SCSIParallelWorkLoop * SCSIParallelWorkLoop::Create ( const char * lockGroupName ) { SCSIParallelWorkLoop * workLoop = NULL; workLoop = OSTypeAlloc ( SCSIParallelWorkLoop ); require_nonzero ( workLoop, ErrorExit ); require ( workLoop->InitWithLockGroupName ( lockGroupName ), ReleaseWorkLoop ); return workLoop; ReleaseWorkLoop: require_nonzero ( workLoop, ErrorExit ); workLoop->release ( ); workLoop = NULL; ErrorExit: return workLoop; }
SCSIParallelTimer * SCSIParallelTimer::CreateTimerEventSource ( OSObject * owner, Action action ) { SCSIParallelTimer * timer = NULL; timer = OSTypeAlloc ( SCSIParallelTimer ); require_nonzero ( timer, ErrorExit ); require ( timer->Init ( owner, action ), FreeTimer ); return timer; FreeTimer: require_nonzero ( timer, ErrorExit ); timer->release ( ); timer = NULL; ErrorExit: return timer; }
IOFWPseudoAddressSpace *IOFWPseudoAddressSpace::simpleRW(IOFireWireBus *control, FWAddress *addr, UInt32 len, void *data) { IOFWPseudoAddressSpace * me = OSTypeAlloc( IOFWPseudoAddressSpace ); do { if(!me) break; if(!me->initAll(control, addr, len, simpleReader, simpleWriter, (void *)me)) { me->release(); me = NULL; break; } me->fDesc = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddress(data, len, kIODirectionOutIn); if(!me->fDesc) { me->release(); me = NULL; } } while(false); return me; }
AppleSCSIPDT03Emulator * AppleSCSIPDT03Emulator::Create ( void ) { AppleSCSIPDT03Emulator * logicalUnit = NULL; bool result = false; STATUS_LOG ( ( "AppleSCSIPDT03Emulator::Create\n" ) ); logicalUnit = OSTypeAlloc ( AppleSCSIPDT03Emulator ); require_nonzero ( logicalUnit, ErrorExit ); result = logicalUnit->init ( ); require ( result, ReleaseLogicalUnit ); return logicalUnit; ReleaseLogicalUnit: logicalUnit->release ( ); ErrorExit: return NULL; }
bool FakePCIID::init(OSDictionary *propTable) { DebugLog("FakePCIID::init() %p\n", this); // announce version IOLog("FakePCIID: Version %s starting on OS X Darwin %d.%d.\n", kmod_info.version, version_major, version_minor); bool ret = super::init(propTable); if (!ret) { AlwaysLog("super::init returned false\n"); return false; } // place version/build info in ioreg properties RM,Build and RM,Version char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s",, kmod_info.version); setProperty("RM,Version", buf); #ifdef DEBUG setProperty("RM,Build", "Debug-" LOGNAME); #else setProperty("RM,Build", "Release-" LOGNAME); #endif // capture vtable pointer for PCIDeviceStub PCIDeviceStub *stub = OSTypeAlloc(PCIDeviceStub); mStubVtable = getVTable(stub); stub->release(); mDeviceVtable = NULL; mProvider = NULL; return true; }
IOFireWireIRM * IOFireWireIRM::create( IOFireWireController * controller ) { IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess; IOFireWireIRM * me; if( status == kIOReturnSuccess ) { me = OSTypeAlloc( IOFireWireIRM ); if( me == NULL ) status = kIOReturnNoMemory; } if( status == kIOReturnSuccess ) { bool success = me->initWithController( controller ); if( !success ) { status = kIOReturnError; } } if( status != kIOReturnSuccess ) { me = NULL; } FWLOCALKLOG(( "IOFireWireIRM::create() - created new IRM 0x%08lx\n", (UInt32)me )); return me; }
SCSIPathSet * SCSIPathSet::withCapacity ( unsigned int capacity ) { SCSIPathSet * set = NULL; bool result = false; STATUS_LOG ( ( "+SCSIPathSet::withCapacity\n" ) ); set = OSTypeAlloc ( SCSIPathSet ); require_nonzero ( set, ErrorExit ); result = set->initWithCapacity ( capacity ); require ( result, ReleaseSet ); return set; ReleaseSet: require_nonzero_quiet ( set, ErrorExit ); set->release ( ); set = NULL; ErrorExit: return set; }
