Ejemplo n.º 1
/* routesplinesinit:
 * Data initialized once until matching call to routeplineterm
 * Allows recursive calls to dot
    if (++routeinit > 1) return;
#ifdef UNUSED
    if (!(bs = N_GNEW(BINC, box))) {
	agerr(AGERR, "cannot allocate bs\n");
    maxbn = BINC;
    if (!(ps = N_GNEW(PINC, point))) {
	agerr(AGERR, "cannot allocate ps\n");
    maxpn = PINC;
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (Show_boxes) {
	int i;
        for (i = 0; Show_boxes[i]; i++)
	    free (Show_boxes[i]);
	free (Show_boxes);
	Show_boxes = NULL;
	Show_cnt = 0;
    nedges = 0;
    nboxes = 0;
    if (Verbose)
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* mkTriGraph:
 * Generate graph with triangles as nodes and an edge iff two triangles
 * share an edge.
static tgraph *mkTriGraph(surface_t * sf, int maxv, pointf * pts)
    tgraph *g;
    tnode *np;
    int j, i, ne = 0;
    int *edgei;
    int *jp;

    /* ne is twice no. of edges */
    for (i = 0; i < 3 * sf->nfaces; i++)
	if (sf->neigh[i] != -1)

    g = GNEW(tgraph);

    /* plus 2 for nodes added as endpoints of an edge */
    g->nodes = N_GNEW(sf->nfaces + 2, tnode);

    /* allow 1 possible extra edge per triangle, plus 
     * obstacles can have at most maxv triangles touching 
    edgei = N_GNEW(sf->nfaces + ne + 2 * maxv, int);
    g->edges = N_GNEW(ne/2 + 2 * maxv, tedge);
    g->nedges = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < sf->nfaces; i++) {
	np = g->nodes + i;
	np->ne = 0;
	np->edges = edgei;
	np->ctr = triCenter(pts, sf->faces + 3 * i);
	edgei += degT(sf->neigh + 3 * i) + 1;
    /* initialize variable nodes */
    np = g->nodes + i;
    np->ne = 0;
    np->edges = edgei;
    np->ne = 0;
    np->edges = edgei + maxv;

    for (i = 0; i < sf->nfaces; i++) {
	np = g->nodes + i;
	jp = sf->neigh + 3 * i;
        ne = 0;
	while ((ne < 3) && ((j = *jp++) != -1)) {
	    if (i < j) {
		double dist = DIST(np->ctr, (g->nodes + j)->ctr);
		ipair seg =
		    sharedEdge(sf->faces + 3 * i, sf->faces + 3 * j);
		addTriEdge(g, i, j, dist, seg);

    return g;
Ejemplo n.º 3
partition (cell* cells, int ncells, int* nrects, boxf bb)
    int nsegs = 4*(ncells+1);
    segment_t* segs = N_GNEW(nsegs+1, segment_t);
    int* permute = N_NEW(nsegs+1, int);
    int hd_size, vd_size;
    int i, j, cnt = 0;
    boxf* rs;
    int ntraps = TRSIZE(nsegs);
    trap_t* trs = N_GNEW(ntraps, trap_t);
    boxf* hor_decomp = N_NEW(ntraps, boxf);
    boxf* vert_decomp = N_NEW(ntraps, boxf);
    int nt;

    /* fprintf (stderr, "cells = %d segs = %d traps = %d\n", ncells, nsegs, ntraps);  */
    genSegments (cells, ncells, bb, segs, 0);
#if 0
fprintf (stderr, "%d\n\n", ncells+1);
for (i = 1; i<= nsegs; i++) {
  if (i%4 == 1) fprintf(stderr, "4\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "%f %f\n", segs[i].v0.x, segs[i].v0.y);
  if (i%4 == 0) fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    generateRandomOrdering (nsegs, permute);
    nt = construct_trapezoids(nsegs, segs, permute, ntraps, trs);
    /* fprintf (stderr, "hor traps = %d\n", nt); */
    hd_size = monotonate_trapezoids (nsegs, segs, trs, 0, hor_decomp);

    genSegments (cells, ncells, bb, segs, 1);
    generateRandomOrdering (nsegs, permute);
    nt = construct_trapezoids(nsegs, segs, permute, ntraps, trs);
    /* fprintf (stderr, "ver traps = %d\n", nt); */
    vd_size = monotonate_trapezoids (nsegs, segs, trs, 1, vert_decomp);

    rs = N_NEW (hd_size*vd_size, boxf);
    for (i=0; i<vd_size; i++) 
	for (j=0; j<hd_size; j++)
	    if (rectIntersect(&rs[cnt], &vert_decomp[i], &hor_decomp[j]))

