Ejemplo n.º 1
/* load rows directly from network buffer */
static void exec_query_zero_copy(struct Context *ctx, const char *q)
	PGconn *db = ctx->db;
	PGresult *r;
	ExecStatusType s;
	PGdataValue *cols;

	ctx->count = 0;

	if (!PQsendQuery(db, q))
		die(db, "PQsendQuery");

	if (!PQsetSingleRowMode(db))
		die(NULL, "PQsetSingleRowMode");

	/* loop until all resultset is done */
	while (PQgetRowData(db, &r, &cols)) {
		proc_row_zcopy(ctx, r, cols);

	/* get final result */
	r = PQgetResult(db);
	s = PQresultStatus(r);
	switch (s) {
		//printf("query successful, got %d rows\n", ctx->count);
		ctx->count = 0;
		printf("result: %s\n", PQresStatus(s));
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* load each row as PGresult */
static void exec_query_single_row(struct Context *ctx, const char *q)
	PGconn *db = ctx->db;
	PGresult *r;
	ExecStatusType s;

	ctx->count = 0;

	if (!PQsendQuery(db, q))
		die(db, "PQsendQuery");

	if (!PQsetSingleRowMode(db))
		die(NULL, "PQsetSingleRowMode");

	/* loop until all resultset is done */
	while (1) {
		/* get next result */
		r = PQgetResult(db);
		if (!r)
		s = PQresultStatus(r);
		switch (s) {
				//printf("query successful, got %d rows\n", ctx->count);
				ctx->count = 0;
				/* process first (only) row */
				proc_row(ctx, r, 0);
				fprintf(stderr, "result: %s\n", PQresStatus(s));

Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Initiates the non-blocking capture of a consistent snapshot of the database,
 * using the exported snapshot context->repl.snapshot_name. */
int snapshot_start(client_context_t context) {
    if (!context->repl.snapshot_name || context->repl.snapshot_name[0] == '\0') {
        client_error(context, "snapshot_name must be set in client context");
        return EINVAL;

    int err = 0;
    check(err, exec_sql(context, "BEGIN"));
    check(err, exec_sql(context, "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ"));

    PQExpBuffer query = createPQExpBuffer();
    appendPQExpBuffer(query, "SET TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT '%s'", context->repl.snapshot_name);
    check(err, exec_sql(context, query->data));

    Oid argtypes[] = { 25, 16 }; // 25 == TEXTOID, 16 == BOOLOID
    const char *args[] = { "%", context->allow_unkeyed ? "t" : "f" };

    if (!PQsendQueryParams(context->sql_conn,
                "SELECT bottledwater_export(table_pattern := $1, allow_unkeyed := $2)",
                2, argtypes, args, NULL, NULL, 1)) { // The final 1 requests results in binary format
        client_error(context, "Could not dispatch snapshot fetch: %s",
        return EIO;

    if (!PQsetSingleRowMode(context->sql_conn)) {
        client_error(context, "Could not activate single-row mode");
        return EIO;

    // Invoke the begin-transaction callback with xid==0 to indicate start of snapshot
    begin_txn_cb begin_txn = context->repl.frame_reader->on_begin_txn;
    void *cb_context = context->repl.frame_reader->cb_context;
    if (begin_txn) {
        check(err, begin_txn(cb_context, context->repl.start_lsn, 0));
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Runs a query, which returns pieces of files from the remote source data
 * directory, and overwrites the corresponding parts of target files with
 * the received parts. The result set is expected to be of format:
 * path		text	-- path in the data directory, e.g "base/1/123"
 * begin	int8	-- offset within the file
 * chunk	bytea	-- file content
static void
receiveFileChunks(const char *sql)
	PGresult   *res;

	if (PQsendQueryParams(conn, sql, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1) != 1)
		pg_fatal("could not send query: %s", PQerrorMessage(conn));

	pg_log(PG_DEBUG, "getting file chunks\n");

	if (PQsetSingleRowMode(conn) != 1)
		pg_fatal("could not set libpq connection to single row mode\n");

	while ((res = PQgetResult(conn)) != NULL)
		char	   *filename;
		int			filenamelen;
		int64		chunkoff;
		char		chunkoff_str[32];
		int			chunksize;
		char	   *chunk;

		switch (PQresultStatus(res))

				continue;		/* final zero-row result */

				pg_fatal("unexpected result while fetching remote files: %s",

		/* sanity check the result set */
		if (PQnfields(res) != 3 || PQntuples(res) != 1)
			pg_fatal("unexpected result set size while fetching remote files\n");

