*context*/,
                              NPT_HttpResponse&             response)
    const NPT_Url&    url  = request.GetUrl();
    const NPT_String& path = url.GetPath();
    NPT_UrlQuery      query;
    // parse the query part, if any
    if (url.HasQuery()) {
    // lock the player 
    NPT_AutoLock lock(m_Lock);
    // handle form requests
    if (path == "/") {
        response.GetHeaders().SetHeader("Location", "/control/ajax");
        response.SetStatus(301, "Moved Permanently");
        return BLT_SUCCESS;

    // handle form requests
    if (path == "/control/form") {
        return SendControlForm(response, NULL);
    // handle status requests
    if (path == "/player/status") {
        return SendStatus(response, query);
    // handle commands
    const char* mode_field = query.GetField("mode");
    const char* form_msg = "OK";
    bool use_form = false;
    if (mode_field && NPT_StringsEqual(mode_field, "form")) {
        use_form = true;
    if (path == "/player/set-input") {
        const char* name_field = query.GetField("name");
        if (name_field) {
            NPT_String name = NPT_UrlQuery::UrlDecode(name_field);
        } else {
            form_msg = "INVALID PARAMETERS";
    } else if (path == "/player/set-output") {
        const char* name_field = query.GetField("name");
        if (name_field) {
            NPT_String name = NPT_UrlQuery::UrlDecode(name_field);
        } else {
            form_msg = "INVALID PARAMETERS";
    } else if (path == "/player/play") {
    } else if (path == "/player/pause") {
    } else if (path == "/player/stop") {
    } else if (path == "/player/seek") {
        const char* timecode_field = query.GetField("timecode");
        const char* position_field = query.GetField("position");
        if (timecode_field) {
            NPT_String timecode = NPT_UrlQuery::UrlDecode(timecode_field);
        } else if (position_field) {
            unsigned int position;
            if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(NPT_ParseInteger(position_field, position))) {
                m_Player.SeekToPosition(position, 100);
        } else {
            form_msg = "INVALID PARAMETER";
    } else if (path == "/player/set-volume") {
        const char* volume_field = query.GetField("volume");
        if (volume_field) {
            unsigned int volume;
            if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(NPT_ParseInteger(volume_field, volume))) {
        } else {
            form_msg = "INVALID PARAMETER";
    if (use_form) {
        return SendControlForm(response, form_msg);
    } else {
        NPT_HttpEntity* entity = response.GetEntity();
        return NPT_SUCCESS;

    printf("BtPlayerServer::SetupResponse - command not found\n");
    response.SetStatus(404, "Command Not Found");
    return NPT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void FrontEnd::processSsdpSearch(SsdpServerTask *task, Interface *intf, const NPT_DataBuffer& data, const NPT_SocketAddress& fromAddr)
	do {
		NPT_HttpRequest *req;
		NPT_InputStreamReference inputStream0(new NPT_MemoryStream(data.GetData(), data.GetDataSize()));
		NPT_BufferedInputStream inputStream(inputStream0);
		if (NPT_FAILED(NPT_HttpRequest::Parse(inputStream, NULL, req))) {

		PtrHolder<NPT_HttpRequest> req1(req);
		if (req->GetMethod().Compare("M-SEARCH") != 0 || req->GetProtocol().Compare(NPT_HTTP_PROTOCOL_1_1) != 0 || req->GetUrl().GetPath().Compare("*") != 0) {

		NPT_HttpHeader *hdrMan = req->GetHeaders().GetHeader("MAN");
		if (!hdrMan || hdrMan->GetValue().Compare("\"ssdp:discover\"") != 0) {

		NPT_HttpHeader *hdrHost = req->GetHeaders().GetHeader("HOST");
		if (!hdrHost || (hdrHost->GetValue().Compare("") != 0 && hdrHost->GetValue().Compare("") != 0)) {

		int mx;
		NPT_HttpHeader *hdrMX = req->GetHeaders().GetHeader("MX");
		if (!hdrMX || NPT_FAILED(NPT_ParseInteger(hdrMX->GetValue(), mx)) || mx < 1) {

		if (mx > 120) {
			mx = 120;

