Ejemplo n.º 1
    lifegrid::GridArray NextTurn(lifegrid::GridArray& grid, size_t stride, size_t total)
        lifegrid::GridArray nextPage;
        size_t height = total / stride;
        for (int i = 0; i < total; ++i)
            int y = static_cast<int>(i / stride);
            int x = i % stride;
            int num = NumNeighbors(grid, x, y, static_cast<int>(stride), static_cast<int>(height));

            if (num == 3)
                // Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
                nextPage[i] = true;
            else if (num < 2)
                // Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if caused by under population.
                nextPage[i] = false;
            else if (num > 3)
                // Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation.
                nextPage[i] = false;
                // Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation.
                nextPage[i] = FindCell(grid, x, y, static_cast<int>(stride), static_cast<int>(height));
        return std::move(nextPage);
Ejemplo n.º 2
	Grid NextTurn()
		GridSet targets;
		GRID_SET_RESERVE(targets, m_cellMap.size() * 9);

		for (GridKey key : m_cellMap)
			int y = key.first;
			int x = key.second;

			targets.insert(MakeKeySafe(x - 1, y - 1));
			targets.insert(MakeKeySafe(x - 1, y + 0));
			targets.insert(MakeKeySafe(x - 1, y + 1));
			targets.insert(MakeKeySafe(x + 1, y - 1));
			targets.insert(MakeKeySafe(x + 1, y + 0));
			targets.insert(MakeKeySafe(x + 1, y + 1));
			targets.insert(MakeKeySafe(x + 0, y - 1));
			targets.insert(MakeKeySafe(x + 0, y + 0));
			targets.insert(MakeKeySafe(x + 0, y + 1));

		Grid next(m_width, m_height);
		for (GridKey key : targets)
			int y = key.first;
			int x = key.second;

			bool target = FindCell(x, y);
			int num = NumNeighbors(x, y);

            // Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if caused by underpopulation.
            // Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation.
            // Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation.
            // Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.

			if (!target)
				// Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
				if (num == 3)
					next.SetCell(x, y);
			else if (num == 2 || num == 3)
				// Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if caused by under population.
				next.SetCell(x, y);
            // Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation. ?
		return std::move(next);
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Loops through cell array, storing a version altered according to the
// game of life, in a temporary array
void CLifeEngine::AddGeneration()
    TInt numNeighbours;

    for (TInt col = 0; col < COLS_NUM; col++)
        for (TInt row = 0; row < ROWS_NUM; row++)
            numNeighbours = NumNeighbors(row, col);

            if (iCellArray[row][col])
                // Filled cell
                if ((numNeighbours == 2) || (numNeighbours == 3))
                    iTempCellArray[row][col] = ETrue;
                    iTempCellArray[row][col] = EFalse;
                // Empty cell
                if (numNeighbours == 3)
                    iTempCellArray[row][col] = ETrue;
                    iTempCellArray[row][col] = EFalse;

    for (TInt col1 = 0; col1 < COLS_NUM; col1++)
        for (TInt row1 = 0; row1 < ROWS_NUM; row1++)
            iCellArray[row1][col1] = iTempCellArray[row1][col1];
// SplitUpStripsAndOptimize()
// Splits the input vector of strips (allBigStrips) into smaller, cache friendly pieces, then
//  reorders these pieces to maximize cache hits
// The final strips are output through outStrips
void NvStripifier::SplitUpStripsAndOptimize(NvStripInfoVec &allStrips, NvStripInfoVec &outStrips,
                                            NvEdgeInfoVec& edgeInfos, NvFaceInfoVec& outFaceList)
	int threshold = cacheSize;
	NvStripInfoVec tempStrips;
	//split up strips into threshold-sized pieces
	for(size_t i = 0; i < allStrips.size(); i++)
		NvStripInfo* currentStrip;
		NvStripStartInfo startInfo(NULL, NULL, false);
		int actualStripSize = 0;
		for(size_t j = 0; j < allStrips[i]->m_faces.size(); ++j)
			if( !IsDegenerate(allStrips[i]->m_faces[j]) )
		if(actualStripSize /*allStrips[i]->m_faces.size()*/ > threshold)
			int numTimes    = actualStripSize /*allStrips[i]->m_faces.size()*/ / threshold;
			int numLeftover = actualStripSize /*allStrips[i]->m_faces.size()*/ % threshold;