		if (PQftype(res, 0) != TEXTOID ||
			PQftype(res, 1) != INT8OID ||
			PQftype(res, 2) != BYTEAOID)
			pg_fatal("unexpected data types in result set while fetching remote files: %u %u %u\n",
					 PQftype(res, 0), PQftype(res, 1), PQftype(res, 2));

		if (PQfformat(res, 0) != 1 &&
			PQfformat(res, 1) != 1 &&
			PQfformat(res, 2) != 1)
			pg_fatal("unexpected result format while fetching remote files\n");

		if (PQgetisnull(res, 0, 0) ||
			PQgetisnull(res, 0, 1))
			pg_fatal("unexpected null values in result while fetching remote files\n");

		if (PQgetlength(res, 0, 1) != sizeof(int64))
			pg_fatal("unexpected result length while fetching remote files\n");

		/* Read result set to local variables */
		memcpy(&chunkoff, PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1), sizeof(int64));
		chunkoff = pg_recvint64(chunkoff);
		chunksize = PQgetlength(res, 0, 2);

		filenamelen = PQgetlength(res, 0, 0);
		filename = pg_malloc(filenamelen + 1);
		memcpy(filename, PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), filenamelen);
		filename[filenamelen] = '\0';

		chunk = PQgetvalue(res, 0, 2);

		 * If a file has been deleted on the source, remove it on the target
		 * as well.  Note that multiple unlink() calls may happen on the same
		 * file if multiple data chunks are associated with it, hence ignore
		 * unconditionally anything missing.  If this file is not a relation
		 * data file, then it has been already truncated when creating the
		 * file chunk list at the previous execution of the filemap.
		if (PQgetisnull(res, 0, 2))
				   "received null value for chunk for file \"%s\", file has been deleted\n",
			remove_target_file(filename, true);

		 * Separate step to keep platform-dependent format code out of
		 * translatable strings.
		snprintf(chunkoff_str, sizeof(chunkoff_str), INT64_FORMAT, chunkoff);
		pg_log(PG_DEBUG, "received chunk for file \"%s\", offset %s, size %d\n",
			   filename, chunkoff_str, chunksize);

		open_target_file(filename, false);

		write_target_range(chunk, chunkoff, chunksize);


Ejemplo n.º 5
static int pgasp_handler (request_rec * r)
   char cursor_string[256];
   pgasp_config* config = (pgasp_config*) ap_get_module_config(r->server->module_config, &pgasp_module ) ;
   pgasp_dir_config* dir_config = (pgasp_dir_config*) ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &pgasp_module ) ;
   apr_table_t * GET = NULL, *GETargs = NULL;
   apr_array_header_t * POST;
   PGconn * pgc;
   PGresult * pgr;
   int i, j, allowed_to_serve, filename_length = 0;
   int field_count, tuple_count;
   char * requested_file;
   char *basename;
   params_t params;

   /* PQexecParams doesn't seem to like zero-length strings, so we feed it a dummy */
   const char * dummy_get = "nothing";
   const char * dummy_user = "******";

   const char * cursor_values[2] = { r -> args ? apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r -> args) : dummy_get, r->user ? r->user : dummy_user };
   int cursor_value_lengths[2] = { strlen(cursor_values[0]), strlen(cursor_values[1]) };
   int cursor_value_formats[2] = { 0, 0 };

   if (!r -> handler || strcmp (r -> handler, "pgasp-handler") ) return DECLINED;
   if (!r -> method || (strcmp (r -> method, "GET") && strcmp (r -> method, "POST")) ) return DECLINED;

   if (config->is_enabled != true) return OK; /* pretending we have responded, may return DECLINED in the future */

   requested_file = apr_pstrdup (r -> pool, r -> path_info /*filename*/);
   i = strlen(requested_file) - 1;

   while (i > 0)
     if (requested_file[i] == '.') filename_length = i;
     if (requested_file[i] == '/') break;

   if (i >= 0) {
     requested_file += i+1; /* now pointing to foo.pgasp instead of /var/www/.../foo.pgasp */
     if (filename_length > i) filename_length -= i+1;

   allowed_to_serve = false;

   for (i = 0; i < config->allowed_count; i++)
      if (!strcmp(config->allowed[i], requested_file))
         allowed_to_serve = true;
   if (config->allowed_count == 0) allowed_to_serve = true;

   if (!allowed_to_serve)
      ap_set_content_type(r, "text/plain");
      ap_rprintf(r, "Hello there\nThis is PGASP\nEnabled: %s\n", config->is_enabled ? "On" : "Off");
      ap_rprintf(r, "Requested: %s\n", requested_file);
      ap_rprintf(r, "Allowed: %s\n", allowed_to_serve ? "Yes" : "No");

      return OK; /* pretending we have served the file, may return HTTP_FORDIDDEN in the future */

   if (filename_length == 0) {
     basename = requested_file;
   } else {
     basename = apr_pstrndup(r->pool, requested_file, filename_length);

   ap_args_to_table(r, &GETargs);
   if (OK != ap_parse_form_data(r, NULL, &POST, -1, (~((apr_size_t)0)))) {
     __(r->server, " ** ap_parse_form_data is NOT OK");
   GET = (NULL == GET) ? GETargs : apr_table_overlay(r->pool, GETargs, GET);

