bool send_init_oft2(file_transfer *ft, char* file) { aimString astr(file); unsigned short len = max(0x100, 0xc0 + astr.getTermSize()); oft2 *oft = (oft2*)alloca(len); memset(oft, 0, len); memcpy(oft->protocol_version, "OFT2", 4); oft->length = _htons(len); oft->type = 0x0101; oft->total_files = _htons(ft->pfts.totalFiles); oft->num_files_left = _htons(ft->pfts.totalFiles - ft->pfts.currentFileNumber); oft->total_parts = _htons(1); oft->parts_left = _htons(1); oft->total_size = _htonl(ft->pfts.totalBytes); oft->size = _htonl(ft->pfts.currentFileSize); oft->mod_time = _htonl(ft->pfts.currentFileTime); oft->checksum = _htonl(aim_oft_checksum_file(ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile)); oft->recv_RFchecksum = 0x0000FFFF; oft->RFchecksum = 0x0000FFFF; oft->recv_checksum = 0x0000FFFF; memcpy(oft->idstring, "Cool FileXfer", 13); oft->flags = 0x20; oft->list_name_offset = 0x1c; oft->list_size_offset = 0x11; oft->encoding = _htons(astr.isUnicode() ? 2 : 0); memcpy(oft->filename, astr.getBuf(), astr.getTermSize()); if (!ft->requester || ft->pfts.currentFileNumber) memcpy(oft->icbm_cookie, ft->icbm_cookie, 8); return Netlib_Send(ft->hConn, (char*)oft, len, 0) > 0; }
int TlenWsSendAES(TlenProtocol *proto, char *data, int datalen, aes_context *aes_ctx, unsigned char *aes_iv) { int len, sendlen; unsigned char aes_input[16]; unsigned char aes_output[256]; if (proto->threadData == NULL) { return FALSE; } while (datalen > 0) { len = 0; while (datalen > 0 && len < 256) { int pad = datalen < 16 ? 16 - datalen : 0; memcpy(aes_input, data, datalen < 16 ? datalen : 16); memset(aes_input + 16 - pad, ' ', pad); aes_crypt_cbc(aes_ctx, AES_ENCRYPT, 16, aes_iv, aes_input, aes_output + len); datalen -= 16; data += 16; len += 16; } if (len > 0) { proto->debugLogA("Sending %d bytes", len); if ((sendlen=Netlib_Send(proto->threadData->s, (char *)aes_output, len, MSG_NODUMP)) == SOCKET_ERROR || len != sendlen) { proto->debugLogA("Netlib_Send() failed, error=%d", WSAGetLastError()); return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; }
void CLHttpUser::SendRedir(int iErrorCode, const char * pszError, const char * pszDescription, const char * pszRedirect) { char szCurrTime[ 100 ]; time_t ltime; time(<ime); strftime(szCurrTime, sizeof(szCurrTime), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(<ime)); if (!pszDescription) pszDescription = pszError; char szBuff[1000]; DWORD dwBytesToWrite = mir_snprintf(szBuff, SIZEOF(szBuff), "HTTP/1.1 %i %s\r\n" "Date: %s\r\n" "Server: MirandaWeb/%s\r\n" "Location: %s/\r\n" "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n" "\r\n" "10f\r\n" "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\">\n" "<HTML><HEAD>\n" "<TITLE>%i %s</TITLE>\n" "</HEAD><BODY>\n" "<H1>%s</H1>\n" "%s<P>\n" "<HR>\n" "<ADDRESS>MirandaWeb/%s</ADDRESS>\n" "</BODY></HTML>\n" "\r\n" "\r\n", iErrorCode, pszError, szCurrTime, PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(__MAJOR_VERSION, __MINOR_VERSION, __RELEASE_NUM, __BUILD_NUM), pszRedirect, iErrorCode, pszError, pszError, pszDescription, PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(__MAJOR_VERSION, __MINOR_VERSION, __RELEASE_NUM, __BUILD_NUM)); Netlib_Send(hConnection, szBuff, dwBytesToWrite, 0); }
int TlenWsSend(TlenProtocol *proto, HANDLE s, char *data, int datalen) { int len; if ((len=Netlib_Send(s, data, datalen, /*MSG_NODUMP|*/MSG_DUMPASTEXT)) == SOCKET_ERROR || len != datalen) { proto->debugLogA("Netlib_Send() failed, error=%d", WSAGetLastError()); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
int __cdecl SessionWrite(mwSession* session, const unsigned char* buf, gsize len) { CSametimeProto* proto = (CSametimeProto*)mwSession_getProperty(session, "PROTO_STRUCT_PTR"); proto->debugLog(_T("SessionWrite() server_connection=[%d], len=[%d]"), proto->server_connection, len); if (!proto->server_connection) return 1; if (Netlib_Send(proto->server_connection, (const char*)buf, len, 0) == SOCKET_ERROR) return 1; return 0; }
int JabberWsSend(JABBER_SOCKET hConn, char *data, int datalen) { int len; if ((len=Netlib_Send(hConn, data, datalen, /*MSG_NODUMP|*/MSG_DUMPASTEXT))==SOCKET_ERROR || len!=datalen) { JabberLog("Netlib_Send() failed, error=%d", WSAGetLastError()); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void upload_avt(int id, INT_PTR fd, int error, void *data) { struct yahoo_file_info *sf = (struct yahoo_file_info*) data; unsigned long size = 0; char buf[1024]; int rw; /* */ DWORD dw; /* needed for ReadFile */ HANDLE myhFile; if (fd < 1 || error) { LOG(("[get_fd] Connect Failed!")); return; } myhFile = CreateFileA(sf->filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, 0); if (myhFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LOG(("[get_fd] Can't open file for reading?!")); return; } LOG(("Sending file: %s size: %ld", sf->filename, sf->filesize)); do { rw = ReadFile(myhFile, buf, sizeof(buf), &dw, NULL); if (rw != 0) { rw = Netlib_Send((HANDLE)fd, buf, dw, MSG_NODUMP); if (rw < 1) { LOG(("Upload Failed. Send error?")); //ShowError(Translate("Yahoo Error"), Translate("Avatar upload failed!?!")); break; } size += rw; } } while (rw >= 0 && size < sf->filesize); CloseHandle(myhFile); do { rw = Netlib_Recv((HANDLE)fd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); LOG(("Got: %d bytes", rw)); } while (rw > 0); LOG(("File send complete!")); }
