Ejemplo n.º 1
     * Show attributes attached to the current Nexus entry
     * @param nxfileID The Nexus entry
     * @param indentStr Indent spaces do display nexus entries as a tree
    void LoadHelper::dumpNexusAttributes(NXhandle nxfileID, std::string& indentStr)
      // Attributes
      NXname pName;
      int iLength, iType;
      int nbuff = 127;
      boost::shared_array<char> buff(new char[nbuff + 1]);

      while (NXgetnextattr(nxfileID, pName, &iLength, &iType) != NX_EOD)
        g_log.debug() << indentStr << '@' << pName << " = ";
        switch (iType)
        case NX_CHAR:
          if (iLength > nbuff + 1)
            nbuff = iLength;
            buff.reset(new char[nbuff + 1]);
          int nz = iLength + 1;
          NXgetattr(nxfileID, pName, buff.get(), &nz, &iType);
          g_log.debug() << indentStr << buff.get() << '\n';
        case NX_INT16:
          short int value;
          NXgetattr(nxfileID, pName, &value, &iLength, &iType);
          g_log.debug() << indentStr << value << '\n';
        case NX_INT32:
          int value;
          NXgetattr(nxfileID, pName, &value, &iLength, &iType);
          g_log.debug() << indentStr << value << '\n';
        case NX_UINT16:
          short unsigned int value;
          NXgetattr(nxfileID, pName, &value, &iLength, &iType);
          g_log.debug() << indentStr << value << '\n';
        } // switch
      } // while
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Checks for attributes and outputs their values */
void PrintAttributes(NXhandle fileId)
    int status, attrLen, attrType;
    NXname attrName;
    void *attrBuffer;

    do {
        status = NXgetnextattr(fileId, attrName, &attrLen, &attrType);
        if (status == NX_ERROR)
        if (status == NX_OK) {
            attrLen++;	/* Add space for string termination */
            if (NXmalloc
                    ((void **)&attrBuffer, 1, &attrLen,
                     attrType) != NX_OK)
            if (NXgetattr
                    (fileId, attrName, attrBuffer, &attrLen,
                     &attrType) != NX_OK)
            printf("    %s = ", attrName);
            PrintData(attrBuffer, attrType, attrLen);
            if (NXfree((void **)&attrBuffer) != NX_OK)
    } while (status != NX_EOD);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/** Copy the attributes from input to output */
int SaveToSNSHistogramNexus::WriteAttributes(int is_definition) {

  int status, i, attrLen, attrType;
  NXname attrName;
  void *attrBuffer;

  i = 0;
  do {
    status = NXgetnextattr(inId, attrName, &attrLen, &attrType);
    if (status == NX_ERROR)
      return NX_ERROR;
    if (status == NX_OK) {
      if (strcmp(attrName, "NeXus_version") &&
          strcmp(attrName, "XML_version") && strcmp(attrName, "HDF_version") &&
          strcmp(attrName, "HDF5_Version") && strcmp(attrName, "file_name") &&
          strcmp(attrName, "file_time")) {
        attrLen++; /* Add space for string termination */
        if (NXmalloc(&attrBuffer, 1, &attrLen, attrType) != NX_OK)
          return NX_ERROR;
        if (NXgetattr(inId, attrName, attrBuffer, &attrLen, &attrType) != NX_OK)
          return NX_ERROR;
        if (NXputattr(outId, attrName, attrBuffer, attrLen, attrType) != NX_OK)
          return NX_ERROR;
        if (NXfree(&attrBuffer) != NX_OK)
          return NX_ERROR;
  } while (status != NX_EOD);
  return NX_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void *nx_getattr(void *handle, char *name, int type, int length){
  NXhandle hfil;
  int status, tp, ll, dim[1];
  pNXDS data = NULL;

  hfil = (NXhandle)handle;

    prepare dataset
  dim[0] = length+1;
  data = createNXDataset32(1,type,dim);
  if(data == NULL){
    return NULL;
    finally read the real data
  ll = length;
  tp = type;
  status = NXgetattr(hfil,name,data->u.ptr,&ll,&tp);
  if(status != NX_OK){
    return NULL;

