// send notifications based on the qos of the request // The qos passed as a parameter overrides what the client requested // If we want the client preference taking high priority make: // qos = resourceObserver->qos; OCQualityOfService DetermineObserverQoS(OCMethod method, ResourceObserver * resourceObserver, OCQualityOfService appQoS) { OCQualityOfService decidedQoS = appQoS; if(appQoS == OC_NA_QOS) { decidedQoS = resourceObserver->qos; } if(appQoS != OC_HIGH_QOS) { OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "Current NON count for this observer is %d", resourceObserver->lowQosCount); #ifdef WITH_PRESENCE if((resourceObserver->forceHighQos \ || resourceObserver->lowQosCount >= MAX_OBSERVER_NON_COUNT) \ && method != OC_REST_PRESENCE) #else if(resourceObserver->forceHighQos \ || resourceObserver->lowQosCount >= MAX_OBSERVER_NON_COUNT) #endif { resourceObserver->lowQosCount = 0; // at some point we have to to send CON to check on the // availability of observer OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, PCF("This time we are sending the notification as High qos")); decidedQoS = OC_HIGH_QOS; } else { (resourceObserver->lowQosCount)++; } } return decidedQoS; }
// The loop function is called in an endless loop void loop() { // This artificial delay is kept here to avoid endless spinning // of Arduino microcontroller. Modify it as per specfic application needs. if (OCProcess() != OC_STACK_OK) { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, PCF("OCStack process error")); return; } char *user_cmd = NULL; // ble.pollingDisconnect(); user_cmd = ble.Debug2BLE(true); ble.BLE2Debug( true ); if ( user_cmd ) { free( user_cmd ); user_cmd = NULL; } }
void RCSRemoteResourceObject::startCaching(CacheUpdatedCallback cb) { SCOPE_LOG_F(DEBUG, TAG); if (isCaching()) { OC_LOG(DEBUG, TAG, "startCaching : already Started"); throw RCSBadRequestException{ "Caching already started." }; } if (cb) { m_cacheId = ResourceCacheManager::getInstance()->requestResourceCache( m_primitiveResource, std::bind(cachingCallback, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::move(cb)), REPORT_FREQUENCY::UPTODATE, 0); } else { m_cacheId = ResourceCacheManager::getInstance()->requestResourceCache( m_primitiveResource, { }, REPORT_FREQUENCY::NONE, 0); } OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "startCaching CACHE ID %d", m_cacheId); }
// This is a function called back when a device is discovered OCStackApplicationResult discoveryReqCB(void* ctx, OCDoHandle /*handle*/, OCClientResponse * clientResponse) { OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Entering discoveryReqCB (Application Layer CB)"); OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "StackResult: %s", getResult(clientResponse->result)); if (ctx == (void*) DEFAULT_CONTEXT_VALUE) { OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "Callback Context recvd successfully"); } OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "Device =============> Discovered @ %s:%d", clientResponse->devAddr.addr, clientResponse->devAddr.port); OC_LOG_PAYLOAD(INFO, TAG, clientResponse->payload); ConnType = clientResponse->connType; if(TestType == TEST_UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_GET_DEFAULT || TestType == TEST_UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_GET_BATCH ||\ TestType == TEST_UNKNOWN_RESOURCE_GET_LINK_LIST) { InitGetRequestToUnavailableResource(clientResponse); } else { InitGetRequest(clientResponse); } return OC_STACK_KEEP_TRANSACTION; }
/** * This internal method is the entity handler for pstat resources. */ OCEntityHandlerResult PstatEntityHandler(OCEntityHandlerFlag flag, OCEntityHandlerRequest * ehRequest, void *callbackParam) { OCEntityHandlerResult ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR; // This method will handle REST request (GET/POST) for /oic/sec/pstat if (flag & OC_REQUEST_FLAG) { OC_LOG (INFO, TAG, PCF("Flag includes OC_REQUEST_FLAG")); switch (ehRequest->method) { case OC_REST_GET: ehRet = HandlePstatGetRequest(ehRequest); break; case OC_REST_PUT: ehRet = HandlePstatPutRequest(ehRequest); break; default: ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR; SendSRMResponse(ehRequest, ehRet, NULL); break; } } return ehRet; }
