Ejemplo n.º 1
void Slider::SetColour(Colour col1, Colour col2)
	pixel pix[2] = {PIXRGB(col1.Red, col1.Green, col1.Blue), PIXRGB(col2.Red, col2.Green, col2.Blue)};
	float fl[2] = {0.0f, 1.0f};
	this->col1 = col1;
	this->col2 = col2;
	bgGradient = (unsigned char*)Graphics::GenerateGradient(pix, fl, 2, Size.X-7);
Ejemplo n.º 2
pixel *Graphics::render_packed_rgb(void *image, int width, int height, int cmp_size)
	unsigned char *tmp;
	pixel *res;
	int i;

	tmp = (unsigned char *)malloc(width*height*3);
	if (!tmp)
		return NULL;
	res = (pixel *)malloc(width*height*PIXELSIZE);
	if (!res)
		return NULL;

	i = width*height*3;
	if (BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress((char *)tmp, (unsigned *)&i, (char *)image, cmp_size, 0, 0))
		return NULL;

	for (i=0; i<width*height; i++)
		res[i] = PIXRGB(tmp[3*i], tmp[3*i+1], tmp[3*i+2]);

	return res;
Ejemplo n.º 3
pixel *Graphics::rescale_img(pixel *src, int sw, int sh, int *qw, int *qh, int f)
	int i,j,x,y,w,h,r,g,b,c;
	pixel p, *q;
	w = (sw+f-1)/f;
	h = (sh+f-1)/f;
	q = (pixel *)malloc(w*h*PIXELSIZE);
	for (y=0; y<h; y++)
		for (x=0; x<w; x++)
			r = g = b = c = 0;
			for (j=0; j<f; j++)
				for (i=0; i<f; i++)
					if (x*f+i<sw && y*f+j<sh)
						p = src[(y*f+j)*sw + (x*f+i)];
						if (p)
							r += PIXR(p);
							g += PIXG(p);
							b += PIXB(p);
							c ++;
			if (c>1)
				r = (r+c/2)/c;
				g = (g+c/2)/c;
				b = (b+c/2)/c;
			q[y*w+x] = PIXRGB(r, g, b);
	*qw = w;
	*qh = h;
	return q;
Ejemplo n.º 4
pixel *Graphics::resample_img(pixel *src, int sw, int sh, int rw, int rh)

	unsigned char * source = (unsigned char*)src;
	int sourceWidth = sw, sourceHeight = sh;
	int resultWidth = rw, resultHeight = rh;
	int sourcePitch = sourceWidth*PIXELSIZE, resultPitch = resultWidth*PIXELSIZE;
	// Filter scale - values < 1.0 cause aliasing, but create sharper looking mips.
	const float filter_scale = 0.75f;
	const char* pFilter = "lanczos12";

	Resampler * resamplers[PIXELCHANNELS];
	float * samples[PIXELCHANNELS];

	//Resampler for each colour channel
	resamplers[0] = new Resampler(sourceWidth, sourceHeight, resultWidth, resultHeight, Resampler::BOUNDARY_CLAMP, 0.0f, 1.0f, pFilter, NULL, NULL, filter_scale, filter_scale);
	samples[0] = new float[sourceWidth];
	for (int i = 1; i < PIXELCHANNELS; i++)
		resamplers[i] = new Resampler(sourceWidth, sourceHeight, resultWidth, resultHeight, Resampler::BOUNDARY_CLAMP, 0.0f, 1.0f, pFilter, resamplers[0]->get_clist_x(), resamplers[0]->get_clist_y(), filter_scale, filter_scale);
		samples[i] = new float[sourceWidth];

	unsigned char * resultImage = new unsigned char[resultHeight * resultPitch];
	std::fill(resultImage, resultImage + (resultHeight*resultPitch), 0);

	//Resample time
	int resultY = 0;
	for (int sourceY = 0; sourceY < sourceHeight; sourceY++)
		unsigned char * sourcePixel = &source[sourceY * sourcePitch];

		//Move pixel components into channel samples
		for (int c = 0; c < PIXELCHANNELS; c++)
			for (int x = 0; x < sourceWidth; x++)
				samples[c][x] = sourcePixel[(x*PIXELSIZE)+c] * (1.0f/255.0f);

