Ejemplo n.º 1
 * \brief   pixLocToColorTransform()
 * \param[in]     pixs 1 bpp
 * \return   pixd 32 bpp rgb, or NULL on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This generates an RGB image where each component value
 *          is coded depending on the (x.y) location and the size
 *          of the fg connected component that the pixel in pixs belongs to.
 *          It is independent of the 4-fold orthogonal orientation, and
 *          only weakly depends on translations and small angle rotations.
 *          Background pixels are black.
 *      (2) Such encodings can be compared between two 1 bpp images
 *          by performing this transform and calculating the
 *          "earth-mover" distance on the resulting R,G,B histograms.
 * </pre>
pixLocToColorTransform(PIX  *pixs)
l_int32    w, h, w2, h2, wpls, wplr, wplg, wplb, wplcc, i, j, rval, gval, bval;
l_float32  invw2, invh2;
l_uint32  *datas, *datar, *datag, *datab, *datacc;
l_uint32  *lines, *liner, *lineg, *lineb, *linecc;
PIX       *pix1, *pixcc, *pixr, *pixg, *pixb, *pixd;


    if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs undefined or not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);

        /* Label each pixel with the area of the c.c. to which it belongs.
         * Clip the result to 255 in an 8 bpp pix. This is used for
         * the blue component of pixd.  */
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
    w2 = w / 2;
    h2 = h / 2;
    invw2 = 255.0 / (l_float32)w2;
    invh2 = 255.0 / (l_float32)h2;
    pix1 = pixConnCompAreaTransform(pixs, 8);
    pixcc = pixConvert32To8(pix1, L_LS_TWO_BYTES, L_CLIP_TO_FF);

        /* Label the red and green components depending on the location
         * of the fg pixels, in a way that is 4-fold rotationally invariant. */
    pixr = pixCreate(w, h, 8);
    pixg = pixCreate(w, h, 8);
    pixb = pixCreate(w, h, 8);
    wpls = pixGetWpl(pixs);
    wplr = pixGetWpl(pixr);
    wplg = pixGetWpl(pixg);
    wplb = pixGetWpl(pixb);
    wplcc = pixGetWpl(pixcc);
    datas = pixGetData(pixs);
    datar = pixGetData(pixr);
    datag = pixGetData(pixg);
    datab = pixGetData(pixb);
    datacc = pixGetData(pixcc);
    for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
        lines = datas + i * wpls;
        liner = datar + i * wplr;
        lineg = datag + i * wplg;
        lineb = datab + i * wplb;
        linecc = datacc+ i * wplcc;
        for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
            if (GET_DATA_BIT(lines, j) == 0) continue;
            if (w < h) {
                rval = invh2 * L_ABS((l_float32)(i - h2));
                gval = invw2 * L_ABS((l_float32)(j - w2));
            } else {
                rval = invw2 * L_ABS((l_float32)(j - w2));
                gval = invh2 * L_ABS((l_float32)(i - h2));
            bval = GET_DATA_BYTE(linecc, j);
            SET_DATA_BYTE(liner, j, rval);
            SET_DATA_BYTE(lineg, j, gval);
            SET_DATA_BYTE(lineb, j, bval);
    pixd = pixCreateRGBImage(pixr, pixg, pixb);

    return pixd;
 * \brief   pixSauvolaBinarize()
 * \param[in]    pixs 8 bpp grayscale; not colormapped
 * \param[in]    whsize window half-width for measuring local statistics
 * \param[in]    factor factor for reducing threshold due to variance; >= 0
 * \param[in]    addborder 1 to add border of width (%whsize + 1) on all sides
 * \param[out]   ppixm [optional] local mean values
 * \param[out]   ppixsd [optional] local standard deviation values
 * \param[out]   ppixth [optional] threshold values
 * \param[out]   ppixd [optional] thresholded image
 * \return  0 if OK, 1 on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) The window width and height are 2 * %whsize + 1.  The minimum
 *          value for %whsize is 2; typically it is \>= 7..
 *      (2) The local statistics, measured over the window, are the
 *          average and standard deviation.
 *      (3) The measurements of the mean and standard deviation are
 *          performed inside a border of (%whsize + 1) pixels.  If pixs does
 *          not have these added border pixels, use %addborder = 1 to add
 *          it here; otherwise use %addborder = 0.
 *      (4) The Sauvola threshold is determined from the formula:
 *            t = m * (1 - k * (1 - s / 128))
 *          where:
 *            t = local threshold
 *            m = local mean
 *            k = %factor (\>= 0)   [ typ. 0.35 ]
 *            s = local standard deviation, which is maximized at
 *                127.5 when half the samples are 0 and half are 255.
 *      (5) The basic idea of Niblack and Sauvola binarization is that
 *          the local threshold should be less than the median value,
 *          and the larger the variance, the closer to the median
 *          it should be chosen.  Typical values for k are between
 *          0.2 and 0.5.
 * </pre>
pixSauvolaBinarize(PIX       *pixs,
                   l_int32    whsize,
                   l_float32  factor,
                   l_int32    addborder,
                   PIX      **ppixm,
                   PIX      **ppixsd,
                   PIX      **ppixth,
                   PIX      **ppixd)
l_int32  w, h;
PIX     *pixg, *pixsc, *pixm, *pixms, *pixth, *pixd;


    if (ppixm) *ppixm = NULL;
    if (ppixsd) *ppixsd = NULL;
    if (ppixth) *ppixth = NULL;
    if (ppixd) *ppixd = NULL;
    if (!ppixm && !ppixsd && !ppixth && !ppixd)
        return ERROR_INT("no outputs", procName, 1);
    if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) != 8)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs undefined or not 8 bpp", procName, 1);
    if (pixGetColormap(pixs))
        return ERROR_INT("pixs is cmapped", procName, 1);
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
    if (whsize < 2)
        return ERROR_INT("whsize must be >= 2", procName, 1);
    if (w < 2 * whsize + 3 || h < 2 * whsize + 3)
        return ERROR_INT("whsize too large for image", procName, 1);
    if (factor < 0.0)
        return ERROR_INT("factor must be >= 0", procName, 1);

    if (addborder) {
        pixg = pixAddMirroredBorder(pixs, whsize + 1, whsize + 1,
                                    whsize + 1, whsize + 1);
        pixsc = pixClone(pixs);
    } else {
        pixg = pixClone(pixs);
        pixsc = pixRemoveBorder(pixs, whsize + 1);
    if (!pixg || !pixsc)
        return ERROR_INT("pixg and pixsc not made", procName, 1);

        /* All these functions strip off the border pixels. */
    if (ppixm || ppixth || ppixd)
        pixm = pixWindowedMean(pixg, whsize, whsize, 1, 1);
    if (ppixsd || ppixth || ppixd)
        pixms = pixWindowedMeanSquare(pixg, whsize, whsize, 1);
    if (ppixth || ppixd)
        pixth = pixSauvolaGetThreshold(pixm, pixms, factor, ppixsd);
    if (ppixd) {
        pixd = pixApplyLocalThreshold(pixsc, pixth, 1);
        pixCopyResolution(pixd, pixs);

    if (ppixm)
        *ppixm = pixm;
    if (ppixth)
        *ppixth = pixth;
    if (ppixd)
        *ppixd = pixd;
    return 0;
 * \brief   pixThresholdByConnComp()
 * \param[in]    pixs depth > 1, colormap OK
 * \param[in]    pixm [optional] 1 bpp mask giving region to ignore by setting
 *                    pixels to white; use NULL if no mask
 * \param[in]    start, end, incr binarization threshold levels to test
 * \param[in]    thresh48 threshold on normalized difference between the
 *                        numbers of 4 and 8 connected components
 * \param[in]    threshdiff threshold on normalized difference between the
 *                          number of 4 cc at successive iterations
 * \param[out]   pglobthresh [optional] best global threshold; 0
 *                           if no threshold is found
 * \param[out]   ppixd [optional] image thresholded to binary, or
 *                     null if no threshold is found
 * \param[in]    debugflag 1 for plotted results
 * \return  0 if OK, 1 on error or if no threshold is found
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This finds a global threshold based on connected components.
 *          Although slow, it is reasonable to use it in a situation where
 *          (a) the background in the image is relatively uniform, and
 *          (b) the result will be fed to an OCR program that accepts 1 bpp
 *              images and works best with easily segmented characters.
 *          The reason for (b) is that this selects a threshold with a
 *          minimum number of both broken characters and merged characters.
 *      (2) If the pix has color, it is converted to gray using the
 *          max component.
 *      (3) Input 0 to use default values for any of these inputs:
 *          %start, %end, %incr, %thresh48, %threshdiff.
 *      (4) This approach can be understood as follows.  When the
 *          binarization threshold is varied, the numbers of c.c. identify
 *          four regimes:
 *          (a) For low thresholds, text is broken into small pieces, and
 *              the number of c.c. is large, with the 4 c.c. significantly
 *              exceeding the 8 c.c.
 *          (b) As the threshold rises toward the optimum value, the text
 *              characters coalesce and there is very little difference
 *              between the numbers of 4 and 8 c.c, which both go
 *              through a minimum.
 *          (c) Above this, the image background gets noisy because some
 *              pixels are(thresholded to foreground, and the numbers
 *              of c.c. quickly increase, with the 4 c.c. significantly
 *              larger than the 8 c.c.
 *          (d) At even higher thresholds, the image background noise
 *              coalesces as it becomes mostly foreground, and the
 *              number of c.c. drops quickly.
 *      (5) If there is no global threshold that distinguishes foreground
 *          text from background (e.g., weak text over a background that
 *          has significant variation and/or bleedthrough), this returns 1,
 *          which the caller should check.
 * </pre>
pixThresholdByConnComp(PIX       *pixs,
                       PIX       *pixm,
                       l_int32    start,
                       l_int32    end,
                       l_int32    incr,
                       l_float32  thresh48,
                       l_float32  threshdiff,
                       l_int32   *pglobthresh,
                       PIX      **ppixd,
                       l_int32    debugflag)
l_int32    i, thresh, n, n4, n8, mincounts, found, globthresh;
l_float32  count4, count8, firstcount4, prevcount4, diff48, diff4;
GPLOT     *gplot;
NUMA      *na4, *na8;
PIX       *pix1, *pix2, *pix3;


    if (pglobthresh) *pglobthresh = 0;
    if (ppixd) *ppixd = NULL;
    if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) == 1)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs undefined or 1 bpp", procName, 1);
    if (pixm && pixGetDepth(pixm) != 1)
        return ERROR_INT("pixm must be 1 bpp", procName, 1);

        /* Assign default values if requested */
    if (start <= 0) start = 80;
    if (end <= 0) end = 200;
    if (incr <= 0) incr = 10;
    if (thresh48 <= 0.0) thresh48 = 0.01;
    if (threshdiff <= 0.0) threshdiff = 0.01;
    if (start > end)
        return ERROR_INT("invalid start,end", procName, 1);

        /* Make 8 bpp, using the max component if color. */
    if (pixGetColormap(pixs))
        pix1 = pixRemoveColormap(pixs, REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC);
        pix1 = pixClone(pixs);
    if (pixGetDepth(pix1) == 32)
        pix2 = pixConvertRGBToGrayMinMax(pix1, L_CHOOSE_MAX);
        pix2 = pixConvertTo8(pix1, 0);

        /* Mask out any non-text regions.  Do this in-place, because pix2
         * can never be the same pix as pixs. */
    if (pixm)
        pixSetMasked(pix2, pixm, 255);

        /* Make sure there are enough components to get a valid signal */
    pix3 = pixConvertTo1(pix2, start);
    pixCountConnComp(pix3, 4, &n4);
    mincounts = 500;
    if (n4 < mincounts) {
        L_INFO("Insufficient component count: %d\n", procName, n4);
        return 1;

        /* Compute the c.c. data */
    na4 = numaCreate(0);
    na8 = numaCreate(0);
    numaSetParameters(na4, start, incr);
    numaSetParameters(na8, start, incr);
    for (thresh = start, i = 0; thresh <= end; thresh += incr, i++) {
        pix3 = pixConvertTo1(pix2, thresh);
        pixCountConnComp(pix3, 4, &n4);
        pixCountConnComp(pix3, 8, &n8);
        numaAddNumber(na4, n4);
        numaAddNumber(na8, n8);
    if (debugflag) {
        gplot = gplotCreate("/tmp/threshroot", GPLOT_PNG,
                            "number of cc vs. threshold",
                            "threshold", "number of cc");
        gplotAddPlot(gplot, NULL, na4, GPLOT_LINES, "plot 4cc");
        gplotAddPlot(gplot, NULL, na8, GPLOT_LINES, "plot 8cc");

    n = numaGetCount(na4);
    found = FALSE;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (i == 0) {
            numaGetFValue(na4, i, &firstcount4);
            prevcount4 = firstcount4;
        } else {
            numaGetFValue(na4, i, &count4);
            numaGetFValue(na8, i, &count8);
            diff48 = (count4 - count8) / firstcount4;
            diff4 = L_ABS(prevcount4 - count4) / firstcount4;
            if (debugflag) {
                fprintf(stderr, "diff48 = %7.3f, diff4 = %7.3f\n",
                        diff48, diff4);
            if (diff48 < thresh48 && diff4 < threshdiff) {
                found = TRUE;
            prevcount4 = count4;

    if (found) {
        globthresh = start + i * incr;
        if (pglobthresh) *pglobthresh = globthresh;
        if (ppixd) {
            *ppixd = pixConvertTo1(pix2, globthresh);
            pixCopyResolution(*ppixd, pixs);
        if (debugflag) fprintf(stderr, "global threshold = %d\n", globthresh);
        return 0;

