Ejemplo n.º 1
   purpose -- initialize the ILUMtx object

   return values ---
      1  -- normal return
     -1  -- mtx is NULL
     -2  -- neqns <= 0
     -3  -- bad type for mtx
     -4  -- bad symmetryflag for mtx
     -5  -- storage mode of L is invalid
     -6  -- storage mode of U is invalid
     -7  -- matrix is symmetric or hermitian
            and storage modes are not compatible

   created -- 98oct03, cca
ILUMtx_init (
   ILUMtx   *mtx,
   int      neqns,
   int      type,
   int      symmetryflag,
   int      LstorageMode,
   int      UstorageMode
) {
   check the input
if ( mtx == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in ILUM_init(), mtx = NULL\n") ;
   return(-1) ;
if ( neqns <= 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in ILUM_init()"
           "\n neqns = %d\n", neqns) ;
   return(-2) ;
if ( type != SPOOLES_REAL && type != SPOOLES_COMPLEX ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in ILUM_init()"
           "\n type = %d\n", type) ;
   return(-3) ;
if (   symmetryflag != SPOOLES_SYMMETRIC 
    && symmetryflag != SPOOLES_HERMITIAN 
    && symmetryflag != SPOOLES_NONSYMMETRIC ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in ILUMinit()"
           "\n symmetry = %d\n", symmetryflag) ;
   return(-4) ;
if (   LstorageMode != SPOOLES_BY_ROWS
    && LstorageMode != SPOOLES_BY_COLUMNS ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in ILUM_init()"
           "\n LstorageMode = %d\n", LstorageMode) ;
   return(-5) ;
if (   UstorageMode != SPOOLES_BY_ROWS
    && UstorageMode != SPOOLES_BY_COLUMNS ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in ILUM_init()"
           "\n UstorageMode = %d\n", UstorageMode) ;
   return(-6) ;
if (   (   symmetryflag == SPOOLES_SYMMETRIC 
        || symmetryflag == SPOOLES_HERMITIAN) 
    && (LstorageMode == UstorageMode) ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in ILUM_init()"
           "\n symmetryflag %d, LstorageMode %d, UstorageMode %d",
           symmetryflag, LstorageMode, UstorageMode) ;
   return(-7) ;
   clear the data
ILUMtx_clearData(mtx) ;
   set the scalar fields
mtx->neqns        = neqns        ;
mtx->type         = type         ;
mtx->symmetryflag = symmetryflag ;
mtx->LstorageMode = LstorageMode ;
mtx->UstorageMode = UstorageMode ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
        "\n mtx->neqns = %d"
        "\n mtx->type = %d"
        "\n mtx->symmetryflag = %d"
        "\n mtx->LstorageMode = %d"
        "\n mtx->UstorageMode = %d",
        mtx->neqns, mtx->type, mtx->symmetryflag,
        mtx->LstorageMode, mtx->UstorageMode) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
   allocate the vectors
mtx->sizesU = IVinit(neqns, 0) ;
mtx->p_indU = PIVinit(neqns) ;
mtx->p_entU = PDVinit(neqns) ;
if ( type == SPOOLES_REAL ) {
   mtx->entD = DVinit(neqns, 0.0) ;
} else {
   mtx->entD = DVinit(2*neqns, 0.0) ;
if ( symmetryflag == SPOOLES_NONSYMMETRIC ) {
   mtx->sizesL = IVinit(neqns, 0) ;
   mtx->p_indL = PIVinit(neqns) ;
   mtx->p_entL = PDVinit(neqns) ;
} else {
   mtx->sizesL = NULL ;
   mtx->p_indL = NULL ;
   mtx->p_entL = NULL ;
return(1) ; }
Ejemplo n.º 2
   purpose -- take an adjacency structure in the
              (offsets[neqns+1], adjncy[*]) form
              and load the Graph object

   g -- pointer to Graph object, must be initialized with nvtx = neqns
   neqns -- # of equations
   offsets -- offsets vector
   adjncy  -- big adjacency vector
      note, the adjacency for list v is found in
      also note, offsets[] and adjncy[] must be zero based,
      if (offsets,adjncy) come from a harwell-boeing file, they use
      the fortran numbering, so each value must be decremented to
      conform with C's zero based numbering
   flag -- task flag
      flag = 0 --> just set the adjacency list for v to be that
                   found in adjncy[offsets[v]:offsets[v+1]-1]
      flag = 1 --> the input adjancency is just the upper triangle
                   (or strict upper triangle) as from a harwell-boeing
                   file. fill the Graph object with the full adjacency 
                   structure, including (v,v) edges