  return data;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int i, j, k, n, NXrank, NXdims[32], NXtype, NXlen, entry_status, attr_status;
  float r;
  void *data_buffer;
  unsigned char i1_array[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
  short int i2_array[4] = {1000, 2000, 3000, 4000};
  int i4_array[4] = {1000000, 2000000, 3000000, 4000000};
  float r4_array[5][4] =
  {{1., 2., 3., 4.}, {5., 6., 7., 8.}, {9., 10., 11., 12.}, {13., 14., 15., 16.}, {17., 18., 19., 20.}};
  double r8_array[5][4] =
  {{1., 2., 3., 4.}, {5., 6., 7., 8.}, {9., 10., 11., 12.}, {13., 14., 15., 16.}, {17., 18., 19., 20.}};
  int array_dims[2] = {5, 4};
  int unlimited_dims[1] = {NX_UNLIMITED};
  int chunk_size[2]={5,4};
  int slab_start[2], slab_size[2];
  char name[64], char_class[64], char_buffer[128];
  char group_name[64], class_name[64];
  char c1_array[5][4] = {{'a', 'b', 'c' ,'d'}, {'e', 'f', 'g' ,'h'}, 
     {'i', 'j', 'k', 'l'}, {'m', 'n', 'o', 'p'}, {'q', 'r', 's' , 't'}};
  int unlimited_cdims[2] = {NX_UNLIMITED, 4};
  NXhandle fileid, clone_fileid;
  NXlink glink, dlink, blink;
  int comp_array[100][20];
  int dims[2];
  int cdims[2];
  int nx_creation_code;
  char nxFile[80];
  char filename[256];
  int64_t grossezahl[4];
  const char* ch_test_data = "NeXus ><}&{'\\&\" Data";
  char path[512];

  grossezahl[0] = 12;
  grossezahl[2] = 23;
  grossezahl[1] = (int64_t)555555555555LL;
  grossezahl[3] = (int64_t)777777777777LL;
  grossezahl[1] = (int64_t)555555555555;
  grossezahl[3] = (int64_t)777777777777;
#endif /* HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT */

  if(strstr(argv[0],"napi_test-hdf5") != NULL){
    nx_creation_code = NXACC_CREATE5;
  }else if(strstr(argv[0],"napi_test-xml-table") != NULL){
    nx_creation_code = NXACC_CREATEXML | NXACC_TABLE;
  }else if(strstr(argv[0],"napi_test-xml") != NULL){
    nx_creation_code = NXACC_CREATEXML;
  } else {
    nx_creation_code = NXACC_CREATE;

