Ejemplo n.º 1
void estimator_update_ir_estim( void ) {
  static float last_hspeed_dir;
  static uint32_t last_t; /* ms */
  static bool_t initialized = FALSE;
  static float sum_xy, sum_xx;

  if (initialized) {
    float dt = (float)(gps_itow - last_t) / 1e3;
    if (dt > 0.1) { // Against division by zero
      float dpsi = (estimator_hspeed_dir - last_hspeed_dir); 
      estimator_rad = dpsi/dt*NOMINAL_AIRSPEED/G; /* tan linearized */
      estimator_ir = (float)ir_roll;
      float absphi = fabs(estimator_rad);
      if (absphi < 1.0 && absphi > 0.05 && (- ir_contrast/2 < ir_roll && ir_roll < ir_contrast/2)) {
	sum_xy = estimator_rad * estimator_ir + RHO * sum_xy;
	sum_xx = estimator_ir * estimator_ir + RHO * sum_xx;
	float result = sum_xy / sum_xx;
	if (result < IR_RAD_OF_IR_MIN_VALUE)
	  estimator_rad_of_ir = IR_RAD_OF_IR_MIN_VALUE;
	else if (result > IR_RAD_OF_IR_MAX_VALUE)
	  estimator_rad_of_ir = IR_RAD_OF_IR_MAX_VALUE;
	  estimator_rad_of_ir = result;
	  estimator_rad_of_ir = sum_xy / sum_xx;
  } else {
    initialized = TRUE;
    float init_ir2 = ir_contrast;
    init_ir2 = init_ir2*init_ir2;
    sum_xy = INIT_WEIGHT * estimator_rad_of_ir * init_ir2;
    sum_xx = INIT_WEIGHT * init_ir2;

  last_hspeed_dir = estimator_hspeed_dir;
  last_t = gps_itow;
 * \brief
void h_ctl_course_loop ( void ) {
  static float last_err;

  // Ground path error
  float err = estimator_hspeed_dir - h_ctl_course_setpoint;

  float d_err = err - last_err;
  last_err = err;

  float speed_depend_nav = estimator_hspeed_mod/NOMINAL_AIRSPEED;
  Bound(speed_depend_nav, 0.66, 1.5);

  h_ctl_roll_setpoint = h_ctl_course_pre_bank_correction * h_ctl_course_pre_bank
    + h_ctl_course_pgain * speed_depend_nav * err
    + h_ctl_course_dgain * d_err;

  BoundAbs(h_ctl_roll_setpoint, h_ctl_roll_max_setpoint);
 * \brief
void h_ctl_course_loop ( void ) {
  static float last_err;

  // Ground path error
  float err = h_ctl_course_setpoint - (*stateGetHorizontalSpeedDir_f());

  float d_err = err - last_err;
  last_err = err;

  float speed_depend_nav = (*stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f())/NOMINAL_AIRSPEED;
  Bound(speed_depend_nav, 0.66, 1.5);

  h_ctl_roll_setpoint = h_ctl_course_pre_bank_correction * h_ctl_course_pre_bank
    + h_ctl_course_pgain * speed_depend_nav * err
    + h_ctl_course_dgain * d_err;

  BoundAbs(h_ctl_roll_setpoint, h_ctl_roll_max_setpoint);
Ejemplo n.º 4
/** Navigates around (x, y). Clockwise iff radius > 0 */
void nav_circle_XY(float x, float y, float radius)
  struct EnuCoor_f *pos = stateGetPositionEnu_f();
  float last_trigo_qdr = nav_circle_trigo_qdr;
  nav_circle_trigo_qdr = atan2f(pos->y - y, pos->x - x);
  float sign_radius = radius > 0 ? 1 : -1;

  if (nav_in_circle) {
    float trigo_diff = nav_circle_trigo_qdr - last_trigo_qdr;
    nav_circle_radians += trigo_diff;
    trigo_diff *= - sign_radius;
    if (trigo_diff > 0) { // do not rewind if the change in angle is in the opposite sense than nav_radius
      nav_circle_radians_no_rewind += trigo_diff;

  float dist2_center = DistanceSquare(pos->x, pos->y, x, y);
  float dist_carrot = CARROT * NOMINAL_AIRSPEED;

  radius += -nav_shift;

  float abs_radius = fabs(radius);