IOReturn CLASS::newUserClient(task_t owningTask, void* securityID, UInt32 type, IOUserClient ** handler) { IOUserClient *client; if (type != kGUXUCType) return kIOReturnUnsupported; if (!handler) return kIOReturnBadArgument; client = OSTypeAlloc(GenericUSBXHCIUserClient); if (!client) return kIOReturnNoMemory; if (!client->initWithTask(owningTask, securityID, type)) { client->release(); return kIOReturnInternalError; } if (!client->attach(this)) { client->release(); return kIOReturnInternalError; } if (!client->start(this)) { client->detach(this); client->release(); return kIOReturnInternalError; } *handler = client; return kIOReturnSuccess; }
IOUSBControllerIsochEndpoint* CLASS::AllocateIsochEP(void) { GenericUSBXHCIIsochEP* obj = OSTypeAlloc(GenericUSBXHCIIsochEP); if (obj && !obj->init()) { obj->release(); obj = 0; } return obj; }
IOFWSyncer * IOFWSyncer::create(bool twoRetains) { IOFWSyncer * me = OSTypeAlloc( IOFWSyncer ); if (me && !me->init(twoRetains)) { me->release(); return 0; } return me; }
IOFireWirePowerManager * IOFireWirePowerManager::createWithController( IOFireWireController * controller ) { IOFireWirePowerManager * me = OSTypeAlloc( IOFireWirePowerManager ); if( me != NULL ) { if( !me->initWithController(controller) ) { me->release(); me = NULL; } } return me; }
bool FakePCIID_XHCIMux::init(OSDictionary *propTable) { DebugLog("FakePCIID_XHCIMux::init\n"); if (!super::init(propTable)) return false; // capture vtable pointer for PCIDeviceStub_XHCIMux PCIDeviceStub *stub = OSTypeAlloc(PCIDeviceStub_XHCIMux); mStubVtable = getVTable(stub); stub->release(); return true; }
IOFireWireNubAux * IOFireWireNub::createAuxiliary( void ) { IOFireWireNubAux * auxiliary; auxiliary = OSTypeAlloc( IOFireWireNubAux ); if( auxiliary != NULL && !auxiliary->init(this) ) { auxiliary->release(); auxiliary = NULL; } return auxiliary; }
IOFWAddressSpaceAux * IOFWPseudoAddressSpace::createAuxiliary( void ) { IOFWPseudoAddressSpaceAux * auxiliary; auxiliary = OSTypeAlloc( IOFWPseudoAddressSpaceAux ); if( auxiliary != NULL && !auxiliary->init(this) ) { auxiliary->release(); auxiliary = NULL; } return auxiliary; }
IOFWReadQuadCommand *IOFireWireNub::createReadQuadCommand(FWAddress devAddress, UInt32 *quads, int numQuads, FWDeviceCallback completion, void *refcon, bool failOnReset) { IOFWReadQuadCommand * cmd; cmd = OSTypeAlloc( IOFWReadQuadCommand ); if(cmd) { if(!cmd->initAll(this, devAddress, quads, numQuads, completion, refcon, failOnReset)) { cmd->release(); cmd = NULL; } } return cmd; }
IOFWReadCommand *IOFireWireNub::createReadCommand(FWAddress devAddress, IOMemoryDescriptor *hostMem, FWDeviceCallback completion, void *refcon, bool failOnReset) { IOFWReadCommand * cmd; cmd = OSTypeAlloc( IOFWReadCommand ); if(cmd) { if(!cmd->initAll(this, devAddress, hostMem, completion, refcon, failOnReset)) { cmd->release(); cmd = NULL; } } return cmd; }
IOFWWorkLoop * IOFWWorkLoop::workLoop() { IOFWWorkLoop *loop; loop = OSTypeAlloc( IOFWWorkLoop ); if( !loop ) return loop; if( !loop->init() ) { loop->release(); loop = NULL; } return loop; }