   // move all POST parameters into GET table
     ap_form_pair_t *pair;
     char *buffer;
     apr_off_t len;
     apr_size_t size;
     while (NULL != (pair = apr_array_pop(POST))) {
       apr_brigade_length(pair->value, 1, &len);
       size = (apr_size_t) len;
       buffer = apr_palloc(r->pool, size + 1);
       apr_brigade_flatten(pair->value, buffer, &size);
       buffer[len] = 0;
       apr_table_setn(GET, apr_pstrdup(r->pool, pair->name), buffer); //should name and value be ap_unescape_url() -ed?
       //       __(r->server, "POST[%s]: %s", pair->name, buffer);

   params.r = r;
   params.args = NULL;
   apr_table_do(tab_args, &params, GET, NULL);
   params.args = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, "&", params.args, "&", NULL);

   cursor_values[0] = params.args;
   cursor_value_lengths[0] = strlen(cursor_values[0]);

   /* set response content type according to configuration or to default value */
   ap_set_content_type(r, dir_config->content_type_set ? dir_config->content_type : "text/html");

   /* now connecting to Postgres, getting function output, and printing it */

   pgc = pgasp_pool_open (r->server);

   if (PQstatus(pgc) != CONNECTION_OK)
      spit_pg_error ("connect");
      pgasp_pool_close(r->server, pgc);
      return OK;

   /* removing extention (.pgasp or other) from file name, and adding "f_" for function name, i.e. foo.pgasp becomes psp_foo() */
	    "select * from f_%s($1::varchar)",

   /* passing GET as first (and only) parameter */
   if (0 == PQsendQueryParams (pgc, cursor_string, 1, NULL, cursor_values, cursor_value_lengths, cursor_value_formats, 0)) {
      spit_pg_error ("sending async query with params");
      return clean_up_connection(r->server);

   if (0 == PQsetSingleRowMode(pgc)) {
     ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, 0, r->server, "can not fall into single raw mode to fetch data");

   while (NULL != (pgr = PQgetResult(pgc))) {

     if (PQresultStatus(pgr) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK && PQresultStatus(pgr) != PGRES_SINGLE_TUPLE) {
       spit_pg_error ("fetch data");
       return clean_up_connection(r->server);

     /* the following counts and for-loop may seem excessive as it's just 1 row/1 field, but might need it in the future */

     field_count = PQnfields(pgr);
     tuple_count = PQntuples(pgr);

     for (i = 0; i < tuple_count; i++)
	 for (j = 0; j < field_count; j++) ap_rprintf(r, "%s", PQgetvalue(pgr, i, j));
	 ap_rprintf(r, "\n");
     PQclear (pgr);
   pgasp_pool_close(r->server, pgc);

   return OK;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Runs a query, which returns pieces of files from the remote source data
 * directory, and overwrites the corresponding parts of target files with
 * the received parts. The result set is expected to be of format:
 * path		text	-- path in the data directory, e.g "base/1/123"
 * begin	int4	-- offset within the file
 * chunk	bytea	-- file content
static void
receiveFileChunks(const char *sql)
	PGresult   *res;

	if (PQsendQueryParams(conn, sql, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1) != 1)
		pg_fatal("could not send query: %s", PQerrorMessage(conn));

	pg_log(PG_DEBUG, "getting file chunks\n");

	if (PQsetSingleRowMode(conn) != 1)
		pg_fatal("could not set libpq connection to single row mode\n");

	while ((res = PQgetResult(conn)) != NULL)
		char	   *filename;
		int			filenamelen;
		int			chunkoff;
		int			chunksize;
		char	   *chunk;

		switch (PQresultStatus(res))

				continue;		/* final zero-row result */

				pg_fatal("unexpected result while fetching remote files: %s",

		/* sanity check the result set */
		if (PQnfields(res) != 3 || PQntuples(res) != 1)
			pg_fatal("unexpected result set size while fetching remote files\n");