  /** Computes a prebank. Go straight if inside or outside the circle */
  circle_bank =
    (dist2_center > Square(abs_radius + dist_carrot)
     || dist2_center < Square(abs_radius - dist_carrot)) ?
    0 :
    atanf(stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f() * stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f() / (NAV_GRAVITY * radius));

  float carrot_angle = dist_carrot / abs_radius;
  carrot_angle = Min(carrot_angle, M_PI / 4);
  carrot_angle = Max(carrot_angle, M_PI / 16);
  float alpha_carrot = nav_circle_trigo_qdr - sign_radius * carrot_angle;
  horizontal_mode = HORIZONTAL_MODE_CIRCLE;
  float radius_carrot = abs_radius;
  if (nav_mode == NAV_MODE_COURSE) {
    radius_carrot += (abs_radius / cosf(carrot_angle) - abs_radius);
  fly_to_xy(x + cosf(alpha_carrot)*radius_carrot,
            y + sinf(alpha_carrot)*radius_carrot);
  nav_in_circle = true;
  nav_circle_x = x;
  nav_circle_y = y;
  nav_circle_radius = radius;
Ejemplo n.º 5
//static inline void fly_to_xy(float x, float y) {
void fly_to_xy(float x, float y) {
    desired_x = x;
    desired_y = y;
    if (nav_mode == NAV_MODE_COURSE) {
        h_ctl_course_setpoint = atan2(x - estimator_x, y - estimator_y);
        if (h_ctl_course_setpoint < 0.)
            h_ctl_course_setpoint += 2 * M_PI;
        lateral_mode = LATERAL_MODE_COURSE;
    } else {
        float diff = atan2(x - estimator_x, y - estimator_y) - estimator_hspeed_dir;
        float s = sin(diff);
        h_ctl_roll_setpoint = atan(2 * estimator_hspeed_mod*estimator_hspeed_mod * s * (-h_ctl_course_pgain) / (CARROT * NOMINAL_AIRSPEED * 9.81) );
        BoundAbs(h_ctl_roll_setpoint, h_ctl_roll_max_setpoint);
        lateral_mode = LATERAL_MODE_ROLL;
Ejemplo n.º 6
//static inline void fly_to_xy(float x, float y) {
void fly_to_xy(float x, float y) {
  struct EnuCoor_f* pos = stateGetPositionEnu_f();
  desired_x = x;
  desired_y = y;
  if (nav_mode == NAV_MODE_COURSE) {
    h_ctl_course_setpoint = atan2f(x - pos->x, y - pos->y);
    if (h_ctl_course_setpoint < 0.)
      h_ctl_course_setpoint += 2 * M_PI;
    lateral_mode = LATERAL_MODE_COURSE;
  } else {
    float diff = atan2f(x - pos->x, y - pos->y) - (*stateGetHorizontalSpeedDir_f());
    float s = sinf(diff);
    float speed = *stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f();
    h_ctl_roll_setpoint = atanf(2 * speed * speed * s * h_ctl_course_pgain / (CARROT * NOMINAL_AIRSPEED * 9.81) );
    BoundAbs(h_ctl_roll_setpoint, h_ctl_roll_max_setpoint);
    lateral_mode = LATERAL_MODE_ROLL;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/** Navigates around (x, y). Clockwise iff radius > 0 */
void nav_circle_XY(float x, float y, float radius) {
    float last_trigo_qdr = nav_circle_trigo_qdr;
    nav_circle_trigo_qdr = atan2(estimator_y - y, estimator_x - x);

    if (nav_in_circle) {
        float trigo_diff = nav_circle_trigo_qdr - last_trigo_qdr;
        nav_circle_radians += trigo_diff;

    float dist2_center = DistanceSquare(estimator_x, estimator_y, x, y);
    float dist_carrot = CARROT*NOMINAL_AIRSPEED;
    float sign_radius = radius > 0 ? 1 : -1;

    radius += -nav_shift;

    float abs_radius = fabs(radius);

