Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: jcmds.c Proyecto: rolk/ug
static int sort_Gid (const void *e1, const void *e2)
    REGISTER JIPartner *item1 = (JIPartner *)e1;
    REGISTER JIPartner *item2 = (JIPartner *)e2;

    if (OBJ_GID(item1->hdr) < OBJ_GID(item2->hdr)) return(-1);
    if (OBJ_GID(item1->hdr) > OBJ_GID(item2->hdr)) return(1);

Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: jcmds.c Proyecto: rolk/ug
void DDD_JoinObj (DDD_HDR hdr, DDD_PROC dest, DDD_GID new_gid)
    JIJoin *ji;

    if (!ddd_JoinActive())
        DDD_PrintError('E', 7012, "Missing DDD_JoinBegin(). aborted");

    if (dest>=procs)
        sprintf(cBuffer, "cannot join %08x with %08x on processor %d (procs=%d)",
                OBJ_GID(hdr), new_gid, dest, procs);
        DDD_PrintError('E', 7003, cBuffer);

    if (dest==me)
        sprintf(cBuffer, "cannot join %08x with myself", OBJ_GID(hdr));
        DDD_PrintError('E', 7004, cBuffer);

    if (ObjHasCpl(hdr))
        sprintf(cBuffer, "cannot join %08x, object already distributed",
        DDD_PrintError('E', 7005, cBuffer);

    ji = JIJoinSet_NewItem(joinGlobals.setJIJoin);
    ji->hdr     = hdr;
    ji->dest    = dest;
    ji->new_gid = new_gid;

    if (! JIJoinSet_ItemOK(joinGlobals.setJIJoin))

#       if DebugJoin<=2
    sprintf(cBuffer, "%4d: DDD_JoinObj %08x, dest=%d, new_gid=%08x\n",
            me, OBJ_GID(hdr), dest, new_gid);
#       endif
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: jcmds.c Proyecto: rolk/ug
static void UnpackPhase3Msgs (LC_MSGHANDLE *theMsgs, int nRecvMsgs,
                              JIJoinPtrArray *arrayJoin)
    JIJoin   **itemsJ = JIJoinPtrArray_GetData(arrayJoin);
    int nJ       = JIJoinPtrArray_GetSize(arrayJoin);
    int m;

    for(m=0; m<nRecvMsgs; m++)
        LC_MSGHANDLE jm = theMsgs[m];
        TEAddCpl *theAC = (TEAddCpl *) LC_GetPtr(jm, joinGlobals.cpltab_id);
        int nAC      = (int) LC_GetTableLen(jm, joinGlobals.cpltab_id);
        int i, j;

        for(i=0, j=0; i<nAC; i++)
            while ((j<nJ) && (OBJ_GID(itemsJ[j]->hdr) < theAC[i].gid))

            if ((j<nJ) && (OBJ_GID(itemsJ[j]->hdr) == theAC[i].gid))
                /* found local object which is AddCpl target */
                AddCoupling(itemsJ[j]->hdr, theAC[i].proc, theAC[i].prio);

#                               if DebugJoin<=1
                printf("%4d: Phase3 execute AddCpl(%08x,%d,%d) (from %d).\n",
                       OBJ_GID(itemsJ[j]->hdr), theAC[i].proc, theAC[i].prio,
#                               endif
                /* this should never happen. AddCpl send for unknown obj. */
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: pack.c Proyecto: rolk/ug
static void XferPackSingleMsg (XFERMSG *msg)
  SYMTAB_ENTRY *theSymTab;
  OBJTAB_ENTRY *theObjTab;
  TENewCpl     *theNewCpl;
  TEOldCpl     *theOldCpl;
  char         *theObjects, *currObj;
  int i, actSym, actNewCpl, actOldCpl, actObj, recvProc;
  INT mi;

  /* recipient of this message */
  recvProc = msg->proc;