int InitObserveRequest(OCClientResponse * clientResponse) { OCStackResult ret; OCCallbackData cbData; OCDoHandle handle; std::ostringstream obsReg; obsReg << getQueryStrForGetPut(); cbData.cb = getReqCB; cbData.context = (void*)DEFAULT_CONTEXT_VALUE; cbData.cd = NULL; OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "OBSERVE payload from client ="); OCPayload* payload = putPayload(); OC_LOG_PAYLOAD(INFO, TAG, payload); OCPayloadDestroy(payload); ret = OCDoResource(&handle, OC_REST_OBSERVE, obsReg.str().c_str(), &clientResponse->devAddr, 0, ConnType, OC_LOW_QOS, &cbData, NULL, 0); if (ret != OC_STACK_OK) { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "OCStack resource error"); } else { gObserveDoHandle = handle; } return ret; }
/** * Initialize DOXM resource by loading data from persistent storage. * * @retval OC_STACK_OK for Success, otherwise some error value */ OCStackResult InitDoxmResource() { OCStackResult ret = OC_STACK_ERROR; //Read DOXM resource from PS char* jsonSVRDatabase = GetSVRDatabase(); if(jsonSVRDatabase) { //Convert JSON DOXM into binary format gDoxm = JSONToDoxmBin(jsonSVRDatabase, true); } /* * If SVR database in persistent storage got corrupted or * is not available for some reason, a default doxm is created * which allows user to initiate doxm provisioning again. */ if(!jsonSVRDatabase || !gDoxm) { gDoxm = GetDoxmDefault(); } ret = CheckDeviceID(); if (ret == OC_STACK_OK) { //Instantiate 'oic.sec.doxm' ret = CreateDoxmResource(); } else { OC_LOG (ERROR, TAG, "CheckDeviceID failed"); } OICFree(jsonSVRDatabase); return ret; }
/* * This internal method is the entity handler for DOXM resources. */ OCEntityHandlerResult DoxmEntityHandler (OCEntityHandlerFlag flag, OCEntityHandlerRequest * ehRequest, void* callbackParam) { (void)callbackParam; OCEntityHandlerResult ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR; if(NULL == ehRequest) { return ehRet; } if (flag & OC_REQUEST_FLAG) { OC_LOG (DEBUG, TAG, "Flag includes OC_REQUEST_FLAG"); switch (ehRequest->method) { case OC_REST_GET: ehRet = HandleDoxmGetRequest(ehRequest); break; case OC_REST_PUT: ehRet = HandleDoxmPutRequest(ehRequest); break; default: ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR; SendSRMResponse(ehRequest, ehRet, NULL); break; } } return ehRet; }
OCRepPayload* constructResponse(OCEntityHandlerRequest *ehRequest) { OCRepPayload* payload = OCRepPayloadCreate(); if (!payload) { OC_LOG(ERROR, ES_RH_TAG, "Failed to allocate Payload"); return NULL; } if (ehRequest->resource == g_prov.handle) { OCRepPayloadSetUri(payload, OC_RSRVD_ES_URI_PROV); OCRepPayloadSetPropInt(payload, OC_RSRVD_ES_PS, g_prov.ps); OCRepPayloadSetPropInt(payload, OC_RSRVD_ES_TNT, g_prov.tnt); OCRepPayloadSetPropString(payload, OC_RSRVD_ES_TNN, g_prov.tnn); OCRepPayloadSetPropString(payload, OC_RSRVD_ES_CD, g_prov.cd); } else if (ehRequest->requestHandle == g_net.handle) { OCRepPayloadSetUri(payload, OC_RSRVD_ES_URI_NET); OCRepPayloadSetPropInt(payload, "ant", g_net.ant[0]); } return payload; }
OCStackApplicationResult getReqCB(void* ctx, OCDoHandle /*handle*/, OCClientResponse * clientResponse) { OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "StackResult: %s", getResult(clientResponse->result)); if(ctx == (void*)DEFAULT_CONTEXT_VALUE) { OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "SEQUENCE NUMBER: %d", clientResponse->sequenceNumber); if(clientResponse->sequenceNumber == 0) { OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "Callback Context for GET query recvd successfully"); OC_LOG_PAYLOAD(INFO, TAG, clientResponse->payload); } else { OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "Callback Context for Get recvd successfully %d", gNumObserveNotifies); OC_LOG_PAYLOAD(INFO, TAG, clientResponse->payload);; gNumObserveNotifies++; if (gNumObserveNotifies == 3) { if (OCCancel (gObserveDoHandle, OC_LOW_QOS, NULL, 0) != OC_STACK_OK) { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Observe cancel error"); } } } } if(TestType == TEST_PUT_DEFAULT || TestType == TEST_PUT_BATCH || TestType == TEST_PUT_LINK_LIST) { InitPutRequest(clientResponse); } return OC_STACK_KEEP_TRANSACTION; }