    /** Computes a prebank. Go straight if inside or outside the circle */
    circle_bank =
        (dist2_center > Square(abs_radius + dist_carrot)
         || dist2_center < Square(abs_radius - dist_carrot)) ?
        0 :
        atan(estimator_hspeed_mod*estimator_hspeed_mod / (G*radius));

    float carrot_angle = dist_carrot / abs_radius;
    carrot_angle = Min(carrot_angle, M_PI/4);
    carrot_angle = Max(carrot_angle, M_PI/16);
    float alpha_carrot = nav_circle_trigo_qdr - sign_radius * carrot_angle;
    horizontal_mode = HORIZONTAL_MODE_CIRCLE;
    float radius_carrot = abs_radius;
    if (nav_mode == NAV_MODE_COURSE)
        radius_carrot += (abs_radius / cos(carrot_angle) - abs_radius);
    nav_in_circle = TRUE;
    nav_circle_x = x;
    nav_circle_y = y;
    nav_circle_radius = radius;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * \brief
void h_ctl_course_loop(void)
  static float last_err;

  // Ground path error
  float err = stateGetHorizontalSpeedDir_f() - h_ctl_course_setpoint;

  // Usefull path speed
  const float reference_advance = (NOMINAL_AIRSPEED / 2.);
  float advance = cos(err) * stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f() / reference_advance;

  if (
    (advance < 1.)  &&                          // Path speed is small
    (stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f() < reference_advance)  // Small path speed is due to wind (small groundspeed)
  ) {
    // rough crabangle approximation
    float wind_mod = sqrt(wind_east*wind_east + wind_north*wind_north);
    float wind_dir = atan2(wind_east,wind_north);

    float wind_course = h_ctl_course_setpoint - wind_dir;

    estimator_hspeed_dir = estimator_psi;

    float crab = sin(wind_dir-estimator_psi) * atan2(wind_mod,NOMINAL_AIRSPEED);
    //crab = estimator_hspeed_mod - estimator_psi;

    // Heading error
    float herr = stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->psi - h_ctl_course_setpoint; //+crab);

    if (advance < -0.5) {            //<! moving in the wrong direction / big > 90 degree turn
      err = herr;
    } else if (advance < 0.) {       //<!
      err = (-advance) * 2. * herr;
    } else {
      err = advance * err;

    // Reset differentiator when switching mode
    //if (h_ctl_course_heading_mode == 0)
    //  last_err = err;
    //h_ctl_course_heading_mode = 1;
  /*  else
      // Reset differentiator when switching mode
      if (h_ctl_course_heading_mode == 1)
      last_err = err;
      h_ctl_course_heading_mode = 0;
#endif //STRONG_WIND

  float d_err = err - last_err;
  last_err = err;


  /* slew severe course changes (i.e. waypoint moves, block changes or perpendicular routes) */
  static float h_ctl_course_slew_rate = 0.;
  float nav_angle_saturation = h_ctl_roll_max_setpoint / h_ctl_course_pgain; /* heading error corresponding to max_roll */
  float half_nav_angle_saturation = nav_angle_saturation / 2.;
  if (autopilot.launch) {  /* prevent accumulator run-up on the ground */
    if (err > half_nav_angle_saturation) {
      h_ctl_course_slew_rate = Max(h_ctl_course_slew_rate, 0.);
      err = Min(err, (half_nav_angle_saturation + h_ctl_course_slew_rate));
      h_ctl_course_slew_rate += h_ctl_course_slew_increment;
    } else if (err < -half_nav_angle_saturation) {
      h_ctl_course_slew_rate = Min(h_ctl_course_slew_rate, 0.);
      err = Max(err, (-half_nav_angle_saturation + h_ctl_course_slew_rate));
      h_ctl_course_slew_rate -= h_ctl_course_slew_increment;
    } else {
      h_ctl_course_slew_rate = 0.;

  float speed_depend_nav = stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f() / NOMINAL_AIRSPEED;
  Bound(speed_depend_nav, 0.66, 1.5);

  float cmd = -h_ctl_course_pgain * speed_depend_nav * (err + d_err * h_ctl_course_dgain);

