Ejemplo n.º 1
pcl::WorldModel<PointT>::setSliceAsNans (const double origin_x, const double origin_y, const double origin_z, const double offset_x, const double offset_y, const double offset_z, const int size_x, const int size_y, const int size_z)
  PointCloudPtr slice (new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>);
  // prepare filter limits on all dimensions  
  double previous_origin_x = origin_x;
  double previous_limit_x = origin_x + size_x - 1;
  double new_origin_x = origin_x + offset_x;
  double new_limit_x = previous_limit_x + offset_x;

  double previous_origin_y = origin_y;
  double previous_limit_y = origin_y + size_y - 1;
  double new_origin_y = origin_y + offset_y;
  double new_limit_y = previous_limit_y + offset_y;  
  double previous_origin_z = origin_z;
  double previous_limit_z = origin_z + size_z - 1;
  double new_origin_z = origin_z + offset_z;
  double new_limit_z = previous_limit_z + offset_z; 
  // get points of slice on X (we actually set a negative filter and set the ouliers (so, our slice points) to nan)
  double lower_limit_x, upper_limit_x;
  if(offset_x >=0)
    lower_limit_x = previous_origin_x;
    upper_limit_x = new_origin_x;
    lower_limit_x = new_limit_x;
    upper_limit_x = previous_limit_x;    
  PCL_DEBUG ("Limit X: [%f - %f]\n", lower_limit_x, upper_limit_x);
  ConditionOrPtr range_cond_OR_x (new pcl::ConditionOr<PointT> ());
  range_cond_OR_x->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("x", pcl::ComparisonOps::GE,  upper_limit_x ))); // filtered dimension
  range_cond_OR_x->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("x", pcl::ComparisonOps::LT,  lower_limit_x ))); // filtered dimension
  range_cond_OR_x->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("y", pcl::ComparisonOps::GE,  previous_limit_y)));
  range_cond_OR_x->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("y", pcl::ComparisonOps::LT,  previous_origin_y )));
  range_cond_OR_x->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("z", pcl::ComparisonOps::GE,  previous_limit_z)));
  range_cond_OR_x->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("z", pcl::ComparisonOps::LT,  previous_origin_z )));

  pcl::ConditionalRemoval<PointT> condrem_x (range_cond_OR_x, true);
  condrem_x.setInputCloud (world_);
  condrem_x.setKeepOrganized (false);
  // apply filter
  condrem_x.filter (*slice);  
  IndicesConstPtr indices_x = condrem_x.getRemovedIndices ();
  //set outliers (so our slice points) to nan
  setIndicesAsNans(world_, indices_x);
  PCL_DEBUG("%d points set to nan on X\n", indices_x->size ());
  // get points of slice on Y (we actually set a negative filter and set the ouliers (so, our slice points) to nan)
  double lower_limit_y, upper_limit_y;
  if(offset_y >=0)
    lower_limit_y = previous_origin_y;
    upper_limit_y = new_origin_y;
    lower_limit_y = new_limit_y;
    upper_limit_y = previous_limit_y;    
  PCL_DEBUG ("Limit Y: [%f - %f]\n", lower_limit_y, upper_limit_y);
  ConditionOrPtr range_cond_OR_y (new pcl::ConditionOr<PointT> ());
  range_cond_OR_y->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("x", pcl::ComparisonOps::GE,  previous_limit_x )));
  range_cond_OR_y->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("x", pcl::ComparisonOps::LT,  previous_origin_x )));
  range_cond_OR_y->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("y", pcl::ComparisonOps::GE,  upper_limit_y))); // filtered dimension
  range_cond_OR_y->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("y", pcl::ComparisonOps::LT,  lower_limit_y ))); // filtered dimension
  range_cond_OR_y->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("z", pcl::ComparisonOps::GE,  previous_limit_z)));
  range_cond_OR_y->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("z", pcl::ComparisonOps::LT,  previous_origin_z )));

  pcl::ConditionalRemoval<PointT> condrem_y (range_cond_OR_y, true);
  condrem_y.setInputCloud (world_);
  condrem_y.setKeepOrganized (false);
  // apply filter
  condrem_y.filter (*slice);  
  IndicesConstPtr indices_y = condrem_y.getRemovedIndices ();
  //set outliers (so our slice points) to nan
  setIndicesAsNans(world_, indices_y);
  PCL_DEBUG ("%d points set to nan on Y\n", indices_y->size ());
  // get points of slice on Z (we actually set a negative filter and set the ouliers (so, our slice points) to nan)
  double lower_limit_z, upper_limit_z;
  if(offset_z >=0)
    lower_limit_z = previous_origin_z;
    upper_limit_z = new_origin_z;
    lower_limit_z = new_limit_z;
    upper_limit_z = previous_limit_z;    
  PCL_DEBUG ("Limit Z: [%f - %f]\n", lower_limit_z, upper_limit_z);
  ConditionOrPtr range_cond_OR_z (new pcl::ConditionOr<PointT> ());
  range_cond_OR_z->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("x", pcl::ComparisonOps::GE,  previous_limit_x )));
  range_cond_OR_z->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("x", pcl::ComparisonOps::LT,  previous_origin_x )));
  range_cond_OR_z->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("y", pcl::ComparisonOps::GE,  previous_limit_y)));
  range_cond_OR_z->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("y", pcl::ComparisonOps::LT,  previous_origin_y )));
  range_cond_OR_z->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("z", pcl::ComparisonOps::GE,  upper_limit_z))); // filtered dimension
  range_cond_OR_z->addComparison (FieldComparisonConstPtr (new pcl::FieldComparison<PointT> ("z", pcl::ComparisonOps::LT,  lower_limit_z ))); // filtered dimension

  pcl::ConditionalRemoval<PointT> condrem_z (range_cond_OR_z, true);
  condrem_z.setInputCloud (world_);
  condrem_z.setKeepOrganized (false);
  // apply filter
  condrem_z.filter (*slice);  
  IndicesConstPtr indices_z = condrem_z.getRemovedIndices ();
  //set outliers (so our slice points) to nan
  setIndicesAsNans(world_, indices_z);
  PCL_DEBUG("%d points set to nan on Z\n", indices_z->size ());
Ejemplo n.º 2
template <typename PointSource, typename PointTarget, typename Scalar> void
pcl::IterativeClosestPoint<PointSource, PointTarget, Scalar>::computeTransformation (
    PointCloudSource &output, const Matrix4 &guess)
  // Point cloud containing the correspondences of each point in <input, indices>
  PointCloudSourcePtr input_transformed (new PointCloudSource);

  nr_iterations_ = 0;
  converged_ = false;

  // Initialise final transformation to the guessed one
  final_transformation_ = guess;

  // If the guessed transformation is non identity
  if (guess != Matrix4::Identity ())
    input_transformed->resize (input_->size ());
     // Apply guessed transformation prior to search for neighbours
    transformCloud (*input_, *input_transformed, guess);
    *input_transformed = *input_;
  transformation_ = Matrix4::Identity ();

  // Make blobs if necessary
  determineRequiredBlobData ();
  PCLPointCloud2::Ptr target_blob (new PCLPointCloud2);
  if (need_target_blob_)
    pcl::toPCLPointCloud2 (*target_, *target_blob);

  // Pass in the default target for the Correspondence Estimation/Rejection code
  correspondence_estimation_->setInputTarget (target_);
  if (correspondence_estimation_->requiresTargetNormals ())
    correspondence_estimation_->setTargetNormals (target_blob);
  // Correspondence Rejectors need a binary blob
  for (size_t i = 0; i < correspondence_rejectors_.size (); ++i)
    registration::CorrespondenceRejector::Ptr& rej = correspondence_rejectors_[i];
    if (rej->requiresTargetPoints ())
      rej->setTargetPoints (target_blob);
    if (rej->requiresTargetNormals () && target_has_normals_)
      rej->setTargetNormals (target_blob);

  convergence_criteria_->setMaximumIterations (max_iterations_);
  convergence_criteria_->setRelativeMSE (euclidean_fitness_epsilon_);
  convergence_criteria_->setTranslationThreshold (transformation_epsilon_);
  convergence_criteria_->setRotationThreshold (1.0 - transformation_epsilon_);

  // Repeat until convergence
    // Get blob data if needed
    PCLPointCloud2::Ptr input_transformed_blob;
    if (need_source_blob_)
      input_transformed_blob.reset (new PCLPointCloud2);
      toPCLPointCloud2 (*input_transformed, *input_transformed_blob);
    // Save the previously estimated transformation
    previous_transformation_ = transformation_;

    // Set the source each iteration, to ensure the dirty flag is updated
    correspondence_estimation_->setInputSource (input_transformed);
    if (correspondence_estimation_->requiresSourceNormals ())
      correspondence_estimation_->setSourceNormals (input_transformed_blob);
    // Estimate correspondences
    if (use_reciprocal_correspondence_)
      correspondence_estimation_->determineReciprocalCorrespondences (*correspondences_, corr_dist_threshold_);
      correspondence_estimation_->determineCorrespondences (*correspondences_, corr_dist_threshold_);

    //if (correspondence_rejectors_.empty ())
    CorrespondencesPtr temp_correspondences (new Correspondences (*correspondences_));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < correspondence_rejectors_.size (); ++i)
      registration::CorrespondenceRejector::Ptr& rej = correspondence_rejectors_[i];
      PCL_DEBUG ("Applying a correspondence rejector method: %s.\n", rej->getClassName ().c_str ());
      if (rej->requiresSourcePoints ())
        rej->setSourcePoints (input_transformed_blob);
      if (rej->requiresSourceNormals () && source_has_normals_)
        rej->setSourceNormals (input_transformed_blob);
      rej->setInputCorrespondences (temp_correspondences);
      rej->getCorrespondences (*correspondences_);
      // Modify input for the next iteration
      if (i < correspondence_rejectors_.size () - 1)
        *temp_correspondences = *correspondences_;

    size_t cnt = correspondences_->size ();
    // Check whether we have enough correspondences
    if (static_cast<int> (cnt) < min_number_correspondences_)
      PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::computeTransformation] Not enough correspondences found. Relax your threshold parameters.\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      converged_ = false;

    // Estimate the transform
    transformation_estimation_->estimateRigidTransformation (*input_transformed, *target_, *correspondences_, transformation_);

    // Tranform the data
    transformCloud (*input_transformed, *input_transformed, transformation_);

    // Obtain the final transformation    
    final_transformation_ = transformation_ * final_transformation_;


    // Update the vizualization of icp convergence
    //if (update_visualizer_ != 0)
    //  update_visualizer_(output, source_indices_good, *target_, target_indices_good );

    converged_ = static_cast<bool> ((*convergence_criteria_));
  while (!converged_);

  // Transform the input cloud using the final transformation
  PCL_DEBUG ("Transformation is:\n\t%5f\t%5f\t%5f\t%5f\n\t%5f\t%5f\t%5f\t%5f\n\t%5f\t%5f\t%5f\t%5f\n\t%5f\t%5f\t%5f\t%5f\n", 
      final_transformation_ (0, 0), final_transformation_ (0, 1), final_transformation_ (0, 2), final_transformation_ (0, 3),
      final_transformation_ (1, 0), final_transformation_ (1, 1), final_transformation_ (1, 2), final_transformation_ (1, 3),
      final_transformation_ (2, 0), final_transformation_ (2, 1), final_transformation_ (2, 2), final_transformation_ (2, 3),
      final_transformation_ (3, 0), final_transformation_ (3, 1), final_transformation_ (3, 2), final_transformation_ (3, 3));

  // Copy all the values
  output = *input_;
  // Transform the XYZ + normals
  transformCloud (*input_, output, final_transformation_);
Ejemplo n.º 3
template <typename T> bool
pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addRectangle (
    const typename pcl::PointCloud<T>::ConstPtr &image,
    const T &min_pt,
    const T &max_pt,
    double r, double g, double b,
    const std::string &layer_id, double opacity)
  // We assume that the data passed into image is organized, otherwise this doesn't make sense
  if (!image->isOrganized ())
    return (false);

  // Check to see if this ID entry already exists (has it been already added to the visualizer?)
  LayerMap::iterator am_it = std::find_if (layer_map_.begin (), layer_map_.end (), LayerComparator (layer_id));
  if (am_it == layer_map_.end ())
    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addRectangle] No layer with ID'=%s' found. Creating new one...\n", layer_id.c_str ());
    am_it = createLayer (layer_id, getSize ()[0] - 1, getSize ()[1] - 1, opacity, true);

  // Construct a search object to get the camera parameters
  pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor<T> search;
  search.setInputCloud (image);
  // Project the 8 corners
  T p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8;
  p1.x = min_pt.x; p1.y = min_pt.y; p1.z = min_pt.z;
  p2.x = min_pt.x; p2.y = min_pt.y; p2.z = max_pt.z;
  p3.x = min_pt.x; p3.y = max_pt.y; p3.z = min_pt.z;
  p4.x = min_pt.x; p4.y = max_pt.y; p4.z = max_pt.z;
  p5.x = max_pt.x; p5.y = min_pt.y; p5.z = min_pt.z;
  p6.x = max_pt.x; p6.y = min_pt.y; p6.z = max_pt.z;
  p7.x = max_pt.x; p7.y = max_pt.y; p7.z = min_pt.z;
  p8.x = max_pt.x; p8.y = max_pt.y; p8.z = max_pt.z;

  std::vector<pcl::PointXY> pp_2d (8);
  search.projectPoint (p1, pp_2d[0]);
  search.projectPoint (p2, pp_2d[1]);
  search.projectPoint (p3, pp_2d[2]);
  search.projectPoint (p4, pp_2d[3]);
  search.projectPoint (p5, pp_2d[4]);
  search.projectPoint (p6, pp_2d[5]);
  search.projectPoint (p7, pp_2d[6]);
  search.projectPoint (p8, pp_2d[7]);

  pcl::PointXY min_pt_2d, max_pt_2d;
  min_pt_2d.x = min_pt_2d.y = std::numeric_limits<float>::max ();
  max_pt_2d.x = max_pt_2d.y = std::numeric_limits<float>::min ();
  // Search for the two extrema
  for (size_t i = 0; i < pp_2d.size (); ++i)
    if (pp_2d[i].x < min_pt_2d.x) min_pt_2d.x = pp_2d[i].x;
    if (pp_2d[i].y < min_pt_2d.y) min_pt_2d.y = pp_2d[i].y;
    if (pp_2d[i].x > max_pt_2d.x) max_pt_2d.x = pp_2d[i].x;
    if (pp_2d[i].y > max_pt_2d.y) max_pt_2d.y = pp_2d[i].y;
  min_pt_2d.y = float (image->height) - min_pt_2d.y;
  max_pt_2d.y = float (image->height) - max_pt_2d.y;

  vtkSmartPointer<context_items::Rectangle> rect = vtkSmartPointer<context_items::Rectangle>::New ();
  rect->setColors (static_cast<unsigned char> (255.0 * r), 
                   static_cast<unsigned char> (255.0 * g), 
                   static_cast<unsigned char> (255.0 * b));
  rect->setOpacity (opacity);
  rect->set (min_pt_2d.x, min_pt_2d.y, (max_pt_2d.x - min_pt_2d.x), (max_pt_2d.y - min_pt_2d.y));  
  am_it->actor->GetScene ()->AddItem (rect);

  return (true);
template <typename PointFeature> float
pcl::PyramidFeatureHistogram<PointFeature>::comparePyramidFeatureHistograms (const PyramidFeatureHistogramPtr &pyramid_a,
                                                                             const PyramidFeatureHistogramPtr &pyramid_b)
  // do a few consistency checks before and during the computation
  if (pyramid_a->nr_dimensions != pyramid_b->nr_dimensions)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PyramidFeatureMatching::comparePyramidFeatureHistograms] The two given pyramids have different numbers of dimensions: %u vs %u\n", pyramid_a->nr_dimensions, pyramid_b->nr_dimensions);
    return -1;
  if (pyramid_a->nr_levels != pyramid_b->nr_levels)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PyramidFeatureMatching::comparePyramidFeatureHistograms] The two given pyramids have different numbers of levels: %u vs %u\n", pyramid_a->nr_levels, pyramid_b->nr_levels);
    return -1;