// This is the entity handler for the registered resource. // This is invoked by OCStack whenever it recevies a request for this resource. OCEntityHandlerResult OCEntityHandlerCb(OCEntityHandlerFlag flag, OCEntityHandlerRequest *entityHandlerRequest ) { OCEntityHandlerResult ehRet = OC_EH_OK; if (entityHandlerRequest ) { if (flag & OC_REQUEST_FLAG) { OC_LOG (INFO, TAG, PCF("Flag includes OC_REQUEST_FLAG")); if (OC_REST_GET == entityHandlerRequest->method) { if ( JsonGenerator( (char *)entityHandlerRequest->resJSONPayload, entityHandlerRequest->resJSONPayloadLen ) == false ) { ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR; } } if (OC_REST_PUT == entityHandlerRequest->method) { if (JsonGenerator( (char *)entityHandlerRequest->resJSONPayload, entityHandlerRequest->resJSONPayloadLen ) == false ) { ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR; } } } else if (flag & OC_OBSERVE_FLAG) { OC_LOG (INFO, TAG, PCF("Flag includes OC_OBSERVE_FLAG")); if (OC_OBSERVE_REGISTER == entityHandlerRequest->obsInfo->action) { OC_LOG (INFO, TAG, PCF("Received OC_OBSERVE_REGISTER from client")); g_PROXIUnderObservation = 1; } else if (OC_OBSERVE_DEREGISTER == entityHandlerRequest->obsInfo->action) { OC_LOG (INFO, TAG, PCF("Received OC_OBSERVE_DEREGISTER from client")); } } Serial.println((char *)entityHandlerRequest->resJSONPayload); } return ehRet; }
// This is the entity handler for the registered resource. // This is invoked by OCStack whenever it recevies a request for this resource. OCEntityHandlerResult OCEntityHandlerCb(OCEntityHandlerFlag flag, OCEntityHandlerRequest *entityHandlerRequest ) { OCEntityHandlerResult ehRet = OC_EH_OK; if (entityHandlerRequest && (flag & OC_REQUEST_FLAG)) { OC_LOG (INFO, TAG, PCF("Flag includes OC_REQUEST_FLAG")); if (OC_REST_GET == entityHandlerRequest->method) { if (JsonGenerator((char *)entityHandlerRequest->resJSONPayload, \ entityHandlerRequest->resJSONPayloadLen)) { } else { ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR; } } if (OC_REST_PUT == entityHandlerRequest->method) { //Do something with the 'put' payload if (JsonGenerator((char *)entityHandlerRequest->resJSONPayload, \ entityHandlerRequest->resJSONPayloadLen)) { } else { ehRet = OC_EH_ERROR; } } } if (entityHandlerRequest && (flag & OC_OBSERVE_FLAG)) { if (OC_OBSERVE_REGISTER == entityHandlerRequest->obsInfo->action) { OC_LOG (INFO, TAG, PCF("Received OC_OBSERVE_REGISTER from client")); g_PROXIUnderObservation = 1; } else if (OC_OBSERVE_DEREGISTER == entityHandlerRequest->obsInfo->action) { OC_LOG (INFO, TAG, PCF("Received OC_OBSERVE_DEREGISTER from client")); } } return ehRet; }
/** * Function to save the result of provisioning. * * @param[in,out] otmCtx Context value of ownership transfer. * @param[in] res result of provisioning */ static void SetResult(OTMContext_t* otmCtx, const OCStackResult res) { OC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "IN SetResult : %d ", res); if(!otmCtx) { OC_LOG(WARNING, TAG, "OTMContext is NULL"); return; } if(otmCtx->selectedDeviceInfo) { for(size_t i = 0; i < otmCtx->ctxResultArraySize; i++) { if(memcmp(otmCtx->selectedDeviceInfo->doxm->deviceID.id, otmCtx->ctxResultArray[i].deviceId.id, UUID_LENGTH) == 0) { otmCtx->ctxResultArray[i].res = res; if(OC_STACK_OK != res) { otmCtx->ctxHasError = true; } } } g_otmCtx = NULL; //If all request is completed, invoke the user callback. if(IsComplete(otmCtx)) { otmCtx->ctxResultCallback(otmCtx->userCtx, otmCtx->ctxResultArraySize, otmCtx->ctxResultArray, otmCtx->ctxHasError); OICFree(otmCtx->ctxResultArray); OICFree(otmCtx); } else { if(OC_STACK_OK != StartOwnershipTransfer(otmCtx, otmCtx->selectedDeviceInfo->next)) { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Failed to StartOwnershipTransfer"); } } } OC_LOG(DEBUG, TAG, "OUT SetResult"); }
