Ejemplo n.º 1
static Real BzZero(const Real R, const Real phi, const Real z) {
	Real Arg, bz, H0, n, Rs, I;

	H0 = sqrt(2.0)*Iso_csound/Omega(R0);
	Arg = 2.0*PI*(R-R0)/H0;
	n = floor( (R-1.2)/H0 );
	Rs = 1.3 + n*H0;
	I = ChiMag(R);
	bz = I*sin(Arg)*(Rs/R)*Omega(Rs);
	return bz;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Bayes::init(const ublas::matrix<double>& _x, const int _n, const int _p, const int _k) {

  // data
  x = _x;
  n = _n;
  p = _p;
  k = _k;

  current = 0.0;
  loglik = -1e100;
  ml_pi = ublas::zero_vector<double>(k);
  for (int i=0; i<k; ++i)
    ml_mu(i) = ublas::zero_vector<double>(p);
  for (int i=0; i<k; ++i) {
    ml_Omega(i).resize(p, p);
    ml_Omega(i) = ublas::zero_matrix<double>(p, p);

  probx.resize(k, n);
  for (int i=0; i<k; ++i)
    for (int j=0; j<n; ++j)
      probx(i, j) = 0.0;

  // assign equal weight
  for (int i=0; i<k; ++i)
    pi(i) = 1.0/k;

  // assign omega to be identity matrix * some scaling factor
  for (int i=0; i<k; ++i) {
    Omega(i).resize(p, p);
    Omega(i) = 0.01*ublas::identity_matrix<double>(p, p);

  // assign mu with kmeans
  mu = kmeans(x, n, k, p, 1e-6);
  // assign random indices to z
  for (size_t i=0; i<z.size(); ++i)
    z(i) = std::rand() % k;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static Real BzNet(const Real R, const Real phi, const Real z) {
	Real bz, I;

	I = ChiMag(R);
	bz = I*Omega(R);
	return bz;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ExplicitUnitary
( ElementalMatrix<F>& APre, bool thinQR, const QRCtrl<Base<F>>& ctrl )

    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> AProx( APre );
    auto& A = AProx.Get();

    const Grid& g = A.Grid();
    DistMatrix<F,MD,STAR> householderScalars(g);
    DistMatrix<Base<F>,MD,STAR> signature(g);
    if( ctrl.colPiv )
        DistPermutation Omega(g);
        QR( A, householderScalars, signature, Omega, ctrl );
        QR( A, householderScalars, signature );

    if( thinQR )
        A.Resize( A.Height(), householderScalars.Height() );
        ( LOWER, VERTICAL, CONJUGATED, 0, A, householderScalars );
        DiagonalScale( RIGHT, NORMAL, signature, A );
        auto ACopy = A;
        // TODO: Use an extension of ExpandPackedReflectors to make this faster
        Identity( A, A.Height(), A.Height() );
        qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, NORMAL, ACopy, householderScalars, signature, A );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void RigidBody::operator()(const RigidBody::InternalState &x, RigidBody::InternalState &dxdt, const double /* t */)
  	Eigen::Vector3d x_dot, v_dot, omega_dot;
  	Eigen::Vector4d q_dot;
  	Eigen::Vector4d q(attitude.x(), attitude.y(), attitude.z(), attitude.w());

	Eigen::Vector3d omega = angularVelocity;
	Eigen::Matrix4d omegaMat = Omega(omega);

  	x_dot = velocity;
  	v_dot = force/mass;
  	q_dot = 0.5*omegaMat*q;
  	omega_dot = inertia.inverse() *
      (torque - omega.cross(inertia*omega));

	dxdt[0]  = x_dot(0); 
	dxdt[1]  = x_dot(1); 
	dxdt[2]  = x_dot(2); 

	dxdt[3]  = v_dot(0); 
	dxdt[4]  = v_dot(1); 
	dxdt[5]  = v_dot(2); 

	dxdt[6]  = q_dot(0); 
	dxdt[7]  = q_dot(1); 
	dxdt[8]  = q_dot(2); 
	dxdt[9]  = q_dot(3); 

	dxdt[10] = omega_dot(0); 
	dxdt[11] = omega_dot(1); 
	dxdt[12] = omega_dot(2); 
Ejemplo n.º 6
double cosmology::Mcaustic_from_Mvir(double mvir0,double z0){
    if(!bool_pe_rho_rdelta_phys_Zhao || mvir0!=Mvir_for_pe || z0!=z_for_pe){
        std::cout<<"# Initializing physical density profile for "<<mvir0<<" at z="<<z0<<std::endl<<std::endl;

    double eps=1.0e-2;
    double z1=z0*(1.+eps);

    /// Calculate the total mass evolution
    double Mvir1=gsl_spline_eval(mah_Zhao_spline,z1,mah_Zhao_acc);
    double z1step=pow(10.,log10(1.+z1)+0.2)-1.0;
    double Mvir1_step=gsl_spline_eval(mah_Zhao_spline,z1step,mah_Zhao_acc);
    double dlogMdloga_1=-(log10(Mvir1)-log10(Mvir1_step))/( log10(1.+z1) - log10(1.+z1step) );

    // First calculate concentration of these halos
    double conc1= gsl_spline_eval(cvir_mah_Zhao_spline,z1,cvir_mah_Zhao_acc); //conc(Mvir1,z1);

    // Get the c200_mean of these halos
    double c200m_1=getcDel(conc1,z1,200.0);

    // Normalization factor for the Rt-R200m relation, based on Benedikt's new
    // fitting formulae
    double norm_1=0.42+0.40*Omega(z1);

    double c_caustic_1=c200m_1*norm_1*( 1.+2.15*exp(-dlogMdloga_1/1.96) );

    double Mcaustic1=Mvir1*mu(c_caustic_1)/mu(conc1);

    return Mcaustic1;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main() {
	ifstream iNodes("Mathematica/Generate Mesh/nodes.dat"),
	         iTriangles("Mathematica/Generate Mesh/triangles.dat"),
	         iNeighbors("Mathematica/Generate Mesh/neighbors.dat");
	ofstream oXi("Mathematica/Draw Logo/xi.dat"),
	         oDirichletNodes("Mathematica/Draw Logo/DirichletNodes.dat"),
	         oNodes("Mathematica/Draw Logo/nodes.dat"), 
	         oTriangles("Mathematica/Draw Logo/triangles.dat");
	try {
		// import kitty mesh
		Triangulation Omega(iNodes, iTriangles, iNeighbors);
		DiffusionReactionEqn PoissonEqn(oneFunc, zeroFunc, f);
		BoundaryConditions BCs({
			make_shared<DirichletBC>(oneFunc, fixedBoundary),
			make_shared<NeumannBC>() // free bndry on right half of kitty’s face
		// solve
		vector<double> soln = FEM::computeDiscreteSolution(PoissonEqn, Omega, BCs);
		// save the result
		oXi << soln;
		Boundary bndry = Omega.computeBoundary();
		oDirichletNodes << FEM::computeBoundaryNodes(Omega, bndry, fixedBoundary);
		Omega.save(oNodes, oTriangles);
	catch (exception const & e) {
		cout << e.what() << endl;
void Foam::fv::tabulatedAccelerationSource::addSup
    const RhoFieldType& rho,
    fvMatrix<vector>& eqn,
    const label fieldi
    Vector<vector> acceleration(motion_.acceleration());