IOFWCompareAndSwapCommand * IOFireWireNub::createCompareAndSwapCommand(FWAddress devAddress, const UInt32 *cmpVal, const UInt32 *newVal, int size, FWDeviceCallback completion, void *refcon, bool failOnReset) { IOFWCompareAndSwapCommand * cmd; cmd = OSTypeAlloc( IOFWCompareAndSwapCommand ); if(cmd) { if(!cmd->initAll(this, devAddress, cmpVal, newVal, size, completion, refcon, failOnReset)) { cmd->release(); cmd = NULL; } } return cmd; }
bool com_apple_dts_SCSIEmulatorAdapter::InitializeController ( void ) { com_apple_dts_SCSIEmulatorAdapterNub *nub = NULL; IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess; nub = OSDynamicCast(com_apple_dts_SCSIEmulatorAdapterNub, getProvider()); if (!nub) { IOLog("InitializeController: failed to cast provider\n"); goto failed; } mTargetsArray = OSArray::withCapacity(kMaxTargetID); mResponderEventSource = OSTypeAlloc(com_apple_dts_SCSIEmulatorEventSource); if (!mResponderEventSource) { IOLog("InitializeController: failed to alloc mResponderEventSource\n"); goto failed; } if (!mResponderEventSource->init(this, &com_apple_dts_SCSIEmulatorAdapter::TaskComplete)) { IOLog("InitializeController: failed to init mResponderEventSource\n"); mResponderEventSource->release(); goto failed; } ret = GetWorkLoop()->addEventSource(mResponderEventSource); if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) { IOLog("InitializeController: failed to add event source. ret = 0x%X\n", ret); mResponderEventSource->release(); goto failed; } goto success; failed: return false; success: // The controller is now initialized and ready for operation return true; }
bool IOFireWireIRM::initWithController(IOFireWireController * control) { IOReturn status = kIOReturnSuccess; bool success = OSObject::init(); FWPANICASSERT( success == true ); fControl = control; fIRMNodeID = kFWBadNodeID; fOurNodeID = kFWBadNodeID; fGeneration = 0; // // create BROADCAST_CHANNEL register // fBroadcastChannelBuffer = OSSwapHostToBigInt32( kBroadcastChannelInitialValues ); fBroadcastChannelAddressSpace = IOFWPseudoAddressSpace::simpleRWFixed( fControl, FWAddress(kCSRRegisterSpaceBaseAddressHi, kCSRBroadcastChannel), sizeof(fBroadcastChannelBuffer), &fBroadcastChannelBuffer ); FWPANICASSERT( fBroadcastChannelAddressSpace != NULL ); status = fBroadcastChannelAddressSpace->activate(); FWPANICASSERT( status == kIOReturnSuccess ); // // create lock command // fLockCmdInUse = false; fLockCmd = OSTypeAlloc( IOFWCompareAndSwapCommand ); FWPANICASSERT( fLockCmd != NULL ); fLockCmd->initAll( fControl, 0, FWAddress(), NULL, NULL, 0, IOFireWireIRM::lockCompleteStatic, this ); FWLOCALKLOG(( "IOFireWireIRM::initWithController() - IRM intialized\n" )); return true; }
bool FakePCIID::init(OSDictionary *propTable) { DebugLog("FakePCIID::init() %p\n", this); bool ret = super::init(propTable); if (!ret) { AlwaysLog("super::init returned false\n"); return false; } IOLog("FakePCIID version 1.2.0 starting.\n"); // capture vtable pointer for PCIDeviceStub PCIDeviceStub *stub = OSTypeAlloc(PCIDeviceStub); mStubVtable = getVTable(stub); stub->release(); mDeviceVtable = NULL; mProvider = NULL; return true; }
IOFWPseudoAddressSpace *IOFWPseudoAddressSpace::simpleRW(IOFireWireBus *control, FWAddress *addr, IOMemoryDescriptor * data) { IOFWPseudoAddressSpace * me = OSTypeAlloc( IOFWPseudoAddressSpace ); do { if(!me) break; if(!me->initAll(control, addr, data->getLength(), simpleReader, simpleWriter, (void *)me)) { me->release(); me = NULL; break; } data->retain(); me->fDesc = data; } while(false); return me; }