    rs = RALLOC (cnt, rs, boxf);
    free (segs);
    free (permute);
    free (trs);
    free (hor_decomp);
    free (vert_decomp);
    *nrects = cnt;
    return rs;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* makeMultiSpline:
 * FIX: we don't really use the shortest path provided by ED_path,
 * so avoid in neato spline code.
 * Return 0 on success.
int makeMultiSpline(graph_t* g,  edge_t* e, router_t * rtr, int doPolyline)
    Ppolyline_t line = ED_path(e);
    node_t *t = agtail(e);
    node_t *h = aghead(e);
    pointf t_p = line.ps[0];
    pointf h_p = line.ps[line.pn - 1];
    tripoly_t *poly;
    int idx;
    int *sp;
    int t_id = rtr->tn;
    int h_id = rtr->tn + 1;
    int ecnt = rtr->tg->nedges;
    PPQ pq;
    PQTYPE *idxs;
    PQVTYPE *vals;
    int ret;

	/* Add endpoints to triangle graph */
    addEndpoint(rtr, t_p, t, t_id, ED_tail_port(e).side);
    addEndpoint(rtr, h_p, h, h_id, ED_head_port(e).side);

	/* Initialize priority queue */
    PQgen(&pq.pq, rtr->tn + 2, -1);
    idxs = N_GNEW(pq.pq.PQsize + 1, PQTYPE);
    vals = N_GNEW(pq.pq.PQsize + 1, PQVTYPE);
    vals[0] = 0;
    pq.vals = vals + 1;
    pq.idxs = idxs + 1;

	/* Find shortest path of triangles */
    sp = triPath(rtr->tg, rtr->tn+2, h_id, t_id, (PQ *) & pq);

    PQfree(&(pq.pq), 0);

	/* Use path of triangles to generate guiding polygon */
    poly = mkPoly(rtr, sp, h_id, t_id, h_p, t_p, &idx);


	/* Generate multiple splines using polygon */
    ret = genroute(g, poly, 0, idx, e, doPolyline);
    freeTripoly (poly);

    resetGraph(rtr->tg, rtr->tn, ecnt);
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void
make_barriers(Ppoly_t ** poly, int npoly, int pp, int qp,
	      Pedge_t ** barriers, int *n_barriers)
    int i, j, k, n, b;
    Pedge_t *bar;

    n = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < npoly; i++) {
	if (i == pp)
	if (i == qp)
	n = n + poly[i]->pn;
    bar = N_GNEW(n, Pedge_t);
    b = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < npoly; i++) {
	if (i == pp)
	if (i == qp)
	for (j = 0; j < poly[i]->pn; j++) {
	    k = j + 1;
	    if (k >= poly[i]->pn)
		k = 0;
	    bar[b].a = poly[i]->ps[j];
	    bar[b].b = poly[i]->ps[k];
    assert(b == n);
    *barriers = bar;
    *n_barriers = n;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /* makeInfo:
  * For each node in the graph, create a Info data structure 
static void makeInfo(Agraph_t * graph)
    Agnode_t *node;
    int i;
    Info_t *ip;

    nsites = agnnodes(graph);

    nodeInfo = N_GNEW(nsites, Info_t);

    node = agfstnode(graph);
    ip = nodeInfo;

    pmargin = expFactor (graph);
    for (i = 0; i < nsites; i++) {
	ip->site.coord.x = ND_pos(node)[0];
	ip->site.coord.y = ND_pos(node)[1];

	makePoly(&ip->poly, node, pmargin);

	ip->site.sitenbr = i;
	ip->site.refcnt = 1;
	ip->node = node;
	ip->verts = NULL;
	node = agnxtnode(graph, node);
Ejemplo n.º 7
v_data *delaunay_triangulation(double *x, double *y, int n)
    v_data *delaunay;
    GtsSurface* s = tri(x, y, n, NULL, 0, 1);
    int i, nedges;
    int* edges;
    estats stats;

    if (!s) return NULL;

    delaunay = N_GNEW(n, v_data);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	delaunay[i].ewgts = NULL;
	delaunay[i].nedges = 1;

    stats.n = 0;
    stats.delaunay = delaunay;
    edgeStats (s, &stats);
    nedges = stats.n;
    edges = N_GNEW(2 * nedges + n, int);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	delaunay[i].edges = edges;
	edges += delaunay[i].nedges;
	delaunay[i].edges[0] = i;
	delaunay[i].nedges = 1;
    gts_surface_foreach_edge (s, (GtsFunc) add_edge, delaunay);

    gts_object_destroy (GTS_OBJECT (s));

    return delaunay;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Operator Operator_diag_precon_new(SparseMatrix A){
  Operator o;
  real *diag;
  int i, j, m = A->m, *ia = A->ia, *ja = A->ja;
  real *a = (real*) A->a;

  assert(A->type == MATRIX_TYPE_REAL);