/* create file */
  if (NXopen (nxFile, nx_creation_code, &fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (nx_creation_code == NXACC_CREATE5)
    if (NXreopen (fileid, &clone_fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXmakegroup (fileid, "entry", "NXentry") != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXopengroup (fileid, "entry", "NXentry") != NX_OK) return 1;
  if(NXputattr(fileid,"hugo","namenlos",strlen("namenlos"), NX_CHAR) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if(NXputattr(fileid,"cucumber","passion",strlen("passion"), NX_CHAR) != NX_OK) return 1;
     NXlen = strlen(ch_test_data);
     if (NXmakedata (fileid, "ch_data", NX_CHAR, 1, &NXlen) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopendata (fileid, "ch_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXputdata (fileid, ch_test_data) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakedata (fileid, "c1_data", NX_CHAR, 2, array_dims) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopendata (fileid, "c1_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXputdata (fileid, c1_array) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakedata (fileid, "i1_data", NX_INT8, 1, &array_dims[1]) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopendata (fileid, "i1_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXputdata (fileid, i1_array) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakedata (fileid, "i2_data", NX_INT16, 1, &array_dims[1]) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopendata (fileid, "i2_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXputdata (fileid, i2_array) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakedata (fileid, "i4_data", NX_INT32, 1, &array_dims[1]) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopendata (fileid, "i4_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXputdata (fileid, i4_array) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXcompmakedata (fileid, "r4_data", NX_FLOAT32, 2, array_dims,NX_COMP_LZW,chunk_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopendata (fileid, "r4_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXputdata (fileid, r4_array) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakedata (fileid, "r8_data", NX_FLOAT64, 2, array_dims) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopendata (fileid, "r8_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        slab_start[0] = 4; slab_start[1] = 0; slab_size[0] = 1; slab_size[1] = 4;
        if (NXputslab (fileid, (double*)r8_array + 16, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
        slab_start[0] = 0; slab_start[1] = 0; slab_size[0] = 4; slab_size[1] = 4;
        if (NXputslab (fileid, r8_array, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXputattr (fileid, "ch_attribute", ch_test_data, strlen (ch_test_data), NX_CHAR) != NX_OK) return 1;
        i = 42;
        if (NXputattr (fileid, "i4_attribute", &i, 1, NX_INT32) != NX_OK) return 1;
        r = 3.14159265;
        if (NXputattr (fileid, "r4_attribute", &r, 1, NX_FLOAT32) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXgetdataID (fileid, &dlink) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     dims[0] = 4;
     if (nx_creation_code != NXACC_CREATE)
       if (NXmakedata (fileid, "grosse_zahl", NX_INT64, 1,dims) == NX_OK) {
         if (NXopendata (fileid, "grosse_zahl") != NX_OK) return 1;
         if (NXputdata (fileid, grossezahl) != NX_OK) return 1;
         if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;  
     if (NXmakegroup (fileid, "data", "NXdata") != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopengroup (fileid, "data", "NXdata") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXmakelink (fileid, &dlink) != NX_OK) return 1;
        dims[0] = 100;
        dims[1] = 20;
        for(i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            for(j = 0; j < 20; j++)
                 comp_array[i][j] = i;
        cdims[0] = 20;
        cdims[1] = 20;
        if (NXcompmakedata (fileid, "comp_data", NX_INT32, 2, dims, NX_COMP_LZW, cdims) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXopendata (fileid, "comp_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
           if (NXputdata (fileid, comp_array) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;  
        if (NXflush (&fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
	if (NXmakedata (fileid, "flush_data", NX_INT32, 1, unlimited_dims) != NX_OK) return 1;
	slab_size[0] = 1;
	for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
	      slab_start[0] = i;
	      if (NXopendata (fileid, "flush_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
	        if (NXputslab (fileid, &i, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
		if (NXflush (&fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakegroup (fileid, "sample", "NXsample") != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXopengroup (fileid, "sample", "NXsample") != NX_OK) return 1;
        NXlen = 12;
        if (NXmakedata (fileid, "ch_data", NX_CHAR, 1, &NXlen) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXopendata (fileid, "ch_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
           if (NXputdata (fileid, "NeXus sample") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXgetgroupID (fileid, &glink) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (( nx_creation_code & NXACC_CREATEXML) == 0 ) {
            if (NXmakedata (fileid, "cdata_unlimited", NX_CHAR, 2, unlimited_cdims) != NX_OK) return 1;
	    if (NXopendata (fileid, "cdata_unlimited") != NX_OK) return 1;
	    slab_size[0] = 1;
	    slab_size[1] = 4;
	    slab_start[1] = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
	       slab_start[0] = i;
               if (NXputslab (fileid, &(c1_array[i][0]), slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
            if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXmakegroup (fileid, "link", "NXentry") != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXopengroup (fileid, "link", "NXentry") != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakelink (fileid, &glink) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakenamedlink (fileid,"renLinkGroup", &glink) != NX_OK) return 1;
     if (NXmakenamedlink (fileid, "renLinkData", &dlink) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if (NXclose (&fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;