#if defined(AGR_CLIMB) && !USE_AIRSPEED
  /** limit navigation during extreme altitude changes */
  if (AGR_BLEND_START > AGR_BLEND_END && AGR_BLEND_END > 0) { /* prevent divide by zero, reversed or negative values */
    if (v_ctl_auto_throttle_submode == V_CTL_AUTO_THROTTLE_AGRESSIVE ||
        v_ctl_auto_throttle_submode == V_CTL_AUTO_THROTTLE_BLENDED) {
      BoundAbs(cmd, h_ctl_roll_max_setpoint); /* bound cmd before NAV_RATIO and again after */
      /* altitude: z-up is positive -> positive error -> too low */
      if (v_ctl_altitude_error > 0) {
        nav_ratio = AGR_CLIMB_NAV_RATIO + (1 - AGR_CLIMB_NAV_RATIO) * (1 - (fabs(v_ctl_altitude_error) - AGR_BLEND_END) /
                    (AGR_BLEND_START - AGR_BLEND_END));
        Bound(nav_ratio, AGR_CLIMB_NAV_RATIO, 1);
      } else {
        nav_ratio = AGR_DESCENT_NAV_RATIO + (1 - AGR_DESCENT_NAV_RATIO) * (1 - (fabs(v_ctl_altitude_error) - AGR_BLEND_END) /
                    (AGR_BLEND_START - AGR_BLEND_END));
        Bound(nav_ratio, AGR_DESCENT_NAV_RATIO, 1);
      cmd *= nav_ratio;

  float roll_setpoint = cmd + h_ctl_course_pre_bank_correction * h_ctl_course_pre_bank;

  float diff_roll = roll_setpoint - h_ctl_roll_setpoint;
  BoundAbs(diff_roll, h_ctl_roll_slew);
  h_ctl_roll_setpoint += diff_roll;
  h_ctl_roll_setpoint = roll_setpoint;

  BoundAbs(h_ctl_roll_setpoint, h_ctl_roll_max_setpoint);
Ejemplo n.º 9
/** The transmitter periodic function */
gboolean timeout_transmit_callback(gpointer data)
  int i;

  // Loop trough all the available rigidbodies (TODO: optimize)
  for (i = 0; i < MAX_RIGIDBODIES; i++) {
    // Check if ID's are correct
    if (rigidBodies[i].id >= MAX_RIGIDBODIES) {
              "Could not parse rigid body %d from NatNet, because ID is higher then or equal to %d (MAX_RIGIDBODIES-1).\r\n",
              rigidBodies[i].id, MAX_RIGIDBODIES - 1);

    // Check if we want to transmit (follow) this rigid
    if (aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].ac_id == 0) {

    // When we don track anymore and timeout or start tracking
    if (rigidBodies[i].nSamples < 1
        && aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].connected
        && (natnet_latency - aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].lastSample) > CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) {
      aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].connected = FALSE;
      fprintf(stderr, "#error Lost tracking rigid id %d, aircraft id %d.\n",
              rigidBodies[i].id, aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].ac_id);
    } else if (rigidBodies[i].nSamples > 0 && !aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].connected) {
      fprintf(stderr, "#pragma message: Now tracking rigid id %d, aircraft id %d.\n",
              rigidBodies[i].id, aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].ac_id);

    // Check if we still track the rigid
    if (rigidBodies[i].nSamples < 1) {

    // Update the last tracked
    aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].connected = TRUE;
    aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].lastSample = natnet_latency;

    // Defines to make easy use of paparazzi math
    struct EnuCoor_d pos, speed;
    struct EcefCoor_d ecef_pos;
    struct LlaCoor_d lla_pos;
    struct DoubleQuat orient;
    struct DoubleEulers orient_eulers;

    // Add the Optitrack angle to the x and y positions
    pos.x = cos(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].x - sin(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].y;
    pos.y = sin(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].x + cos(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].y;
    pos.z = rigidBodies[i].z;

    // Convert the position to ecef and lla based on the Optitrack LTP
    ecef_of_enu_point_d(&ecef_pos , &tracking_ltp , &pos);
    lla_of_ecef_d(&lla_pos, &ecef_pos);

