Ejemplo n.º 1
void test_optparser ()
    MySystem sys;
    optparser (sys, "i=14");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.i, 14);
    optparser (sys, "i=-28");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.i, -28);

    optparser (sys, "f=6.28");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.f, 6.28f);
    optparser (sys, "f=-56.0");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.f, -56.0f);
    optparser (sys, "f=-1.");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.f, -1.0f);

    optparser (sys, "s=foo");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.s, "foo");
    optparser (sys, "s=\"foo, bar\"");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.s, "foo, bar");

    optparser (sys, "f=256.29,s=\"phone call\",i=100");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.i, 100);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.f, 256.29f);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (sys.s, "phone call");
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Test ImageBuf::crop
void test_crop ()
    int WIDTH = 8, HEIGHT = 6, CHANNELS = 4;
    // Crop region we'll work with
    int xbegin = 3, xend = 5, ybegin = 0, yend = 4;
    ImageSpec spec (WIDTH, HEIGHT, CHANNELS, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    spec.alpha_channel = 3;
    ImageBuf A, B;
    A.reset ("A", spec);
    B.reset ("B", spec);
    float arbitrary1[4];
    arbitrary1[0] = 0.2;
    arbitrary1[1] = 0.3;
    arbitrary1[2] = 0.4;
    arbitrary1[3] = 0.5;
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, arbitrary1);

    // Test CUT crop
    ImageBufAlgo::crop (B, A, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend);

    // Should have changed the data window (origin and width/height)
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (B.spec().x, xbegin);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (B.spec().width, xend-xbegin);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (B.spec().y, ybegin);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (B.spec().height, yend-ybegin);
    float *pixel = ALLOCA(float, CHANNELS);
    for (int j = 0;  j < B.spec().height;  ++j) {
        for (int i = 0;  i < B.spec().width;  ++i) {
            B.getpixel (i+B.xbegin(), j+B.ybegin(), pixel);
            // Inside the crop region should match what it always was
            for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], arbitrary1[c]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Tests ImageBuf construction from application buffer
void ImageBuf_test_appbuffer ()
    const int WIDTH = 8;
    const int HEIGHT = 8;
    const int CHANNELS = 1;
    static float buf[HEIGHT][WIDTH] = {
        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, 
        { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 }, 
        { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 }, 
        { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }, 
        { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 }, 
        { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 }, 
        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, 
        { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
    ImageSpec spec (WIDTH, HEIGHT, CHANNELS, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf A (spec, buf);

    // Make sure A now points to the buffer
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL ((void *)A.pixeladdr (0, 0, 0), (void *)buf);

    // write it
    A.write ("A.tif");

    // Read it back and make sure it matches the original
    ImageBuf B ("A.tif");
    for (int y = 0;  y < HEIGHT;  ++y)
        for (int x = 0;  x < WIDTH;  ++x)
            OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (A.getchannel (x, y, 0, 0),
                              B.getchannel (x, y, 0, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 4
void test_filename_searchpath_find ()
#if _WIN32
# define SEPARATOR "\\"
# define SEPARATOR "/"

    // This will be run via testsuite/unit_filesystem, from the
    // build/ARCH/src/libOpenImageIO directory.  Two levels up will be
    // build/ARCH.
    std::vector<std::string> dirs;
    dirs.push_back (".." SEPARATOR "..");
    std::string s;

    // non-recursive search success
    s = Filesystem::searchpath_find ("License.txt", dirs, false, false);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (s, ".." SEPARATOR ".." SEPARATOR "License.txt");

    // non-recursive search failure (file is in a subdirectory)
    s = Filesystem::searchpath_find ("oiioversion.h", dirs, false, false);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (s, "");