  /* get table addresses inside message */
  theSymTab = (SYMTAB_ENTRY *)LC_GetPtr(msg->msg_h, xferGlobals.symtab_id);
  theObjTab = (OBJTAB_ENTRY *)LC_GetPtr(msg->msg_h, xferGlobals.objtab_id);
  theNewCpl = (TENewCpl *)    LC_GetPtr(msg->msg_h, xferGlobals.newcpl_id);
  theOldCpl = (TEOldCpl *)    LC_GetPtr(msg->msg_h, xferGlobals.oldcpl_id);
  theObjects= (char *)LC_GetPtr(msg->msg_h, xferGlobals.objmem_id);

  /* build several tables inside message */
  actSym = actNewCpl = actOldCpl = actObj = 0;
  currObj = theObjects;
  for(i=0; i<msg->nObjItems; i++)          /* for all XICopyObj-items */
    REGISTER XICopyObj *xi = msg->xferObjArray[i];
    REGISTER DDD_HDR hdr   = xi->hdr;
    TYPE_DESC *desc = &theTypeDefs[OBJ_TYPE(hdr)];
    DDD_OBJ obj   = HDR2OBJ(hdr,desc);
    /*COUPLING  *cpl;*/
    DDD_HDR copyhdr;

    /* build coupling table */
    /* skip cpl which describes object itself (receive proc) */
                    for(cpl=THECOUPLING(hdr); cpl!=NULL; cpl=cpl->next)
                            if (cpl->proc!=recvProc)
                                    theNewCpl[actNewCpl].gid  = OBJ_GID(hdr);
                                    theNewCpl[actNewCpl].proc = cpl->proc;
                                    theNewCpl[actNewCpl].prio = cpl->prio;

    /* one coupling for object itself (send proc) */
                    theNewCpl[actNewCpl].gid  = OBJ_GID(hdr);
                    theNewCpl[actNewCpl].proc = me;
                    theNewCpl[actNewCpl].prio = OBJ_PRIO(hdr);

#if defined(C_FRONTEND) || defined(CPP_FRONTEND)
    copyhdr = OBJ2HDR(currObj,desc);
    copyhdr = (DDD_HDR) currObj;

    /* update object table */
#if defined(C_FRONTEND) || defined(CPP_FRONTEND)
    theObjTab[actObj].h_offset = (int)(((char *)copyhdr)-theObjects);
    theObjTab[actObj].o_offset = (int)(currObj-theObjects);
    theObjTab[actObj].typ    = OBJ_TYPE(hdr);
    theObjTab[actObj].gid    = OBJ_GID(hdr);
    theObjTab[actObj].attr   = OBJ_ATTR(hdr);
    theObjTab[actObj].prio   = xi->prio;
    theObjTab[actObj].hdr      = NULL;
    theObjTab[actObj].addLen   = xi->addLen;
    theObjTab[actObj].size     = xi->size;              /* needed for variable-sized objects */

            copy object into message. in the following xi->size
            equals desc->len for fixed-size objects.
#if defined(C_FRONTEND) || defined(CPP_FRONTEND)
    /* NOTE: object memory is copied _completely_, i.e., also LDATA-
       components are copied into message and sent to destination.
       then, on the receiving processor the data is sorted out... */
    memcpy(currObj, obj, xi->size);
    ObjToMsg (obj, desc, currObj);

    /* insert priority into copy */
    OBJ_PRIO(copyhdr) = xi->prio;

    /* call application handler for direct manipulation */
    /* KB 941110:  moved from objmgr.c                  */
            Caution: this is a very, very dirty situation.
            HANDLER_XFERCOPYMANIP is able to manipulate the
            obj-copy inside the message. this handler should
            be removed in future DDD versions.
                #if defined(C_FRONTEND)
    if (desc->handlerXFERCOPYMANIP)
              NOTE: OBJ_TYPE could change during the
              execution of HANDLER_XFERCOPYMANIP. however,
              the position of DDD_HEADER inside the object
              should not change. therefore, we can remember
              the offsetHeader here and use it afterwards
              to adjust the desc.
      int offset = desc->offsetHeader;