		if (PQftype(res, 0) != TEXTOID &&
			PQftype(res, 1) != INT4OID &&
			PQftype(res, 2) != BYTEAOID)
			pg_fatal("unexpected data types in result set while fetching remote files: %u %u %u\n",
					 PQftype(res, 0), PQftype(res, 1), PQftype(res, 2));

		if (PQfformat(res, 0) != 1 &&
			PQfformat(res, 1) != 1 &&
			PQfformat(res, 2) != 1)
			pg_fatal("unexpected result format while fetching remote files\n");

		if (PQgetisnull(res, 0, 0) ||
			PQgetisnull(res, 0, 1))
			pg_fatal("unexpected null values in result while fetching remote files\n");

		if (PQgetlength(res, 0, 1) != sizeof(int32))
			pg_fatal("unexpected result length while fetching remote files\n");

		/* Read result set to local variables */
		memcpy(&chunkoff, PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1), sizeof(int32));
		chunkoff = ntohl(chunkoff);
		chunksize = PQgetlength(res, 0, 2);

		filenamelen = PQgetlength(res, 0, 0);
		filename = pg_malloc(filenamelen + 1);
		memcpy(filename, PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), filenamelen);
		filename[filenamelen] = '\0';

		chunk = PQgetvalue(res, 0, 2);

		 * It's possible that the file was deleted on remote side after we
		 * created the file map. In this case simply ignore it, as if it was
		 * not there in the first place, and move on.
		if (PQgetisnull(res, 0, 2))
				   "received null value for chunk for file \"%s\", file has been deleted\n",

		pg_log(PG_DEBUG, "received chunk for file \"%s\", offset %d, size %d\n",
			   filename, chunkoff, chunksize);

		open_target_file(filename, false);

		write_target_range(chunk, chunkoff, chunksize);


Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Runs a query, which returns pieces of files from the remote source data
 * directory, and overwrites the corresponding parts of target files with
 * the received parts. The result set is expected to be of format:
 * path		text	-- path in the data directory, e.g "base/1/123"
 * begin	int4	-- offset within the file
 * chunk	bytea	-- file content
static void
receiveFileChunks(const char *sql)
	PGresult   *res;

	if (PQsendQueryParams(conn, sql, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1) != 1)
		fprintf(stderr, "could not send query: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));

	if (verbose)
		fprintf(stderr, "getting chunks: %s\n", sql);

	if (PQsetSingleRowMode(conn) != 1)
		fprintf(stderr, "could not set libpq connection to single row mode\n");

	if (verbose)
		fprintf(stderr, "sent query\n");

	while ((res = PQgetResult(conn)) != NULL)
		char   *filename;
		int		filenamelen;
		int		chunkoff;
		int		chunksize;
		char   *chunk;


				continue; /* final zero-row result */
				fprintf(stderr, "unexpected result while fetching remote files: %s\n",

		/* sanity check the result set */
		if (!(PQnfields(res) == 3 && PQntuples(res) == 1))
			fprintf(stderr, "unexpected result set size while fetching remote files\n");

		if (!(PQftype(res, 0) == TEXTOID && PQftype(res, 1) == INT4OID && PQftype(res, 2) == BYTEAOID))
			fprintf(stderr, "unexpected data types in result set while fetching remote files: %u %u %u\n", PQftype(res, 0), PQftype(res, 1), PQftype(res, 2));
		if (!(PQfformat(res, 0) == 1 && PQfformat(res, 1) == 1 && PQfformat(res, 2) == 1))
			fprintf(stderr, "unexpected result format while fetching remote files\n");

		if (!(!PQgetisnull(res, 0, 0) && !PQgetisnull(res, 0, 1) && !PQgetisnull(res, 0, 2) &&
			  PQgetlength(res, 0, 1) == sizeof(int32)))
			fprintf(stderr, "unexpected result set while fetching remote files\n");

		/* Read result set to local variables */
		memcpy(&chunkoff, PQgetvalue(res, 0, 1), sizeof(int32));
		chunkoff = ntohl(chunkoff);
		chunksize = PQgetlength(res, 0, 2);

		filenamelen = PQgetlength(res, 0, 0);
		filename = pg_malloc(filenamelen + 1);
		memcpy(filename, PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0), filenamelen);
		filename[filenamelen] = '\0';

		chunk = PQgetvalue(res, 0, 2);

		if (verbose)
			fprintf(stderr, "received chunk for file \"%s\", off %d, len %d\n",
					filename, chunkoff, chunksize);

		open_target_file(filename, false);

		write_file_range(chunk, chunkoff, chunksize);