IOFWAsyncStreamReceivePort *IOFWAsyncStreamReceiver::CreateAsyncStreamPort(bool talking, DCLCommandStruct *opcodes, void *info, UInt32 startEvent, UInt32 startState, UInt32 startMask, UInt32 channel ) { IOFWAsyncStreamReceivePort *port; if(fFWIM == NULL) { DebugLog("IOFWAsyncStreamReceiver::CreateAsyncStreamPort failed -> FWIM is NULL\n"); return NULL; } fIODclProgram = fFWIM->createDCLProgram(talking, opcodes, NULL, startEvent, startState, startMask); if(!fIODclProgram) { DebugLog("IOFWAsyncStreamReceiver::CreateAsyncStreamPort failed -> fIODclProgram is NULL\n"); return NULL; } port = OSTypeAlloc( IOFWAsyncStreamReceivePort ); if(!port) { DebugLog("IOFWAsyncStreamReceiver::CreateAsyncStreamPort failed -> IOFWAsyncStreamReceivePort is NULL\n"); fIODclProgram->release(); fIODclProgram = NULL; return NULL; } if(!port->init(fIODclProgram, fControl, channel)) { DebugLog("IOFWAsyncStreamReceiver::CreateAsyncStreamPort failed -> IOFWAsyncStreamReceivePort::init failed\n"); port->release(); port = NULL; } return port; }
SCSIPressurePathManager * SCSIPressurePathManager::Create ( IOSCSITargetDevice * target, IOSCSIProtocolServices * initialPath ) { SCSIPressurePathManager * manager = NULL; bool result = false; STATUS_LOG ( ( "+SCSIPressurePathManager::Create\n" ) ); manager = OSTypeAlloc ( SCSIPressurePathManager ); require_nonzero ( manager, ErrorExit ); result = manager->InitializePathManagerForTarget ( target, initialPath ); require ( result, ReleasePathManager ); STATUS_LOG ( ( "-SCSIPressurePathManager::Create, manager = %p\n", manager ) ); return manager; ReleasePathManager: require_nonzero_quiet ( manager, ErrorExit ); manager->release ( ); manager = NULL; ErrorExit: STATUS_LOG ( ( "-SCSIPressurePathManager::Create, manager = NULL\n" ) ); return manager; }
IOPolledFilePollers * IOPolledFilePollers::copyPollers(IOService * media) { IOPolledFilePollers * vars; IOReturn err; IOService * service; OSObject * obj; IORegistryEntry * next; IORegistryEntry * child; if ((obj = media->copyProperty(kIOPolledInterfaceStackKey))) { return (OSDynamicCast(IOPolledFilePollers, obj)); } do { vars = OSTypeAlloc(IOPolledFilePollers); vars->init(); vars->pollers = OSArray::withCapacity(4); if (!vars->pollers) { err = kIOReturnNoMemory; break; } next = vars->media = media; do { IOPolledInterface * poller; OSObject * obj; obj = next->getProperty(kIOPolledInterfaceSupportKey); if (kOSBooleanFalse == obj) { vars->pollers->flushCollection(); break; } else if ((poller = OSDynamicCast(IOPolledInterface, obj))) vars->pollers->setObject(poller); if ((service = OSDynamicCast(IOService, next)) && service->getDeviceMemory() && !vars->pollers->getCount()) break; child = next; } while ((next = child->getParentEntry(gIOServicePlane)) && child->isParent(next, gIOServicePlane, true)); if (!vars->pollers->getCount()) { err = kIOReturnUnsupported; break; } } while (false); media->setProperty(kIOPolledInterfaceStackKey, vars); return (vars); }