  // calculate for level 0 first
  if (pyramid_a->hist_levels[0].hist.size () != pyramid_b->hist_levels[0].hist.size ())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PyramidFeatureMatching::comparePyramidFeatureHistograms] The two given pyramids have different numbers of bins on level 0: %u vs %u\n", pyramid_a->hist_levels[0].hist.size (), pyramid_b->hist_levels[0].hist.size ());
    return -1;
  float match_count_level = 0.0f, match_count_prev_level = 0.0f;
  for (size_t bin_i = 0; bin_i < pyramid_a->hist_levels[0].hist.size (); ++bin_i)
    if (pyramid_a->hist_levels[0].hist[bin_i] < pyramid_b->hist_levels[0].hist[bin_i])
      match_count_level += pyramid_a->hist_levels[0].hist[bin_i];
      match_count_level += pyramid_b->hist_levels[0].hist[bin_i];

  float match_count = match_count_level;
  for (size_t level_i = 1; level_i < pyramid_a->nr_levels; ++level_i)
    if (pyramid_a->hist_levels[level_i].hist.size () != pyramid_b->hist_levels[level_i].hist.size ())
      PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PyramidFeatureMatching::comparePyramidFeatureHistograms] The two given pyramids have different numbers of bins on level %u: %u vs %u\n", level_i, pyramid_a->hist_levels[level_i].hist.size (), pyramid_b->hist_levels[level_i].hist.size ());
      return -1;

    match_count_prev_level = match_count_level;
    match_count_level = 0.0f;
    for (size_t bin_i = 0; bin_i < pyramid_a->hist_levels[level_i].hist.size (); ++bin_i)
      if (pyramid_a->hist_levels[level_i].hist[bin_i] < pyramid_b->hist_levels[level_i].hist[bin_i])
        match_count_level += pyramid_a->hist_levels[level_i].hist[bin_i];
        match_count_level += pyramid_b->hist_levels[level_i].hist[bin_i];

    float level_normalization_factor = pow(2.0f, (int) level_i);
    match_count += (match_count_level - match_count_prev_level) / level_normalization_factor;

  // include self-similarity factors
  float self_similarity_a = pyramid_a->nr_features,
      self_similarity_b = pyramid_b->nr_features;
  PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::PyramidFeatureMatching::comparePyramidFeatureHistograms] Self similarity measures: %f, %f\n", self_similarity_a, self_similarity_b);
  match_count /= sqrt (self_similarity_a * self_similarity_b);

  return match_count;
Ejemplo n.º 5
template <typename PointT> bool
pcl::RandomizedMEstimatorSampleConsensus<PointT>::computeModel (int debug_verbosity_level)
  // Warn and exit if no threshold was set
  if (threshold_ == DBL_MAX)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::RandomizedMEstimatorSampleConsensus::computeModel] No threshold set!\n");
    return (false);

  iterations_ = 0;
  double d_best_penalty = DBL_MAX;
  double k = 1.0;

  std::vector<int> best_model;
  std::vector<int> selection;
  Eigen::VectorXf model_coefficients;
  std::vector<double> distances;
  std::set<int> indices_subset;

  int n_inliers_count = 0;

  // Number of samples to try randomly
  size_t fraction_nr_points = pcl_lrint (sac_model_->getIndices ()->size () * fraction_nr_pretest_ / 100.0);

  // Iterate
  while (iterations_ < k)
    // Get X samples which satisfy the model criteria
    sac_model_->getSamples (iterations_, selection);

    if (selection.empty ()) break;

    // Search for inliers in the point cloud for the current plane model M
    if (!sac_model_->computeModelCoefficients (selection, model_coefficients))

    // RMSAC addon: verify a random fraction of the data
    // Get X random samples which satisfy the model criterion
    this->getRandomSamples (sac_model_->getIndices (), fraction_nr_points, indices_subset);

    if (!sac_model_->doSamplesVerifyModel (indices_subset, model_coefficients, threshold_))
      // Unfortunately we cannot "continue" after the first iteration, because k might not be set, while iterations gets incremented
      if (k != 1.0)

    double d_cur_penalty = 0;
    // Iterate through the 3d points and calculate the distances from them to the model
    sac_model_->getDistancesToModel (model_coefficients, distances);

    if (distances.empty () && k > 1.0)

    for (size_t i = 0; i < distances.size (); ++i)
      d_cur_penalty += (std::min) (distances[i], threshold_);

    // Better match ?
    if (d_cur_penalty < d_best_penalty)
      d_best_penalty = d_cur_penalty;

      // Save the current model/coefficients selection as being the best so far
      model_              = selection;
      model_coefficients_ = model_coefficients;

      n_inliers_count = 0;
      // Need to compute the number of inliers for this model to adapt k
      for (size_t i = 0; i < distances.size (); ++i)
        if (distances[i] <= threshold_)

      // Compute the k parameter (k=log(z)/log(1-w^n))
      double w = (double)((double)n_inliers_count / (double)sac_model_->getIndices ()->size ());
      double p_no_outliers = 1 - pow (w, (double)selection.size ());
      p_no_outliers = (std::max) (std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon (), p_no_outliers);       // Avoid division by -Inf
      p_no_outliers = (std::min) (1 - std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon (), p_no_outliers);   // Avoid division by 0.
      k = log (1 - probability_) / log (p_no_outliers);

    if (debug_verbosity_level > 1)
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::RandomizedMEstimatorSampleConsensus::computeModel] Trial %d out of %d. Best penalty is %f.\n", iterations_, (int)ceil (k), d_best_penalty);
    if (iterations_ > max_iterations_)
      if (debug_verbosity_level > 0)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::RandomizedMEstimatorSampleConsensus::computeModel] MSAC reached the maximum number of trials.\n");

  if (model_.empty ())
    if (debug_verbosity_level > 0)
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::RandomizedMEstimatorSampleConsensus::computeModel] Unable to find a solution!\n");
    return (false);

  // Iterate through the 3d points and calculate the distances from them to the model again
  sac_model_->getDistancesToModel (model_coefficients_, distances);
  std::vector<int> &indices = *sac_model_->getIndices ();
  if (distances.size () != indices.size ())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::RandomizedMEstimatorSampleConsensus::computeModel] Estimated distances (%lu) differs than the normal of indices (%lu).\n", (unsigned long)distances.size (), (unsigned long)indices.size ());
    return (false);

  inliers_.resize (distances.size ());
  // Get the inliers for the best model found
  n_inliers_count = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < distances.size (); ++i)
    if (distances[i] <= threshold_)
      inliers_[n_inliers_count++] = indices[i];

  // Resize the inliers vector
  inliers_.resize (n_inliers_count);

  if (debug_verbosity_level > 0)
    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::RandomizedMEstimatorSampleConsensus::computeModel] Model: %lu size, %d inliers.\n", (unsigned long)model_.size (), n_inliers_count);

  return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 6
template <typename PointT> void
pcl::SACSegmentation<PointT>::initSAC (const int method_type)
  if (sac_)
    sac_.reset ();
  // Build the sample consensus method
  switch (method_type)
    case SAC_RANSAC:
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSAC] Using a method of type: SAC_RANSAC with a model threshold of %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), threshold_);
      sac_.reset (new RandomSampleConsensus<PointT> (model_, threshold_));
    case SAC_LMEDS:
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSAC] Using a method of type: SAC_LMEDS with a model threshold of %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), threshold_);
      sac_.reset (new LeastMedianSquares<PointT> (model_, threshold_));
    case SAC_MSAC:
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSAC] Using a method of type: SAC_MSAC with a model threshold of %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), threshold_);
      sac_.reset (new MEstimatorSampleConsensus<PointT> (model_, threshold_));
    case SAC_RRANSAC:
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSAC] Using a method of type: SAC_RRANSAC with a model threshold of %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), threshold_);
      sac_.reset (new RandomizedRandomSampleConsensus<PointT> (model_, threshold_));
    case SAC_RMSAC:
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSAC] Using a method of type: SAC_RMSAC with a model threshold of %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), threshold_);
      sac_.reset (new RandomizedMEstimatorSampleConsensus<PointT> (model_, threshold_));
    case SAC_MLESAC:
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSAC] Using a method of type: SAC_MLESAC with a model threshold of %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), threshold_);
      sac_.reset (new MaximumLikelihoodSampleConsensus<PointT> (model_, threshold_));
    case SAC_PROSAC:
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSAC] Using a method of type: SAC_PROSAC with a model threshold of %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), threshold_);
      sac_.reset (new ProgressiveSampleConsensus<PointT> (model_, threshold_));
  // Set the Sample Consensus parameters if they are given/changed
  if (sac_->getProbability () != probability_)
    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSAC] Setting the desired probability to %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), probability_);
    sac_->setProbability (probability_);
  if (max_iterations_ != -1 && sac_->getMaxIterations () != max_iterations_)
    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSAC] Setting the maximum number of iterations to %d\n", getClassName ().c_str (), max_iterations_);
    sac_->setMaxIterations (max_iterations_);
Ejemplo n.º 7
template <typename PointXYZT, typename PointRGBT> bool
pcl::LineRGBD<PointXYZT, PointRGBT>::loadTemplates (const std::string &file_name, const size_t object_id)
  // Open the file
  int ltm_fd = pcl_open (file_name.c_str (), O_RDONLY);
  if (ltm_fd == -1)
    return (false);
  int ltm_offset = 0;

  pcl::io::TARHeader ltm_header;
  PCDReader pcd_reader;

  std::string pcd_ext (".pcd");
  std::string sqmmt_ext (".sqmmt");

  // While there still is an LTM header to be read
  while (readLTMHeader (ltm_fd, ltm_header))
    ltm_offset += 512;

    // Search for extension
    std::string chunk_name (ltm_header.file_name);

    std::transform (chunk_name.begin (), chunk_name.end (), chunk_name.begin (), tolower);
    std::string::size_type it;

    if ((it = chunk_name.find (pcd_ext)) != std::string::npos &&
        (pcd_ext.size () - (chunk_name.size () - it)) == 0)
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::LineRGBD::loadTemplates] Reading and parsing %s as a PCD file.\n", chunk_name.c_str ());
      // Read the next PCD file
      template_point_clouds_.resize (template_point_clouds_.size () + 1);
      pcd_reader.read (file_name, template_point_clouds_[template_point_clouds_.size () - 1], ltm_offset);

      // Increment the offset for the next file
      ltm_offset += (ltm_header.getFileSize ()) + (512 - ltm_header.getFileSize () % 512);
    else if ((it = chunk_name.find (sqmmt_ext)) != std::string::npos &&
             (sqmmt_ext.size () - (chunk_name.size () - it)) == 0)
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::LineRGBD::loadTemplates] Reading and parsing %s as a SQMMT file.\n", chunk_name.c_str ());

      unsigned int fsize = ltm_header.getFileSize ();
      char *buffer = new char[fsize];
      int result = static_cast<int> (::read (ltm_fd, reinterpret_cast<char*> (&buffer[0]), fsize));
      if (result == -1)
        delete [] buffer;
        PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::LineRGBD::loadTemplates] Error reading SQMMT template from file!\n");

      // Read a SQMMT file
      std::stringstream stream (std::stringstream::in | std::stringstream::out | std::stringstream::binary);
      stream.write (buffer, fsize);
      SparseQuantizedMultiModTemplate sqmmt;
      sqmmt.deserialize (stream);

      linemod_.addTemplate (sqmmt);
      object_ids_.push_back (object_id);

      // Increment the offset for the next file
      ltm_offset += (ltm_header.getFileSize ()) + (512 - ltm_header.getFileSize () % 512);

      delete [] buffer;

    if (static_cast<int> (pcl_lseek (ltm_fd, ltm_offset, SEEK_SET)) < 0)

  // Close the file
  pcl_close (ltm_fd);

  // Compute 3D bounding boxes from the template point clouds
  bounding_boxes_.resize (template_point_clouds_.size ());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < template_point_clouds_.size (); ++i)
    PointCloud<PointXYZRGBA> & template_point_cloud = template_point_clouds_[i];
    BoundingBoxXYZ & bb = bounding_boxes_[i];
    bb.x = bb.y = bb.z = std::numeric_limits<float>::max ();
    bb.width = bb.height = bb.depth = 0.0f;

    float center_x = 0.0f;
    float center_y = 0.0f;
    float center_z = 0.0f;
    float min_x = std::numeric_limits<float>::max ();
    float min_y = std::numeric_limits<float>::max ();
    float min_z = std::numeric_limits<float>::max ();
    float max_x = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max ();
    float max_y = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max ();
    float max_z = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max ();
    size_t counter = 0;
    for (size_t j = 0; j < template_point_cloud.size (); ++j)
      const PointXYZRGBA & p = template_point_cloud.points[j];

      if (!pcl_isfinite (p.x) || !pcl_isfinite (p.y) || !pcl_isfinite (p.z))

      min_x = std::min (min_x, p.x);
      min_y = std::min (min_y, p.y);
      min_z = std::min (min_z, p.z);
      max_x = std::max (max_x, p.x);
      max_y = std::max (max_y, p.y);
      max_z = std::max (max_z, p.z);

      center_x += p.x;
      center_y += p.y;
      center_z += p.z;


    center_x /= static_cast<float> (counter);
    center_y /= static_cast<float> (counter);
    center_z /= static_cast<float> (counter);

    bb.width  = max_x - min_x;
    bb.height = max_y - min_y;
    bb.depth  = max_z - min_z;

    bb.x = (min_x + bb.width / 2.0f) - center_x - bb.width / 2.0f;
    bb.y = (min_y + bb.height / 2.0f) - center_y - bb.height / 2.0f;
    bb.z = (min_z + bb.depth / 2.0f) - center_z - bb.depth / 2.0f;

    for (size_t j = 0; j < template_point_cloud.size (); ++j)
      PointXYZRGBA p = template_point_cloud.points[j];

      if (!pcl_isfinite (p.x) || !pcl_isfinite (p.y) || !pcl_isfinite (p.z))

      p.x -= center_x;
      p.y -= center_y;
      p.z -= center_z;

      template_point_cloud.points[j] = p;

  return (true);
template <typename PointT> void
pcl::ApproximateProgressiveMorphologicalFilter<PointT>::extract (std::vector<int>& ground)
  bool segmentation_is_possible = initCompute ();
  if (!segmentation_is_possible)
    deinitCompute ();