    // recursive search success (file is in a subdirectory)
    s = Filesystem::searchpath_find ("oiioversion.h", dirs, false, true);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (s, ".." SEPARATOR ".." SEPARATOR "include" SEPARATOR "OpenImageIO" SEPARATOR "oiioversion.h");
Ejemplo n.º 5
void test_escape_sequences ()
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (Strutil::unescape_chars("\\\\ \\n \\r \\017"),
                      "\\ \n \r \017");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (Strutil::escape_chars("\\ \n \r"),
                      "\\\\ \\n \\r");
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Tests ImageBufAlgo::add
void ImageBuf_add ()
    const int WIDTH = 8;
    const int HEIGHT = 8;
    const int CHANNELS = 4;
    ImageSpec spec (WIDTH, HEIGHT, CHANNELS, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    spec.alpha_channel = 3;

    // Create buffers
    ImageBuf A ("A", spec);
    const float Aval[CHANNELS] = { 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 };
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, Aval);
    ImageBuf B ("B", spec);
    const float Bval[CHANNELS] = { 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 };
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (B, Bval);

    ImageBuf C ("C", spec);
    ImageBufAlgo::add (C, A, B);

    for (int j = 0;  j < HEIGHT;  ++j) {
        for (int i = 0;  i < WIDTH;  ++i) {
            float pixel[CHANNELS];
            C.getpixel (i, j, pixel);
            for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], Aval[c]+Bval[c]);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void test_filename_decomposition ()
    std::cout << "filename(\"/directory/filename.ext\") = "
              << Filesystem::filename("/directory/filename.ext") << "\n";
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (Filesystem::filename("/directory/filename.ext"),

    std::cout << "extension(\"/directory/filename.ext\") = "
              << Filesystem::extension("/directory/filename.ext") << "\n";
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (Filesystem::extension("/directory/filename.ext"),
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (Filesystem::extension("/directory/filename"),
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (Filesystem::extension("/directory/filename."),
Ejemplo n.º 8
test_wrapmodes ()
    const int ori = 0;
    const int w = 4;
    static int
        val[] = {-7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, -10},
        cla[] = { 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3},
        per[] = { 1,  2,  3,  0,  1,  2,  3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1},
        mir[] = { 1,  2,  3,  3,  2,  1,  0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1};

    for (int i = 0; val[i] > -10; ++i) {
        OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (test_wrap (wrap_clamp, val[i], ori, w), cla[i]);
        OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (test_wrap (wrap_periodic, val[i], ori, w), per[i]);
        OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (test_wrap (wrap_periodic_pow2, val[i], ori, w), per[i]);
        OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (test_wrap (wrap_mirror, val[i], ori, w), mir[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Tests histogram computation.
void histogram_computation_test ()
    const int INPUT_WIDTH   = 64;
    const int INPUT_HEIGHT  = 64;
    const int INPUT_CHANNEL = 0;

    const int HISTOGRAM_BINS = 256;

    const int SPIKE1 = 51;  // 0.2f in range 0->1 maps to 51 in range 0->255
    const int SPIKE2 = 128; // 0.5f in range 0->1 maps to 128 in range 0->255
    const int SPIKE3 = 204; // 0.8f in range 0->1 maps to 204 in range 0->255

    const int SPIKE1_COUNT = INPUT_WIDTH * 8;
    const int SPIKE2_COUNT = INPUT_WIDTH * 16;
    const int SPIKE3_COUNT = INPUT_WIDTH * 40;

    // Create input image with three regions with different pixel values.
    ImageSpec spec (INPUT_WIDTH, INPUT_HEIGHT, 1, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf A (spec);

    float value[] = {0.2f};
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, value, ROI(0, INPUT_WIDTH, 0, 8));

    value[0] = 0.5f;
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, value, ROI(0, INPUT_WIDTH, 8, 24));

    value[0] = 0.8f;
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, value, ROI(0, INPUT_WIDTH, 24, 64));

    // Compute A's histogram.
    std::vector<imagesize_t> hist;
    ImageBufAlgo::histogram (A, INPUT_CHANNEL, hist, HISTOGRAM_BINS);

    // Does the histogram size equal the number of bins?
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (hist.size(), (imagesize_t)HISTOGRAM_BINS);