			int degenerateCount = 0;
            int j = 0;
			for(; j < numTimes; j++)
				currentStrip = new NvStripInfo(startInfo, 0, -1);
				int faceCtr = j*threshold + degenerateCount;
				bool bFirstTime = true;
				while(faceCtr < threshold+(j*threshold)+degenerateCount)
						//last time or first time through, no need for a degenerate
						if( (((faceCtr + 1) != threshold+(j*threshold)+degenerateCount) ||
							 ((j == numTimes - 1) && (numLeftover < 4) && (numLeftover > 0))) && 
							//but, we do need to delete the degenerate, if it's marked fake, to avoid leaking
								delete allStrips[i]->m_faces[faceCtr], allStrips[i]->m_faces[faceCtr] = NULL;
						bFirstTime = false;
				for(int faceCtr = j*threshold; faceCtr < threshold+(j*threshold); faceCtr++)
				if(j == numTimes - 1) //last time through
					if( (numLeftover < 4) && (numLeftover > 0) ) //way too small
						//just add to last strip
						int ctr = 0;
						while(ctr < numLeftover)
							IsDegenerate( allStrips[i]->m_faces[faceCtr] ) ? ++degenerateCount : ++ctr;
						numLeftover = 0;
			int leftOff = j * threshold + degenerateCount;
			if(numLeftover != 0)
				currentStrip = new NvStripInfo(startInfo, 0, -1);   
				int ctr = 0;
				bool bFirstTime = true;
				while(ctr < numLeftover)
					if( !IsDegenerate(allStrips[i]->m_faces[leftOff]) )
						bFirstTime = false;
					else if(!bFirstTime)
						//don't leak
							delete allStrips[i]->m_faces[leftOff], allStrips[i]->m_faces[leftOff] = NULL;

				for(size_t k = 0; k < numLeftover; k++)
			//we're not just doing a tempStrips.push_back(allBigStrips[i]) because
			// this way we can delete allBigStrips later to free the memory
			currentStrip = new NvStripInfo(startInfo, 0, -1);
			for(size_t j = 0; j < allStrips[i]->m_faces.size(); j++)

	//add small strips to face list
	NvStripInfoVec tempStrips2;
	RemoveSmallStrips(tempStrips, tempStrips2, outFaceList);
	//screw optimization for now
//	for(size_t i = 0; i < tempStrips.size(); ++i)
//    outStrips.push_back(tempStrips[i]);
	if(tempStrips2.size() != 0)
		//Optimize for the vertex cache
		VertexCache* vcache = new VertexCache(cacheSize);
		float bestNumHits = -1.0f;
		float numHits;
		int bestIndex;
		bool done = false;
		int firstIndex = 0;
		float minCost = 10000.0f;
		for(size_t i = 0; i < tempStrips2.size(); i++)
			int numNeighbors = 0;
			//find strip with least number of neighbors per face
			for(size_t j = 0; j < tempStrips2[i]->m_faces.size(); j++)
				numNeighbors += NumNeighbors(tempStrips2[i]->m_faces[j], edgeInfos);
			float currCost = (float)numNeighbors / (float)tempStrips2[i]->m_faces.size();
			if(currCost < minCost)
				minCost = currCost;
				firstIndex = i;
		UpdateCacheStrip(vcache, tempStrips2[firstIndex]);
		tempStrips2[firstIndex]->visited = true;
		bool bWantsCW = (tempStrips2[firstIndex]->m_faces.size() % 2) == 0;

		//this n^2 algo is what slows down stripification so much....
		// needs to be improved
			bestNumHits = -1.0f;
			//find best strip to add next, given the current cache
			for(size_t i = 0; i < tempStrips2.size(); i++)