  // Compute the series of window sizes and height thresholds
  std::vector<float> height_thresholds;
  std::vector<float> window_sizes;
  std::vector<int> half_sizes;
  int iteration = 0;
  int half_size = 0.0f;
  float window_size = 0.0f;
  float height_threshold = 0.0f;

  while (window_size < max_window_size_)
    // Determine the initial window size.
    if (exponential_)
      half_size = static_cast<int> (std::pow (static_cast<float> (base_), iteration));
      half_size = (iteration+1) * base_;

    window_size = 2 * half_size + 1;

    // Calculate the height threshold to be used in the next iteration.
    if (iteration == 0)
      height_threshold = initial_distance_;
      height_threshold = slope_ * (window_size - window_sizes[iteration-1]) * cell_size_ + initial_distance_;

    // Enforce max distance on height threshold
    if (height_threshold > max_distance_)
      height_threshold = max_distance_;

    half_sizes.push_back (half_size);
    window_sizes.push_back (window_size);
    height_thresholds.push_back (height_threshold);


  // setup grid based on scale and extents
  Eigen::Vector4f global_max, global_min;
  pcl::getMinMax3D<PointT> (*input_, global_min, global_max);

  float xextent = global_max.x () - global_min.x ();
  float yextent = global_max.y () - global_min.y ();

  int rows = static_cast<int> (std::floor (yextent / cell_size_) + 1);
  int cols = static_cast<int> (std::floor (xextent / cell_size_) + 1);

  Eigen::MatrixXf A (rows, cols);
  A.setConstant (std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ());

  Eigen::MatrixXf Z (rows, cols);
  Z.setConstant (std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ());

  Eigen::MatrixXf Zf (rows, cols);
  Zf.setConstant (std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ());

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(threads_)
  for (int i = 0; i < input_->points.size (); ++i)
    // ...then test for lower points within the cell
    PointT p = input_->points[i];
    int row = std::floor(p.y - global_min.y ());
    int col = std::floor(p.x - global_min.x ());

    if (p.z < A (row, col) || pcl_isnan (A (row, col)))
      A (row, col) = p.z;

  // Ground indices are initially limited to those points in the input cloud we
  // wish to process
  ground = *indices_;

  // Progressively filter ground returns using morphological open
  for (int i = 0; i < window_sizes.size (); ++i)
    PCL_DEBUG ("      Iteration %d (height threshold = %f, window size = %f, half size = %d)...",
               i, height_thresholds[i], window_sizes[i], half_sizes[i]);

    // Limit filtering to those points currently considered ground returns
    typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>);
    pcl::copyPointCloud<PointT> (*input_, ground, *cloud);

    // Apply the morphological opening operation at the current window size.
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(threads_)
    for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row)
      int rs, re;
      rs = ((row - half_sizes[i]) < 0) ? 0 : row - half_sizes[i];
      re = ((row + half_sizes[i]) > (rows-1)) ? (rows-1) : row + half_sizes[i];

      for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col)
        int cs, ce;
        cs = ((col - half_sizes[i]) < 0) ? 0 : col - half_sizes[i];
        ce = ((col + half_sizes[i]) > (cols-1)) ? (cols-1) : col + half_sizes[i];

        float min_coeff = std::numeric_limits<float>::max ();

        for (int j = rs; j < (re + 1); ++j)
          for (int k = cs; k < (ce + 1); ++k)
            if (A (j, k) != std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ())
              if (A (j, k) < min_coeff)
                min_coeff = A (j, k);

        if (min_coeff != std::numeric_limits<float>::max ())
          Z(row, col) = min_coeff;

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(threads_)
    for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row)
      int rs, re;
      rs = ((row - half_sizes[i]) < 0) ? 0 : row - half_sizes[i];
      re = ((row + half_sizes[i]) > (rows-1)) ? (rows-1) : row + half_sizes[i];

      for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col)
        int cs, ce;
        cs = ((col - half_sizes[i]) < 0) ? 0 : col - half_sizes[i];
        ce = ((col + half_sizes[i]) > (cols-1)) ? (cols-1) : col + half_sizes[i];

        float max_coeff = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max ();

        for (int j = rs; j < (re + 1); ++j)
          for (int k = cs; k < (ce + 1); ++k)
            if (Z (j, k) != std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ())
              if (Z (j, k) > max_coeff)
                max_coeff = Z (j, k);

        if (max_coeff != -std::numeric_limits<float>::max ())
          Zf (row, col) = max_coeff;

    // Find indices of the points whose difference between the source and
    // filtered point clouds is less than the current height threshold.
    std::vector<int> pt_indices;
    for (boost::int32_t p_idx = 0; p_idx < ground.size (); ++p_idx)
      PointT p = cloud->points[p_idx];
      int erow = static_cast<int> (std::floor ((p.y - global_min.y ()) / cell_size_));
      int ecol = static_cast<int> (std::floor ((p.x - global_min.x ()) / cell_size_));

      float diff = p.z - Zf (erow, ecol);
      if (diff < height_thresholds[i])
        pt_indices.push_back (ground[p_idx]);

    A.swap (Zf);

    // Ground is now limited to pt_indices
    ground.swap (pt_indices);

    PCL_DEBUG ("ground now has %d points\n", ground.size ());

  deinitCompute ();
template <typename PointSource, typename PointTarget> inline void
TransformationEstimationJointOptimize<PointSource, PointTarget>::estimateRigidTransformation (
		const pcl::PointCloud<PointSource> &cloud_src,
		const std::vector<int> &indices_src,
		const std::vector<int> &indices_src_dfp,
		const pcl::PointCloud<PointTarget> &cloud_tgt,
		const std::vector<int> &indices_tgt,
		const std::vector<int> &indices_tgt_dfp,
		float alpha_arg,
		Eigen::Matrix4f &transformation_matrix)
	if (indices_src.size () != indices_tgt.size ())
		PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::registration::TransformationEstimationJointOptimize::estimateRigidTransformation] Number or points in source (%lu) differs than target (%lu)!\n", (unsigned long)indices_src.size (), (unsigned long)indices_tgt.size ());

	if (indices_src_dfp.size () != indices_tgt_dfp.size ())
		PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::registration::TransformationEstimationJointOptimize::estimateRigidTransformation] Number or points in source (%lu) differs than target (%lu)!\n", (unsigned long)indices_src_dfp.size (), (unsigned long)indices_tgt_dfp.size ());

	if ( (indices_src.size () + indices_tgt_dfp.size () )< 4)     // need at least 4 samples
		PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::registration::TransformationEstimationJointOptimize] ");
		PCL_ERROR ("Need at least 4 points to estimate a transform! Source and target have %lu points!",
				(unsigned long)indices_src.size ());

	// If no warp function has been set, use the default (WarpPointRigid6D)
	if (!warp_point_)
		warp_point_.reset (new pcl::WarpPointRigid6D<PointSource, PointTarget>);

	int n_unknowns = warp_point_->getDimension ();  // get dimension of unknown space
	int num_p = indices_src.size ();
	int num_dfp = indices_src_dfp.size ();
	Eigen::VectorXd x(n_unknowns);
	x.setConstant (n_unknowns, 0);

	// Set temporary pointers
	tmp_src_ = &cloud_src;
	tmp_tgt_ = &cloud_tgt;
	tmp_idx_src_ = &indices_src;
	tmp_idx_tgt_ = &indices_tgt;
	tmp_idx_src_dfp_ = &indices_src_dfp;
	tmp_idx_tgt_dfp_ = &indices_tgt_dfp;

	OptimizationFunctor functor (n_unknowns, 1, num_p, num_dfp, this); // Initialize functor
	Eigen::NumericalDiff<OptimizationFunctor> num_diff (functor); // Add derivative functionality
	Eigen::LevenbergMarquardt<Eigen::NumericalDiff<OptimizationFunctor> > lm (num_diff);
	int info = lm.minimize (x); // Minimize cost

	// Compute the norm of the residuals
//	PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::registration::TransformationEstimationLM::estimateRigidTransformation]");
//	PCL_DEBUG ("LM solver finished with exit code %i, having a residual norm of %g. \n", info, lm.fvec.norm ());
//	PCL_DEBUG ("Final solution: [%f", x[0]);
	std::cout << "[pcl::registration::TransformationEstimationJointOptimize::estimateRigidTransformation]" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "LM solver finished with exit code " << info <<", having a residual norm of " << lm.fvec.norm () << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Final solution: " << x[0] << std::endl;
	for (int i = 1; i < n_unknowns; ++i)
		PCL_DEBUG (" %f", x[i]);
	PCL_DEBUG ("]\n");

	// Return the correct transformation
	Eigen::VectorXf params = x.cast<float> ();
	warp_point_->setParam (params);
	transformation_matrix = warp_point_->getTransform ();

	tmp_src_ = NULL;
	tmp_tgt_ = NULL;
	tmp_idx_src_ = tmp_idx_tgt_ = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 10
template <typename PointT> bool
pcl::RandomizedRandomSampleConsensus<PointT>::computeModel (int debug_verbosity_level)
  // Warn and exit if no threshold was set
  if (threshold_ == DBL_MAX)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::RandomizedRandomSampleConsensus::computeModel] No threshold set!\n");
    return (false);

  iterations_ = 0;
  int n_best_inliers_count = -INT_MAX;
  double k = 1.0;

  std::vector<int> selection;
  Eigen::VectorXf model_coefficients;
  std::set<int> indices_subset;

  int n_inliers_count = 0;
  unsigned skipped_count = 0;
  // supress infinite loops by just allowing 10 x maximum allowed iterations for invalid model parameters!
  const unsigned max_skip = max_iterations_ * 10;

  // Number of samples to try randomly
  size_t fraction_nr_points = pcl_lrint (sac_model_->getIndices ()->size () * fraction_nr_pretest_ / 100.0);

  // Iterate
  while (iterations_ < k && skipped_count < max_skip)
    // Get X samples which satisfy the model criteria
    sac_model_->getSamples (iterations_, selection);

    if (selection.empty ()) break;

    // Search for inliers in the point cloud for the current plane model M
    if (!sac_model_->computeModelCoefficients (selection, model_coefficients))
      ++ skipped_count;

    // RRANSAC addon: verify a random fraction of the data
    // Get X random samples which satisfy the model criterion
    this->getRandomSamples (sac_model_->getIndices (), fraction_nr_points, indices_subset);
    if (!sac_model_->doSamplesVerifyModel (indices_subset, model_coefficients, threshold_))
      // Unfortunately we cannot "continue" after the first iteration, because k might not be set, while iterations gets incremented
      if (k > 1.0)

    // Select the inliers that are within threshold_ from the model
    n_inliers_count = sac_model_->countWithinDistance (model_coefficients, threshold_);

    // Better match ?
    if (n_inliers_count > n_best_inliers_count)
      n_best_inliers_count = n_inliers_count;

      // Save the current model/inlier/coefficients selection as being the best so far
      model_              = selection;
      model_coefficients_ = model_coefficients;

      // Compute the k parameter (k=log(z)/log(1-w^n))
      double w = (double)((double)n_inliers_count / (double)sac_model_->getIndices ()->size ());
      double p_no_outliers = 1 - pow (w, (double)selection.size ());
      p_no_outliers = (std::max) (std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon (), p_no_outliers);       // Avoid division by -Inf
      p_no_outliers = (std::min) (1 - std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon (), p_no_outliers);   // Avoid division by 0.
      k = log (1 - probability_) / log (p_no_outliers);


    if (debug_verbosity_level > 1)
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::RandomizedRandomSampleConsensus::computeModel] Trial %d out of %d: %d inliers (best is: %d so far).\n", iterations_, (int)ceil (k), n_inliers_count, n_best_inliers_count);
    if (iterations_ > max_iterations_)
      if (debug_verbosity_level > 0)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::RandomizedRandomSampleConsensus::computeModel] RRANSAC reached the maximum number of trials.\n");

  if (debug_verbosity_level > 0)
    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::RandomizedRandomSampleConsensus::computeModel] Model: %lu size, %d inliers.\n", (unsigned long)model_.size (), n_best_inliers_count);

  if (model_.empty ())
    inliers_.clear ();
    return (false);

  // Get the set of inliers that correspond to the best model found so far
  sac_model_->selectWithinDistance (model_coefficients_, threshold_, inliers_);
  return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 11
template <typename PointT> bool
pcl::ModelOutlierRemoval<PointT>::initSACModel (pcl::SacModel model_type)
  // Build the model
  switch (model_type)
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: modelPLANE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelPlane<PointT> (input_));
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: modelLINE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelLine<PointT> (input_));
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: modelCIRCLE2D\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelCircle2D<PointT> (input_));
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: modelSPHERE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelSphere<PointT> (input_));
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: modelPARALLEL_LINE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelParallelLine<PointT> (input_));
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: modelPERPENDICULAR_PLANE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelPerpendicularPlane<PointT> (input_));
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::segment] Using a model of type: modelCYLINDER\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelCylinder<PointT, pcl::Normal> (input_));
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::segment] Using a model of type: modelNORMAL_PLANE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelNormalPlane<PointT, pcl::Normal> (input_));
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::segment] Using a model of type: modelCONE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelCone<PointT, pcl::Normal> (input_));
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::segment] Using a model of type: modelNORMAL_SPHERE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelNormalSphere<PointT, pcl::Normal> (input_));
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::segment] Using a model of type: modelNORMAL_PARALLEL_PLANE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelNormalParallelPlane<PointT, pcl::Normal> (input_));
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::segment] Using a model of type: modelPARALLEL_PLANE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelParallelPlane<PointT> (input_));
      PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] No valid model given!\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      return (false);
  return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 12
template <typename T> bool
pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addRectangle (
    const typename pcl::PointCloud<T>::ConstPtr &image,
    const T &min_pt,
    const T &max_pt,
    const std::string &layer_id, double opacity)
  // We assume that the data passed into image is organized, otherwise this doesn't make sense
  if (!image->isOrganized ())
    return (false);

  // Check to see if this ID entry already exists (has it been already added to the visualizer?)
  LayerMap::iterator am_it = std::find_if (layer_map_.begin (), layer_map_.end (), LayerComparator (layer_id));
  if (am_it == layer_map_.end ())
    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addRectangle] No layer with ID'=%s' found. Creating new one...\n", layer_id.c_str ());
    am_it = createLayer (layer_id, image_viewer_->GetRenderWindow ()->GetSize ()[0] - 1, image_viewer_->GetRenderWindow ()->GetSize ()[1] - 1, opacity, true);