    // Are the histogram values as expected?
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (hist[SPIKE1], (imagesize_t)SPIKE1_COUNT);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (hist[SPIKE2], (imagesize_t)SPIKE2_COUNT);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (hist[SPIKE3], (imagesize_t)SPIKE3_COUNT);
    for (int i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_BINS; i++)
        if (i!=SPIKE1 && i!=SPIKE2 && i!=SPIKE3)
            OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (hist[i], 0);
Ejemplo n.º 10
// Tests ImageBufAlgo::compare
void test_compare ()
    std::cout << "test compare\n";
    // Construct two identical 50% grey images
    const int WIDTH = 10, HEIGHT = 10, CHANNELS = 3;
    ImageSpec spec (WIDTH, HEIGHT, CHANNELS, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf A ("A", spec);
    ImageBuf B ("B", spec);
    const float grey[CHANNELS] = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 };
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, grey);
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (B, grey);

    // Introduce some minor differences
    const int NDIFFS = 10;
    ImageBuf::Iterator<float> a (A);
    for (int i = 0;  i < NDIFFS && a.valid();  ++i, ++a) {
        for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
            a[c] = a[c] + 0.01f * i;
    // We expect the differences to be { 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05,
    // 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0, 0, ...}.
    const float failthresh = 0.05;
    const float warnthresh = 0.025;
    ImageBufAlgo::CompareResults comp;
    ImageBufAlgo::compare (A, B, failthresh, warnthresh, comp);
    // We expect 5 pixels to exceed the fail threshold, 7 pixels to
    // exceed the warn threshold, the maximum difference to be 0.09,
    // and the maximally different pixel to be (9,0).
    // The total error should be 3 chans * sum{0.01,...,0.09} / (pixels*chans)
    //   = 3 * 0.45 / (100*3) = 0.0045
    std::cout << "Testing comparison: " << comp.nfail << " failed, "
              << comp.nwarn << " warned, max diff = " << comp.maxerror
              << " @ (" << comp.maxx << ',' << comp.maxy << ")\n";
    std::cout << "   mean err " << comp.meanerror << ", RMS err " 
              << comp.rms_error << ", PSNR = " << comp.PSNR <<  "\n";
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (comp.nfail, 5);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (comp.nwarn, 7);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL_THRESH (comp.maxerror, 0.09, 1e-6);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (comp.maxx, 9);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (comp.maxy, 0);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL_THRESH (comp.meanerror, 0.0045, 1.0e-8);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void test_open_with_config ()
    // N.B. This function must run after ImageBuf_test_appbuffer, which
    // writes "A.tif".
    ImageCache *ic = ImageCache::create(false);
    ImageSpec config;
    config.attribute ("oiio:DebugOpenConfig!", 1);
    ImageBuf A ("A.tif", 0, 0, ic, &config);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (A.spec().get_int_attribute("oiio:DebugOpenConfig!",0), 42);
    ic->destroy (ic);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void test_atomic_int64 ()
    all = 0;
    boost::thread_group threads;
    for (int i = 0;  i < numthreads;  ++i) {
        threads.create_thread (&do_int64_math);
    threads.join_all ();
    do_int64_math ();
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (all, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 13
void test_channel_append ()
    std::cout << "test channel_append\n";
    ImageSpec spec (2, 2, 1, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf A ("A", spec);
    ImageBuf B ("B", spec);
    float Acolor = 0.1, Bcolor = 0.2;
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, &Acolor);
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (B, &Bcolor);

    ImageBuf R ("R");
    ImageBufAlgo::channel_append (R, A, B);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (R.spec().width, spec.width);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (R.spec().height, spec.height);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (R.nchannels(), 2);
    for (ImageBuf::ConstIterator<float> r(R); !r.done(); ++r) {
        OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (r[0], Acolor);
        OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (r[1], Bcolor);
Ejemplo n.º 14
void test_atomic_int64 (int numthreads, int iterations)
    all = 0;
    thread_group threads;
    for (int i = 0;  i < numthreads;  ++i) {
        threads.create_thread (do_int64_math, iterations);
    threads.join_all ();
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (all, 0);

