Ejemplo n.º 1

void SV_Physics (void)
    int		i;
    edict_t	*ent;

    if (sv.state != ss_game)

    if (sv.old_time)
        // don't bother running a frame if sv_mintic seconds haven't passed
        sv_frametime = sv.time - sv.old_time;
        if (sv_frametime < sv_mintic.value)
        if (sv_frametime > sv_maxtic.value)
            sv_frametime = sv_maxtic.value;
        sv.old_time = sv.time;
        sv_frametime = 0.1;		// initialization frame

    if (pr_nqprogs)
        NQP_Reset ();

    PR_GLOBAL(frametime) = sv_frametime;

    SV_ProgStartFrame ();

// treat each object in turn
// even the world gets a chance to think
    ent = sv.edicts;
    for (i=0 ; i<sv.num_edicts ; i++, ent = NEXT_EDICT(ent))
        if (!ent->inuse)

        if (PR_GLOBAL(force_retouch))
            SV_LinkEdict (ent, true);	// force retouch even for stationary

        if (i > 0 && i <= MAX_CLIENTS)
            continue;		// clients are run directly from packets

        SV_RunEntity (ent);
        SV_RunNewmis ();

    if (PR_GLOBAL(force_retouch))

    SV_RunBots ();
Ejemplo n.º 2

Change the server to a new map, taking all connected
clients along with it.

This is only called from the SV_Map_f() function.
void SV_SpawnServer (char *mapname, qbool devmap, char* entityfile)
	extern func_t ED_FindFunctionOffset (char *name);

	edict_t *ent;
	int i;

	extern cvar_t sv_loadentfiles, sv_loadentfiles_dir;
	char *entitystring;
	char oldmap[MAP_NAME_LEN];
	extern qbool	sv_allow_cheats;
	extern cvar_t	sv_cheats, sv_paused, sv_bigcoords;
	extern void CL_ClearState (void);

	// store old map name
	snprintf (oldmap, MAP_NAME_LEN, "%s", sv.mapname);

	Con_DPrintf ("SpawnServer: %s\n",mapname);

	// As client+server we do it here.
	// As serveronly we do it in NET_Init().

	SV_SaveSpawnparms ();

#ifdef USE_PR2
	// remove bot clients
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++)
		if( sv_vm && svs.clients[i].isBot )
			svs.clients[i].old_frags = 0;
			svs.clients[i].edict->v.frags = 0.0;
			svs.clients[i].name[0] = 0;
			svs.clients[i].state = cs_free;
			SV_FullClientUpdate(&svs.clients[i], &sv.reliable_datagram);
			svs.clients[i].isBot = 0;


	// Shutdown game.

	svs.spawncount++; // any partially connected client will be restarted

	com_serveractive = false;
	sv.state = ss_dead;
	sv.paused = false;
	Cvar_SetROM(&sv_paused, "0");


	if (sv_bigcoords.value)
		msg_coordsize = 4;
		msg_anglesize = 2;
		msg_coordsize = 2;
		msg_anglesize = 1;

	if ((int)coop.value)
		Cvar_Set (&deathmatch, "0");
	current_skill = (int) (skill.value + 0.5);
	if (current_skill < 0)
		current_skill = 0;
	Cvar_Set (&skill, va("%d", current_skill));
	if (current_skill > 3)
		current_skill = 3;

	if ((sv_cheats.value || devmap) && !sv_allow_cheats) {
		sv_allow_cheats = true;
		Info_SetValueForStarKey (svs.info, "*cheats", "ON", MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING);
	else if ((!sv_cheats.value && !devmap) && sv_allow_cheats) {
		sv_allow_cheats = false;
		Info_SetValueForStarKey (svs.info, "*cheats", "", MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING);

	// wipe the entire per-level structure
	// NOTE: this also set sv.mvdrecording to false, so calling SV_MVD_Record() at end of function
	memset (&sv, 0, sizeof(sv));

	sv.datagram.maxsize = sizeof(sv.datagram_buf);
	sv.datagram.data = sv.datagram_buf;
	sv.datagram.allowoverflow = true;

	sv.reliable_datagram.maxsize = sizeof(sv.reliable_datagram_buf);
	sv.reliable_datagram.data = sv.reliable_datagram_buf;

	sv.multicast.maxsize = sizeof(sv.multicast_buf);
	sv.multicast.data = sv.multicast_buf;

	sv.signon.maxsize = sizeof(sv.signon_buffers[0]);
	sv.signon.data = sv.signon_buffers[0];
	sv.num_signon_buffers = 1;

	sv.time = 1.0;