  // Construct a search object to get the camera parameters
  pcl::search::OrganizedNeighbor<T> search;
  search.setInputCloud (image);
  // Project the 8 corners
  T p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8;
  p1.x = min_pt.x; p1.y = min_pt.y; p1.z = min_pt.z;
  p2.x = min_pt.x; p2.y = min_pt.y; p2.z = max_pt.z;
  p3.x = min_pt.x; p3.y = max_pt.y; p3.z = min_pt.z;
  p4.x = min_pt.x; p4.y = max_pt.y; p4.z = max_pt.z;
  p5.x = max_pt.x; p5.y = min_pt.y; p5.z = min_pt.z;
  p6.x = max_pt.x; p6.y = min_pt.y; p6.z = max_pt.z;
  p7.x = max_pt.x; p7.y = max_pt.y; p7.z = min_pt.z;
  p8.x = max_pt.x; p8.y = max_pt.y; p8.z = max_pt.z;

  std::vector<pcl::PointXY> pp_2d (8);
  search.projectPoint (p1, pp_2d[0]);
  search.projectPoint (p2, pp_2d[1]);
  search.projectPoint (p3, pp_2d[2]);
  search.projectPoint (p4, pp_2d[3]);
  search.projectPoint (p5, pp_2d[4]);
  search.projectPoint (p6, pp_2d[5]);
  search.projectPoint (p7, pp_2d[6]);
  search.projectPoint (p8, pp_2d[7]);

  pcl::PointXY min_pt_2d, max_pt_2d;
  min_pt_2d.x = min_pt_2d.y = std::numeric_limits<float>::max ();
  max_pt_2d.x = max_pt_2d.y = std::numeric_limits<float>::min ();
  // Search for the two extrema
  for (size_t i = 0; i < pp_2d.size (); ++i)
    if (pp_2d[i].x < min_pt_2d.x) min_pt_2d.x = pp_2d[i].x;
    if (pp_2d[i].y < min_pt_2d.y) min_pt_2d.y = pp_2d[i].y;
    if (pp_2d[i].x > max_pt_2d.x) max_pt_2d.x = pp_2d[i].x;
    if (pp_2d[i].y > max_pt_2d.y) max_pt_2d.y = pp_2d[i].y;
  min_pt_2d.y = float (image->height) - min_pt_2d.y;
  max_pt_2d.y = float (image->height) - max_pt_2d.y;

  am_it->canvas->SetDrawColor (0.0, 255.0, 0.0, opacity * 255.0);
  am_it->canvas->DrawSegment (int (min_pt_2d.x), int (min_pt_2d.y), int (min_pt_2d.x), int (max_pt_2d.y));
  am_it->canvas->DrawSegment (int (min_pt_2d.x), int (max_pt_2d.y), int (max_pt_2d.x), int (max_pt_2d.y));
  am_it->canvas->DrawSegment (int (max_pt_2d.x), int (max_pt_2d.y), int (max_pt_2d.x), int (min_pt_2d.y));
  am_it->canvas->DrawSegment (int (max_pt_2d.x), int (min_pt_2d.y), int (min_pt_2d.x), int (min_pt_2d.y));

  return (true);
int PtuLaser::get3DScanWithIntensity(PointCloudXYZI::Ptr &cloud,
                                     IplImage *& depth_img,
                                     IplImage *& intensity_img,
                                     const double step_angle,
                                     const double pan_range,
                                     const bool clockwise)
  signed short int offset = static_cast<signed short int> (step_angle / FULL_STEP_RES);
  if (clockwise == false)
    offset = -offset;
  int afrt = laser.afrt();
  long long int time_stamp_offset = laser.getHokuyoClockOffset(10);
  laser.requestScans(true, min_step, max_step, 1, 0, 0, -1);
  int position = ptu::get_current(PAN, POSITION);
  std::cout << "step number:" << abs(static_cast<int> ((pan_range / M_PI) * 180 / (FULL_STEP_RES
      * static_cast<double > (offset)))) << std::endl;
  for (int step = 0; step < abs(static_cast<int> ((pan_range / M_PI) * 180 / (FULL_STEP_RES
      * static_cast<double > (offset))))+1; step++)
    if ((status = ptu::set_desired(PAN, POSITION, (ptu::PTU_PARM_PTR *)&offset, RELATIVE)) == TRUE)
      return -1;
    if ((status = ptu::await_completion()) != PTU_OK)
      return -1;
    gettimeofday(&ptu_executed_time, NULL);
    ptu_executed_time_stamp = (uint64_t)(ptu_executed_time.tv_sec) * 1000000000 + (uint64_t)(ptu_executed_time.tv_usec)
        * 1000 + time_stamp_offset;
    bool isScanLatterThanPtu = false;
    while (!isScanLatterThanPtu)
      if (ptu_executed_time_stamp < laser_scan.self_time_stamp)
        isScanLatterThanPtu = true;
  cloud->height = scans.size() * 2;
  cloud->width = scans[0].ranges.size() / 2;
  cloud->points.resize(cloud->height * cloud->width);

  CvSize cs;
  cs.height = cloud->height;
  cs.width = cloud->width;
  depth_img = cvCreateImage(cs,IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
  intensity_img = cvCreateImage(cs,IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);

  for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int> (scans.size()); i++)
    double cos_1 = cos(-(position + i * offset) * FULL_STEP_RES * M_PI / 180);
    double sin_1 = sin(-(position + i * offset) * FULL_STEP_RES * M_PI / 180);
    double cos_2 = -cos_1;
    double sin_2 = -sin_1;
    for (int j = min_step; j < afrt; j++)
      cloud->points[i * cloud->width + afrt - j - 1].x = scans[i].ranges[j] * sin((afrt - j) * 0.25 * M_PI / 180) * cos_1;
      cloud->points[i * cloud->width + afrt - j - 1].y = scans[i].ranges[j] * sin((afrt - j) * 0.25 * M_PI / 180) * sin_1;
      cloud->points[i * cloud->width + afrt - j - 1].z = scans[i].ranges[j] * cos((afrt - j) * 0.25 * M_PI / 180);
      PCL_DEBUG("scans[%d].intensities[%d]: %f\n",i,j, scans[i].intensities[j]);
      cloud->points[i * cloud->width + afrt - j - 1].intensity = scans[i].intensities[j];
      cvSetReal2D(depth_img,i,afrt - j - 1,static_cast<double >(scans[i].ranges[j]));
      cvSetReal2D(intensity_img,i,afrt - j - 1,static_cast<double >(scans[i].intensities[j]));
    for (int j = afrt + 1; j <= max_step; j++)
      cloud->points[(i + scans.size()) * cloud->width + j - 1 - afrt].x = scans[i].ranges[j] * sin((j - afrt) * 0.25 * M_PI / 180) * cos_2;
      cloud->points[(i + scans.size()) * cloud->width + j - 1 - afrt].y = scans[i].ranges[j] * sin((j - afrt) * 0.25 * M_PI / 180) * sin_2;
      cloud->points[(i + scans.size()) * cloud->width + j - 1 - afrt].z = scans[i].ranges[j] * cos((j - afrt) * 0.25 * M_PI / 180);
      PCL_DEBUG("scans[%d].intensities[%d]: %f\n",i,j, scans[i].intensities[j]);
      cloud->points[(i + scans.size()) * cloud->width + j - 1 - afrt].intensity = scans[i].intensities[j];
      cvSetReal2D(depth_img,i + scans.size(),j - 1 - afrt,static_cast<double >(scans[i].ranges[j]));
      cvSetReal2D(intensity_img,i + scans.size(),j - 1 - afrt,static_cast<double >(scans[i].intensities[j]));
  double  max_intensity, min_intensity;
  double  max_depth, min_depth;
  cvMinMaxLoc(depth_img, &min_depth, &max_depth);
  cvMinMaxLoc(intensity_img, &min_intensity, &max_intensity);
  cvConvertScale(depth_img, depth_img, 255 / (max_depth - min_depth), -min_depth);
  cvConvertScale(intensity_img, intensity_img, 255 / (max_intensity - min_intensity), -min_intensity);
  for(int i=0;i< static_cast<int>(cloud->height);i++)
    for(int j=0;j< static_cast<int>(cloud->width);j++)
      cloud->points[i*cloud->width+j].intensity = (cloud->points[i*cloud->width+j].intensity - min_intensity) / (max_intensity-min_intensity);
      //std::cout<<cloud->points[i*cloud->width+j].intensity<<" ";

  PCL_INFO("3D scan has been acquired!\n");
  return 0;
int PtuLaser::get3DScanWithRange(PointCloudWithRange::Ptr &cloud,
                                 const double step_angle,
                                 const double pan_range,
                                 const bool clockwise)
  signed short int offset = static_cast<signed short int> (step_angle / FULL_STEP_RES);
  if (clockwise == false)
    offset = -offset;
  int afrt = laser.afrt();
  long long int time_stamp_offset = laser.getHokuyoClockOffset(10);
  laser.requestScans(false, min_step, max_step, 1, 0, 0, -1);

  int position = ptu::get_current(PAN, POSITION);
  std::cout << "step number:" << abs(static_cast<int> ((pan_range / M_PI) * 180 / (FULL_STEP_RES
      * static_cast<double > (offset)))) << std::endl;
  for (int step = 0; step < abs(static_cast<int> ((pan_range / M_PI) * 180 / (FULL_STEP_RES
      * static_cast<double > (offset))))+1; step++)
    if ((status = ptu::set_desired(PAN, POSITION, (ptu::PTU_PARM_PTR *)&offset, RELATIVE)) == TRUE)
      return -1;
    if ((status = ptu::await_completion()) != PTU_OK)
      return -1;
    gettimeofday(&ptu_executed_time, NULL);
    ptu_executed_time_stamp = (uint64_t)(ptu_executed_time.tv_sec) * 1000000000 + (uint64_t)(ptu_executed_time.tv_usec)
        * 1000 + time_stamp_offset;
    bool isScanLatterThanPtu = false;
    while (!isScanLatterThanPtu)
      if (ptu_executed_time_stamp < laser_scan.self_time_stamp)
        isScanLatterThanPtu = true;
  cloud->height = scans.size() * 2;
  cloud->width = scans[0].ranges.size() / 2;
  cloud->points.resize(cloud->height * cloud->width);

  for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(scans.size()); i++)
    double cos_1 = cos(-(position + i * offset) * FULL_STEP_RES * M_PI / 180);
    double sin_1 = sin(-(position + i * offset) * FULL_STEP_RES * M_PI / 180);
    double cos_2 = -cos_1;
    double sin_2 = -sin_1;
    for (int j = min_step; j < afrt; j++)
      if (scans[i].ranges[j] > 0.1 && scans[i].ranges[j] < 30)
        cloud->points[i * cloud->width + afrt - j - 1].x = scans[i].ranges[j] * sin((afrt - j) * 0.25 * M_PI / 180) * cos_1;
        cloud->points[i * cloud->width + afrt - j - 1].y = scans[i].ranges[j] * sin((afrt - j) * 0.25 * M_PI / 180) * sin_1;
        cloud->points[i * cloud->width + afrt - j - 1].z = scans[i].ranges[j] * cos((afrt - j) * 0.25 * M_PI / 180);
        PCL_DEBUG("scans[%d].intensities[%d]: %f\n",i,j, scans[i].intensities[j]);
        cloud->points[i * cloud->width + afrt - j - 1].range = scans[i].ranges[j];
	cloud->points[i * cloud->width + afrt - j - 1].x = 0.0;
	cloud->points[i * cloud->width + afrt - j - 1].y = 0.0;
        cloud->points[i * cloud->width + afrt - j - 1].z = 0.0;
        cloud->points[i * cloud->width + afrt - j - 1].range = 0.0;
    for (int j = afrt + 1; j <= max_step; j++)
      if (scans[i].ranges[j] > 0.1 && scans[i].ranges[j] < 30)
        cloud->points[(i + scans.size()) * cloud->width + j - 1 - afrt].x = scans[i].ranges[j] * sin((j - afrt) * 0.25 * M_PI / 180) * cos_2;
        cloud->points[(i + scans.size()) * cloud->width + j - 1 - afrt].y = scans[i].ranges[j] * sin((j - afrt) * 0.25 * M_PI / 180) * sin_2;
        cloud->points[(i + scans.size()) * cloud->width + j - 1 - afrt].z = scans[i].ranges[j] * cos((j - afrt) * 0.25 * M_PI / 180);
        PCL_DEBUG("scans[%d].intensities[%d]: %f\n",i,j, scans[i].intensities[j]);
        cloud->points[(i + scans.size()) * cloud->width + j - 1 - afrt].range = scans[i].ranges[j];
	cloud->points[(i + scans.size()) * cloud->width + j - 1 - afrt].x = 0.0;
	cloud->points[(i + scans.size()) * cloud->width + j - 1 - afrt].y = 0.0;
        cloud->points[(i + scans.size()) * cloud->width + j - 1 - afrt].z = 0.0;
	cloud->points[(i + scans.size()) * cloud->width + j - 1 - afrt].range = 0.0;
  PCL_INFO("3D scan has been acquired!\n");
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
pcl::OBJReader::read (const std::string &file_name, pcl::PolygonMesh &mesh,
                      Eigen::Vector4f &origin, Eigen::Quaternionf &orientation,
                      int &file_version, const int offset)
  pcl::console::TicToc tt;
  tt.tic ();

  int data_type;
  unsigned int data_idx;
  if (readHeader (file_name, mesh.cloud, origin, orientation, file_version, data_type, data_idx, offset))
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::OBJReader::read] Problem reading header!\n");
    return (-1);

  std::ifstream fs;
  fs.open (file_name.c_str (), std::ios::binary);
  if (!fs.is_open () || fs.fail ())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::OBJReader::readHeader] Could not open file '%s'! Error : %s\n",
               file_name.c_str (), strerror(errno));
    fs.close ();
    return (-1);

  // Seek at the given offset
  fs.seekg (data_idx, std::ios::beg);

  // Get normal_x and rgba fields indices
  int normal_x_field = -1;
  // std::size_t rgba_field = 0;
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mesh.cloud.fields.size (); ++i)
    if (mesh.cloud.fields[i].name == "normal_x")
      normal_x_field = i;

  std::size_t v_idx = 0;
  std::size_t vn_idx = 0;
  std::string line;
  std::vector<std::string> st;
    while (!fs.eof ())
      getline (fs, line);
      // Ignore empty lines
      if (line == "")

      // Tokenize the line
      std::stringstream sstream (line);
      sstream.imbue (std::locale::classic ());
      line = sstream.str ();
      boost::trim (line);
      boost::split (st, line, boost::is_any_of ("\t\r "), boost::token_compress_on);

      // Ignore comments
      if (st[0] == "#")

      // Vertex
      if (st[0] == "v")
          for (int i = 1, f = 0; i < 4; ++i, ++f)
            float value = boost::lexical_cast<float> (st[i]);
            memcpy (&mesh.cloud.data[v_idx * mesh.cloud.point_step + mesh.cloud.fields[f].offset],
                sizeof (float));
        catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &e)
          PCL_ERROR ("Unable to convert %s to vertex coordinates!", line.c_str ());
          return (-1);

      // Vertex normal
      if (st[0] == "vn")
          for (int i = 1, f = normal_x_field; i < 4; ++i, ++f)
            float value = boost::lexical_cast<float> (st[i]);
            memcpy (&mesh.cloud.data[vn_idx * mesh.cloud.point_step + mesh.cloud.fields[f].offset],
                sizeof (float));
        catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &e)
          PCL_ERROR ("Unable to convert line %s to vertex normal!", line.c_str ());
          return (-1);