      /* now call handler */

      /* adjust new description according to new type */
      desc = &(theTypeDefs[OBJ_TYPE((DDD_HDR)(currObj+offset))]);

    /* build symbol table portion from object copy */
    actSym += BuildSymTab(desc, obj, (char *)currObj, &(theSymTab[actSym]));

    /* advance to next free object slot in message, c.f. alignment */
    currObj += CEIL(xi->size);

    /* gather additional data */
    if (xi->addLen>0)
      actSym += GetDepData(currObj,
                           desc, obj, &(theSymTab[actSym]), xi);
      currObj += xi->addLen;

  /* for all XINewCpl items in this message */
  for(i=0; i<msg->nNewCpl; i++)
    theNewCpl[actNewCpl]  = msg->xferNewCpl[i]->te;

  /* for all XIOldCpl items in this message */
  for(i=0; i<msg->nOldCpl; i++)
    theOldCpl[actOldCpl]  = msg->xferOldCpl[i]->te;

  /* sort SymTab, ObjTab and CplTab */
  qsort(theSymTab, actSym, sizeof(SYMTAB_ENTRY), sort_SymTabEntries);

  /* sorting of objtab is necessary!! (see AcceptObjFromMsg) KB 960812 */
  currentObjectMem = theObjects;
  qsort(theObjTab, msg->nObjects, sizeof(OBJTAB_ENTRY), sort_ObjTabEntries);

  sprintf(cBuffer, "ITEMS 34=%d, 35=%d, 36=%d\n", actSym,  msg->nObjects,  actNewCpl);
  sprintf(cBuffer, "COMPS 34=%d, 35=%d, 36=%d\n", n34,  n35,  n36);

  /* substitute all pointers by index into SymTab */
  for(mi=0; mi<actSym; mi++)
    /* patch SymTab index into reference location inside message */
#if defined(C_FRONTEND) || defined(CPP_FRONTEND)
    *(theSymTab[mi].adr.ref) = (DDD_OBJ)(mi+1);
    *(theSymTab[mi].adr.ref) = (mi+1);

  /* TODO: theSymtab[].ref wird ab hier nicht mehr verwendet und muss nicht uebertragen werden! */

  /* set valid table entries */
  LC_SetTableLen(msg->msg_h, xferGlobals.symtab_id, actSym);
  LC_SetTableLen(msg->msg_h, xferGlobals.objtab_id, msg->nObjects);
  LC_SetTableLen(msg->msg_h, xferGlobals.newcpl_id, actNewCpl);
  LC_SetTableLen(msg->msg_h, xferGlobals.oldcpl_id, actOldCpl);

#if DebugXfer>1
  XferDisplayMsg("OS", msg->msg_h);
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: pack.c Proyecto: rolk/ug
static int BuildSymTab (TYPE_DESC *desc,
                        DDD_OBJ obj,
                        char *copy,
                        SYMTAB_ENTRY *theSymTab)
  ELEM_DESC   *theElem;
  int e, actSym;


  /* reset local portion of SymTab */
  actSym = 0;

  /* prepare map of structure elements */
  theElem = desc->element;

  /* loop over all pointers inside of object obj */
  for(e=0; e<desc->nElements; e++, theElem++)
    if (theElem->type==EL_OBJPTR)
      TYPE_DESC *refdesc;
      int l;
      int rt_on_the_fly = (EDESC_REFTYPE(theElem)==DDD_TYPE_BY_HANDLER);

      /* determine reftype of this elem */
      if (! rt_on_the_fly)
        /* we know the reftype of this element in advance */
        refdesc = &theTypeDefs[EDESC_REFTYPE(theElem)];
      /* else: determine reftype on the fly by calling handler */