    if (debugflag) fprintf(stderr, "no global threshold found\n");
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 *  pixDisplayWriteFormat()
 *      Input:  pix (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 bpp)
 *              reduction (-1 to reset/erase; 0 to disable;
 *                         otherwise this is a reduction factor)
 *              format (IFF_PNG or IFF_JFIF_JPEG)
 *      Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This writes files if reduction > 0.  These can be displayed using
 *            pixDisplayMultiple("/tmp/display/file*");
 *      (2) All previously written files can be erased by calling with
 *          reduction < 0; the value of pixs is ignored.
 *      (3) If reduction > 1 and depth == 1, this does a scale-to-gray
 *          reduction.
 *      (4) This function uses a static internal variable to number
 *          output files written by a single process.  Behavior
 *          with a shared library may be unpredictable.
 *      (5) Output file format is as follows:
 *            format == IFF_JFIF_JPEG:
 *                png if d < 8 or d == 16 or if the output pix
 *                has a colormap.   Otherwise, output is jpg.
 *            format == IFF_PNG:
 *                png (lossless) on all images.
 *      (6) For 16 bpp, the choice of full dynamic range with log scale
 *          is the best for displaying these images.  Alternative outputs are
 *             pix8 = pixMaxDynamicRange(pixt, L_LINEAR_SCALE);
 *             pix8 = pixConvert16To8(pixt, 0);  // low order byte
 *             pix8 = pixConvert16To8(pixt, 1);  // high order byte
pixDisplayWriteFormat(PIX     *pixs,
                      l_int32  reduction,
                      l_int32  format)
char            buf[L_BUF_SIZE];
char           *fname;
l_float32       scale;
PIX            *pixt, *pix8;
static l_int32  index = 0;  /* caution: not .so or thread safe */


    if (reduction == 0) return 0;

    if (reduction < 0) {
        index = 0;  /* reset; this will cause erasure at next call to write */
        return 0;

    if (format != IFF_JFIF_JPEG && format != IFF_PNG)
        return ERROR_INT("invalid format", procName, 1);
    if (!pixs)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);

    if (index == 0) {

    if (reduction == 1) {
        pixt = pixClone(pixs);
    } else {
        scale = 1. / (l_float32)reduction;
        if (pixGetDepth(pixs) == 1)
            pixt = pixScaleToGray(pixs, scale);
            pixt = pixScale(pixs, scale, scale);

    if (pixGetDepth(pixt) == 16) {
        pix8 = pixMaxDynamicRange(pixt, L_LOG_SCALE);
        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "file.%03d.png", index);
        fname = genPathname("/tmp/display", buf);
        pixWrite(fname, pix8, IFF_PNG);
    } else if (pixGetDepth(pixt) < 8 || pixGetColormap(pixt) ||
             format == IFF_PNG) {
        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "file.%03d.png", index);
        fname = genPathname("/tmp/display", buf);
        pixWrite(fname, pixt, IFF_PNG);
    } else {
        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "file.%03d.jpg", index);
        fname = genPathname("/tmp/display", buf);
        pixWrite(fname, pixt, format);

    return 0;
 * \brief   pixMaskedThreshOnBackgroundNorm()
 * \param[in]    pixs 8 bpp grayscale; not colormapped
 * \param[in]    pixim [optional] 1 bpp 'image' mask; can be null
 * \param[in]    sx, sy tile size in pixels
 * \param[in]    thresh threshold for determining foreground
 * \param[in]    mincount min threshold on counts in a tile
 * \param[in]    smoothx half-width of block convolution kernel width
 * \param[in]    smoothy half-width of block convolution kernel height
 * \param[in]    scorefract fraction of the max Otsu score; typ. ~ 0.1
 * \param[out]   pthresh [optional] threshold value that was
 *                       used on the normalized image
 * \return  pixd 1 bpp thresholded image, or NULL on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This begins with a standard background normalization.
 *          Additionally, there is a flexible background norm, that
 *          will adapt to a rapidly varying background, and this
 *          puts white pixels in the background near regions with
 *          significant foreground.  The white pixels are turned into
 *          a 1 bpp selection mask by binarization followed by dilation.
 *          Otsu thresholding is performed on the input image to get an
 *          estimate of the threshold in the non-mask regions.
 *          The background normalized image is thresholded with two
 *          different values, and the result is combined using
 *          the selection mask.
 *      (2) Note that the numbers 255 (for bgval target) and 190 (for
 *          thresholding on pixn) are tied together, and explicitly
 *          defined in this function.
 *      (3) See pixBackgroundNorm() for meaning and typical values
 *          of input parameters.  For a start, you can try:
 *            sx, sy = 10, 15
 *            thresh = 100
 *            mincount = 50
 *            smoothx, smoothy = 2
 * </pre>
pixMaskedThreshOnBackgroundNorm(PIX       *pixs,
                                PIX       *pixim,
                                l_int32    sx,
                                l_int32    sy,
                                l_int32    thresh,
                                l_int32    mincount,
                                l_int32    smoothx,
                                l_int32    smoothy,
                                l_float32  scorefract,
                                l_int32   *pthresh)
l_int32   w, h, highthresh;
l_uint32  val;
PIX      *pixn, *pixm, *pixd, *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4;


    if (pthresh) *pthresh = 0;
    if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) != 8)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs undefined or not 8 bpp", procName, NULL);
    if (pixGetColormap(pixs))
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs is colormapped", procName, NULL);
    if (sx < 4 || sy < 4)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("sx and sy must be >= 4", procName, NULL);
    if (mincount > sx * sy) {
        L_WARNING("mincount too large for tile size\n", procName);
        mincount = (sx * sy) / 3;

        /* Standard background normalization */
    pixn = pixBackgroundNorm(pixs, pixim, NULL, sx, sy, thresh,
                             mincount, 255, smoothx, smoothy);
    if (!pixn)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixn not made", procName, NULL);

        /* Special background normalization for adaptation to quickly
         * varying background.  Threshold on the very light parts,
         * which tend to be near significant edges, and dilate to
         * form a mask over regions that are typically text.  The
         * dilation size is chosen to cover the text completely,
         * except for very thick fonts. */
    pix1 = pixBackgroundNormFlex(pixs, 7, 7, 1, 1, 20);
    pix2 = pixThresholdToBinary(pix1, 240);
    pixInvert(pix2, pix2);
    pixm = pixMorphSequence(pix2, "d21.21", 0);

        /* Use Otsu to get a global threshold estimate for the image,
         * which is stored as a single pixel in pix3. */
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
    pixOtsuAdaptiveThreshold(pixs, w, h, 0, 0, scorefract, &pix3, NULL);
    if (pix3 && pthresh) {
        pixGetPixel(pix3, 0, 0, &val);
        *pthresh = val;

        /* Threshold the background normalized images differentially,
         * using a high value correlated with the background normalization
         * for the part of the image under the mask (i.e., near the
         * darker, thicker foreground), and a value that depends on the Otsu
         * threshold for the rest of the image.  This gives a solid
         * (high) thresholding for the foreground parts of the image,
         * while allowing the background and light foreground to be
         * reasonably well cleaned using a threshold adapted to the
         * input image. */
    highthresh = L_MIN(256, val + 30);
    pixd = pixThresholdToBinary(pixn, highthresh);  /* for bg and light fg */
    pix4 = pixThresholdToBinary(pixn, 190);  /* for heavier fg */
    pixCombineMasked(pixd, pix4, pixm);

    if (!pixd)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
        return pixd;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 *  pixWrite()
 *      Input:  filename
 *              pix
 *              format  (defined in imageio.h)
 *      Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Open for write using binary mode (with the "b" flag)
 *          to avoid having Windows automatically translate the NL
 *          into CRLF, which corrupts image files.  On non-windows
 *          systems this flag should be ignored, per ISO C90.
 *          Thanks to Dave Bryan for pointing this out.
 *      (2) If the default image format IFF_DEFAULT is requested:
 *          use the input format if known; otherwise, use a lossless format.
 *      (3) There are two modes with respect to file naming.
 *          (a) The default code writes to @filename.
 *          (b) If WRITE_AS_NAMED is defined to 0, it's a bit fancier.
 *              Then, if @filename does not have a file extension, one is
 *              automatically appended, depending on the requested format.
 *          The original intent for providing option (b) was to insure
 *          that filenames on Windows have an extension that matches
 *          the image compression.  However, this is not the default.
pixWrite(const char  *filename,
         PIX         *pix,
         l_int32      format)
char  *fname;
FILE  *fp;


    if (!pix)
        return ERROR_INT("pix not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!filename)
        return ERROR_INT("filename not defined", procName, 1);
    if (format == IFF_JP2)
        return ERROR_INT("jp2 not supported", procName, 1);

    fname = genPathname(filename, NULL);

#if  WRITE_AS_NAMED  /* Default */

    if ((fp = fopenWriteStream(fname, "wb+")) == NULL) {
        return ERROR_INT("stream not opened", procName, 1);

#else  /* Add an extension to the output name if none exists */

    {l_int32  extlen;
     char    *extension, *filebuf;
        splitPathAtExtension(fname, NULL, &extension);
        extlen = strlen(extension);
        if (extlen == 0) {
            if (format == IFF_DEFAULT || format == IFF_UNKNOWN)
                format = pixChooseOutputFormat(pix);

            filebuf = (char *)CALLOC(strlen(fname) + 10, sizeof(char));
            if (!filebuf) {
                return ERROR_INT("filebuf not made", procName, 1);
            strncpy(filebuf, fname, strlen(fname));
            strcat(filebuf, ".");
            strcat(filebuf, ImageFileFormatExtensions[format]);
        } else {
            filebuf = (char *)fname;

        fp = fopenWriteStream(filebuf, "wb+");
        if (filebuf != fname)
        if (fp == NULL) {
            return ERROR_INT("stream not opened", procName, 1);

#endif  /* WRITE_AS_NAMED */

    if (pixWriteStream(fp, pix, format)) {
        return ERROR_INT("pix not written to stream", procName, 1);

        /* Close the stream except if GIF under windows, because
         * EGifCloseFile() closes the windows file stream! */
    if (format != IFF_GIF)
#ifndef _WIN32
    else  /* gif file */
#endif  /* ! _WIN32 */

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 *  pixWriteMem()
 *      Input:  &data (<return> data of tiff compressed image)
 *              &size (<return> size of returned data)
 *              pix
 *              format  (defined in imageio.h)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) On windows, this will only write tiff and PostScript to memory.
 *          For other formats, it requires open_memstream(3).
 *      (2) PostScript output is uncompressed, in hex ascii.
 *          Most printers support level 2 compression (tiff_g4 for 1 bpp,
 *          jpeg for 8 and 32 bpp).
pixWriteMem(l_uint8  **pdata,
            size_t    *psize,
            PIX       *pix,
            l_int32    format)
l_int32  ret;


    if (!pdata)
        return ERROR_INT("&data not defined", procName, 1 );
    if (!psize)
        return ERROR_INT("&size not defined", procName, 1 );
    if (!pix)
        return ERROR_INT("&pix not defined", procName, 1 );

    if (format == IFF_DEFAULT)
        format = pixChooseOutputFormat(pix);

    case IFF_BMP:
        ret = pixWriteMemBmp(pdata, psize, pix);

    case IFF_JFIF_JPEG:   /* default quality; baseline sequential */
        ret = pixWriteMemJpeg(pdata, psize, pix, 75, 0);

    case IFF_PNG:   /* no gamma value stored */
        ret = pixWriteMemPng(pdata, psize, pix, 0.0);

    case IFF_TIFF:           /* uncompressed */
    case IFF_TIFF_PACKBITS:  /* compressed, binary only */
    case IFF_TIFF_RLE:       /* compressed, binary only */
    case IFF_TIFF_G3:        /* compressed, binary only */
    case IFF_TIFF_G4:        /* compressed, binary only */
    case IFF_TIFF_LZW:       /* compressed, all depths */
    case IFF_TIFF_ZIP:       /* compressed, all depths */
        ret = pixWriteMemTiff(pdata, psize, pix, format);

    case IFF_PNM:
        ret = pixWriteMemPnm(pdata, psize, pix);

    case IFF_PS:
        ret = pixWriteMemPS(pdata, psize, pix, NULL, 0, DEFAULT_SCALING);

    case IFF_GIF:
        ret = pixWriteMemGif(pdata, psize, pix);

    case IFF_JP2:
        return ERROR_INT("jp2 not supported", procName, 1);

    case IFF_SPIX:
        ret = pixWriteMemSpix(pdata, psize, pix);

        return ERROR_INT("unknown format", procName, 1);

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 *  pixaDisplayTiledInRows()
 *      Input:  pixa
 *              outdepth (output depth: 1, 8 or 32 bpp)
 *              maxwidth (of output image)
 *              scalefactor (applied to every pix; use 1.0 for no scaling)
 *              background (0 for white, 1 for black; this is the color
 *                 of the spacing between the images)
 *              spacing  (between images, and on outside)
 *              border (width of black border added to each image;
 *                      use 0 for no border)
 *      Return: pixd (of tiled images), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This saves a pixa to a single image file of width not to
 *          exceed maxwidth, with background color either white or black,
 *          and with each row tiled such that the top of each pix is
 *          aligned and separated by 'spacing' from the next one.
 *          A black border can be added to each pix.
 *      (2) All pix are converted to outdepth; existing colormaps are removed.
 *      (3) This does a reasonably spacewise-efficient job of laying
 *          out the individual pix images into a tiled composite.
pixaDisplayTiledInRows(PIXA      *pixa,
                       l_int32    outdepth,
                       l_int32    maxwidth,
                       l_float32  scalefactor,
                       l_int32    background,
                       l_int32    spacing,
                       l_int32    border)
l_int32  h;  /* cumulative height over all the rows */
l_int32  w;  /* cumulative height in the current row */
l_int32  bordval, wtry, wt, ht;
l_int32  irow;  /* index of current pix in current row */
l_int32  wmaxrow;  /* width of the largest row */
l_int32  maxh;  /* max height in row */
l_int32  i, j, index, n, x, y, nrows, ninrow;
NUMA    *nainrow;  /* number of pix in the row */
NUMA    *namaxh;  /* height of max pix in the row */
PIX     *pix, *pixn, *pixt, *pixd;
PIXA    *pixan;


    if (!pixa)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixa not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (outdepth != 1 && outdepth != 8 && outdepth != 32)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("outdepth not in {1, 8, 32}", procName, NULL);
    if (border < 0)
        border = 0;
    if (scalefactor <= 0.0) scalefactor = 1.0;

    if ((n = pixaGetCount(pixa)) == 0)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("no components", procName, NULL);

