Ejemplo n.º 1
void pidHWSetFloatCoeffs(tPID* controller, float Kp, float Ki, float Kd) {

    fractional kCoeffs[3];

    kCoeffs[0] = Q15(Kp);
    kCoeffs[1] = Q15(Ki);
    kCoeffs[2] = Q15(Kd);

    PIDCoeffCalc(&kCoeffs[0], controller);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void pidHWSetFracCoeffs(tPID* controller, fractional Kp, fractional Ki,
                                                         fractional Kd) {
    fractional kCoeffs[3];

    kCoeffs[0] = Kp;
    kCoeffs[1] = Ki;
    kCoeffs[2] = Kd;

    PIDCoeffCalc(kCoeffs, controller);
Ejemplo n.º 3
Main function demonstrating the use of PID(), PIDInit() and PIDCoeffCalc()
functions from DSP library in MPLAB C30 v3.00 and higher
int initPIDs(void)
Step 1: Initialize the PID data structure, PID
        PID1.abcCoefficients = &abcCoefficient1[0];    /*Set up pointer to derived coefficients */
        PID1.controlHistory = &controlHistory1[0];     /*Set up pointer to controller history samples */
        PIDInit(&PID1);                               /*Clear the controler history and the controller output */
	kCoeffs1[0] = Q15(1.0);
	kCoeffs1[1] = Q15(0.0);
	kCoeffs1[2] = Q15(0.0);
        PIDCoeffCalc(&kCoeffs1[0], &PID);             /*Derive the a,b, & c coefficients from the Kp, Ki & Kd */

        PID2.abcCoefficients = &abcCoefficient2[0];    /*Set up pointer to derived coefficients */
        PID2.controlHistory = &controlHistory2[0];     /*Set up pointer to controller history samples */
        PIDInit(&PID2);                               /*Clear the controler history and the controller output */
	kCoeffs2[0] = Q15(1.0);
	kCoeffs2[1] = Q15(0.0);
	kCoeffs2[2] = Q15(0.0);
        PIDCoeffCalc(&kCoeffs2[0], &PID2);             /*Derive the a,b, & c coefficients from the Kp, Ki & Kd */

* Function:     main(void)
* Output:		None
* Overview:		Main function used to init the ADC, PWM and TIMER2 modules. 
*				It also inits the global variables used in the interrupts and 
*				PI controller.
*				The main task executed here is to start and stop the motor 
*				as well as setting the ramp-up initial parameters to 
*				spin the motor
* Note:			None
int main(void)

	// Configure Oscillator to operate the device at 30Mhz
	// Fosc= Fin*M/(N1*N2), Fcy=Fosc/2
	// Fosc= 7.37*32/(2*2)= 58.96Mhz for 7.37 input clock
	/****************** Clock definitions *********************************/
	PLLFBD=30;					// M=32
	CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST=0;		// N1=2
	CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE=0;		// N2=2
	OSCTUN=0;					// Tune FRC oscillator, if FRC is used

	// Disable Watch Dog Timer

	// Clock switch to incorporate PLL
	__builtin_write_OSCCONH(0x01);		// Initiate Clock Switch to
										// FRC with PLL (NOSC=0b001)
	__builtin_write_OSCCONL(0x01);		// Start clock switching
	while (OSCCONbits.COSC != 0b001);	// Wait for Clock switch to occur

	// Wait for PLL to lock
	while(OSCCONbits.LOCK!=1) {};
	/****************** PID init **************************************/	
	ReferenceSpeed = (MIN_DUTY_CYCLE*2)/3;								
	// load the PID gain coeffecients into an array;
	PIDGainCoefficients[0] = SpeedControl_P;
	PIDGainCoefficients[1] = SpeedControl_I;
	PIDGainCoefficients[2] = SpeedControl_D;				