  o = N_GNEW(1,struct Operator_struct);
  o->data = N_GNEW((A->m + 1),real);
  diag = (real*) o->data;

  diag[0] = m;
  for (i = 0; i < m; i++){
    diag[i] = 1.;
    for (j = ia[i]; j < ia[i+1]; j++){
      if (i == ja[j] && ABS(a[j]) > 0) diag[i] = 1./a[j];

  o->Operator_apply = Operator_diag_precon_apply;

  return o;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static pointf computeScaleXY(pointf * aarr, int m)
    pointf *barr;
    double cost, bestcost;
    int k, best = 0;
    pointf scale;

    aarr[0].x = 1;
    aarr[0].y = HUGE_VAL;
    qsort(aarr + 1, m, sizeof(pointf), (sortfn_t) sortf);

    barr = N_GNEW(m + 1, pointf);
    barr[m].x = aarr[m].x;
    barr[m].y = 1;
    for (k = m - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
	barr[k].x = aarr[k].x;
	barr[k].y = MAX(aarr[k + 1].y, barr[k + 1].y);

    bestcost = HUGE_VAL;
    for (k = 0; k <= m; k++) {
	cost = barr[k].x * barr[k].y;
	if (cost < bestcost) {
	    bestcost = cost;
	    best = k;
    assert(bestcost < HUGE_VAL);
    scale.x = barr[best].x;
    scale.y = barr[best].y;

    return scale;
Ejemplo n.º 10
/* routesplinesinit:
 * Data initialized once until matching call to routeplineterm
 * Allows recursive calls to dot
    if (++routeinit > 1) return 0;
    if (!(ps = N_GNEW(PINC, pointf))) {
	agerr(AGERR, "routesplinesinit: cannot allocate ps\n");
	return 1;
    maxpn = PINC;
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (Show_boxes) {
	int i;
        for (i = 0; Show_boxes[i]; i++)
	    free (Show_boxes[i]);
	free (Show_boxes);
	Show_boxes = NULL;
	Show_cnt = 0;
    nedges = 0;
    nboxes = 0;
    if (Verbose)
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
/* finishEdge:
 * Finish edge generation, clipping to nodes and adding arrowhead
 * if necessary, and adding edge labels
static void
finishEdge (graph_t* g, edge_t* e, Ppoly_t spl, int flip, pointf p, pointf q)
    int j;
    pointf *spline = N_GNEW(spl.pn, pointf);
    pointf p1, q1;

    if (flip) {
	for (j = 0; j < spl.pn; j++) {
	    spline[spl.pn - 1 - j] = spl.ps[j];
	p1 = q;
	q1 = p;
    else {
	for (j = 0; j < spl.pn; j++) {
	    spline[j] = spl.ps[j];
	p1 = p;
	q1 = q;
    if (Verbose > 1)
	fprintf(stderr, "spline %s %s\n", agnameof(agtail(e)), agnameof(aghead(e)));
    clip_and_install(e, aghead(e), spline, spl.pn, &sinfo);

    addEdgeLabels(g, e, p1, q1);
Ejemplo n.º 12
static void initColors(void)
    colorlist = N_GNEW(NPENS, Color);
    colorlist[0] = white;
    colorlist[1] = black;
    ColorsUsed = 2;
Ejemplo n.º 13
static void initHeap(PairHeap * h, double *place, int *ordering, int n)
    int i;
    Pair edge;
    int j;

    h->heapSize = n - 1;
#ifdef REDO
    if (h->heapSize > h->maxSize) {
	h->maxSize = h->heapSize;
	h->data = (Pair *) realloc(h->data, h->maxSize * sizeof(Pair));
    h->maxSize = h->heapSize;
    h->data = N_GNEW(h->maxSize, Pair);

    for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
	edge.left = ordering[i];
	edge.right = ordering[i + 1];
	edge.dist = place[ordering[i + 1]] - place[ordering[i]];
	h->data[i] = edge;
    for (j = (n - 1) / 2; j >= 0; j--) {
	heapify(h, j);
Ejemplo n.º 14
SparseMatrix call_tri(int n, int dim, real * x)
    real one = 1;
    int i, ii, jj;
    SparseMatrix A;
    SparseMatrix B;
    int* edgelist = NULL;
    real* xv = N_GNEW(n, real);
    real* yv = N_GNEW(n, real);
    int numberofedges;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	xv[i] = x[i * 2];
	yv[i] = x[i * 2 + 1];

    if (n > 2) {
	edgelist = delaunay_tri (xv, yv, n, &numberofedges);
    } else {
	numberofedges = 0;

