Ejemplo n.º 1
/** @internal
 * @brief Put all the scanner hardware information in a oyOptions_s object
 * @param[in]  device_context    The SANE_Device to get the options from
 * @param[out] options           The options object to store the H/W info
 * \todo {
 *         * Untested
 *         * Error handling
 *       }
int DeviceInfoFromContext_(const SANE_Device * device_context, oyOptions_s **options)
   const char *device_name = device_context->name,
              *manufacturer = device_context->vendor,
              *model = device_context->model,
              *serial = NULL,
              *host = NULL,
              *system_port = NULL;
   int error = 0;

   serial = "unsupported";
   /* if device string starts with net, it is a remote device */
   if (strncmp(device_name,"net:",4) == 0)
      host = "remote";
      host = "localhost";
   /*TODO scsi/usb/parallel port? */
   system_port = "TODO";

   /*TODO make sure the strings get copied, not pointed */
   OPTIONS_ADD(options, device_name)
   OPTIONS_ADD(options, manufacturer)
   OPTIONS_ADD(options, model)
   OPTIONS_ADD(options, serial)
   OPTIONS_ADD(options, system_port)
   OPTIONS_ADD(options, host)

   return error;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int          DeviceAttributes_       ( ppd_file_t        * ppd,
                                       oyOptions_s       * options,
                                       oyConfig_s        * device,
                                       const char        * ppd_file_location )
    oyOption_s * o = 0;
    int error = !device;
    oyOption_s * value3 = oyOptions_Find( options, "device_context", oyNAME_PATTERN );
    const char * device_name = oyConfig_FindString( device, "device_name", 0 );

      char * manufacturer= 0,
           * model=0,
           * serial=0,
           * device_settings = 0;
      const char * system_port = 0,
                 * host = 0;
      const char * keyword = 0;
      ppd_attr_t * attrs = 0;
      int attr_n, i, j;
      char ** color_key_words = 0,
            * tmp = 0;
      int color_key_words_n = 0;

      if(!device_name && !value3 && !ppd_file_location && !ppd)
        message(oyMSG_WARN, (oyStruct_s*)options, _DBG_FORMAT_
                "The \"device_name\"  and \"device_context\" is\n"
                " missed to select a appropriate device.", _DBG_ARGS_ );
        error = 1;
        return error;

        message( oyMSG_DBG, (oyStruct_s*)0, _DBG_FORMAT_ "\n"
                    "No PPD obtained for ", _DBG_ARGS_, device_name );
        error = -1;
        return error;

      manufacturer = ppd->manufacturer;
      model = ppd->modelname;
      serial = 0;                       /* Not known at this time. */
      system_port = device_name;

      host = cupsServer();
      attrs = ppdFindAttr(ppd, "cupsICCProfile", 0);

      if(attrs && attrs->text)
        device_settings = attrs->text;
      if(error <= 0)
        size_t size = 0;
        char * data = 0;
        oyConfig_s * d = device;

        oyRankMap * rank_map = oyRankMapCopy( oyConfig_GetRankMap( device ), oyAllocateFunc_ );
          rank_map = oyRankMapCopy( _api8.rank_map, oyAllocateFunc_ );

        OPTIONS_ADD( oyConfig_GetOptions(d,"backend_core"), manufacturer )
        OPTIONS_ADD( oyConfig_GetOptions(d,"backend_core"), model )
        OPTIONS_ADD( oyConfig_GetOptions(d,"backend_core"), serial )
        OPTIONS_ADD( oyConfig_GetOptions(d,"backend_core"), system_port )
        OPTIONS_ADD( oyConfig_GetOptions(d,"backend_core"), host )
        OPTIONS_ADD( oyConfig_GetOptions(d,"backend_core"), device_settings )

        if (value3)
          /* open the PPD data */
            FILE * fp = fopen( ppd_file_location, "r" );
            size_t lsize = 0;

            /* Find the total size. */
            fseek(fp , 0, SEEK_END);
            lsize = ftell(fp);
            rewind (fp);

            /* Create buffer to read contents into a profile. */
            data = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*lsize + 1);
            if (data == NULL) fputs ("Unable to open PPD size.",stderr);

            size = fread( data, 1, lsize, fp);
            data[size] = 0;

          if(!error && data && size)
            o = oyOption_FromRegistration(
                           CMM_BASE_REG OY_SLASH "device_context.PPD.text", 0 );
            error = !o;
              error = oyOption_SetFromData( o, data, size );
              oyOptions_MoveIn( *oyConfig_GetOptions(device,"data"), &o, -1 );

        /* Collect all ColorKeyWords. */
        attr_n = ppd->num_attrs;

        for(i = 0; i < attr_n; i++)
          char key[16];

          keyword = ppd->attrs[i]->name;

          /* we support keys beginning with ColorKeyWords, e.g.
             "ColorKeyWords" "ColorKeyWords" ... */
          snprintf( &key[0], 16, "%s", keyword );
          key[14] = 0;
          if (strcmp(key, "ColorKeyWords") == 0)
            if( tmp && tmp[oyStrlen_(tmp) - 1] != ';' )
              STRING_ADD( tmp, ";" );
            STRING_ADD( tmp, ppd->attrs[i]->value );

          color_key_words = oyStringSplit( tmp, ';', &color_key_words_n,
          oyDeAllocateFunc_( tmp ); tmp = 0;

        /* add the key/value pairs to the devices backend_core options. */
        for(j = 0; j < color_key_words_n; ++j)
          const char * keyword = color_key_words[j],
                     * value = NULL;
          ppd_choice_t * c = ppdFindMarkedChoice( ppd, keyword );
          ppd_option_t * o = ppdFindOption( ppd, keyword );
                char * reg_name = 0;
          /* take the marked choice */
            value = c->choice;
          /* fall back to a default */
          else if(o)
            value = o->defchoice;
          /* Scan PPD attributes for matching the ColorKeyWords and */
            for(i = 0; i < attr_n; i++)
              if(oyStrcmp_( ppd->attrs[i]->name, keyword ) == 0)
                value = ppd->attrs[i]->value;

          STRING_ADD( reg_name, CMM_BASE_REG OY_SLASH );
          STRING_ADD( reg_name, keyword );
            error= oyOptions_SetFromText( oyConfig_GetOptions(d,"backend_core"),
                                               OY_CREATE_NEW );
            oyRankMapAppend( &rank_map, reg_name, 2, -2, 0, 0,0 );
          if(reg_name) oyDeAllocateFunc_( reg_name ); reg_name = 0;

        if( color_key_words && color_key_words_n)
          oyStringListRelease_( &color_key_words, color_key_words_n,
                                oyDeAllocateFunc_ );
          ppd_option_t * o;
          while((o = ppdNextOption(ppd)) != 0)
            const char * value = 0;
            char * reg_name = 0;

            keyword = o->keyword;
            STRING_ADD( reg_name, CMM_BASE_REG OY_SLASH );
            STRING_ADD( reg_name, keyword );
            /* take the marked choice */
            for(i = 0; i < o->num_choices; ++i)
                value = o->choices[i].choice;
              value = o->defchoice;
              error = oyOptions_SetFromText( oyConfig_GetOptions(d,"backend_core"),
                                                OY_CREATE_NEW );
              oyRankMapAppend( &rank_map, reg_name, 2, -2, 0, 0,0 );
            if(reg_name) oyDeAllocateFunc_( reg_name ); reg_name = 0;

        oyConfig_SetRankMap( device, rank_map );
        oyRankMapRelease( &rank_map, oyDeAllocateFunc_ );