    // Test and, or, xor
    all = 42;
    all &= 15; OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (all, 10);
    all |=  6; OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (all, 14);
    all ^= 31; OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (all, 17);
    all = 42;
    long long tmp;
    tmp = all.fetch_and(15); OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(tmp,42); OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(all,10);
    tmp = all.fetch_or ( 6); OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(tmp,10); OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(all,14);
    tmp = all.fetch_xor(31); OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(tmp,14); OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(all,17);
Ejemplo n.º 15
void test_atomic_int (int numthreads, int iterations)
    ai = 42;
    thread_group threads;
    for (int i = 0;  i < numthreads;  ++i) {
        threads.create_thread (do_int_math, iterations);
    ASSERT ((int)threads.size() == numthreads);
    threads.join_all ();
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ai, 42);

    // Test and, or, xor
    ai &= 15; OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ai, 10);
    ai |=  6; OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ai, 14);
    ai ^= 31; OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ai, 17);
    ai = 42;
    int tmp;
    tmp = ai.fetch_and(15); OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(tmp,42); OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(ai,10);
    tmp = ai.fetch_or ( 6); OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(tmp,10); OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(ai,14);
    tmp = ai.fetch_xor(31); OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(tmp,14); OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL(ai,17);
Ejemplo n.º 16
void test_bit_range_convert ()
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL ((bit_range_convert<10,16>(1023)), 65535);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL ((bit_range_convert<2,8>(3)), 255);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL ((bit_range_convert<8,8>(255)), 255);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL ((bit_range_convert<16,10>(65535)), 1023);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL ((bit_range_convert<2,20>(3)), 1048575);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL ((bit_range_convert<20,2>(1048575)), 3);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL ((bit_range_convert<20,21>(1048575)), 2097151);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL ((bit_range_convert<32,32>(4294967295U)), 4294967295U);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL ((bit_range_convert<32,16>(4294967295U)), 65535);
// These are not expected to work, since bit_range_convert only takes a
// regular 'unsigned int' as parameter.  If we need >32 bit conversion,
// we need to add a uint64_t version of bit_range_convert.
//    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL ((bit_range_convert<33,16>(8589934591)), 65535);
//    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL ((bit_range_convert<33,33>(8589934591)), 8589934591);
//    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL ((bit_range_convert<64,32>(18446744073709551615)), 4294967295);
Ejemplo n.º 17
static void
test_seq (const char *str, const char *expected)
    std::vector<int> sequence;
    Filesystem::enumerate_sequence (str, sequence);
    std::stringstream joined;
    for (size_t i = 0;  i < sequence.size();  ++i) {
        if (i)
            joined << " ";
        joined << sequence[i];
    std::cout << "  \"" << str << "\" -> " << joined.str() << "\n";
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (joined.str(), std::string(expected));
Ejemplo n.º 18
void test_atomic_int ()
#if (BOOST_VERSION >= 103500)
    std::cout << "hw threads = " << boost::thread::hardware_concurrency() << "\n";

    ai = 42;
    boost::thread_group threads;
    for (int i = 0;  i < numthreads;  ++i) {
        threads.create_thread (&do_int_math);
    std::cout << "Created " << threads.size() << " threads\n";
    threads.join_all ();
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ai, 42);
Ejemplo n.º 19
void benchmark_convert_type ()
    const size_t size = 10000000;
    const S testval(1.0);
    std::vector<S> svec (size, testval);
    std::vector<D> dvec (size);
    std::cout << Strutil::format("Benchmark conversion of %6s -> %6s : ",
    float time = time_trial (bind (do_convert_type<S,D>, OIIO::cref(svec), OIIO::ref(dvec)),
                             ntrials, iterations) / iterations;
    std::cout << Strutil::format ("%7.1f Mvals/sec", (size/1.0e6)/time) << std::endl;
    D r = convert_type<S,D>(testval);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (dvec[size-1], r);
Ejemplo n.º 20
void test_paste ()
    std::cout << "test paste\n";
    // Create the source image, make it a gradient
    ImageSpec Aspec (4, 4, 3, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf A ("A", Aspec);
    for (ImageBuf::Iterator<float> it (A);  !it.done();  ++it) {
        it[0] = float(it.x()) / float(Aspec.width-1);
        it[1] = float(it.y()) / float(Aspec.height-1);
        it[2] = 0.1f;