      // Face
      if (st[0] == "f")
        pcl::Vertices face_vertices; face_vertices.vertices.resize (st.size () - 1);
        for (std::size_t i = 1; i < st.size (); ++i)
          int v;
          sscanf (st[i].c_str (), "%d", &v);
          v = (v < 0) ? v_idx + v : v - 1;
          face_vertices.vertices[i - 1] = v;
        mesh.polygons.push_back (face_vertices);
  catch (const char *exception)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::OBJReader::read] %s\n", exception);
    fs.close ();
    return (-1);

  double total_time = tt.toc ();
  PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::OBJReader::read] Loaded %s as a PolygonMesh in %g ms with %g points and %g polygons.\n",
             file_name.c_str (), total_time,
             mesh.cloud.width * mesh.cloud.height, mesh.polygons.size ());
  fs.close ();
  return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 16
template <typename PointT> bool
pcl::RandomSampleConsensus<PointT>::computeModel (int debug_verbosity_level)
  // Warn and exit if no threshold was set
  if (threshold_ == std::numeric_limits<double>::max())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::RandomSampleConsensus::computeModel] No threshold set!\n");
    return (false);

  iterations_ = 0;
  int n_best_inliers_count = -INT_MAX;
  double k = 1.0;

  std::vector<int> selection;
  Eigen::VectorXf model_coefficients;

  int n_inliers_count = 0;
  unsigned skipped_count = 0;
  // supress infinite loops by just allowing 10 x maximum allowed iterations for invalid model parameters!
  const unsigned max_skip = max_iterations_ * 10;
  // Iterate
  while (iterations_ < k && skipped_count < max_skip)
    // Get X samples which satisfy the model criteria
    sac_model_->getSamples (iterations_, selection);

    if (selection.empty ()) 
      PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::RandomSampleConsensus::computeModel] No samples could be selected!\n");

    // Search for inliers in the point cloud for the current plane model M
    if (!sac_model_->computeModelCoefficients (selection, model_coefficients))
      ++ skipped_count;

    // Select the inliers that are within threshold_ from the model
    //sac_model_->selectWithinDistance (model_coefficients, threshold_, inliers);
    //if (inliers.empty () && k > 1.0)
    //  continue;

    n_inliers_count = sac_model_->countWithinDistance (model_coefficients, threshold_);

    // Better match ?
    if (n_inliers_count > n_best_inliers_count)
      n_best_inliers_count = n_inliers_count;

      // Save the current model/inlier/coefficients selection as being the best so far
      model_              = selection;
      model_coefficients_ = model_coefficients;

      // Compute the k parameter (k=log(z)/log(1-w^n))
      double w = static_cast<double> (n_best_inliers_count) / static_cast<double> (sac_model_->getIndices ()->size ());
      double p_no_outliers = 1.0 - pow (w, static_cast<double> (selection.size ()));
      p_no_outliers = (std::max) (std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon (), p_no_outliers);       // Avoid division by -Inf
      p_no_outliers = (std::min) (1.0 - std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon (), p_no_outliers);   // Avoid division by 0.
      k = log (1.0 - probability_) / log (p_no_outliers);

    if (debug_verbosity_level > 1)
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::RandomSampleConsensus::computeModel] Trial %d out of %f: %d inliers (best is: %d so far).\n", iterations_, k, n_inliers_count, n_best_inliers_count);
    if (iterations_ > max_iterations_)
      if (debug_verbosity_level > 0)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::RandomSampleConsensus::computeModel] RANSAC reached the maximum number of trials.\n");

  if (debug_verbosity_level > 0)
    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::RandomSampleConsensus::computeModel] Model: %zu size, %d inliers.\n", model_.size (), n_best_inliers_count);

  if (model_.empty ())
    inliers_.clear ();
    return (false);

  // Get the set of inliers that correspond to the best model found so far
  sac_model_->selectWithinDistance (model_coefficients_, threshold_, inliers_);
  return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 17
template <typename PointT> bool
pcl::SACSegmentation<PointT>::initSACModel (const int model_type)
  if (model_)
    model_.reset ();

  // Build the model
  switch (model_type)
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: SACMODEL_PLANE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelPlane<PointT> (input_, *indices_));
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: SACMODEL_LINE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelLine<PointT> (input_, *indices_));
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: SACMODEL_STICK\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelStick<PointT> (input_, *indices_));
      double min_radius, max_radius;
      model_->getRadiusLimits (min_radius, max_radius);
      if (radius_min_ != min_radius && radius_max_ != max_radius)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting radius limits to %f/%f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), radius_min_, radius_max_);
        model_->setRadiusLimits (radius_min_, radius_max_);
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: SACMODEL_CIRCLE2D\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelCircle2D<PointT> (input_, *indices_));
      typename SampleConsensusModelCircle2D<PointT>::Ptr model_circle = boost::static_pointer_cast<SampleConsensusModelCircle2D<PointT> > (model_);
      double min_radius, max_radius;
      model_circle->getRadiusLimits (min_radius, max_radius);
      if (radius_min_ != min_radius && radius_max_ != max_radius)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting radius limits to %f/%f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), radius_min_, radius_max_);
        model_circle->setRadiusLimits (radius_min_, radius_max_);
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: SACMODEL_SPHERE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelSphere<PointT> (input_, *indices_));
      typename SampleConsensusModelSphere<PointT>::Ptr model_sphere = boost::static_pointer_cast<SampleConsensusModelSphere<PointT> > (model_);
      double min_radius, max_radius;
      model_sphere->getRadiusLimits (min_radius, max_radius);
      if (radius_min_ != min_radius && radius_max_ != max_radius)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting radius limits to %f/%f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), radius_min_, radius_max_);
        model_sphere->setRadiusLimits (radius_min_, radius_max_);
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: SACMODEL_PARALLEL_LINE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelParallelLine<PointT> (input_, *indices_));
      typename SampleConsensusModelParallelLine<PointT>::Ptr model_parallel = boost::static_pointer_cast<SampleConsensusModelParallelLine<PointT> > (model_);
      if (axis_ != Eigen::Vector3f::Zero () && model_parallel->getAxis () != axis_)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting the axis to %f, %f, %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), axis_[0], axis_[1], axis_[2]);
        model_parallel->setAxis (axis_);
      if (eps_angle_ != 0.0 && model_parallel->getEpsAngle () != eps_angle_)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting the epsilon angle to %f (%f degrees)\n", getClassName ().c_str (), eps_angle_, eps_angle_ * 180.0 / M_PI);
        model_parallel->setEpsAngle (eps_angle_);
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: SACMODEL_PERPENDICULAR_PLANE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelPerpendicularPlane<PointT> (input_, *indices_));
      typename SampleConsensusModelPerpendicularPlane<PointT>::Ptr model_perpendicular = boost::static_pointer_cast<SampleConsensusModelPerpendicularPlane<PointT> > (model_);
      if (axis_ != Eigen::Vector3f::Zero () && model_perpendicular->getAxis () != axis_)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting the axis to %f, %f, %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), axis_[0], axis_[1], axis_[2]);
        model_perpendicular->setAxis (axis_);
      if (eps_angle_ != 0.0 && model_perpendicular->getEpsAngle () != eps_angle_)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting the epsilon angle to %f (%f degrees)\n", getClassName ().c_str (), eps_angle_, eps_angle_ * 180.0 / M_PI);
        model_perpendicular->setEpsAngle (eps_angle_);
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: SACMODEL_PARALLEL_PLANE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelParallelPlane<PointT> (input_, *indices_));
      typename SampleConsensusModelParallelPlane<PointT>::Ptr model_parallel = boost::static_pointer_cast<SampleConsensusModelParallelPlane<PointT> > (model_);
      if (axis_ != Eigen::Vector3f::Zero () && model_parallel->getAxis () != axis_)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting the axis to %f, %f, %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), axis_[0], axis_[1], axis_[2]);
        model_parallel->setAxis (axis_);
      if (eps_angle_ != 0.0 && model_parallel->getEpsAngle () != eps_angle_)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting the epsilon angle to %f (%f degrees)\n", getClassName ().c_str (), eps_angle_, eps_angle_ * 180.0 / M_PI);
        model_parallel->setEpsAngle (eps_angle_);
      PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] No valid model given!\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      return (false);
  return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: icp.hpp Proyecto: Bardo91/pcl
template <typename PointSource, typename PointTarget> void
pcl::IterativeClosestPoint<PointSource, PointTarget>::computeTransformation (PointCloudSource &output, const Eigen::Matrix4f &guess)
  // Allocate enough space to hold the results
  std::vector<int> nn_indices (1);
  std::vector<float> nn_dists (1);

  // Point cloud containing the correspondences of each point in <input, indices>
  PointCloudTarget input_corresp;
  input_corresp.points.resize (indices_->size ());

  nr_iterations_ = 0;
  converged_ = false;
  double dist_threshold = corr_dist_threshold_ * corr_dist_threshold_;

  // If the guessed transformation is non identity
  if (guess != Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity ())
    // Initialise final transformation to the guessed one
    final_transformation_ = guess;
    // Apply guessed transformation prior to search for neighbours
    transformPointCloud (output, output, guess);

  // Resize the vector of distances between correspondences 
  std::vector<float> previous_correspondence_distances (indices_->size ());
  correspondence_distances_.resize (indices_->size ());

  while (!converged_)           // repeat until convergence
    // Save the previously estimated transformation
    previous_transformation_ = transformation_;
    // And the previous set of distances
    previous_correspondence_distances = correspondence_distances_;

    int cnt = 0;
    std::vector<int> source_indices (indices_->size ());
    std::vector<int> target_indices (indices_->size ());

    // Iterating over the entire index vector and  find all correspondences
    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < indices_->size (); ++idx)
      if (!this->searchForNeighbors (output, (*indices_)[idx], nn_indices, nn_dists))
        PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::computeTransformation] Unable to find a nearest neighbor in the target dataset for point %d in the source!\n", getClassName ().c_str (), (*indices_)[idx]);

      // Check if the distance to the nearest neighbor is smaller than the user imposed threshold
      if (nn_dists[0] < dist_threshold)
        source_indices[cnt] = (*indices_)[idx];
        target_indices[cnt] = nn_indices[0];

      // Save the nn_dists[0] to a global vector of distances
      correspondence_distances_[(*indices_)[idx]] = std::min (nn_dists[0], static_cast<float> (dist_threshold));
    if (cnt < min_number_correspondences_)
      PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::computeTransformation] Not enough correspondences found. Relax your threshold parameters.\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      converged_ = false;

    // Resize to the actual number of valid correspondences
    source_indices.resize (cnt); target_indices.resize (cnt);

    std::vector<int> source_indices_good;
    std::vector<int> target_indices_good;
      // From the set of correspondences found, attempt to remove outliers
      // Create the registration model
      typedef typename SampleConsensusModelRegistration<PointSource>::Ptr SampleConsensusModelRegistrationPtr;
      SampleConsensusModelRegistrationPtr model;
      model.reset (new SampleConsensusModelRegistration<PointSource> (output.makeShared (), source_indices));
      // Pass the target_indices
      model->setInputTarget (target_, target_indices);
      // Create a RANSAC model
      RandomSampleConsensus<PointSource> sac (model, inlier_threshold_);
      sac.setMaxIterations (ransac_iterations_);

      // Compute the set of inliers
      if (!sac.computeModel ())
        source_indices_good = source_indices;
        target_indices_good = target_indices;
        std::vector<int> inliers;
        // Get the inliers
        sac.getInliers (inliers);
        source_indices_good.resize (inliers.size ());
        target_indices_good.resize (inliers.size ());

        boost::unordered_map<int, int> source_to_target;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < source_indices.size(); ++i)
          source_to_target[source_indices[i]] = target_indices[i];

        // Copy just the inliers
        std::copy(inliers.begin(), inliers.end(), source_indices_good.begin());
        for (size_t i = 0; i < inliers.size (); ++i)
          target_indices_good[i] = source_to_target[inliers[i]];

    // Check whether we have enough correspondences
    cnt = static_cast<int> (source_indices_good.size ());
    if (cnt < min_number_correspondences_)
      PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::computeTransformation] Not enough correspondences found. Relax your threshold parameters.\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      converged_ = false;

    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::computeTransformation] Number of correspondences %d [%f%%] out of %zu points [100.0%%], RANSAC rejected: %zu [%f%%].\n", 
        getClassName ().c_str (), 
        (static_cast<float> (cnt) * 100.0f) / static_cast<float> (indices_->size ()), 
        indices_->size (), 
        source_indices.size () - cnt, 
        static_cast<float> (source_indices.size () - cnt) * 100.0f / static_cast<float> (source_indices.size ()));
    // Estimate the transform
    //rigid_transformation_estimation_(output, source_indices_good, *target_, target_indices_good, transformation_);
    transformation_estimation_->estimateRigidTransformation (output, source_indices_good, *target_, target_indices_good, transformation_);

    // Tranform the data
    transformPointCloud (output, output, transformation_);

    // Obtain the final transformation    
    final_transformation_ = transformation_ * final_transformation_;


    // Update the vizualization of icp convergence
    if (update_visualizer_ != 0)
      update_visualizer_(output, source_indices_good, *target_, target_indices_good );

    // Various/Different convergence termination criteria
    // 1. Number of iterations has reached the maximum user imposed number of iterations (via 
    //    setMaximumIterations)
    // 2. The epsilon (difference) between the previous transformation and the current estimated transformation 
    //    is smaller than an user imposed value (via setTransformationEpsilon)
    // 3. The sum of Euclidean squared errors is smaller than a user defined threshold (via 
    //    setEuclideanFitnessEpsilon)

    if (nr_iterations_ >= max_iterations_ ||
        (transformation_ - previous_transformation_).array ().abs ().sum () < transformation_epsilon_ ||
        fabs (this->getFitnessScore (correspondence_distances_, previous_correspondence_distances)) <= euclidean_fitness_epsilon_
      converged_ = true;
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::computeTransformation] Convergence reached. Number of iterations: %d out of %d. Transformation difference: %f\n",
                 getClassName ().c_str (), nr_iterations_, max_iterations_, (transformation_ - previous_transformation_).array ().abs ().sum ());

      PCL_DEBUG ("nr_iterations_ (%d) >= max_iterations_ (%d)\n", nr_iterations_, max_iterations_);
      PCL_DEBUG ("(transformation_ - previous_transformation_).array ().abs ().sum () (%f) < transformation_epsilon_ (%f)\n",
                 (transformation_ - previous_transformation_).array ().abs ().sum (), transformation_epsilon_);
      PCL_DEBUG ("fabs (getFitnessScore (correspondence_distances_, previous_correspondence_distances)) (%f) <= euclidean_fitness_epsilon_ (%f)\n",
                 fabs (this->getFitnessScore (correspondence_distances_, previous_correspondence_distances)),

Ejemplo n.º 19
template <typename PointT, typename PointNT> bool
pcl::SACSegmentationFromNormals<PointT, PointNT>::initSACModel (const int model_type)
  // Check if input is synced with the normals
  if (input_->points.size () != normals_->points.size ())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] The number of points inthe input point cloud differs than the number of points in the normals!\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
    return (false);

  if (model_)
    model_.reset ();

  // Build the model
  switch (model_type)
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: SACMODEL_CYLINDER\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelCylinder<PointT, PointNT > (input_, *indices_));
      typename SampleConsensusModelCylinder<PointT, PointNT>::Ptr model_cylinder = boost::static_pointer_cast<SampleConsensusModelCylinder<PointT, PointNT> > (model_);