    A = SparseMatrix_new(n, n, 1, MATRIX_TYPE_REAL, FORMAT_COORD);
    for (i = 0; i < numberofedges; i++) {
	ii = edgelist[i * 2];
	jj = edgelist[i * 2 + 1];
	SparseMatrix_coordinate_form_add_entries(A, 1, &(ii), &(jj), &one);
    if (n == 2) {		/* if two points, add edge i->j */
	ii = 0;
	jj = 1;
	SparseMatrix_coordinate_form_add_entries(A, 1, &(ii), &(jj), &one);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	SparseMatrix_coordinate_form_add_entries(A, 1, &i, &i, &one);
    B = SparseMatrix_from_coordinate_format(A);
    A = SparseMatrix_symmetrize(B, FALSE);
    B = A;

    free (edgelist);
    free (xv);
    free (yv);
    return B;
Ejemplo n.º 15
static  void
gd_polygon(point *A, int n, int filled)
	pointf		p;
	int		i;
	gdPoint		*points;
	int		style[20];
	int		pen, width;
	gdImagePtr	brush = NULL;

	if (cstk[SP].pen != P_NONE) {
		if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DASHED) {
			for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
				style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor;
			for (; i < 20; i++)
				style[i] = gdTransparent;
			gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 20);
			pen = gdStyled;
		} else if (cstk[SP].pen == P_DOTTED) {
			for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
				style[i] = cstk[SP].pencolor;
			for (; i < 12; i++)
				style[i] = gdTransparent;
			gdImageSetStyle(im, style, 12);
			pen = gdStyled;
		} else {
			pen = cstk[SP].pencolor;
#if 1
		/* use brush instead of Thickness to improve end butts */
		gdImageSetThickness(im, WIDTH_NORMAL);
                if (cstk[SP].penwidth != WIDTH_NORMAL) {
			width=cstk[SP].penwidth * Zoom;
                        brush = gdImageCreate(width,width);
                        gdImagePaletteCopy(brush, im);
                           0,0,width-1, width-1, cstk[SP].pencolor);
                        gdImageSetBrush(im, brush);
			if (pen == gdStyled) pen = gdStyledBrushed;      
			else pen = gdBrushed;      
		width = cstk[SP].penwidth;
		gdImageSetThickness(im, width);
		points = N_GNEW(n,gdPoint);
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			p.x = A[i].x; p.y = A[i].y;
			p = gdpt(p);
			points[i].x = ROUND(p.x); points[i].y = ROUND(p.y);
		if (filled) gdImageFilledPolygon(im, points, n, cstk[SP].fillcolor);
		gdImagePolygon(im, points, n, pen);
		if (brush)
Ejemplo n.º 16
/* inPoly:
 * Return 1 if q is inside polygon vertex[]
 * Assume points are in CCW order
static int inPoly(Point vertex[], int n, Point q)
    int i, i1;			/* point index; i1 = i-1 mod n */
    double x;			/* x intersection of e with ray */
    double crossings = 0;	/* number of edge/ray crossings */

    if (tp3 == NULL)
	tp3 = N_GNEW(maxcnt, Point);

    /* Shift so that q is the origin. */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	tp3[i].x = vertex[i].x - q.x;
	tp3[i].y = vertex[i].y - q.y;

    /* For each edge e=(i-1,i), see if crosses ray. */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	i1 = (i + n - 1) % n;

	/* if edge is horizontal, test to see if the point is on it */
	if ((tp3[i].y == 0) && (tp3[i1].y == 0)) {
	    if ((tp3[i].x * tp3[i1].x) < 0) {
		return 1;
	    } else {

	/* if e straddles the x-axis... */
	if (((tp3[i].y >= 0) && (tp3[i1].y <= 0)) ||
	    ((tp3[i1].y >= 0) && (tp3[i].y <= 0))) {
	    /* e straddles ray, so compute intersection with ray. */
	    x = (tp3[i].x * tp3[i1].y - tp3[i1].x * tp3[i].y)
		/ (double) (tp3[i1].y - tp3[i].y);

	    /* if intersect at origin, we've found intersection */
	    if (x == 0)
		return 1;;

	    /* crosses ray if strictly positive intersection. */
	    if (x > 0) {
		if ((tp3[i].y == 0) || (tp3[i1].y == 0)) {
		    crossings += .5;	/* goes thru vertex */
		} else {
		    crossings += 1.0;

    /* q inside if an odd number of crossings. */
    if ((((int) crossings) % 2) == 1)
	return 1;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
PriorityQueue PriorityQueue_new(int n, int ngain){
  PriorityQueue q;
  int i;
  q = N_GNEW(1,struct PriorityQueue_struct);
  q->count = 0;
  q->n = n;
  q->ngain = ngain;
  q->gain_max = -1;/* no entries yet */
  q->buckets = N_GNEW((ngain+1),DoubleLinkedList);
  for (i = 0; i < ngain+1; i++) (q->buckets)[i] = NULL;

  q->where = N_GNEW((n+1),DoubleLinkedList);
  for (i = 0; i < n+1; i++) (q->where)[i] = NULL;

  q->gain = N_GNEW((n+1),int);
  for (i = 0; i < n+1; i++) (q->gain)[i] = -999;
  return q;