   created -- 96mar16, cca
Graph_fillFromOffsets (
   Graph   *g,
   int     neqns,
   int     offsets[],
   int     adjncy[],
   int     flag
) {
IVL   *adjIVL ;
   check the input
if (  g == NULL 
   || neqns <= 0
   || offsets == NULL
   || adjncy == NULL
   || flag < 0
   || flag > 1 ) {
           "\n fatal error in Graph_fillFromOffsets(%p,%d,%p,%p,%d)"
           "\n bad input\n", g, neqns, offsets, adjncy, flag) ;
   exit(-1) ;
   initialize the Graph object
Graph_init1(g, 0, neqns, 0, 0, IVL_CHUNKED, IVL_CHUNKED) ;
adjIVL = g->adjIVL ;
if ( flag == 0 ) {
   int   count, ii, nedge, v, w ;
   int   *list, *mark ;
   simple map, do not enforce symmetric structure
   list = IVinit(neqns, -1) ;
   mark = IVinit(neqns, -1) ;
   for ( v = 0, nedge = 0 ; v < neqns ; v++ ) {
      count = 0 ;
      for ( ii = offsets[v] ; ii < offsets[v+1] ; ii++ ) {
         w = adjncy[ii] ;
if ( v == neqns ) {
   fprintf(stdout, "\n hey there!! (v,w) = (%d,%d)", v, w) ;
         if ( 0 <= w && w < neqns && mark[w] != v ) {
            list[count++] = w ;
            mark[w] = v ;
      if ( mark[v] != v ) {
         list[count++] = v ;
         mark[v] = v ;
      IVqsortUp(count, list) ;
      IVL_setList(adjIVL, v, count, list) ;
      nedge += count ;
   g->totvwght = neqns ;
   g->totewght = g->nedges = nedge ;
   now free the working storage
   IVfree(list) ;
   IVfree(mark) ;
} else {
   int   ii, jj, u, v, vsize, w ;
   int   *head, *link, *list, *sizes, *vadj ;
   int   **p_adj ;
   enforce symmetric structure and (v,v) edges
   make a first pass to check the input
fprintf(stdout, "\n offsets") ;
IVfprintf(stdout, neqns+1, offsets) ;
   for ( v = 0 ; v < neqns ; v++ ) {
fprintf(stdout, "\n v = %d", v) ;
      for ( ii = offsets[v] ; ii < offsets[v+1] ; ii++ ) {
fprintf(stdout, "\n    w = %d", adjncy[ii]) ;
         if ( (w = adjncy[ii]) < v || neqns <= w ) {
               "\n fatal error in Graph_fillFromOffsets(%p,%d,%p,%p,%d)"
               "\n list %d, entry %d\n", g, neqns, offsets, adjncy,
               flag, v, w) ;
            exit(-1) ;
   head  = IVinit(neqns, -1) ;
   link  = IVinit(neqns, -1) ;
   list  = IVinit(neqns, -1) ;
   sizes = IVinit(neqns, 0) ;
   p_adj = PIVinit(neqns) ;
   for ( v = 0 ; v < neqns ; v++ ) {
      vsize = 0 ;
      add edges to vertices < v
      while ( (u = head[v]) != -1 ) {
         head[v] = link[u] ;
         list[vsize++] = u ;
         if ( --sizes[u] > 0 ) {
            w = *(++p_adj[u]) ;
            link[u] = head[w] ;
            head[w] = u ;
      add in edge (v,v)
      list[vsize++] = v ;
      jj = vsize ;
      add edges to vertices > v
      for ( ii = offsets[v] ; ii < offsets[v+1] ; ii++ ) {
         if ( (w = adjncy[ii]) != v ) {
            list[vsize++] = w ;
      sort and set the list
      IVqsortUp(vsize, list) ;
      IVL_setList(adjIVL, v, vsize, list) ;
      link v to first vertex in its lists greater than v
      if ( jj < vsize ) {
         IVL_listAndSize(adjIVL, v, &vsize, &vadj) ;
         w        = vadj[jj]   ;
         link[v]  = head[w]    ;
         head[w]  = v          ;
         sizes[v] = vsize - jj ;
         p_adj[v] = &vadj[jj]  ;
      g->nedges += vsize ;
   g->totvwght = neqns     ;
   g->totewght = g->nedges ;
   now free the working storage
   IVfree(head)   ;
   IVfree(link)   ;
   IVfree(list)   ;
   IVfree(sizes)  ;
   PIVfree(p_adj) ;
return ; }