      // Set the input normals
      model_cylinder->setInputNormals (normals_);
      double min_radius, max_radius;
      model_cylinder->getRadiusLimits (min_radius, max_radius);
      if (radius_min_ != min_radius && radius_max_ != max_radius)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting radius limits to %f/%f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), radius_min_, radius_max_);
        model_cylinder->setRadiusLimits (radius_min_, radius_max_);
      if (distance_weight_ != model_cylinder->getNormalDistanceWeight ())
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting normal distance weight to %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), distance_weight_);
        model_cylinder->setNormalDistanceWeight (distance_weight_);
      if (axis_ != Eigen::Vector3f::Zero () && model_cylinder->getAxis () != axis_)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting the axis to %f, %f, %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), axis_[0], axis_[1], axis_[2]);
        model_cylinder->setAxis (axis_);
      if (eps_angle_ != 0.0 && model_cylinder->getEpsAngle () != eps_angle_)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting the epsilon angle to %f (%f degrees)\n", getClassName ().c_str (), eps_angle_, eps_angle_ * 180.0 / M_PI);
        model_cylinder->setEpsAngle (eps_angle_);
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: SACMODEL_NORMAL_PLANE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelNormalPlane<PointT, PointNT> (input_, *indices_));
      typename SampleConsensusModelNormalPlane<PointT, PointNT>::Ptr model_normals = boost::static_pointer_cast<SampleConsensusModelNormalPlane<PointT, PointNT> > (model_);
      // Set the input normals
      model_normals->setInputNormals (normals_);
      if (distance_weight_ != model_normals->getNormalDistanceWeight ())
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting normal distance weight to %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), distance_weight_);
        model_normals->setNormalDistanceWeight (distance_weight_);
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Using a model of type: SACMODEL_NORMAL_PARALLEL_PLANE\n", getClassName ().c_str ());
      model_.reset (new SampleConsensusModelNormalParallelPlane<PointT, PointNT> (input_, *indices_));
      typename SampleConsensusModelNormalParallelPlane<PointT, PointNT>::Ptr model_normals = boost::static_pointer_cast<SampleConsensusModelNormalParallelPlane<PointT, PointNT> > (model_);
      // Set the input normals
      model_normals->setInputNormals (normals_);
      if (distance_weight_ != model_normals->getNormalDistanceWeight ())
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting normal distance weight to %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), distance_weight_);
        model_normals->setNormalDistanceWeight (distance_weight_);
      if (axis_ != Eigen::Vector3f::Zero () && model_normals->getAxis () != axis_)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting the axis to %f, %f, %f\n", getClassName ().c_str (), axis_[0], axis_[1], axis_[2]);
        model_normals->setAxis (axis_);
      if (eps_angle_ != 0.0 && model_normals->getEpsAngle () != eps_angle_)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::%s::initSACModel] Setting the epsilon angle to %f (%f degrees)\n", getClassName ().c_str (), eps_angle_, eps_angle_ * 180.0 / M_PI);
        model_normals->setEpsAngle (eps_angle_);
    // If nothing else, try SACSegmentation
      return (pcl::SACSegmentation<PointT>::initSACModel (model_type));
  return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 20
template <typename PointT> bool
pcl::MEstimatorSampleConsensus<PointT>::computeModel (int debug_verbosity_level)
  // Warn and exit if no threshold was set
  if (threshold_ == std::numeric_limits<double>::max())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::MEstimatorSampleConsensus::computeModel] No threshold set!\n");
    return (false);

  iterations_ = 0;
  double d_best_penalty = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  double k = 1.0;

  std::vector<int> best_model;
  std::vector<int> selection;
  Eigen::VectorXf model_coefficients;
  std::vector<double> distances;

  int n_inliers_count = 0;
  unsigned skipped_count = 0;
  // suppress infinite loops by just allowing 10 x maximum allowed iterations for invalid model parameters!
  const unsigned max_skip = max_iterations_ * 10;
  // Iterate
  while (iterations_ < k && skipped_count < max_skip)
    // Get X samples which satisfy the model criteria
    sac_model_->getSamples (iterations_, selection);

    if (selection.empty ()) break;

    // Search for inliers in the point cloud for the current plane model M
    if (!sac_model_->computeModelCoefficients (selection, model_coefficients))
      ++ skipped_count;

    double d_cur_penalty = 0;
    // Iterate through the 3d points and calculate the distances from them to the model
    sac_model_->getDistancesToModel (model_coefficients, distances);
    if (distances.empty () && k > 1.0)

    for (const double &distance : distances)
      d_cur_penalty += (std::min) (distance, threshold_);

    // Better match ?
    if (d_cur_penalty < d_best_penalty)
      d_best_penalty = d_cur_penalty;

      // Save the current model/coefficients selection as being the best so far
      model_              = selection;
      model_coefficients_ = model_coefficients;

      n_inliers_count = 0;
      // Need to compute the number of inliers for this model to adapt k
      for (const double &distance : distances)
        if (distance <= threshold_)

      // Compute the k parameter (k=log(z)/log(1-w^n))
      double w = static_cast<double> (n_inliers_count) / static_cast<double> (sac_model_->getIndices ()->size ());
      double p_no_outliers = 1.0 - pow (w, static_cast<double> (selection.size ()));
      p_no_outliers = (std::max) (std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon (), p_no_outliers);       // Avoid division by -Inf
      p_no_outliers = (std::min) (1.0 - std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon (), p_no_outliers);   // Avoid division by 0.
      k = log (1.0 - probability_) / log (p_no_outliers);

    if (debug_verbosity_level > 1)
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::MEstimatorSampleConsensus::computeModel] Trial %d out of %d. Best penalty is %f.\n", iterations_, static_cast<int> (ceil (k)), d_best_penalty);
    if (iterations_ > max_iterations_)
      if (debug_verbosity_level > 0)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::MEstimatorSampleConsensus::computeModel] MSAC reached the maximum number of trials.\n");

  if (model_.empty ())
    if (debug_verbosity_level > 0)
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::MEstimatorSampleConsensus::computeModel] Unable to find a solution!\n");
    return (false);

  // Iterate through the 3d points and calculate the distances from them to the model again
  sac_model_->getDistancesToModel (model_coefficients_, distances);
  std::vector<int> &indices = *sac_model_->getIndices ();

  if (distances.size () != indices.size ())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::MEstimatorSampleConsensus::computeModel] Estimated distances (%lu) differs than the normal of indices (%lu).\n", distances.size (), indices.size ());
    return (false);

  inliers_.resize (distances.size ());
  // Get the inliers for the best model found
  n_inliers_count = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < distances.size (); ++i)
    if (distances[i] <= threshold_)
      inliers_[n_inliers_count++] = indices[i];

  // Resize the inliers vector
  inliers_.resize (n_inliers_count);

  if (debug_verbosity_level > 0)
    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::MEstimatorSampleConsensus::computeModel] Model: %lu size, %d inliers.\n", model_.size (), n_inliers_count);

  return (true);
template <typename PointFeature> bool
pcl::PyramidFeatureHistogram<PointFeature>::initializeHistogram ()
  // a few consistency checks before starting the computations
  if (!PCLBase<PointFeature>::initCompute ())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PyramidFeatureHistogram::initializeHistogram] PCLBase initCompute failed\n");
    return false;

  if (dimension_range_input_.size () == 0)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PyramidFeatureHistogram::initializeHistogram] Input dimension range was not set\n");
    return false;

  if (dimension_range_target_.size () == 0)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PyramidFeatureHistogram::initializeHistogram] Target dimension range was not set\n");
    return false;

  if (dimension_range_input_.size () != dimension_range_target_.size ())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PyramidFeatureHistogram::initializeHistogram] Input and target dimension ranges do not agree in size: %u vs %u\n",
               dimension_range_input_.size (), dimension_range_target_.size ());
    return false;

  nr_dimensions = dimension_range_target_.size ();
  nr_features = input_->points.size ();
  float D = 0.0f;
  for (std::vector<std::pair<float, float> >::iterator range_it = dimension_range_target_.begin (); range_it != dimension_range_target_.end (); ++range_it)
    float aux = range_it->first - range_it->second;
    D += aux * aux;
  D = sqrt (D);
  nr_levels = ceil (Log2 (D));
  PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::PyramidFeatureHistogram::initializeHistogram] Pyramid will have %u levels with a hyper-parallelepiped diagonal size of %f\n", nr_levels, D);

  hist_levels.resize (nr_levels);
  for (size_t level_i = 0; level_i < nr_levels; ++level_i)
    std::vector<size_t> bins_per_dimension (nr_dimensions);
    std::vector<float> bin_step (nr_dimensions);
    for (size_t dim_i = 0; dim_i < nr_dimensions; ++dim_i) {
      bins_per_dimension[dim_i] = ceil ( (dimension_range_target_[dim_i].second - dimension_range_target_[dim_i].first) / (pow (2.0f, (int) level_i) * sqrt ((float) nr_dimensions)));
      bin_step[dim_i] = pow (2.0f, (int) level_i) * sqrt ((float) nr_dimensions);
    hist_levels[level_i] = PyramidFeatureHistogramLevel (bins_per_dimension, bin_step);

    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::PyramidFeatureHistogram::initializeHistogram] Created vector of size %u at level %u\nwith #bins per dimension:", hist_levels.back ().hist.size (), level_i);
    for (size_t dim_i = 0; dim_i < nr_dimensions; ++dim_i)
      PCL_DEBUG ("%u ", bins_per_dimension[dim_i]);
    PCL_DEBUG ("\n");

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
template <typename PointSource, typename PointTarget> void
pcl::PPFRegistration<PointSource, PointTarget>::computeTransformation (PointCloudSource &output, const Eigen::Matrix4f& guess)
  if (!search_method_)
    PCL_ERROR("[pcl::PPFRegistration::computeTransformation] Search method not set - skipping computeTransformation!\n");

  if (guess != Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity ())
    PCL_ERROR("[pcl::PPFRegistration::computeTransformation] setting initial transform (guess) not implemented!\n");

  PoseWithVotesList voted_poses;
  std::vector <std::vector <unsigned int> > accumulator_array;
  accumulator_array.resize (input_->points.size ());

  size_t aux_size = static_cast<size_t> (floor (2 * M_PI / search_method_->getAngleDiscretizationStep ()));
  for (size_t i = 0; i < input_->points.size (); ++i)
    std::vector<unsigned int> aux (aux_size);
    accumulator_array[i] = aux;
  PCL_INFO ("Accumulator array size: %u x %u.\n", accumulator_array.size (), accumulator_array.back ().size ());

  // Consider every <scene_reference_point_sampling_rate>-th point as the reference point => fix s_r
  float f1, f2, f3, f4;
  for (size_t scene_reference_index = 0; scene_reference_index < target_->points.size (); scene_reference_index += scene_reference_point_sampling_rate_)
    Eigen::Vector3f scene_reference_point = target_->points[scene_reference_index].getVector3fMap (),
        scene_reference_normal = target_->points[scene_reference_index].getNormalVector3fMap ();

    Eigen::AngleAxisf rotation_sg (acosf (scene_reference_normal.dot (Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX ())),
                                   scene_reference_normal.cross (Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX ()). normalized());
    Eigen::Affine3f transform_sg (Eigen::Translation3f (rotation_sg * ((-1) * scene_reference_point)) * rotation_sg);

    // For every other point in the scene => now have pair (s_r, s_i) fixed
    std::vector<int> indices;
    std::vector<float> distances;
    scene_search_tree_->radiusSearch (target_->points[scene_reference_index],
                                     search_method_->getModelDiameter () /2,
    for(size_t i = 0; i < indices.size (); ++i)
//    for(size_t i = 0; i < target_->points.size (); ++i)
      //size_t scene_point_index = i;
      size_t scene_point_index = indices[i];
      if (scene_reference_index != scene_point_index)
        if (/*pcl::computePPFPairFeature*/pcl::computePairFeatures (target_->points[scene_reference_index].getVector4fMap (),
                                        target_->points[scene_reference_index].getNormalVector4fMap (),
                                        target_->points[scene_point_index].getVector4fMap (),
                                        target_->points[scene_point_index].getNormalVector4fMap (),
                                        f1, f2, f3, f4))
          std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t> > nearest_indices;
          search_method_->nearestNeighborSearch (f1, f2, f3, f4, nearest_indices);

          // Compute alpha_s angle
          Eigen::Vector3f scene_point = target_->points[scene_point_index].getVector3fMap ();
          Eigen::AngleAxisf rotation_sg (acosf (scene_reference_normal.dot (Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX ())),
                                         scene_reference_normal.cross (Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX ()).normalized ());
          Eigen::Affine3f transform_sg = Eigen::Translation3f ( rotation_sg * ((-1) * scene_reference_point)) * rotation_sg;
//          float alpha_s = acos (Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY ().dot ((transform_sg * scene_point).normalized ()));

          Eigen::Vector3f scene_point_transformed = transform_sg * scene_point;
          float alpha_s = atan2f ( -scene_point_transformed(2), scene_point_transformed(1));
          if ( alpha_s != alpha_s)
            PCL_ERROR ("alpha_s is nan\n");
          if (sin (alpha_s) * scene_point_transformed(2) < 0.0f)
            alpha_s *= (-1);
          alpha_s *= (-1);

          // Go through point pairs in the model with the same discretized feature
          for (std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t> >::iterator v_it = nearest_indices.begin (); v_it != nearest_indices.end (); ++ v_it)
            size_t model_reference_index = v_it->first,
                model_point_index = v_it->second;
            // Calculate angle alpha = alpha_m - alpha_s
            float alpha = search_method_->alpha_m_[model_reference_index][model_point_index] - alpha_s;
            unsigned int alpha_discretized = static_cast<unsigned int> (floor (alpha) + floor (M_PI / search_method_->getAngleDiscretizationStep ()));
            accumulator_array[model_reference_index][alpha_discretized] ++;
        else PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PPFRegistration::computeTransformation] Computing pair feature vector between points %zu and %zu went wrong.\n", scene_reference_index, scene_point_index);

    size_t max_votes_i = 0, max_votes_j = 0;
    unsigned int max_votes = 0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < accumulator_array.size (); ++i)
      for (size_t j = 0; j < accumulator_array.back ().size (); ++j)
        if (accumulator_array[i][j] > max_votes)
          max_votes = accumulator_array[i][j];
          max_votes_i = i;
          max_votes_j = j;
        // Reset accumulator_array for the next set of iterations with a new scene reference point
        accumulator_array[i][j] = 0;

    Eigen::Vector3f model_reference_point = input_->points[max_votes_i].getVector3fMap (),
        model_reference_normal = input_->points[max_votes_i].getNormalVector3fMap ();
    Eigen::AngleAxisf rotation_mg (acosf (model_reference_normal.dot (Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX ())), model_reference_normal.cross (Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX ()).normalized ());
    Eigen::Affine3f transform_mg = Eigen::Translation3f ( rotation_mg * ((-1) * model_reference_point)) * rotation_mg;
    Eigen::Affine3f max_transform = 
      transform_sg.inverse () * 
      Eigen::AngleAxisf ((static_cast<float> (max_votes_j) - floorf (static_cast<float> (M_PI) / search_method_->getAngleDiscretizationStep ())) * search_method_->getAngleDiscretizationStep (), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX ()) * 

    voted_poses.push_back (PoseWithVotes (max_transform, max_votes));
  PCL_DEBUG ("Done with the Hough Transform ...\n");

  // Cluster poses for filtering out outliers and obtaining more precise results
  PoseWithVotesList results;
  clusterPoses (voted_poses, results);

  pcl::transformPointCloud (*input_, output, results.front ().pose);

  transformation_ = final_transformation_ = results.front ().pose.matrix ();
  converged_ = true;
Ejemplo n.º 23
template <typename PointT, typename PointNT> void
pcl::SurfelSmoothing<PointT, PointNT>::smoothPoint (size_t &point_index,
                                                    PointT &output_point,
                                                    PointNT &output_normal)
  Eigen::Vector4f average_normal = Eigen::Vector4f::Zero ();
  Eigen::Vector4f result_point = input_->points[point_index].getVector4fMap ();
  result_point(3) = 0.0f;