		NPT_HttpHeader *hdrST = req->GetHeaders().GetHeader("ST");
		if (!hdrST) {

		NPT_List<MatchContext*> matchList;

		sock.Bind(NPT_SocketAddress(intf->m_context.m_ifAddr, 0));
		NPT_SharedVariable waitVar;

			ReadLocker locker(m_dsLock);
			for (NPT_Ordinal i = 0; i < m_deviceImplList.GetItemCount(); i++) {
				NPT_List<DeviceImplInfo*>::Iterator it = m_deviceImplList.GetItem(i);
				DeviceImplInfo *info = *it;
				MatchContext *matchContext = new MatchContext();
				if (info->m_deviceImpl->match(hdrST->GetValue(), matchContext->matches)) {
					matchContext->deviceUuid = info->m_deviceImpl->uuid();
					matchContext->expireSeconds = info->m_deviceImpl->m_expireSeconds;
					matchContext->descPath = info->m_deviceImpl->m_descPath;
					matchContext->httpRoot = info->m_context.m_httpRoot;
				} else {
					delete matchContext;

		SsdpSearchAbortCallback abortCallback(&sock, &waitVar);
		if (task->registerAbortCallback(&abortCallback)) {

			for (NPT_Ordinal i = 0; i < matchList.GetItemCount(); i++) {
				MatchContext *matchContext = *matchList.GetItem(i);

				NPT_String location = NPT_String::Format("http://%s:%d%s%s", intf->m_context.m_ifAddr.ToString().GetChars(), intf->m_context.m_httpPort, matchContext->httpRoot.GetChars(), matchContext->descPath.GetChars());

				bool broken = false;

				for (NPT_Ordinal j = 0; j < matchContext->matches.GetItemCount(); j++) {
					NPT_List<DeviceImplMatch>::Iterator it2 = matchContext->matches.GetItem(j);

					NPT_Timeout timeout = NPT_System::GetRandomInteger() % (mx * 1000);
					// TODO: wait or not ???
					timeout = 0;
					if (NPT_SUCCEEDED(waitVar.WaitWhileEquals(0, timeout))) {

						ReadLocker locker(m_dsLock);
						if (m_deviceImplIndex.HasKey(matchContext->deviceUuid)) {
							NPT_TimeStamp ts;
							NPT_String dateStr = NPT_DateTime(ts).ToString(NPT_DateTime::FORMAT_RFC_1123);
							NPT_String resp = NPT_String::Format("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nCACHE-CONTROL: max-age=%d\r\nDATE: %s\r\nEXT: \r\nLOCATION: %s\r\nSERVER: %s\r\nST: %s\r\nUSN: %s\r\nCUSTOM:%s\r\n\r\n",
														matchContext->expireSeconds, dateStr.GetChars(), location.GetChars(), m_serverHeader.GetChars(), it2->m_st.GetChars(), it2->m_usn.GetChars(), m_DevName.GetChars());
							NPT_DataBuffer packet(resp.GetChars(), resp.GetLength(), false);
							sock.Send(packet, &fromAddr);

				if (broken) {


	} while (false);
Ejemplo n.º 11
int SimpleDMS::onAction(const ServiceDecl *serviceDecl, const ActionDecl *actionDecl, AbortableTask *task, const FrontEnd::InterfaceContext *ifctx, const FrontEnd::RequestContext& reqCtx, const NPT_HttpRequest *req, const NPT_List<NPT_String>& inputArgNames, const NPT_List<NPT_String>& inputArgValues, NPT_List<NPT_String>& outputArgValues)
	if (NPT_String::Compare(serviceDecl->serviceId, "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ContentDirectory") == 0) {