Ejemplo n.º 18
/* mkCtrlPts:
 * Generate mult points associated with v.
 * The points will lie on the ray bisecting the angle prev--v--nxt.
 * The first point will aways be v.
 * The rest are positioned equally spaced with maximum spacing SEP.
 * In addition, they all lie within the polygon trip->poly.
 * Parameter s gives the index after which a vertex lies on the
 * opposite side. This is necessary to get the "curvature" of the
 * path correct.
static pointf *mkCtrlPts(int s, int mult, pointf prev, pointf v,
			   pointf nxt, tripoly_t * trip)
    pointf *ps;
    int idx = ctrlPtIdx(v, &(trip->poly));
    int i;
    double d, sep, theta, sinTheta, cosTheta;
    pointf q, w;

    if (idx < 0)
	return NULL;

    ps = N_GNEW(mult, pointf);
    theta = bisect(prev, v, nxt);
    sinTheta = sin(theta);
    cosTheta = cos(theta);
    w.x = v.x + 100 * cosTheta;
    w.y = v.y + 100 * sinTheta;
    if (idx > s) {
	if (wind(prev, v, w) != 1) {
	    sinTheta *= -1;
	    cosTheta *= -1;
	    w.x = v.x + 100 * cosTheta;
	    w.y = v.y + 100 * sinTheta;
    } else if (wind(prev, v, w) != -1) {
	sinTheta *= -1;
	cosTheta *= -1;
	w.x = v.x + 100 * cosTheta;
	w.y = v.y + 100 * sinTheta;

    if (triPoint(trip, idx, v, w, &q)) {
	return 0;

    d = DIST(q, v);
    if (d >= mult * SEP)
	sep = SEP;
	sep = d / mult;
    if (idx < s) {
	for (i = 0; i < mult; i++) {
	    ps[i].x = v.x + i * sep * cosTheta;
	    ps[i].y = v.y + i * sep * sinTheta;
    } else {
	for (i = 0; i < mult; i++) {
	    ps[mult - i - 1].x = v.x + i * sep * cosTheta;
	    ps[mult - i - 1].y = v.y + i * sep * sinTheta;
    return ps;
Ejemplo n.º 19
SparseMatrix call_tri2(int n, int dim, real * xx)
    real *x, *y;
    v_data *delaunay;
    int i, j;
    SparseMatrix A;
    SparseMatrix B;
    real one = 1;
    x = N_GNEW(n, real);
    y = N_GNEW(n, real);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	x[i] = xx[dim * i];
	y[i] = xx[dim * i + 1];

    delaunay = UG_graph(x, y, n, 0);

    A = SparseMatrix_new(n, n, 1, MATRIX_TYPE_REAL, FORMAT_COORD);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	for (j = 1; j < delaunay[i].nedges; j++) {
	    SparseMatrix_coordinate_form_add_entries(A, 1, &i,
						       edges[j]), &one);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	SparseMatrix_coordinate_form_add_entries(A, 1, &i, &i, &one);
    B = SparseMatrix_from_coordinate_format(A);
    B = SparseMatrix_symmetrize(B, FALSE);

    free (x);
    free (y);
    freeGraph (delaunay);
    return B;

Ejemplo n.º 20
void PQinitialize(void)
    int i;

    PQcount = 0;
    PQmin = 0;
    PQhashsize = 4 * sqrt_nsites;
    if (PQhash == NULL)
	PQhash = N_GNEW(PQhashsize, Halfedge);
    for (i = 0; i < PQhashsize; i += 1)
	PQhash[i].PQnext = (Halfedge *) NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 21
real cg(Operator Ax, Operator precond, int n, int dim, real *x0, real *rhs, real tol, int maxit, int *flag){
  real *x, *b, res = 0;
  int k, i;
  x = N_GNEW(n, real);
  b = N_GNEW(n, real);
  for (k = 0; k < dim; k++){
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      x[i] = x0[i*dim+k];
      b[i] = rhs[i*dim+k];
    res += conjugate_gradient(Ax, precond, n, x, b, tol, maxit, flag);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      rhs[i*dim+k] = x[i];
  return res;