        /* Normalize depths, scale, remove colormaps; optionally add border */
    pixan = pixaCreate(n);
    bordval = (outdepth == 1) ? 1 : 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if ((pix = pixaGetPix(pixa, i, L_CLONE)) == NULL)

        if (outdepth == 1)
            pixn = pixConvertTo1(pix, 128);
        else if (outdepth == 8)
            pixn = pixConvertTo8(pix, FALSE);
        else  /* outdepth == 32 */
            pixn = pixConvertTo32(pix);

        if (scalefactor != 1.0)
            pixt = pixScale(pixn, scalefactor, scalefactor);
            pixt = pixClone(pixn);
        if (border)
            pixd = pixAddBorder(pixt, border, bordval);
            pixd = pixClone(pixt);

        pixaAddPix(pixan, pixd, L_INSERT);
    if (pixaGetCount(pixan) != n) {
        n = pixaGetCount(pixan);
        L_WARNING_INT("only got %d components", procName, n);
        if (n == 0) {
            return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("no components", procName, NULL);

        /* Compute parameters for layout */
    nainrow = numaCreate(0);
    namaxh = numaCreate(0);
    wmaxrow = 0;
    w = h = spacing;
    maxh = 0;  /* max height in row */
    for (i = 0, irow = 0; i < n; i++, irow++) {
        pixaGetPixDimensions(pixan, i, &wt, &ht, NULL);
        wtry = w + wt + spacing;
        if (wtry > maxwidth) {  /* end the current row and start next one */
            numaAddNumber(nainrow, irow);
            numaAddNumber(namaxh, maxh);
            wmaxrow = L_MAX(wmaxrow, w);
            h += maxh + spacing;
            irow = 0;
            w = wt + 2 * spacing;
            maxh = ht;
        } else {
            w = wtry;
            maxh = L_MAX(maxh, ht);

        /* Enter the parameters for the last row */
    numaAddNumber(nainrow, irow);
    numaAddNumber(namaxh, maxh);
    wmaxrow = L_MAX(wmaxrow, w);
    h += maxh + spacing;

    if ((pixd = pixCreate(wmaxrow, h, outdepth)) == NULL) {
	return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);

        /* Reset the background color if necessary */
    if ((background == 1 && outdepth == 1) ||
        (background == 0 && outdepth != 1))

        /* Blit the images to the dest */
    nrows = numaGetCount(nainrow);
    y = spacing;
    for (i = 0, index = 0; i < nrows; i++) {  /* over rows */
        numaGetIValue(nainrow, i, &ninrow);
        numaGetIValue(namaxh, i, &maxh);
        x = spacing;
        for (j = 0; j < ninrow; j++, index++) {   /* over pix in row */
            pix = pixaGetPix(pixan, index, L_CLONE);
            pixGetDimensions(pix, &wt, &ht, NULL);
            pixRasterop(pixd, x, y, wt, ht, PIX_SRC, pix, 0, 0);
            x += wt + spacing;
        y += maxh + spacing;

    return pixd;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 *  pixaDisplayTiledAndScaled()
 *      Input:  pixa
 *              outdepth (output depth: 1, 8 or 32 bpp)
 *              tilewidth (each pix is scaled to this width)
 *              ncols (number of tiles in each row)
 *              background (0 for white, 1 for black; this is the color
 *                 of the spacing between the images)
 *              spacing  (between images, and on outside)
 *              border (width of additional black border on each image;
 *                      use 0 for no border)
 *      Return: pix of tiled images, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This can be used to tile a number of renderings of
 *          an image that are at different scales and depths.
 *      (2) Each image, after scaling and optionally adding the
 *          black border, has width 'tilewidth'.  Thus, the border does
 *          not affect the spacing between the image tiles.  The
 *          maximum allowed border width is tilewidth / 5.
pixaDisplayTiledAndScaled(PIXA    *pixa,
                          l_int32  outdepth,
                          l_int32  tilewidth,
                          l_int32  ncols,
                          l_int32  background,
                          l_int32  spacing,
                          l_int32  border)
l_int32    x, y, w, h, wd, hd, d;
l_int32    i, n, nrows, maxht, ninrow, irow, bordval;
l_int32   *rowht;
l_float32  scalefact;
PIX       *pix, *pixn, *pixt, *pixb, *pixd;
PIXA      *pixan;


    if (!pixa)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixa not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (outdepth != 1 && outdepth != 8 && outdepth != 32)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("outdepth not in {1, 8, 32}", procName, NULL);
    if (border < 0 || border > tilewidth / 5)
        border = 0;

    if ((n = pixaGetCount(pixa)) == 0)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("no components", procName, NULL);

        /* Normalize scale and depth for each pix; optionally add border */
    pixan = pixaCreate(n);
    bordval = (outdepth == 1) ? 1 : 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if ((pix = pixaGetPix(pixa, i, L_CLONE)) == NULL)

        pixGetDimensions(pix, &w, &h, &d);
        scalefact = (l_float32)(tilewidth - 2 * border) / (l_float32)w;
        if (d == 1 && outdepth > 1 && scalefact < 1.0)
            pixt = pixScaleToGray(pix, scalefact);
            pixt = pixScale(pix, scalefact, scalefact);

        if (outdepth == 1)
            pixn = pixConvertTo1(pixt, 128);
        else if (outdepth == 8)
            pixn = pixConvertTo8(pixt, FALSE);
        else  /* outdepth == 32 */
            pixn = pixConvertTo32(pixt);

        if (border)
            pixb = pixAddBorder(pixn, border, bordval);
            pixb = pixClone(pixn);

        pixaAddPix(pixan, pixb, L_INSERT);
    if ((n = pixaGetCount(pixan)) == 0) { /* should not have changed! */
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("no components", procName, NULL);

        /* Determine the size of each row and of pixd */
    wd = tilewidth * ncols + spacing * (ncols + 1);
    nrows = (n + ncols - 1) / ncols;
    if ((rowht = (l_int32 *)CALLOC(nrows, sizeof(l_int32))) == NULL)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("rowht array not made", procName, NULL);
    maxht = 0;
    ninrow = 0;
    irow = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        pix = pixaGetPix(pixan, i, L_CLONE);
        pixGetDimensions(pix, &w, &h, NULL);
        maxht = L_MAX(h, maxht);
        if (ninrow == ncols) {
            rowht[irow] = maxht;
            maxht = ninrow = 0;  /* reset */
    if (ninrow > 0) {   /* last fencepost */
        rowht[irow] = maxht;
        irow++;  /* total number of rows */
    nrows = irow;
    hd = spacing * (nrows + 1);
    for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
        hd += rowht[i];

    pixd = pixCreate(wd, hd, outdepth);
    if ((background == 1 && outdepth == 1) ||
        (background == 0 && outdepth != 1))

        /* Now blit images to pixd */
    x = y = spacing;
    irow = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        pix = pixaGetPix(pixan, i, L_CLONE);
        pixGetDimensions(pix, &w, &h, NULL);
        if (i && ((i % ncols) == 0)) {  /* start new row */
            x = spacing;
            y += spacing + rowht[irow];
        pixRasterop(pixd, x, y, w, h, PIX_SRC, pix, 0, 0);
        x += tilewidth + spacing;

    return pixd;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 *  pixaDisplayOnLattice()
 *      Input:  pixa
 *              xspace
 *              yspace
 *      Return: pix of composite images, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This places each pix on sequentially on a regular lattice
 *          in the rendered composite.  If a pix is too large to fit in the
 *          allocated lattice space, it is not rendered.
 *      (2) If any pix has a colormap, all pix are rendered in rgb.
 *      (3) This is useful when putting bitmaps of components,
 *          such as characters, into a single image.
pixaDisplayOnLattice(PIXA    *pixa,
                     l_int32  xspace,
                     l_int32  yspace)
l_int32  n, nw, nh, w, h, d, wt, ht;
l_int32  index, i, j, hascmap;
PIX     *pix, *pixt, *pixd;
PIXA    *pixat;


    if (!pixa)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixa not defined", procName, NULL);

        /* If any pix have colormaps, generate rgb */
    if ((n = pixaGetCount(pixa)) == 0)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("no components", procName, NULL);
    pixaAnyColormaps(pixa, &hascmap);
    if (hascmap) {
        pixat = pixaCreate(n);
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            pixt = pixaGetPix(pixa, i, L_CLONE);
            pix = pixConvertTo32(pixt);
            pixaAddPix(pixat, pix, L_INSERT);
        pixat = pixaCopy(pixa, L_CLONE);

    nw = (l_int32)sqrt((l_float64)n);
    nh = (n + nw - 1) / nw;
    w = xspace * nw;
    h = yspace * nh;

        /* Use the first pix in pixa to determine the depth.  */
    pixaGetPixDimensions(pixat, 0, NULL, NULL, &d);

    if ((pixd = pixCreate(w, h, d)) == NULL) {
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);

    index = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nh; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < nw && index < n; j++, index++) {
            pixt = pixaGetPix(pixat, index, L_CLONE);
            pixGetDimensions(pixt, &wt, &ht, NULL);
            if (wt > xspace || ht > yspace) {
                fprintf(stderr, "pix(%d) omitted; size %dx%d\n", index, wt, ht);
            pixRasterop(pixd, j * xspace, i * yspace, wt, ht,
                        PIX_PAINT, pixt, 0, 0);

    return pixd;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 *  pixaDisplayTiled()
 *      Input:  pixa
 *              maxwidth (of output image)
 *              background (0 for white, 1 for black)
 *              spacing
 *      Return: pix of tiled images, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This saves a pixa to a single image file of width not to
 *          exceed maxwidth, with background color either white or black,
 *          and with each subimage spaced on a regular lattice.
 *      (2) The lattice size is determined from the largest width and height,
 *          separately, of all pix in the pixa.
 *      (3) All pix in the pixa must be of equal depth.
 *      (4) If any pix has a colormap, all pix are rendered in rgb.
 *      (5) Careful: because no components are omitted, this is
 *          dangerous if there are thousands of small components and
 *          one or more very large one, because the size of the
 *          resulting pix can be huge!
pixaDisplayTiled(PIXA    *pixa,
                 l_int32  maxwidth,
                 l_int32  background,
                 l_int32  spacing)
l_int32  w, h, wmax, hmax, wd, hd, d, hascmap;
l_int32  i, j, n, ni, ncols, nrows;
l_int32  ystart, xstart, wt, ht;
PIX     *pix, *pixt, *pixd;
PIXA    *pixat;


    if (!pixa)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixa not defined", procName, NULL);

        /* If any pix have colormaps, generate rgb */
    if ((n = pixaGetCount(pixa)) == 0)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("no components", procName, NULL);
    pixaAnyColormaps(pixa, &hascmap);
    if (hascmap) {
        pixat = pixaCreate(n);
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            pixt = pixaGetPix(pixa, i, L_CLONE);
            pix = pixConvertTo32(pixt);
            pixaAddPix(pixat, pix, L_INSERT);
        pixat = pixaCopy(pixa, L_CLONE);

        /* Find the largest width and height of the subimages */
    wmax = hmax = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        pix = pixaGetPix(pixat, i, L_CLONE);
        pixGetDimensions(pix, &w, &h, NULL);
        if (i == 0)
            d = pixGetDepth(pix);
        else if (d != pixGetDepth(pix)) {
            return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("depths not equal", procName, NULL);
        if (w > wmax)
            wmax = w;
        if (h > hmax)
            hmax = h;

        /* Get the number of rows and columns and the output image size */
    spacing = L_MAX(spacing, 0);
    ncols = (l_int32)((l_float32)(maxwidth - spacing) /
                      (l_float32)(wmax + spacing));
    nrows = (n + ncols - 1) / ncols;
    wd = wmax * ncols + spacing * (ncols + 1);
    hd = hmax * nrows + spacing * (nrows + 1);
    if ((pixd = pixCreate(wd, hd, d)) == NULL) {
	return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);

#if 0
    fprintf(stderr, " nrows = %d, ncols = %d, wmax = %d, hmax = %d\n",
            nrows, ncols, wmax, hmax);
    fprintf(stderr, " space = %d, wd = %d, hd = %d, n = %d\n",
            space, wd, hd, n);

        /* Reset the background color if necessary */
    if ((background == 1 && d == 1) || (background == 0 && d != 1))

        /* Blit the images to the dest */
    for (i = 0, ni = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
        ystart = spacing + i * (hmax + spacing);
        for (j = 0; j < ncols && ni < n; j++, ni++) {
            xstart = spacing + j * (wmax + spacing);
            pix = pixaGetPix(pixat, ni, L_CLONE);
            wt = pixGetWidth(pix);
            ht = pixGetHeight(pix);
            pixRasterop(pixd, xstart, ystart, wt, ht, PIX_SRC, pix, 0, 0);

    return pixd;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 *  pixaDisplayOnColor()
 *      Input:  pixa
 *              w, h (if set to 0, determines the size from the
 *                    b.b. of the components in pixa)
 *              color (background color to use)
 *      Return: pix, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This uses the boxes to place each pix in the rendered composite.
 *      (2) Set w = h = 0 to use the b.b. of the components to determine
 *          the size of the returned pix.
 *      (3) If any pix in @pixa are colormapped, or if the pix have
 *          different depths, it returns a 32 bpp pix.  Otherwise,
 *          the depth of the returned pixa equals that of the pix in @pixa.
 *      (4) If the pixa is empty, return null.
pixaDisplayOnColor(PIXA     *pixa,
                   l_int32   w,
                   l_int32   h,
                   l_uint32  bgcolor)
l_int32  i, n, xb, yb, wb, hb, hascmap, maxdepth, same;
BOXA    *boxa;
PIX     *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixd;
PIXA    *pixat;


    if (!pixa)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixa not defined", procName, NULL);
    if ((n = pixaGetCount(pixa)) == 0)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("no components", procName, NULL);

        /* If w and h are not input, determine the minimum size
         * required to contain the origin and all c.c. */
    if (w == 0 || h == 0) {
        boxa = pixaGetBoxa(pixa, L_CLONE);
        boxaGetExtent(boxa, &w, &h, NULL);

