Ejemplo n.º 1
static INT
PAGER_HitTest (PAGER_INFO* infoPtr, const POINT * pt)
    RECT clientRect, rcTopLeft, rcBottomRight;
    POINT ptWindow;

    GetClientRect (infoPtr->hwndSelf, &clientRect);

    if (PtInRect(&clientRect, *pt))
        return -1;

    ptWindow = *pt;
    PAGER_GetButtonRects(infoPtr, &rcTopLeft, &rcBottomRight, TRUE);

    if ((infoPtr->TLbtnState != PGF_INVISIBLE) && PtInRect(&rcTopLeft, ptWindow))
        return PGB_TOPORLEFT;
    else if ((infoPtr->BRbtnState != PGF_INVISIBLE) && PtInRect(&rcBottomRight, ptWindow))
        return PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT;

    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void
PAGER_UpdateBtns(PAGER_INFO *infoPtr, INT scrollRange, BOOL hideGrayBtns)
    BOOL resizeClient;
    BOOL repaintBtns;
    INT oldTLbtnState = infoPtr->TLbtnState;
    INT oldBRbtnState = infoPtr->BRbtnState;
    POINT pt;
    RECT rcTopLeft, rcBottomRight;

    /* get button rects */
    PAGER_GetButtonRects(infoPtr, &rcTopLeft, &rcBottomRight, TRUE);

    ScreenToClient( infoPtr->hwndSelf, &pt );

    /* update states based on scroll position */
    if (infoPtr->nPos > 0)
        if (infoPtr->TLbtnState == PGF_INVISIBLE || infoPtr->TLbtnState == PGF_GRAYED)
            infoPtr->TLbtnState = PGF_NORMAL;
    else if (!hideGrayBtns && PtInRect(&rcTopLeft, pt))
        infoPtr->TLbtnState = PGF_GRAYED;
        infoPtr->TLbtnState = PGF_INVISIBLE;

    if (scrollRange <= 0)
        infoPtr->TLbtnState = PGF_INVISIBLE;
        infoPtr->BRbtnState = PGF_INVISIBLE;
    else if (infoPtr->nPos < scrollRange)
        if (infoPtr->BRbtnState == PGF_INVISIBLE || infoPtr->BRbtnState == PGF_GRAYED)
            infoPtr->BRbtnState = PGF_NORMAL;
    else if (!hideGrayBtns && PtInRect(&rcBottomRight, pt))
        infoPtr->BRbtnState = PGF_GRAYED;
        infoPtr->BRbtnState = PGF_INVISIBLE;

    /* only need to resize when entering or leaving PGF_INVISIBLE state */
    resizeClient =
        ((oldTLbtnState == PGF_INVISIBLE) != (infoPtr->TLbtnState == PGF_INVISIBLE)) ||
        ((oldBRbtnState == PGF_INVISIBLE) != (infoPtr->BRbtnState == PGF_INVISIBLE));
    /* initiate NCCalcSize to resize client wnd if necessary */
    if (resizeClient)
        SetWindowPos(infoPtr->hwndSelf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                     SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);

    /* repaint when changing any state */
    repaintBtns = (oldTLbtnState != infoPtr->TLbtnState) || 
                  (oldBRbtnState != infoPtr->BRbtnState);
    if (repaintBtns)
        SendMessageW(infoPtr->hwndSelf, WM_NCPAINT, 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static LRESULT
PAGER_NCPaint (PAGER_INFO* infoPtr, HRGN hRgn)
    RECT rcBottomRight, rcTopLeft;
    HDC hdc;

    if (infoPtr->dwStyle & WS_MINIMIZE)
        return 0;

    DefWindowProcW (infoPtr->hwndSelf, WM_NCPAINT, (WPARAM)hRgn, 0);

    if (!(hdc = GetDCEx (infoPtr->hwndSelf, 0, DCX_USESTYLE | DCX_WINDOW)))
        return 0;

    PAGER_GetButtonRects(infoPtr, &rcTopLeft, &rcBottomRight, FALSE);

    PAGER_DrawButton(hdc, infoPtr->clrBk, rcTopLeft,
                     infoPtr->dwStyle & PGS_HORZ, TRUE, infoPtr->TLbtnState);
    PAGER_DrawButton(hdc, infoPtr->clrBk, rcBottomRight,
                     infoPtr->dwStyle & PGS_HORZ, FALSE, infoPtr->BRbtnState);