int InitDiscovery() { OCStackResult ret; OCCallbackData cbData; /* Start a discovery query*/ char szQueryUri[64] = {}; if (UNICAST_DISCOVERY) { char ipv4addr[IPV4_ADDR_SIZE]; printf("Enter IPv4 address of the Server hosting " "resource (Ex:\n"); if (fgets(ipv4addr, IPV4_ADDR_SIZE, stdin)) { //Strip newline char from ipv4addr StripNewLineChar(ipv4addr); snprintf(szQueryUri, sizeof(szQueryUri), UNICAST_DISCOVERY_QUERY, ipv4addr); } else { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "!! Bad input for IPV4 address. !!"); return OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM; } } else { strcpy(szQueryUri, MULTICAST_RESOURCE_DISCOVERY_QUERY); } cbData.cb = discoveryReqCB; cbData.context = (void*)DEFAULT_CONTEXT_VALUE; cbData.cd = NULL; if (UNICAST_DISCOVERY) { ret = OCDoResource(NULL, OC_REST_GET, szQueryUri, 0, 0, OC_CONNTYPE, OC_LOW_QOS, &cbData, NULL, 0); } else { ret = OCDoResource(NULL, OC_REST_GET, szQueryUri, 0, 0, (OC_ALL), OC_LOW_QOS, &cbData, NULL, 0); } if (ret != OC_STACK_OK) { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "OCStack resource error"); } return ret; }
static OCStackApplicationResult AmsMgrDiscoveryCallback(void *ctx, OCDoHandle handle, OCClientResponse * clientResponse) { OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "%s Begin", __func__ ); if (!ctx || !clientResponse || !clientResponse->payload|| (PAYLOAD_TYPE_SECURITY != clientResponse->payload->type)|| (OC_STACK_OK != clientResponse->result)) { OC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "%s Invalid Response ", __func__); return OC_STACK_KEEP_TRANSACTION; } (void)handle; PEContext_t *context = (PEContext_t *) ctx; if (context->state != AWAITING_AMS_RESPONSE) { OC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "%s Invalid PE State ", __func__); return OC_STACK_DELETE_TRANSACTION; } OicSecDoxm_t *doxm = NULL; OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "Doxm DeviceId Discovery response = %s\n", ((OCSecurityPayload*)clientResponse->payload)->securityData); doxm = JSONToDoxmBin(((OCSecurityPayload*)clientResponse->payload)->securityData); //As doxm is NULL amsmgr can't test if response from trusted AMS service //so keep the transaction. if(NULL == doxm) { OC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "%s : Unable to convert JSON to Binary",__func__); return OC_STACK_KEEP_TRANSACTION; } OicUuid_t deviceId = {.id={}}; memcpy(&deviceId, &doxm->deviceID, sizeof(deviceId)); OICFree(doxm); /* TODO : By assuming that the first response received is the actual * AMS service, a 'bad device' can cause DoS attack. */ if (memcmp(&context->amsMgrContext->amsDeviceId, &deviceId, sizeof(context->amsMgrContext->amsDeviceId)) == 0) { OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "AMS Manager Sending unicast discovery to get secured port info"); //Sending Unicast discovery to get secure port information if(OC_STACK_OK == SendUnicastSecurePortDiscovery(context, &clientResponse->devAddr, clientResponse->connType)) { context->retVal = ACCESS_WAITING_FOR_AMS; return OC_STACK_DELETE_TRANSACTION; } } context->retVal = ACCESS_DENIED_AMS_SERVICE_ERROR; SRMSendResponse(context->retVal); return OC_STACK_DELETE_TRANSACTION; }
OCTagsPayload* OCCopyTagsResources(const char *deviceName, const unsigned char *id, const char *baseURI, uint8_t bitmap, uint16_t port, uint8_t ins, const char *rts,const char *drel, uint32_t ttl) { OCTagsPayload *tags = (OCTagsPayload *)OICCalloc(1, sizeof(OCTagsPayload)); if (!tags) { return NULL; } if (deviceName) { tags->n.deviceName = OICStrdup(deviceName); if (!tags->n.deviceName) { goto memory_allocation_failed; } } if (id) { OICStrcpy((char*)tags->di.id, MAX_IDENTITY_SIZE, (char *)id); if (!tags->di.id) { goto memory_allocation_failed; } } if (baseURI) { tags->baseURI = OICStrdup(baseURI); if (!tags->baseURI) { goto memory_allocation_failed; } } tags->bitmap = bitmap; tags->port = port; tags->ins = ins; if (rts) { tags->rts = OICStrdup(rts); if (!tags->rts) { goto memory_allocation_failed; } } if (drel) { tags->drel = OICStrdup(drel); if (!tags->drel) { goto memory_allocation_failed; } } tags->ttl = ttl; return tags; memory_allocation_failed: OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Memory allocation failed."); OCFreeTagsResource(tags); return NULL; }