		//Put channel sample data into resampler
		for (int c = 0; c < PIXELCHANNELS; c++)
			if (!resamplers[c]->put_line(&samples[c][0]))
				printf("Out of memory!\n");
				return NULL;

		//Perform resample and Copy components from resampler result samples to image buffer
		for ( ; ; )
			int comp_index;
			for (comp_index = 0; comp_index < PIXELCHANNELS; comp_index++)
				const float* resultSamples = resamplers[comp_index]->get_line();
				if (!resultSamples)

				unsigned char * resultPixel = &resultImage[(resultY * resultPitch) + comp_index];

				for (int x = 0; x < resultWidth; x++)
					int c = (int)(255.0f * resultSamples[x] + .5f);
					if (c < 0) c = 0; else if (c > 255) c = 255;
					*resultPixel = (unsigned char)c;
					resultPixel += PIXELSIZE;
			if (comp_index < PIXELCHANNELS)


	//Clean up
	for(int i = 0; i < PIXELCHANNELS; i++)
		delete resamplers[i];
		delete[] samples[i];

	return (pixel*)resultImage;
#ifdef DEBUG
	std::cout << "Resampling " << sw << "x" << sh << " to " << rw << "x" << rh << std::endl;
	bool stairstep = false;
	if(rw < sw || rh < sh)
		float fx = (float)(((float)sw)/((float)rw));
		float fy = (float)(((float)sh)/((float)rh));

		int fxint, fyint;
		double fxintp_t, fyintp_t;

		float fxf = modf(fx, &fxintp_t), fyf = modf(fy, &fyintp_t);
		fxint = fxintp_t;
		fyint = fyintp_t;

		if(((fxint & (fxint-1)) == 0 && fxf < 0.1f) || ((fyint & (fyint-1)) == 0 && fyf < 0.1f))
			stairstep = true;

#ifdef DEBUG
			std::cout << "Downsampling by " << fx << "x" << fy << " using stairstepping" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "Downsampling by " << fx << "x" << fy << " without stairstepping" << std::endl;

	int y, x, fxceil, fyceil;
	//int i,j,x,y,w,h,r,g,b,c;
	pixel *q = NULL;
	if(rw == sw && rh == sh){
		//Don't resample
		q = new pixel[rw*rh];
		std::copy(src, src+(rw*rh), q);
	} else if(!stairstep) {
		float fx, fy, fyc, fxc;
		double intp;
		pixel tr, tl, br, bl;
		q = new pixel[rw*rh];
		//Bilinear interpolation for upscaling
		for (y=0; y<rh; y++)
			for (x=0; x<rw; x++)
				fx = ((float)x)*((float)sw)/((float)rw);
				fy = ((float)y)*((float)sh)/((float)rh);
				fxc = modf(fx, &intp);
				fyc = modf(fy, &intp);
				fxceil = (int)ceil(fx);
				fyceil = (int)ceil(fy);
				if (fxceil>=sw) fxceil = sw-1;
				if (fyceil>=sh) fyceil = sh-1;
				tr = src[sw*(int)floor(fy)+fxceil];
				tl = src[sw*(int)floor(fy)+(int)floor(fx)];
				br = src[sw*fyceil+fxceil];
				bl = src[sw*fyceil+(int)floor(fx)];
				q[rw*y+x] = PIXRGB(
					(int)(((((float)PIXR(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXR(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXR(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXR(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc)),
					(int)(((((float)PIXG(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXG(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXG(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXG(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc)),
					(int)(((((float)PIXB(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXB(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXB(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXB(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc))
	} else {
		float fx, fy, fyc, fxc;
		double intp;
		pixel tr, tl, br, bl;
		int rrw = rw, rrh = rh;
		pixel * oq;
		oq = new pixel[sw*sh];
		std::copy(src, src+(sw*sh), oq);
		rw = sw;
		rh = sh;
		while(rrw != rw && rrh != rh){
			if(rw > rrw)
				rw *= 0.7;
			if(rh > rrh)
				rh *= 0.7;
			if(rw <= rrw)
				rw = rrw;
			if(rh <= rrh)
				rh = rrh;
			q = new pixel[rw*rh];
			//Bilinear interpolation
			for (y=0; y<rh; y++)
				for (x=0; x<rw; x++)
					fx = ((float)x)*((float)sw)/((float)rw);
					fy = ((float)y)*((float)sh)/((float)rh);
					fxc = modf(fx, &intp);
					fyc = modf(fy, &intp);
					fxceil = (int)ceil(fx);
					fyceil = (int)ceil(fy);
					if (fxceil>=sw) fxceil = sw-1;
					if (fyceil>=sh) fyceil = sh-1;
					tr = oq[sw*(int)floor(fy)+fxceil];
					tl = oq[sw*(int)floor(fy)+(int)floor(fx)];
					br = oq[sw*fyceil+fxceil];
					bl = oq[sw*fyceil+(int)floor(fx)];
					q[rw*y+x] = PIXRGB(
						(int)(((((float)PIXR(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXR(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXR(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXR(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc)),
						(int)(((((float)PIXG(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXG(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXG(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXG(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc)),
						(int)(((((float)PIXB(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXB(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXB(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXB(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc))
			delete[] oq;
			oq = q;
			sw = rw;
			sh = rh;
	return q;
Ejemplo n.º 5
pixel *Graphics::ptif_unpack(void *datain, int size, int *w, int *h){
	int width, height, i, cx, cy, resCode;
	unsigned char *red_chan;
	unsigned char *green_chan;
	unsigned char *blue_chan;
	unsigned char *data = (unsigned char*)datain;
	unsigned char *undata;
	pixel *result;
		printf("Image empty\n");
		return NULL;
	if(!(data[0]=='P' && data[1]=='T' && data[2]=='i')){
		printf("Image header invalid\n");
		return NULL;
	width = data[4]|(data[5]<<8);
	height = data[6]|(data[7]<<8);