      /* loop over single pointer array */
#if defined(C_FRONTEND) || defined(CPP_FRONTEND)
      for(l=0; l<theElem->size; l+=sizeof(void *))
        /* get address of outside reference */
        DDD_OBJ *ref = (DDD_OBJ *)(copy+theElem->offset+l);
      for(l=0; l<theElem->size; l+=sizeof(DDD_OBJ))
        /* F77TODO: DDD_OBJ* must be replaced by local objindex */
        /* get the index of the referenced object */
        DDD_OBJ *ref = (DDD_OBJ *)(copy+theElem->msgoffset);

        /* create symbol table entry */
        if (*ref!=NULL)
          DDD_HDR refhdr;

          if (rt_on_the_fly)
            DDD_TYPE rt;

            /* determine reftype on the fly by calling handler */
            assert(obj!=NULL);                                       /* we need a real object here */

            rt = theElem->reftypeHandler(obj, *ref);
            if (rt>=MAX_TYPEDESC)
              DDD_PrintError('E', 6520,
                             "invalid referenced DDD_TYPE "
                             "returned by handler");
            refdesc = &theTypeDefs[rt];

          /* get header of referenced object */
          refhdr = OBJ2HDR(*ref,refdesc);

          /* remember the GID of the referenced object */
          theSymTab[actSym].gid = OBJ_GID(refhdr);

          /* remember the address of the reference (in obj-copy) */
          theSymTab[actSym].adr.ref = ref;


  /* return SymTab increment */

/*                                                                          */
/* Function:  GetDepData                                                    */
/*                                                                          */
/* Purpose:   fill object-dependent data into message. an appl. routine     */
/*            will be called to fill in the data actually. pointers are     */
/*            localized and the message SymTab is actualized.               */
/*                                                                          */
/* Input:     data: portion of message buffer reserved for dependent data   */
/*            desc: descriptor of object                                    */
/*            obj:  current ddd-object                                      */
/*            theSymTab: actual portion of message SymTab                   */
/*            xi:   single xferinfo for current ddd-object                  */
/*                                                                          */
/* Output:    number of new entries into SymTab                             */
/*                                                                          */

static int GetDepData (char *data,
                       TYPE_DESC *desc,
                       DDD_OBJ obj,
                       SYMTAB_ENTRY *theSymTab,
                       XICopyObj *xi)
  TYPE_DESC    *descDep;
  char         *chunk, *adr, **table1, *next_chunk;
  int chunks, i, actSym, *table2;

  if (xi->addLen==0) return(0);

  chunks = 0;
  actSym = 0;

  /* first entry will be number of dependency chunks */
  chunk = data + CEIL(sizeof(int));

  /* loop through whole dependency data descriptor */
  for(xa=xi->add; xa!=NULL; xa=xa->next)
    /* first entries of chunk are addCnt and addTyp */
    ((int *)chunk)[0]      = xa->addCnt;
    ((DDD_TYPE *)chunk)[1] = xa->addTyp;

    if (xa->sizes==NULL)
      chunk += CEIL(sizeof(int)+sizeof(DDD_TYPE));

      /* then all records should be gathered via handler */
      if (desc->handlerXFERGATHER)
                                #if defined(C_FRONTEND) || defined(F_FRONTEND)
        desc->handlerXFERGATHER(_FADR obj,
                                _FADR xa->addCnt, _FADR xa->addTyp, (void *)chunk);
                                #ifdef CPP_FRONTEND
        CallHandler(desc,XFERGATHER) (HParam(obj)
                                      xa->addCnt, xa->addTyp, (void *)chunk);

      if (xa->addTyp<DDD_USER_DATA || xa->addTyp>DDD_USER_DATA_MAX)
        /* insert pointers into symtab */
        descDep = &theTypeDefs[xa->addTyp];
        for(i=0; i<xa->addCnt; i++)
          actSym += BuildSymTab(descDep, NULL,
                                chunk, &(theSymTab[actSym]));
          chunk += CEIL(descDep->size);
        /* no regular type -> send byte stream with length addCnt */
        chunk += CEIL(xa->addCnt);
      /* var-sized AddData items */
      ((int *)chunk)[0] *= -1;
      chunk += CEIL(sizeof(int)+sizeof(DDD_TYPE));

