void Z_DC_Spread_Policy::OnFOrderChanged(OrderField* pOrder,int nLastTradedVolume,int nFilledVolume, char cOrderStatus)
	//cout<<"Order Change: "<<pOrder->InstrumentID<<" "<<pOrder<<" "<<m_MyTradeA.m_pOrder<<" "<<m_MyTradeB.m_pOrder<<" "<<pOrder->ErrorID<<" "<<cOrderStatus<<endl;
	if(pOrder == m_MyTradeA.m_pOrder){
	else if(pOrder == m_MyTradeB.m_pOrder){
LLBoundListener LLEventPump::listen_impl(const std::string& name, const LLEventListener& listener,
                                         const NameList& after,
                                         const NameList& before)
    // Check for duplicate name before connecting listener to mSignal
    ConnectionMap::const_iterator found = mConnections.find(name);
    // In some cases the user might disconnect a connection explicitly -- or
    // might use LLEventTrackable to disconnect implicitly. Either way, we can
    // end up retaining in mConnections a zombie connection object that's
    // already been disconnected. Such a connection object can't be
    // reconnected -- nor, in the case of LLEventTrackable, would we want to
    // try, since disconnection happens with the destruction of the listener
    // object. That means it's safe to overwrite a disconnected connection
    // object with the new one we're attempting. The case we want to prevent
    // is only when the existing connection object is still connected.
    if (found != mConnections.end() && found->second.connected())
        throw DupListenerName(std::string("Attempt to register duplicate listener name '") + name +
                              "' on " + typeid(*this).name() + " '" + getName() + "'");
    // Okay, name is unique, try to reconcile its dependencies. Specify a new
    // "node" value that we never use for an mSignal placement; we'll fix it
    // later.
    DependencyMap::node_type& newNode = mDeps.add(name, -1.0, after, before);
    // What if this listener has been added, removed and re-added? In that
    // case newNode already has a non-negative value because we never remove a
    // listener from mDeps. But keep processing uniformly anyway in case the
    // listener was added back with different dependencies. Then mDeps.sort()
    // would put it in a different position, and the old newNode placement
    // value would be wrong, so we'd have to reassign it anyway. Trust that
    // re-adding a listener with the same dependencies is the trivial case for
    // mDeps.sort(): it can just replay its cache.
    DependencyMap::sorted_range sorted_range;
        // Can we pick an order that works including this new entry?
        sorted_range = mDeps.sort();
    catch (const DependencyMap::Cycle& e)
        // No: the new node's after/before dependencies have made mDeps
        // unsortable. If we leave the new node in mDeps, it will continue
        // to screw up all future attempts to sort()! Pull it out.
        throw Cycle(std::string("New listener '") + name + "' on " + typeid(*this).name() +
                    " '" + getName() + "' would cause cycle: " + e.what());
    // Walk the list to verify that we haven't changed the order.
    float previous = 0.0, myprev = 0.0;
    DependencyMap::sorted_iterator mydmi = sorted_range.end(); // need this visible after loop
    for (DependencyMap::sorted_iterator dmi = sorted_range.begin();
         dmi != sorted_range.end(); ++dmi)
        // Since we've added the new entry with an invalid placement,
        // recognize it and skip it.
        if (dmi->first == name)
            // Remember the iterator belonging to our new node, and which
            // placement value was 'previous' at that point.
            mydmi = dmi;
            myprev = previous;
        // If the new node has rearranged the existing nodes, we'll find
        // that their placement values are no longer in increasing order.
        if (dmi->second < previous)
            // This is another scenario in which we'd better back out the
            // newly-added node from mDeps -- but don't do it yet, we want to
            // traverse the existing mDeps to report on it!
            // Describe the change to the order of our listeners. Copy
            // everything but the newest listener to a vector we can sort to
            // obtain the old order.
            typedef std::vector< std::pair<float, std::string> > SortNameList;
            SortNameList sortnames;
            for (DependencyMap::sorted_iterator cdmi(sorted_range.begin()), cdmend(sorted_range.end());
                 cdmi != cdmend; ++cdmi)
                if (cdmi->first != name)
                    sortnames.push_back(SortNameList::value_type(cdmi->second, cdmi->first));
            std::sort(sortnames.begin(), sortnames.end());
            std::ostringstream out;
            out << "New listener '" << name << "' on " << typeid(*this).name() << " '" << getName()
                << "' would move previous listener '" << dmi->first << "'\nwas: ";
            SortNameList::const_iterator sni(sortnames.begin()), snend(sortnames.end());
            if (sni != snend)
                out << sni->second;
                while (++sni != snend)
                    out << ", " << sni->second;
            out << "\nnow: ";
            DependencyMap::sorted_iterator ddmi(sorted_range.begin()), ddmend(sorted_range.end());
            if (ddmi != ddmend)
                out << ddmi->first;
                while (++ddmi != ddmend)
                    out << ", " << ddmi->first;
            // NOW remove the offending listener node.
            // Having constructed a description of the order change, inform caller.
            throw OrderChange(out.str());
        // This node becomes the previous one.
        previous = dmi->second;
    // We just got done with a successful mDeps.add(name, ...) call. We'd
    // better have found 'name' somewhere in that sorted list!
    assert(mydmi != sorted_range.end());
    // Four cases:
    // 0. name is the only entry: placement 1.0
    // 1. name is the first of several entries: placement (next placement)/2
    // 2. name is between two other entries: placement (myprev + (next placement))/2
    // 3. name is the last entry: placement ceil(myprev) + 1.0
    // Since we've cleverly arranged for myprev to be 0.0 if name is the
    // first entry, this folds down to two cases. Case 1 is subsumed by
    // case 2, and case 0 is subsumed by case 3. So we need only handle
    // cases 2 and 3, which means we need only detect whether name is the
    // last entry. Increment mydmi to see if there's anything beyond.
    if (++mydmi != sorted_range.end())
        // The new node isn't last. Place it between the previous node and
        // the successor.
        newNode = (myprev + mydmi->second)/2.0;
        // The new node is last. Bump myprev up to the next integer, add
        // 1.0 and use that.
        newNode = std::ceil(myprev) + 1.0;
    // Now that newNode has a value that places it appropriately in mSignal,
    // connect it.
    LLBoundListener bound = mSignal->connect(newNode, listener);
    mConnections[name] = bound;
    return bound;