bool com_ximeta_driver_NDASProtocolTransport::start( IOService * provider ) { IOReturn status; Boolean returnValue; Boolean openSucceeded; OSNumber * rto; OSNumber * wto; OSDictionary * dict; bool sucess; status = kIOReturnSuccess; returnValue = false; openSucceeded = false; rto = NULL; wto = NULL; sucess = false; dict = NULL; com_ximeta_driver_NDASSCSICommand *NDCmd_ptr; DbgIOLog(DEBUG_MASK_PNP_TRACE, ("Entered.\n")); // See if there is a read time out duration passed in the property dictionary - if not // set the default to 30 seconds. /* rto = OSDynamicCast ( OSNumber, getProperty ( kIOPropertyReadTimeOutDurationKey ) ); if ( rto == NULL ) { rto = OSNumber::withNumber ( kDefaultTimeOutValue, 32 ); require ( rto, exit ); sucess = setProperty ( kIOPropertyReadTimeOutDurationKey, rto ); check ( sucess ); rto->release(); rto = OSDynamicCast ( OSNumber, getProperty ( kIOPropertyReadTimeOutDurationKey ) ); } STATUS_LOG ( ( "%s: start read time out = %ld\n", getName (), rto->unsigned32BitValue ( ) ) ); // See if there is a write time out duration passed in the property dictionary - if not // set the default to 30 seconds. wto = OSDynamicCast ( OSNumber, getProperty ( kIOPropertyWriteTimeOutDurationKey ) ); if ( wto == NULL ) { wto = OSNumber::withNumber ( kDefaultTimeOutValue, 32 ); require ( wto, exit ); sucess = setProperty ( kIOPropertyWriteTimeOutDurationKey, wto ); check ( sucess ); wto->release(); wto = OSDynamicCast ( OSNumber, getProperty ( kIOPropertyWriteTimeOutDurationKey ) ); } STATUS_LOG ( ( "%s: start read time out = %ld\n", getName (), wto->unsigned32BitValue ( ) ) ); */ fProvider = OSDynamicCast ( com_ximeta_driver_NDASProtocolTransportNub, provider ); require ( fProvider, exit ); // // Add a retain here so we can keep LanScsiDevice from doing garbage // collection on us when we are in the middle of our finalize method. fProvider->retain ( ); openSucceeded = super::start ( provider ); require ( openSucceeded, exit ); openSucceeded = provider->open ( this ); require ( openSucceeded, exit ); // bTerminating = false; /* fUnit = fSBPTarget->getFireWireUnit (); require ( fUnit, exit ); // Explicitly set the "enable retry on ack d" flag. fUnit->setNodeFlags ( kIOFWEnableRetryOnAckD ); status = AllocateResources (); require_noerr ( status, exit ); // Get us on the workloop so we can sleep the start thread. fCommandGate->runAction ( ConnectToDeviceStatic ); if ( reserved->fLoginState == kLogginSucceededState ) { registerService (); } STATUS_LOG ( ( "%s: start complete\n", getName () ) ); returnValue = true; // Copy some values to the Protocol Characteristics Dictionary dict = OSDynamicCast ( OSDictionary, getProperty ( kIOPropertyProtocolCharacteristicsKey ) ); if ( dict != NULL ) { OSString * string = NULL; string = OSString::withCString ( kFireWireGUIDKey ); if ( string != NULL ) { dict->setObject ( string, getProperty ( kFireWireGUIDKey, gIOServicePlane ) ); string->release ( ); } string = OSString::withCString ( kPreferredNameKey ); if ( string != NULL ) { dict->setObject ( kPreferredNameKey, getProperty ( kFireWireVendorNameKey, gIOServicePlane ) ); string->release ( ); } } */ // Create IOCommand Pool. fCommandPool = IOCommandPool::withWorkLoop(getWorkLoop()); if(fCommandPool == NULL) { DbgIOLog(DEBUG_MASK_DISK_ERROR, ("failed to alloc Command Pool\n")); goto exit; } // Allocate Command. NDCmd_ptr = OSTypeAlloc(com_ximeta_driver_NDASSCSICommand); if(NDCmd_ptr == NULL || !NDCmd_ptr->init()) { DbgIOLog(DEBUG_MASK_DISK_ERROR, ("failed to alloc command class\n")); if (NDCmd_ptr) { NDCmd_ptr->release(); } goto exit; } fCommandPool->returnCommand(NDCmd_ptr); registerService (); InitializePowerManagement ( provider ); returnValue = true; exit: if ( returnValue == false ) { DbgIOLog(DEBUG_MASK_DISK_ERROR, ("start failed. status = %x\n", status)); // Call the cleanUp method to clean up any allocated resources. cleanUp (); } return returnValue; }