  if ( (argc >= 2) && !strcmp(argv[1], "-q") )
     return 0;	/* create only */
    read test
  if (NXopen (nxFile, NXACC_RDWR,&fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
  if(NXinquirefile(fileid,filename,256) != NX_OK){
    return 1;
  printf("NXinquirefile found: %s\n", relativePathOf(filename));
  NXgetattrinfo (fileid, &i);
  if (i > 0) {
     printf ("Number of global attributes: %d\n", i);
  do { 
     attr_status = NXgetnextattr (fileid, name, NXdims, &NXtype);
     if (attr_status == NX_ERROR) return 1;
     if (attr_status == NX_OK) {
        switch (NXtype) {
           case NX_CHAR:
              NXlen = sizeof (char_buffer);
              if (NXgetattr (fileid, name, char_buffer, &NXlen, &NXtype) 
		  != NX_OK) return 1;
		if ( strcmp(name, "file_time") &&
		     strcmp(name, "HDF_version") &&
		     strcmp(name, "HDF5_Version") &&
		     strcmp(name, "XML_version") )
                 printf ("   %s = %s\n", name, char_buffer);
  } while (attr_status == NX_OK);
  if (NXopengroup (fileid, "entry", "NXentry") != NX_OK) return 1;
  printf("Number of group attributes: %d\n", i);
  if(NXgetpath(fileid,path,512) != NX_OK)return 1;
  printf("NXentry path %s\n", path);
  do { 
     attr_status = NXgetnextattr (fileid, name, NXdims, &NXtype);
     if (attr_status == NX_ERROR) return 1;
     if (attr_status == NX_OK) {
        switch (NXtype) {
           case NX_CHAR:
              NXlen = sizeof (char_buffer);
              if (NXgetattr (fileid, name, char_buffer, &NXlen, &NXtype) 
		  != NX_OK) return 1;
                 printf ("   %s = %s\n", name, char_buffer);
  } while (attr_status == NX_OK);
  if (NXgetgroupinfo (fileid, &i, group_name, class_name) != NX_OK) return 1;
     printf ("Group: %s(%s) contains %d items\n", group_name, class_name, i);
  do {
     entry_status = NXgetnextentry (fileid, name, char_class, &NXtype);
     if (entry_status == NX_ERROR) return 1;
     if (strcmp(char_class,"SDS") != 0) {
        if (entry_status != NX_EOD) {
           printf ("   Subgroup: %s(%s)\n", name, char_class);
           entry_status = NX_OK;
     } else {
        if (entry_status == NX_OK) {
           if (NXopendata (fileid, name) != NX_OK) return 1;
	    if(NXgetpath(fileid,path,512) != NX_OK)return 1;
	    printf("Data path %s\n", path);
	    if (NXgetinfo (fileid, &NXrank, NXdims, &NXtype) != NX_OK) return 1;
                 printf ("   %s(%d)", name, NXtype);
              if (NXmalloc ((void **) &data_buffer, NXrank, NXdims, NXtype) != NX_OK) return 1;
	      n = 1;
              for(k=0; k<NXrank; k++)
                  n *= NXdims[k];
              if (NXtype == NX_CHAR) {
                 if (NXgetdata (fileid, data_buffer) != NX_OK) return 1;
                    print_data (" = ", data_buffer, NXtype, n);
              } else if (NXtype != NX_FLOAT32 && NXtype != NX_FLOAT64) {
                 if (NXgetdata (fileid, data_buffer) != NX_OK) return 1;
                    print_data (" = ", data_buffer, NXtype, n);
              } else {
                 slab_start[0] = 0;
                 slab_start[1] = 0;
                 slab_size[0] = 1;
                 slab_size[1] = 4;
                 if (NXgetslab (fileid, data_buffer, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
                    print_data ("\n      ", data_buffer, NXtype, 4);
                 slab_start[0] = 1;
                 if (NXgetslab (fileid, data_buffer, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
                    print_data ("      ", data_buffer, NXtype, 4);
                 slab_start[0] = 2;
                 if (NXgetslab (fileid, data_buffer, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
                    print_data ("      ", data_buffer, NXtype, 4);
                 slab_start[0] = 3;
                 if (NXgetslab (fileid, data_buffer, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
                    print_data ("      ", data_buffer, NXtype, 4);
                 slab_start[0] = 4;
                 if (NXgetslab (fileid, data_buffer, slab_start, slab_size) != NX_OK) return 1;
                    print_data ("      ", data_buffer, NXtype, 4);
                 if (NXgetattrinfo (fileid, &i) != NX_OK) return 1;
                 if (i > 0) {
                    printf ("      Number of attributes : %d\n", i);
                 do {
                    attr_status = NXgetnextattr (fileid, name, NXdims, &NXtype);
                    if (attr_status == NX_ERROR) return 1;
                    if (attr_status == NX_OK) {
                       switch (NXtype) {
                          case NX_INT32:
                             NXlen = 1;
                             if (NXgetattr (fileid, name, &i, &NXlen, &NXtype) != NX_OK) return 1;
                                printf ("         %s : %d\n", name, i);
                          case NX_FLOAT32:
                             NXlen = 1;
                             if (NXgetattr (fileid, name, &r, &NXlen, &NXtype) != NX_OK) return 1;
                                printf ("         %s : %f\n", name, r);
                          case NX_CHAR:
                             NXlen = sizeof (char_buffer);
                             if (NXgetattr (fileid, name, char_buffer, &NXlen, &NXtype) != NX_OK) return 1;
                                printf ("         %s : %s\n", name, char_buffer);
                 } while (attr_status == NX_OK);
           if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
           if (NXfree ((void **) &data_buffer) != NX_OK) return 1;
  } while (entry_status == NX_OK);
  if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
 * check links
  if (NXopengroup (fileid, "entry", "NXentry") != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXopengroup (fileid, "sample", "NXsample") != NX_OK) return 1;
      if (NXgetgroupID (fileid, &glink) != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXopengroup (fileid, "data", "NXdata") != NX_OK) return 1;
      if (NXopendata (fileid, "r8_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXgetdataID (fileid, &dlink) != NX_OK) return 1;
      if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXopendata (fileid, "r8_data") != NX_OK) return 1;
      if (NXgetdataID (fileid, &blink) != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXclosedata (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXsameID(fileid, &dlink, &blink) != NX_OK)
         printf ("Link check FAILED (r8_data)\n");
         printf ("original data\n");
	 NXIprintlink(fileid, &dlink);
         printf ("linked data\n");
	 NXIprintlink(fileid, &blink);
	 return 1;
  if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;