void SimulatorRemoteResourceImpl::observe(ObserveType type, ObserveNotificationCallback callback) { if (!callback) { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Invalid callback!"); throw InvalidArgsException(SIMULATOR_INVALID_CALLBACK, "Invalid callback!"); } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_observeMutex); if (m_observeState) { OC_LOG(WARNING, TAG, "Resource already in observe state !"); throw SimulatorException(SIMULATOR_ERROR, "Resource is already being observed!"); } OC::ObserveCallback observeCallback = [this, callback](const OC::HeaderOptions & headerOptions, const OC::OCRepresentation & rep, const int errorCode, const int sequenceNum) { // Convert OCRepresentation to SimulatorResourceModel SimulatorResourceModelSP repModel = SimulatorResourceModel::create(rep); callback(m_id, static_cast<SimulatorResult>(errorCode), repModel, sequenceNum); }; OC::ObserveType observeType = OC::ObserveType::Observe; if (type == ObserveType::OBSERVE_ALL) { observeType = OC::ObserveType::ObserveAll; } try { OCStackResult ocResult = m_ocResource->observe(observeType, OC::QueryParamsMap(), observeCallback); if (OC_STACK_OK != ocResult) { throw SimulatorException(static_cast<SimulatorResult>(ocResult), OC::OCException::reason(ocResult)); } } catch (OC::OCException &e) { throw SimulatorException(static_cast<SimulatorResult>(e.code()), e.reason()); } m_observeState = true; }
void ocInitialize () { char ipAddr[16] = ""; OCGetInterfaceAddress (NULL, 0, AF_INET, (uint8_t *)ipAddr, 16); OC_LOG(DEBUG, TAG, PCF("IP addr is:")); OC_LOG_BUFFER(INFO, TAG, (uint8_t*)ipAddr, sizeof(ipAddr)); delay(2000); OCInit (ipAddr, 8001, OC_SERVER); }
OCEntityHandlerResult OCEntityHandlerCb (OCEntityHandlerFlag flag, OCEntityHandlerRequest *entityHandlerRequest, void* callbackParam) { OCEntityHandlerResult result = OC_EH_ERROR; OCEntityHandlerRequest *request = NULL; OC_LOG_V (INFO, TAG, "Inside entity handler - flags: 0x%x", flag); if (flag & OC_REQUEST_FLAG) { OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Flag includes OC_REQUEST_FLAG"); if (entityHandlerRequest) { OC_LOG_V (INFO, TAG, "request query %s from client", entityHandlerRequest->query); OC_LOG_PAYLOAD (INFO, TAG, entityHandlerRequest->payload); // Make deep copy of received request and queue it for slow processing request = CopyRequest(entityHandlerRequest); if (request) { OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Scheduling slow response for received request"); gRequestList.push_back(request); // Indicate to the stack that this is a slow response result = OC_EH_SLOW; // Start the slow response alarm alarm(SLOW_RESPONSE_DELAY_SEC); } else { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Error queuing request for slow response"); // Indicate to the stack that this is a slow response result = OC_EH_ERROR; } } else { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Invalid request"); result = OC_EH_ERROR; } } return result; }
OCEntityHandlerRequest *CopyRequest(OCEntityHandlerRequest *entityHandlerRequest) { OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Copying received request for slow response"); OCEntityHandlerRequest *copyOfRequest = (OCEntityHandlerRequest *)OICMalloc(sizeof(OCEntityHandlerRequest)); if (copyOfRequest) { // Do shallow copy memcpy(copyOfRequest, entityHandlerRequest, sizeof(OCEntityHandlerRequest)); if (copyOfRequest->query) { copyOfRequest->query = OICStrdup(entityHandlerRequest->query); if(!copyOfRequest->query) { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Copy failed due to allocation failure"); OICFree(copyOfRequest); return NULL; } } if (entityHandlerRequest->payload) { copyOfRequest->payload = reinterpret_cast<OCPayload*> (OCRepPayloadClone ((OCRepPayload*) entityHandlerRequest->payload)); } // Ignore vendor specific header options for example copyOfRequest->numRcvdVendorSpecificHeaderOptions = 0; copyOfRequest->rcvdVendorSpecificHeaderOptions = NULL; } if (copyOfRequest) { OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Copied client request"); } else { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Error copying client request"); } return copyOfRequest; }