      /* create pointer array inside message */
      table1 = (char **)chunk;
      chunk += CEIL(sizeof(int)*xa->addCnt);
      for(i=0, adr=chunk; i<xa->addCnt; i++)
        table1[i] = adr;
        adr += CEIL(xa->sizes[i]);
      next_chunk = adr;

      /* then all records should be gathered via handler */
      if (desc->handlerXFERGATHERX)
                                #if defined(C_FRONTEND) || defined(F_FRONTEND)
        desc->handlerXFERGATHERX(_FADR obj,
                                 _FADR xa->addCnt, _FADR xa->addTyp, table1);
                                #ifdef CPP_FRONTEND
        CallHandler(desc,XFERGATHERX) (HParam(obj)
                                       xa->addCnt, xa->addTyp, table1);

      /* convert pointer table into offset table */
      table2 = (int *)table1;
      descDep = &theTypeDefs[xa->addTyp];
      adr = chunk;
      for(i=0; i<xa->addCnt; i++)
        /* insert pointers into symtab */
        if (xa->addTyp<DDD_USER_DATA || xa->addTyp>DDD_USER_DATA_MAX)
          actSym += BuildSymTab(descDep, NULL,
                                table1[i], &(theSymTab[actSym]));

        table2[i] = (int)(table1[i]-adr);

      chunk = next_chunk;

    /* count chunks */

  /* remember number of chunks at the beginning of the deplist */
  ((int *)data)[0] = chunks;

Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: join.c Proyecto: xyuan/ug
void Method(Print) (ParamThis _PRINTPARAMS)
  fprintf(fp, "JIJoin local_gid=%08x dest=%d new_gid=%08x\n",
          OBJ_GID(This->hdr), This->dest, This->new_gid);
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: jcmds.c Proyecto: rolk/ug
static void UnpackPhase2Msgs (LC_MSGHANDLE *theMsgs2, int nRecvMsgs2,
                              JIPartner *joinObjs, int nJoinObjs,
                              DDD_HDR *localCplObjs, int nLCO)
    int m;

    for(m=0; m<nRecvMsgs2; m++)
        LC_MSGHANDLE jm = theMsgs2[m];
        TEAddCpl *theAC = (TEAddCpl *) LC_GetPtr(jm, joinGlobals.addtab_id);
        int nAC      = (int) LC_GetTableLen(jm, joinGlobals.addtab_id);
        int i, j, jo;

        for(i=0, j=0, jo=0; i<nAC; i++)
            while ((j<nLCO) && (OBJ_GID(localCplObjs[j]) < theAC[i].gid))

            while ((jo<nJoinObjs) && (OBJ_GID(joinObjs[jo].hdr) < theAC[i].gid))

            if ((j<nLCO) && (OBJ_GID(localCplObjs[j])==theAC[i].gid))
                /* found local object which is AddCpl target */
                AddCoupling(localCplObjs[j], theAC[i].proc, theAC[i].prio);

#                               if DebugJoin<=1
                printf("%4d: Phase2 execute AddCpl(%08x,%d,%d) (from %d).\n",
                       theAC[i].gid, theAC[i].proc, theAC[i].prio,
#                               endif

                while ((jo<nJoinObjs) && (OBJ_GID(joinObjs[jo].hdr) == theAC[i].gid))
                    JIAddCpl *ji = JIAddCplSet_NewItem(joinGlobals.setJIAddCpl3);
                    ji->dest    = joinObjs[jo].proc;
                    ji->te.gid  = theAC[i].gid;
                    ji->te.proc = theAC[i].proc;
                    ji->te.prio = theAC[i].prio;

#                                       if DebugJoin<=1
                    printf("%4d: Phase2 forward AddCpl(%08x,%d,%d) to %d.\n",
                           theAC[i].gid, theAC[i].proc, theAC[i].prio,
#                                       endif

