Ejemplo n.º 1
void spi_get(SPI_CMD cmd, SPI_MISO *rx, int bytes, uint16_t wparam, uint32_t lparam) {
	static SPI_MOSI tx3 __attribute__ ((aligned(16)));
	tx3.cmd = cmd; tx3.wparam = wparam; tx3.lparam = lparam;
    spi_scan(&tx3, rx, bytes);
    while(rx->status==BUSY) {
    	NextTaskL("spi_get"); // wait for response
Ejemplo n.º 2
int web_to_app(conn_t *c, char *s, int sl)
	nbuf_t *nb;
	if (c->stop_data) return 0;
	nb = nbuf_dequeue(&c->w2a);
	if (!nb) return 0;
	assert(!nb->done && nb->buf && nb->len);
	memcpy(s, nb->buf, MIN(nb->len, sl));
	nb->done = TRUE;
	return nb->len;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int TaskSleep(u4_t usec)
    TASK *t = cur_task;

//printf("sleep T%02d %d usec\n", t->id, usec);
    t->deadline = usec? (timer_us() + usec) : 0;
    t->stopped = TRUE;
    do { NextTaskL("TaskSleep"); } while (!t->wakeup);
//printf("woke T%02d %d usec\n", t->id, usec);
//if (t->id==4 || t->id==6) printf("wo%d ", t->id); fflush(stdout);
    t->deadline = 0;
    t->stopped = FALSE;
	t->wakeup = FALSE;
	return t->wake_param;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void lock_enter(lock_t *lock)
	if (!lock->init) return;
    int token = lock->enter++;
    //bool dbg = (strcmp(lock->name, "&waterfall_hw_lock") == 0);
    bool dbg = false;
    bool waiting = false; 
    while (token > lock->leave) {
		if (dbg && !waiting) {
			printf("LOCK t%d %s WAIT %s\n", TaskID(), TaskName(), lock->name);
			waiting = true;
    	NextTaskL("lock enter");
	if (dbg) printf("LOCK t%d %s ACQUIRE %s\n", TaskID(), TaskName(), lock->name);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static int iterate_callback(struct mg_connection *mc, enum mg_event ev)
	int ret;
	nbuf_t *nb;
	if (ev == MG_POLL && mc->is_websocket) {
		conn_t *c = (conn_t*) mc->connection_param;
		if (c == NULL)  return MG_FALSE;
		// fixme: not reliable
		if (c->magic != CN_MAGIC) {
			//printf("bad CN_MAGIC 0x%x: mc = %s:%d\n", c->magic, mc->remote_ip, mc->remote_port);
			mc->connection_param = NULL;
			return MG_FALSE;

		while (TRUE) {
			if (c->stop_data) break;
			nb = nbuf_dequeue(&c->a2w);
			//printf("a2w CHK port %d nb %p\n", mc->remote_port, nb);
			if (nb) {
				assert(!nb->done && nb->buf && nb->len);
//if (c->type == STREAM_SOUND) printf("s%d ", mc->remote_port);
//if (c->type == STREAM_WATERFALL) printf("w%d ", mc->remote_port);
				//printf("a2w %d WEBSOCKET: %d %p\n", mc->remote_port, nb->len, nb->buf);
				ret = mg_websocket_write(mc, WS_OPCODE_BINARY, nb->buf, nb->len);
				if (ret<=0) printf("$$$$$$$$ socket write ret %d\n", ret);
				nb->done = TRUE;
			} else {
	} else {
		if (ev != MG_POLL) printf("$$$$$$$$ a2w %d OTHER: %d len %d\n", mc->remote_port, (int) ev, (int) mc->content_len);
	NextTaskL("web callback");
	return MG_TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void web_server(void *param)
	user_iface_t *ui = (user_iface_t *) param;
	struct mg_server *server = ui->server;
	const char *err;
	u4_t current_timer = 0, last_timer = timer_ms();
	while (1) {
		mg_poll_server(server, 0);		// passing 0 effects a poll
		current_timer = timer_ms();
		if (time_diff(current_timer, last_timer) > WEB_SERVER_POLL_MS) {
			last_timer = current_timer;
			mg_iterate_over_connections(server, iterate_callback);
		NextTaskL("web server");
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void spi_scan(SPI_MOSI *mosi, SPI_MISO *miso=&junk, int rbytes=0) {
	int i;
	assert(rbytes <= NSPI_RX);
	int tx_bytes = sizeof(SPI_MOSI);
    int tx_xfers = SPI_B2X(tx_bytes);
    int rx_bytes = sizeof(miso->status) + rbytes;
    int rx_xfers = SPI_B2X(rx_bytes);

    int arx_xfers = MAX(tx_xfers, prev->len_xfers);
    int arx_bytes = SPI_X2B(arx_xfers);