int CJabberProto::WsSend(JABBER_SOCKET hConn, char* data, int datalen, int flags) { m_lastTicks = ::GetTickCount(); int len; if ((len = Netlib_Send(hConn, data, datalen, flags)) == SOCKET_ERROR || len != datalen) { debugLogA("Netlib_Send() failed, error=%d", WSAGetLastError()); return SOCKET_ERROR; } return len; }
LPCOMMANDPROC SendCommand(HWND wnd, int command, int value) { switch (command) { case WAT_CTRL_PREV: Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "previous\n", (int)strlen("previous\n"), 0); break; case WAT_CTRL_PLAY: //add resuming support if(gbState != WAT_PLS_PAUSED) Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "play\n", (int)strlen("play\n"), 0); else Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "pause 0\n", (int)strlen("pause 0\n"), 0); break; case WAT_CTRL_PAUSE: Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "pause 1\n", (int)strlen("pause 1\n"), 0); break; case WAT_CTRL_STOP: Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "stop\n", (int)strlen("stop\n"), 0); break; case WAT_CTRL_NEXT: Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "next\n", (int)strlen("next\n"), 0); break; case WAT_CTRL_VOLDN: break; case WAT_CTRL_VOLUP: break; case WAT_CTRL_SEEK: break; default: break; } return 0; }
int SendCommand(HWND, int command, int) { switch (command) { case WAT_CTRL_PREV: Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "previous\n", (int)mir_strlen("previous\n"), 0); return 0; case WAT_CTRL_PLAY: //add resuming support if(gbState != WAT_PLS_PAUSED) Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "play\n", (int)mir_strlen("play\n"), 0); else Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "pause 0\n", (int)mir_strlen("pause 0\n"), 0); return 0; case WAT_CTRL_PAUSE: Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "pause 1\n", (int)mir_strlen("pause 1\n"), 0); return 0; case WAT_CTRL_STOP: Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "stop\n", (int)mir_strlen("stop\n"), 0); return 0; case WAT_CTRL_NEXT: Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "next\n", (int)mir_strlen("next\n"), 0); return 0; case WAT_CTRL_VOLDN: return 0; case WAT_CTRL_VOLUP: return 0; case WAT_CTRL_SEEK: return 0; default: return 0; } }
int icq_httpGatewayWalkTo(HANDLE hConn, NETLIBOPENCONNECTION* nloc) { // this is bad simplification - for avatars to work we need to handle // two "virtual connections" at the same time icq_packet packet; DWORD dwGatewaySeq = GetGatewayIndex(hConn); packet.wLen = 0; write_httphdr(&packet, HTTP_PACKETTYPE_CLOSE, dwGatewaySeq); Netlib_Send(hConn, (char*)packet.pData, packet.wLen, MSG_DUMPPROXY|MSG_NOHTTPGATEWAYWRAP); // we closed virtual connection, open new one dwGatewaySeq++; SetGatewayIndex(hConn, dwGatewaySeq); return icq_httpGatewayBegin(hConn, nloc); }
void FromServerToClient(LPVOID lParam) { char buf[1024] = { 0 }; HANDLE hConnection = (HANDLE)lParam; do { if (!hBindPort) return; int cbRead = Netlib_Recv(netlibcon, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); if (cbRead == SOCKET_ERROR) break; if (cbRead) { Netlib_Send(hConnection, buf, cbRead, 0); } } while (1); }
int PASCAL send(SOCKET s, const char FAR *buf, int len, int flags) { int rlen = Netlib_Send((HANDLE)s, buf, len, 0); #ifdef HTTP_GATEWAY if (iHTTPGateway) lLastSend = time(NULL); #endif if (rlen == SOCKET_ERROR) { LOG(("SEND Error.")); return -1; } return len; }
int icq_httpGatewayWrapSend( HANDLE hConn, PBYTE buf, int len, int flags, MIRANDASERVICE pfnNetlibSend ) { icq_packet packet; int sendResult; packet.wLen = len; write_httphdr( &packet, HTTP_PACKETTYPE_FLAP ); packString( &packet, buf, ( WORD )len ); sendResult = Netlib_Send( hConn, packet.pData, packet.wLen, flags ); mir_free( packet.pData ); if( sendResult <= 0 ) return sendResult; if( sendResult < 14 ) return 0; return sendResult - 14; }
int avatars_server_connection::sendServerPacket(icq_packet *pPacket) { int lResult = 0; // This critsec makes sure that the sequence order doesn't get screwed up localSeqMutex->Enter(); if (hConnection) { int nRetries; int nSendResult; // :IMPORTANT: // The FLAP sequence must be a WORD. When it reaches 0xFFFF it should wrap to // 0x0000, otherwise we'll get kicked by server. wLocalSequence++; // Pack sequence number pPacket->pData[2] = ((wLocalSequence & 0xff00) >> 8); pPacket->pData[3] = (wLocalSequence & 0x00ff); for (nRetries = 3; nRetries >= 0; nRetries--) { nSendResult = Netlib_Send(hConnection, (const char *)pPacket->pData, pPacket->wLen, 0); if (nSendResult != SOCKET_ERROR) break; Sleep(1000); } // Send error if (nSendResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { // thread stops automatically ppro->debugLogA("Your connection with the ICQ avatar server was abortively closed"); } else { lResult = 1; // packet sent successfully icq_lock l(m_ratesMutex); if (m_rates) m_rates->packetSent(pPacket); } } else {
DWORD CMraProto::MraSendPacket(HANDLE hConnection, DWORD dwCmdNum, DWORD dwType, LPVOID lpData, size_t dwDataSize) { LPBYTE lpbData = (LPBYTE)_alloca(dwDataSize + sizeof(mrim_packet_header_t)); mrim_packet_header_t *pmaHeader = (mrim_packet_header_t*)lpbData; memset(pmaHeader, 0, sizeof(mrim_packet_header_t)); pmaHeader->magic = CS_MAGIC; pmaHeader->proto = (PROTO_VERSION_MAJOR << 16) + PROTO_VERSION_MINOR; // Версия протокола pmaHeader->seq = dwCmdNum;// Sequence pmaHeader->msg = dwType;// Тип пакета pmaHeader->dlen = (unsigned)dwDataSize;// Длина данных debugLogA("Sending packet %08x\n", dwType); memcpy((lpbData + sizeof(mrim_packet_header_t)), lpData, dwDataSize); return Netlib_Send(hConnection, (LPSTR)lpbData, (int)(dwDataSize + sizeof(mrim_packet_header_t)), 0); }