    // Create destination image -- black it out
    ImageSpec Bspec (8, 8, 3, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf B ("B", Bspec);
    float gray[3] = { .1, .1, .1 };
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (B, gray);

    // Paste a few pixels from A into B -- include offsets
    ImageBufAlgo::paste (B, 2, 2, 0, 1 /* chan offset */,
                         A, ROI(1, 4, 1, 4));

    // Spot check
    float a[3], b[3];
    B.getpixel (1, 1, 0, b);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[0], gray[0]);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[1], gray[1]);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[2], gray[2]);

    B.getpixel (2, 2, 0, b);
    A.getpixel (1, 1, 0, a);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[0], gray[0]);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[1], a[0]);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[2], a[1]);

    B.getpixel (3, 4, 0, b);
    A.getpixel (2, 3, 0, a);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[0], gray[0]);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[1], a[0]);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (b[2], a[1]);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 check_transfer(const ImageBuf &in, const float *table, int size) {
     // skip the first pixel which will be an invalid negative luminance
     // value, this value is just to test the fwd transfer doesn't create
     // nan's.
     float *pixel = ALLOCA(float, CHANNELS);
     for (int y = 1; y < STEPS; y++) {
         in.getpixel (0, y, pixel);
         for (int c = 0; c < CHANNELS; ++c) {
             if (c == in.spec().alpha_channel ||
                 c == in.spec().z_channel)
                 OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], ALPHA);
                 OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT (is_equal(pixel[c], table[y]));
Ejemplo n.º 22
// Test ImageBuf::zero and ImageBuf::fill
void ImageBuf_zero_fill ()
    const int WIDTH = 8;
    const int HEIGHT = 6;
    const int CHANNELS = 4;
    ImageSpec spec (WIDTH, HEIGHT, CHANNELS, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    spec.alpha_channel = 3;

    // Create a buffer -- pixels should be undefined
    ImageBuf A ("A", spec);
    // Set a pixel to an odd value, make sure it takes
    const float arbitrary1[CHANNELS] = { 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 };
    A.setpixel (1, 1, arbitrary1);
    float pixel[CHANNELS];   // test pixel
    A.getpixel (1, 1, pixel);
    for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
        OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], arbitrary1[c]);

    // Zero out and test that it worked
    ImageBufAlgo::zero (A);
    for (int j = 0;  j < HEIGHT;  ++j) {
        for (int i = 0;  i < WIDTH;  ++i) {
            float pixel[CHANNELS];
            A.getpixel (i, j, pixel);
            for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], 0.0f);

    // Test fill of whole image
    const float arbitrary2[CHANNELS] = { 0.6, 0.7, 0.3, 0.9 };
    ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, arbitrary2);
    for (int j = 0;  j < HEIGHT;  ++j) {
        for (int i = 0;  i < WIDTH;  ++i) {
            float pixel[CHANNELS];
            A.getpixel (i, j, pixel);
            for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], arbitrary2[c]);