  if (NXopengroup (fileid, "link", "NXentry") != NX_OK) return 1;
    if (NXopengroup (fileid, "sample", "NXsample") != NX_OK) return 1;
    if(NXgetpath(fileid,path,512) != NX_OK)return 1;
    printf("Group path %s\n", path);
      if (NXgetgroupID (fileid, &blink) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXsameID(fileid, &glink, &blink) != NX_OK)
             printf ("Link check FAILED (sample)\n");
             printf ("original group\n");
	     NXIprintlink(fileid, &glink);
             printf ("linked group\n");
	     NXIprintlink(fileid, &blink);
	     return 1;
      if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;

    if (NXopengroup (fileid, "renLinkGroup", "NXsample") != NX_OK) return 1;
      if (NXgetgroupID (fileid, &blink) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXsameID(fileid, &glink, &blink) != NX_OK)
             printf ("Link check FAILED (renLinkGroup)\n");
             printf ("original group\n");
	     NXIprintlink(fileid, &glink);
             printf ("linked group\n");
	     NXIprintlink(fileid, &blink);
	     return 1;
      if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;

    if(NXopendata(fileid,"renLinkData") != NX_OK) return 1;
      if(NXgetdataID(fileid,&blink) != NX_OK) return 1;
        if (NXsameID(fileid, &dlink, &blink) != NX_OK)
             printf ("Link check FAILED (renLinkData)\n");
             printf ("original group\n");
	     NXIprintlink(fileid, &glink);
             printf ("linked group\n");
	     NXIprintlink(fileid, &blink);
	     return 1;
    if(NXclosedata(fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;	
  if (NXclosegroup (fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;
  printf ("Link check OK\n");

    tests for NXopenpath
  if(NXopenpath(fileid,"/entry/data/comp_data") != NX_OK){
    printf("Failure on NXopenpath\n");
    return 0;
  if(NXopenpath(fileid,"/entry/data/comp_data") != NX_OK){
    printf("Failure on NXopenpath\n");
    return 0;
  if(NXopenpath(fileid,"../r8_data") != NX_OK){
    printf("Failure on NXopenpath\n");
    return 0;
  if(NXopengrouppath(fileid,"/entry/data/comp_data") != NX_OK){
    printf("Failure on NXopengrouppath\n");
    return 0;
  if(NXopenpath(fileid,"/entry/data/r8_data") != NX_OK){
    printf("Failure on NXopenpath\n");
    return 0;
  printf("NXopenpath checks OK\n");

  if (NXclose (&fileid) != NX_OK) return 1;

  printf("before load path tests\n");
  if(testLoadPath() != 0) return 1;