				numHits = CalcNumHitsStrip(vcache, tempStrips2[i]);
				if(numHits > bestNumHits)
					bestNumHits = numHits;
					bestIndex = i;
				else if(numHits >= bestNumHits)
					//check previous strip to see if this one requires it to switch polarity
					NvStripInfo *strip = tempStrips2[i];
					int nStripFaceCount = strip->m_faces.size();
					NvFaceInfo tFirstFace(strip->m_faces[0]->m_v0, strip->m_faces[0]->m_v1, strip->m_faces[0]->m_v2);
					// If there is a second face, reorder vertices such that the
					// unique vertex is first
					if (nStripFaceCount > 1)
						int nUnique = NvStripifier::GetUniqueVertexInB(strip->m_faces[1], &tFirstFace);
						if (nUnique == tFirstFace.m_v1)
							SWAP(tFirstFace.m_v0, tFirstFace.m_v1);
						else if (nUnique == tFirstFace.m_v2)
							SWAP(tFirstFace.m_v0, tFirstFace.m_v2);
						// If there is a third face, reorder vertices such that the
						// shared vertex is last
						if (nStripFaceCount > 2)
							int nShared0, nShared1;
							GetSharedVertices(strip->m_faces[2], &tFirstFace, &nShared0, &nShared1);
							if ( (nShared0 == tFirstFace.m_v1) && (nShared1 == -1) )
								SWAP(tFirstFace.m_v1, tFirstFace.m_v2);
					// Check CW/CCW ordering
					if (bWantsCW == IsCW(strip->m_faces[0], tFirstFace.m_v0, tFirstFace.m_v1))
						//I like this one!
						bestIndex = i;
			if(bestNumHits == -1.0f)
			tempStrips2[bestIndex]->visited = true;
			UpdateCacheStrip(vcache, tempStrips2[bestIndex]);
			bWantsCW = (tempStrips2[bestIndex]->m_faces.size() % 2 == 0) ? bWantsCW : !bWantsCW;
		delete vcache;	
Ejemplo n.º 5
// SplitUpStripsAndOptimize()
// Splits the input _vector_ of strips (allBigStrips) into smaller, cache friendly pieces, then
//  reorders these pieces to maximize cache hits
// The final strips are output through outStrips
void NvStripifier::SplitUpStripsAndOptimize(NvStripInfoVec &allStrips, NvStripInfoVec &outStrips,
                                            NvEdgeInfoVec& edgeInfos, NvFaceInfoVec& outFaceList)
	int threshold = cacheSize;
	NvStripInfoVec tempStrips;
	//split up strips into threshold-sized pieces
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < allStrips.size(); i++)
		NvStripInfo* currentStrip;
		NvStripStartInfo startInfo(NULL, NULL, false);
		if(allStrips[i]->m_faces.size() > threshold)
			int numTimes    = allStrips[i]->m_faces.size() / threshold;
			int numLeftover = allStrips[i]->m_faces.size() % threshold;
			int j;
			for(j = 0; j < numTimes; j++)
				currentStrip = xr_new<NvStripInfo> (startInfo, 0, -1);
				for(int faceCtr = j*threshold; faceCtr < threshold+(j*threshold); faceCtr++) {
			int leftOff = j * threshold;
			if(numLeftover != 0)
				currentStrip = xr_new<NvStripInfo> (startInfo, 0, -1);   
				for(int k = 0; k < numLeftover; k++)
			//we're not just doing a tempStrips.push_back(allBigStrips[i]) because
			// this way we can _delete allBigStrips later to xr_free the memory
			currentStrip = xr_new<NvStripInfo> (startInfo, 0, -1);
			for(int j = 0; j < allStrips[i]->m_faces.size(); j++)

	//add small strips to face list
	NvStripInfoVec tempStrips2;
	RemoveSmallStrips(tempStrips, tempStrips2, outFaceList);
	if(tempStrips2.size() != 0)
		//Optimize for the vertex cache
		VertexCache* vcache = xr_new<VertexCache> (cacheSize);
		float bestNumHits	= -1.0f;
		float numHits		= 0;
		int bestIndex		= 0;
		int firstIndex = 0;
		float minCost = 10000.0f;
		for(i = 0; i < tempStrips2.size(); i++)
			int numNeighbors = 0;
			//find strip with least number of neighbors per face
			for(int j = 0; j < tempStrips2[i]->m_faces.size(); j++)
				numNeighbors += NumNeighbors(tempStrips2[i]->m_faces[j], edgeInfos);
			float currCost = (float)numNeighbors / (float)tempStrips2[i]->m_faces.size();
			if(currCost < minCost)
				minCost = currCost;
				firstIndex = i;
		UpdateCacheStrip(vcache, tempStrips2[firstIndex]);
		tempStrips2[firstIndex]->visited = true;
		//this n^2 algo is what slows down stripification so much....
		// needs to be improved
			bestNumHits = -1.0f;
			//find best strip to add next, given the current cache
			for(int i = 0; i < tempStrips2.size(); i++)
				numHits = CalcNumHitsStrip(vcache, tempStrips2[i]);
				if(numHits > bestNumHits)
					bestNumHits = numHits;
					bestIndex = i;
			if(bestNumHits == -1.0f)
			tempStrips2[bestIndex]->visited = true;
			UpdateCacheStrip(vcache, tempStrips2[bestIndex]);