Ejemplo n.º 1
/* read state of an individual constraint */
int dom_read_constraint (DOM *dom, PBF *bf, CON *con)
  /* read iover */

  int iover = 2;

  if (PBF_Label (bf, "IOVER"))
    PBF_Int (bf, &iover, 1);

  /* read constraint */

  for (; bf; bf = bf->next)
    int ncon;

    if (PBF_Label (bf, "CONS"))
      PBF_Int (bf, &ncon, 1);

      for (int n = 0; n < ncon; n ++)
	CON *obj = read_constraint (dom, iover, bf);

	if (con->id == obj->id)
	  *con = *obj;
          MEM_Free (&dom->conmem, obj); /* not needed */
	  return 1;
	else MEM_Free (&dom->conmem, obj); /* skip and continue */

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* map rigid onto FEM state */
int dom_rigid_to_fem (DOM *dom, PBF *bf, SET *subset)
  for (; bf; bf = bf->next)
    if (PBF_Label (bf, "DOM"))
      /* read iover */

      int iover = 2;

      if (PBF_Label (bf, "IOVER"))
	PBF_Int (bf, &iover, 1);

      ASSERT_TEXT (iover >= 3, "Output files are too old for RIGID_TO_FEM to work");

      /* read body states */

      if (subset)
	for (SET *item = SET_First (subset); item; item = SET_Next (item))
	  regex_t xp;
	  char *pattern = item->data;
	  int error = regcomp (&xp, pattern, 0);

	  if (error != 0)
	    char *message = get_regerror (error, &xp);
	    fprintf (stderr, "-->\n");
	    fprintf (stderr, "Regular expression ERROR --> %s\n", message);
	    fprintf (stderr, "<--\n");
	    regfree (&xp);
	    free (message);
	    return 0;

	  for (BODY *bod = dom->bod; bod; bod = bod->next)
	    if (bod->label && regexec (&xp, bod->label, 0, NULL, 0) == 0)
	      if (PBF_Label (bf, bod->label))
	        double conf [12],
		       velo [6],
		       energy [4];

		int rkind;
		int rconf;
		int rdofs;

		PBF_Int (bf, &rkind, 1);
		PBF_Int (bf, &rconf, 1);
		PBF_Int (bf, &rdofs, 1);
		if (bod->kind == FEM && rkind == RIG)

		  PBF_Double (bf, conf, 12);
		  PBF_Double (bf, velo, 6);
		  PBF_Double (bf, energy, 4);

		  BODY_From_Rigid (bod, conf, conf+9, velo, velo+3);
		  ASSERT_TEXT (((bod->kind == RIG || bod->kind == OBS) &&
		    (rkind == RIG || rkind == OBS)) || bod->kind == (unsigned)rkind, "Body kind mismatch when reading state");
		  ASSERT_TEXT (BODY_Conf_Size (bod) == rconf, "Body configuration size mismatch when reading state");
		  ASSERT_TEXT (bod->dofs == rdofs, "Body dofs size mismatch when reading state");

		  BODY_Read_State (bod, bf, 0); /* use 0 state to skip reading of rkind, rnconf, rdofs */

	  regfree (&xp);
	ASSERT_TEXT (0, "Regular expressions require POSIX support --> recompile Solfec with POSIX=yes");
	return 0;

	int nbod;

	PBF_Int (bf, &nbod, 1);

	for (int n = 0; n < nbod; n ++)
	  double conf [12], velo [6], energy [4];
	  unsigned int id;
	  BODY *bod;
	  int rank;

	  PBF_Uint (bf, &id, 1);

	  bod = MAP_Find (dom->idb, (void*) (long) id, NULL);

	  if (bod) /* update state of existing bodies only */
	    int rkind;
	    int rconf;
	    int rdofs;

	    PBF_Int (bf, &rkind, 1);
	    PBF_Int (bf, &rconf, 1);
	    PBF_Int (bf, &rdofs, 1);
	    if (bod->kind == FEM && rkind == RIG)

	      PBF_Double (bf, conf, 12);
	      PBF_Double (bf, velo, 6);
	      PBF_Double (bf, energy, 4);
	      if (bf->parallel == PBF_ON)
		PBF_Int (bf, &rank, 1);

	      BODY_From_Rigid (bod, conf, conf+9, velo, velo+3);
	      ASSERT_TEXT (((bod->kind == RIG || bod->kind == OBS) &&
		(rkind == RIG || rkind == OBS)) || bod->kind == (unsigned)rkind, "Body kind mismatch when reading state");
	      ASSERT_TEXT (BODY_Conf_Size (bod) == rconf, "Body configuration size mismatch when reading state");
	      ASSERT_TEXT (bod->dofs == rdofs, "Body dofs size mismatch when reading state");

