Ejemplo n.º 1
mDNSlocal mDNSBool ParseElement(xmlDocPtr tadoc, xmlNode * a_node, TrustAnchor *ta)
    xmlNode *cur_node = NULL;

    for (cur_node = a_node; cur_node; cur_node = cur_node->next)
        if (cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
            // There could be multiple KeyDigests per TrustAnchor. We keep parsing till we
            // reach the last one or we encounter an error in parsing the document.
            if (!xmlStrcmp(cur_node->name, (const xmlChar *)"KeyDigest"))
                if (ta->rds.digest)
                ta->rds.digestType = 0;
                ta->digestLen = 0;
            if (!ParseElementChildren(tadoc, cur_node->children, ta))
                return mDNSfalse;
            if (!ParseElement(tadoc, cur_node->children, ta))
                return mDNSfalse;
    return mDNStrue;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool ClassDecodeGenerator::ProcessObjectInline( const TiXmlElement* field )
    char iname[16];
    snprintf( iname, sizeof( iname ), "obj_%u", mItemNumber++ );

	//make sure its an object
	const char* v = top();
	fprintf( mOutputFile,
		"    if( !%s->IsObject() )\n"
        "    {\n"
		"        _log( NET__PACKET_ERROR, \"Decode %s failed: %s is the wrong type: %%s\", %s->TypeString() );\n"
		"        return false;\n"
		"    }\n"
        "    PyObject* %s = %s->AsObject();\n"
            mName, iname, v,
        iname, v

    char aname[32];
    snprintf( aname, sizeof( aname ), "%s->arguments()", iname );
    push( aname );

    char tname[32];
    snprintf( tname, sizeof( tname ), "%s->type()", iname );
    push( tname );

    if( !ParseElementChildren( field, 2 ) )
        return false;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool ClassCloneGenerator::ProcessElementDef( const TiXmlElement* field )
    const char* name = field->Attribute( "name" );
    if( name == NULL )
        _log( COMMON__ERROR, "<element> at line %d is missing the name attribute, skipping.", field->Row() );
        return false;

    fprintf( mOutputFile,
        "%s& %s::operator=( const %s& oth )\n"
        name, name, name

    if( !ParseElementChildren( field ) )
        return false;

    fprintf( mOutputFile,
        "    return *this;\n"

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool ClassDecodeGenerator::ProcessSubStructInline( const TiXmlElement* field )
	char iname[16];
	snprintf( iname, sizeof( iname ), "ss_%u", mItemNumber++ );

	//make sure its a substruct
	const char* v = top();
	fprintf( mOutputFile,
		"    if( !%s->IsSubStruct() )\n"
        "    {\n"
		"		_log( NET__PACKET_ERROR, \"Decode %s failed: %s is not a substruct: %%s\", %s->TypeString() );\n"
		"		return false;\n"
		"	}\n"
        "	PySubStruct* %s = %s->AsSubStruct();\n"
			mName, iname, v,
		iname, v

	char ssname[32];
	snprintf( ssname, sizeof( ssname ), "%s->sub()", iname );
	push( ssname );

    //Decode the sub-element
	if( !ParseElementChildren( field, 1 ) )
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool ClassDumpGenerator::ProcessElementDef( const TiXmlElement* field )
    const char* name = field->Attribute( "name" );
    if( name == NULL )
        _log( COMMON__ERROR, "<element> at line %d is missing the name attribute, skipping.", field->Row() );
        return false;

    fprintf( mOutputFile,
        "void %s::Dump( LogType l_type, const char* pfx ) const\n"
        "    _log( l_type, \"%%s%s\", pfx );\n"
        name, name

    if( !ParseElementChildren( field ) )
        return false;

    fprintf( mOutputFile,

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool ClassDumpGenerator::ProcessObjectInline( const TiXmlElement* field )
    fprintf( mOutputFile,
        "    _log( l_type, \"%%sObject:\", pfx );\n"

    return ParseElementChildren( field, 2 );
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool EVEServerConfig::ProcessCharacter( const TiXmlElement* ele )
    AddValueParser( "startBalance", character.startBalance );

    const bool result = ParseElementChildren( ele );

    RemoveParser( "startBalance" );