    // If gravitational force is present combine with the linear acceleration
    if (mesh_.foundObject<uniformDimensionedVectorField>("g"))
        uniformDimensionedVectorField& g =

        const uniformDimensionedScalarField& hRef =

        g = g0_ - dimensionedVector("a", dimAcceleration, acceleration.x());

        dimensionedScalar ghRef
            mag(g.value()) > SMALL
          ? g & (cmptMag(g.value())/mag(g.value()))*hRef
          : dimensionedScalar("ghRef", g.dimensions()*dimLength, 0)

        mesh_.lookupObjectRef<volScalarField>("gh") = (g & mesh_.C()) - ghRef;

        mesh_.lookupObjectRef<surfaceScalarField>("ghf") =
            (g & mesh_.Cf()) - ghRef;
    // ... otherwise include explicitly in the momentum equation
        eqn -= rho*dimensionedVector("a", dimAcceleration, acceleration.x());

    dimensionedVector Omega
        dimensionSet(0, 0, -1, 0, 0),

    dimensionedVector dOmegaDT
        dimensionSet(0, 0, -2, 0, 0),

    eqn -=
        rho*(2*Omega ^ eqn.psi())         // Coriolis force
      + rho*(Omega ^ (Omega ^ mesh_.C())) // Centrifugal force
      + rho*(dOmegaDT ^ mesh_.C())        // Angular tabulatedAcceleration force
Ejemplo n.º 9
void Bayes::sample_zpi() {
  //! sample classification
  // ublas::matrix<double> probx(k, n);

  for (int i=0; i<k; ++i) {
    row(probx, i).assign(pi(i) * mvnormpdf(x, mu(i), Omega(i)));

  // print out likelihood
  for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
    double tmpsum = sum(column(probx, i));
    if (tmpsum > 0) {
      current += log(tmpsum);
  if (loglik < current && current < 0) {
    loglik = current;
  current = 0.0;
  ublas::vector<int> nz(k);
  for (int i=0; i<k; ++i)
    nz(i) = 0;

  for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
    column(probx, i) /= sum(column(probx, i));
    z(i) = rdisc(column(probx, i));

  // calculate counts and complete data log likelihood
  for (int i=0; i<k; ++i)
    for (int j=0; j<n; ++j)
      if (z[j] == i) {
	nz(i) += 1;

  pi = dirichlet_rnd(nz);

  // get indices sorted in reverse order
  std::vector<int> idx(argsort(pi));
  std::reverse(idx.begin(), idx.end());
  ublas::indirect_array<> u_idx(idx.size());
  for (size_t i=0; i<idx.size(); ++i)
    u_idx(i) = idx[i];

  pi = project(pi, u_idx);
  mu = project(mu, u_idx);
  Omega = project(Omega, u_idx);

  ublas::vector<int> oldz(z);
  for (int i=0; i<k; ++i)
    for (size_t j=0; j<oldz.size(); ++j)
      if (i == oldz[j])
	z[j] = idx[i];

Ejemplo n.º 10
void CAST256::Base::UncheckedSetKey(const byte *userKey, unsigned int keylength, const NameValuePairs &)

	word32 kappa[8];
	GetUserKey(BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, kappa, 8, userKey, keylength);

	for(int i=0; i<12; ++i)

		K[8*i]=kappa[0] & 31;
		K[8*i+1]=kappa[2] & 31;
		K[8*i+2]=kappa[4] & 31;
		K[8*i+3]=kappa[6] & 31;

	if (!IsForwardTransformation())
		for(int j=0; j<6; ++j)
			for(int i=0; i<4; ++i)
				int i1=8*j+i;
				int i2=8*(11-j)+i;



	memset(kappa, 0, sizeof(kappa));
Ejemplo n.º 11
/// Get the cDel for a given cvir
double cosmology::getcDel(double cvir, double z, double Delta)
    int status;
    int iter = 0, max_iter = 100;
    double res;

    const gsl_root_fsolver_type *T;
    gsl_root_fsolver *s;

    double c_lo = 0.01*cvir, c_hi = 10.0*cvir;

    gsl_function F;
    cDel_params p;
    p.cptr = this;
    p.cvir = &cvir;
    double omz=Omega(z);
    double dcz=Delta_crit(z);

    F.function = &findcDel;
    F.params = &p;
    T = gsl_root_fsolver_brent;
    s = gsl_root_fsolver_alloc (T);
    gsl_root_fsolver_set (s, &F, c_lo, c_hi);

        status = gsl_root_fsolver_iterate (s);
        res = gsl_root_fsolver_root (s);
        c_lo = gsl_root_fsolver_x_lower (s);
        c_hi = gsl_root_fsolver_x_upper (s);
        status = gsl_root_test_interval (c_lo, c_hi,0, 1e-6);

        if (status == GSL_SUCCESS)
            //std::cout<<"# "<<"zcollapse:Brent converged after "<< iter<<" iterations"<<std::endl;

    }while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < max_iter);

    gsl_root_fsolver_free (s);

    return res;

Ejemplo n.º 12
void ExplicitTriang( ElementalMatrix<F>& A, const QRCtrl<Base<F>>& ctrl )
    DistMatrix<F,MD,STAR> householderScalars(A.Grid());
    DistMatrix<Base<F>,MD,STAR> signature(A.Grid());
    if( ctrl.colPiv )
        DistPermutation Omega(A.Grid());
        BusingerGolub( A, householderScalars, signature, Omega, ctrl );
        Householder( A, householderScalars, signature );