	      BODY_Read_State (bod, bf, 0); /* use 0 state to skip reading of rkind, rnconf, rdofs */
	  else /* mock read */
	    int rkind;
	    int rconf;
	    int rdofs;

	    PBF_Int (bf, &rkind, 1);
	    PBF_Int (bf, &rconf, 1);
	    PBF_Int (bf, &rdofs, 1);

	    double *conf;
	    double *velo;
	    double energy[10];
	    int rank;

	    ERRMEM (conf = malloc (sizeof(double) * rconf));
	    ERRMEM (velo = malloc (sizeof(double) * rdofs));

	    PBF_Double (bf, conf, rconf);
	    PBF_Double (bf, velo, rdofs);
	    PBF_Double (bf, energy, BODY_ENERGY_SIZE(rkind));
	    if (bf->parallel == PBF_ON)
	      PBF_Int (bf, &rank, 1);

	    free (conf);
	    free (velo);

  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* initialize domain state */
int dom_init_state (DOM *dom, PBF *bf, SET *subset)
  for (; bf; bf = bf->next)
    if (PBF_Label (bf, "DOM"))
      /* read iover */

      int iover = 2;

      if (PBF_Label (bf, "IOVER"))
	PBF_Int (bf, &iover, 1);
      ASSERT_TEXT (iover >= 3, "Output files are too old for INITIALISE_STATE to work");

      /* read body states */

      if (subset)
	for (SET *item = SET_First (subset); item; item = SET_Next (item))
	  regex_t xp;
	  char *pattern = item->data;
	  int error = regcomp (&xp, pattern, 0);

	  if (error != 0)
	    char *message = get_regerror (error, &xp);
	    fprintf (stderr, "-->\n");
	    fprintf (stderr, "Regular expression ERROR --> %s\n", message);
	    fprintf (stderr, "<--\n");
	    regfree (&xp);
	    free (message);
	    return 0;

	  for (BODY *bod = dom->bod; bod; bod = bod->next)
	    if (bod->label && regexec (&xp, bod->label, 0, NULL, 0) == 0)
	      if (PBF_Label (bf, bod->label))
	        BODY_Read_State (bod, bf, iover);

	  regfree (&xp);
	ASSERT_TEXT (0, "Regular expressions require POSIX support --> recompile Solfec with POSIX=yes");
	return 0;

	int nbod;

	PBF_Int (bf, &nbod, 1);

	for (int n = 0; n < nbod; n ++)
	  unsigned int id;
	  BODY *bod;

	  PBF_Uint (bf, &id, 1);
	  bod = MAP_Find (dom->idb, (void*) (long) id, NULL);

	  if (bod) /* update state of existing bodies only */
	    BODY_Read_State (bod, bf, iover);
	  else /* mock read */
	    int rkind;
	    int rconf;
	    int rdofs;

	    PBF_Int (bf, &rkind, 1);
	    PBF_Int (bf, &rconf, 1);
	    PBF_Int (bf, &rdofs, 1);

	    double *conf;
	    double *velo;
	    double energy[10];
	    int rank;

	    ERRMEM (conf = malloc (sizeof(double) * rconf));
	    ERRMEM (velo = malloc (sizeof(double) * rdofs));

	    PBF_Double (bf, conf, rconf);
	    PBF_Double (bf, velo, rdofs);
	    PBF_Double (bf, energy, BODY_ENERGY_SIZE(rkind));
	    if (bf->parallel == PBF_ON)
	      PBF_Int (bf, &rank, 1);

	    free (conf);
	    free (velo);

  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* read state of an individual body */
int dom_read_body (DOM *dom, PBF *bf, BODY *bod)
  /* read iover */

  int iover = 2;

  if (PBF_Label (bf, "IOVER"))
    PBF_Int (bf, &iover, 1);

  if (bod->label)
    for (; bf; bf = bf->next)
      if (PBF_Label (bf, bod->label))
	BODY_Read_State (bod, bf, iover);
	return 1;
    for (; bf; bf = bf->next)
      if (PBF_Label (bf, "BODS"))
	int nbod;

	PBF_Int (bf, &nbod, 1);

	for (int n = 0; n < nbod; n ++)
	  unsigned int id;
	  BODY *obj;

	  PBF_Uint (bf, &id, 1);
	  ASSERT_DEBUG_EXT (obj = MAP_Find (dom->idb, (void*) (long) id, NULL), "Body id invalid");
	  if (bod->id == obj->id) 
	    BODY_Read_State (bod, bf, iover);
	    return 1;
	  else /* skip body and continue */
	    BODY fake;