void CIcqProto::sendServPacket(icq_packet *pPacket) { // make sure to have the connection handle connectionHandleMutex->Enter(); if (hServerConn) { int nSendResult; // This critsec makes sure that the sequence order doesn't get screwed up localSeqMutex->Enter(); // :IMPORTANT: // The FLAP sequence must be a WORD. When it reaches 0xFFFF it should wrap to // 0x0000, otherwise we'll get kicked by server. wLocalSequence++; // Pack sequence number pPacket->pData[2] = ((wLocalSequence & 0xff00) >> 8); pPacket->pData[3] = (wLocalSequence & 0x00ff); nSendResult = Netlib_Send(hServerConn, (const char *)pPacket->pData, pPacket->wLen, 0); localSeqMutex->Leave(); connectionHandleMutex->Leave(); // Send error if (nSendResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { icq_LogUsingErrorCode(LOG_ERROR, GetLastError(), LPGEN("Your connection with the ICQ server was abortively closed")); icq_serverDisconnect(FALSE); if (m_iStatus != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { SetCurrentStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } } else { // Rates management icq_lock l(m_ratesMutex); m_rates->packetSent(pPacket); } } else {
int icq_httpGatewayBegin(HANDLE hConn, NETLIBOPENCONNECTION* nloc) { // open our "virual data connection" icq_packet packet; size_t serverNameLen; serverNameLen = strlennull(nloc->szHost); packet.wLen = (WORD)(serverNameLen + 4); write_httphdr(&packet, HTTP_PACKETTYPE_LOGIN, GetGatewayIndex(hConn)); packWord(&packet, (WORD)serverNameLen); packBuffer(&packet, (LPBYTE)nloc->szHost, (WORD)serverNameLen); packWord(&packet, nloc->wPort); INT_PTR res = Netlib_Send(hConn, (char*)packet.pData, packet.wLen, MSG_DUMPPROXY|MSG_NOHTTPGATEWAYWRAP); SAFE_FREE((void**)&packet.pData); return res != SOCKET_ERROR; }
int proxy_initialize_send(HANDLE connection, char* sn, char* cookie) { const char sn_length = (char)strlen(sn); const int len = sn_length + 21 + TLV_HEADER_SIZE + AIM_CAPS_LENGTH; char* buf= (char*)_malloca(len); unsigned short offset=0; aim_writeshort(len-2, offset, buf); aim_writegeneric(10, "\x04\x4a\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0", offset, buf); aim_writechar((unsigned char)sn_length, offset, buf); // screen name len aim_writegeneric(sn_length, sn, offset, buf); // screen name aim_writegeneric(8, cookie, offset, buf); // icbm cookie aim_writetlv(1, AIM_CAPS_LENGTH, AIM_CAP_FILE_TRANSFER, offset, buf); return Netlib_Send(connection, buf, offset, 0) >= 0 ? 0 : -1; }
//xfireclient baut verbindung auf void XfireclientConnecting(HANDLE hConnection, DWORD, void* extra ) { char buf[1024]={0}; //verbindung zum richtigen xfire server aufbauen NETLIBOPENCONNECTION ncon = { 0 }; ncon.cbSize = sizeof(ncon); ncon.szHost = ""; ncon.wPort = (WORD)atol("25999"); ncon.timeout=5; netlibcon = (HANDLE) CallService(MS_NETLIB_OPENCONNECTION, (WPARAM) hNetlib, (LPARAM) & ncon); if (!netlibcon) { Netlib_CloseHandle(hConnection); } mir_forkthread(FromServerToClient,(LPVOID)hConnection); //schleife behandelt empfangende daten do { int cbRead = Netlib_Recv(hConnection, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); if ( cbRead == SOCKET_ERROR) { Netlib_CloseHandle(hConnection); Netlib_CloseHandle(netlibcon); break; } if (cbRead) { if (!Netlib_Send(netlibcon, buf, cbRead, 0)) { Netlib_CloseHandle(hConnection); Netlib_CloseHandle(netlibcon); break; } } } while(1); }
static BOOL JabberFtSend( HANDLE hConn, void *userdata ) { filetransfer* ft = ( filetransfer* ) userdata; struct _stat statbuf; int fd; char* buffer; int numRead; JabberLog( "Sending [%s]", ft->std.files[ ft->std.currentFileNumber ] ); _stat( ft->std.files[ ft->std.currentFileNumber ], &statbuf ); // file size in statbuf.st_size if (( fd=_open( ft->std.files[ ft->std.currentFileNumber ], _O_BINARY|_O_RDONLY )) < 0 ) { JabberLog( "File cannot be opened" ); return FALSE; } ft->std.sending = TRUE; ft->std.currentFileSize = statbuf.st_size; ft->std.currentFileProgress = 0; if (( buffer=( char* )mir_alloc( 2048 )) != NULL ) { while (( numRead=_read( fd, buffer, 2048 )) > 0 ) { if ( Netlib_Send( hConn, buffer, numRead, 0 ) != numRead ) { mir_free( buffer ); _close( fd ); return FALSE; } ft->std.currentFileProgress += numRead; ft->std.totalProgress += numRead; JSendBroadcast( ft->std.hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, ft, ( LPARAM )&ft->std ); } mir_free( buffer ); } _close( fd ); return TRUE; }
int CAimProto::sending_file(file_transfer *ft, HANDLE hServerPacketRecver, NETLIBPACKETRECVER &packetRecv) { debugLogA("P2P: Entered file sending thread."); bool failed = true; bool failed_conn = false; if (!setup_next_file_send(ft)) return 2; debugLogA("Sent file information to buddy."); //start listen for packets stuff for (;;) { int recvResult = packetRecv.bytesAvailable - packetRecv.bytesUsed; if (recvResult <= 0) recvResult = CallService(MS_NETLIB_GETMOREPACKETS, (WPARAM)hServerPacketRecver, (LPARAM)&packetRecv); if (recvResult == 0) { debugLogA("P2P: File transfer connection Error: 0"); break; } if (recvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { failed_conn = true; debugLogA("P2P: File transfer connection Error: -1"); break; } if (recvResult > 0) { if (recvResult < 0x100) continue; oft2* recv_ft = (oft2*)&packetRecv.buffer[packetRecv.bytesUsed]; unsigned short pkt_len = _htons(recv_ft->length); if (recvResult < pkt_len) continue; packetRecv.bytesUsed += pkt_len; unsigned short type = _htons(recv_ft->type); if (type == 0x0202 || type == 0x0207) { debugLogA("P2P: Buddy Accepts our file transfer."); int fid = _topen(ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile, _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY, _S_IREAD); if (fid < 0) { report_file_error(ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile); return 2; } if (ft->pfts.currentFileProgress) _lseeki64(fid, ft->pfts.currentFileProgress, SEEK_SET); NETLIBSELECT tSelect = { 0 }; tSelect.cbSize = sizeof(tSelect); tSelect.hReadConns[0] = ft->hConn; ProtoBroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, ft, (LPARAM)&ft->pfts); clock_t lNotify = clock(); for (;;) { char buffer[4096]; int bytes = _read(fid, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (bytes <= 0) break; if (Netlib_Send(ft->hConn, buffer, bytes, MSG_NODUMP) <= 0) break; ft->pfts.currentFileProgress += bytes; ft->pfts.totalProgress += bytes; if (clock() >= lNotify) { ProtoBroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, ft, (LPARAM)&ft->pfts); if (CallService(MS_NETLIB_SELECT, 0, (LPARAM)&tSelect)) break; lNotify = clock() + 500; } } ProtoBroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, ft, (LPARAM)&ft->pfts); debugLogA("P2P: Finished sending file bytes."); _close(fid); } else if (type == 0x0204) { // Handle file skip case if (ft->pfts.currentFileProgress == 0) { ft->pfts.totalProgress += ft->pfts.currentFileSize; } debugLogA("P2P: Buddy says they got the file successfully"); if ((ft->pfts.currentFileNumber + 1) < ft->pfts.totalFiles) { ProtoBroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_NEXTFILE, ft, 0); ++ft->pfts.currentFileNumber; ++ft->cf; if (!setup_next_file_send(ft)) { report_file_error(ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile); return 2; } } else { failed = _htonl(recv_ft->recv_bytes) != ft->pfts.currentFileSize; break; } } else if (type == 0x0205) { recv_ft = (oft2*)packetRecv.buffer; recv_ft->type = _htons(0x0106); ft->pfts.currentFileProgress = _htonl(recv_ft->recv_bytes); if (aim_oft_checksum_file(ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile, ft->pfts.currentFileProgress) != _htonl(recv_ft->recv_checksum)) { ft->pfts.currentFileProgress = 0; recv_ft->recv_bytes = 0; } debugLogA("P2P: Buddy wants us to start sending at a specified file point. (%I64u)", ft->pfts.currentFileProgress); if (Netlib_Send(ft->hConn, (char*)recv_ft, _htons(recv_ft->length), 0) <= 0) break; ft->pfts.totalProgress += ft->pfts.currentFileProgress; ProtoBroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, ft, (LPARAM)&ft->pfts); } } } ft->success = !failed; return failed ? (failed_conn ? 1 : 2) : 0; }
void CJabberProto::ByteSendViaProxy( JABBER_BYTE_TRANSFER *jbt ) { TCHAR *szHost, *szPort; WORD port; HANDLE hConn; char data[3]; char* buffer; int datalen, bytesParsed, recvResult; BOOL validStreamhost; if ( jbt == NULL ) return; if (( buffer=( char* )mir_alloc( JABBER_NETWORK_BUFFER_SIZE )) == NULL ) { m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq( _T("error"), jbt->iqId, jbt->srcJID ) << XCHILD( _T("error")) << XATTRI( _T("code"), 406 ) << XATTR( _T("type"), _T("auth")) << XCHILDNS( _T("not-acceptable"), _T("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"))); return; } jbt->state = JBT_INIT; validStreamhost = FALSE; szPort = jbt->szProxyPort; szHost = jbt->szProxyHost; port = ( WORD )_ttoi( szPort ); if ( jbt->streamhostJID ) mir_free( jbt->streamhostJID ); jbt->streamhostJID = mir_tstrdup( jbt->szProxyJid ); NETLIBOPENCONNECTION nloc = { 0 }; nloc.cbSize = sizeof( nloc ); nloc.szHost = mir_t2a(szHost); nloc.wPort = port; hConn = ( HANDLE ) JCallService( MS_NETLIB_OPENCONNECTION, ( WPARAM ) m_hNetlibUser, ( LPARAM )&nloc ); mir_free((void*)nloc.szHost); if ( hConn != NULL ) { jbt->hConn = hConn; data[0] = 5; data[1] = 1; data[2] = 0; Netlib_Send( hConn, data, 3, 0 ); jbt->state = JBT_INIT; datalen = 0; while ( jbt->state!=JBT_DONE && jbt->state!=JBT_ERROR && jbt->state!=JBT_SOCKSERR ) { recvResult = Netlib_Recv( hConn, buffer+datalen, JABBER_NETWORK_BUFFER_SIZE-datalen, 0 ); if ( recvResult <= 0 ) break; datalen += recvResult; bytesParsed = ByteSendProxyParse( hConn, jbt, buffer, datalen ); if ( bytesParsed < datalen ) memmove( buffer, buffer+bytesParsed, datalen-bytesParsed ); datalen -= bytesParsed; if ( jbt->state == JBT_DONE ) validStreamhost = TRUE; } Netlib_CloseHandle( hConn ); } mir_free( buffer ); (this->*jbt->pfnFinal)(( jbt->state == JBT_DONE ) ? TRUE : FALSE, jbt->ft ); jbt->ft = NULL; if ( !validStreamhost ) m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq( _T("error"), jbt->iqId, jbt->srcJID ) << XCHILD( _T("error")) << XATTRI( _T("code"), 404 ) << XATTR( _T("type"), _T("cancel")) << XCHILDNS( _T("item-not-found"), _T("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"))); }