    A.Resize( householderScalars.Height(), A.Width() );
    MakeTrapezoidal( UPPER, A );
Ejemplo n.º 13
void ExplicitTriang( ElementalMatrix<F>& A, const QRCtrl<Base<F>>& ctrl )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("qr::ExplicitTriang"))
    DistMatrix<F,MD,STAR> t(A.Grid());
    DistMatrix<Base<F>,MD,STAR> d(A.Grid());
    if( ctrl.colPiv )
        DistPermutation Omega(A.Grid());
        BusingerGolub( A, t, d, Omega, ctrl );
        Householder( A, t, d );

    A.Resize( t.Height(), A.Width() );
    MakeTrapezoidal( UPPER, A );
Ejemplo n.º 14
void Explicit
( ElementalMatrix<F>& APre,
  ElementalMatrix<F>& R, 
  bool thinQR,
  const QRCtrl<Base<F>>& ctrl )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("qr::Explicit"))

    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> AProx( APre );
    auto& A = AProx.Get();

    const Grid& g = A.Grid();
    DistMatrix<F,MD,STAR> t(g);
    DistMatrix<Base<F>,MD,STAR> d(g);
    if( ctrl.colPiv )
        DistPermutation Omega(g);
        QR( A, t, d, Omega, ctrl );
        QR( A, t, d );

    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    const Int numIts = t.Height();

    auto AT = A( IR(0,numIts), IR(0,n) );
    Copy( AT, R );
    MakeTrapezoidal( UPPER, R );

    if( thinQR )
        A.Resize( m, numIts );
        ExpandPackedReflectors( LOWER, VERTICAL, CONJUGATED, 0, A, t );
        DiagonalScale( RIGHT, NORMAL, d, A );
        auto ACopy = A;
        // TODO: Use an extension of ExpandPackedReflectors to make this faster
        Identity( A, A.Height(), A.Height() );
        qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, NORMAL, ACopy, t, d, A );
Ejemplo n.º 15
/// Radii are in physical units here, so be careful
void cosmology::modelNFWhalo(double m200,double z,double &Mvir, double &Rvir, double &cvir, double &R200, double &c200)


    double Delta=200.;
    R200=pow( 1.0e12/(4./3.*Delta*3e4*0.3/(8*gee)),1./3.);



Ejemplo n.º 16
void Explicit
( ElementalMatrix<F>& APre,
  ElementalMatrix<F>& R, 
  ElementalMatrix<Int>& OmegaFull,
  bool thinQR,
  const QRCtrl<Base<F>>& ctrl )

    DistMatrixReadWriteProxy<F,F,MC,MR> AProx( APre );
    auto& A = AProx.Get();

    const Grid& g = A.Grid();
    DistMatrix<F,MD,STAR> householderScalars(g);
    DistMatrix<Base<F>,MD,STAR> signature(g);
    DistPermutation Omega(g);
    QR( A, householderScalars, signature, Omega, ctrl );

    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    const Int numIts = householderScalars.Height();

    auto AT = A( IR(0,numIts), IR(0,n) );
    Copy( AT, R );
    MakeTrapezoidal( UPPER, R );

    if( thinQR )
        A.Resize( m, numIts );
        ( LOWER, VERTICAL, CONJUGATED, 0, A, householderScalars );
        DiagonalScale( RIGHT, NORMAL, signature, A );
        auto ACopy = A;
        // TODO: Use an extension of ExpandPackedReflectors to make this faster
        Identity( A, A.Height(), A.Height() );
        qr::ApplyQ( LEFT, NORMAL, ACopy, householderScalars, signature, A );

    Omega.ExplicitMatrix( OmegaFull );
Ejemplo n.º 17
std::string Node::thirdString() const
    std::string res = "2 ";
    res += string2string(satelliteNumber(), 5) + " ";
    res += double2string(normalizeAngle(i()), 8, 4, false, false, false) + " ";
    res += double2string(normalizeAngle(Omega()), 8, 4, false, false, false) +
           " ";
    res += double2string(e(), 7, 7, false, true, false) + " ";
    res += double2string(normalizeAngle(omega()), 8, 4, false, false, false) +
           " ";
    res += double2string(normalizeAngle(M()), 8, 4, false, false, false) + " ";
    res += double2string(n(), 11, 8, false, false, false);
    res += int2string(revolutionNumber(), 5, false);

    // Checksum
    int sum = checksum(res);
    res += int2string(sum, 1);

    return res;
Ejemplo n.º 18
/// Delta_crit(z) a'la Bryan and Norman '98
double cosmology::Delta_crit(double z)
    double result;

    double x=Omega(z)-1.;

    if (Omega0<1.&&Omegal==0.0)
        result=18.0 * M_PI*M_PI + 60.0*x - 32.0 * x*x;
    } else if (fabs(Omega0+Omegal-1.0)<1.e-4)
        result=18.0 * M_PI*M_PI + 82.0*x - 39.0 * x*x;
    } else
        std::cout<<"# Aborting as Delta_Crit not defined for this cosmology."<<std::endl;

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void Node::parseAll()
Ejemplo n.º 20
EstimatorPredictor::PropagateState(const Eigen::Vector3d &omega_m, const Eigen::Vector3d &a_m)
	Matrix3d C_q_i_w_old = q_i_w.toQuat().toRotationMatrix();
	Vector3d v_i_w_old = v_i_w;
	Vector3d p_i_w_old = p_i_w;
	QuaternionAd q_i_w_old = q_i_w;

	// (eye(4) - Delta_t/4*Omega(omega_m - b_omega))*q_i_w_new == (eye(4) + Delta_t/4*Omega( omega_m_old - b_omega))*q_i_w_old
	Vector3d tmp = Delta_t/4.0*(omega_m - b_omega);
	Matrix4d Q1; // eye(4) - Delta_t/4*Omega(omega_m - b_omega)
	Q1 <<
	1, tmp(0), tmp(1), -tmp(2),
	-tmp(0), 1, tmp(2), tmp(1),
	-tmp(1), -tmp(2), 1, -tmp(0),
	tmp(2), -tmp(1), tmp(2), 1;

	tmp = Delta_t/4.0*(omega_m_old - b_omega);
	Matrix4d Q2; // eye(4) + Delta_t/4*Omega( omega_m_old - b_omega)
	Q2 <<
	1, tmp(0), tmp(1), -tmp(2),
	-tmp(0), 1, tmp(2), tmp(1),
	-tmp(1), -tmp(2), 1, -tmp(0),
	tmp(2), -tmp(1), tmp(2), 1;