	// Initialize the PIDStructure variable before calculation the K1, K2, and K3 terms	
	PIDStructure.abcCoefficients = abcCoefficients;	
	PIDStructure.controlHistory = controlHistory;
	PIDCoeffCalc(PIDGainCoefficients, &PIDStructure);
	// initialize control history
	PIDStructure.controlOutput = MIN_DUTY_CYCLE;
	/****************** I/O port Init *********************************/
	/* Configuring Digital PORTS multiplexed with PWMs as outputs*/
	LATBbits.LATB10 = 0;	//PWM1H3
	TRISBbits.TRISB10 = 0;
	LATBbits.LATB11 = 0;	//PWM1L3
	TRISBbits.TRISB11 = 0;
	LATBbits.LATB12 = 0;	//PWM1H2
	TRISBbits.TRISB12 = 0;
	LATBbits.LATB13 = 0;	//PWM1L2
	TRISBbits.TRISB13 = 0;	
	LATBbits.LATB14 = 0;	//PWM1H1
	TRISBbits.TRISB14 = 0;	
	LATBbits.LATB15 = 0;	//PWM1L1
	TRISBbits.TRISB15 = 0;	

	/*Push Buttons ports*/
	LATBbits.LATB4 = 0;
	TRISBbits.TRISB4 = 1;
	LATAbits.LATA8 = 0;
	TRISAbits.TRISA8 = 1;
	/****************** Functions init *********************************/
	INTCON1bits.NSTDIS = 0;		    // Enabling nested interrupts	
	InitMCPWM();					//Configuring MC PWM module
	InitADC10();					//Configuring ADC
	InitTMR2();						//Configuring TIMER 3, used to measure speed
	InitTMR1();						//Configuring TIMER 1, used for the commutation delay

	Flags.RotorAlignment = 0;		// TURN OFF RAMP UP
	Flags.RunMotor = 0;				// indication the run motor condition
	/****************** Infinite Loop *********************************/

		while (!S3);					// wait for S3 button to be hit
		while (S3)						// wait till button is released
		T2CONbits.TON = 1;				// Start TIMER , enabling speed measurement
		PWM1CON1 = 0x0777;				// enable PWM outputs
		Flags.RotorAlignment = 1;		// TURN ON rotor alignment sequence
		Flags.RunMotor = 1;				// Indicating that motor is running
		CurrentPWMDutyCycle = MIN_DUTY_CYCLE;	//Init PWM values
		DesiredPWMDutyCycle = MIN_DUTY_CYCLE;	//Init PWM values
		PWMticks = 0;					//Init Rotor aligment counter
		/************* Rotor alignment sequence and ramp-up sequence ************/
			PWMticks = 0;				
		Flags.RotorAlignment = 0;		// TURN OFF rotor alignment sequence
		PWMticks = MAX_PWM_TICKS+1;		// RAMP UP for breaking the motor IDLE state
		/****************** Motor is running *********************************/
		while(Flags.RunMotor)			// while motor is running
		/****************** Stop Motor *********************************/

			//if (S3)							// if S3 is pressed
                    Sub_timer=0;                        // Musses
                    while ( Sub_timer=Sub_timer++<=600) // Musses
				//while (S3)					// wait for key release
				PWM1CON1 = 0x0700;			// disable PWM outputs
  			    P1OVDCON = 0x0000;			// override PWM low.
				Flags.RotorAlignment = 0;	// turn on RAMP UP
				Flags.RunMotor = 0;			// reset run flag
				CurrentPWMDutyCycle = 1;	// Set PWM to the min value
				//Initi speed measurement variables & timer
				T2CONbits.TON = 0;	// Stop TIMER2
				TMR2 = 0;			//Clear TIMER2 register
				Timer2Value = 0;
				Timer2Average = 0;

				//Init PI controller variables
				DesiredSpeed = (int)((ReferenceSpeed*3)/2);
				CurrentSpeed = 0;

				// load the PID gain coeffecients into an array;
				PIDGainCoefficients[0] = SpeedControl_P;
				PIDGainCoefficients[1] = SpeedControl_I;
				PIDGainCoefficients[2] = SpeedControl_D;				

				// Initialize the PIDStructure variable before calculation the K1, K2, and K3 terms	
				PIDStructure.abcCoefficients = abcCoefficients;	
				PIDStructure.controlHistory = controlHistory;
				PIDCoeffCalc(PIDGainCoefficients, &PIDStructure);
				// initialize control history
				PIDStructure.controlOutput = MIN_DUTY_CYCLE;
               // }
			}//end of motor running loop
		}//end of infinite loop

 return 0;
}//end of main function