int CJabberProto::ByteSendProxyParse( HANDLE hConn, JABBER_BYTE_TRANSFER *jbt, char* buffer, int datalen ) { int num = datalen; switch ( jbt->state ) { case JBT_INIT: // received: // 00-00 ver ( 0x05 ) // 01-01 selected method ( 0=no auth, 0xff=error ) // send: // 00-00 ver ( 0x05 ) // 01-01 cmd ( 1=connect ) // 02-02 reserved ( 0 ) // 03-03 address type ( 3 ) // 04-44 dst.addr ( 41 bytes: 1-byte length, 40-byte SHA1 hash of [sid,srcJID,dstJID] ) // 45-46 dst.port ( 0 ) if ( datalen==2 && buffer[0]==5 && buffer[1]==0 ) { BYTE data[47]; ZeroMemory( data, sizeof( data )); *(( DWORD* )data ) = 0x03000105; data[4] = 40; TCHAR text[256]; TCHAR *szInitiatorJid = JabberPrepareJid(jbt->srcJID); TCHAR *szTargetJid = JabberPrepareJid(jbt->dstJID); mir_sntprintf( text, SIZEOF( text ), _T("%s%s%s"), jbt->sid, szInitiatorJid, szTargetJid ); mir_free(szInitiatorJid); mir_free(szTargetJid); char* szAuthString = mir_utf8encodeT( text ); Log( "Auth: '%s'", szAuthString ); char* szHash = JabberSha1( szAuthString ); strncpy(( char* )( data+5 ), szHash, 40 ); mir_free( szHash ); Netlib_Send( hConn, ( char* )data, 47, 0 ); jbt->state = JBT_CONNECT; mir_free( szAuthString ); } else jbt->state = JBT_SOCKSERR; break; case JBT_CONNECT: // received: // 00-00 ver ( 0x05 ) // 01-01 reply ( 0=success,2=not allowed ) // 02-02 reserved ( 0 ) // 03-03 address type ( 1=IPv4 address,3=host address ) // 04-mm bnd.addr server bound address ( 4-byte IP if IPv4, 1-byte length + n-byte host address string if host address ) // nn-nn+1 bnd.port server bound port if ( datalen>=5 && buffer[0]==5 && buffer[1]==0 && ( buffer[3]==1 || buffer[3]==3 || buffer[3]==0 )) { if ( buffer[3]==1 && datalen>=10 ) num = 10; else if ( buffer[3]==3 && datalen>=buffer[4]+7 ) num = buffer[4] + 7; else if ( buffer[3]==0 && datalen>=6 ) num = 6; else { jbt->state = JBT_SOCKSERR; break; } jbt->state = JBT_SENDING; jbt->hProxyEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); jbt->bStreamActivated = FALSE; int iqId = SerialNext(); TCHAR listJid[256]; mir_sntprintf(listJid, SIZEOF( listJid ), _T("ftproxy_%d"), iqId); JABBER_LIST_ITEM *item = ListAdd( LIST_FTIQID, listJid ); item->jbt = jbt; IqAdd( iqId, IQ_PROC_NONE, &CJabberProto::IqResultStreamActivate ); m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq( _T("set"), iqId, jbt->streamhostJID ) << XQUERY( _T(JABBER_FEAT_BYTESTREAMS)) << XATTR( _T("sid"), jbt->sid ) << XCHILD( _T("activate"), jbt->dstJID )); WaitForSingleObject( jbt->hProxyEvent, INFINITE ); CloseHandle( jbt->hProxyEvent ); jbt->hProxyEvent = NULL; ListRemove( LIST_FTIQID, listJid ); if ( jbt->bStreamActivated) jbt->state = (this->*jbt->pfnSend)( hConn, jbt->ft ) ? JBT_DONE : JBT_ERROR; else jbt->state = JBT_ERROR; } else jbt->state = JBT_SOCKSERR; break; } return num; }
int CJabberProto::FileSendParse(JABBER_SOCKET s, filetransfer *ft, char* buffer, int datalen) { char* p, *q, *t, *eob; char* str; int num; int currentFile; int fileId; int numRead; eob = buffer + datalen; p = buffer; num = 0; while (ft->state == FT_CONNECTING || ft->state == FT_INITIALIZING) { for (q = p; q + 1 < eob && (*q != '\r' || *(q + 1) != '\n'); q++); if (q + 1 >= eob) break; if ((str = (char*)mir_alloc(q - p + 1)) == NULL) { ft->state = FT_ERROR; break; } strncpy_s(str, q - p, p, _TRUNCATE); str[q - p] = '\0'; debugLogA("FT Got: %s", str); if (ft->state == FT_CONNECTING) { // looking for "GET filename.ext HTTP/1.1" if (!strncmp(str, "GET ", 4)) { for (t = str + 4; *t != '\0' && *t != ' '; t++); *t = '\0'; for (t = str + 4; *t != '\0' && *t == '/'; t++); ft->httpPath = mir_a2t(t); JabberHttpUrlDecode(ft->httpPath); ft->state = FT_INITIALIZING; debugLogA("Change to FT_INITIALIZING"); } } else { // FT_INITIALIZING if (str[0] == '\0') { struct _stati64 statbuf; mir_free(str); num += 2; currentFile = ft->std.currentFileNumber; TCHAR *t = _tcsrchr(ft->std.ptszFiles[currentFile], '\\'); if (t != NULL) t++; else t = ft->std.ptszFiles[currentFile]; if (ft->httpPath == NULL || mir_tstrcmp(ft->httpPath, t)) { if (ft->httpPath == NULL) debugLogA("Requested file name does not matched (httpPath == NULL)"); else debugLog(_T("Requested file name does not matched ('%s' vs. '%s')"), ft->httpPath, t); ft->state = FT_ERROR; break; } debugLog(_T("Sending [%s]"), ft->std.ptszFiles[currentFile]); _tstati64(ft->std.ptszFiles[currentFile], &statbuf); // file size in statbuf.st_size if ((fileId = _topen(ft->std.ptszFiles[currentFile], _O_BINARY | _O_RDONLY)) < 0) { debugLogA("File cannot be opened"); ft->state = FT_ERROR; mir_free(ft->httpPath); ft->httpPath = NULL; break; } char fileBuffer[2048]; int bytes = mir_snprintf(fileBuffer, _countof(fileBuffer), "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %I64u\r\n\r\n", statbuf.st_size); WsSend(s, fileBuffer, bytes, MSG_DUMPASTEXT); ft->std.flags |= PFTS_SENDING; ft->std.currentFileProgress = 0; debugLogA("Sending file data..."); while ((numRead = _read(fileId, fileBuffer, 2048)) > 0) { if (Netlib_Send(s, fileBuffer, numRead, 0) != numRead) { ft->state = FT_ERROR; break; } ft->std.currentFileProgress += numRead; ft->std.totalProgress += numRead; ProtoBroadcastAck(ft->std.hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, ft, (LPARAM)&ft->std); } _close(fileId); if (ft->state != FT_ERROR) ft->state = FT_DONE; debugLogA("Finishing this file..."); mir_free(ft->httpPath); ft->httpPath = NULL; break; } } mir_free(str); q += 2; num += (q-p); p = q; } return num; }