    ReleaseDC( infoPtr->hwndSelf, hdc );
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static LRESULT
PAGER_MouseMove (PAGER_INFO* infoPtr, INT keys, INT x, INT y)
    POINT clpt, pt;
    RECT wnrect, *btnrect = NULL;
    BOOL topLeft = FALSE;
    INT btnstate = 0;
    INT hit;
    HDC hdc;

    pt.x = x;
    pt.y = y;

    TRACE("[%p] to (%d,%d)\n", infoPtr->hwndSelf, x, y);
    ClientToScreen(infoPtr->hwndSelf, &pt);
    GetWindowRect(infoPtr->hwndSelf, &wnrect);
    if (PtInRect(&wnrect, pt)) {
        RECT TLbtnrect, BRbtnrect;
        PAGER_GetButtonRects(infoPtr, &TLbtnrect, &BRbtnrect, FALSE);

        clpt = pt;
        MapWindowPoints(0, infoPtr->hwndSelf, &clpt, 1);
        hit = PAGER_HitTest(infoPtr, &clpt);
        if ((hit == PGB_TOPORLEFT) && (infoPtr->TLbtnState == PGF_NORMAL))
            topLeft = TRUE;
            btnrect = &TLbtnrect;
            infoPtr->TLbtnState = PGF_HOT;
            btnstate = infoPtr->TLbtnState;
        else if ((hit == PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT) && (infoPtr->BRbtnState == PGF_NORMAL))
            topLeft = FALSE;
            btnrect = &BRbtnrect;
            infoPtr->BRbtnState = PGF_HOT;
            btnstate = infoPtr->BRbtnState;

        /* If in one of the buttons the capture and draw buttons */
        if (btnrect)
            TRACE("[%p] draw btn (%ld,%ld)-(%ld,%ld), Capture %s, style %08lx\n",
                  infoPtr->hwndSelf, btnrect->left, btnrect->top,
                  btnrect->right, btnrect->bottom,
                  (infoPtr->bCapture) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE",
            if (!infoPtr->bCapture)
                TRACE("[%p] SetCapture\n", infoPtr->hwndSelf);
                infoPtr->bCapture = TRUE;
            if (infoPtr->dwStyle & PGS_AUTOSCROLL)
                SetTimer(infoPtr->hwndSelf, TIMERID1, 0x3e, 0);
            hdc = GetWindowDC(infoPtr->hwndSelf);
            /* OffsetRect(wnrect, 0 | 1, 0 | 1) */
            PAGER_DrawButton(hdc, infoPtr->clrBk, *btnrect,
                             infoPtr->dwStyle & PGS_HORZ, topLeft, btnstate);
            ReleaseDC(infoPtr->hwndSelf, hdc);
            return 0;

    /* If we think we are captured, then do release */
    if (infoPtr->bCapture && (WindowFromPoint(pt) != infoPtr->hwndSelf))
        NMHDR nmhdr;

        infoPtr->bCapture = FALSE;

        if (GetCapture() == infoPtr->hwndSelf)

            if (infoPtr->TLbtnState == PGF_GRAYED)
                infoPtr->TLbtnState = PGF_INVISIBLE;
                SetWindowPos(infoPtr->hwndSelf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                             SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE |
                             SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
            else if (infoPtr->TLbtnState == PGF_HOT)
                infoPtr->TLbtnState = PGF_NORMAL;
                /* FIXME: just invalidate button rect */
                RedrawWindow(infoPtr->hwndSelf, NULL, NULL, RDW_FRAME | RDW_INVALIDATE);

            if (infoPtr->BRbtnState == PGF_GRAYED)
                infoPtr->BRbtnState = PGF_INVISIBLE;
                SetWindowPos(infoPtr->hwndSelf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                             SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE |
                             SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
            else if (infoPtr->BRbtnState == PGF_HOT)
                infoPtr->BRbtnState = PGF_NORMAL;
                /* FIXME: just invalidate button rect */
                RedrawWindow(infoPtr->hwndSelf, NULL, NULL, RDW_FRAME | RDW_INVALIDATE);

            /* Notify parent of released mouse capture */
            memset(&nmhdr, 0, sizeof(NMHDR));
            nmhdr.hwndFrom = infoPtr->hwndSelf;
            nmhdr.idFrom   = GetWindowLongPtrW(infoPtr->hwndSelf, GWLP_ID);
            nmhdr.code = NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE;
            SendMessageW(infoPtr->hwndNotify, WM_NOTIFY,
                         (WPARAM)nmhdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
        if (IsWindow(infoPtr->hwndSelf))
            KillTimer(infoPtr->hwndSelf, TIMERID1);
    return 0;