	//q_i_w.coeffs() = Q1.lu().solve(Q2*q_i_w_old.coeffs()); 
	tmp = Delta_t*(omega_m_old - b_omega)/2.0;
	Quaterniond Omega( 0, tmp(0), tmp(1), tmp(2) );
	q_i_w.q.coeffs() += (Omega.conjugate()*q_i_w.toQuat()).conjugate().coeffs();

	Matrix3d C_q_i_w = q_i_w.toQuat().toRotationMatrix();

	v_i_w += ( C_q_i_w_old.transpose()*(a_m_old - b_a) - g + C_q_i_w.transpose()*(a_m - b_a) - g )*Delta_t/2.0;
	p_i_w += (v_i_w_old + v_i_w)*Delta_t/2.0;

	omega_m_old = omega_m;
	a_m_old = a_m;
Ejemplo n.º 21
void Model::predict(std::vector<double> &choice_probability,
                    const Eigen::MatrixXd &M, const Parameter &parameter) {

  if (parameter.stopping_time < 0) {
    std::runtime_error("Stopping Time has to be non-negative.");

  n_alternatives = M.rows();
  n_dimensions = M.cols();

  std::fill(begin(choice_probability), end(choice_probability), 0.0);

  Eigen::MatrixXd S(n_alternatives, n_alternatives);
  construct_feedback_matrix(S, M, parameter);
  // unsigned int res = check_feedback_matrix(S);
  // if (res == 0) {

  Eigen::MatrixXd C(n_alternatives, n_alternatives);

  Eigen::VectorXd W(n_dimensions);

  Eigen::VectorXd Eta(n_alternatives);
  Eigen::MatrixXd Omega(n_alternatives, n_alternatives);
  construct_preference_and_covariance(Eta, Omega, C, M, W, S, parameter);

  Eigen::MatrixXd L(n_alternatives - 1, n_alternatives);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_alternatives; i++) {
    construct_L_matrix(L, i);
    choice_probability.at(i) = compute_choice_probability(L, Eta, Omega);

  // }
Ejemplo n.º 22
/// Radii are in comoving units here
void cosmology::modelNFWhalo_com_ext(double mDel,double z,double &Mvir,
double &Rvir, double &cvir, double &RDel, double &cDel,double Del)


    double Delta=Del;
    RDel=pow( 1.0e12/(4./3.*Delta*3e4*0.3/(8*gee)),1./3.);




Ejemplo n.º 23
double cosmology::dMcaustic_dMvir(double mvir0,double z0,double z1,double z2){
    if(!bool_pe_rho_rdelta_phys_Zhao || mvir0!=Mvir_for_pe || z0!=z_for_pe){
        std::cout<<"# Initializing physical density profile for "<<mvir0<<" at z="<<z0<<std::endl<<std::endl;
    if(z0>z1 || z0>z2){
        std::cout<<"# z0 should be smaller than z1 and z2\n";
        return 0;
        std::cout<<"# z1 should be smaller than z2\n";
        return 0;
    /// Calculate the total mass evolution
    double Mvir1=gsl_spline_eval(mah_Zhao_spline,z1,mah_Zhao_acc);
    double z1step=pow(10.,log10(1.+z1)+0.2)-1.0;
    double Mvir1_step=gsl_spline_eval(mah_Zhao_spline,z1step,mah_Zhao_acc);
    double dlogMdloga_1=-(log10(Mvir1)-log10(Mvir1_step))/( log10(1.+z1) - log10(1.+z1step) );

    double Mvir2=gsl_spline_eval(mah_Zhao_spline,z2,mah_Zhao_acc);
    double z2step=pow(10.,log10(1.+z2)+0.2)-1.0;
    double Mvir2_step=gsl_spline_eval(mah_Zhao_spline,z2step,mah_Zhao_acc);
    double dlogMdloga_2=-(log10(Mvir2)-log10(Mvir2_step))/( log10(1.+z2) - log10(1.+z2step) );

    //printf("z1:%e z1step:%e z2:%e z2step:%e\n",z1,z1step,z2,z2step);


    double Rvir1=rvir_from_mvir(Mvir1,z1);
    double Rvir2=rvir_from_mvir(Mvir2,z2);

    double dMvir=Mvir1-Mvir2;

    // First calculate concentration of these halos
    double conc1= gsl_spline_eval(cvir_mah_Zhao_spline,z1,cvir_mah_Zhao_acc); //conc(Mvir1,z1);
    double conc2= gsl_spline_eval(cvir_mah_Zhao_spline,z2,cvir_mah_Zhao_acc); //conc(Mvir2,z2);

    // Get the c200_mean of these halos
    double c200m_1=getcDel(conc1,z1,200.0);
    double c200m_2=getcDel(conc2,z2,200.0);

    // Normalization factor for the Rt-R200m relation, based on Benedikt's new
    // fitting formulae
    double norm_1=0.42+0.40*Omega(z1);
    double norm_2=0.42+0.40*Omega(z2);

    double c_caustic_1=c200m_1*norm_1*( 1.+2.15*exp(-dlogMdloga_1/1.96) );
    double c_caustic_2=c200m_2*norm_2*( 1.+2.15*exp(-dlogMdloga_2/1.96) );

    double Mcaustic1=Mvir1*mu(c_caustic_1)/mu(conc1);
    double Mcaustic2=Mvir2*mu(c_caustic_2)/mu(conc2);
    //printf("dlogMdloga_1:%e log10 Mvir1:%e z1:%e Mcaustic1:%e dlogMdloga_1:%e log10 Mvir2:%e z2:%e Mcaustic2:%e\n",dlogMdloga_1,log10(Mvir1),z1,Mcaustic1,dlogMdloga_2,log10(Mvir2),z2,Mcaustic2);

    double dMcaustic=(Mcaustic1-Mcaustic2);
    //fprintf(stderr,"# Mvir1:%e Mvir2:%e Mpe:%e dMvir:%e M4rs1:%e M4rs2:%e dM4rs:%e\n",Mvir1,Mvir2,Mpe,dMvir,M4rs1,M4rs2,dM4rs);

        return -1.0;
        return dMcaustic/dMvir;
Ejemplo n.º 24
double OmegaRad( double centuryTime)
    return DEG2RAD(Omega(centuryTime));
Ejemplo n.º 25
void run()

    Environment::changeRepository( boost::format( "/testsuite/feeldiscr/%1%/P%2%/" )
                                   % Environment::about().appName()
                                   % OrderPoly );

    /* change parameters below */
    const int nDim = 2;
    const int nOrderPoly = OrderPoly;
    const int nOrderGeo = 1;


    typedef Mesh< Simplex<nDim, 1,nDim> > mesh_type;
    typedef Mesh< Simplex<nDim, 1,nDim> > mesh_bis_type;

    double meshSize = option("hsize").as<double>();
    double meshSizeBis = option("hsize-bis").as<double>();