void __cdecl CJabberProto::ByteReceiveThread( JABBER_BYTE_TRANSFER *jbt ) { HXML iqNode, queryNode = NULL, n; const TCHAR *sid = NULL, *from = NULL, *to = NULL, *szId = NULL, *szHost, *szPort, *str; int i; WORD port; HANDLE hConn; char data[3]; char* buffer; int datalen, bytesParsed, recvResult; BOOL validStreamhost = FALSE; if ( jbt == NULL ) return; jbt->state = JBT_INIT; if ( iqNode = jbt->iqNode ) { from = xmlGetAttrValue( iqNode, _T("from")); to = xmlGetAttrValue( iqNode, _T("to")); szId = xmlGetAttrValue( iqNode, _T("id")); queryNode = xmlGetChild( iqNode , "query" ); if ( queryNode ) sid = xmlGetAttrValue( queryNode, _T("sid")); } if ( szId && from && to && sid && ( n = xmlGetChild( queryNode , "streamhost" ))!=NULL ) { jbt->iqId = mir_tstrdup( szId ); jbt->srcJID = mir_tstrdup( from ); jbt->dstJID = mir_tstrdup( to ); jbt->sid = mir_tstrdup( sid ); if (( buffer=( char* )mir_alloc( JABBER_NETWORK_BUFFER_SIZE ))) { for ( i=1; ( n = xmlGetNthChild( queryNode, _T("streamhost"), i ))!=NULL; i++ ) { if (( szHost = xmlGetAttrValue( n, _T("host"))) != NULL && ( szPort = xmlGetAttrValue( n, _T("port"))) != NULL && ( str = xmlGetAttrValue( n, _T("jid"))) != NULL ) { port = ( WORD )_ttoi( szPort ); if ( jbt->streamhostJID ) mir_free( jbt->streamhostJID ); jbt->streamhostJID = mir_tstrdup( str ); Log( "bytestream_recv connecting to " TCHAR_STR_PARAM ":%d", szHost, port ); NETLIBOPENCONNECTION nloc = { 0 }; nloc.cbSize = sizeof( nloc ); nloc.szHost = mir_t2a(szHost); nloc.wPort = port; hConn = ( HANDLE ) JCallService( MS_NETLIB_OPENCONNECTION, ( WPARAM ) m_hNetlibUser, ( LPARAM )&nloc ); mir_free((void*)nloc.szHost); if ( hConn == NULL ) { Log( "bytestream_recv_connection connection failed ( %d ), try next streamhost", WSAGetLastError()); continue; } jbt->hConn = hConn; data[0] = 5; data[1] = 1; data[2] = 0; Netlib_Send( hConn, data, 3, 0 ); jbt->state = JBT_INIT; datalen = 0; while ( jbt->state!=JBT_DONE && jbt->state!=JBT_ERROR && jbt->state!=JBT_SOCKSERR ) { recvResult = Netlib_Recv( hConn, buffer+datalen, JABBER_NETWORK_BUFFER_SIZE-datalen, 0 ); if ( recvResult <= 0 ) break; datalen += recvResult; bytesParsed = ByteReceiveParse( hConn, jbt, buffer, datalen ); if ( bytesParsed < datalen ) memmove( buffer, buffer+bytesParsed, datalen-bytesParsed ); datalen -= bytesParsed; if ( jbt->state == JBT_RECVING ) validStreamhost = TRUE; } Netlib_CloseHandle( hConn ); Log( "bytestream_recv_connection closing connection" ); } if ( jbt->state==JBT_ERROR || validStreamhost==TRUE ) break; Log( "bytestream_recv_connection stream cannot be established, try next streamhost" ); } mir_free( buffer ); } } (this->*jbt->pfnFinal)(( jbt->state==JBT_DONE )?TRUE:FALSE, jbt->ft ); jbt->ft = NULL; if ( !validStreamhost && szId && from ) { Log( "bytestream_recv_connection session not completed" ); m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq( _T("error"), szId, from ) << XCHILD( _T("error")) << XATTRI( _T("code"), 404 ) << XATTR( _T("type"), _T("cancel")) << XCHILDNS( _T("item-not-found"), _T("urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"))); } delete jbt; Log( "Thread ended: type=bytestream_recv" ); }
int CJabberProto::ByteReceiveParse( HANDLE hConn, JABBER_BYTE_TRANSFER *jbt, char* buffer, int datalen ) { int bytesReceived, num = datalen; switch ( jbt->state ) { case JBT_INIT: // received: // 00-00 ver ( 0x05 ) // 01-01 selected method ( 0=no auth, 0xff=error ) // send: // 00-00 ver ( 0x05 ) // 01-01 cmd ( 1=connect ) // 02-02 reserved ( 0 ) // 03-03 address type ( 3 ) // 04-44 dst.addr ( 41 bytes: 1-byte length, 40-byte SHA1 hash of [sid,srcJID,dstJID] ) // 45-46 dst.port ( 0 ) if ( datalen==2 && buffer[0]==5 && buffer[1]==0 ) { BYTE data[47]; ZeroMemory( data, sizeof( data )); *(( DWORD* )data ) = 0x03000105; data[4] = 40; TCHAR text[JABBER_MAX_JID_LEN*2]; TCHAR *szInitiatorJid = JabberPrepareJid(jbt->srcJID); TCHAR *szTargetJid = JabberPrepareJid(jbt->dstJID); mir_sntprintf( text, SIZEOF( text ), _T("%s%s%s"), jbt->sid, szInitiatorJid, szTargetJid ); mir_free(szInitiatorJid); mir_free(szTargetJid); char* szAuthString = mir_utf8encodeT( text ); Log( "Auth: '%s'", szAuthString ); char* szHash = JabberSha1( szAuthString ); strncpy(( char* )( data+5 ), szHash, 40 ); mir_free( szHash ); Netlib_Send( hConn, ( char* )data, 47, 0 ); jbt->state = JBT_CONNECT; mir_free( szAuthString ); } else jbt->state = JBT_SOCKSERR; break; case JBT_CONNECT: // received: // 00-00 ver ( 0x05 ) // 01-01 reply ( 0=success,2=not allowed ) // 02-02 reserved ( 0 ) // 03-03 address type ( 1=IPv4 address,3=host address ) // 04-mm bnd.addr server bound address ( 4-byte IP if IPv4, 1-byte length + n-byte host address string if host address ) // nn-nn+1 bnd.port server bound port if ( datalen>=5 && buffer[0]==5 && buffer[1]==0 && ( buffer[3]==1 || buffer[3]==3 || buffer[3]==0 )) { if ( buffer[3]==1 && datalen>=10 ) num = 10; else if ( buffer[3]==3 && datalen>=buffer[4]+7 ) num = buffer[4] + 7; else if ( buffer[3]==0 && datalen>=6 ) num = 6; else { jbt->state = JBT_SOCKSERR; break; } jbt->state = JBT_RECVING; m_ThreadInfo->send( XmlNodeIq( _T("result"), jbt->iqId, jbt->srcJID ) << XQUERY( _T(JABBER_FEAT_BYTESTREAMS)) << XCHILD( _T("streamhost-used")) << XATTR( _T("jid"), jbt->streamhostJID )); } else jbt->state = JBT_SOCKSERR; break; case JBT_RECVING: bytesReceived = (this->*jbt->pfnRecv)( hConn, jbt->ft, buffer, datalen ); if ( bytesReceived < 0 ) jbt->state = JBT_ERROR; else if ( bytesReceived == 0 ) jbt->state = JBT_DONE; break; } return num; }