        /* If any pix have colormaps, or if they have different depths,
         * generate rgb */
    pixaAnyColormaps(pixa, &hascmap);
    pixaGetDepthInfo(pixa, &maxdepth, &same);
    if (hascmap || !same) {
        maxdepth = 32;
        pixat = pixaCreate(n);
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            pixt1 = pixaGetPix(pixa, i, L_CLONE);
            pixt2 = pixConvertTo32(pixt1);
            pixaAddPix(pixat, pixt2, L_INSERT);
        pixat = pixaCopy(pixa, L_CLONE);

        /* Make the output pix and set the background color */
    if ((pixd = pixCreate(w, h, maxdepth)) == NULL)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
    if ((maxdepth == 1 && bgcolor > 0) ||
        (maxdepth == 2 && bgcolor >= 0x3) ||
        (maxdepth == 4 && bgcolor >= 0xf) ||
        (maxdepth == 8 && bgcolor >= 0xff) ||
        (maxdepth == 16 && bgcolor >= 0xffff) ||
        (maxdepth == 32 && bgcolor >= 0xffffff00)) {
    else if (bgcolor > 0)
        pixSetAllArbitrary(pixd, bgcolor);

        /* Blit each pix into its place */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (pixaGetBoxGeometry(pixat, i, &xb, &yb, &wb, &hb)) {
            L_WARNING("no box found!", procName);
        pixt1 = pixaGetPix(pixat, i, L_CLONE);
        pixRasterop(pixd, xb, yb, wb, hb, PIX_SRC, pixt1, 0, 0);

    return pixd;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 *  pixaaDisplayByPixa()
 *      Input:  pixaa
 *              xspace between pix in pixa
 *              yspace between pixa
 *              max width of output pix
 *      Return: pix, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Displays each pixa on a line (or set of lines),
 *          in order from top to bottom.  Within each pixa,
 *          the pix are displayed in order from left to right.
 *      (2) The size of each pix in each pixa is assumed to be
 *          approximately equal to the size of the first pix in
 *          the pixa.  If this assumption is not correct, this
 *          function will not work properly.
 *      (3) This ignores the boxa of the pixaa.
pixaaDisplayByPixa(PIXAA   *pixaa,
                   l_int32  xspace,
                   l_int32  yspace,
                   l_int32  maxw)
l_int32  i, j, npixa, npix;
l_int32  width, height, depth, nlines, lwidth;
l_int32  x, y, w, h, w0, h0;
PIX     *pixt, *pixd;
PIXA    *pixa;


    if (!pixaa)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixaa not defined", procName, NULL);

    if ((npixa = pixaaGetCount(pixaa)) == 0)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("no components", procName, NULL);

        /* Get size of output pix.  The width is the minimum of the
         * maxw and the largest pixa line width.  The height is whatever
         * it needs to be to accommodate all pixa. */
    height = 2 * yspace;
    width = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < npixa; i++) {
        pixa = pixaaGetPixa(pixaa, i, L_CLONE);
        npix = pixaGetCount(pixa);
        pixt = pixaGetPix(pixa, 0, L_CLONE);
        if (i == 0)
            depth = pixGetDepth(pixt);
        w = pixGetWidth(pixt);
        lwidth = npix * (w + xspace);
        nlines = (lwidth + maxw - 1) / maxw;
        if (nlines > 1)
            width = maxw;
            width = L_MAX(lwidth, width);
        height += nlines * (pixGetHeight(pixt) + yspace);

    if ((pixd = pixCreate(width, height, depth)) == NULL)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);

        /* Now layout the pix by pixa */
    y = yspace;
    for (i = 0; i < npixa; i++) {
        x = 0;
        pixa = pixaaGetPixa(pixaa, i, L_CLONE);
        npix = pixaGetCount(pixa);
        for (j = 0; j < npix; j++) {
            pixt = pixaGetPix(pixa, j, L_CLONE);
            if (j == 0) {
                w0 = pixGetWidth(pixt);
                h0 = pixGetHeight(pixt);
            w = pixGetWidth(pixt);
            if (width == maxw && x + w >= maxw) {
                x = 0;
                y += h0 + yspace;
            h = pixGetHeight(pixt);
            pixRasterop(pixd, x, y, w, h, PIX_PAINT, pixt, 0, 0);
            x += w0 + xspace;
        y += h0 + yspace;

    return pixd;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 *  regTestCompareFiles()
 *      Input:  stream (for output; use NULL to generate golden files)
 *              argv ([0] == name of reg test)
 *              index1 (of one output file from reg test)
 *              index2 (of another output file from reg test)
 *              &success (<return> 0 on if different; input value on success)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error (a failure in comparison is not an error)
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) If @fp != NULL, this function compares two golden files to
 *          determine if they are the same.  If @fp == NULL, this is a
 *          "generate" operation; don't do the comparison.
 *      (2) This function can be called repeatedly in a single reg test.
 *      (3) The value for @success is initialized to TRUE in the reg test
 *          setup before this function is called for the first time.
 *          A failure in any file comparison is registered as a failure
 *          of the regression test.
 *      (4) The canonical format of the golden filenames is:
 *             /tmp/<root of main name>_golden.<index>.<ext of localname>
 *          e.g.,
 *             /tmp/maze_golden.0.png
regTestCompareFiles(FILE        *fp,
                    char       **argv,
                    l_int32      index1,
                    l_int32      index2,
                    l_int32     *psuccess)
char    *root, *name1, *name2;
char     namebuf[64];
l_int32  error,same;
SARRAY  *sa;


    if (!psuccess)
        return ERROR_INT("&success not defined", procName, 1);
    if (index1 < 0 || index2 < 0)
        return ERROR_INT("index1 and/or index2 is negative", procName, 1);
    if (index1 == index2)
        return ERROR_INT("index1 must differ from index2", procName, 1);
    if (!fp)  /* no-op */
        return 0;

        /* Generate partial golden file names and find the actual
         * paths to them. */
    error = FALSE;
    name1 = name2 = NULL;
    if ((root = getRootNameFromArgv0(argv[0])) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("invalid root", procName, 1);
    snprintf(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "%s_golden.%d.", root, index1);
    sa = getSortedPathnamesInDirectory("/tmp", namebuf, 0, 0);
    if (sarrayGetCount(sa) != 1)
        error = TRUE;
        name1 = sarrayGetString(sa, 0, L_COPY);
    snprintf(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "%s_golden.%d.", root, index2);
    sa = getSortedPathnamesInDirectory("/tmp", namebuf, 0, 0);
    if (sarrayGetCount(sa) != 1)
        error = TRUE;
        name2 = sarrayGetString(sa, 0, L_COPY);
    if (error == TRUE) {
        if (name1) FREE(name1);
        if (name2) FREE(name2);
        L_ERROR("golden files not found", procName);
        return 1;

        /* Test and record on failure */
    filesAreIdentical(name1, name2, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(fp, "Failure in %s: comparing %s with %s\n", argv[0],
                name1, name2);
        fprintf(stderr, "Failure in %s: comparing %s with %s\n", argv[0],
                name1, name2);
        *psuccess = 0;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 *  gplotRead()
 *      Input:  filename
 *      Return: gplot, or NULL on error
gplotRead(const char  *filename)
char     buf[L_BUF_SIZE];
char    *rootname, *title, *xlabel, *ylabel, *ignores;
l_int32  outformat, ret, version, ignore;
FILE    *fp;
GPLOT   *gplot;


    if (!filename)
        return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("filename not defined", procName, NULL);

    if ((fp = fopenReadStream(filename)) == NULL)
        return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("stream not opened", procName, NULL);

    ret = fscanf(fp, "Gplot Version %d\n", &version);
    if (ret != 1) {
        return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("not a gplot file", procName, NULL);
    if (version != GPLOT_VERSION_NUMBER) {
        return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("invalid gplot version", procName, NULL);

    ignore = fscanf(fp, "Rootname: %s\n", buf);
    rootname = stringNew(buf);
    ignore = fscanf(fp, "Output format: %d\n", &outformat);
    ignores = fgets(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, fp);   /* Title: ... */
    title = stringNew(buf + 7);
    title[strlen(title) - 1] = '\0';
    ignores = fgets(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, fp);   /* X axis label: ... */
    xlabel = stringNew(buf + 14);
    xlabel[strlen(xlabel) - 1] = '\0';
    ignores = fgets(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, fp);   /* Y axis label: ... */
    ylabel = stringNew(buf + 14);
    ylabel[strlen(ylabel) - 1] = '\0';

    if (!(gplot = gplotCreate(rootname, outformat, title, xlabel, ylabel))) {
        return (GPLOT *)ERROR_PTR("gplot not made", procName, NULL);

    ignore = fscanf(fp, "Commandfile name: %s\n", buf);
    stringReplace(&gplot->cmdname, buf);
    ignore = fscanf(fp, "\nCommandfile data:");
    gplot->cmddata = sarrayReadStream(fp);
    ignore = fscanf(fp, "\nDatafile names:");
    gplot->datanames = sarrayReadStream(fp);
    ignore = fscanf(fp, "\nPlot data:");
    gplot->plotdata = sarrayReadStream(fp);
    ignore = fscanf(fp, "\nPlot titles:");
    gplot->plottitles = sarrayReadStream(fp);
    ignore = fscanf(fp, "\nPlot styles:");
    gplot->plotstyles = numaReadStream(fp);

    ignore = fscanf(fp, "Number of plots: %d\n", &gplot->nplots);
    ignore = fscanf(fp, "Output file name: %s\n", buf);
    stringReplace(&gplot->outname, buf);
    ignore = fscanf(fp, "Axis scaling: %d\n", &gplot->scaling);

    return gplot;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 *  pixaaDisplay()
 *      Input:  pixaa
 *              w, h (if set to 0, determines the size from the
 *                    b.b. of the components in pixaa)
 *      Return: pix, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Each pix of the pixaa is displayed at the location given by
 *          its box, translated by the box of the containing pixa
 *          if it exists.
pixaaDisplay(PIXAA   *pixaa,
             l_int32  w,
             l_int32  h)
l_int32  i, j, n, nbox, na, d, wmax, hmax, x, y, xb, yb, wb, hb;
BOXA    *boxa1;  /* top-level boxa */
BOXA    *boxa;
PIX     *pixt, *pixd;
PIXA    *pixa;


    if (!pixaa)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixaa not defined", procName, NULL);

    n = pixaaGetCount(pixaa);
    if (n == 0)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("no components", procName, NULL);

        /* If w and h not input, determine the minimum size required
         * to contain the origin and all c.c. */
    boxa1 = pixaaGetBoxa(pixaa, L_CLONE);
    nbox = boxaGetCount(boxa1);
    if (w == 0 || h == 0) {
        if (nbox == n)
            boxaGetExtent(boxa1, &w, &h, NULL);
        else {  /* have to use the lower-level boxa for each pixa */
            wmax = hmax = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                pixa = pixaaGetPixa(pixaa, i, L_CLONE);
                boxa = pixaGetBoxa(pixa, L_CLONE);
                boxaGetExtent(boxa, &w, &h, NULL);
                wmax = L_MAX(wmax, w);
                hmax = L_MAX(hmax, h);
            w = wmax;
            h = hmax;

        /* Get depth from first pix */
    pixa = pixaaGetPixa(pixaa, 0, L_CLONE);
    pixt = pixaGetPix(pixa, 0, L_CLONE);
    d = pixGetDepth(pixt);

    if ((pixd = pixCreate(w, h, d)) == NULL)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);

    x = y = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        pixa = pixaaGetPixa(pixaa, i, L_CLONE);
        if (nbox == n)
            boxaGetBoxGeometry(boxa1, i, &x, &y, NULL, NULL);
        na = pixaGetCount(pixa);
        for (j = 0; j < na; j++) {
            pixaGetBoxGeometry(pixa, j, &xb, &yb, &wb, &hb);
            pixt = pixaGetPix(pixa, j, L_CLONE);
            pixRasterop(pixd, x + xb, y + yb, wb, hb, PIX_PAINT, pixt, 0, 0);

    return pixd;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 *  pixSaveTiledOutline()
 *      Input:  pixs (1, 2, 4, 8, 32 bpp)
 *              pixa (the pix are accumulated here)
 *              scalefactor (0.0 to disable; otherwise this is a scale factor)
 *              newrow (0 if placed on the same row as previous; 1 otherwise)
 *              space (horizontal and vertical spacing, in pixels)
 *              linewidth (width of added outline for image; 0 for no outline)
 *              dp (depth of pixa; 8 or 32 bpp; only used on first call)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error.
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Before calling this function for the first time, use
 *          pixaCreate() to make the @pixa that will accumulate the pix.
 *          This is passed in each time pixSaveTiled() is called.
 *      (2) @scalefactor scales the input image.  After scaling and
 *          possible depth conversion, the image is saved in the input
 *          pixa, along with a box that specifies the location to
 *          place it when tiled later.  Disable saving the pix by
 *          setting @scalefactor == 0.0.
 *      (3) @newrow and @space specify the location of the new pix
 *          with respect to the last one(s) that were entered.
 *      (4) @dp specifies the depth at which all pix are saved.  It can
 *          be only 8 or 32 bpp.  Any colormap is removed.  This is only
 *          used at the first invocation.
 *      (5) This function uses two variables from call to call.
 *          If they were static, the function would not be .so or thread
 *          safe, and furthermore, there would be interference with two or
 *          more pixa accumulating images at a time.  Consequently,
 *          we use the first pix in the pixa to store and obtain both
 *          the depth and the current position of the bottom (one pixel
 *          below the lowest image raster line when laid out using
 *          the boxa).  The bottom variable is stored in the input format
 *          field, which is the only field available for storing an int.
pixSaveTiledOutline(PIX       *pixs,
                    PIXA      *pixa,
                    l_float32  scalefactor,
                    l_int32    newrow,
                    l_int32    space,
                    l_int32    linewidth,
                    l_int32    dp)
l_int32  n, top, left, bx, by, bw, w, h, depth, bottom;
BOX     *box;
PIX     *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4;


    if (scalefactor == 0.0) return 0;

    if (!pixs)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!pixa)
        return ERROR_INT("pixa not defined", procName, 1);

    n = pixaGetCount(pixa);
    if (n == 0) {
        bottom = 0;
        if (dp != 8 && dp != 32) {
            L_WARNING("dp not 8 or 32 bpp; using 32\n", procName);
            depth = 32;
        } else {
            depth = dp;
    } else {  /* extract the depth and bottom params from the first pix */
        pix1 = pixaGetPix(pixa, 0, L_CLONE);
        depth = pixGetDepth(pix1);
        bottom = pixGetInputFormat(pix1);  /* not typical usage! */