    // mesh
    GeoTool::Node x1( 0,0 );
    GeoTool::Node x2( 4,1 );
    GeoTool::Rectangle Omega( meshSize,"Omega",x1,x2 );
    Omega.setMarker( _type="line",_name="Entree",_marker4=true );
    Omega.setMarker( _type="line",_name="Sortie",_marker2=true );
    Omega.setMarker( _type="line",_name="Paroi",_marker1=true,_marker3=true );
    Omega.setMarker( _type="surface",_name="Fluid",_markerAll=true );
    auto mesh = Omega.createMesh(_mesh=new mesh_type,_name="omega_"+ mesh_type::shape_type::name() );
    LOG(INFO) << "created mesh\n";

    GeoTool::Rectangle OmegaBis( meshSizeBis,"Omega",x1,x2 );
    OmegaBis.setMarker( _type="line",_name="Entree",_marker4=true );
    OmegaBis.setMarker( _type="line",_name="Sortie",_marker2=true );
    OmegaBis.setMarker( _type="line",_name="Paroi",_marker1=true,_marker3=true );
    OmegaBis.setMarker( _type="surface",_name="Fluid",_markerAll=true );
    auto meshBis = OmegaBis.createMesh(_mesh=new mesh_bis_type,_name="omegaBis_"+ mesh_type::shape_type::name() );

    //auto meshBis= mesh->createP1mesh();
    LOG(INFO) << "created meshBis\n";

    typedef Lagrange<nOrderPoly,Scalar,Continuous,PointSetFekete> basis_type;
    typedef FunctionSpace<mesh_type, bases<basis_type> > space_type;

    auto Xh = space_type::New( mesh );
    auto u = Xh->element();
    auto v = Xh->element();
    auto u2 = Xh->element();
    LOG(INFO) << "created space and elements\n";

    auto mybackend = backend();


    auto A = mybackend->newMatrix( Xh, Xh );
    auto F = mybackend->newVector( Xh );
    auto pi = cst( M_PI );
    auto u_exact = cos( pi*Px() )*sin( pi*Py() );
    auto dudx = -pi*sin( pi*Px() )*sin( pi*Py() );
    auto dudy = pi*cos( pi*Px() )*cos( pi*Py() );
    auto grad_u_uexact = vec( dudx,dudy );
    auto lap = -2*pi*pi*cos( pi*Px() )*sin( pi*Py() );
    //auto lap = -pi*pi*cos(pi*Px())*sin(pi*Py())
    //    -pi*pi*cos(pi*Px())*sin(pi*Py());
    LOG(INFO) << "created exact data and matrix/vector\n";

    auto f = -lap;//cst(1.);
    double gammabc=10;

    // assemblage
    form2( Xh, Xh, A, _init=true ) =
        integrate( elements( mesh ), //_Q<15>(),
                   + gradt( u )*trans( grad( v ) ) );

    form2( Xh, Xh, A ) +=
        integrate( boundaryfaces( mesh ),
                   - gradt( u )*N()*id( v )
                   + gammabc*idt( u )*id( v )/hFace() );

    form1( Xh, F, _init=true ) =
        integrate( elements( mesh ), // _Q<10>(),
                   trans( f )*id( v ) );

    form1( Xh, F ) +=
        integrate( boundaryfaces( mesh ),
                   + gammabc*u_exact*id( v )/hFace() );

    LOG(INFO) << "A,F assembled\n";

    //form2( Xh, Xh, A ) +=
    //    on( boundaryfaces(mesh) , u, F, u_exact );

    // solve system
    mybackend->solve( A,u,F );
    LOG(INFO) << "A u = F solved\n";

    auto a2 = form2( _test=Xh, _trial=Xh );
    auto f2 = form1( _test=Xh );
    LOG(INFO) << "created form2 a2 and form1 F2\n";

    // assemblage

    a2 = integrate( elements( meshBis ),
                    + gradt( u2 )*trans( grad( v ) ),
                    _Q<10>() );
    LOG(INFO) << "a2 grad.grad term\n";
    a2 += integrate( boundaryfaces( meshBis ),
                     - gradt( u2 )*N()*id( v )
                     + gammabc*idt( u2 )*id( v )/hFace(),
                     _Q<10>() );
    LOG(INFO) << "a2 weak dirichlet terms\n";

    f2 = integrate( elements( meshBis ),
                    trans( f )*id( v ),
                    _Q<10>() );
    LOG(INFO) << "f2 source term\n";
    f2 += integrate( boundaryfaces( meshBis ),
                     + gammabc*u_exact*id( v )/hFace(),
                     _Q<10>() );
    LOG(INFO) << "f2 dirichlet terms\n";

    LOG(INFO) << "a2,f2 assembled\n";

    //form2( Xh, Xh, A2 ) +=
    //     on( boundaryfaces(mesh) , u2, F2, u_exact );

#if 0

    for ( size_type i = 0 ; i< F->size() ; ++i )
        auto errOnF = std::abs( ( *F )( i )-( *F2 )( i ) );

        if ( errOnF > 1e-8 )
            std::cout << "\nerrOnF : " << errOnF;

    std::cout << "\nFin errOnF !!!!\n";

    // solve system
    a2.solve( _rhs=f2, _solution=u2 );

    auto diff = std::sqrt( integrate( elements( mesh ), ( idv( u )-idv( u2 ) )*( idv( u )-idv( u2 ) ) ).evaluate()( 0,0 ) );
#if 0
    auto int1 = integrate( elements( mesh ), abs( idv( u ) ) ).evaluate()( 0,0 );
    auto int2 = integrate( elements( mesh ), abs( idv( u2 ) ) ).evaluate()( 0,0 );

    std::cout << "\nThe diff : " << diff
              << " int1 :" << int1
              << " int2 :" << int2
              << "\n";
    BOOST_CHECK_SMALL( diff,1e-2 );