                /* this should never happen. AddCpl send from invalid proc. */
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: jcmds.c Proyecto: rolk/ug
static void UnpackPhase1Msgs (LC_MSGHANDLE *theMsgs, int nRecvMsgs,
                              DDD_HDR *localCplObjs, int nLCO,
                              JIPartner **p_joinObjs, int *p_nJoinObjs)
    JIPartner *joinObjs;
    int nJoinObjs = 0;
    int m, jo;

    /* init return values */
    *p_joinObjs  = NULL;
    *p_nJoinObjs = 0;

    for(m=0; m<nRecvMsgs; m++)
        LC_MSGHANDLE jm = theMsgs[m];
        TEJoin *theJoin = (TEJoin *) LC_GetPtr(jm, joinGlobals.jointab_id);
        int nJ       = (int) LC_GetTableLen(jm, joinGlobals.jointab_id);
        int i, j;

        nJoinObjs += nJ;

        for(i=0, j=0; i<nJ; i++)
            while ((j<nLCO) && (OBJ_GID(localCplObjs[j]) < theJoin[i].gid))

            if ((j<nLCO) && (OBJ_GID(localCplObjs[j])==theJoin[i].gid))
                COUPLING *cpl;

                /* found local object which is join target */
                /* store shortcut to local object */
                theJoin[i].hdr = localCplObjs[j];

                /* generate phase2-JIAddCpl for this object */
                for(cpl=ObjCplList(localCplObjs[j]); cpl!=NULL; cpl=CPL_NEXT(cpl))
                    JIAddCpl *ji = JIAddCplSet_NewItem(joinGlobals.setJIAddCpl2);
                    ji->dest    = CPL_PROC(cpl);
                    ji->te.gid  = theJoin[i].gid;
                    ji->te.proc = LC_MsgGetProc(jm);
                    ji->te.prio = theJoin[i].prio;

                    if (! JIAddCplSet_ItemOK(joinGlobals.setJIAddCpl2))

#                                       if DebugJoin<=1
                    printf("%4d: Phase1 Join for %08x from %d, "
                           "send AddCpl to %d.\n",
                           me, theJoin[i].gid, ji->te.proc, ji->dest);
#                                       endif


                /* send phase3-JIAddCpl back to Join-proc */
                for(cpl=ObjCplList(localCplObjs[j]); cpl!=NULL; cpl=CPL_NEXT(cpl))
                    JIAddCpl *ji = JIAddCplSet_NewItem(joinGlobals.setJIAddCpl3);
                    ji->dest    = LC_MsgGetProc(jm);
                    ji->te.gid  = OBJ_GID(localCplObjs[j]);
                    ji->te.proc = CPL_PROC(cpl);
                    ji->te.prio = cpl->prio;

                    if (! JIAddCplSet_ItemOK(joinGlobals.setJIAddCpl3))
                sprintf(cBuffer, "no object %08x for join from %d",
                        theJoin[i].gid, LC_MsgGetProc(jm));
                DDD_PrintError('E', 7300, cBuffer);

    /* return immediately if no join-objects have been found */
    if (nJoinObjs==0)

    /* allocate array of objects, which has been contacted by a join */
    joinObjs = (JIPartner *) AllocTmp(sizeof(JIPartner) * nJoinObjs);
    if (joinObjs==NULL)
        DDD_PrintError('E', 7903, STR_NOMEM " in UnpackPhase1Msgs");

    /* set return values */
    *p_joinObjs  = joinObjs;
    *p_nJoinObjs = nJoinObjs;

    /* add one local coupling for each Join */
    for(m=0, jo=0; m<nRecvMsgs; m++)
        LC_MSGHANDLE jm = theMsgs[m];
        TEJoin *theJoin = (TEJoin *) LC_GetPtr(jm, joinGlobals.jointab_id);
        int nJ       = (int) LC_GetTableLen(jm, joinGlobals.jointab_id);
        int i;

        for(i=0; i<nJ; i++)
            AddCoupling(theJoin[i].hdr, LC_MsgGetProc(jm), theJoin[i].prio);