    // Check if we have enough samples to estimate the velocity
    if (rigidBodies[i].nVelocitySamples >= min_velocity_samples) {
      // Calculate the derevative of the sum to get the correct velocity     (1 / freq_transmit) * (samples / total_samples)
      double sample_time = //((double)rigidBodies[i].nVelocitySamples / (double)rigidBodies[i].totalVelocitySamples) /
        ((double)rigidBodies[i].nVelocityTransmit / (double)freq_transmit);
      rigidBodies[i].vel_x = rigidBodies[i].vel_x / sample_time;
      rigidBodies[i].vel_y = rigidBodies[i].vel_y / sample_time;
      rigidBodies[i].vel_z = rigidBodies[i].vel_z / sample_time;

      // Add the Optitrack angle to the x and y velocities
      speed.x = cos(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].vel_x - sin(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].vel_y;
      speed.y = sin(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].vel_x + cos(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].vel_y;
      speed.z = rigidBodies[i].vel_z;

      // Conver the speed to ecef based on the Optitrack LTP
      ecef_of_enu_vect_d(&rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel , &tracking_ltp , &speed);

    // Copy the quaternions and convert to euler angles for the heading
    orient.qi = rigidBodies[i].qw;
    orient.qx = rigidBodies[i].qx;
    orient.qy = rigidBodies[i].qy;
    orient.qz = rigidBodies[i].qz;
    double_eulers_of_quat(&orient_eulers, &orient);

    // Calculate the heading by adding the Natnet offset angle and normalizing it
    double heading = -orient_eulers.psi + 90.0 / 57.6 -
                     tracking_offset_angle; //the optitrack axes are 90 degrees rotated wrt ENU

    printf_debug("[%d -> %d]Samples: %d\t%d\t\tTiming: %3.3f latency\n", rigidBodies[i].id,
                 , rigidBodies[i].nSamples, rigidBodies[i].nVelocitySamples, natnet_latency);
    printf_debug("    Heading: %f\t\tPosition: %f\t%f\t%f\t\tVelocity: %f\t%f\t%f\n", DegOfRad(heading),
                 rigidBodies[i].x, rigidBodies[i].y, rigidBodies[i].z,
                 rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel.x, rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel.y, rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel.z);

    /* Construct time of time of week (tow) */
    time_t now;
    struct tm *ts = localtime(&now);
    uint32_t tow = (ts->tm_wday - 1)*(24*60*60*1000) + ts->tm_hour*(60*60*1000) + ts->tm_min*(60*1000) + ts->tm_sec*1000;

    // Transmit the REMOTE_GPS packet on the ivy bus (either small or big)
    if (small_packets) {
      /* The local position is an int32 and the 11 LSBs of the (signed) x and y axis are compressed into
       * a single integer. The z axis is considered unsigned and only the latter 10 LSBs are
       * used.

      uint32_t pos_xyz = 0;
      // check if position within limits
      if (fabs(pos.x * 100.) < pow(2, 10)) {
        pos_xyz = (((uint32_t)(pos.x * 100.0)) & 0x7FF) << 21;                     // bits 31-21 x position in cm
      } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning!! X position out of maximum range of small message (±%.2fm): %.2f", pow(2, 10) / 100, pos.x);
        pos_xyz = (((uint32_t)(pow(2, 10) * pos.x / fabs(pos.x))) & 0x7FF) << 21;  // bits 31-21 x position in cm

      if (fabs(pos.y * 100.) < pow(2, 10)) {
        pos_xyz |= (((uint32_t)(pos.y * 100.0)) & 0x7FF) << 10;                    // bits 20-10 y position in cm
      } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning!! Y position out of maximum range of small message (±%.2fm): %.2f", pow(2, 10) / 100, pos.y);
        pos_xyz |= (((uint32_t)(pow(2, 10) * pos.y / fabs(pos.y))) & 0x7FF) << 10; // bits 20-10 y position in cm

      if (pos.z * 100. < pow(2, 10) && pos.z > 0.) {
        pos_xyz |= (((uint32_t)(fabs(pos.z) * 100.0)) & 0x3FF);                          // bits 9-0 z position in cm
      } else if (pos.z > 0.) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning!! Z position out of maximum range of small message (%.2fm): %.2f", pow(2, 10) / 100, pos.z);
        pos_xyz |= (((uint32_t)(pow(2, 10))) & 0x3FF);                             // bits 9-0 z position in cm
      // printf("ENU Pos: %u (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)\n", pos_xyz, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);