        /* Remove colormap if it exists; otherwise a copy.  This
         * guarantees that pix4 is not a clone of pixs. */
    pix1 = pixRemoveColormapGeneral(pixs, REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC, L_COPY);

        /* Scale and convert to output depth */
    if (scalefactor == 1.0) {
        pix2 = pixClone(pix1);
    } else if (scalefactor > 1.0) {
        pix2 = pixScale(pix1, scalefactor, scalefactor);
    } else if (scalefactor < 1.0) {
        if (pixGetDepth(pix1) == 1)
            pix2 = pixScaleToGray(pix1, scalefactor);
            pix2 = pixScale(pix1, scalefactor, scalefactor);
    if (depth == 8)
        pix3 = pixConvertTo8(pix2, 0);
        pix3 = pixConvertTo32(pix2);

        /* Add black outline */
    if (linewidth > 0)
        pix4 = pixAddBorder(pix3, linewidth, 0);
        pix4 = pixClone(pix3);

        /* Find position of current pix (UL corner plus size) */
    if (n == 0) {
        top = 0;
        left = 0;
    } else if (newrow == 1) {
        top = bottom + space;
        left = 0;
    } else if (n > 0) {
        pixaGetBoxGeometry(pixa, n - 1, &bx, &by, &bw, NULL);
        top = by;
        left = bx + bw + space;

    pixGetDimensions(pix4, &w, &h, NULL);
    bottom = L_MAX(bottom, top + h);
    box = boxCreate(left, top, w, h);
    pixaAddPix(pixa, pix4, L_INSERT);
    pixaAddBox(pixa, box, L_INSERT);

        /* Save the new bottom value */
    pix1 = pixaGetPix(pixa, 0, L_CLONE);
    pixSetInputFormat(pix1, bottom);  /* not typical usage! */
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 *  pixApplyVerticalDisparity()
 *      Input:  pixs (1, 8 or 32 bpp)
 *              fpix (vertical disparity array)
 *      Return: pixd (modified by fpix), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This applies the vertical disparity array to the specified
 *          image.  For src pixels above the image, we use the pixels
 *          in the first raster line.
pixApplyVerticalDisparity(PIX   *pixs,
                          FPIX  *fpix)
l_int32     i, j, w, h, d, fw, fh, wpld, wplf, isrc, val8;
l_uint32   *datad, *lined;
l_float32  *dataf, *linef;
void      **lineptrs;
PIX        *pixd;


    if (!pixs)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (!fpix)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("fpix not defined", procName, NULL);
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
    if (d != 1 && d != 8 && d != 32)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pix not 1, 8 or 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
    fpixGetDimensions(fpix, &fw, &fh);
    if (fw < w || fh < h) {
        fprintf(stderr, "fw = %d, w = %d, fh = %d, h = %d\n", fw, w, fh, h);
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid fpix size", procName, NULL);

    pixd = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    datad = pixGetData(pixd);
    dataf = fpixGetData(fpix);
    wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
    wplf = fpixGetWpl(fpix);
    if (d == 1) {
        lineptrs = pixGetLinePtrs(pixs, NULL);
        for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
            lined = datad + i * wpld;
            linef = dataf + i * wplf;
            for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
                isrc = (l_int32)(i - linef[j] + 0.5);
                if (isrc < 0) isrc = 0;
                if (isrc > h - 1) isrc = h - 1;
                if (GET_DATA_BIT(lineptrs[isrc], j))
                    SET_DATA_BIT(lined, j);
    else if (d == 8) {
        lineptrs = pixGetLinePtrs(pixs, NULL);
        for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
            lined = datad + i * wpld;
            linef = dataf + i * wplf;
            for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
                isrc = (l_int32)(i - linef[j] + 0.5);
                if (isrc < 0) isrc = 0;
                if (isrc > h - 1) isrc = h - 1;
                val8 = GET_DATA_BYTE(lineptrs[isrc], j);
                SET_DATA_BYTE(lined, j, val8);
    else {  /* d == 32 */
        lineptrs = pixGetLinePtrs(pixs, NULL);
        for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
            lined = datad + i * wpld;
            linef = dataf + i * wplf;
            for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
                isrc = (l_int32)(i - linef[j] + 0.5);
                if (isrc < 0) isrc = 0;
                if (isrc > h - 1) isrc = h - 1;
                lined[j] = GET_DATA_FOUR_BYTES(lineptrs[isrc], j);

    return pixd;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 *  pixWriteStream()
 *      Input:  stream
 *              pix
 *              format
 *      Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error.
pixWriteStream(FILE    *fp,
               PIX     *pix,
               l_int32  format)

    if (!fp)
        return ERROR_INT("stream not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!pix)
        return ERROR_INT("pix not defined", procName, 1);

    if (format == IFF_DEFAULT)
        format = pixChooseOutputFormat(pix);

    case IFF_BMP:
        pixWriteStreamBmp(fp, pix);

    case IFF_JFIF_JPEG:   /* default quality; baseline sequential */
        return pixWriteStreamJpeg(fp, pix, 75, 0);

    case IFF_PNG:   /* no gamma value stored */
        return pixWriteStreamPng(fp, pix, 0.0);

    case IFF_TIFF:           /* uncompressed */
    case IFF_TIFF_PACKBITS:  /* compressed, binary only */
    case IFF_TIFF_RLE:       /* compressed, binary only */
    case IFF_TIFF_G3:        /* compressed, binary only */
    case IFF_TIFF_G4:        /* compressed, binary only */
    case IFF_TIFF_LZW:       /* compressed, all depths */
    case IFF_TIFF_ZIP:       /* compressed, all depths */
        return pixWriteStreamTiff(fp, pix, format);

    case IFF_PNM:
        return pixWriteStreamPnm(fp, pix);

    case IFF_GIF:
        return pixWriteStreamGif(fp, pix);

    case IFF_PS:
        return pixWriteStreamPS(fp, pix, NULL, 0, DEFAULT_SCALING);

    case IFF_JP2:
        return ERROR_INT("jp2 format not supported", procName, 1);

    case IFF_WEBP:
        return pixWriteStreamWebP(fp, pix, 80, 0);

    case IFF_LPDF:
        return pixWriteStreamPdf(fp, pix, 0, NULL);

    case IFF_SPIX:
        return pixWriteStreamSpix(fp, pix);

        return ERROR_INT("unknown format", procName, 1);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 *  pixApplyHorizontalDisparity()
 *      Input:  pixs (1, 8 or 32 bpp)
 *              fpix (horizontal disparity array)
 *              extraw (extra width added to pixd)
 *      Return: pixd (modified by fpix), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This applies the horizontal disparity array to the specified
 *          image.
pixApplyHorizontalDisparity(PIX     *pixs,
                            FPIX    *fpix,
                            l_int32  extraw)
l_int32     i, j, w, h, d, wd, fw, fh, wpls, wpld, wplf, jsrc, val8;
l_uint32   *datas, *lines, *datad, *lined;
l_float32  *dataf, *linef;
PIX        *pixd;


    if (!pixs)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (!fpix)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("fpix not defined", procName, NULL);
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
    if (d != 1 && d != 8 && d != 32)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pix not 1, 8 or 32 bpp", procName, NULL);
    fpixGetDimensions(fpix, &fw, &fh);
    if (fw < w + extraw || fh < h) {
        fprintf(stderr, "fw = %d, w = %d, fh = %d, h = %d\n", fw, w, fh, h);
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid fpix size", procName, NULL);

    wd = w + extraw;
    pixd = pixCreate(wd, h, d);
    datas = pixGetData(pixs);
    datad = pixGetData(pixd);
    dataf = fpixGetData(fpix);
    wpls = pixGetWpl(pixs);
    wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
    wplf = fpixGetWpl(fpix);
    if (d == 1) {
        for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
            lines = datas + i * wpls;
            lined = datad + i * wpld;
            linef = dataf + i * wplf;
            for (j = 0; j < wd; j++) {
                jsrc = (l_int32)(j - linef[j] + 0.5);
                if (jsrc < 0) jsrc = 0;
                if (jsrc > w - 1) jsrc = w - 1;
                if (GET_DATA_BIT(lines, jsrc))
                    SET_DATA_BIT(lined, j);
    else if (d == 8) {
        for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
            lines = datas + i * wpls;
            lined = datad + i * wpld;
            linef = dataf + i * wplf;
            for (j = 0; j < wd; j++) {
                jsrc = (l_int32)(j - linef[j] + 0.5);
                if (jsrc < 0) jsrc = 0;
                if (jsrc > w - 1) jsrc = w - 1;
                val8 = GET_DATA_BYTE(lines, jsrc);
                SET_DATA_BYTE(lined, j, val8);
    else {  /* d == 32 */
        for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
            lines = datas + i * wpls;
            lined = datad + i * wpld;
            linef = dataf + i * wplf;
            for (j = 0; j < wd; j++) {
                jsrc = (l_int32)(j - linef[j] + 0.5);
                if (jsrc < 0) jsrc = 0;
                if (jsrc > w - 1) jsrc = w - 1;
                lined[j] = lines[jsrc];

    return pixd;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 *  pixDisplayWithTitle()
 *      Input:  pix (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 bpp)
 *              x, y  (location of display frame)
 *              title (<optional> on frame; can be NULL);
 *              dispflag (1 to write, else disabled)
 *      Return: 0 if OK; 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) See notes for pixDisplay().
 *      (2) This displays the image if dispflag == 1.
pixDisplayWithTitle(PIX         *pixs,
                    l_int32      x,
                    l_int32      y,
                    const char  *title,
                    l_int32      dispflag)
char           *tempname;
char            buffer[L_BUF_SIZE];
static l_int32  index = 0;  /* caution: not .so or thread safe */
l_int32         w, h, d, spp, maxheight, opaque, threeviews, ignore;
l_float32       ratw, rath, ratmin;
PIX            *pix0, *pix1, *pix2;
PIXCMAP        *cmap;
#ifndef _WIN32
l_int32         wt, ht;
char           *pathname;
char            fullpath[_MAX_PATH];
#endif  /* _WIN32 */


    if (dispflag != 1) return 0;
    if (!pixs)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1);
        return ERROR_INT("no program chosen for display", procName, 1);

        /* Display with three views if either spp = 4 or if colormapped
         * and the alpha component is not fully opaque */
    opaque = TRUE;
    if ((cmap = pixGetColormap(pixs)) != NULL)
        pixcmapIsOpaque(cmap, &opaque);
    spp = pixGetSpp(pixs);
    threeviews = (spp == 4 || !opaque) ? TRUE : FALSE;

        /* If colormapped and not opaque, remove the colormap to RGBA */
    if (!opaque)
        pix0 = pixRemoveColormap(pixs, REMOVE_CMAP_WITH_ALPHA);
        pix0 = pixClone(pixs);

        /* Scale if necessary; this will also remove a colormap */
    pixGetDimensions(pix0, &w, &h, &d);
    maxheight = (threeviews) ? MAX_DISPLAY_HEIGHT / 3 : MAX_DISPLAY_HEIGHT;
    if (w <= MAX_DISPLAY_WIDTH && h <= maxheight) {
        if (d == 16)  /* take MSB */
            pix1 = pixConvert16To8(pix0, 1);
            pix1 = pixClone(pix0);
    } else {
        ratw = (l_float32)MAX_DISPLAY_WIDTH / (l_float32)w;
        rath = (l_float32)maxheight / (l_float32)h;
        ratmin = L_MIN(ratw, rath);
        if (ratmin < 0.125 && d == 1)
            pix1 = pixScaleToGray8(pix0);
        else if (ratmin < 0.25 && d == 1)
            pix1 = pixScaleToGray4(pix0);
        else if (ratmin < 0.33 && d == 1)
            pix1 = pixScaleToGray3(pix0);
        else if (ratmin < 0.5 && d == 1)
            pix1 = pixScaleToGray2(pix0);
            pix1 = pixScale(pix0, ratmin, ratmin);
    if (!pix1)
        return ERROR_INT("pix1 not made", procName, 1);

        /* Generate the three views if required */
    if (threeviews)
        pix2 = pixDisplayLayersRGBA(pix1, 0xffffff00, 0);
        pix2 = pixClone(pix1);

    if (index == 0) {

    if (pixGetDepth(pix2) < 8 ||
        (w < MAX_SIZE_FOR_PNG && h < MAX_SIZE_FOR_PNG)) {
        snprintf(buffer, L_BUF_SIZE, "/tmp/disp/write.%03d.png", index);
        pixWrite(buffer, pix2, IFF_PNG);
    } else {
        snprintf(buffer, L_BUF_SIZE, "/tmp/disp/write.%03d.jpg", index);
        pixWrite(buffer, pix2, IFF_JFIF_JPEG);
    tempname = stringNew(buffer);

#ifndef _WIN32

        /* Unix */
            /* no way to display title */
        pixGetDimensions(pix2, &wt, &ht, NULL);
        snprintf(buffer, L_BUF_SIZE,
                 "xzgv --geometry %dx%d+%d+%d %s &", wt + 10, ht + 10,
                 x, y, tempname);
    } else if (var_DISPLAY_PROG == L_DISPLAY_WITH_XLI) {
        if (title) {
            snprintf(buffer, L_BUF_SIZE,
               "xli -dispgamma 1.0 -quiet -geometry +%d+%d -title \"%s\" %s &",
               x, y, title, tempname);
        } else {
            snprintf(buffer, L_BUF_SIZE,
               "xli -dispgamma 1.0 -quiet -geometry +%d+%d %s &",
               x, y, tempname);
    } else if (var_DISPLAY_PROG == L_DISPLAY_WITH_XV) {
        if (title) {
            snprintf(buffer, L_BUF_SIZE,
                     "xv -quit -geometry +%d+%d -name \"%s\" %s &",
                     x, y, title, tempname);
        } else {
            snprintf(buffer, L_BUF_SIZE,
                     "xv -quit -geometry +%d+%d %s &", x, y, tempname);
    } else if (var_DISPLAY_PROG == L_DISPLAY_WITH_OPEN) {
        snprintf(buffer, L_BUF_SIZE, "open %s &", tempname);
    ignore = system(buffer);