Ejemplo n.º 22
/* adjustGrid:
 * Set up node list for grid. Make sure the list
 * can handle nnodes nodes.
 * It is assumed no more than nnodes will be added
 * to the grid.
void adjustGrid(Grid * g, int nnodes)
    int nsize;

    if (nnodes > g->listSize) {
	nsize = MAX(nnodes, 2 * (g->listSize));
	if (g->listMem)
	g->listMem = N_GNEW(nsize, node_list);
	g->listSize = nsize;
Ejemplo n.º 23
/* newBlock:
 * Create new block of size cells
static block_t *newBlock(int size)
    block_t *newb;

    newb = GNEW(block_t);
    newb->next = 0;
    newb->mem = N_GNEW(size, cell);
    newb->endp = newb->mem + size;
    newb->cur = newb->mem;

    return newb;
Ejemplo n.º 24
static void print_bounding_box(int n, int dim, real *x){
  real *xmin, *xmax;
  int i, k;

  xmin = N_GNEW(dim,real);
  xmax = N_GNEW(dim,real);

  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) xmin[i]=xmax[i] = x[i];

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
    for (k = 0; k < dim; k++){
      xmin[k] = MIN(xmin[k],x[i*dim+k]);
      xmax[k] = MAX(xmax[k],x[i*dim+k]);
  fprintf(stderr,"bounding box = \n");
  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) fprintf(stderr,"{%f,%f}, ",xmin[i], xmax[i]);

Ejemplo n.º 25
int polyOverlap(Point p, Poly * pp, Point q, Poly * qp)
    Point op, cp;
    Point oq, cq;

    /* translate bounding boxes */
    addpt(&op, p, pp->origin);
    addpt(&cp, p, pp->corner);
    addpt(&oq, q, qp->origin);
    addpt(&cq, q, qp->corner);

    /* If bounding boxes don't overlap, done */
    if (!pintersect(op, cp, oq, cq))
	return 0;

    if (ISBOX(pp) && ISBOX(qp))
	return 1;
    if (ISCIRCLE(pp) && ISCIRCLE(qp)) {
	double d =
	    (pp->corner.x - pp->origin.x + qp->corner.x - qp->origin.x);
	double dx = p.x - q.x;
	double dy = p.y - q.y;
	if ((dx * dx + dy * dy) > (d * d) / 4.0)
	    return 0;
	    return 1;

    if (tp1 == NULL) {
	tp1 = N_GNEW(maxcnt, Point);
	tp2 = N_GNEW(maxcnt, Point);

    transCopy(pp->verts, pp->nverts, p, tp1);
    transCopy(qp->verts, qp->nverts, q, tp2);
    return (edgesIntersect(tp1, tp2, pp->nverts, qp->nverts) ||
	    (inBox(*tp1, oq, cq) && inPoly(tp2, qp->nverts, *tp1)) ||
	    (inBox(*tp2, op, cp) && inPoly(tp1, pp->nverts, *tp2)));
Ejemplo n.º 26
static void
construct_graph(int n, PairStack * edges_stack, vtx_data ** New_graph)
    /* construct an unweighted graph using the edges 'edges_stack' */
    int i;
    vtx_data *new_graph;

    /* first compute new degrees and nedges; */
    int *degrees = N_GNEW(n, int);
    int top = edges_stack->top;
    int new_nedges = 2 * top + n;
    Pair pair;
    int *edges = N_GNEW(new_nedges, int);
    float *weights = N_GNEW(new_nedges, float);

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	degrees[i] = 1;		/* save place for the self loop */
    for (i = 0; i < top; i++) {
	pair = sub(edges_stack, i);

    /* copy graph into new_graph: */
    for (i = 0; i < new_nedges; i++) {
	weights[i] = 1.0;

    *New_graph = new_graph = N_GNEW(n, vtx_data);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	new_graph[i].nedges = 1;
	new_graph[i].ewgts = weights;
	new_graph[i].styles = NULL;
	new_graph[i].edges = edges;
	*edges = i;		/* self loop for Lap */
	*weights = 0;		/* self loop weight for Lap */
	weights += degrees[i];
	edges += degrees[i];	/* reserve space for possible more edges */


    /* add all edges from stack */
    while (pop(edges_stack, pair)) {
	add_edge(new_graph, pair.left, pair.right);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 /* makeInfo:
  * For each node in the graph, create a Info data structure 
static int makeInfo(Agraph_t * graph)
    Agnode_t *node;
    int i;
    Info_t *ip;
    expand_t pmargin;
    int (*polyf)(Poly *, Agnode_t *, float, float);

    nsites = agnnodes(graph);

    nodeInfo = N_GNEW(nsites, Info_t);

    node = agfstnode(graph);
    ip = nodeInfo;

    pmargin = sepFactor (graph);

    if (pmargin.doAdd) {
	polyf = makeAddPoly;
	/* we need inches for makeAddPoly */
	pmargin.x = PS2INCH(pmargin.x);
	pmargin.y = PS2INCH(pmargin.y);
    else polyf = makePoly;
    for (i = 0; i < nsites; i++) {
	ip->site.coord.x = ND_pos(node)[0];
	ip->site.coord.y = ND_pos(node)[1];