	i = (width*height)*3;
	undata = (unsigned char*)calloc(1, (width*height)*3);
	red_chan = (unsigned char*)calloc(1, width*height);
	green_chan = (unsigned char*)calloc(1, width*height);
	blue_chan = (unsigned char *)calloc(1, width*height);
	result = (pixel *)calloc(width*height, PIXELSIZE);

	resCode = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress((char *)undata, (unsigned *)&i, (char *)(data+8), size-8, 0, 0);
	if (resCode){
		printf("Decompression failure, %d\n", resCode);
		return NULL;
	if(i != (width*height)*3){
		printf("Result buffer size mismatch, %d != %d\n", i, (width*height)*3);
		return NULL;
	memcpy(red_chan, undata, width*height);
	memcpy(green_chan, undata+(width*height), width*height);
	memcpy(blue_chan, undata+((width*height)*2), width*height);

	for(cx = 0; cx<width; cx++){
		for(cy = 0; cy<height; cy++){
			result[width*(cy)+(cx)] = PIXRGB(red_chan[width*(cy)+(cx)], green_chan[width*(cy)+(cx)], blue_chan[width*(cy)+(cx)]);

	*w = width;
	*h = height;
	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
	pixel pc;
	if (cpart->ctype==NGT_LOTE)//colors for life states
		if (cpart->tmp==2)
			pc = PIXRGB(255, 128, 0);
		else if (cpart->tmp==1)
			pc = PIXRGB(255, 255, 0);
			pc = PIXRGB(255, 0, 0);
	else if (cpart->ctype==NGT_FRG2)//colors for life states
		if (cpart->tmp==2)
			pc = PIXRGB(0, 100, 50);
			pc = PIXRGB(0, 255, 90);
	else if (cpart->ctype==NGT_STAR)//colors for life states
		if (cpart->tmp==4)
			pc = PIXRGB(0, 0, 128);
		else if (cpart->tmp==3)
			pc = PIXRGB(0, 0, 150);
		else if (cpart->tmp==2)
			pc = PIXRGB(0, 0, 190);
		else if (cpart->tmp==1)
			pc = PIXRGB(0, 0, 230);
			pc = PIXRGB(0, 0, 70);
	else if (cpart->ctype==NGT_FROG)//colors for life states
		if (cpart->tmp==2)
			pc = PIXRGB(0, 100, 0);
			pc = PIXRGB(0, 255, 0);
	else if (cpart->ctype==NGT_BRAN)//colors for life states
		if (cpart->tmp==1)
			pc = PIXRGB(150, 150, 0);
			pc = PIXRGB(255, 255, 0);
	} else {
		pc = gmenu[cpart->ctype].colour;
	*colr = PIXR(pc);
	*colg = PIXG(pc);
	*colb = PIXB(pc);
	return 0;