Ejemplo n.º 1
// runs through the given file and calculates PAA with a N points in each block
std::string PAAaFile(std::string inData, int N) {
    if (N <= 0) {
        std::cout << "ERROR: block size is " << N << ": should be greater than 0" << std::endl;
        return "";
    std::ifstream inFile(inData.c_str());
    std::string PAAFile = createPAAFilepath(inData);
    std::ofstream outFile(PAAFile.c_str());
    std::string timePoint;
    std::size_t newLine = std::string::npos;
    std::vector<double> data;
    char delim = ',';

    if (!inFile) {
        std::cout << "ERROR: ifstream failed on " << inData << ": " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
        return "";

    int len = inFile.tellg();
    std::getline(inFile, timePoint);
    if (timePoint.find(",") == std::string::npos) { // no commas
        delim = ' ';
    inFile.seekg(len, std::ios_base::beg);

    while (inFile.good()) {
        // run until N time points are grabbed OR
        // the end of the time series is hit
        for (int i=0; (i < N) && (newLine == std::string::npos); i++ ) {
            // get one time value
            std::getline(inFile, timePoint, delim);
            // check if we hit the end of the time series
            // ex) "number1\nnumber2"
            newLine = timePoint.find("\n");

        // send one chunk of data to PAA and write to outFile
        outFile << PAA(data) << " ";
        // clear data to grab the next chunk

        // if you hit the end of a time series "number1\nnumber2"
        if (newLine != std::string::npos) {
            // timer series break
            outFile << std::endl << std::endl;
            // add the second number to data
            if (timePoint.substr(newLine).size() > 1) {
            // reset newLine
            newLine = std::string::npos;
    return PAAFile;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char*argv[]){
	// GalPot Pot("../../Torus/pot/PJM11.Tpot");
	Logarithmic Pot(220.,1.,0.9);

		std::cerr<<"Need to pass phase-space point and filename\n";
		return 0;
	VecDoub X(6,0.);
	for(unsigned i=0;i<6;++i)
	Orbit O(&Pot);
	// Fudge
	Actions_AxisymmetricStackel_Fudge AA(&Pot,-30.);

	// Iterative Torus
	// IterativeTorusMachine Tor(&AA,&Pot,1e-8,5,1e-3);

	// Generating Function
	Actions_Genfunc AG(&Pot,"axisymmetric");

	// Average generating Function
	Actions_Genfunc_Average AGav(&Pot,"axisymmetric");

	// uvorb
	uv_orb UV(&Pot,1.,20.,10,10,"example.delta_uv");

	// Polar Adiabatic
	Actions_PolarAdiabaticApproximation PAA(&Pot,"example.paa",true,false);

	// Spheroidal Adiabatic
	Actions_SpheroidalAdiabaticApproximation SAA(&Pot,"example.saa",true,false,-30.);

	// Spheroidal Adiabatic
	Actions_StackelFit SF(&Pot);

	double tt = 10.;
	if(argc>8) tt=atof(argv[8]);
	// O.plot(0,2);

	std::ofstream outfile;
	outfile<<"# Fudge Genfunc GenfuncAv uvOrb PAA SAA FIT\n";

	int guess_alpha=1;
	VecDoub Fudge, ITorus, Genfunc, GenfuncAv, uvAct, paaAct, saaAct, fitAct;
	for(auto i:O.results()){
		Fudge = AA.actions(i,&guess_alpha);
		// ITorus = Tor.actions(i);
		Genfunc = AG.actions(i);
		GenfuncAv = AGav.actions(i);
		uvAct = UV.actions(i);
		paaAct = PAA.actions(i);
		saaAct = SAA.actions(i,&guess_alpha);
		fitAct = SF.actions(i);
				<<Fudge[0]<<" "<<Fudge[2]<<" "
				// <<ITorus[0]<<" "<<ITorus[2]<<" "
				<<Genfunc[0]<<" "<<Genfunc[2]<<" "
				<<GenfuncAv[0]<<" "<<GenfuncAv[2]<<" "
				<<uvAct[0]<<" "<<uvAct[2]<<" "
				<<paaAct[0]<<" "<<paaAct[2]<<" "
				<<saaAct[0]<<" "<<saaAct[2]<<" "
				<<fitAct[0]<<" "<<fitAct[2]<<" ";
		for(auto j:i) outfile<<j<<" ";
		outfile <<std::endl;