	if (polyf(&ip->poly, node, pmargin.x, pmargin.y)) {
	    free (nodeInfo);
	    nodeInfo = NULL;
	    return 1;

	ip->site.sitenbr = i;
	ip->site.refcnt = 1;
	ip->node = node;
	ip->verts = NULL;
	node = agnxtnode(graph, node);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 28
static pointf *mkOverlapSet(info * nl, int nn, int *cntp)
    info *p = nl;
    info *q;
    int sz = nn;
    pointf *S = N_GNEW(sz + 1, pointf);
    int i, j;
    int cnt = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
	q = p + 1;
	for (j = i + 1; j < nn; j++) {
	    if (overlap(p->bb, q->bb)) {
		pointf pt;
		if (cnt == sz) {
		    sz += nn;
		    S = RALLOC(sz + 1, S, pointf);
		if (p->pos.x == q->pos.x)
		    pt.x = HUGE_VAL;
		else {
		    pt.x = (p->wd2 + q->wd2) / fabs(p->pos.x - q->pos.x);
		    if (pt.x < 1)
			pt.x = 1;
		if (p->pos.y == q->pos.y)
		    pt.y = HUGE_VAL;
		else {
		    pt.y = (p->ht2 + q->ht2) / fabs(p->pos.y - q->pos.y);
		    if (pt.y < 1)
			pt.y = 1;
		S[++cnt] = pt;

    S = RALLOC(cnt + 1, S, pointf);
    *cntp = cnt;
    return S;
Ejemplo n.º 29
static Point *genRound(Agnode_t * n, int *sidep, float xm, float ym)
    int sides = 0;
    Point *verts;
    char *p = agget(n, "samplepoints");
    int i;

    if (p)
	sides = atoi(p);
    if (sides < 3)
	sides = DFLT_SAMPLE;
    verts = N_GNEW(sides, Point);
    for (i = 0; i < sides; i++) {
	verts[i].x =
	    (ND_width(n) / 2.0 + xm) * cos(i / (double) sides * M_PI * 2.0);
	verts[i].y =
	    (ND_height(n) / 2.0 + ym) * sin(i / (double) sides * M_PI * 2.0);
    *sidep = sides;
    return verts;
Ejemplo n.º 30
/* sparse_stress_subspace_majorization_kD:
 * Optimization of the stress function using sparse distance matrix, within a vector-space
 * Fastest and least accurate method
 * NOTE: We use integral shortest path values here, assuming
 * this is only to get an initial layout. In general, if edge lengths
 * are involved, we may end up with 0 length edges. 
static int sparse_stress_subspace_majorization_kD(vtx_data * graph,	/* Input graph in sparse representation */
						  int n,	/* Number of nodes */
						  int nedges_graph,	/* Number of edges */
						  double **coords,	/* coordinates of nodes (output layout)  */
						  int dim,	/* dimemsionality of layout */
						  int smart_ini,	/* smart initialization */
						  int exp,	/* scale exponent */
						  int reweight_graph,	/* difference model */
						  int n_iterations,	/* max #iterations */
						  int dist_bound,	/* neighborhood size in sparse distance matrix    */
						  int num_centers	/* #pivots in sparse distance matrix  */
    int iterations;		/* output: number of iteration of the process */

    double conj_tol = tolerance_cg;	/* tolerance of Conjugate Gradient */

	** Computation of pivot-based, sparse, subspace-restricted **
	** k-D  stress minimization by majorization                **    

    int i, j, k, node;

	** First compute the subspace in which we optimize     **
	** The subspace is  the high-dimensional embedding     **

    int subspace_dim = MIN(stress_pca_dim, n);	/* overall dimensionality of subspace */
    double **subspace = N_GNEW(subspace_dim, double *);
    double *d_storage = N_GNEW(subspace_dim * n, double);
    int num_centers_local;
    DistType **full_coords;
    /* if i is a pivot than CenterIndex[i] is its index, otherwise CenterIndex[i]= -1 */
    int *CenterIndex;
    int *invCenterIndex;	/* list the pivot nodes  */
    Queue Q;
    float *old_weights;
    /* this matrix stores the distance between  each node and each "center" */
    DistType **Dij;
    /* this vector stores the distances of each node to the selected "centers" */
    DistType *dist;
    DistType max_dist;
    DistType *storage;
    int *visited_nodes;
    dist_data *distances;
    int available_space;
    int *storage1 = NULL;
    DistType *storage2 = NULL;
    int num_visited_nodes;
    int num_neighbors;
    int index;
    int nedges;
    DistType *dist_list;
    vtx_data *lap;
    int *edges;
    float *ewgts;
    double degree;
    double **directions;
    float **tmp_mat;
    float **matrix;
    double dist_ij;
    double *b;
    double *b_restricted;
    double L_ij;
    double old_stress, new_stress;
    boolean converged;

    for (i = 0; i < subspace_dim; i++) {
	subspace[i] = d_storage + i * n;