    if ( option("exporter.export").as<bool>() )
        // export
        auto ex = exporter( _mesh=mesh );
        ex->add( "u", u );
        ex->add( "ubis", u2 );
Ejemplo n.º 26
void fourier_harmonic_3D(std::vector<Real> harmonics, Real lc, Real R, std::string output_name,int verbose){
    ////=======================  Mesh building  =====================////
    if (verbose>0){
        std::cout<<"Construction du maillage"<<std::endl;
    ////=======================  Mesh loading  ======================////
    if (verbose>0){
        std::cout<<"Chargement du maillage"<<std::endl;
    Real kappa=1.;
    geometry geom;
    mesh_2D Omega(geom);
    ////================== Calcul de la normale =====================////
    nrml_2D n_(Omega);
    ////================ Assemblage de la matrice ===================////
    if (verbose>0){
        std::cout<<"Assemblage operateurs integraux"<<std::endl;
    int nbelt = nb_elt(Omega);
    P1_2D dof(Omega);
    int nbdof = nb_dof(dof);

    if (verbose>0){
        std::cout<<"Matrice de taille: ";
        std::cout<<nbdof<< std::endl;
        std::cout<<"Nel: ";
        std::cout<<nbelt<< std::endl;

    gmm_dense V(nbdof,nbdof),W(nbdof,nbdof),K(nbdof,nbdof),M(nbdof,nbdof);
    bem<P1_2D,P1_2D, SLP_3D>   Vop (kappa,n_,n_);
    bem<P1_2D,P1_2D, HSP_3D>   Wop (kappa,n_,n_);
    bem<P1_2D,P1_2D, DLP_3D>   Kop (kappa,n_,n_);
    progress bar("assembly", nbelt*nbelt,verbose);
    for(int j=0; j<nbelt; j++){
        const elt_2D& tj = Omega[j];
        const N3&     jj = dof[j];
        for(int k=0; k<nbelt; k++,bar++){
            const elt_2D& tk = Omega[k];
            const N3&     kk = dof[k];
            V (jj,kk) += Vop  (tj,tk);
            W (jj,kk) += Wop  (tj,tk);
            K (jj,kk) += Kop  (tj,tk);
        M(jj,jj) += MassP1(tj);

    // for (int l=0;l<harmonics.size();l++){
    //     Real p = harmonics[l];
    //     ////=============================================================////
    //     ////================== Harmonique de Fourier ====================////
    //     ////=============================================================////
    //     vect<Cplx> Ep;resize(Ep,nbdof);fill(Ep,0.);
    //     for (int j=0 ; j<nbelt ; j++){
    //         const elt_2D& seg = Omega[j];
    //         const N3&     I   = dof[j];
    //         R3 X0; X0[0] =  seg[0][0];X0[1]=seg[0][1]; X0[2]=seg[0][2];
    //         R3 X1; X1[0] =  seg[1][0];X1[1]=seg[1][1]; X1[2]=seg[1][2];
    //         R3 X2; X2[0] =  seg[2][0];X2[1]=seg[2][1]; X2[2]=seg[2][2];

    //         Real phi0 = atan2(X0[1],X0[0]);
    //         Real phi1 = atan2(X1[1],X1[0]);
    //         Real phi2 = atan2(X2[1],X2[0]);

    //         Real theta0 = acos(X0[2]);
    //         Real theta1 = acos(X1[2]);
    //         Real theta2 = acos(X2[2]);

    //         if (phi0<0){
    //             phi0 += 2 * M_PI;
    //         }
    //         if (phi1<0){
    //             phi1 += 2 * M_PI;
    //         }
    //         if (phi2<0){
    //             phi2 += 2 * M_PI;
    //         }

    //         C3 Vinc;

    //         Vinc[0] =  boost::math::spherical_harmonic(p,p,theta0,phi0);
    //         Vinc[1] =  boost::math::spherical_harmonic(p,p,theta1,phi1);
    //         Vinc[2] =  boost::math::spherical_harmonic(p,p,theta2,phi2);

    //         Ep[I] = Vinc;   
    //     }

    //     vect<Cplx> Eph;resize(Eph,nbdof);fill(Eph,0.);
    //     mv_prod(Eph,M,Ep);

    // 	////=============================================================////
    //     ////================== Calcul valeurs propres ===================////
    //     ////=============================================================////
    //     ////===================================////
    //     ////===== Test avec orthogonalité =====////
    //     Cplx val =0;
    //     Cplx err =0;
    //     for(int j=0; j<nbdof; j++){
    //     	val += Ep[j]*conj(Eph[j]);
    //     }
    //     err = abs(val)-1;
    //     std::cout<<"PS : "<<err<<std::endl;

    //     ////===================================////
    //     ////=========== Test avec V ===========////
    //     val =0;
    //     Real err_V =0;
    //     Cplx j_p = boost::math::sph_bessel(p, kappa*R);
    //     Cplx y_p = boost::math::sph_neumann(p, kappa*R);
    //     Cplx h_p = boost::math::sph_hankel_1(p, kappa*R);
    //     Cplx j_p_prime = boost::math::sph_bessel_prime(p, kappa*R);
    //     Cplx y_p_prime = boost::math::sph_neumann_prime(p, kappa*R);
    //     Cplx h_p_prime = j_p_prime + iu * y_p_prime;
    //     Cplx ref = iu * kappa * j_p * h_p;

    //    vect<Cplx> Temp;resize(Temp,nbdof);fill(Temp,0.);
    //    mv_prod(Temp,V,Ep);
    //    for(int j=0; j<nbdof; j++){
    //        val    += conj(Ep[j])*Temp[j];
    //    }
    //    //
    //    err_V = abs(val-ref) /abs(ref);
    //    if (verbose>0){
    //        std::cout<<"V : "<<err_V<<std::endl;
    //    }

    //     ////===================================////
    //     ////=========== Test avec W ===========////
    //     val =0;
    //     Real err_W =0;
    //     ref = - iu * pow(kappa,3) * j_p_prime * h_p_prime;
    //     fill(Temp,0.);
    //     mv_prod(Temp,W,Ep);
    //     for(int j=0; j<nbdof; j++){
    //         val    += conj(Ep[j])*Temp[j];
    //     }
    //     err_W = abs(val-ref) /abs(ref);
    //     if (verbose>0){
    //         std::cout<<"W : "<<err_W<<std::endl;
    //     }
    //     ////===================================////
    //     ////=========== Test avec K ===========////
    //     val =0;
    //     Real err_K =0;
    //     ref = iu /2. * kappa*kappa * (j_p_prime * h_p + j_p * h_p_prime);

    //     fill(Temp,0.);
    //     mv_prod(Temp,K,Ep);