  printf("before external link tests\n");
  if(testExternal(argv[0]) != 0) {
    return 1;

  printf("all ok - done\n");
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
     * Recursively add properties from a nexus file to
     * the workspace run.
     * @param nxfileID    :: Nexus file handle to be parsed, just after an NXopengroup
     * @param runDetails  :: where to add properties
     * @param parent_name :: nexus caller name
     * @param parent_class :: nexus caller class
     * @param level       :: current level in nexus tree
    void LoadHelper::recurseAndAddNexusFieldsToWsRun(NXhandle nxfileID, API::Run& runDetails,
        std::string& parent_name, std::string& parent_class, int level)

      std::string indent_str(level * 2, ' '); // Two space by indent level

      // Link ?

      // Attributes ?

      // Classes
      NXstatus getnextentry_status;       ///< return status
      int datatype; ///< NX data type if a dataset, e.g. NX_CHAR, NX_FLOAT32, see napi.h
      char nxname[NX_MAXNAMELEN], nxclass[NX_MAXNAMELEN];
      nxname[0] = '0';
      nxclass[0] = '0';

      bool has_entry = true; // follows getnextentry_status
      while (has_entry)
        getnextentry_status = NXgetnextentry(nxfileID, nxname, nxclass, &datatype);

        if (getnextentry_status == NX_OK)
          g_log.debug() << indent_str << parent_name << "." << nxname << " ; " << nxclass << std::endl;

          NXstatus opengroup_status;
          NXstatus opendata_status;

          if ((opengroup_status = NXopengroup(nxfileID, nxname, nxclass)) == NX_OK)

            // Go down to one level
            std::string p_nxname(nxname); //current names can be useful for next level
            std::string p_nxclass(nxclass);

            recurseAndAddNexusFieldsToWsRun(nxfileID, runDetails, p_nxname, p_nxclass, level + 1);

          }        // if(NXopengroup
          else if ((opendata_status = NXopendata(nxfileID, nxname)) == NX_OK)
            //dump_attributes(nxfileID, indent_str);
            g_log.debug() << indent_str << nxname << " opened." << std::endl;

            if (parent_class == "NXData" || parent_class == "NXMonitor" || std::string(nxname) == "data")
              g_log.debug() << indent_str << "skipping " << parent_class << " (" << nxname << ")"
                  << std::endl;
              /* nothing */
            { // create a property
              int rank;
              int dims[4];
              int type;
              dims[0] = dims[1] = dims[2] = dims[3] = 0;

              std::string property_name = (parent_name.empty() ? nxname : parent_name + "." + nxname);

              g_log.debug() << indent_str << "considering property " << property_name << std::endl;

              // Get the value
              NXgetinfo(nxfileID, &rank, dims, &type);

              // Note, we choose to only build properties on small float arrays
              // filter logic is below
              bool build_small_float_array = false;              // default

              if ((type == NX_FLOAT32) || (type == NX_FLOAT64))
                if ((rank == 1) && (dims[0] <= 9))
                  build_small_float_array = true;
                  g_log.debug() << indent_str << "ignored multi dimension float data on "
                      << property_name << std::endl;
              else if (type != NX_CHAR)
                if ((rank != 1) || (dims[0] != 1) || (dims[1] != 1) || (dims[2] != 1) || (dims[3] != 1))
                  g_log.debug() << indent_str << "ignored multi dimension data on " << property_name
                      << std::endl;

              void *dataBuffer;
              NXmalloc(&dataBuffer, rank, dims, type);

              if (NXgetdata(nxfileID, dataBuffer) != NX_OK)
                throw std::runtime_error("Cannot read data from NeXus file");

              if (type == NX_CHAR)
                std::string property_value((const char *) dataBuffer);
                if (boost::algorithm::ends_with(property_name, "_time"))
                  // That's a time value! Convert to Mantid standard
                  property_value = dateTimeInIsoFormat(property_value);
                runDetails.addProperty(property_name, property_value);

              else if ((type == NX_FLOAT32) || (type == NX_FLOAT64) || (type == NX_INT16)
                  || (type == NX_INT32) || (type == NX_UINT16))