	    ERRMEM (fake.conf = malloc (sizeof (double [BODY_Conf_Size (obj)])));
	    ERRMEM (fake.velo = malloc (sizeof (double [obj->dofs])));
	    fake.shape = NULL;

	    BODY_Read_State (&fake, bf, iover);

	    free (fake.conf);
	    free (fake.velo);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* read domain state */
void dom_read_state (DOM *dom, PBF *bf)
  BODY *bod, *next;
  int ncon;

  /* clear contacts */
  MAP_Free (&dom->mapmem, &dom->idc);
  MEM_Release (&dom->conmem);
  dom->con = NULL;
  dom->ncon = 0;

  /* read all bodies if needed */
  if (!dom->allbodiesread) read_new_bodies (dom, bf);

  /* mark all bodies as absent */
  for (bod = dom->bod; bod; bod = bod->next) bod->flags |= BODY_ABSENT;

  SET *usedlabel = NULL;

  for (; bf; bf = bf->next)
    if (PBF_Label (bf, "DOM"))
      /* read iover */

      int iover = 2;

      if (PBF_Label (bf, "IOVER"))
	PBF_Int (bf, &iover, 1);

      /* read time step */

      ASSERT (PBF_Label (bf, "STEP"), ERR_FILE_FORMAT);

      PBF_Double (bf, &dom->step, 1);

      /* read constraints merit */

      ASSERT (PBF_Label (bf, "MERIT"), ERR_FILE_FORMAT);

      PBF_Double (bf, &dom->merit, 1);

      /* read body states */

      ASSERT (PBF_Label (bf, "BODS"), ERR_FILE_FORMAT);

      int nbod;

      PBF_Int (bf, &nbod, 1);

      for (int n = 0; n < nbod; n ++)
	unsigned int id;

	PBF_Uint (bf, &id, 1);
	bod = MAP_Find (dom->idb, (void*) (long) id, NULL);

	if (bod == NULL) /* pick from all bodies set */
	  ASSERT_DEBUG_EXT (bod = MAP_Find (dom->allbodies, (void*) (long) id, NULL), "Body id invalid");

	  if (bod->label)
	    MAP *node = MAP_Find_Node (dom->lab, bod->label, (MAP_Compare)strcmp);
	    if (node)
	      node->data = bod; /* body fregments can inherit labels */
	      SET_Insert (NULL, &usedlabel, bod->label, (SET_Compare)strcmp);
	    else MAP_Insert (&dom->mapmem, &dom->lab, bod->label, bod, (MAP_Compare) strcmp);
	  MAP_Insert (&dom->mapmem, &dom->idb, (void*) (long) bod->id, bod, NULL);
	  bod->next = dom->bod;
	  if (dom->bod) dom->bod->prev = bod;
	  dom->bod = bod;
	  bod->dom = dom;
	  dom->nbod ++;

	BODY_Read_State (bod, bf, iover);
	bod->flags &= ~BODY_ABSENT;

      /* read constraints */

      ASSERT (PBF_Label (bf, "CONS"), ERR_FILE_FORMAT);
      PBF_Int (bf, &ncon, 1);

      for (int n = 0; n < ncon; n ++)
	CON *con;
	con = read_constraint (dom, iover, bf);
	MAP_Insert (&dom->mapmem, &dom->idc, (void*) (long) con->id, con, NULL);
	con->next = dom->con;
	if (dom->con) dom->con->prev = con;
	dom->con = con;

      dom->ncon += ncon;

  /* remove absent bodies */
  for (bod = dom->bod; bod; bod = next)
    next = bod->next;

    if (bod->flags & BODY_ABSENT)
      if (bod->label && !SET_Contains (usedlabel, bod->label, (SET_Compare)strcmp))
	MAP_Delete (&dom->mapmem, &dom->lab, bod->label, (MAP_Compare) strcmp);
      MAP_Delete (&dom->mapmem, &dom->idb, (void*) (long) bod->id, NULL);
      if (bod->next) bod->next->prev = bod->prev;
      if (bod->prev) bod->prev->next = bod->next;
      else dom->bod = bod->next;
      dom->nbod --;

  SET_Free (NULL, &usedlabel);

  /* attach constraints to bodies */
  dom_attach_constraints (dom);
Ejemplo n.º 6
/* write domain state */
void dom_write_state (DOM *dom, PBF *bf, SET *subset)
  /* mark domain output */

  PBF_Label (bf, "DOM");

#if IOVER >= 3
  /* write iover */

  PBF_Label (bf, "IOVER");

  int iover  = ABS (dom->solfec->iover);

