Ejemplo n.º 1
bool ModelEnumerator::BacktrackFinder::doUpdate(Solver& s) {
	if (hasModel()) {
		bool   ok = true;
		uint32 sp = (opts & ModelEnumerator::project_save_progress) != 0 ? Solver::undo_save_phases : 0;
		s.undoUntil(s.backtrackLevel(), sp);
		ClauseRep rep = ClauseCreator::prepare(s, solution, 0, Constraint_t::Conflict);
		if (rep.size == 0 || s.isFalse(rep.lits[0])) { // The decision stack is already ordered.
			ok = s.backtrack();
		else if (rep.size == 1 || s.isFalse(rep.lits[1])) { // The projection nogood is unit. Force the single remaining literal from the current DL.
			ok = s.force(rep.lits[0], this);
		else if (!s.isTrue(rep.lits[0])) { // Shorten the projection nogood by assuming one of its literals to false.
			uint32  f = static_cast<uint32>(std::stable_partition(rep.lits+2, rep.lits+rep.size, std::not1(std::bind1st(std::mem_fun(&Solver::isFalse), &s))) - rep.lits);
			Literal x = (opts & ModelEnumerator::project_use_heuristic) != 0 ? s.heuristic()->selectRange(s, rep.lits, rep.lits+f) : rep.lits[0];
			LearntConstraint* c = Clause::newContractedClause(s, rep, f, true);
			CLASP_FAIL_IF(!c, "Invalid constraint!");
			// Remember that we must backtrack the current decision
			// level in order to guarantee a different projected solution.
			// Attach nogood to the current decision literal.
			// Once we backtrack to x, the then obsolete nogood is destroyed
			// keeping the number of projection nogoods linear in the number of (projection) atoms.
			s.addWatch(x, this, (uint32)projNogoods.size());
			projNogoods.push_back(NogoodPair(x, c));
			ok = true;
		return ok;
	if (optimize() || s.sharedContext()->concurrency() == 1 || disjointPath()) {
		return true;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool BacktrackEnumerator::doBacktrack(Solver& s, uint32 bl) {
	// bl is the decision level on which search should proceed.
	// bl + 1 the minimum of:
	//  a) the highest DL on which one of the projected vars was assigned
	//  b) the highest DL on which one of the vars in a minimize statement was assigned
	//  c) the current decision level
	assert(bl >= s.rootLevel());
	assert(bl <= s.decisionLevel());
	uint32 btLevel = getHighestBacktrackLevel(s, bl);
	if (!projectionEnabled() || bl <= btLevel) {
		// If we do not project or one of the projection vars is already on the backtracking level
		// proceed with simple backtracking.
		while (!s.backtrack() || s.decisionLevel() >= bl) {
			if (s.decisionLevel() == s.rootLevel()) {
				return false;
		return true;
	else if (numProjectionVars() == 1u) {
		Literal x = s.trueLit(projectVar(0));
		s.force(~x, 0); // force the complement of x
	else {
		// Store the current projected assignment as a nogood
		// and attach it to the current decision level.
		// Once the solver goes above that level, the nogood is automatically
		// destroyed. Hence, the number of projection nogoods is linear in the
		// number of (projection) atoms.
		if ( (projectOpts_ & ENABLE_PROGRESS_SAVING) != 0 ) {
			s.strategies().saveProgress = 1;
		LitVec::size_type front = 0;
		LitVec::size_type back  = numProjectionVars();
		for (uint32 i = 0; i != numProjectionVars(); ++i) {
			Literal x = ~s.trueLit(projectVar(i)); // Note: complement because we store the nogood as a clause!
			if (s.level(x.var()) > btLevel) {
				projAssign_[front++] = x;
			else {
				projAssign_[--back] = x;
		s.undoUntil( btLevel );
		Literal x = projAssign_[0];
		LearntConstraint* c;
		if (front == 1) {
			// The projection nogood is unit. Force the single remaining literal
			// from the current DL. 
			++back; // so that the active part of the nogood contains at least two literals
			c = Clause::newContractedClause(s, projAssign_, back-1, back);
			s.force(x, c);
		else {
			// Shorten the projection nogood by assuming one of its literals...
			if ( (projectOpts_ & ENABLE_HEURISTIC_SELECT) != 0 ) {
				x = s.strategies().heuristic->selectRange(s, &projAssign_[0], &projAssign_[0]+back);
			c = Clause::newContractedClause(s, projAssign_, back-1, back);
			// to false.
		if (s.backtrackLevel() < s.decisionLevel()) {
			// Remember that we must backtrack the current decision
			// level in order to guarantee a different projected solution.
		if (s.decisionLevel() != 0) {
			// Attach nogood to the current decision literal. 
			// Once the solver goes above that level, the nogood (which is then satisfied) is destroyed.
			s.addUndoWatch(s.decisionLevel(), this);
		nogoods_.push_back( NogoodPair(c, s.decisionLevel()) );
		assert(s.backtrackLevel() == s.decisionLevel());
	return true;