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "Browse") == 0) {
			NPT_UInt32 startingIndex;
			NPT_UInt32 requestedCount;
			NPT_ParseInteger(*inputArgValues.GetItem(3), startingIndex);
			NPT_ParseInteger(*inputArgValues.GetItem(4), requestedCount);
			NPT_String result;
			NPT_UInt32 numberReturned;
			NPT_UInt32 totalMatches;
			NPT_UInt32 updateID;
			int errorCode = m_store->browse(task, ifctx, reqCtx, NPT_String::Format("http://%s:%d%sdms/%%s", ifctx->m_ifAddr.ToString().GetChars(), ifctx->m_httpPort, frontEndContext()->m_httpRoot.GetChars()), *inputArgValues.GetItem(0), *inputArgValues.GetItem(1), *inputArgValues.GetItem(2), startingIndex, requestedCount, *inputArgValues.GetItem(5), result, numberReturned, totalMatches, updateID);
			if (errorCode == 0) {
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = result;
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(1) = NPT_String::FromIntegerU(numberReturned);
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(2) = NPT_String::FromIntegerU(totalMatches);
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(3) = NPT_String::FromIntegerU(updateID);
			return errorCode;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "Search") == 0) {
			NPT_UInt32 startingIndex;
			NPT_UInt32 requestedCount;
			NPT_ParseInteger(*inputArgValues.GetItem(3), startingIndex);
			NPT_ParseInteger(*inputArgValues.GetItem(4), requestedCount);
			NPT_String result;
			NPT_UInt32 numberReturned;
			NPT_UInt32 totalMatches;
			NPT_UInt32 updateID;
			int errorCode = m_store->search(task, ifctx, reqCtx, NPT_String::Format("http://%s:%d%sdms/%%s", ifctx->m_ifAddr.ToString().GetChars(), ifctx->m_httpPort, frontEndContext()->m_httpRoot.GetChars()), *inputArgValues.GetItem(0), *inputArgValues.GetItem(1), *inputArgValues.GetItem(2), startingIndex, requestedCount, *inputArgValues.GetItem(5), result, numberReturned, totalMatches, updateID);
			if (errorCode == 0) {
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = result;
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(1) = NPT_String::FromIntegerU(numberReturned);
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(2) = NPT_String::FromIntegerU(totalMatches);
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(3) = NPT_String::FromIntegerU(updateID);
			return errorCode;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetSearchCapabilities") == 0) {
			NPT_String v;
			if (getStateValue(serviceDecl->serviceId, "SearchCapabilities", v)) {
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = v;
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetSortCapabilities") == 0) {
			NPT_String v;
			if (getStateValue(serviceDecl->serviceId, "SortCapabilities", v)) {
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = v;
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetSystemUpdateID") == 0) {
			NPT_String v;
			if (getStateValue(serviceDecl->serviceId, "SystemUpdateID", v)) {
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = v;
			return 0;

		return 602;

	if (NPT_String::Compare(serviceDecl->serviceId, "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ConnectionManager") == 0) {

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetProtocolInfo") == 0) {
			NPT_String v;
			if (getStateValue(serviceDecl->serviceId, "SourceProtocolInfo", v)) {
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = v;

			if (getStateValue(serviceDecl->serviceId, "SinkProtocolInfo", v)) {
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(1) = v;
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetCurrentConnectionIDs") == 0) {
			NPT_String v;
			if (getStateValue(serviceDecl->serviceId, "SourceProtocolInfo", v)) {
				*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = v;
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "GetCurrentConnectionInfo") == 0) {
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = "0";
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(1) = "0";
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(2) = "";
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(3) = "";
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(4) = "-1";
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(5) = "Input"; // or "Output"? WTF!
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(6) = "OK";
			return 0;

		return 602;

	if (NPT_String::Compare(serviceDecl->serviceId, "urn:microsoft.com:serviceId:X_MS_MediaReceiverRegistrar") == 0) {
		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "IsAuthorized") == 0) {
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = "1";
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "IsValidated") == 0) {
			*outputArgValues.GetItem(0) = "1";
			return 0;

		if (NPT_String::Compare(actionDecl->name, "RegisterDevice") == 0) {
			return 0;
		return 602;

	return 501;