      /* The speed is an int32 and the 11 LSBs of the x and y axis and 10 LSBs of z (all signed) are compressed into
       * a single integer.
      uint32_t speed_xyz = 0;
      // check if speed within limits
      if (fabs(speed.x * 100) < pow(2, 10)) {
        speed_xyz = (((uint32_t)(speed.x * 100.0)) & 0x7FF) << 21;                       // bits 31-21 speed x in cm/s
      } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning!! X Speed out of maximum range of small message (±%.2fm/s): %.2f", pow(2, 10) / 100, speed.x);
        speed_xyz = (((uint32_t)(pow(2, 10) * speed.x / fabs(speed.x))) & 0x7FF) << 21;  // bits 31-21 speed x in cm/s

      if (fabs(speed.y * 100) < pow(2, 10)) {
        speed_xyz |= (((uint32_t)(speed.y * 100.0)) & 0x7FF) << 10;                      // bits 20-10 speed y in cm/s
      } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning!! Y Speed out of maximum range of small message (±%.2fm/s): %.2f", pow(2, 10) / 100, speed.y);
        speed_xyz |= (((uint32_t)(pow(2, 10) * speed.y / fabs(speed.y))) & 0x7FF) << 10; // bits 20-10 speed y in cm/s

      if (fabs(speed.z * 100) < pow(2, 9)) {
        speed_xyz |= (((uint32_t)(speed.z * 100.0)) & 0x3FF);                            // bits 9-0 speed z in cm/s
      } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning!! Z Speed out of maximum range of small message (±%.2fm/s): %.2f", pow(2, 9) / 100, speed.z);
        speed_xyz |= (((uint32_t)(pow(2, 9) * speed.z / fabs(speed.z))) & 0x3FF);       // bits 9-0 speed z in cm/s

      /* The gps_small msg should always be less than 20 bytes including the pprz header of 6 bytes
       * This is primarily due to the maximum packet size of the bluetooth msgs of 19 bytes
       * increases the probability that a complete message will be accepted
      IvySendMsg("0 REMOTE_GPS_SMALL %d %d %d %d %d",
                (int16_t)(heading * 10000),       // int16_t heading in rad*1e4 (2 bytes)
                pos_xyz,                          // uint32 ENU X, Y and Z in CM (4 bytes)
                speed_xyz,                        // uint32 ENU velocity X, Y, Z in cm/s (4 bytes)
                tow,                              // uint32_t time of day
                aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].ac_id); // uint8 rigid body ID (1 byte)

    } else {
      IvySendMsg("0 REMOTE_GPS %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].ac_id,
                 rigidBodies[i].nMarkers,                //uint8 Number of markers (sv_num)
                 (int)(ecef_pos.x * 100.0),              //int32 ECEF X in CM
                 (int)(ecef_pos.y * 100.0),              //int32 ECEF Y in CM
                 (int)(ecef_pos.z * 100.0),              //int32 ECEF Z in CM
                 (int)(DegOfRad(lla_pos.lat) * 10000000.0),        //int32 LLA latitude in deg*1e7
                 (int)(DegOfRad(lla_pos.lon) * 10000000.0),        //int32 LLA longitude in deg*1e7
                 (int)(lla_pos.alt * 1000.0),            //int32 LLA altitude in mm above elipsoid
                 (int)(rigidBodies[i].z * 1000.0),       //int32 HMSL height above mean sea level in mm
                 (int)(rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel.x * 100.0), //int32 ECEF velocity X in cm/s
                 (int)(rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel.y * 100.0), //int32 ECEF velocity Y in cm/s
                 (int)(rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel.z * 100.0), //int32 ECEF velocity Z in cm/s
                 (int)(heading * 10000000.0));           //int32 Course in rad*1e7
    if (must_log) {
      if (log_exists == 0) {
        fp = fopen(nameOfLogfile, "w");
        log_exists = 1;