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool ClassDecodeGenerator::ProcessTupleInline( const TiXmlElement* field )
    //first, we need to know how many elements this tuple has:
    const TiXmlNode* i = NULL;

    uint32 count = 0;
    while( ( i = field->IterateChildren( i ) ) )
        if( i->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT )

	char iname[16];
	snprintf( iname, sizeof( iname ), "tuple%u", mItemNumber++ );

	const char* v = top();
	//now we can generate the tuple decl
	fprintf( mOutputFile,
		"    if( !%s->IsTuple() )\n"
        "    {\n"
		"        _log( NET__PACKET_ERROR, \"Decode %s failed: %s is the wrong type: %%s\", %s->TypeString() );\n"
		"        return false;\n"
		"    }\n"
        "    PyTuple* %s = %s->AsTuple();\n"
		"    if( %s->size() != %u )\n"
        "    {\n"
		"        _log( NET__PACKET_ERROR, \"Decode %s failed: %s is the wrong size: expected %d, but got %%lu\", %s->size() );\n"
		"        return false;\n"
		"    }\n"
			mName, iname, v,
		iname, v,
		iname, count,
			mName, iname, count, iname

	//now we need to queue up all the storage locations for the fields
    //need to be backward
	char varname[64];
	while( count-- > 0 )
		snprintf( varname, sizeof( varname ), "%s->GetItem( %u )", iname, count );
		push( varname );

	if( !ParseElementChildren( field ) )
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool EVEServerConfig::ProcessNet( const TiXmlElement* ele )
    AddValueParser( "port", net.port );
	AddValueParser( "imageServer", net.imageServer);

    const bool result = ParseElementChildren( ele );

    RemoveParser( "port" );
	RemoveParser( "imageServer" );

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool ClassDumpGenerator::ProcessDictInlineEntry( const TiXmlElement* field )
    //we dont really even care about this...
    const char* key = field->Attribute( "key" );
    if( key == NULL )
        _log( COMMON__ERROR, "<dictInlineEntry> at line %d is missing the key attribute, skipping.", field->Row() );
        return false;

	return ParseElementChildren( field, 1 );
Ejemplo n.º 11
bool EVEServerConfig::ProcessAccount( const TiXmlElement* ele )
    AddValueParser( "autoAccountRole", account.autoAccountRole );
    AddValueParser( "loginMessage",    account.loginMessage );

    const bool result = ParseElementChildren( ele );

    RemoveParser( "autoAccountRole" );
    RemoveParser( "loginMessage" );

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 12
bool EVEServerConfig::ProcessRates( const TiXmlElement* ele )
    AddValueParser( "skillRate", rates.skillRate );
    AddValueParser( "secRate", rates.secRate );
    AddValueParser( "npcBountyMultiply", rates.npcBountyMultiply );

    const bool result = ParseElementChildren( ele );

    RemoveParser( "skillRate" );
    RemoveParser( "secRate" );
	RemoveParser( "npcBountyMultiply" );

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 13
bool EVEServerConfig::ProcessFiles( const TiXmlElement* ele )
    AddValueParser( "logDir",      files.logDir );
    AddValueParser( "logSettings", files.logSettings );
    AddValueParser( "cacheDir",    files.cacheDir );
    AddValueParser( "imageDir",       files.imageDir );

    const bool result = ParseElementChildren( ele );

    RemoveParser( "logDir" );
    RemoveParser( "logSettings" );
    RemoveParser( "cacheDir" );
    RemoveParser( "imageDir" );

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 14
bool XMLPacketGen::ParseElements( const TiXmlElement* field )
    if( !OpenFiles() )
        sLog.Error( "XMLPacketGen", "Unable to open output files: %s.", strerror( errno ) );
        return false;

    const std::string def = FNameToDef( mHeaderFileName.c_str() );

    fprintf( mHeaderFile,
        "#ifndef %s\n"
        "#define %s\n"
        "#include \"python/PyVisitor.h\"\n"
        "#include \"python/PyRep.h\"\n"
    fprintf( mSourceFile,
        "#include \"EVECommonPCH.h\"\n"
        "#include \"%s\"\n"

    bool res = ParseElementChildren( field );

    fprintf( mHeaderFile,
        "#endif /* !%s */\n"

    return res;
Ejemplo n.º 15
bool EVEServerConfig::ProcessCharacter( const TiXmlElement* ele )
    AddValueParser( "startBalance", character.startBalance );
    AddValueParser( "startStation", character.startStation );
    AddValueParser( "startSecRating", character.startSecRating );
    AddValueParser( "startCorporation", character.startCorporation );
    AddValueParser( "terminationDelay", character.terminationDelay );

    const bool result = ParseElementChildren( ele );