  PBF_Int (bf, &iover, 1);

  /* write time step */

  PBF_Label (bf, "STEP");

  PBF_Double (bf, &dom->step, 1);

  /* write constraints merit */

  PBF_Label (bf, "MERIT");

  PBF_Double (bf, &dom->merit, 1);

  /* write complete data of newly created bodies and empty the newly created bodies set */

  write_new_bodies (dom); /* writing is done to a separate file */

  SET_Free (&dom->setmem, &dom->newb);

  /* write regular bodies (this also includes states of newly created ones) */

  PBF_Label (bf, "BODS");

  if (subset)
    int nbod = SET_Size (subset);

    PBF_Int (bf, &nbod, 1);
  else PBF_Int (bf, &dom->nbod, 1);

  for (BODY *bod = dom->bod; bod; bod = bod->next)
    if (subset && !SET_Find (subset, (void*) (long) bod->id, NULL)) continue;

    PBF_Uint (bf, &bod->id, 1);

    if (bod->label) PBF_Label (bf, bod->label); /* label body record for fast access */

    BODY_Write_State (bod, bf);

  /* write constraints */

  PBF_Label (bf, "CONS");

  if (subset)
    int ncon = 0;

    for (CON *con = dom->con; con; con = con->next)
      if (subset)
	if (!SET_Find (subset, (void*) (long) con->master->id, NULL)) continue;
	if (con->slave && !SET_Find (subset, (void*) (long) con->slave->id, NULL)) continue;

      ncon ++;

    PBF_Int (bf, &ncon, 1);
  else PBF_Int (bf, &dom->ncon, 1);

  for (CON *con = dom->con; con; con = con->next)
    if (subset)
      if (!SET_Find (subset, (void*) (long) con->master->id, NULL)) continue;
      if (con->slave && !SET_Find (subset, (void*) (long) con->slave->id, NULL)) continue;

    write_constraint (con, bf);
Ejemplo n.º 7
static int read (PBF *bf, int n)
  char *pstr = NULL;
  double d;
  float f;
  unsigned long ul;
  long l;
  unsigned int ui;
  int i;
  unsigned short us;
  short s;
  unsigned char uc;
  char c;

  char _str [512];
  double _d = (double)n;
  float _f = (float)n;
  unsigned long _ul = (unsigned long)n;
  long _l = (long)n;
  unsigned int _ui = (unsigned int)n;
  int _i = n;
  unsigned short _us = (unsigned short) (n % 32767);
  short _s = (short) (n % 32767);
  unsigned char _uc = (unsigned char) (n % 127);
  char _c = (char) (n % 127);

  sprintf (_str, "CURRENT NUMBER IS %d", n);

  PBF_Time (bf, &d);
  if (d != (double)n) return 0;

  PBF_String (bf, &pstr);
  PBF_Double (bf, &d, 1);
  PBF_Float (bf, &f, 1);
  PBF_Ulong (bf, &ul, 1);
  PBF_Long (bf, &l, 1);
  PBF_Uint (bf, &ui, 1);
  PBF_Int (bf, &i, 1);
  PBF_Ushort (bf, &us, 1);
  PBF_Short (bf, &s, 1);
  PBF_Uchar (bf, &uc, 1);
  PBF_Char (bf, &c, 1);

  if (strcmp (pstr, _str) != 0 ||
      d != _d || f != _f || ul != _ul ||
      l != _l || ui != _ui || i != _i ||
      us != _us || s != _s || uc != _uc || c != _c) return 0;

  free (pstr); pstr = NULL;
  d = 0.; f = 0.; ul = 0; l = 0;
  ui = 0; i = 0; us = 0; s = 0;
  uc = 0; c = 0;

  PBF_Label (bf, "STRING");
  PBF_String (bf, &pstr);
  PBF_Label (bf, "DOUBLE");
  PBF_Double (bf, &d, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "FLOAT");
  PBF_Float (bf, &f, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "ULONG");
  PBF_Ulong (bf, &ul, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "LONG");
  PBF_Long (bf, &l, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "UINT");
  PBF_Uint (bf, &ui, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "INT");
  PBF_Int (bf, &i, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "USHORT");
  PBF_Ushort (bf, &us, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "SHORT");
  PBF_Short (bf, &s, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "UCHAR");
  PBF_Uchar (bf, &uc, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "CHAR");
  PBF_Char (bf, &c, 1);

  if (strcmp (pstr, _str) != 0 ||
      d != _d || f != _f || ul != _ul ||
      l != _l || ui != _ui || i != _i ||
      us != _us || s != _s || uc != _uc || c != _c) return 0;

  free (pstr);