  // @todo parameter
  float error_residual_threshold_ = 1e-3;
  float error_residual = error_residual_threshold_ + 1;
  float last_error_residual = error_residual + 100;

  std::vector<int> nn_indices;
  std::vector<float> nn_distances;

  int big_iterations = 0;
  int max_big_iterations = 500;

  while (fabs (error_residual) < fabs (last_error_residual) -error_residual_threshold_ &&
         big_iterations < max_big_iterations)
    average_normal = Eigen::Vector4f::Zero ();
    big_iterations ++;
    PointT aux_point; aux_point.x = result_point(0); aux_point.y = result_point(1); aux_point.z = result_point(2);
    tree_->radiusSearch (aux_point, 5*scale_, nn_indices, nn_distances);

    float theta_normalization_factor = 0.0;
    std::vector<float> theta (nn_indices.size ());
    for (size_t nn_index_i = 0; nn_index_i < nn_indices.size (); ++nn_index_i)
      float dist = nn_distances[nn_index_i];
      float theta_i = exp ( (-1) * dist / scale_squared_);
      theta_normalization_factor += theta_i;

      average_normal += theta_i * normals_->points[nn_indices[nn_index_i]].getNormalVector4fMap ();
      theta[nn_index_i] = theta_i;
    average_normal /= theta_normalization_factor;
    average_normal(3) = 0.0f;
    average_normal.normalize ();

    // find minimum along the normal
    float e_residual_along_normal = 2, last_e_residual_along_normal = 3;
    int small_iterations = 0;
    int max_small_iterations = 10;
    while ( fabs (e_residual_along_normal) < fabs (last_e_residual_along_normal) &&
        small_iterations < max_small_iterations)
      small_iterations ++;

      e_residual_along_normal = 0.0f;
      for (size_t nn_index_i = 0; nn_index_i < nn_indices.size (); ++nn_index_i)
        Eigen::Vector4f neighbor = input_->points[nn_indices[nn_index_i]].getVector4fMap ();
        neighbor(3) = 0.0f;
        float dot_product = average_normal.dot (neighbor - result_point);
        e_residual_along_normal += theta[nn_index_i] * dot_product;
      e_residual_along_normal /= theta_normalization_factor;
      if (e_residual_along_normal < 1e-3) break;

      result_point = result_point + e_residual_along_normal * average_normal;

//    if (small_iterations == max_small_iterations)
//      PCL_INFO ("passed the number of small iterations %d\n", small_iterations);

    last_error_residual = error_residual;
    error_residual = e_residual_along_normal;

//    PCL_INFO ("last %f    current %f\n", last_error_residual, error_residual);

  output_point.x = result_point(0);
  output_point.y = result_point(1);
  output_point.z = result_point(2);
  output_normal = normals_->points[point_index];

  if (big_iterations == max_big_iterations)
    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::SurfelSmoothing::smoothPoint] Passed the number of BIG iterations: %d\n", big_iterations);
Ejemplo n.º 24
template <typename PointT> bool
pcl::MaximumLikelihoodSampleConsensus<PointT>::computeModel (int debug_verbosity_level)
  // Warn and exit if no threshold was set
  if (threshold_ == std::numeric_limits<double>::max())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::MaximumLikelihoodSampleConsensus::computeModel] No threshold set!\n");
    return (false);

  iterations_ = 0;
  double d_best_penalty = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  double k = 1.0;

  std::vector<int> best_model;
  std::vector<int> selection;
  Eigen::VectorXf model_coefficients;
  std::vector<double> distances;

  // Compute sigma - remember to set threshold_ correctly !
  sigma_ = computeMedianAbsoluteDeviation (sac_model_->getInputCloud (), sac_model_->getIndices (), threshold_);
  if (debug_verbosity_level > 1)
    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::MaximumLikelihoodSampleConsensus::computeModel] Estimated sigma value: %f.\n", sigma_);

  // Compute the bounding box diagonal: V = sqrt (sum (max(pointCloud) - min(pointCloud)^2))
  Eigen::Vector4f min_pt, max_pt;
  getMinMax (sac_model_->getInputCloud (), sac_model_->getIndices (), min_pt, max_pt);
  max_pt -= min_pt;
  double v = sqrt (max_pt.dot (max_pt));

  int n_inliers_count = 0;
  size_t indices_size;
  unsigned skipped_count = 0;
  // supress infinite loops by just allowing 10 x maximum allowed iterations for invalid model parameters!
  const unsigned max_skip = max_iterations_ * 10;
  // Iterate
  while (iterations_ < k && skipped_count < max_skip)
    // Get X samples which satisfy the model criteria
    sac_model_->getSamples (iterations_, selection);

    if (selection.empty ()) break;

    // Search for inliers in the point cloud for the current plane model M
    if (!sac_model_->computeModelCoefficients (selection, model_coefficients))
      ++ skipped_count;

    // Iterate through the 3d points and calculate the distances from them to the model
    sac_model_->getDistancesToModel (model_coefficients, distances);

    // Use Expectiation-Maximization to find out the right value for d_cur_penalty
    // ---[ Initial estimate for the gamma mixing parameter = 1/2
    double gamma = 0.5;
    double p_outlier_prob = 0;

    indices_size = sac_model_->getIndices ()->size ();
    std::vector<double> p_inlier_prob (indices_size);
    for (int j = 0; j < iterations_EM_; ++j)
      // Likelihood of a datum given that it is an inlier
      for (size_t i = 0; i < indices_size; ++i)
        p_inlier_prob[i] = gamma * exp (- (distances[i] * distances[i] ) / 2 * (sigma_ * sigma_) ) /
                           (sqrt (2 * M_PI) * sigma_);

      // Likelihood of a datum given that it is an outlier
      p_outlier_prob = (1 - gamma) / v;

      gamma = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < indices_size; ++i)
        gamma += p_inlier_prob [i] / (p_inlier_prob[i] + p_outlier_prob);
      gamma /= static_cast<double>(sac_model_->getIndices ()->size ());

    // Find the log likelihood of the model -L = -sum [log (pInlierProb + pOutlierProb)]
    double d_cur_penalty = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < indices_size; ++i)
      d_cur_penalty += log (p_inlier_prob[i] + p_outlier_prob);
    d_cur_penalty = - d_cur_penalty;

    // Better match ?
    if (d_cur_penalty < d_best_penalty)
      d_best_penalty = d_cur_penalty;

      // Save the current model/coefficients selection as being the best so far
      model_              = selection;
      model_coefficients_ = model_coefficients;

      n_inliers_count = 0;
      // Need to compute the number of inliers for this model to adapt k
      for (size_t i = 0; i < distances.size (); ++i)
        if (distances[i] <= 2 * sigma_)

      // Compute the k parameter (k=log(z)/log(1-w^n))
      double w = static_cast<double> (n_inliers_count) / static_cast<double> (sac_model_->getIndices ()->size ());
      double p_no_outliers = 1 - pow (w, static_cast<double> (selection.size ()));
      p_no_outliers = (std::max) (std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon (), p_no_outliers);       // Avoid division by -Inf
      p_no_outliers = (std::min) (1 - std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon (), p_no_outliers);   // Avoid division by 0.
      k = log (1 - probability_) / log (p_no_outliers);

    if (debug_verbosity_level > 1)
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::MaximumLikelihoodSampleConsensus::computeModel] Trial %d out of %d. Best penalty is %f.\n", iterations_, static_cast<int> (ceil (k)), d_best_penalty);
    if (iterations_ > max_iterations_)
      if (debug_verbosity_level > 0)
        PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::MaximumLikelihoodSampleConsensus::computeModel] MLESAC reached the maximum number of trials.\n");

  if (model_.empty ())
    if (debug_verbosity_level > 0)
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::MaximumLikelihoodSampleConsensus::computeModel] Unable to find a solution!\n");
    return (false);

  // Iterate through the 3d points and calculate the distances from them to the model again
  sac_model_->getDistancesToModel (model_coefficients_, distances);
  std::vector<int> &indices = *sac_model_->getIndices ();
  if (distances.size () != indices.size ())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::MaximumLikelihoodSampleConsensus::computeModel] Estimated distances (%zu) differs than the normal of indices (%zu).\n", distances.size (), indices.size ());
    return (false);

  inliers_.resize (distances.size ());
  // Get the inliers for the best model found
  n_inliers_count = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < distances.size (); ++i)
    if (distances[i] <= 2 * sigma_)
      inliers_[n_inliers_count++] = indices[i];

  // Resize the inliers vector
  inliers_.resize (n_inliers_count);

  if (debug_verbosity_level > 0)
    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::MaximumLikelihoodSampleConsensus::computeModel] Model: %zu size, %d inliers.\n", model_.size (), n_inliers_count);

  return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 25
pcl::IFSReader::read (const std::string &file_name, pcl::PolygonMesh &mesh, int &ifs_version)
  pcl::console::TicToc tt;
  tt.tic ();

  unsigned int data_idx;

  int res = readHeader (file_name, mesh.cloud, ifs_version, data_idx);

  if (res < 0)
    return (res);

  // Setting the is_dense property to true by default
  mesh.cloud.is_dense = true;

  boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source mapped_file;

  size_t data_size = data_idx + mesh.cloud.data.size ();

    mapped_file.open (file_name, data_size, 0);
  catch (const char *exception)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::IFSReader::read] Error : %s!\n", file_name.c_str (), exception);
    mapped_file.close ();
    return (-1);

  if(!mapped_file.is_open ())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::IFSReader::read] File mapping failure\n");
    mapped_file.close ();
    return (-1);

  // Copy the data
  memcpy (&mesh.cloud.data[0], mapped_file.data () + data_idx, mesh.cloud.data.size ());

  mapped_file.close ();

  // Reopen the file to load the facets
  std::ifstream fs;
  fs.open (file_name.c_str (), std::ios::binary);
  if (!fs.is_open () || fs.fail ())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::IFSReader::read] Could not open file '%s'! Error : %s\n", file_name.c_str (), strerror(errno));
    fs.close ();
    return (-1);
  // Jump to the end of cloud data
  fs.seekg (data_size);
  // Read the TRIANGLES keyword
  uint32_t length_of_keyword;
  fs.read ((char*)&length_of_keyword, sizeof (uint32_t));
  char *keyword = new char [length_of_keyword];
  fs.read (keyword, sizeof (char) * length_of_keyword);
  if (strcmp (keyword, "TRIANGLES"))
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::IFSReader::read] File %s is does not contain facets!\n", file_name.c_str ());
    fs.close ();
    return (-1);
  delete[] keyword;
  // Read the number of facets
  uint32_t nr_facets;
  fs.read ((char*)&nr_facets, sizeof (uint32_t));
  if ((nr_facets == 0) || (nr_facets > 10000000))
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::IFSReader::read] Bad number of facets %lu!\n", nr_facets);
    fs.close ();
    return (-1);
  // Resize the mesh polygons
  mesh.polygons.resize (nr_facets);
  // Fill each polygon
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nr_facets; ++i)
    pcl::Vertices &facet = mesh.polygons[i];
    facet.vertices.resize (3);
    fs.read ((char*)&(facet.vertices[0]), sizeof (uint32_t));
    fs.read ((char*)&(facet.vertices[1]), sizeof (uint32_t));
    fs.read ((char*)&(facet.vertices[2]), sizeof (uint32_t));
  // We are done, close the file
  fs.close ();
  // Display statistics
  double total_time = tt.toc ();
  PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::IFSReader::read] Loaded %s as a polygon mesh in %g ms with %d points and %d facets.\n",
             file_name.c_str (), total_time, mesh.cloud.width * mesh.cloud.height, mesh.polygons.size ());
  return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 26
pcl::OBJReader::read (const std::string &file_name, pcl::PCLPointCloud2 &cloud,
                      Eigen::Vector4f &origin, Eigen::Quaternionf &orientation,
                      int &file_version, const int offset)
  pcl::console::TicToc tt;
  tt.tic ();

  int data_type;
  unsigned int data_idx;
  if (readHeader (file_name, cloud, origin, orientation, file_version, data_type, data_idx, offset))
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::OBJReader::read] Problem reading header!\n");
    return (-1);

  std::ifstream fs;
  fs.open (file_name.c_str (), std::ios::binary);
  if (!fs.is_open () || fs.fail ())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::OBJReader::readHeader] Could not open file '%s'! Error : %s\n",
               file_name.c_str (), strerror(errno));
    fs.close ();
    return (-1);

  // Seek at the given offset
  fs.seekg (data_idx, std::ios::beg);

  // Get normal_x and rgba fields indices
  int normal_x_field = -1;
  // std::size_t rgba_field = 0;
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < cloud.fields.size (); ++i)
    if (cloud.fields[i].name == "normal_x")
      normal_x_field = i;

  // else if (cloud.fields[i].name == "rgba")
  //   rgba_field = i;

  std::size_t point_idx = 0;
  std::size_t normal_idx = 0;
  std::string line;
  std::vector<std::string> st;
    while (!fs.eof ())
      getline (fs, line);
      // Ignore empty lines
      if (line == "")

      // Tokenize the line
      std::stringstream sstream (line);
      sstream.imbue (std::locale::classic ());
      line = sstream.str ();
      boost::trim (line);
      boost::split (st, line, boost::is_any_of ("\t\r "), boost::token_compress_on);

      // Ignore comments
      if (st[0] == "#")

      // Vertex
      if (st[0] == "v")
          for (int i = 1, f = 0; i < 4; ++i, ++f)
            float value = boost::lexical_cast<float> (st[i]);
            memcpy (&cloud.data[point_idx * cloud.point_step + cloud.fields[f].offset],
                sizeof (float));
        catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &e)
          PCL_ERROR ("Unable to convert %s to vertex coordinates!", line.c_str ());
          return (-1);

      // Vertex normal
      if (st[0] == "vn")
          for (int i = 1, f = normal_x_field; i < 4; ++i, ++f)
            float value = boost::lexical_cast<float> (st[i]);
            memcpy (&cloud.data[normal_idx * cloud.point_step + cloud.fields[f].offset],
                sizeof (float));
        catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &e)
          PCL_ERROR ("Unable to convert line %s to vertex normal!", line.c_str ());
          return (-1);
  catch (const char *exception)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::OBJReader::read] %s\n", exception);
    fs.close ();
    return (-1);

  double total_time = tt.toc ();
  PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::OBJReader::read] Loaded %s as a dense cloud in %g ms with %d points. Available dimensions: %s.\n",
             file_name.c_str (), total_time,
             cloud.width * cloud.height, pcl::getFieldsList (cloud).c_str ());
  fs.close ();
  return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 27
template <typename PointT> bool
pcl::LeastMedianSquares<PointT>::computeModel (int debug_verbosity_level)
  // Warn and exit if no threshold was set
  if (threshold_ == std::numeric_limits<double>::max())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::LeastMedianSquares::computeModel] No threshold set!\n");
    return (false);

  iterations_ = 0;
  double d_best_penalty = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

  std::vector<int> best_model;
  std::vector<int> selection;
  Eigen::VectorXf model_coefficients;
  std::vector<double> distances;

  int n_inliers_count = 0;

  unsigned skipped_count = 0;
  // supress infinite loops by just allowing 10 x maximum allowed iterations for invalid model parameters!
  const unsigned max_skip = max_iterations_ * 10;
  // Iterate
  while (iterations_ < max_iterations_ && skipped_count < max_skip)
    // Get X samples which satisfy the model criteria
    sac_model_->getSamples (iterations_, selection);

    if (selection.empty ()) break;