	// load progs to get entity field count
	// which determines how big each edict is
	// and allocate edicts

	PR_LoadProgs ();

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_EDICTS; i++)
		ent = EDICT_NUM(i);
		ent->e = &sv.sv_edicts[i]; // assigning ->e field in each edict_t
		ent->e->entnum = i;
		ent->e->area.ed = ent; // yeah, pretty funny, but this help to find which edict_t own this area (link_t)

	fofs_items2 = ED_FindFieldOffset ("items2"); // ZQ_ITEMS2 extension
	fofs_maxspeed = ED_FindFieldOffset ("maxspeed");
	fofs_gravity = ED_FindFieldOffset ("gravity");
	fofs_movement = ED_FindFieldOffset ("movement");
	fofs_vw_index = ED_FindFieldOffset ("vw_index");
	fofs_hideentity = ED_FindFieldOffset ("hideentity");
	fofs_trackent = ED_FindFieldOffset ("trackent");

	// find optional QC-exported functions.
	// we have it here, so we set it to NULL in case of PR2 progs.
	mod_SpectatorConnect = ED_FindFunctionOffset ("SpectatorConnect");
	mod_SpectatorThink = ED_FindFunctionOffset ("SpectatorThink");
	mod_SpectatorDisconnect = ED_FindFunctionOffset ("SpectatorDisconnect");
	mod_ChatMessage = ED_FindFunctionOffset ("ChatMessage");
	mod_UserInfo_Changed = ED_FindFunctionOffset ("UserInfo_Changed");
	mod_ConsoleCmd = ED_FindFunctionOffset ("ConsoleCmd");
	mod_UserCmd = ED_FindFunctionOffset ("UserCmd");
	mod_localinfoChanged = ED_FindFunctionOffset ("localinfoChanged");
	GE_ClientCommand = ED_FindFunctionOffset ("GE_ClientCommand");
	GE_PausedTic = ED_FindFunctionOffset ("GE_PausedTic");
	GE_ShouldPause = ED_FindFunctionOffset ("GE_ShouldPause");

	// leave slots at start for clients only
	sv.num_edicts = MAX_CLIENTS+1;
	for (i=0 ; i<MAX_CLIENTS ; i++)
		ent = EDICT_NUM(i+1);
		// restore client name.
		ent->v.netname = PR_SetString(svs.clients[i].name);
		// reserve edict.
		svs.clients[i].edict = ent;
		//ZOID - make sure we update frags right
		svs.clients[i].old_frags = 0;

	// fill sv.mapname and sv.modelname with new map name
	strlcpy (sv.mapname, mapname, sizeof(sv.mapname));
	snprintf (sv.modelname, sizeof(sv.modelname), "maps/%s.bsp", sv.mapname);
	// set cvar
	Cvar_ForceSet (&host_mapname, mapname);

	if (!(sv.worldmodel = CM_LoadMap (sv.modelname, false, &sv.map_checksum, &sv.map_checksum2))) // true if bad map
		Con_Printf ("Cant load map %s, falling back to %s\n", mapname, oldmap);

		// fill mapname, sv.mapname and sv.modelname with old map name
		strlcpy (sv.mapname, oldmap, sizeof(sv.mapname)); 
		snprintf (sv.modelname, sizeof(sv.modelname), "maps/%s.bsp", sv.mapname);
		mapname = oldmap;

		// and re-load old map
		sv.worldmodel = CM_LoadMap (sv.modelname, false, &sv.map_checksum, &sv.map_checksum2);

		// this should never happen
		if (!sv.worldmodel)
			SV_Error ("CM_LoadMap: bad map");
	sv.map_checksum2 = Com_TranslateMapChecksum (sv.mapname, sv.map_checksum2);

	SV_ClearWorld (); // clear physics interaction links

#ifdef USE_PR2
	if ( sv_vm )
		sv.sound_precache[0] = "";
		sv.model_precache[0] = "";

		sv.sound_precache[0] = pr_strings;
		sv.model_precache[0] = pr_strings;
	sv.model_precache[1] = sv.modelname;
	sv.models[1] = sv.worldmodel;
	for (i=1 ; i< CM_NumInlineModels() ; i++)
		sv.model_precache[1+i] = localmodels[i];
		sv.models[i+1] =  CM_InlineModel (localmodels[i]);