    // Test fill of partial image
    const float arbitrary3[CHANNELS] = { 0.42, 0.43, 0.44, 0.45 };
        const int xbegin = 3, xend = 5, ybegin = 0, yend = 4;
        ImageBufAlgo::fill (A, arbitrary3, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend);
        for (int j = 0;  j < HEIGHT;  ++j) {
            for (int i = 0;  i < WIDTH;  ++i) {
                float pixel[CHANNELS];
                A.getpixel (i, j, pixel);
                if (j >= ybegin && j < yend && i >= xbegin && i < xend) {
                    for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
                        OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], arbitrary3[c]);
                } else {
                    for (int c = 0;  c < CHANNELS;  ++c)
                        OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pixel[c], arbitrary2[c]);
Ejemplo n.º 23
test_int_helpers ()
    std::cout << "\ntest_int_helpers\n";
    // ispow2
    for (int i = 1; i < (1<<30); i *= 2) {
        OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT (ispow2(i));
        if (i > 1)
            OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT (! ispow2(i+1));
    OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT (ispow2(int(0)));
    OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT (! ispow2(-1));
    OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT (! ispow2(-2));

    // ispow2, try size_t, which is unsigned
    for (size_t i = 1; i < (1<<30); i *= 2) {
        OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT (ispow2(i));
        if (i > 1)
            OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT (! ispow2(i+1));
    OIIO_CHECK_ASSERT (ispow2((unsigned int)0));

    // pow2roundup
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pow2roundup(4), 4);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pow2roundup(5), 8);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pow2roundup(6), 8);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pow2roundup(7), 8);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pow2roundup(8), 8);

    // pow2rounddown
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pow2rounddown(4), 4);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pow2rounddown(5), 4);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pow2rounddown(6), 4);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pow2rounddown(7), 4);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (pow2rounddown(8), 8);

    // round_to_multiple
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple(1, 5), 5);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple(2, 5), 5);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple(3, 5), 5);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple(4, 5), 5);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple(5, 5), 5);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple(6, 5), 10);

    // round_to_multiple_of_pow2
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple_of_pow2(int(1), 4), 4);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple_of_pow2(int(2), 4), 4);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple_of_pow2(int(3), 4), 4);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple_of_pow2(int(4), 4), 4);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple_of_pow2(int(5), 4), 8);

    // round_to_multiple_of_pow2
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple_of_pow2(size_t(1), size_t(4)), 4);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple_of_pow2(size_t(2), size_t(4)), 4);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple_of_pow2(size_t(3), size_t(4)), 4);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple_of_pow2(size_t(4), size_t(4)), 4);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (round_to_multiple_of_pow2(size_t(5), size_t(4)), 8);
Ejemplo n.º 24
void test_get_rest_arguments ()
    int ret;
    std::map <std::string, std::string> result;
    std::string base;
    std::string url = "someplace?arg1=value1&arg2=value2";
    ret = Strutil::get_rest_arguments (url, base, result);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ret, true);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (base, "someplace");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg1"], "value1");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg2"], "value2");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg3"], "");

    url = "?arg1=value1&arg2=value2";
    ret = Strutil::get_rest_arguments (url, base, result);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ret, true);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (base, "");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg1"], "value1");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg2"], "value2");

    url = "arg1=value1&arg2=value2";
    ret = Strutil::get_rest_arguments (url, base, result);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ret, true);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (base, "arg1=value1&arg2=value2");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg1"], "");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg2"], "");

    url = "";
    ret = Strutil::get_rest_arguments (url, base, result);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ret, true);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (base, "");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg1"], "");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg2"], "");

    url = "sometextwithoutasense????&&&&&arg4=val1";
    ret = Strutil::get_rest_arguments (url, base, result);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ret, false);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (base, "sometextwithoutasense");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg1"], "");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg2"], "");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg4"], "");

    url = "atext?arg1value1&arg2value2";
    ret = Strutil::get_rest_arguments (url, base, result);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ret, false);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (base, "atext");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg1"], "");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg2"], "");