#if 0
static u4_t last_st;
static float acc_st, acc2_st;
static int big_rx;
if (arx_bytes > 1024) big_rx = 1;
u4_t st = timer_us();
float inc_st = (float) (st - last_st) / 1000.0;
acc_st += inc_st;
if (mosi->cmd == CmdSetWFFreq) acc2_st = 0;
printf("SCAN +%.3f %6.3f %6.3f %12s %16s tx(%dX=%dB) rx(%dX=%dB) arx(%dX=%dB)\n",
inc_st, acc_st, acc2_st, TaskName(), cmds[mosi->cmd], tx_xfers, tx_bytes, rx_xfers, rx_bytes, arx_xfers, arx_bytes);
if (mosi->cmd == CmdDuplex && big_rx) {
	acc_st = 0;
	big_rx = 0;
} else {
acc2_st += inc_st;
last_st = st;

//memset(miso, 0xee, sizeof(*miso));

    miso->len_xfers = rx_xfers;
    miso->cmd = mosi->cmd;
    rx_xfers = arx_xfers;

	if (mosi->cmd == CmdDuplex) mosi->cmd = CmdDummy;
	if (mosi->cmd == CmdNoDuplex) mosi->cmd = CmdDummy;

    for (;;) {
            mosi->msg, tx_xfers,   // MOSI: new request
            prev->msg, rx_xfers);  // MISO: response to previous caller's request
        evSpi(EV_SPILOOP, "spiScan", "peri_spi done");

		// fixme: understand why is this needed (hangs w/o it)
        if (spi_delay) spin_us(spi_delay); else usleep(10);
        evSpi(EV_SPILOOP, "spiScan", "spin_us done");
        if (prev->status != BUSY) break; // new request accepted?
        evSpi(EV_SPILOOP, "spiScan", "BUSY -> NextTask");
        NextTaskL("spi_scan"); // wait and try again
    #if 0
    printf("RX %d: ", prev->len_xfers);
    if (prev == &junk) {
    	printf("(junk) ");
    } else {
    	printf("%s ", cmds[prev->cmd]);
	for (i=0; i<(prev->len_xfers+10); i++) {
		printf("%d:", i);
		#ifdef SPI_8
		printf("%02x ", prev->msg[i]);
		#ifdef SPI_16
		printf("%04x ", prev->msg[i]);
		#ifdef SPI_32
		printf("%08x ", prev->msg[i]);

	u4_t status = prev->status;
    prev = miso; // next caller collects this for us

	//if (status & 0x0fff)
	//printf("st %04x\n", status);
	//if (mosi->cmd == CmdGetRXCount) printf("C");
	//if (mosi->cmd == CmdGetRX) printf("GRX\n");
	static int ff;
	if (status & (1<<SPI_SFT)) {
		rx0_wakeup = 1;
		evSnd(EV_SND, "wakeup", "");
		ff = 0;
	} else {
		rx0_wakeup = 0;
		if (!ff) {
			ff = 1;
	// process rx channel wakeup bits
	for (i=0; i<RX_CHANS; i++) {
		u4_t ch = 1<<(i+SPI_SFT);
		conn_t *c;
		if (status & ch) {
			c = &conns[i*2];
			assert(c->type == STREAM_SOUND);
			//if (c->task && !c->stop_data) printf("wakeup %d\n", c->task);
			//if (c->task && !c->stop_data) { printf("%d:%d ", i, c->task); fflush(stdout); }
			if (c->task && !c->stop_data) TaskWakeup(c->task, FALSE, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void app_to_web(conn_t *c, char *s, int sl)
	if (c->stop_data) return;
	nbuf_allocq(&c->a2w, s, sl);