	//check player/eyes models for hacks
	sv.model_player_checksum = SV_CheckModel("progs/player.mdl");
	sv.model_newplayer_checksum = SV_CheckModel("progs/newplayer.mdl");
	sv.eyes_player_checksum = SV_CheckModel("progs/eyes.mdl");

	// spawn the rest of the entities on the map

	// precache and static commands can be issued during
	// map initialization
	sv.state = ss_loading;
	com_serveractive = true;

	ent = EDICT_NUM(0);
	ent->e->free = false;
	ent->v.model = PR_SetString(sv.modelname);
	ent->v.modelindex = 1;		// world model
	ent->v.solid = SOLID_BSP;
	ent->v.movetype = MOVETYPE_PUSH;

	// information about the server
	ent->v.netname = PR_SetString(VersionStringFull());
	ent->v.targetname = PR_SetString(SERVER_NAME);
	ent->v.impulse = VERSION_NUM;
	ent->v.items = pr_numbuiltins - 1;

	PR_GLOBAL(mapname) = PR_SetString(sv.mapname);
	// serverflags are for cross level information (sigils)
	PR_GLOBAL(serverflags) = svs.serverflags;
	if (pr_nqprogs)
		pr_globals[35] = deathmatch.value;
		pr_globals[36] = coop.value;
		pr_globals[37] = teamplay.value;
		NQP_Reset ();

	if (pr_nqprogs)
		// register the cvars that NetQuake provides for mod use
		const char **var, *nqcvars[] = {"gamecfg", "scratch1", "scratch2", "scratch3", "scratch4",
			"saved1", "saved2", "saved3", "saved4", "savedgamecfg", "temp1", NULL};
		for (var = nqcvars; *var; var++)
			Cvar_Create((char *)/*stupid const warning*/ *var, "0", 0);

	// run the frame start qc function to let progs check cvars
	if (!pr_nqprogs)
		SV_ProgStartFrame ();

	// ********* External Entity support (.ent file(s) in gamedir/maps) pinched from ZQuake *********
	// load and spawn all other entities
	entitystring = NULL;
	if ((int)sv_loadentfiles.value)
		char ent_path[1024] = {0};

		if (!entityfile || !entityfile[0])
			entityfile = sv.mapname;

		// first try maps/sv_loadentfiles_dir/
		if (sv_loadentfiles_dir.string[0])
			snprintf(ent_path, sizeof(ent_path), "maps/%s/%s.ent", sv_loadentfiles_dir.string, entityfile);
			entitystring = (char *) FS_LoadHunkFile(ent_path, NULL);

		// try maps/ if not loaded yet.
		if (!entitystring)
			snprintf(ent_path, sizeof(ent_path), "maps/%s.ent", entityfile);
			entitystring = (char *) FS_LoadHunkFile(ent_path, NULL);

		if (entitystring) {
			Con_DPrintf ("Using entfile %s\n", ent_path);

	if (!entitystring) {
		entitystring = CM_EntityString();
	// ********* End of External Entity support code *********

	// look up some model indexes for specialized message compression
	SV_FindModelNumbers ();

	// all spawning is completed, any further precache statements
	// or prog writes to the signon message are errors
	sv.state = ss_active;

	// run two frames to allow everything to settle
	SV_Physics ();
	sv.time += 0.1;
	SV_Physics ();
	sv.time += 0.1;
	sv.old_time = sv.time;

	// save movement vars

	// create a baseline for more efficient communications
	SV_CreateBaseline ();
	sv.signon_buffer_size[sv.num_signon_buffers-1] = sv.signon.cursize;

	Info_SetValueForKey (svs.info, "map", sv.mapname, MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING);

	// calltimeofday.
		extern void PF_calltimeofday (void);
		pr_global_struct->time = sv.time;
		pr_global_struct->self = 0;


	Con_DPrintf ("Server spawned.\n");

	// we change map - clear whole demo struct and sent initial state to all dest if any (for QTV only I thought)
	SV_MVD_Record(NULL, true);

	CL_ClearState ();