  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void write (PBF *bf, int n)
  char str [512], *pstr = str;
  double d = (double)n;
  float f = (float)n;
  unsigned long ul = (unsigned long)n;
  long l = (long)n;
  unsigned int ui = (unsigned int)n;
  int i = n;
  unsigned short us = (unsigned short) (n % 32767);
  short s = (short) (n % 32767);
  unsigned char uc = (unsigned char) (n % 127);
  char c = (char) (n % 127);

  sprintf (str, "CURRENT NUMBER IS %d", n);

  /* output time */
  PBF_Time (bf, &d);

  /* write unlabled data */
  PBF_String (bf, &pstr);
  PBF_Double (bf, &d, 1);
  PBF_Float (bf, &f, 1);
  PBF_Ulong (bf, &ul, 1);
  PBF_Long (bf, &l, 1);
  PBF_Uint (bf, &ui, 1);
  PBF_Int (bf, &i, 1);
  PBF_Ushort (bf, &us, 1);
  PBF_Short (bf, &s, 1);
  PBF_Uchar (bf, &uc, 1);
  PBF_Char (bf, &c, 1);

  /* write labeled data */
  PBF_Label (bf, "STRING");
  PBF_String (bf, &pstr);
  PBF_Label (bf, "DOUBLE");
  PBF_Double (bf, &d, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "FLOAT");
  PBF_Float (bf, &f, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "ULONG");
  PBF_Ulong (bf, &ul, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "LONG");
  PBF_Long (bf, &l, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "UINT");
  PBF_Uint (bf, &ui, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "INT");
  PBF_Int (bf, &i, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "USHORT");
  PBF_Ushort (bf, &us, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "SHORT");
  PBF_Short (bf, &s, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "UCHAR");
  PBF_Uchar (bf, &uc, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "CHAR");
  PBF_Char (bf, &c, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 9
int main (int argc, char **argv)
  char *s, str [512];
  int n, nmax;
  double d;
  PBF *bf;

  if (argc == 1)
    printf ("pbftest [NUMBER OF SAMPLES] [COMPRESSION FLAG]\n");
    return 0;

  if (argc >= 2 && isdigit (argv [1][0]))
    nmax = atoi (argv [1]);
  else nmax = 10;

  bf = PBF_Write ("pbftest.state");

  if (argc >= 3)
    if (atoi (argv [2]) == 1)
      bf->compression = PBF_ON; /* enable compression */

  for (n = 1; n <= nmax; n ++) write (bf, n);
  PBF_Close (bf);

  bf = PBF_Read ("pbftest.state");
  for (n = 1; n <= nmax; n ++) 
    if (!read (bf, n))
      fprintf (stderr, "FAILED (reading all)\n");
      return 1;
    PBF_Forward (bf, 1);

  /* read every third double */
  PBF_Seek (bf, 0);
  for (n = 1; n <= nmax; n += 3)
    PBF_Label (bf, "DOUBLE");
    PBF_Double (bf, &d, 1);
    if (d != (double) n)
      fprintf (stderr, "FAILED (forward reading every 3rd labeled double)\n");
      return 1;
    PBF_Forward (bf, 3);

  /* read every fifth string */
  PBF_Seek (bf, 0);
  for (n = 1; n <= nmax; n += 5)
    PBF_Label (bf, "STRING");
    s = NULL;
    PBF_String (bf, &s);
    sprintf (str, "CURRENT NUMBER IS %d", n);
    if (strcmp (s, str) != 0)
      fprintf (stderr, "FAILED (forward reading every 5th labeled string)\n");
      return 1;
    PBF_Forward (bf, 5);
    free (s);

  /* do the same backwards */
  PBF_Seek (bf, nmax);
  for (n = nmax; n >= 1; n -= 3)
    PBF_Label (bf, "DOUBLE");
    PBF_Double (bf, &d, 1);
    if (d != (double) n)
      fprintf (stderr, "FAILED (backward reading every 3rd labeled double)\n");
      return 1;
    PBF_Backward (bf, 3);
  PBF_Seek (bf, nmax);
  for (n = nmax; n >= 1; n -= 5)
    PBF_Label (bf, "STRING");
    s = NULL;
    PBF_String (bf, &s);
    sprintf (str, "CURRENT NUMBER IS %d", n);
    if (strcmp (s, str) != 0)
      fprintf (stderr, "FAILED (forward reading every 5th labeled string)\n");
      return 1;
    PBF_Backward (bf, 5);
    free (s);
  PBF_Close (bf);

  printf ("PASSED\n");
  return 0;