    RemoveParser( "startBalance" );
    RemoveParser( "startStation" );
    RemoveParser( "startSecRating" );
    RemoveParser( "startCorporation" );
    RemoveParser( "terminationDelay" );

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 16
bool EVEServerConfig::ProcessDatabase( const TiXmlElement* ele )
    AddValueParser( "host",     database.host );
    AddValueParser( "port",     database.port );
    AddValueParser( "username", database.username );
    AddValueParser( "password", database.password );
    AddValueParser( "db",       database.db );

    const bool result = ParseElementChildren( ele );

    RemoveParser( "host" );
    RemoveParser( "port" );
    RemoveParser( "username" );
    RemoveParser( "password" );
    RemoveParser( "db" );

    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 17
bool EVEServerConfig::ProcessEveServer( const TiXmlElement* ele )
    // entering element, extend allowed syntax
    AddMemberParser( "account",   &EVEServerConfig::ProcessAccount );
    AddMemberParser( "character", &EVEServerConfig::ProcessCharacter );
    AddMemberParser( "database",  &EVEServerConfig::ProcessDatabase );
    AddMemberParser( "files",     &EVEServerConfig::ProcessFiles );
    AddMemberParser( "net",       &EVEServerConfig::ProcessNet );

    // parse the element
    const bool result = ParseElementChildren( ele );

    // leaving element, reduce allowed syntax
    RemoveParser( "account" );
    RemoveParser( "character" );
    RemoveParser( "database" );
    RemoveParser( "files" );
    RemoveParser( "net" );

    // return status of parsing
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 18
bool ClassDumpGenerator::ProcessSubStreamInline( const TiXmlElement* field )
    //do we want to display the substream in the dump?
    return ParseElementChildren( field, 1 );
Ejemplo n.º 19
bool ClassDumpGenerator::ProcessSubStructInline( const TiXmlElement* field )
    return ParseElementChildren( field, 1 );
Ejemplo n.º 20
bool ClassDumpGenerator::ProcessDictInline( const TiXmlElement* field )
    //do we want to display the dict in the dump?
    return ParseElementChildren( field );
Ejemplo n.º 21
bool ClassHeaderGenerator::ProcessTupleInline( const TiXmlElement* field )
    return ParseElementChildren( field );
Ejemplo n.º 22
 * this function could be improved quite a bit by not parsing and checking the
 * dictInlineEntry elements over and over again
bool ClassDecodeGenerator::ProcessDictInline( const TiXmlElement* field )
    char iname[16];
	snprintf( iname, sizeof( iname ), "dict%u", mItemNumber++ );

    bool soft = false;
    const char* soft_str = field->Attribute( "soft" );
    if( soft_str != NULL )
        soft = str2<bool>( soft_str );

	const char* v = top();
	//make sure its a dict
	fprintf( mOutputFile,
		"    if( !%s->IsDict() )\n"
        "    {\n"
		"        _log( NET__PACKET_ERROR, \"Decode %s failed: %s is the wrong type: %%s\", %s->TypeString() );\n"
		"        return false;\n"
		"    }\n"
        "    PyDict* %s = %s->AsDict();\n"
            mName, iname, v,
		iname, v

	//now generate the "found" flags for each expected element.
	const TiXmlNode* i = NULL;

    bool empty = true;
    uint32 count = 0;
	while( ( i = field->IterateChildren( i ) ) )
		if( i->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT )
		    const TiXmlElement* ele = i->ToElement();