      if (fp == NULL) {
        printf("I couldn't open file for writing.\n");
      } else {
        struct timeval cur_time;
        gettimeofday(&cur_time, NULL);
        fprintf(fp, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].ac_id,
                rigidBodies[i].nMarkers,                //uint8 Number of markers (sv_num)
                (int)(ecef_pos.x * 100.0),              //int32 ECEF X in CM
                (int)(ecef_pos.y * 100.0),              //int32 ECEF Y in CM
                (int)(ecef_pos.z * 100.0),              //int32 ECEF Z in CM
                (int)(DegOfRad(lla_pos.lat) * 1e7),     //int32 LLA latitude in deg*1e7
                (int)(DegOfRad(lla_pos.lon) * 1e7),     //int32 LLA longitude in deg*1e7
                (int)(lla_pos.alt*1000.0),              //int32 LLA altitude in mm above elipsoid
                (int)(rigidBodies[i].z * 1000.0),       //int32 HMSL height above mean sea level in mm
                (int)(rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel.x * 100.0), //int32 ECEF velocity X in cm/s
                (int)(rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel.y * 100.0), //int32 ECEF velocity Y in cm/s
                (int)(rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel.z * 100.0), //int32 ECEF velocity Z in cm/s
                (int)(heading * 10000000.0),            //int32 Course in rad*1e7

    // Reset the velocity differentiator if we calculated the velocity
    if (rigidBodies[i].nVelocitySamples >= min_velocity_samples) {
      rigidBodies[i].vel_x = 0;
      rigidBodies[i].vel_y = 0;
      rigidBodies[i].vel_z = 0;
      rigidBodies[i].nVelocitySamples = 0;
      rigidBodies[i].totalVelocitySamples = 0;
      rigidBodies[i].nVelocityTransmit = 0;

    rigidBodies[i].nSamples = 0;

  return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 10
/** The transmitter periodic function */
gboolean timeout_transmit_callback(gpointer data) {
  int i;

  // Loop trough all the available rigidbodies (TODO: optimize)
  for(i = 0; i < MAX_RIGIDBODIES; i++) {
    // Check if ID's are correct
    if(rigidBodies[i].id >= MAX_RIGIDBODIES) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Could not parse rigid body %d from NatNet, because ID is higher then or equal to %d (MAX_RIGIDBODIES-1).\r\n", rigidBodies[i].id, MAX_RIGIDBODIES-1);

    // Check if we want to transmit (follow) this rigid
    if(aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].ac_id == 0)

    // When we don track anymore and timeout or start tracking
    if(rigidBodies[i].nSamples < 1
      && aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].connected
      && (natnet_latency - aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].lastSample) > CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) {
      aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].connected = FALSE;
      fprintf(stderr, "#error Lost tracking rigid id %d, aircraft id %d.\n",
        rigidBodies[i].id, aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].ac_id);
    else if(rigidBodies[i].nSamples > 0 && !aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].connected) {
      fprintf(stderr, "#pragma message: Now tracking rigid id %d, aircraft id %d.\n",
        rigidBodies[i].id, aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].ac_id);

    // Check if we still track the rigid
    if(rigidBodies[i].nSamples < 1)

    // Update the last tracked
    aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].connected = TRUE;
    aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].lastSample = natnet_latency;

    // Defines to make easy use of paparazzi math
    struct EnuCoor_d pos, speed;
    struct EcefCoor_d ecef_pos;
    struct LlaCoor_d lla_pos;
    struct DoubleQuat orient;
    struct DoubleEulers orient_eulers;

    // Add the Optitrack angle to the x and y positions
    pos.x = cos(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].x + sin(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].y;
    pos.y = sin(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].x - cos(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].y;
    pos.z = rigidBodies[i].z;

    // Convert the position to ecef and lla based on the Optitrack LTP
    ecef_of_enu_point_d(&ecef_pos ,&tracking_ltp ,&pos);
    lla_of_ecef_d(&lla_pos, &ecef_pos);