                // Look for "units"
                NXstatus units_status;
                char units_sbuf[NX_MAXNAMELEN];
                int units_len = NX_MAXNAMELEN;
                int units_type = NX_CHAR;

                units_status = NXgetattr(nxfileID, const_cast<char*>("units"), (void *) units_sbuf,
                    &units_len, &units_type);
                if (units_status != NX_ERROR)
                  g_log.debug() << indent_str << "[ " << property_name << " has unit " << units_sbuf
                      << " ]" << std::endl;

                if ((type == NX_FLOAT32) || (type == NX_FLOAT64))
                  // Mantid numerical properties are double only.
                  double property_double_value = 0.0;

                  // Simple case, one value
                  if (dims[0] == 1)
                    if (type == NX_FLOAT32)
                      property_double_value = *((float*) dataBuffer);
                    else if (type == NX_FLOAT64)
                      property_double_value = *((double*) dataBuffer);
                    if (units_status != NX_ERROR)
                      runDetails.addProperty(property_name, property_double_value,
                      runDetails.addProperty(property_name, property_double_value);
                  else if (build_small_float_array)
                    // An array, converted to "name_index", with index < 10 (see test above)
                    for (int dim_index = 0; dim_index < dims[0]; dim_index++)
                      if (type == NX_FLOAT32)
                        property_double_value = ((float*) dataBuffer)[dim_index];
                      else if (type == NX_FLOAT64)
                        property_double_value = ((double*) dataBuffer)[dim_index];
                      std::string indexed_property_name = property_name + std::string("_")
                          + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(dim_index);
                      if (units_status != NX_ERROR)
                        runDetails.addProperty(indexed_property_name, property_double_value,
                        runDetails.addProperty(indexed_property_name, property_double_value);

                  // int case
                  int property_int_value = 0;
                  if (type == NX_INT16)
                    property_int_value = *((short int*) dataBuffer);
                  else if (type == NX_INT32)
                    property_int_value = *((int*) dataBuffer);
                  else if (type == NX_UINT16)
                    property_int_value = *((short unsigned int*) dataBuffer);

                  if (units_status != NX_ERROR)
                    runDetails.addProperty(property_name, property_int_value, std::string(units_sbuf));
                    runDetails.addProperty(property_name, property_int_value);

                } // if (type==...

                g_log.debug() << indent_str << "unexpected data on " << property_name << std::endl;
              } // test on nxdata type

              dataBuffer = NULL;

            } // if (parent_class == "NXData" || parent_class == "NXMonitor") else

            g_log.debug() << indent_str << "unexpected status (" << opendata_status << ") on " << nxname
                << std::endl;

        else if (getnextentry_status == NX_EOD)
          g_log.debug() << indent_str << "End of Dir" << std::endl;
          has_entry = false; // end of loop
          g_log.debug() << indent_str << "unexpected status (" << getnextentry_status << ")"
              << std::endl;
          has_entry = false; // end of loop

      } // while

    } // recurseAndAddNexusFieldsToWsRun
Ejemplo n.º 7
  int NexusFileIO::getWorkspaceSize( int& numberOfSpectra, int& numberOfChannels, int& numberOfXpoints ,
      bool& uniformBounds, std::string& axesUnits, std::string& yUnits ) const
    NXstatus status;
    //open workspace group
    // open "values" data which is identified by attribute "signal", if it exists
    std::string entry;
    if(checkEntryAtLevelByAttribute("signal", entry))
      status=NXopendata(fileID, entry.c_str());
    // read workspace data size
    int rank,dim[2],type;
    status=NXgetinfo(fileID, &rank, dim, &type);
    // get axes attribute
    char sbuf[NX_MAXNAMELEN];
    int len=NX_MAXNAMELEN;

      status=NXgetattr(fileID,const_cast<char*>("units"),(void *)sbuf,&len,&type);
    // read axis1 size
    NXgetattr(fileID,const_cast<char*>("units"),(void *)sbuf,&len,&type);
    axesUnits = std::string(sbuf,len);
    NXgetinfo(fileID, &rank, dim, &type);
    // non-uniform X has 2D axis1 data
    NXgetattr(fileID,const_cast<char*>("units"),(void *)sbuf,&len,&type);
    axesUnits += std::string(":") + std::string(sbuf,len);