		    //we only handle dictInlineEntry elements
		    if( strcmp( ele->Value(), "dictInlineEntry" ) != 0 )
			    _log(COMMON__ERROR, "non-dictInlineEntry in <dictInline> at line %d, ignoring.", ele->Row());

		    fprintf( mOutputFile,
			    "    bool %s_%u = false;\n",
                iname, count

		    empty = false;

    fprintf( mOutputFile,

	if( empty )
		fprintf( mOutputFile,
            "    // %s is empty from our perspective, not enforcing though.\n",
		//setup the loop...
		fprintf( mOutputFile,
			"    PyDict::const_iterator %s_cur, %s_end;\n"
			"    %s_cur = %s->begin();\n"
			"    %s_end = %s->end();\n"
			"    for(; %s_cur != %s_end; %s_cur++)\n"
            "    {\n"
			"        if( !%s_cur->first->IsString() )\n"
            "        {\n"
			"            _log( NET__PACKET_ERROR, \"Decode %s failed: a key in %s is the wrong type: %%s\", %s_cur->first->TypeString() );\n"
			"            return false;\n"
			"        }\n"
            "        const PyString* key_string__ = %s_cur->first->AsString();\n"
            iname, iname,
            iname, iname,
            iname, iname,
            iname, iname, iname,
                    mName, iname, iname,

        count = 0;
		while( ( i = field->IterateChildren( i ) ) )
			if( i->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT )
			    const TiXmlElement* ele = i->ToElement();

			    //we only handle dictInlineEntry elements
			    if( strcmp( ele->Value(), "dictInlineEntry" ) != 0 )
				    _log( COMMON__ERROR, "non-dictInlineEntry in <dictInline> at line %d, ignoring.", ele->Row() );
			    const char* key = ele->Attribute( "key" );
			    if( key == NULL )
				    _log( COMMON__ERROR, "<dictInlineEntry> at line %d lacks a key attribute", ele->Row() );
				    return false;

			    //conditional prefix...
			    fprintf( mOutputFile,
                    "        if( key_string__->content() == \"%s\" )\n"
                    "        {\n"
				    "            %s_%u = true;\n"
                        iname, count

                //now process the data part, putting the value into `varname`
                //TODO: figure out a reasonable way to fix the indention here...
			    char vname[64];
			    snprintf( vname, sizeof( vname ), "%s_cur->second", iname );
			    push( vname );

			    if( !ParseElementChildren( ele, 1 ) )
				    return false;

			    //fixed suffix...
			    fprintf( mOutputFile,
				    "        }\n"
                    "        else\n"

		if( soft )
			fprintf( mOutputFile,
				"        {\n"
                "            /* do nothing, soft dict */\n"
				"        }\n"
                "    }\n"
			fprintf( mOutputFile,
				"        {\n"
                "            _log( NET__PACKET_ERROR, \"Decode %s failed: Unknown key string '%%s' in %s\", key_string__->content().c_str() );\n"
				"            return false;\n"
				"        }\n"
				"    }\n"
				mName, iname

        //finally, check the "found" flags for each expected element.
        count = 0;
		while( ( i = field->IterateChildren( i ) ) )
			if(i->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT)
			    const TiXmlElement* ele = i->ToElement();

			    //we only handle dictInlineEntry elements
			    if( strcmp( ele->Value(), "dictInlineEntry" ) != 0 )
				    _log( COMMON__ERROR, "non-dictInlineEntry in <dictInline> at line %d, ignoring.", ele->Row() );
			    const char* key = ele->Attribute( "key" );
			    if( key == NULL )
				    _log( COMMON__ERROR, "<dictInlineEntry> at line %d lacks a key attribute", ele->Row() );
				    return false;

                fprintf( mOutputFile,
				    "    if( !%s_%u )\n"
                    "    {\n"
				    "        _log( NET__PACKET_ERROR, \"Decode %s failed: Missing dict entry '%s' in %s\" );\n"
				    "        return false;\n"
				    "    }\n"
				    iname, count,
                        mName, key, iname

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 23
bool ClassConstructGenerator::ProcessListInline( const TiXmlElement* field )
    return ParseElementChildren( field );
Ejemplo n.º 24
bool ClassCloneGenerator::ProcessDictInline( const TiXmlElement* field )
    return ParseElementChildren( field );
Ejemplo n.º 25
bool ClassCloneGenerator::ProcessSubStreamInline( const TiXmlElement* field )
    return ParseElementChildren( field, 1 );
Ejemplo n.º 26
bool ClassDestructGenerator::ProcessObjectInline( const TiXmlElement* field )
    return ParseElementChildren( field, 2 );