    //     for(int j=0; j<nbdof; j++){
    //         val    += conj(Ep[j])*Temp[j];
    //     }
    //     err_K = abs(val-ref) /abs(ref);
    //     if (verbose>0){
    //         std::cout<<"K : "<<err_K<<std::endl;
    //     }
    //     ////=============================================================////
    //     ////======================== Sauvegardes ========================////
    //     ////=============================================================////
    //     std::ofstream output((output_name+"_"+NbrToStr<Real>(p)+".txt").c_str(),std::ios::app);
    //     if (!output){
    //         std::cerr<<"Output file cannot be created"<<std::endl;
    //         exit(1);
    //     }
    //     else{
    //         output<<lc<<" "<<err_V<<" "<<err_W<<" "<<err_K<<std::endl;
    //     }

    //     output.close();
    // if (l == 0)
    // {
    //     std::cout << p << "P" << std::endl;
    // }
    // }

Ejemplo n.º 27
bool Reed_Solomon::decode(const bvec &coded_bits, const ivec &erasure_positions, bvec &decoded_message, bvec &cw_isvalid)
  bool decoderfailure, no_dec_failure;
  int j, i, kk, l, L, foundzeros, iterations = floor_i(static_cast<double>(coded_bits.length()) / (n * m));
  bvec mbit(m * k);
  decoded_message.set_size(iterations * k * m, false);

  GFX rx(q, n - 1), cx(q, n - 1), mx(q, k - 1), ex(q, n - 1), S(q, 2 * t), Xi(q, 2 * t), Gamma(q), Lambda(q),
      Psiprime(q), OldLambda(q), T(q), Omega(q);
  GFX dummy(q), One(q, (char*)"0"), Omegatemp(q);
  GF delta(q), tempsum(q), rtemp(q), temp(q), Xk(q), Xkinv(q);
  ivec errorpos;

  if ( erasure_positions.length() ) {
    it_assert(max(erasure_positions) < iterations*n, "Reed_Solomon::decode: erasure position is invalid.");
  no_dec_failure = true;
  for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
    decoderfailure = false;
    //Fix the received polynomial r(x)
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      rtemp.set(q, coded_bits.mid(i * n * m + j * m, m));
      rx[j] = rtemp;
    // Fix the Erasure polynomial Gamma(x)
    // and replace erased coordinates with zeros
    rtemp.set(q, -1);
    ivec alphapow = - ones_i(2);
    Gamma = One;
    for (j = 0; j < erasure_positions.length(); j++) {
      rx[erasure_positions(j)] = rtemp;
      alphapow(1) = erasure_positions(j);
      Gamma *= (One - GFX(q, alphapow));
    //Fix the syndrome polynomial S(x).
    for (j = 1; j <= 2 * t; j++) {
      S[j] = rx(GF(q, b + j - 1));
    // calculate the modified syndrome polynomial Xi(x) = Gamma * (1+S) - 1
    Xi = Gamma * (One + S) - One;
    // Apply Berlekam-Massey algorithm
    if (Xi.get_true_degree() >= 1) { //Errors in the received word
      // Iterate to find Lambda(x), which hold all error locations
      kk = 0;
      Lambda = One;
      L = 0;
      T = GFX(q, (char*)"-1 0");
      while (kk < 2 * t) {
        kk = kk + 1;
        tempsum = GF(q, -1);
        for (l = 1; l <= L; l++) {
          tempsum += Lambda[l] * Xi[kk - l];
        delta = Xi[kk] - tempsum;
        if (delta != GF(q, -1)) {
          OldLambda = Lambda;
          Lambda -= delta * T;
          if (2 * L < kk) {
            L = kk - L;
            T = OldLambda / delta;
        T = GFX(q, (char*)"-1 0") * T;
      // Find the zeros to Lambda(x)
      foundzeros = 0;
      for (j = q - 2; j >= 0; j--) {
        if (Lambda(GF(q, j)) == GF(q, -1)) {
          errorpos(foundzeros) = (n - j) % n;
          foundzeros += 1;
          if (foundzeros >= Lambda.get_true_degree()) {
      if (foundzeros != Lambda.get_true_degree()) {
        decoderfailure = true;
      else { // Forney algorithm...
        //Compute Omega(x) using the key equation for RS-decoding
        Omega.set_degree(2 * t);
        Omegatemp = Lambda * (One + Xi);
        for (j = 0; j <= 2 * t; j++) {
          Omega[j] = Omegatemp[j];
        //Find the error/erasure magnitude polynomial by treating them the same
        Psiprime = formal_derivate(Lambda*Gamma);
        errorpos = concat(errorpos, erasure_positions);
        for (j = 0; j < errorpos.length(); j++) {
          Xk = GF(q, errorpos(j));
          Xkinv = GF(q, 0) / Xk;
          // we calculate ex = - error polynomial, in order to avoid the 
          // subtraction when recunstructing the corrected codeword
          ex[errorpos(j)] = (Xk * Omega(Xkinv)) / Psiprime(Xkinv);
          if (b != 1) { // non-narrow-sense code needs corrected error magnitudes
            int correction_exp = ( errorpos(j)*(1-b) ) % n;
            ex[errorpos(j)] *= GF(q, correction_exp + ( (correction_exp < 0) ? n : 0 ));
        //Reconstruct the corrected codeword.
        // instead of subtracting the error/erasures, we calculated 
        // the negative error with 'ex' above
        cx = rx + ex;
        //Code word validation
        for (j = 1; j <= 2 * t; j++) {
          S[j] = cx(GF(q, b + j - 1));
        if (S.get_true_degree() >= 1) {
          decoderfailure = true;
    else {
      cx = rx;
      decoderfailure = false;
    //Find the message polynomial
    if (decoderfailure == false) {
      if (cx.get_true_degree() >= 1) { // A nonzero codeword was transmitted
        if (systematic) {
          for (j = 0; j < k; j++) {
            mx[j] = cx[j];
        else {
          mx = divgfx(cx, g);
        for (j = 0; j <= mx.get_true_degree(); j++) {
          mbit.replace_mid(j * m, mx[j].get_vectorspace());
    else { //Decoder failure.
      // for a systematic code it is better to extract the undecoded message
      // from the received code word, i.e. obtaining a bit error
      // prob. p_b << 1/2, than setting all-zero (p_b = 1/2)
      if (systematic) {
        mbit = coded_bits.mid(i * n * m, k * m);
      else {
        mbit = zeros_b(k);
      no_dec_failure = false;
    decoded_message.replace_mid(i * m * k, mbit);
    cw_isvalid(i) = (!decoderfailure);
  return no_dec_failure;
Ejemplo n.º 28
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    El::Environment env( argc, argv );

        typedef double Real;
        typedef El::Complex<Real> Scalar;

        const El::Int m = El::Input("--height","height of matrix",20);
        const El::Int n = El::Input("--width","width of matrix",100);
        const El::Int r = El::Input("--rank","rank of matrix",5);
        const El::Int maxSteps =
          El::Input("--maxSteps","max # of steps of QR",10);
        const Real tol = El::Input("--tol","tolerance for ID",Real(-1));
        const bool print = El::Input("--print","print matrices?",false);
        const bool smallestFirst =
          El::Input("--smallestFirst","smallest norm first?",false);