    // Search for inliers in the point cloud for the current plane model M
    if (!sac_model_->computeModelCoefficients (selection, model_coefficients))

    double d_cur_penalty = 0;
    // d_cur_penalty = sum (min (dist, threshold))

    // Iterate through the 3d points and calculate the distances from them to the model
    sac_model_->getDistancesToModel (model_coefficients, distances);
    // No distances? The model must not respect the user given constraints
    if (distances.empty ())

    std::sort (distances.begin (), distances.end ());
    // d_cur_penalty = median (distances)
    size_t mid = sac_model_->getIndices ()->size () / 2;
    if (mid >= distances.size ())

    // Do we have a "middle" point or should we "estimate" one ?
    if (sac_model_->getIndices ()->size () % 2 == 0)
      d_cur_penalty = (sqrt (distances[mid-1]) + sqrt (distances[mid])) / 2;
      d_cur_penalty = sqrt (distances[mid]);

    // Better match ?
    if (d_cur_penalty < d_best_penalty)
      d_best_penalty = d_cur_penalty;

      // Save the current model/coefficients selection as being the best so far
      model_              = selection;
      model_coefficients_ = model_coefficients;

    if (debug_verbosity_level > 1)
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::LeastMedianSquares::computeModel] Trial %d out of %d. Best penalty is %f.\n", iterations_, max_iterations_, d_best_penalty);

  if (model_.empty ())
    if (debug_verbosity_level > 0)
      PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::LeastMedianSquares::computeModel] Unable to find a solution!\n");
    return (false);

  // Classify the data points into inliers and outliers
  // Sigma = 1.4826 * (1 + 5 / (n-d)) * sqrt (M)
  // @note: See "Robust Regression Methods for Computer Vision: A Review"
  //double sigma = 1.4826 * (1 + 5 / (sac_model_->getIndices ()->size () - best_model.size ())) * sqrt (d_best_penalty);
  //double threshold = 2.5 * sigma;

  // Iterate through the 3d points and calculate the distances from them to the model again
  sac_model_->getDistancesToModel (model_coefficients_, distances);
  // No distances? The model must not respect the user given constraints
  if (distances.empty ())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::LeastMedianSquares::computeModel] The model found failed to verify against the given constraints!\n");
    return (false);

  std::vector<int> &indices = *sac_model_->getIndices ();

  if (distances.size () != indices.size ())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::LeastMedianSquares::computeModel] Estimated distances (%zu) differs than the normal of indices (%zu).\n", distances.size (), indices.size ());
    return (false);

  inliers_.resize (distances.size ());
  // Get the inliers for the best model found
  n_inliers_count = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < distances.size (); ++i)
    if (distances[i] <= threshold_)
      inliers_[n_inliers_count++] = indices[i];

  // Resize the inliers vector
  inliers_.resize (n_inliers_count);

  if (debug_verbosity_level > 0)
    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::LeastMedianSquares::computeModel] Model: %zu size, %d inliers.\n", model_.size (), n_inliers_count);

  return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 28
pcl::OBJReader::read (const std::string &file_name, pcl::TextureMesh &mesh,
                      Eigen::Vector4f &origin, Eigen::Quaternionf &orientation,
                      int &file_version, const int offset)
  pcl::console::TicToc tt;
  tt.tic ();

  int data_type;
  unsigned int data_idx;
  if (readHeader (file_name, mesh.cloud, origin, orientation, file_version, data_type, data_idx, offset))
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::OBJReader::read] Problem reading header!\n");
    return (-1);

  std::ifstream fs;
  fs.open (file_name.c_str (), std::ios::binary);
  if (!fs.is_open () || fs.fail ())
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::OBJReader::readHeader] Could not open file '%s'! Error : %s\n",
               file_name.c_str (), strerror(errno));
    fs.close ();
    return (-1);

  // Seek at the given offset
  fs.seekg (data_idx, std::ios::beg);

  // Get normal_x and rgba fields indices
  int normal_x_field = -1;
  // std::size_t rgba_field = 0;
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mesh.cloud.fields.size (); ++i)
    if (mesh.cloud.fields[i].name == "normal_x")
      normal_x_field = i;

  std::size_t v_idx = 0;
  std::size_t vn_idx = 0;
  std::size_t vt_idx = 0;
  std::size_t f_idx = 0;
  std::string line;
  std::vector<std::string> st;
  std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f> coordinates;
    while (!fs.eof ())
      getline (fs, line);
      // Ignore empty lines
      if (line == "")

      // Tokenize the line
      std::stringstream sstream (line);
      sstream.imbue (std::locale::classic ());
      line = sstream.str ();
      boost::trim (line);
      boost::split (st, line, boost::is_any_of ("\t\r "), boost::token_compress_on);

      // Ignore comments
      if (st[0] == "#")
      // Vertex
      if (st[0] == "v")
          for (int i = 1, f = 0; i < 4; ++i, ++f)
            float value = boost::lexical_cast<float> (st[i]);
            memcpy (&mesh.cloud.data[v_idx * mesh.cloud.point_step + mesh.cloud.fields[f].offset],
                sizeof (float));
        catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &e)
          PCL_ERROR ("Unable to convert %s to vertex coordinates!", line.c_str ());
          return (-1);
      // Vertex normal
      if (st[0] == "vn")
          for (int i = 1, f = normal_x_field; i < 4; ++i, ++f)
            float value = boost::lexical_cast<float> (st[i]);
            memcpy (&mesh.cloud.data[vn_idx * mesh.cloud.point_step + mesh.cloud.fields[f].offset],
                sizeof (float));
        catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &e)
          PCL_ERROR ("Unable to convert line %s to vertex normal!", line.c_str ());
          return (-1);
      // Texture coordinates
      if (st[0] == "vt")
          Eigen::Vector3f c (0, 0, 0);
          for (std::size_t i = 1; i < st.size (); ++i)
            c[i-1] = boost::lexical_cast<float> (st[i]);
          if (c[2] == 0)
            coordinates.push_back (Eigen::Vector2f (c[0], c[1]));
            coordinates.push_back (Eigen::Vector2f (c[0]/c[2], c[1]/c[2]));
        catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &e)
          PCL_ERROR ("Unable to convert line %s to texture coordinates!", line.c_str ());
          return (-1);
      // Material
      if (st[0] == "usemtl")
        mesh.tex_polygons.push_back (std::vector<pcl::Vertices> ());
        mesh.tex_materials.push_back (pcl::TexMaterial ());
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < companions_.size (); ++i)
          std::vector<pcl::TexMaterial>::const_iterator mat_it = companions_[i].getMaterial (st[1]);
          if (mat_it != companions_[i].materials_.end ())
            mesh.tex_materials.back () = *mat_it;
        // We didn't find the appropriate material so we create it here with name only.
        if (mesh.tex_materials.back ().tex_name == "")
          mesh.tex_materials.back ().tex_name = st[1];
        mesh.tex_coordinates.push_back (coordinates);
        coordinates.clear ();
      // Face
      if (st[0] == "f")
        //We only care for vertices indices
        pcl::Vertices face_v; face_v.vertices.resize (st.size () - 1);
        for (std::size_t i = 1; i < st.size (); ++i)
          int v;
          sscanf (st[i].c_str (), "%d", &v);
          v = (v < 0) ? v_idx + v : v - 1;
          face_v.vertices[i-1] = v;
        mesh.tex_polygons.back ().push_back (face_v);
  catch (const char *exception)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::OBJReader::read] %s\n", exception);
    fs.close ();
    return (-1);

  double total_time = tt.toc ();
  PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::OBJReader::read] Loaded %s as a TextureMesh in %g ms with %g points, %g texture materials, %g polygons.\n",
             file_name.c_str (), total_time,
             v_idx -1, mesh.tex_materials.size (), f_idx -1);
  fs.close ();
  return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 29
template <typename PointT> bool
pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::showCorrespondences (
  const pcl::PointCloud<PointT> &source_img,
  const pcl::PointCloud<PointT> &target_img,
  const pcl::Correspondences &correspondences,
  int nth,
  const std::string &layer_id)
  if (correspondences.empty ())
    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addCorrespondences] An empty set of correspondences given! Nothing to display.\n");
    return (false);

  // Check to see if this ID entry already exists (has it been already added to the visualizer?)
  LayerMap::iterator am_it = std::find_if (layer_map_.begin (), layer_map_.end (), LayerComparator (layer_id));
  if (am_it == layer_map_.end ())
    PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::visualization::ImageViewer::addCorrespondences] No layer with ID='%s' found. Creating new one...\n", layer_id.c_str ());
    am_it = createLayer (layer_id, source_img.width + target_img.width, std::max (source_img.height, target_img.height), 1.0, false);
  int src_size = source_img.width * source_img.height * 3;
  int tgt_size = target_img.width * target_img.height * 3;

  // Set window size
  setSize (source_img.width + target_img.width , std::max (source_img.height, target_img.height));

  // Set data size
  if (data_size_ < (src_size + tgt_size))
    data_size_ = src_size + tgt_size;
    data_.reset (new unsigned char[data_size_]);

  // Copy data in VTK format
  int j = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < std::max (source_img.height, target_img.height); ++i)
    // Still need to copy the source?
    if (i < source_img.height)
      for (size_t k = 0; k < source_img.width; ++k)
        data_[j++] = source_img[i * source_img.width + k].r;
        data_[j++] = source_img[i * source_img.width + k].g;
        data_[j++] = source_img[i * source_img.width + k].b;
      memcpy (&data_[j], 0, source_img.width * 3);
      j += source_img.width * 3;

    // Still need to copy the target?
    if (i < source_img.height)
      for (size_t k = 0; k < target_img.width; ++k)
        data_[j++] = target_img[i * source_img.width + k].r;
        data_[j++] = target_img[i * source_img.width + k].g;
        data_[j++] = target_img[i * source_img.width + k].b;
      memcpy (&data_[j], 0, target_img.width * 3);
      j += target_img.width * 3;

  void* data = const_cast<void*> (reinterpret_cast<const void*> (data_.get ()));
  vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData> image = vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageData>::New ();
  image->SetDimensions (source_img.width + target_img.width, std::max (source_img.height, target_img.height), 1);
  image->SetScalarTypeToUnsignedChar ();
  image->SetNumberOfScalarComponents (3);
  image->AllocateScalars ();
  image->GetPointData ()->GetScalars ()->SetVoidArray (data, data_size_, 1);
  vtkSmartPointer<PCLContextImageItem> image_item = vtkSmartPointer<PCLContextImageItem>::New ();
  // Now create filter and set previously created transformation
  algo_->SetInput (image);
  algo_->Update ();
  image_item->set (0, 0, algo_->GetOutput ());
  image_item->set (0, 0, image);
  interactor_style_->adjustCamera (image, ren_);
  am_it->actor->GetScene ()->AddItem (image_item);
  image_viewer_->SetSize (image->GetDimensions ()[0], image->GetDimensions ()[1]);

  // Draw lines between the best corresponding points
  for (size_t i = 0; i < correspondences.size (); i += nth)
    double r, g, b;
    getRandomColors (r, g, b);
    unsigned char u_r = static_cast<unsigned char> (255.0 * r);
    unsigned char u_g = static_cast<unsigned char> (255.0 * g);
    unsigned char u_b = static_cast<unsigned char> (255.0 * b);
    vtkSmartPointer<context_items::Circle> query_circle = vtkSmartPointer<context_items::Circle>::New ();
    query_circle->setColors (u_r, u_g, u_b);
    vtkSmartPointer<context_items::Circle> match_circle = vtkSmartPointer<context_items::Circle>::New ();
    match_circle->setColors (u_r, u_g, u_b);
    vtkSmartPointer<context_items::Line> line = vtkSmartPointer<context_items::Line>::New ();
    line->setColors (u_r, u_g, u_b);

    float query_x = correspondences[i].index_query % source_img.width;
    float match_x = correspondences[i].index_match % target_img.width + source_img.width;
    float query_y = correspondences[i].index_query / source_img.width;
    float match_y = correspondences[i].index_match / target_img.width;
    float query_y = getSize ()[1] - correspondences[i].index_query / source_img.width;
    float match_y = getSize ()[1] - correspondences[i].index_match / target_img.width;

    query_circle->set (query_x, query_y, 3.0);
    match_circle->set (match_x, match_y, 3.0);
    line->set (query_x, query_y, match_x, match_y);

    am_it->actor->GetScene ()->AddItem (query_circle);
    am_it->actor->GetScene ()->AddItem (match_circle);
    am_it->actor->GetScene ()->AddItem (line);
  return (true);
template <typename PointT> void
pcl::ProgressiveMorphologicalFilter<PointT>::extract (std::vector<int>& ground)
  bool segmentation_is_possible = initCompute ();
  if (!segmentation_is_possible)
    deinitCompute ();

  // Compute the series of window sizes and height thresholds
  std::vector<float> height_thresholds;
  std::vector<float> window_sizes;
  int iteration = 0;
  float window_size = 0.0f;
  float height_threshold = 0.0f;

  while (window_size < max_window_size_)
    // Determine the initial window size.
    if (exponential_)
      window_size = cell_size_ * (2.0f * std::pow (base_, iteration) + 1.0f);
      window_size = cell_size_ * (2.0f * (iteration+1) * base_ + 1.0f);

    // Calculate the height threshold to be used in the next iteration.
    if (iteration == 0)
      height_threshold = initial_distance_;
      height_threshold = slope_ * (window_size - window_sizes[iteration-1]) * cell_size_ + initial_distance_;

    // Enforce max distance on height threshold
    if (height_threshold > max_distance_)
      height_threshold = max_distance_;

    window_sizes.push_back (window_size);
    height_thresholds.push_back (height_threshold);


  // Ground indices are initially limited to those points in the input cloud we
  // wish to process
  ground = *indices_;

  // Progressively filter ground returns using morphological open
  for (int i = 0; i < window_sizes.size (); ++i)
    PCL_DEBUG ("      Iteration %d (height threshold = %f, window size = %f)...",
               i, height_thresholds[i], window_sizes[i]);

    // Limit filtering to those points currently considered ground returns
    typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>);
    pcl::copyPointCloud<PointT> (*input_, ground, *cloud);

    // Create new cloud to hold the filtered results. Apply the morphological
    // opening operation at the current window size.
    typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cloud_f (new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>);
    pcl::applyMorphologicalOperator<PointT> (cloud, window_sizes[i], MORPH_OPEN, *cloud_f);

    // Find indices of the points whose difference between the source and
    // filtered point clouds is less than the current height threshold.
    std::vector<int> pt_indices;
    for (boost::int32_t p_idx = 0; p_idx < ground.size (); ++p_idx)
      float diff = cloud->points[p_idx].z - cloud_f->points[p_idx].z;
      if (diff < height_thresholds[i])
        pt_indices.push_back (ground[p_idx]);

    // Ground is now limited to pt_indices
    ground.swap (pt_indices);

    PCL_DEBUG ("ground now has %d points\n", ground.size ());

  deinitCompute ();