    /* compute PHDE: */
    num_centers_local = MIN(n, MAX(2 * subspace_dim, 50));
    full_coords = NULL;
    /* High dimensional embedding */
    embed_graph(graph, n, num_centers_local, &full_coords, reweight_graph);
    /* Centering coordinates */
    center_coordinate(full_coords, n, num_centers_local);
    /* PCA */
    PCA_alloc(full_coords, num_centers_local, n, subspace, subspace_dim);


	** Compute the sparse-shortest-distances matrix 'distances' **

    CenterIndex = N_GNEW(n, int);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	CenterIndex[i] = -1;
    invCenterIndex = NULL;

    mkQueue(&Q, n);
    old_weights = graph[0].ewgts;

    if (reweight_graph) {
	/* weight graph to separate high-degree nodes */
	/* in the future, perform slower Dijkstra-based computation */
	compute_new_weights(graph, n);

    /* compute sparse distance matrix */
    /* first select 'num_centers' pivots from which we compute distance */
    /* to all other nodes */

    Dij = NULL;
    dist = N_GNEW(n, DistType);
    if (num_centers == 0) {	/* no pivots, skip pivots-to-nodes distance calculation */
	goto after_pivots_selection;

    invCenterIndex = N_GNEW(num_centers, int);

    storage = N_GNEW(n * num_centers, DistType);
    Dij = N_GNEW(num_centers, DistType *);
    for (i = 0; i < num_centers; i++)
	Dij[i] = storage + i * n;

    /* select 'num_centers' pivots that are uniformaly spreaded over the graph */

    /* the first pivots is selected randomly */
    node = rand() % n;
    CenterIndex[node] = 0;
    invCenterIndex[0] = node;

    if (reweight_graph) {
	dijkstra(node, graph, n, Dij[0]);
    } else {
	bfs(node, graph, n, Dij[0], &Q);

    /* find the most distant node from first pivot */
    max_dist = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	dist[i] = Dij[0][i];
	if (dist[i] > max_dist) {
	    node = i;
	    max_dist = dist[i];
    /* select other dim-1 nodes as pivots */
    for (i = 1; i < num_centers; i++) {
	CenterIndex[node] = i;
	invCenterIndex[i] = node;
	if (reweight_graph) {
	    dijkstra(node, graph, n, Dij[i]);
	} else {
	    bfs(node, graph, n, Dij[i], &Q);
	max_dist = 0;
	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
	    dist[j] = MIN(dist[j], Dij[i][j]);
	    if (dist[j] > max_dist
		|| (dist[j] == max_dist && rand() % (j + 1) == 0)) {
		node = j;
		max_dist = dist[j];


    /* Construct a sparse distance matrix 'distances' */

    /* initialize dist to -1, important for 'bfs_bounded(..)' */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	dist[i] = -1;

    visited_nodes = N_GNEW(n, int);
    distances = N_GNEW(n, dist_data);
    available_space = 0;
    nedges = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	if (CenterIndex[i] >= 0) {	/* a pivot node */
	    distances[i].edges = N_GNEW(n - 1, int);
	    distances[i].edist = N_GNEW(n - 1, DistType);
	    distances[i].nedges = n - 1;
	    nedges += n - 1;
	    distances[i].free_mem = TRUE;
	    index = CenterIndex[i];
	    for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
		distances[i].edges[j] = j;
		distances[i].edist[j] = Dij[index][j];
	    for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
		distances[i].edges[j - 1] = j;
		distances[i].edist[j - 1] = Dij[index][j];

	/* a non pivot node */

	if (dist_bound > 0) {
	    if (reweight_graph) {
		num_visited_nodes =
		    dijkstra_bounded(i, graph, n, dist, dist_bound,
	    } else {
		num_visited_nodes =
		    bfs_bounded(i, graph, n, dist, &Q, dist_bound,
	    /* filter the pivots out of the visited nodes list, and the self loop: */
	    for (j = 0; j < num_visited_nodes;) {
		if (CenterIndex[visited_nodes[j]] < 0
		    && visited_nodes[j] != i) {
		    /* not a pivot or self loop */
		} else {
		    dist[visited_nodes[j]] = -1;
		    visited_nodes[j] = visited_nodes[--num_visited_nodes];
	} else {
	    num_visited_nodes = 0;
	num_neighbors = num_visited_nodes + num_centers;
	if (num_neighbors > available_space) {
	    available_space = (dist_bound + 1) * n;
	    storage1 = N_GNEW(available_space, int);
	    storage2 = N_GNEW(available_space, DistType);
	    distances[i].free_mem = TRUE;
	} else {