void printResourceList() { ResourceNode * iter; iter = resourceList; OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Resource List: "); while(iter) { OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "*****************************************************"); OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "sid = %s",iter->sid); OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "uri = %s", iter->uri); OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "ip = %s", iter->endpoint.addr); OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "port = %d", iter->endpoint.port); switch (iter->endpoint.adapter) { case OC_ADAPTER_IP: OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "connType = Default (IPv4)"); break; case OC_ADAPTER_GATT_BTLE: OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "connType = BLE"); break; case OC_ADAPTER_RFCOMM_BTEDR: OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "connType = BT"); break; default: OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "connType = Invalid connType"); break; } OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "*****************************************************"); iter = iter->next; } }
/** * function to create DB in case DB doesn't exists */ static OCStackResult createDB(const char* path) { int result = 0; result = sqlite3_open_v2(path, &g_db, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE|SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, NULL); PDM_VERIFY_SQLITE_OK(TAG, result, ERROR, OC_STACK_ERROR); result = sqlite3_exec(g_db, PDM_CREATE_T_DEVICE_LIST, NULL, NULL, NULL); PDM_VERIFY_SQLITE_OK(TAG, result, ERROR, OC_STACK_ERROR); OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Created T_DEVICE_LIST"); result = sqlite3_exec(g_db, PDM_CREATE_T_DEVICE_LINK, NULL, NULL, NULL); PDM_VERIFY_SQLITE_OK(TAG, result, ERROR, OC_STACK_ERROR); OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Created T_DEVICE_LINK_STATE"); gInit = true; return OC_STACK_OK; }
ResourceObserver* GetObserverUsingToken (const CAToken_t token, uint8_t tokenLength) { ResourceObserver *out = NULL; if(token && *token) { OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Looking for token"); OC_LOG_BUFFER(INFO, TAG, (const uint8_t *)token, tokenLength); OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "\tFound token:"); LL_FOREACH (serverObsList, out) { OC_LOG_BUFFER(INFO, TAG, (const uint8_t *)out->token, tokenLength); if((memcmp(out->token, token, tokenLength) == 0)) { return out; } }
OCStackResult PDMGetToBeUnlinkedDevices(OCPairList_t **staleDevList, size_t *numOfDevices) { CHECK_PDM_INIT(TAG); if (NULL != *staleDevList) { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Not null list will cause memory leak"); return OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM; } sqlite3_stmt *stmt = 0; int res = 0; res = sqlite3_prepare_v2(g_db, PDM_SQLITE_GET_STALE_INFO, strlen(PDM_SQLITE_GET_STALE_INFO) + 1, &stmt, NULL); PDM_VERIFY_SQLITE_OK(TAG, res, ERROR, OC_STACK_ERROR); res = sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, PDM_BIND_INDEX_FIRST, PDM_STALE_STATE); PDM_VERIFY_SQLITE_OK(TAG, res, ERROR, OC_STACK_ERROR); int counter = 0; while (SQLITE_ROW == sqlite3_step(stmt)) { int i1 = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, PDM_FIRST_INDEX); int i2 = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, PDM_SECOND_INDEX); OicUuid_t temp1 = {{0,}}; OicUuid_t temp2 = {{0,}};; getUUIDforId(i1, &temp1); getUUIDforId(i2, &temp2); OCPairList_t *tempNode = (OCPairList_t *) OICCalloc(1, sizeof(OCPairList_t)); if (NULL == tempNode) { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "No Memory"); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return OC_STACK_NO_MEMORY; } memcpy(&tempNode->dev.id, &temp1.id, UUID_LENGTH); memcpy(&tempNode->dev2.id, &temp2.id, UUID_LENGTH); LL_PREPEND(*staleDevList, tempNode); ++counter; } *numOfDevices = counter; sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return OC_STACK_OK; }