        El::mpi::Comm comm = El::mpi::COMM_WORLD;

        const El::Grid& grid = El::Grid::Default();
        El::DistMatrix<Scalar> U(grid), V(grid), A(grid);
        El::Uniform( U, m, r );
        El::Uniform( V, n, r );
        El::Gemm( El::NORMAL, El::ADJOINT, Scalar(1), U, V, A );
        const Real frobA = El::FrobeniusNorm( A );
        if( print )
            El::Print( A, "A" );

        El::DistPermutation Omega(grid);
        El::DistMatrix<Scalar,El::STAR,El::VR> Z(grid);
        El::QRCtrl<Real> ctrl;
        ctrl.boundRank = true;
        ctrl.maxRank = maxSteps;
        if( tol != -1. )
            ctrl.adaptive = true;
            ctrl.tol = tol;
        ctrl.smallestFirst = smallestFirst;
        El::Timer timer;
        if( El::mpi::Rank(comm) == 0 )
        El::ID( A, Omega, Z, ctrl );
        if( El::mpi::Rank(comm) == 0 )
        const El::Int rank = Z.Height();
        if( print )
            El::DistMatrix<El::Int> OmegaFull(grid);
            Omega.ExplicitMatrix( OmegaFull );
            El::Print( OmegaFull, "Omega" );
            El::Print( Z, "Z" );

        // Pivot A and form the matrix of its (hopefully) dominant columns
        El::Timer permTimer("permTimer");
        Omega.PermuteCols( A );

        auto hatA( A );
        hatA.Resize( m, rank );
        if( print )
            El::Print( A, "A Omega^T" );
            El::Print( hatA, "\\hat{A}" );

        // Check || A Omega^T - \hat{A} [I, Z] ||_F / || A ||_F
        El::DistMatrix<Scalar> AL(grid), AR(grid);
        El::PartitionRight( A, AL, AR, rank );
        El::Zero( AL );
            El::DistMatrix<Scalar,El::MC,El::STAR> hatA_MC_STAR(grid);
            El::DistMatrix<Scalar,El::STAR,El::MR> Z_STAR_MR(grid);
            hatA_MC_STAR.AlignWith( AR );
            Z_STAR_MR.AlignWith( AR );
            hatA_MC_STAR = hatA;
            Z_STAR_MR = Z;
            ( El::NORMAL, El::NORMAL,
              Scalar(-1), hatA_MC_STAR, Z_STAR_MR, Scalar(1), AR );
        const Real frobError = El::FrobeniusNorm( A );
        if( print )
            El::Print( A, "A Omega^T - \\hat{A} [I, Z]" );

        if( El::mpi::Rank(comm) == 0 )
            El::Output("  ID time: ",timer.Total()," secs");
            ("|| A ||_F = ",frobA,"\n",
             "|| A Omega^T - \\hat{A} [I, Z] ||_F / || A ||_F = ",
    catch( std::exception& e ) { El::ReportException(e); }

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 29
void MR::propagateCavityFields() {
    Real sum_even, sum_odd;
    Real maxdev;
    size_t maxruns = 1000;

    for( size_t i = 0; i < G.nrNodes(); i++ )
        bforeach( const Neighbor &j, G.nb(i) )
            M[i][j.iter] = 0.1;

    size_t run=0;
    do {
        for( size_t i = 0; i < G.nrNodes(); i++ ) {
            bforeach( const Neighbor &j, G.nb(i) ) {
                size_t _j = j.iter;
                size_t _i = G.findNb(j,i);
                DAI_ASSERT( G.nb(j,_i) == i );

                Real newM = 0.0;
                if( props.updates == Properties::UpdateType::FULL ) {
                    // find indices in nb(j) that do not correspond with i
                    sub_nb _nbj_min_i(G.nb(j).size());

                    // find indices in nb(i) that do not correspond with j
                    sub_nb _nbi_min_j(G.nb(i).size());

                    sum_subs(j, _nbj_min_i, &sum_even, &sum_odd);
                    newM = (tanh(theta[j]) * sum_even + sum_odd) / (sum_even + tanh(theta[j]) * sum_odd);

                    sum_subs(i, _nbi_min_j, &sum_even, &sum_odd);
                    Real denom = sum_even + tanh(theta[i]) * sum_odd;
                    Real numer = 0.0;
                    for(size_t _k=0; _k < G.nb(i).size(); _k++) if(_k != _j) {
                        sub_nb _nbi_min_jk(_nbi_min_j);
                        sum_subs(i, _nbi_min_jk, &sum_even, &sum_odd);
                        numer += tJ[i][_k] * cors[i][_j][_k] * (tanh(theta[i]) * sum_even + sum_odd);
                    newM -= numer / denom;
                } else if( props.updates == Properties::UpdateType::LINEAR ) {
                    newM = T(j,_i);
                    for(size_t _l=0; _l<G.nb(i).size(); _l++) if( _l != _j )
                        newM -= Omega(i,_j,_l) * tJ[i][_l] * cors[i][_j][_l];
                    for(size_t _l1=0; _l1<G.nb(j).size(); _l1++) if( _l1 != _i )
                        for( size_t _l2=_l1+1; _l2<G.nb(j).size(); _l2++) if( _l2 != _i)
                            newM += Gamma(j,_i,_l1,_l2) * tJ[j][_l1] * tJ[j][_l2] * cors[j][_l1][_l2];

                Real dev = newM - M[i][_j];
//              dev *= 0.02;
                if( abs(dev) >= maxdev )
                    maxdev = abs(dev);

                newM = M[i][_j] + dev;
                if( abs(newM) > 1.0 )
                    newM = (newM > 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
                M[i][_j] = newM;
    } while((maxdev>props.tol)&&(run<maxruns));

    _iters = run;
    if( maxdev > _maxdiff )
        _maxdiff = maxdev;

        if( props.verbose >= 1 )
            cerr << "MR::propagateCavityFields: Convergence not reached (maxdev=" << maxdev << ")..." << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 30
static Real vphi(const Real x1, const Real x2, const Real x3) {
	return x1*Omega(x1);