Ejemplo n.º 1
    void IndexRebuilder::run() {
        ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ(cc(), &Client::shutdown);

        std::vector<std::string> dbNames;
        globalStorageEngine->listDatabases( &dbNames );

        try {
            std::list<std::string> collNames;
            for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator dbName = dbNames.begin();
                 dbName < dbNames.end();
                 dbName++) {
                OperationContextImpl txn;
                Client::ReadContext ctx(&txn, *dbName);

                Database* db = ctx.ctx().db();
        catch (const DBException& e) {
            warning() << "Index rebuilding did not complete: " << e.what() << endl;
        boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lk(repl::ReplSet::rss.mtx);
        repl::ReplSet::rss.indexRebuildDone = true;
        LOG(1) << "checking complete" << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void IndexRebuilder::run() {
        ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ(cc(), &Client::shutdown);

        std::vector<std::string> dbNames;

        try {
            std::list<std::string> collNames;
            for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator dbName = dbNames.begin();
                 dbName < dbNames.end();
                 dbName++) {
                Client::ReadContext ctx(*dbName);
                Database* db = cc().database();
                db->namespaceIndex().getNamespaces(collNames, /* onlyCollections */ true);
        catch (const DBException&) {
            warning() << "index rebuilding did not complete" << endl;
        boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lk(ReplSet::rss.mtx);
        ReplSet::rss.indexRebuildDone = true;
        LOG(1) << "checking complete" << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    bool ClientInfo::getLastError( const string& dbName,
                                   const BSONObj& options,
                                   BSONObjBuilder& result,
                                   string& errmsg,
                                   bool fromWriteBackListener)

        set<string> * shards = getPrev();

        if ( shards->size() == 0 ) {
            result.appendNull( "err" );
            return true;

        vector<WBInfo> writebacks;

        // TODO: These branches should be collapsed into a single codepath

        // handle single server
        if ( shards->size() == 1 ) {
            string theShard = *(shards->begin() );

            BSONObj res;
            bool ok = false;
                LOG(5) << "gathering response for gle from: " << theShard << endl;

                ShardConnection conn( theShard , "" );
                try {
                    ok = conn->runCommand( dbName , options , res );
                catch( std::exception &e ) {

                    string message =
                            str::stream() << "could not get last error from shard " << theShard
                                          << causedBy( e );

                    warning() << message << endl;
                    errmsg = message;

                    // Catch everything that happens here, since we need to ensure we return our connection when we're
                    // finished.

                    return false;

                res = res.getOwned();

            _addWriteBack( writebacks , res );

            LOG(4) << "gathering writebacks from " << sinceLastGetError().size() << " hosts for"
                   << " gle (" << theShard << ")" << endl;

            // hit other machines just to block
            for ( set<string>::const_iterator i=sinceLastGetError().begin(); i!=sinceLastGetError().end(); ++i ) {
                string temp = *i;
                if ( temp == theShard )

                LOG(5) << "gathering writebacks for single-shard gle from: " << temp << endl;

                try {
                    ShardConnection conn( temp , "" );
                    ON_BLOCK_EXIT_OBJ( conn, &ShardConnection::done );
                    _addWriteBack( writebacks , conn->getLastErrorDetailed() );

                catch( std::exception &e ){
                    warning() << "could not clear last error from shard " << temp << causedBy( e ) << endl;


            LOG(4) << "checking " << writebacks.size() << " writebacks for"
                   << " gle (" << theShard << ")" << endl;

            if ( writebacks.size() ){
                vector<BSONObj> v = _handleWriteBacks( writebacks , fromWriteBackListener );
                if ( v.size() == 0 && fromWriteBackListener ) {
                    // ok
                else {
                    // this will usually be 1
                    // it can be greater than 1 if a write to a different shard
                    // than the last write op had a writeback
                    // all we're going to report is the first
                    // since that's the current write
                    // but we block for all
                    verify( v.size() >= 1 );
                    result.appendElements( v[0] );
                    result.appendElementsUnique( res );
                    result.append( "writebackGLE" , v[0] );
                    result.append( "initialGLEHost" , theShard );
            else {
                result.append( "singleShard" , theShard );
                result.appendElements( res );

            return ok;

        BSONArrayBuilder bbb( result.subarrayStart( "shards" ) );
        BSONObjBuilder shardRawGLE;

        long long n = 0;

        int updatedExistingStat = 0; // 0 is none, -1 has but false, 1 has true

        // hit each shard
        vector<string> errors;
        vector<BSONObj> errorObjects;
        for ( set<string>::iterator i = shards->begin(); i != shards->end(); i++ ) {
            string theShard = *i;
            bbb.append( theShard );

            LOG(5) << "gathering a response for gle from: " << theShard << endl;

            boost::scoped_ptr<ShardConnection> conn;
            BSONObj res;
            bool ok = false;
            try {
                conn.reset( new ShardConnection( theShard , "" ) ); // constructor can throw if shard is down
                ok = (*conn)->runCommand( dbName , options , res );
                shardRawGLE.append( theShard , res );
            catch( std::exception &e ){

                // Safe to return here, since we haven't started any extra processing yet, just collecting
                // responses.

                string message =
                        str::stream() << "could not get last error from a shard " << theShard
                                      << causedBy( e );

                warning() << message << endl;
                errmsg = message;

                if (conn)

                return false;

            _addWriteBack( writebacks, res );

            string temp = DBClientWithCommands::getLastErrorString( res );
            if ( (*conn)->type() != ConnectionString::SYNC && ( ok == false || temp.size() ) ) {
                errors.push_back( temp );
                errorObjects.push_back( res );

            n += res["n"].numberLong();
            if ( res["updatedExisting"].type() ) {
                if ( res["updatedExisting"].trueValue() )
                    updatedExistingStat = 1;
                else if ( updatedExistingStat == 0 )
                    updatedExistingStat = -1;


        result.append( "shardRawGLE" , shardRawGLE.obj() );

        result.appendNumber( "n" , n );
        if ( updatedExistingStat )
            result.appendBool( "updatedExisting" , updatedExistingStat > 0 );

        LOG(4) << "gathering writebacks from " << sinceLastGetError().size() << " hosts for"
               << " gle (" << shards->size() << " shards)" << endl;

        // hit other machines just to block
        for ( set<string>::const_iterator i=sinceLastGetError().begin(); i!=sinceLastGetError().end(); ++i ) {
            string temp = *i;
            if ( shards->count( temp ) )

            LOG(5) << "gathering writebacks for multi-shard gle from: " << temp << endl;

            ShardConnection conn( temp , "" );
            try {
                _addWriteBack( writebacks, conn->getLastErrorDetailed() );
            catch( std::exception &e ){
                warning() << "could not clear last error from a shard " << temp << causedBy( e ) << endl;

        LOG(4) << "checking " << writebacks.size() << " writebacks for"
                << " gle (" << shards->size() << " shards)" << endl;

        if ( errors.size() == 0 ) {
            result.appendNull( "err" );
            _handleWriteBacks( writebacks , fromWriteBackListener );
            return true;

        result.append( "err" , errors[0].c_str() );

            // errs
            BSONArrayBuilder all( result.subarrayStart( "errs" ) );
            for ( unsigned i=0; i<errors.size(); i++ ) {
                all.append( errors[i].c_str() );

            // errObjects
            BSONArrayBuilder all( result.subarrayStart( "errObjects" ) );
            for ( unsigned i=0; i<errorObjects.size(); i++ ) {
                all.append( errorObjects[i] );

        _handleWriteBacks( writebacks , fromWriteBackListener );
        return true;