OCEntityHandlerResult ProcessPutRequest(OCEntityHandlerRequest *ehRequest, OCRepPayload** payload) { OCEntityHandlerResult ehResult = OC_EH_ERROR; if (ehRequest->payload && ehRequest->payload->type != PAYLOAD_TYPE_REPRESENTATION) { OC_LOG(ERROR, ES_RH_TAG, "Incoming payload not a representation"); return ehResult; } OCRepPayload* input = (OCRepPayload*) (ehRequest->payload); if (!input) { OC_LOG(ERROR, ES_RH_TAG, "Failed to parse"); return ehResult; } char* tnn; if (OCRepPayloadGetPropString(input, OC_RSRVD_ES_TNN, &tnn)) { sprintf(g_prov.tnn, "%s", tnn); } char* cd; if (OCRepPayloadGetPropString(input, OC_RSRVD_ES_CD, &cd)) { sprintf(g_prov.cd, "%s", cd); } g_flag = 1; OCRepPayload *getResp = constructResponse(ehRequest); if (!getResp) { OC_LOG(ERROR, ES_RH_TAG, "constructResponse failed"); return OC_EH_ERROR; } *payload = getResp; ehResult = OC_EH_OK; return ehResult; }
OCEntityHandlerResult OCEntityHandlerFanCb(OCEntityHandlerFlag flag, OCEntityHandlerRequest * ehRequest) { OCEntityHandlerResult ret = OC_EH_OK; OCEntityHandlerResponse response; char payload[MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH] = {0}; OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "Callback for Fan"); PrintReceivedMsgInfo(flag, ehRequest ); if(ehRequest && flag == OC_REQUEST_FLAG) { if(OC_REST_GET == ehRequest->method) { ret = HandleCallback(ehRequest, rspGetFanDefault, rspFailureFan, payload, sizeof(payload)); } else if(OC_REST_PUT == ehRequest->method) { ret = HandleCallback(ehRequest, rspPutFanDefault, rspFailureFan, payload, sizeof(payload)); } else { OC_LOG_V (INFO, TAG, "Received unsupported method %d from client", ehRequest->method); ret = OC_EH_ERROR; } if (ret == OC_EH_OK) { // Format the response. Note this requires some info about the request response.requestHandle = ehRequest->requestHandle; response.resourceHandle = ehRequest->resource; response.ehResult = ret; response.payload = (unsigned char *)payload; response.payloadSize = strlen(payload); response.numSendVendorSpecificHeaderOptions = 0; memset(response.sendVendorSpecificHeaderOptions, 0, sizeof response.sendVendorSpecificHeaderOptions); memset(response.resourceUri, 0, sizeof response.resourceUri); // Indicate that response is NOT in a persistent buffer response.persistentBufferFlag = 0; // Send the response if (OCDoResponse(&response) != OC_STACK_OK) { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "Error sending response"); ret = OC_EH_ERROR; } } } else if (ehRequest && flag == OC_OBSERVE_FLAG) { gLightUnderObservation = 1; } return ret; }
OCStackApplicationResult getReqCB(void* ctx, OCDoHandle /*handle*/, OCClientResponse * clientResponse) { if (ctx == (void*) DEFAULT_CONTEXT_VALUE) { OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "<====Callback Context for GET received successfully====>"); } else { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "<====Callback Context for GET fail====>"); } if (clientResponse) { OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "StackResult: %s", getResult(clientResponse->result)); OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "SEQUENCE NUMBER: %d", clientResponse->sequenceNumber); OC_LOG_PAYLOAD(INFO, clientResponse->payload); OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, ("=============> Get Response")); if (clientResponse->numRcvdVendorSpecificHeaderOptions > 0 ) { OC_LOG (INFO, TAG, "Received vendor specific options"); uint8_t i = 0; OCHeaderOption * rcvdOptions = clientResponse->rcvdVendorSpecificHeaderOptions; for (i = 0; i < clientResponse->numRcvdVendorSpecificHeaderOptions; i++) { if (((OCHeaderOption) rcvdOptions[i]).protocolID == OC_COAP_ID) { OC_LOG_V(INFO, TAG, "Received option with OC_COAP_ID and ID %u with", ((OCHeaderOption)rcvdOptions[i]).optionID ); OC_LOG_BUFFER(INFO, TAG, ((OCHeaderOption)rcvdOptions[i]).optionData, MAX_HEADER_OPTION_DATA_LENGTH); } } } } else { OC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "<====GET Callback fail to receive clientResponse====>\n"); } return OC_STACK_DELETE_TRANSACTION; }