#else  /* _WIN32 */

        /* Windows: L_DISPLAY_WITH_IV */
    pathname = genPathname(tempname, NULL);
    _fullpath(fullpath, pathname, sizeof(fullpath));
    if (title) {
        snprintf(buffer, L_BUF_SIZE,
                 "i_view32.exe \"%s\" /pos=(%d,%d) /title=\"%s\"",
                 fullpath, x, y, title);
    } else {
        snprintf(buffer, L_BUF_SIZE, "i_view32.exe \"%s\" /pos=(%d,%d)",
                 fullpath, x, y);
    ignore = system(buffer);

#endif  /* _WIN32 */

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 *  dewarpBuildModel()
 *      Input:  dew
 *              debugflag (1 for debugging output)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This is the basic function that builds the vertical
 *          disparity array, which allows determination of the
 *          src pixel in the input image corresponding to each
 *          dest pixel in the dewarped image.
 *      (2) The method is as follows:
 *          * Estimate the centers of all the long textlines and
 *            fit a LS quadratic to each one.  This smooths the curves.
 *          * Sample each curve at a regular interval, find the y-value
 *            of the flat point on each curve, and subtract the sampled
 *            curve value from this value.  This is the vertical
 *            disparity.
 *          * Fit a LS quadratic to each set of vertically aligned
 *            disparity samples.  This smooths the disparity values
 *            in the vertical direction.  Then resample at the same
 *            regular interval,  We now have a regular grid of smoothed
 *            vertical disparity valuels.
 *          * Interpolate this grid to get a full resolution disparity
 *            map.  This can be applied directly to the src image
 *            pixels to dewarp the image in the vertical direction,
 *            making all textlines horizontal.
dewarpBuildModel(L_DEWARP  *dew,
                 l_int32    debugflag)
char       *tempname;
l_int32     i, j, nlines, nx, ny, sampling;
l_float32   c0, c1, c2, x, y, flaty, val;
l_float32  *faflats;
NUMA       *nax, *nafit, *nacurve, *nacurves, *naflat, *naflats, *naflatsi;
PIX        *pixs, *pixt1, *pixt2;
PTA        *pta, *ptad;
PTAA       *ptaa1, *ptaa2, *ptaa3, *ptaa4, *ptaa5, *ptaa6, *ptaa7;
FPIX       *fpix1, *fpix2, *fpix3;


    if (!dew)
        return ERROR_INT("dew not defined", procName, 1);

    pixs = dew->pixs;
    if (debugflag) {
        pixDisplayWithTitle(pixs, 0, 0, "pixs", 1);
        pixWriteTempfile("/tmp", "pixs.png", pixs, IFF_PNG, NULL);

        /* Make initial estimate of centers of textlines */
    ptaa1 = pixGetTextlineCenters(pixs, DEBUG_TEXTLINE_CENTERS);
    if (debugflag) {
        pixt1 = pixConvertTo32(pixs);
        pixt2 = pixDisplayPtaa(pixt1, ptaa1);
        pixWriteTempfile("/tmp", "lines1.png", pixt2, IFF_PNG, NULL);

        /* Remove all lines that are not near the length
         * of the longest line. */
    ptaa2 = ptaaRemoveShortLines(pixs, ptaa1, 0.8, DEBUG_SHORT_LINES);
    if (debugflag) {
        pixt1 = pixConvertTo32(pixs);
        pixt2 = pixDisplayPtaa(pixt1, ptaa2);
        pixWriteTempfile("/tmp", "lines2.png", pixt2, IFF_PNG, NULL);
    nlines = ptaaGetCount(ptaa2);
    if (nlines < dew->minlines)
        return ERROR_INT("insufficient lines to build model", procName, 1);

        /* Do quadratic fit to smooth each line.  A single quadratic
         * over the entire width of the line appears to be sufficient.
         * Quartics tend to overfit to noise.  Each line is thus
         * represented by three coefficients: c2 * x^2 + c1 * x + c0.
         * Using the coefficients, sample each fitted curve uniformly
         * across the full width of the image.  */
    sampling = dew->sampling;
    nx = dew->nx;
    ny = dew->ny;
    ptaa3 = ptaaCreate(nlines);
    nacurve = numaCreate(nlines);  /* stores curvature coeff c2 */
    for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++) {  /* for each line */
        pta = ptaaGetPta(ptaa2, i, L_CLONE);
        ptaGetQuadraticLSF(pta, &c2, &c1, &c0, NULL);
        numaAddNumber(nacurve, c2);
        ptad = ptaCreate(nx);
        for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) {  /* uniformly sampled in x */
             x = j * sampling;
             applyQuadraticFit(c2, c1, c0, x, &y);
             ptaAddPt(ptad, x, y);
        ptaaAddPta(ptaa3, ptad, L_INSERT);
    if (debugflag) {
        ptaa4 = ptaaCreate(nlines);
        for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++) {
            pta = ptaaGetPta(ptaa2, i, L_CLONE);
            ptaGetArrays(pta, &nax, NULL);
            ptaGetQuadraticLSF(pta, NULL, NULL, NULL, &nafit);
            ptad = ptaCreateFromNuma(nax, nafit);
            ptaaAddPta(ptaa4, ptad, L_INSERT);
        pixt1 = pixConvertTo32(pixs);
        pixt2 = pixDisplayPtaa(pixt1, ptaa4);
        pixWriteTempfile("/tmp", "lines3.png", pixt2, IFF_PNG, NULL);

        /* Find and save the flat points in each curve. */
    naflat = numaCreate(nlines);
    for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++) {
        pta = ptaaGetPta(ptaa3, i, L_CLONE);
        numaGetFValue(nacurve, i, &c2);
        if (c2 <= 0)  /* flat point at bottom; max value of y in curve */
            ptaGetRange(pta, NULL, NULL, NULL, &flaty);
        else  /* flat point at top; min value of y in curve */
            ptaGetRange(pta, NULL, NULL, &flaty, NULL);
        numaAddNumber(naflat, flaty);

        /* Sort the lines in ptaa3 by their position */
    naflatsi = numaGetSortIndex(naflat, L_SORT_INCREASING);
    naflats = numaSortByIndex(naflat, naflatsi);
    nacurves = numaSortByIndex(nacurve, naflatsi);
    dew->naflats = naflats;
    dew->nacurves = nacurves;
    ptaa4 = ptaaSortByIndex(ptaa3, naflatsi);
    if (debugflag) {
        tempname = genTempFilename("/tmp", "naflats.na", 0);
        numaWrite(tempname, naflats);

        /* Convert the sampled points in ptaa3 to a sampled disparity with
         * with respect to the flat point in the curve. */
    ptaa5 = ptaaCreate(nlines);
    for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++) {
        pta = ptaaGetPta(ptaa4, i, L_CLONE);
        numaGetFValue(naflats, i, &flaty);
        ptad = ptaCreate(nx);
        for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
            ptaGetPt(pta, j, &x, &y);
            ptaAddPt(ptad, x, flaty - y);
        ptaaAddPta(ptaa5, ptad, L_INSERT);
    if (debugflag) {
        tempname = genTempFilename("/tmp", "ptaa5.ptaa", 0);
        ptaaWrite(tempname, ptaa5, 0);

        /* Generate a ptaa taking vertical 'columns' from ptaa5.
         * We want to fit the vertical disparity on the column to the
         * vertical position of the line, which we call 'y' here and
         * obtain from naflats. */
    ptaa6 = ptaaCreate(nx);
    faflats = numaGetFArray(naflats, L_NOCOPY);
    for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
        pta = ptaCreate(nlines);
        for (i = 0; i < nlines; i++) {
            y = faflats[i];
            ptaaGetPt(ptaa5, i, j, NULL, &val);  /* disparity value */
            ptaAddPt(pta, y, val);
        ptaaAddPta(ptaa6, pta, L_INSERT);
    if (debugflag) {
        tempname = genTempFilename("/tmp", "ptaa6.ptaa", 0);
        ptaaWrite(tempname, ptaa6, 0);

        /* Do quadratic fit vertically on a subset of pixel columns
         * for the vertical displacement, which identifies the
         * src pixel(s) for each dest pixel.  Sample the displacement
         * on a regular grid in the vertical direction.   */
    ptaa7 = ptaaCreate(nx);  /* uniformly sampled across full height of image */
    for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) {  /* for each column */
        pta = ptaaGetPta(ptaa6, j, L_CLONE);
        ptaGetQuadraticLSF(pta, &c2, &c1, &c0, NULL);
        ptad = ptaCreate(ny);
        for (i = 0; i < ny; i++) {  /* uniformly sampled in y */
             y = i * sampling;
             applyQuadraticFit(c2, c1, c0, y, &val);
             ptaAddPt(ptad, y, val);
        ptaaAddPta(ptaa7, ptad, L_INSERT);
    if (debugflag) {
        tempname = genTempFilename("/tmp", "ptaa7.ptaa", 0);
        ptaaWrite(tempname, ptaa7, 0);

        /* Save the result in a fpix at the specified subsampling  */
    fpix1 = fpixCreate(nx, ny);
    for (i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
            ptaaGetPt(ptaa7, j, i, NULL, &val);
            fpixSetPixel(fpix1, j, i, val);
    dew->sampvdispar = fpix1;

        /* Generate a full res fpix for vertical dewarping.  We require that
         * the size of this fpix is at least as big as the input image. */
    fpix2 = fpixScaleByInteger(fpix1, sampling);
    dew->fullvdispar = fpix2;
    if (debugflag) {
        pixt1 = fpixRenderContours(fpix2, -2., 2.0, 0.2);
        pixWriteTempfile("/tmp", "vert-contours.png", pixt1, IFF_PNG, NULL);
        pixDisplay(pixt1, 1000, 0);

        /* Generate full res and sampled fpix for horizontal dewarping.  This
         * works to the extent that the line curvature is due to bending
         * out of the plane normal to the camera, and not wide-angle
         * "fishbowl" distortion.  Also generate the sampled horizontal
         * disparity array. */
    if (dew->applyhoriz) {
        fpix3 = fpixBuildHorizontalDisparity(fpix2, 0, &dew->extraw);
        dew->fullhdispar = fpix3;
        dew->samphdispar = fpixSampledDisparity(fpix3, dew->sampling);
        if (debugflag) {
            pixt1 = fpixRenderContours(fpix3, -2., 2.0, 0.2);
            pixWriteTempfile("/tmp", "horiz-contours.png", pixt1,
                             IFF_PNG, NULL);
            pixDisplay(pixt1, 1000, 0);

    dew->success = 1;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 * \brief   pixOtsuAdaptiveThreshold()
 * \param[in]    pixs 8 bpp
 * \param[in]    sx, sy desired tile dimensions; actual size may vary
 * \param[in]    smoothx, smoothy half-width of convolution kernel applied to
 *                                threshold array: use 0 for no smoothing
 * \param[in]    scorefract fraction of the max Otsu score; typ. 0.1;
 *                          use 0.0 for standard Otsu
 * \param[out]   ppixth [optional] array of threshold values
 *                      found for each tile
 * \param[out]   ppixd [optional] thresholded input pixs, based on
 *                     the threshold array
 * \return  0 if OK, 1 on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) The Otsu method finds a single global threshold for an image.
 *          This function allows a locally adapted threshold to be
 *          found for each tile into which the image is broken up.
 *      (2) The array of threshold values, one for each tile, constitutes
 *          a highly downscaled image.  This array is optionally
 *          smoothed using a convolution.  The full width and height of the
 *          convolution kernel are (2 * %smoothx + 1) and (2 * %smoothy + 1).
 *      (3) The minimum tile dimension allowed is 16.  If such small
 *          tiles are used, it is recommended to use smoothing, because
 *          without smoothing, each small tile determines the splitting
 *          threshold independently.  A tile that is entirely in the
 *          image bg will then hallucinate fg, resulting in a very noisy
 *          binarization.  The smoothing should be large enough that no
 *          tile is only influenced by one type (fg or bg) of pixels,
 *          because it will force a split of its pixels.
 *      (4) To get a single global threshold for the entire image, use
 *          input values of %sx and %sy that are larger than the image.
 *          For this situation, the smoothing parameters are ignored.
 *      (5) The threshold values partition the image pixels into two classes:
 *          one whose values are less than the threshold and another
 *          whose values are greater than or equal to the threshold.
 *          This is the same use of 'threshold' as in pixThresholdToBinary().
 *      (6) The scorefract is the fraction of the maximum Otsu score, which
 *          is used to determine the range over which the histogram minimum
 *          is searched.  See numaSplitDistribution() for details on the
 *          underlying method of choosing a threshold.
 *      (7) This uses enables a modified version of the Otsu criterion for
 *          splitting the distribution of pixels in each tile into a
 *          fg and bg part.  The modification consists of searching for
 *          a minimum in the histogram over a range of pixel values where
 *          the Otsu score is within a defined fraction, %scorefract,
 *          of the max score.  To get the original Otsu algorithm, set
 *          %scorefract == 0.
 *      (8) N.B. This method is NOT recommended for images with weak text
 *          and significant background noise, such as bleedthrough, because
 *          of the problem noted in (3) above for tiling.  Use Sauvola.
 * </pre>
pixOtsuAdaptiveThreshold(PIX       *pixs,
                         l_int32    sx,
                         l_int32    sy,
                         l_int32    smoothx,
                         l_int32    smoothy,
                         l_float32  scorefract,
                         PIX      **ppixth,
                         PIX      **ppixd)
l_int32     w, h, nx, ny, i, j, thresh;
l_uint32    val;
PIX        *pixt, *pixb, *pixthresh, *pixth, *pixd;


    if (!ppixth && !ppixd)
        return ERROR_INT("neither &pixth nor &pixd defined", procName, 1);
    if (ppixth) *ppixth = NULL;
    if (ppixd) *ppixd = NULL;
    if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) != 8)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined or not 8 bpp", procName, 1);
    if (sx < 16 || sy < 16)
        return ERROR_INT("sx and sy must be >= 16", procName, 1);

