Ejemplo n.º 1
         corpsehit->flags |= MF_SOLID;

      check = P_CheckPosition(corpsehit, corpsehit->x, corpsehit->y);

      if(demo_version >= 331)
         corpsehit->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
      corpsehit->height >>= 2;
      int height,radius;
      height = corpsehit->height; // save temporarily
      radius = corpsehit->radius; // save temporarily
      corpsehit->height = P_ThingInfoHeight(corpsehit->info);
      corpsehit->radius = corpsehit->info->radius;
      corpsehit->flags |= MF_SOLID;
      check = P_CheckPosition(corpsehit,corpsehit->x,corpsehit->y);
      corpsehit->height = height; // restore
      corpsehit->radius = radius; // restore                      //   ^
      corpsehit->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
   }                                                              //   |
                                                                  // phares
      return true;              // doesn't fit here
   return false;               // got one, so stop checking

// A_VileChase
Ejemplo n.º 2
AActor::AActor (fixed_t ix, fixed_t iy, fixed_t iz, mobjtype_t itype) :
    x(0), y(0), z(0), snext(NULL), sprev(NULL), angle(0), sprite(SPR_UNKN), frame(0),
    pitch(0), roll(0), effects(0), bnext(NULL), bprev(NULL), subsector(NULL),
    floorz(0), ceilingz(0), radius(0), height(0), momx(0), momy(0), momz(0),
    validcount(0), type(MT_UNKNOWNTHING), info(NULL), tics(0), state(NULL), flags(0), flags2(0),
    special1(0), special2(0), health(0), movedir(0), movecount(0), visdir(0),
    reactiontime(0), threshold(0), player(NULL), lastlook(0), inext(NULL),
    iprev(NULL), translation(NULL), translucency(0), waterlevel(0), onground(0),
    touching_sectorlist(NULL), deadtic(0), oldframe(0), rndindex(0), netid(0),
	state_t *st;

	// Fly!!! fix it in P_RespawnSpecial
	if ((unsigned int)itype >= NUMMOBJTYPES)
		I_Error ("Tried to spawn actor type %d\n", itype);

	info = &mobjinfo[itype];
	type = itype;
	x = ix;
	y = iy;
	radius = info->radius;
	height = P_ThingInfoHeight(info);
	flags = info->flags;
	flags2 = info->flags2;
	health = info->spawnhealth;
	translucency = info->translucency;
	rndindex = M_Random();

    if (multiplayer && serverside)
        netid = ServerNetID.ObtainNetID();

	if (sv_skill != sk_nightmare)
		reactiontime = info->reactiontime;

    if (clientside)
        lastlook = P_Random() % MAXPLAYERS_VANILLA;
        lastlook = P_Random() % MAXPLAYERS;

    // do not set the state with P_SetMobjState,
    // because action routines can not be called yet
	st = &states[info->spawnstate];
	state = st;
	tics = st->tics;
	sprite = st->sprite;
	frame = st->frame;
	touching_sectorlist = NULL;	// NULL head of sector list // phares 3/13/98

	// set subsector and/or block links
	LinkToWorld ();


	floorz = subsector->sector->floorheight;
	ceilingz = subsector->sector->ceilingheight;

	if (iz == ONFLOORZ)
		z = floorz;
	else if (iz == ONCEILINGZ)
		z = ceilingz - height;
	else if (flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB)
		z = floorz + iz;		// artifact z passed in as height
		z = iz;