int Parser() { static NETLIBPACKETRECVER nlpr = {0}; char *ptr; char tmp[256]; int i; char *buf; static char ver[16]; nlpr.cbSize = sizeof(nlpr); nlpr.dwTimeout = 5; if(!ghConnection) { mir_forkthread(&Start, 0); } if(ghConnection) { int recvResult; /* do { recvResult = CallService(MS_NETLIB_GETMOREPACKETS,(WPARAM)ghPacketReciever, (LPARAM)&nlpr); if(recvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { ReStart(); return 1; } } while(recvResult > 0);*/ if(!Connected) { char tmp[128]; char *tmp2 = mir_t2a(gbPassword); recvResult = CallService(MS_NETLIB_GETMOREPACKETS,(WPARAM)ghPacketReciever, (LPARAM)&nlpr); if(recvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { mir_forkthread(&ReStart, 0); // ReStart(); return 1; } if(strlen(tmp2) > 2) { strcpy(tmp, "password "); strcat(tmp, tmp2); strcat(tmp, "\n"); Netlib_Send(ghConnection, tmp, (int)strlen(tmp), 0); recvResult = CallService(MS_NETLIB_GETMOREPACKETS,(WPARAM)ghPacketReciever, (LPARAM)&nlpr); if(recvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { mir_forkthread(&ReStart, 0); return 1; } } mir_free(tmp2); } Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "status\n", (int)strlen("status\n"), 0); recvResult = CallService(MS_NETLIB_GETMOREPACKETS,(WPARAM)ghPacketReciever, (LPARAM)&nlpr); if(recvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { mir_forkthread(&ReStart, 0); return 1; } Netlib_Send(ghConnection, "currentsong\n", (int)strlen("currentsong\n"), 0); recvResult = CallService(MS_NETLIB_GETMOREPACKETS,(WPARAM)ghPacketReciever, (LPARAM)&nlpr); if(recvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { mir_forkthread(&ReStart, 0); return 1; } nlpr.bytesUsed = nlpr.bytesAvailable; } buf = (char*)nlpr.buffer; if(ptr = strstr(buf, "MPD")) { Connected = TRUE; ptr = &ptr[4]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; strcpy(ver, tmp); SongInfo.txtver = (TCHAR*)mir_utf8decodeW(tmp); } else SongInfo.txtver = (TCHAR*)mir_utf8decodeW(ver); if(ptr = strstr(buf, "file:")) { ptr = &ptr[6]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.mfile = (TCHAR*)mir_utf8decodeW(tmp); } else SongInfo.mfile = _T(""); if(ptr = strstr(buf, "Time:")) { ptr = &ptr[6]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; = atoi(tmp); } else if(! = 0; if(ptr = strstr(buf, "time:")) { ptr = &ptr[6]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.time = atoi(tmp); } else if(!SongInfo.time) SongInfo.time = 0; if(ptr = strstr(buf, "Title:")) { ptr = &ptr[7]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.title = (TCHAR*)mir_utf8decodeW(tmp); } else SongInfo.title = _T("Unknown track"); if(ptr = strstr(buf, "Artist:")) { ptr = &ptr[8]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.artist = (TCHAR*)mir_utf8decodeW(tmp); } else SongInfo.artist = _T("Unknown artist"); if(ptr = strstr(buf, "Genre:")) { ptr = &ptr[7]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.genre = (TCHAR*)mir_utf8decodeW(tmp); } else SongInfo.genre = _T("Unknown genre"); if(ptr = strstr(buf, "Album:")) { ptr = &ptr[7]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.album = (TCHAR*)mir_utf8decodeW(tmp); } else SongInfo.album = _T("Unknown album"); if(ptr = strstr(buf, "Date:")) { ptr = &ptr[6]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.year = (TCHAR*)mir_utf8decodeW(tmp); } else SongInfo.year = _T("Unknown year"); if(ptr = strstr(buf, "volume:")) { ptr = &ptr[8]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.volume = atoi(tmp); } else if(!SongInfo.volume) SongInfo.volume = 0; if(ptr = strstr(buf, "audio:")) { ptr = &ptr[7]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.khz = atoi(tmp); } else if(!SongInfo.khz) SongInfo.khz = 0; if(ptr = strstr(buf, "bitrate:")) { ptr = &ptr[9]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.kbps = atoi(tmp); } else if(!SongInfo.kbps) SongInfo.kbps = 0; if(ptr = strstr(buf, "Track:")) { ptr = &ptr[7]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; SongInfo.track = atoi(tmp); } else if(!SongInfo.track) SongInfo.track = 0; if(ptr = strstr(buf, "state:")) { ptr = &ptr[7]; for(i = 0; ((ptr[i] != '\n') && (ptr[i] != '\0')); i++) tmp[i] = ptr[i]; tmp[i] = '\0'; if(strstr(tmp, "play")) gbState = WAT_PLS_PLAYING; if(strstr(tmp, "pause")) gbState = WAT_PLS_PAUSED; if(strstr(tmp, "stop")) gbState = WAT_PLS_STOPPED; } else if(!gbState) gbState = WAT_PLS_UNKNOWN; return 0; }
// wParam is zero // lParam is address of PINGADDRESS structure where ping result is placed (i.e. modifies 'responding' // and 'round_trip_time') int PluginPing(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { PINGADDRESS *pa = (PINGADDRESS *)lParam; if(pa->port == -1) { if(use_raw_ping) { pa->round_trip_time = raw_ping(pa->pszName, options.ping_timeout * 1000); pa->responding = (pa->round_trip_time != -1); } else { // ICMP echo IP_ECHO_REPLY result; pa->responding = ICMP::get_instance()->ping(pa->pszName, result); if(pa->responding) pa->round_trip_time = (short)result.RoundTripTime; else pa->round_trip_time = -1; } } else if(hNetlibUser) { // TCP connect clock_t start_tcp = clock(); //GetLocalTime(&systime); NETLIBOPENCONNECTION conn = {0}; conn.cbSize = sizeof(NETLIBOPENCONNECTION); conn.szHost = pa->pszName; conn.wPort = pa->port; conn.flags = NLOCF_V2; conn.timeout = options.ping_timeout; HANDLE s = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_NETLIB_OPENCONNECTION, (WPARAM)hNetlibUser, (LPARAM)&conn); clock_t end_tcp = clock(); if(s) { LINGER l; char buf[1024]; SOCKET socket = (SOCKET)CallService(MS_NETLIB_GETSOCKET, (WPARAM)s, (LPARAM)NLOCF_HTTP); if(socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { l.l_onoff = 1; l.l_linger = 0; setsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *)&l, sizeof(l)); Netlib_Send(s, "OUT\r\n\r\n", 7, 0); //MSG_RAW); //Sleep(ICMP::get_instance()->get_timeout()); Sleep(options.ping_timeout * 1000); unsigned long bytes_remaining; ioctlsocket(socket, FIONBIO, &bytes_remaining); if(bytes_remaining > 0) { int retval, rx = 0; while((retval = Netlib_Recv(s, buf, 1024, 0)) != SOCKET_ERROR && (retval > 0) && rx < 2048) { rx += retval; // recv at most 2kb before closing connection } } //closesocket(socket); } Netlib_CloseHandle(s); pa->responding = true; pa->round_trip_time = (int)(((end_tcp - start_tcp) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC) * 1000); } else { pa->responding = false; pa->round_trip_time = -1; } } return 0; }