            /* send one phase3-JIAddCpl for symmetric connection */
                JIAddCpl *ji = JIAddCplSet_NewItem(joinGlobals.setJIAddCpl3);
                ji->dest    = LC_MsgGetProc(jm);
                ji->te.gid  = OBJ_GID(theJoin[i].hdr);
                ji->te.proc = me;
                ji->te.prio = OBJ_PRIO(theJoin[i].hdr);


            joinObjs[jo].hdr  = theJoin[i].hdr;
            joinObjs[jo].proc = LC_MsgGetProc(jm);

    /* sort joinObjs-array according to gid */
    if (nJoinObjs>1)
        qsort(joinObjs, nJoinObjs, sizeof(JIPartner), sort_Gid);
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: jcmds.c Proyecto: rolk/ug
static int PreparePhase1Msgs (JIJoinPtrArray *arrayJoin,
                              JOINMSG1 **theMsgs, size_t *memUsage)
    int i, last_i, nMsgs;
    JIJoin   **itemsJ = JIJoinPtrArray_GetData(arrayJoin);
    int nJ       = JIJoinPtrArray_GetSize(arrayJoin);

#       if DebugJoin<=3
    printf("%4d: PreparePhase1Msgs, nJoins=%d\n",
           me, nJ);
#       endif

    /* init return parameters */
    *theMsgs = NULL;
    *memUsage = 0;

    if (nJ==0)
        /* no messages */

    /* check whether Join objects are really local (without copies) */
    /* and set local GID to invalid (will be set to new value lateron) */
    for(i=0; i<nJ; i++)
        if (ObjHasCpl(itemsJ[i]->hdr))
            sprintf(cBuffer, "cannot join %08x, object already distributed",
            DDD_PrintError('E', 7006, cBuffer);

        OBJ_GID(itemsJ[i]->hdr) = GID_INVALID;

    /* set local GID to new value */
    for(i=0; i<nJ; i++)
        DDD_GID local_gid = OBJ_GID(itemsJ[i]->hdr);

        /* check for double Joins with different new_gid */
        if (local_gid!=GID_INVALID && local_gid!=itemsJ[i]->new_gid)
                    "several (inconsistent) DDD_JoinObj-commands for local object %08x",
            DDD_PrintError('E', 7007, cBuffer);

        OBJ_GID(itemsJ[i]->hdr) = itemsJ[i]->new_gid;

    nMsgs = 0;
    last_i = i = 0;
        JOINMSG1  *jm;
        size_t bufSize;

        /* skip until dest-processor is different */
        while (i<nJ && (itemsJ[i]->dest == itemsJ[last_i]->dest))

        /* create new message */
        jm = (JOINMSG1 *) AllocTmp(sizeof(JOINMSG1));
        if (jm==NULL)
            DDD_PrintError('E', 7900, STR_NOMEM " in PreparePhase1Msgs");
        jm->nJoins = i-last_i;
        jm->arrayJoin = &(itemsJ[last_i]);
        jm->dest = itemsJ[last_i]->dest;
        jm->next = *theMsgs;
        *theMsgs = jm;

        /* create new send message */
        jm->msg_h = LC_NewSendMsg(joinGlobals.phase1msg_t, jm->dest);

        /* init table inside message */
        LC_SetTableSize(jm->msg_h, joinGlobals.jointab_id, jm->nJoins);

        /* prepare message for sending away */
        bufSize = LC_MsgPrepareSend(jm->msg_h);
        *memUsage += bufSize;

                    "DDD MESG [%03d]: SHOW_MEM "
                    "send msg phase1   dest=%04d size=%010ld\n",
                    me, jm->dest, (long)bufSize);

        last_i = i;

    } while (last_i < nJ);