        /* Compute the threshold array for the tiles */
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
    nx = L_MAX(1, w / sx);
    ny = L_MAX(1, h / sy);
    smoothx = L_MIN(smoothx, (nx - 1) / 2);
    smoothy = L_MIN(smoothy, (ny - 1) / 2);
    pt = pixTilingCreate(pixs, nx, ny, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    pixthresh = pixCreate(nx, ny, 8);
    for (i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
            pixt = pixTilingGetTile(pt, i, j);
            pixSplitDistributionFgBg(pixt, scorefract, 1, &thresh,
                                     NULL, NULL, NULL);
            pixSetPixel(pixthresh, j, i, thresh);  /* see note (4) */

        /* Optionally smooth the threshold array */
    if (smoothx > 0 || smoothy > 0)
        pixth = pixBlockconv(pixthresh, smoothx, smoothy);
        pixth = pixClone(pixthresh);

        /* Optionally apply the threshold array to binarize pixs */
    if (ppixd) {
        pixd = pixCreate(w, h, 1);
        pixCopyResolution(pixd, pixs);
        for (i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
                pixt = pixTilingGetTile(pt, i, j);
                pixGetPixel(pixth, j, i, &val);
                pixb = pixThresholdToBinary(pixt, val);
                pixTilingPaintTile(pixd, i, j, pixb, pt);
        *ppixd = pixd;

    if (ppixth)
        *ppixth = pixth;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 *  pixGetTextlineCenters()
 *      Input:  pixs (1 bpp)
 *              debugflag (1 for debug output)
 *      Return: ptaa (of center values of textlines)
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This in general does not have a point for each value
 *          of x, because there will be gaps between words.
 *          It doesn't matter because we will fit a quadratic to the
 *          points that we do have.
pixGetTextlineCenters(PIX     *pixs,
                      l_int32  debugflag)
l_int32   i, w, h, bx, by, nsegs;
BOXA     *boxa;
PIX      *pix, *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixt3;
PIXA     *pixa1, *pixa2;
PTA      *pta;
PTAA     *ptaa;


    if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
        return (PTAA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs undefined or not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);

        /* Filter to solidify the text lines within the x-height region,
         * and to remove most of the ascenders and descenders. */
    pixt1 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, "c15.1 + o15.1 + c30.1", 0);
    pixDisplayWithTitle(pixt1, 0, 800, "pix1", debugflag);

        /* Get the 8-connected components ... */
    boxa = pixConnComp(pixt1, &pixa1, 8);
    if (pixaGetCount(pixa1) == 0) {
        return NULL;

        /* ... and remove the short and thin c.c */
    pixa2 = pixaSelectBySize(pixa1, 100, 4, L_SELECT_IF_BOTH,
                                   L_SELECT_IF_GT, 0);
    if ((nsegs = pixaGetCount(pixa2)) == 0) {
        return NULL;
    if (debugflag) {
        pixt2 = pixaDisplay(pixa2, w, h);
        pixDisplayWithTitle(pixt2, 800, 800, "pix2", 1);

        /* For each c.c., get the weighted center of each vertical column.
         * The result is a set of points going approximately through
         * the center of the x-height part of the text line.  */
    ptaa = ptaaCreate(nsegs);
    for (i = 0; i < nsegs; i++) {
        pixaGetBoxGeometry(pixa2, i, &bx, &by, NULL, NULL);
        pix = pixaGetPix(pixa2, i, L_CLONE);
        pta = pixGetMeanVerticals(pix, bx, by);
        ptaaAddPta(ptaa, pta, L_INSERT);
    if (debugflag) {
        pixt3 = pixCreateTemplate(pixt2);
        pix = pixDisplayPtaa(pixt3, ptaa);
        pixDisplayWithTitle(pix, 0, 1400, "pix3", 1);

    return ptaa;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * \brief   pixSauvolaBinarizeTiled()
 * \param[in]    pixs 8 bpp grayscale, not colormapped
 * \param[in]    whsize window half-width for measuring local statistics
 * \param[in]    factor factor for reducing threshold due to variance; >= 0
 * \param[in]    nx, ny subdivision into tiles; >= 1
 * \param[out]   ppixth [optional] Sauvola threshold values
 * \param[out]   ppixd [optional] thresholded image
 * \return  0 if OK, 1 on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) The window width and height are 2 * %whsize + 1.  The minimum
 *          value for %whsize is 2; typically it is \>= 7..
 *      (2) For nx == ny == 1, this defaults to pixSauvolaBinarize().
 *      (3) Why a tiled version?
 *          (a) Because the mean value accumulator is a uint32, overflow
 *              can occur for an image with more than 16M pixels.
 *          (b) The mean value accumulator array for 16M pixels is 64 MB.
 *              The mean square accumulator array for 16M pixels is 128 MB.
 *              Using tiles reduces the size of these arrays.
 *          (c) Each tile can be processed independently, in parallel,
 *              on a multicore processor.
 *      (4) The Sauvola threshold is determined from the formula:
 *              t = m * (1 - k * (1 - s / 128))
 *          See pixSauvolaBinarize() for details.
 * </pre>
pixSauvolaBinarizeTiled(PIX       *pixs,
                        l_int32    whsize,
                        l_float32  factor,
                        l_int32    nx,
                        l_int32    ny,
                        PIX      **ppixth,
                        PIX      **ppixd)
l_int32     i, j, w, h, xrat, yrat;
PIX        *pixth, *pixd, *tileth, *tiled, *pixt;
PIX       **ptileth, **ptiled;


    if (!ppixth && !ppixd)
        return ERROR_INT("no outputs", procName, 1);
    if (ppixth) *ppixth = NULL;
    if (ppixd) *ppixd = NULL;
    if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) != 8)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs undefined or not 8 bpp", procName, 1);
    if (pixGetColormap(pixs))
        return ERROR_INT("pixs is cmapped", procName, 1);
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL);
    if (whsize < 2)
        return ERROR_INT("whsize must be >= 2", procName, 1);
    if (w < 2 * whsize + 3 || h < 2 * whsize + 3)
        return ERROR_INT("whsize too large for image", procName, 1);
    if (factor < 0.0)
        return ERROR_INT("factor must be >= 0", procName, 1);

    if (nx <= 1 && ny <= 1)
        return pixSauvolaBinarize(pixs, whsize, factor, 1, NULL, NULL,
                                  ppixth, ppixd);

        /* Test to see if the tiles are too small.  The required
         * condition is that the tile dimensions must be at least
         * (whsize + 2) x (whsize + 2).  */
    xrat = w / nx;
    yrat = h / ny;
    if (xrat < whsize + 2) {
        nx = w / (whsize + 2);
        L_WARNING("tile width too small; nx reduced to %d\n", procName, nx);
    if (yrat < whsize + 2) {
        ny = h / (whsize + 2);
        L_WARNING("tile height too small; ny reduced to %d\n", procName, ny);
    if (nx <= 1 && ny <= 1)
        return pixSauvolaBinarize(pixs, whsize, factor, 1, NULL, NULL,
                                  ppixth, ppixd);

        /* We can use pixtiling for painting both outputs, if requested */
    if (ppixth) {
        pixth = pixCreateNoInit(w, h, 8);
        *ppixth = pixth;
    if (ppixd) {
        pixd = pixCreateNoInit(w, h, 1);
        *ppixd = pixd;
    pt = pixTilingCreate(pixs, nx, ny, 0, 0, whsize + 1, whsize + 1);
    pixTilingNoStripOnPaint(pt);  /* pixSauvolaBinarize() does the stripping */

    for (i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) {
            pixt = pixTilingGetTile(pt, i, j);
            ptileth = (ppixth) ? &tileth : NULL;
            ptiled = (ppixd) ? &tiled : NULL;
            pixSauvolaBinarize(pixt, whsize, factor, 0, NULL, NULL,
                               ptileth, ptiled);
            if (ppixth) {  /* do not strip */
                pixTilingPaintTile(pixth, i, j, tileth, pt);
            if (ppixd) {
                pixTilingPaintTile(pixd, i, j, tiled, pt);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 *  gplotAddPlot()
 *      Input:  gplot
 *              nax (<optional> numa: set to null for Y_VS_I;
 *                   required for Y_VS_X)
 *              nay (numa: required for both Y_VS_I and Y_VS_X)
 *              plotstyle (GPLOT_LINES, GPLOT_POINTS, GPLOT_IMPULSES,
 *                         GPLOT_LINESPOINTS, GPLOT_DOTS)
 *              plottitle  (<optional> title for individual plot)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) There are 2 options for (x,y) values:
 *            o  To plot an array vs the index, set nax = NULL.
 *            o  To plot one array vs another, use both nax and nay.
 *      (2) If nax is defined, it must be the same size as nay.
 *      (3) The 'plottitle' string can have spaces, double
 *          quotes and backquotes, but not single quotes.
gplotAddPlot(GPLOT       *gplot,
             NUMA        *nax,
             NUMA        *nay,
             l_int32      plotstyle,
             const char  *plottitle)
char       buf[L_BUF_SIZE];
char       emptystring[] = "";
char      *datastr, *title;
l_int32    n, i;
l_float32  valx, valy, startx, delx;
SARRAY    *sa;


    if (!gplot)
        return ERROR_INT("gplot not defined", procName, 1);
    if (!nay)
        return ERROR_INT("nay not defined", procName, 1);
    if (plotstyle != GPLOT_LINES && plotstyle != GPLOT_POINTS &&
        plotstyle != GPLOT_IMPULSES && plotstyle != GPLOT_LINESPOINTS &&
        plotstyle != GPLOT_DOTS)
        return ERROR_INT("invalid plotstyle", procName, 1);

    n = numaGetCount(nay);
    numaGetParameters(nay, &startx, &delx);
    if (nax) {
        if (n != numaGetCount(nax))
            return ERROR_INT("nax and nay sizes differ", procName, 1);

        /* Save plotstyle and plottitle */
    numaAddNumber(gplot->plotstyles, plotstyle);
    if (plottitle) {
        title = stringNew(plottitle);
        sarrayAddString(gplot->plottitles, title, L_INSERT);
    } else {
        sarrayAddString(gplot->plottitles, emptystring, L_COPY);

        /* Generate and save data filename */
    snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "%s.data.%d", gplot->rootname, gplot->nplots);
    sarrayAddString(gplot->datanames, buf, L_COPY);

        /* Generate data and save as a string */
    sa = sarrayCreate(n);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (nax)
            numaGetFValue(nax, i, &valx);
            valx = startx + i * delx;
        numaGetFValue(nay, i, &valy);
        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "%f %f\n", valx, valy);
        sarrayAddString(sa, buf, L_COPY);
    datastr = sarrayToString(sa, 0);
    sarrayAddString(gplot->plotdata, datastr, L_INSERT);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 * \brief   pixSauvolaGetThreshold()
 * \param[in]    pixm 8 bpp grayscale; not colormapped
 * \param[in]    pixms 32 bpp
 * \param[in]    factor factor for reducing threshold due to variance; >= 0
 * \param[out]   ppixsd [optional] local standard deviation
 * \return  pixd 8 bpp, sauvola threshold values, or NULL on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) The Sauvola threshold is determined from the formula:
 *            t = m * (1 - k * (1 - s / 128))
 *          where:
 *            t = local threshold
 *            m = local mean
 *            k = %factor (\>= 0)   [ typ. 0.35 ]
 *            s = local standard deviation, which is maximized at
 *                127.5 when half the samples are 0 and half are 255.
 *      (2) See pixSauvolaBinarize() for other details.
 *      (3) Important definitions and relations for computing averages:
 *            v == pixel value
 *            E(p) == expected value of p == average of p over some pixel set
 *            S(v) == square of v == v * v
 *            mv == E(v) == expected pixel value == mean value
 *            ms == E(S(v)) == expected square of pixel values
 *               == mean square value
 *            var == variance == expected square of deviation from mean
 *                == E(S(v - mv)) = E(S(v) - 2 * S(v * mv) + S(mv))
 *                                = E(S(v)) - S(mv)
 *                                = ms - mv * mv
 *            s == standard deviation = sqrt(var)
 *          So for evaluating the standard deviation in the Sauvola
 *          threshold, we take
 *            s = sqrt(ms - mv * mv)
 * </pre>
pixSauvolaGetThreshold(PIX       *pixm,
                       PIX       *pixms,
                       l_float32  factor,
                       PIX      **ppixsd)
l_int32     i, j, w, h, tabsize, wplm, wplms, wplsd, wpld, usetab;
l_int32     mv, ms, var, thresh;
l_uint32   *datam, *datams, *datasd, *datad;
l_uint32   *linem, *linems, *linesd, *lined;
l_float32   sd;
l_float32  *tab;  /* of 2^16 square roots */
PIX        *pixsd, *pixd;


    if (ppixsd) *ppixsd = NULL;
    if (!pixm || pixGetDepth(pixm) != 8)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixm undefined or not 8 bpp", procName, NULL);
    if (pixGetColormap(pixm))
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixm is colormapped", procName, NULL);
    if (!pixms || pixGetDepth(pixms) != 32)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixms undefined or not 32 bpp",
                                procName, NULL);
    if (factor < 0.0)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("factor must be >= 0", procName, NULL);