void loop() { Serial.println("entering loop..."); SendReceiveTest(); delay(5000); do { OC_LOG(DEBUG, MOD_NAME, PCF("All tests Completed")); delay(10000); } while (1); }
/** * Find ACLs containing context->subject. * Search each ACL for requested resource. * If resource found, check for context->permission. * Set context->retVal to result from first ACL found which contains * correct subject AND resource. * * @retval void */ void ProcessAccessRequest(PEContext_t *context) { OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Entering ProcessAccessRequest()"); if(NULL != context) { const OicSecAcl_t *currentAcl = NULL; OicSecAcl_t *savePtr = NULL; // Start out assuming subject not found. context->retVal = ACCESS_DENIED_SUBJECT_NOT_FOUND; do { OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "ProcessAccessRequest(): getting ACL..."); currentAcl = GetACLResourceData(context->subject, &savePtr); if(NULL != currentAcl) { // Found the subject, so how about resource? OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "ProcessAccessRequest(): \ found ACL matching subject."); context->retVal = ACCESS_DENIED_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND; OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "ProcessAccessRequest(): \ Searching for resource..."); if(IsResourceInAcl(context->resource, currentAcl)) { OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "ProcessAccessRequest(): \ found matching resource in ACL."); context->matchingAclFound = true; // Found the resource, so it's down to valid period & permission. context->retVal = ACCESS_DENIED_INVALID_PERIOD; if(IsAccessWithinValidTime(currentAcl)) { context->retVal = ACCESS_DENIED_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSION; if(IsPermissionAllowingRequest(currentAcl->permission, \ context->permission)) { context->retVal = ACCESS_GRANTED; } } } } else {
/** * Callback handler for handling callback of provisioning device 1. * * @param[in] ctx ctx value passed to callback from calling function. * @param[in] UNUSED handle to an invocation * @param[in] clientResponse Response from queries to remote servers. * @return OC_STACK_DELETE_TRANSACTION to delete the transaction * and OC_STACK_KEEP_TRANSACTION to keep it. */ static OCStackApplicationResult provisionCredentialCB1(void *ctx, OCDoHandle UNUSED, OCClientResponse *clientResponse) { VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, ctx, ERROR, OC_STACK_DELETE_TRANSACTION); (void)UNUSED; CredentialData_t* credData = (CredentialData_t*) ctx; OICFree(credData->credInfoFirst); const OCProvisionDev_t *deviceInfo = credData->deviceInfo2; OicSecCred_t *credInfo = credData->credInfo; const OCProvisionResultCB resultCallback = credData->resultCallback; if (clientResponse) { if (OC_STACK_RESOURCE_CREATED == clientResponse->result) { // send credentials to second device registerResultForCredProvisioning(credData, OC_STACK_RESOURCE_CREATED,1); OCStackResult res = provisionCredentials(credInfo, deviceInfo, credData, provisionCredentialCB2); DeleteCredList(credInfo); if (OC_STACK_OK != res) { registerResultForCredProvisioning(credData, res,2); ((OCProvisionResultCB)(resultCallback))(credData->ctx, credData->numOfResults, credData->resArr, true); OICFree(credData->resArr); OICFree(credData); credData = NULL; } } else { registerResultForCredProvisioning(credData, OC_STACK_ERROR,1); ((OCProvisionResultCB)(resultCallback))(credData->ctx, credData->numOfResults, credData->resArr, true); OICFree(credData->resArr); OICFree(credData); credData = NULL; } } else { OC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "provisionCredentialCB received Null clientResponse for first device"); registerResultForCredProvisioning(credData, OC_STACK_ERROR,1); ((OCProvisionResultCB)(resultCallback))(credData->ctx, credData->numOfResults, credData->resArr, true); DeleteCredList(credInfo); OICFree(credData->resArr); OICFree(credData); credData = NULL; } return OC_STACK_DELETE_TRANSACTION; }