Ejemplo n.º 1
 * RemoveEventFromPlugin
 * - 
 * This method is invoked when launchd wishes the plugin to setup a launch 
 * event matching the parameters in the dictionary.
void RemoveEventFromPlugin(BonjourUserEventsPlugin* plugin, CFNumberRef	launchdToken)
	NetBrowserInfo* browser = (NetBrowserInfo*)CFDictionaryGetValue(plugin->_tokenToBrowserMap, launchdToken);
	Boolean othersUsingBrowser = false;
	if (!browser)
		long long value = 0;
		CFNumberGetValue(launchdToken, kCFNumberLongLongType, &value);
		fprintf(stderr, "%s, Launchd asked us to remove a token we did not register!\nToken:%lld\n", sPluginIdentifier, value);
	CFMutableArrayRef onAddEvents = (CFMutableArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(plugin->_onAddEvents, browser);
	CFMutableArrayRef onRemoveEvents = (CFMutableArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(plugin->_onRemoveEvents, browser);
	if (onAddEvents)
		RemoveEventFromArray(onAddEvents, launchdToken);
		// Is the array now empty, clean up 
		if (CFArrayGetCount(onAddEvents) == 0)
			CFDictionaryRemoveValue(plugin->_onAddEvents, browser);

	if (onRemoveEvents)
		RemoveEventFromArray(onRemoveEvents, launchdToken);
		// Is the array now empty, clean up 
		if (CFArrayGetCount(onRemoveEvents) == 0)
			CFDictionaryRemoveValue(plugin->_onRemoveEvents, browser);
	// Remove ourselves from the token dictionary.
	CFDictionaryRemoveValue(plugin->_tokenToBrowserMap, launchdToken);
	// Check to see if anyone else is using this browser.
	CFIndex i;
	CFIndex count = CFDictionaryGetCount(plugin->_tokenToBrowserMap);
	NetBrowserInfo** browsers = malloc(count * sizeof(NetBrowserInfo*));

	// Fetch the values of the token dictionary
	CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(plugin->_tokenToBrowserMap, NULL, (const void**)browsers);

	for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
		if (NetBrowserInfoEqual(browsers[i], browser))
			othersUsingBrowser = true;
	// If no one else is useing our browser, clean up!
	if (!othersUsingBrowser)
		CFDictionaryRemoveValue(plugin->_tokenToBrowserMap, launchdToken); // This triggers release and dealloc of the browser
* RemoveEventFromPlugin
* -
* This method is invoked when launchd wishes the plugin to setup a launch
* event matching the parameters in the dictionary.
void RemoveEventFromPlugin(BonjourUserEventsPlugin* plugin, CFNumberRef launchdToken)
    NetBrowserInfo* browser = (NetBrowserInfo*)CFDictionaryGetValue(plugin->_tokenToBrowserMap, launchdToken);
    Boolean othersUsingBrowser = false;

    if (!browser)
        long long value = 0;
        CFNumberGetValue(launchdToken, kCFNumberLongLongType, &value);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s:%s Launchd asked us to remove a token we did not register! ==Token:%lld== \n", sPluginIdentifier, __FUNCTION__, value);

    CFMutableArrayRef onAddEvents = (CFMutableArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(plugin->_onAddEvents, browser);
    CFMutableArrayRef onRemoveEvents = (CFMutableArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(plugin->_onRemoveEvents, browser);

    if (onAddEvents)
        asl_log(NULL, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "%s:%s: Calling RemoveEventFromArray for OnAddEvents", sPluginIdentifier, __FUNCTION__);
        RemoveEventFromArray(onAddEvents, launchdToken);

        // Is the array now empty, clean up
        if (CFArrayGetCount(onAddEvents) == 0)
            asl_log(NULL, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "%s:%s: Removing the browser from AddEvents", sPluginIdentifier, __FUNCTION__);
            CFDictionaryRemoveValue(plugin->_onAddEvents, browser);

    if (onRemoveEvents)
        asl_log(NULL, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "%s:%s: Calling RemoveEventFromArray for OnRemoveEvents", sPluginIdentifier, __FUNCTION__);
        RemoveEventFromArray(onRemoveEvents, launchdToken);

        // Is the array now empty, clean up
        if (CFArrayGetCount(onRemoveEvents) == 0)
            asl_log(NULL, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "%s:%s: Removing the browser from RemoveEvents", sPluginIdentifier, __FUNCTION__);
            CFDictionaryRemoveValue(plugin->_onRemoveEvents, browser);

    // Remove ourselves from the token dictionary.
    CFDictionaryRemoveValue(plugin->_tokenToBrowserMap, launchdToken);

    // Check to see if anyone else is using this browser.
    CFIndex i;
    CFIndex count = CFDictionaryGetCount(plugin->_tokenToBrowserMap);
    NetBrowserInfo** browsers = malloc(count * sizeof(NetBrowserInfo*));

    // Fetch the values of the token dictionary
    CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(plugin->_tokenToBrowserMap, NULL, (const void**)browsers);

    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
        if (NetBrowserInfoEqual(browsers[i], browser))
            othersUsingBrowser = true;

    // If no one else is useing our browser, clean up!
    if (!othersUsingBrowser)
        asl_log(NULL, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "%s:%s: Removing browser %p from _browsers", sPluginIdentifier, __FUNCTION__, browser);
        CFDictionaryRemoveValue(plugin->_browsers, browser); // This triggers release and dealloc of the browser
        asl_log(NULL, NULL, ASL_LEVEL_INFO, "%s:%s: Decrementing browsers %p count", sPluginIdentifier, __FUNCTION__, browser);
        // Decrement my reference count (it was incremented when it was added to _browsers in CreateBrowser)
        NetBrowserInfoRelease(NULL, browser);