    // Check if we have enough samples to estimate the velocity
    if(rigidBodies[i].nVelocitySamples >= min_velocity_samples) {
      // Calculate the derevative of the sum to get the correct velocity     (1 / freq_transmit) * (samples / total_samples)
      double sample_time = //((double)rigidBodies[i].nVelocitySamples / (double)rigidBodies[i].totalVelocitySamples) / 
                              ((double)rigidBodies[i].nVelocityTransmit / (double)freq_transmit);
      rigidBodies[i].vel_x = rigidBodies[i].vel_x / sample_time;
      rigidBodies[i].vel_y = rigidBodies[i].vel_y / sample_time;
      rigidBodies[i].vel_z = rigidBodies[i].vel_z / sample_time;

      // Add the Optitrack angle to the x and y velocities
      speed.x = cos(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].vel_x + sin(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].vel_y;
      speed.y = sin(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].vel_x - cos(tracking_offset_angle) * rigidBodies[i].vel_y;
      speed.z = rigidBodies[i].vel_z;

      // Conver the speed to ecef based on the Optitrack LTP
      ecef_of_enu_vect_d(&rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel ,&tracking_ltp ,&speed);

    // Copy the quaternions and convert to euler angles for the heading
    orient.qi = rigidBodies[i].qw;
    orient.qx = rigidBodies[i].qx;
    orient.qy = rigidBodies[i].qy;
    orient.qz = rigidBodies[i].qz;
    DOUBLE_EULERS_OF_QUAT(orient_eulers, orient);

    // Calculate the heading by adding the Natnet offset angle and normalizing it
    double heading = -orient_eulers.psi-tracking_offset_angle;

    printf_debug("[%d -> %d]Samples: %d\t%d\t\tTiming: %3.3f latency\n", rigidBodies[i].id, aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].ac_id
      , rigidBodies[i].nSamples, rigidBodies[i].nVelocitySamples, natnet_latency);
    printf_debug("    Heading: %f\t\tPosition: %f\t%f\t%f\t\tVelocity: %f\t%f\t%f\n", DegOfRad(heading), 
      rigidBodies[i].x, rigidBodies[i].y, rigidBodies[i].z, 
      rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel.x, rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel.y, rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel.z);

    // Transmit the REMOTE_GPS packet on the ivy bus
    IvySendMsg("0 REMOTE_GPS %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", aircrafts[rigidBodies[i].id].ac_id,
      rigidBodies[i].nMarkers,                //uint8 Number of markers (sv_num)
      (int)(ecef_pos.x*100.0),                //int32 ECEF X in CM
      (int)(ecef_pos.y*100.0),                //int32 ECEF Y in CM
      (int)(ecef_pos.z*100.0),                //int32 ECEF Z in CM
      (int)(lla_pos.lat*10000000.0),          //int32 LLA latitude in rad*1e7
      (int)(lla_pos.lon*10000000.0),          //int32 LLA longitude in rad*1e7
      (int)(rigidBodies[i].z*1000.0),         //int32 LLA altitude in mm above elipsoid
      (int)(rigidBodies[i].z*1000.0),         //int32 HMSL height above mean sea level in mm
      (int)(rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel.x*100.0), //int32 ECEF velocity X in m/s
      (int)(rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel.y*100.0), //int32 ECEF velocity Y in m/s
      (int)(rigidBodies[i].ecef_vel.z*100.0), //int32 ECEF velocity Z in m/s
      (int)(heading*10000000.0));             //int32 Course in rad*1e7

    // Reset the velocity differentiator if we calculated the velocity
    if(rigidBodies[i].nVelocitySamples >= min_velocity_samples) {
      rigidBodies[i].vel_x = 0;
      rigidBodies[i].vel_y = 0;
      rigidBodies[i].vel_z = 0;
      rigidBodies[i].nVelocitySamples = 0;
      rigidBodies[i].totalVelocitySamples = 0;
      rigidBodies[i].nVelocityTransmit = 0;

    rigidBodies[i].nSamples = 0;

  return TRUE;