        /* Only make a table of 2^16 square roots if there
         * are enough pixels to justify it. */
    pixGetDimensions(pixm, &w, &h, NULL);
    usetab = (w * h > 100000) ? 1 : 0;
    if (usetab) {
        tabsize = 1 << 16;
        tab = (l_float32 *)LEPT_CALLOC(tabsize, sizeof(l_float32));
        for (i = 0; i < tabsize; i++)
            tab[i] = sqrtf((l_float32)i);

    pixd = pixCreate(w, h, 8);
    if (ppixsd) {
        pixsd = pixCreate(w, h, 8);
        *ppixsd = pixsd;
    datam = pixGetData(pixm);
    datams = pixGetData(pixms);
    if (ppixsd) datasd = pixGetData(pixsd);
    datad = pixGetData(pixd);
    wplm = pixGetWpl(pixm);
    wplms = pixGetWpl(pixms);
    if (ppixsd) wplsd = pixGetWpl(pixsd);
    wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
    for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
        linem = datam + i * wplm;
        linems = datams + i * wplms;
        if (ppixsd) linesd = datasd + i * wplsd;
        lined = datad + i * wpld;
        for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
            mv = GET_DATA_BYTE(linem, j);
            ms = linems[j];
            var = ms - mv * mv;
            if (usetab)
                sd = tab[var];
                sd = sqrtf((l_float32)var);
            if (ppixsd) SET_DATA_BYTE(linesd, j, (l_int32)sd);
            thresh = (l_int32)(mv * (1.0 - factor * (1.0 - sd / 128.)));
            SET_DATA_BYTE(lined, j, thresh);

    if (usetab) LEPT_FREE(tab);
    return pixd;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 *  gplotGenCommandFile()
 *      Input:  gplot
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
gplotGenCommandFile(GPLOT  *gplot)
char     buf[L_BUF_SIZE];
char    *cmdstr, *plottitle, *dataname;
l_int32  i, plotstyle, nplots;
FILE    *fp;


    if (!gplot)
        return ERROR_INT("gplot not defined", procName, 1);

        /* Remove any previous command data */

        /* Generate command data instructions */
    if (gplot->title) {   /* set title */
        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set title '%s'", gplot->title);
        sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY);
    if (gplot->xlabel) {   /* set xlabel */
        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set xlabel '%s'", gplot->xlabel);
        sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY);
    if (gplot->ylabel) {   /* set ylabel */
        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set ylabel '%s'", gplot->ylabel);
        sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY);

    if (gplot->outformat == GPLOT_PNG)    /* set terminal type and output */
        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set terminal png; set output '%s'",
    else if (gplot->outformat == GPLOT_PS)
        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set terminal postscript; set output '%s'",
    else if (gplot->outformat == GPLOT_EPS)
        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE,
                "set terminal postscript eps; set output '%s'",
    else if (gplot->outformat == GPLOT_LATEX)
        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set terminal latex; set output '%s'",
    else  /* gplot->outformat == GPLOT_X11 */
#ifndef _WIN32
        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set terminal x11");
        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set terminal windows");
#endif  /* _WIN32 */
    sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY);

    if (gplot->scaling == GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X ||
        gplot->scaling == GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X_Y) {
        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set logscale x");
        sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY);
    if (gplot->scaling == GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_Y ||
        gplot->scaling == GPLOT_LOG_SCALE_X_Y) {
        snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "set logscale y");
        sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY);

    nplots = sarrayGetCount(gplot->datanames);
    for (i = 0; i < nplots; i++) {
        plottitle = sarrayGetString(gplot->plottitles, i, L_NOCOPY);
        dataname = sarrayGetString(gplot->datanames, i, L_NOCOPY);
        numaGetIValue(gplot->plotstyles, i, &plotstyle);
        if (nplots == 1) {
            snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "plot '%s' title '%s' %s",
                     dataname, plottitle, gplotstylenames[plotstyle]);
        } else {
            if (i == 0)
                snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "plot '%s' title '%s' %s, \\",
                     dataname, plottitle, gplotstylenames[plotstyle]);
            else if (i < nplots - 1)
                snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, " '%s' title '%s' %s, \\",
                     dataname, plottitle, gplotstylenames[plotstyle]);
                snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, " '%s' title '%s' %s",
                     dataname, plottitle, gplotstylenames[plotstyle]);
        sarrayAddString(gplot->cmddata, buf, L_COPY);

        /* Write command data to file */
    cmdstr = sarrayToString(gplot->cmddata, 1);
    if ((fp = fopenWriteStream(gplot->cmdname, "w")) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("cmd stream not opened", procName, 1);
    fwrite(cmdstr, 1, strlen(cmdstr), fp);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 *  pixGenerateSelWithRuns()
 *      Input:  pix (1 bpp, typically small, to be used as a pattern)
 *              nhlines (number of hor lines along which elements are found)
 *              nvlines (number of vert lines along which elements are found)
 *              distance (min distance from boundary pixel; use 0 for default)
 *              minlength (min runlength to set hit or miss; use 0 for default)
 *              toppix (number of extra pixels of bg added above)
 *              botpix (number of extra pixels of bg added below)
 *              leftpix (number of extra pixels of bg added to left)
 *              rightpix (number of extra pixels of bg added to right)
 *              &pixe (<optional return> input pix expanded by extra pixels)
 *      Return: sel (hit-miss for input pattern), or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *    (1) The horizontal and vertical lines along which elements are
 *        selected are roughly equally spaced.  The actual locations of
 *        the hits and misses are the centers of respective run-lengths.
 *    (2) No elements are selected that are less than 'distance' pixels away
 *        from a boundary pixel of the same color.  This makes the
 *        match much more robust to edge noise.  Valid inputs of
 *        'distance' are 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.  If distance is either 0 or
 *        greater than 4, we reset it to the default value.
 *    (3) The 4 numbers for adding rectangles of pixels outside the fg
 *        can be use if the pattern is expected to be surrounded by bg
 *        (white) pixels.  On the other hand, if the pattern may be near
 *        other fg (black) components on some sides, use 0 for those sides.
 *    (4) The pixels added to a side allow you to have miss elements there.
 *        There is a constraint between distance, minlength, and
 *        the added pixels for this to work.  We illustrate using the
 *        default values.  If you add 5 pixels to the top, and use a 
 *        distance of 1, then you end up with a vertical run of at least
 *        4 bg pixels along the top edge of the image.  If you use a
 *        minimum runlength of 3, each vertical line will always find
 *        a miss near the center of its run.  However, if you use a
 *        minimum runlength of 5, you will not get a miss on every vertical
 *        line.  As another example, if you have 7 added pixels and a
 *        distance of 2, you can use a runlength up to 5 to guarantee
 *        that the miss element is recorded.  We give a warning if the
 *        contraint does not guarantee a miss element outside the 
 *        image proper.
 *    (5) The input pix, as extended by the extra pixels on selected sides,
 *        can optionally be returned.  For debugging, call
 *        pixDisplayHitMissSel() to visualize the hit-miss sel superimposed
 *        on the generating bitmap.
pixGenerateSelWithRuns(PIX     *pixs,
                       l_int32  nhlines,
                       l_int32  nvlines,
                       l_int32  distance,
                       l_int32  minlength,
                       l_int32  toppix,
                       l_int32  botpix,
                       l_int32  leftpix,
                       l_int32  rightpix,
                       PIX    **ppixe)
l_int32    ws, hs, w, h, x, y, xval, yval, i, j, nh, nm;
l_float32  delh, delw;
NUMA      *nah, *nam;
PIX       *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixfg, *pixbg;
PTA       *ptah, *ptam;
SEL       *seld, *sel;


    if (ppixe) *ppixe = NULL;
    if (!pixs)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, NULL);
    if (nhlines < 1 && nvlines < 1)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("nvlines and nhlines both < 1", procName, NULL);

    if (distance <= 0)
    if (minlength <= 0)
        minlength = DEFAULT_MIN_RUNLENGTH;
    if (distance > MAX_DISTANCE_TO_BOUNDARY) {
        L_WARNING("distance too large; setting to max value", procName);
        distance = MAX_DISTANCE_TO_BOUNDARY;

        /* Locate the foreground */
    pixClipToForeground(pixs, &pixt1, NULL);
    if (!pixt1)
        return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("pixt1 not made", procName, NULL);
    ws = pixGetWidth(pixt1);
    hs = pixGetHeight(pixt1);
    w = ws;
    h = hs;

        /* Crop out a region including the foreground, and add pixels
         * on sides depending on the side flags */
    if (toppix || botpix || leftpix || rightpix) {
        x = y = 0;
        if (toppix) {
            h += toppix;
            y = toppix;
            if (toppix < distance + minlength)
                L_WARNING("no miss elements in added top pixels", procName);
        if (botpix) {
            h += botpix;
            if (botpix < distance + minlength)
                L_WARNING("no miss elements in added bot pixels", procName);
        if (leftpix) {
            w += leftpix;
            x = leftpix;
            if (leftpix < distance + minlength)
                L_WARNING("no miss elements in added left pixels", procName);
        if (rightpix) {
            w += rightpix;
            if (rightpix < distance + minlength)
                L_WARNING("no miss elements in added right pixels", procName);
        pixt2 = pixCreate(w, h, 1);
        pixRasterop(pixt2, x, y, ws, hs, PIX_SRC, pixt1, 0, 0);
        pixt2 = pixClone(pixt1);
    if (ppixe)
        *ppixe = pixClone(pixt2);

        /* Identify fg and bg pixels that are at least 'distance' pixels
         * away from the boundary pixels in their set */
    seld = selCreateBrick(2 * distance + 1, 2 * distance + 1,
                          distance, distance, SEL_HIT);
    pixfg = pixErode(NULL, pixt2, seld);
    pixbg = pixDilate(NULL, pixt2, seld);
    pixInvert(pixbg, pixbg);

        /* Accumulate hit and miss points */
    ptah = ptaCreate(0);
    ptam = ptaCreate(0);
    if (nhlines >= 1) {
        delh = (l_float32)h / (l_float32)(nhlines + 1);
        for (i = 0, y = 0; i < nhlines; i++) {
            y += (l_int32)(delh + 0.5); 
            nah = pixGetRunCentersOnLine(pixfg, -1, y, minlength);
            nam = pixGetRunCentersOnLine(pixbg, -1, y, minlength);
            nh = numaGetCount(nah);
            nm = numaGetCount(nam);
            for (j = 0; j < nh; j++) {
                numaGetIValue(nah, j, &xval);
                ptaAddPt(ptah, xval, y);
            for (j = 0; j < nm; j++) {
                numaGetIValue(nam, j, &xval);
                ptaAddPt(ptam, xval, y);
    if (nvlines >= 1) {
        delw = (l_float32)w / (l_float32)(nvlines + 1);
        for (i = 0, x = 0; i < nvlines; i++) {
            x += (l_int32)(delw + 0.5); 
            nah = pixGetRunCentersOnLine(pixfg, x, -1, minlength);
            nam = pixGetRunCentersOnLine(pixbg, x, -1, minlength);
            nh = numaGetCount(nah);
            nm = numaGetCount(nam);
            for (j = 0; j < nh; j++) {
                numaGetIValue(nah, j, &yval);
                ptaAddPt(ptah, x, yval);
            for (j = 0; j < nm; j++) {
                numaGetIValue(nam, j, &yval);
                ptaAddPt(ptam, x, yval);

        /* Make the Sel with those points */
    sel = selCreateBrick(h, w, h / 2, w / 2, SEL_DONT_CARE);
    nh = ptaGetCount(ptah);
    for (i = 0; i < nh; i++) {
        ptaGetIPt(ptah, i, &x, &y);
        selSetElement(sel, y, x, SEL_HIT);
    nm = ptaGetCount(ptam);
    for (i = 0; i < nm; i++) {
        ptaGetIPt(ptam, i, &x, &y);
        selSetElement(sel, y, x, SEL_MISS);

    return sel;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 * \brief   pixGetSortedNeighborValues()
 * \param[in]     pixs 8, 16 or 32 bpp, with pixels labeled by c.c.
 * \param[in]     x, y location of pixel
 * \param[in]     conn 4 or 8 connected neighbors
 * \param[out]    pneigh array of integers, to be filled with
 *                      the values of the neighbors, if any
 * \param[out]    pnvals the number of unique neighbor values found
 * \return   0 if OK, 1 on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) The returned %neigh array is the unique set of neighboring
 *          pixel values, of size nvals, sorted from smallest to largest.
 *          The value 0, which represents background pixels that do
 *          not belong to any set of connected components, is discarded.
 *      (2) If there are no neighbors, this returns %neigh = NULL; otherwise,
 *          the caller must free the array.
 *      (3) For either 4 or 8 connectivity, the maximum number of unique
 *          neighbor values is 4.
 * </pre>
pixGetSortedNeighborValues(PIX       *pixs,
                           l_int32    x,
                           l_int32    y,
                           l_int32    conn,
                           l_int32  **pneigh,
                           l_int32   *pnvals)
l_int32       i, npt, index;
l_int32       neigh[4];
l_uint32      val;
l_float32     fx, fy;
L_ASET       *aset;
L_ASET_NODE  *node;
PTA          *pta;
RB_TYPE       key;


    if (pneigh) *pneigh = NULL;
    if (pnvals) *pnvals = 0;
    if (!pneigh || !pnvals)
        return ERROR_INT("&neigh and &nvals not both defined", procName, 1);
    if (!pixs || pixGetDepth(pixs) < 8)
        return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined or depth < 8", procName, 1);

        /* Identify the locations of nearest neighbor pixels */
    if ((pta = ptaGetNeighborPixLocs(pixs, x, y, conn)) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("pta of neighbors not made", procName, 1);

        /* Find the pixel values and insert into a set as keys */
    aset = l_asetCreate(L_UINT_TYPE);
    npt = ptaGetCount(pta);
    for (i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
        ptaGetPt(pta, i, &fx, &fy);
        pixGetPixel(pixs, (l_int32)fx, (l_int32)fy, &val);
        key.utype = val;
        l_asetInsert(aset, key);

        /* Extract the set keys and put them into the %neigh array.
         * Omit the value 0, which indicates the pixel doesn't
         * belong to one of the sets of connected components. */
    node = l_asetGetFirst(aset);
    index = 0;
    while (node) {
        val = node->key.utype;
        if (val > 0)
            neigh[index++] = (l_int32)val;
        node = l_asetGetNext(node);
    *pnvals = index;
    if (index > 0) {
        *pneigh = (l_int32 *)LEPT_CALLOC(index, sizeof(l_int32));
        for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
            (*pneigh)[i] = neigh[i];

    return 0;