Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: Netlink.c Proyecto: 18SUN/ovs
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Prepare netlink message headers. This API adds
 * NL_MSG_HDR + GENL_HDR + OVS_HDR to the tail of input NLBuf.
 * Attributes should be added by caller.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
NlFillOvsMsg(PNL_BUFFER nlBuf, UINT16 nlmsgType,
             UINT16 nlmsgFlags, UINT32 nlmsgSeq,
             UINT32 nlmsgPid, UINT8 genlCmd,
             UINT8 genlVer, UINT32 dpNo)
    BOOLEAN writeOk;
    OVS_MESSAGE msgOut;
    UINT32 offset = NlBufSize(nlBuf);

    /* To keep compiler happy for release build. */
    ASSERT(NlBufAt(nlBuf, offset, 0) != 0);

    msgOut.nlMsg.nlmsgType = nlmsgType;
    msgOut.nlMsg.nlmsgFlags = nlmsgFlags;
    msgOut.nlMsg.nlmsgSeq = nlmsgSeq;
    msgOut.nlMsg.nlmsgPid = nlmsgPid;
    msgOut.nlMsg.nlmsgLen = sizeof(struct _OVS_MESSAGE);

    msgOut.genlMsg.cmd = genlCmd;
    msgOut.genlMsg.version = genlVer;
    msgOut.genlMsg.reserved = 0;

    msgOut.ovsHdr.dp_ifindex = dpNo;

    writeOk = NlMsgPutTail(nlBuf, (PCHAR)(&msgOut),
                           sizeof (struct _OVS_MESSAGE));

    return writeOk;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Appends a nested Netlink attribute of the given 'type', with the 'size'
 * bytes of content starting at 'data', to 'msg'.
 * Refer nl_msg_put_nested for more details.
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NlMsgPutNested(PNL_BUFFER buf, UINT16 type,
               const PVOID data, UINT32 size)
    UINT32 offset = NlMsgStartNested(buf, type);
    BOOLEAN ret = FALSE;


    ret = NlMsgPutTail(buf, data, size);


    NlMsgEndNested(buf, offset);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: Netlink.c Proyecto: 18SUN/ovs
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Prepare NL_MSG_HDR only. This API appends a NL_MSG_HDR to the tail of
 * input NlBuf.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
NlFillNlHdr(PNL_BUFFER nlBuf, UINT16 nlmsgType,
            UINT16 nlmsgFlags, UINT32 nlmsgSeq,
            UINT32 nlmsgPid)
    BOOLEAN writeOk;
    NL_MSG_HDR msgOut;
    UINT32 offset = NlBufSize(nlBuf);

    /* To keep compiler happy for release build. */
    ASSERT(NlBufAt(nlBuf, offset, 0) != 0);

    msgOut.nlmsgType = nlmsgType;
    msgOut.nlmsgFlags = nlmsgFlags;
    msgOut.nlmsgSeq = nlmsgSeq;
    msgOut.nlmsgPid = nlmsgPid;
    msgOut.nlmsgLen = sizeof(struct _NL_MSG_HDR);

    writeOk = NlMsgPutTail(nlBuf, (PCHAR)(&msgOut),
                           sizeof(struct _NL_MSG_HDR));

    return writeOk;