Ejemplo n.º 1
static void* NVEventMainLoopThreadFunc(void*)
	NVEventAppMain(0, NULL);
    __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, MODULE,  "NvEvent native app Main returned");

	// signal the condition variable to unblock
	// java from waiting on pause or quit

    s_alreadyFinishing = true;

	JNIEnv* env = NVThreadGetCurrentJNIEnv(); 
    env->CallVoidMethod(s_globalThiz, s_finish);

	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void* NVEventMainLoopThreadFunc(void*)
  NVEventAppMain(0, NULL);
  __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, MODULE,  "NvEvent native app Main returned");

  // signal the condition variable to unblock
  // java from waiting on pause or quit

  s_appThreadExited = true;

  // IF that app main returned because we posted a QUIT, then Java knows what to
  // do regarding lifecycle.  But, if the app returned from main of its own accord,
  // we need to call finish.
  if (!s_javaPostedQuit)
    JNIEnv* env = NVThreadGetCurrentJNIEnv();
    env->CallVoidMethod(s_globalThiz, s_finish.m_index);

  return NULL;