int CAimProto::receiving_file(file_transfer *ft, HANDLE hServerPacketRecver, NETLIBPACKETRECVER &packetRecv) { debugLogA("P2P: Entered file receiving thread."); bool failed = true; bool failed_conn = false; bool accepted_file = false; int fid = -1; oft2 *oft = NULL; ft->pfts.tszWorkingDir = mir_utf8decodeT(ft->file); //start listen for packets stuff for (;;) { int recvResult = packetRecv.bytesAvailable - packetRecv.bytesUsed; if (recvResult <= 0) recvResult = CallService(MS_NETLIB_GETMOREPACKETS, (WPARAM)hServerPacketRecver, (LPARAM)&packetRecv); if (recvResult == 0) { debugLogA("P2P: File transfer connection Error: 0"); break; } if (recvResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { failed_conn = true; debugLogA("P2P: File transfer connection Error: -1"); break; } if (recvResult > 0) { if (!accepted_file) { if (recvResult < 0x100) continue; oft2* recv_ft = (oft2*)&packetRecv.buffer[packetRecv.bytesUsed]; unsigned short pkt_len = _htons(recv_ft->length); if (recvResult < pkt_len) continue; packetRecv.bytesUsed += pkt_len; unsigned short type = _htons(recv_ft->type); if (type == 0x0101) { debugLogA("P2P: Buddy Ready to begin transfer."); oft = (oft2*)mir_realloc(oft, pkt_len); memcpy(oft, recv_ft, pkt_len); memcpy(oft->icbm_cookie, ft->icbm_cookie, 8); int buflen = pkt_len - 0x100 + 64; char *buf = (char*)mir_calloc(buflen + 2); unsigned short enc; ft->pfts.currentFileSize = _htonl(recv_ft->size); ft->pfts.totalBytes = _htonl(recv_ft->total_size); ft->pfts.currentFileTime = _htonl(recv_ft->mod_time); memcpy(buf, recv_ft->filename, buflen); enc = _htons(recv_ft->encoding); TCHAR *name; if (enc == 2) { wchar_t* wbuf = (wchar_t*)buf; wcs_htons(wbuf); for (wchar_t *p = wbuf; *p; ++p) { if (*p == 1) *p = '\\'; } name = mir_u2t(wbuf); } else { for (char *p = buf; *p; ++p) { if (*p == 1) *p = '\\'; } name = mir_a2t(buf); } mir_free(buf); TCHAR fname[256]; mir_sntprintf(fname, _T("%s%s"), ft->pfts.tszWorkingDir, name); mir_free(name); mir_free(ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile); ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile = mir_tstrdup(fname); ResetEvent(ft->hResumeEvent); if (ProtoBroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_FILERESUME, ft, (LPARAM)&ft->pfts)) WaitForSingleObject(ft->hResumeEvent, INFINITE); if (ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile) { TCHAR* dir = get_dir(ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile); CreateDirectoryTreeT(dir); mir_free(dir); oft->type = _htons(ft->pfts.currentFileProgress ? 0x0205 : 0x0202); const int flag = ft->pfts.currentFileProgress ? 0 : _O_TRUNC; fid = _topen(ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile, _O_CREAT | _O_WRONLY | _O_BINARY | flag, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE); if (fid < 0) { report_file_error(fname); break; } accepted_file = ft->pfts.currentFileProgress == 0; if (ft->pfts.currentFileProgress) { bool the_same; oft->recv_bytes = _htonl(ft->pfts.currentFileProgress); oft->recv_checksum = _htonl(aim_oft_checksum_file(ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile)); the_same = oft->size == oft->recv_bytes && oft->checksum == oft->recv_checksum; if (the_same) { ft->pfts.totalProgress += ft->pfts.currentFileProgress; oft->type = _htons(0x0204); _close(fid); ProtoBroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_NEXTFILE, ft, 0); ++ft->pfts.currentFileNumber; ft->pfts.currentFileProgress = 0; } } } else { oft->type = _htons(0x0204); ProtoBroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_NEXTFILE, ft, 0); ++ft->pfts.currentFileNumber; ft->pfts.currentFileProgress = 0; } if (Netlib_Send(ft->hConn, (char*)oft, pkt_len, 0) == SOCKET_ERROR) break; if (ft->pfts.currentFileNumber >= ft->pfts.totalFiles && _htons(oft->type) == 0x0204) { failed = false; break; } } else if (type == 0x0106) { oft = (oft2*)mir_realloc(oft, pkt_len); memcpy(oft, recv_ft, pkt_len); ft->pfts.currentFileProgress = _htonl(oft->recv_bytes); ft->pfts.totalProgress += ft->pfts.currentFileProgress; _lseeki64(fid, ft->pfts.currentFileProgress, SEEK_SET); accepted_file = true; oft->type = _htons(0x0207); if (Netlib_Send(ft->hConn, (char*)oft, pkt_len, 0) == SOCKET_ERROR) break; } else break; } else { packetRecv.bytesUsed = packetRecv.bytesAvailable; _write(fid, packetRecv.buffer, packetRecv.bytesAvailable); ft->pfts.currentFileProgress += packetRecv.bytesAvailable; ft->pfts.totalProgress += packetRecv.bytesAvailable; ProtoBroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_DATA, ft, (LPARAM)&ft->pfts); if (ft->pfts.currentFileSize == ft->pfts.currentFileProgress) { oft->type = _htons(0x0204); oft->recv_bytes = _htonl(ft->pfts.currentFileProgress); oft->recv_checksum = _htonl(aim_oft_checksum_file(ft->pfts.tszCurrentFile)); debugLogA("P2P: We got the file successfully"); Netlib_Send(ft->hConn, (char*)oft, _htons(oft->length), 0); if (_htons(oft->num_files_left) == 1) { failed = false; break; } else { accepted_file = false; _close(fid); ProtoBroadcastAck(ft->hContact, ACKTYPE_FILE, ACKRESULT_NEXTFILE, ft, 0); ++ft->pfts.currentFileNumber; ft->pfts.currentFileProgress = 0; } } } } } if (accepted_file) _close(fid); mir_free(oft); ft->success = !failed; return failed ? (failed_conn ? 1 : 2) : 0; }