    url = "atext?arg1=value1&arg2value2";
    result["arg2"] = "somevalue";
    ret = Strutil::get_rest_arguments (url, base, result);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (ret, false);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (base, "atext");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg1"], "value1");
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (result["arg2"], "somevalue");
Ejemplo n.º 25
void iterator_read_test ()
    const int WIDTH = 4, HEIGHT = 4, CHANNELS = 3;
    static float buf[HEIGHT][WIDTH][CHANNELS] = {
        { {0,0,0},  {1,0,1},  {2,0,2},  {3,0,3} },
        { {0,1,4},  {1,1,5},  {2,1,6},  {3,1,7} },
        { {0,2,8},  {1,2,9},  {2,2,10}, {3,2,11} },
        { {0,3,12}, {1,3,13}, {2,3,14}, {3,3,15} }
    ImageSpec spec (WIDTH, HEIGHT, CHANNELS, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf A (spec, buf);

    ITERATOR p (A);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[0], 0.0f);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[1], 0.0f);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[2], 0.0f);

    // Explicit position
    p.pos (2, 1);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p.x(), 2); OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p.y(), 1);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[0], 2.0f);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[1], 1.0f);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[2], 6.0f);

    // Iterate a few times
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p.x(), 3); OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p.y(), 1);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[0], 3.0f);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[1], 1.0f);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[2], 7.0f);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p.x(), 0); OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p.y(), 2);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[0], 0.0f);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[1], 2.0f);
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[2], 8.0f);

    std::cout << "iterator_read_test result:";
    int i = 0;
    for (ITERATOR p (A);  !p.done();  ++p, ++i) {
        if ((i % 4) == 0)
            std::cout << "\n    ";
        std::cout << "   " << p[0] << ' ' << p[1] << ' ' << p[2];
    std::cout << "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 26
void iterator_wrap_test (ImageBuf::WrapMode wrap, std::string wrapname)
    const int WIDTH = 4, HEIGHT = 4, CHANNELS = 3;
    static float buf[HEIGHT][WIDTH][CHANNELS] = {
        { {0,0,0},  {1,0,1},  {2,0,2},  {3,0,3} },
        { {0,1,4},  {1,1,5},  {2,1,6},  {3,1,7} },
        { {0,2,8},  {1,2,9},  {2,2,10}, {3,2,11} },
        { {0,3,12}, {1,3,13}, {2,3,14}, {3,3,15} }
    ImageSpec spec (WIDTH, HEIGHT, CHANNELS, TypeDesc::FLOAT);
    ImageBuf A (spec, buf);

    std::cout << "iterator_wrap_test " << wrapname << ":";
    int i = 0;
    int noutside = 0;
    for (ITERATOR p (A, ROI(-2, WIDTH+2, -2, HEIGHT+2), wrap);
         !p.done(); ++p, ++i) {
        if ((i % 8) == 0)
            std::cout << "\n    ";
        std::cout << "   " << p[0] << ' ' << p[1] << ' ' << p[2];
        // Check wraps
        if (! p.exists()) {
            if (wrap == ImageBuf::WrapBlack) {
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[0], 0.0f);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[1], 0.0f);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[2], 0.0f);
            } else if (wrap == ImageBuf::WrapClamp) {
                ITERATOR q = p;
                q.pos (clamp (p.x(), 0, WIDTH-1), clamp (p.y(), 0, HEIGHT-1));
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[0], q[0]);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[1], q[1]);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[2], q[2]);
            } else if (wrap == ImageBuf::WrapPeriodic) {
                ITERATOR q = p;
                q.pos (p.x() % WIDTH, p.y() % HEIGHT);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[0], q[0]);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[1], q[1]);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[2], q[2]);
            } else if (wrap == ImageBuf::WrapMirror) {
                ITERATOR q = p;
                int x = p.x(), y = p.y();
                wrap_mirror (x, 0, WIDTH);
                wrap_mirror (y, 0, HEIGHT);
                q.pos (x, y);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[0], q[0]);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[1], q[1]);
                OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (p[2], q[2]);
    std::cout << "\n";
    OIIO_CHECK_EQUAL (noutside, 48);  // Should be 48 wrapped pixels