static void MutateTxSign(CMutableTransaction& tx, const std::string& flagStr) { int nHashType = SIGHASH_ALL; if (flagStr.size() > 0) if (!findSighashFlags(nHashType, flagStr)) throw std::runtime_error("unknown sighash flag/sign option"); // mergedTx will end up with all the signatures; it // starts as a clone of the raw tx: CMutableTransaction mergedTx{tx}; const CMutableTransaction txv{tx}; CCoinsView viewDummy; CCoinsViewCache view(&viewDummy); if (!registers.count("privatekeys")) throw std::runtime_error("privatekeys register variable must be set."); CBasicKeyStore tempKeystore; UniValue keysObj = registers["privatekeys"]; for (unsigned int kidx = 0; kidx < keysObj.size(); kidx++) { if (!keysObj[kidx].isStr()) throw std::runtime_error("privatekey not a std::string"); CKey key = DecodeSecret(keysObj[kidx].getValStr()); if (!key.IsValid()) { throw std::runtime_error("privatekey not valid"); } tempKeystore.AddKey(key); } // Add previous txouts given in the RPC call: if (!registers.count("prevtxs")) throw std::runtime_error("prevtxs register variable must be set."); UniValue prevtxsObj = registers["prevtxs"]; { for (unsigned int previdx = 0; previdx < prevtxsObj.size(); previdx++) { UniValue prevOut = prevtxsObj[previdx]; if (!prevOut.isObject()) throw std::runtime_error("expected prevtxs internal object"); std::map<std::string, UniValue::VType> types = { {"txid", UniValue::VSTR}, {"vout", UniValue::VNUM}, {"scriptPubKey", UniValue::VSTR}, }; if (!prevOut.checkObject(types)) throw std::runtime_error("prevtxs internal object typecheck fail"); uint256 txid = ParseHashStr(prevOut["txid"].get_str(), "txid"); int nOut = atoi(prevOut["vout"].getValStr()); if (nOut < 0) throw std::runtime_error("vout must be positive"); COutPoint out(txid, nOut); std::vector<unsigned char> pkData(ParseHexUV(prevOut["scriptPubKey"], "scriptPubKey")); CScript scriptPubKey(pkData.begin(), pkData.end()); { const Coin& coin = view.AccessCoin(out); if (!coin.IsSpent() && coin.out.scriptPubKey != scriptPubKey) { std::string err("Previous output scriptPubKey mismatch:\n"); err = err + ScriptToAsmStr(coin.out.scriptPubKey) + "\nvs:\n"+ ScriptToAsmStr(scriptPubKey); throw std::runtime_error(err); } Coin newcoin; newcoin.out.scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey; newcoin.out.nValue = 0; if (prevOut.exists("amount")) { newcoin.out.nValue = AmountFromValue(prevOut["amount"]); } newcoin.nHeight = 1; view.AddCoin(out, std::move(newcoin), true); } // if redeemScript given and private keys given, // add redeemScript to the tempKeystore so it can be signed: if ((scriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash() || scriptPubKey.IsPayToWitnessScriptHash()) && prevOut.exists("redeemScript")) { UniValue v = prevOut["redeemScript"]; std::vector<unsigned char> rsData(ParseHexUV(v, "redeemScript")); CScript redeemScript(rsData.begin(), rsData.end()); tempKeystore.AddCScript(redeemScript); } } } const CKeyStore& keystore = tempKeystore; bool fHashSingle = ((nHashType & ~SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) == SIGHASH_SINGLE); // Sign what we can: for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++) { CTxIn& txin =[i]; const Coin& coin = view.AccessCoin(txin.prevout); if (coin.IsSpent()) { continue; } const CScript& prevPubKey = coin.out.scriptPubKey; const CAmount& amount = coin.out.nValue; SignatureData sigdata; // Only sign SIGHASH_SINGLE if there's a corresponding output: if (!fHashSingle || (i < mergedTx.vout.size())) ProduceSignature(keystore, MutableTransactionSignatureCreator(&mergedTx, i, amount, nHashType), prevPubKey, sigdata); // ... and merge in other signatures: sigdata = CombineSignatures(prevPubKey, MutableTransactionSignatureChecker(&mergedTx, i, amount), sigdata, DataFromTransaction(txv, i)); UpdateInput(txin, sigdata); } tx = mergedTx; }
static void MutateTxSign(CMutableTransaction& tx, const std::string& flagStr) { int nHashType = SIGHASH_ALL; if (flagStr.size() > 0) if (!findSighashFlags(nHashType, flagStr)) throw std::runtime_error("unknown sighash flag/sign option"); std::vector<CTransaction> txVariants; txVariants.push_back(tx); // mergedTx will end up with all the signatures; it // starts as a clone of the raw tx: CMutableTransaction mergedTx(txVariants[0]); bool fComplete = true; CCoinsView viewDummy; CCoinsViewCache view(&viewDummy); if (!registers.count("privatekeys")) throw std::runtime_error("privatekeys register variable must be set."); CBasicKeyStore tempKeystore; UniValue keysObj = registers["privatekeys"]; for (unsigned int kidx = 0; kidx < keysObj.size(); kidx++) { if (!keysObj[kidx].isStr()) throw std::runtime_error("privatekey not a std::string"); CBitcoinSecret vchSecret; bool fGood = vchSecret.SetString(keysObj[kidx].getValStr()); if (!fGood) throw std::runtime_error("privatekey not valid"); CKey key = vchSecret.GetKey(); tempKeystore.AddKey(key); } // Add previous txouts given in the RPC call: if (!registers.count("prevtxs")) throw std::runtime_error("prevtxs register variable must be set."); UniValue prevtxsObj = registers["prevtxs"]; { for (unsigned int previdx = 0; previdx < prevtxsObj.size(); previdx++) { UniValue prevOut = prevtxsObj[previdx]; if (!prevOut.isObject()) throw std::runtime_error("expected prevtxs internal object"); std::map<std::string,UniValue::VType> types = boost::assign::map_list_of("txid", UniValue::VSTR)("vout",UniValue::VNUM)("scriptPubKey",UniValue::VSTR); if (!prevOut.checkObject(types)) throw std::runtime_error("prevtxs internal object typecheck fail"); uint256 txid = ParseHashUV(prevOut["txid"], "txid"); int nOut = atoi(prevOut["vout"].getValStr()); if (nOut < 0) throw std::runtime_error("vout must be positive"); std::vector<unsigned char> pkData(ParseHexUV(prevOut["scriptPubKey"], "scriptPubKey")); CScript scriptPubKey(pkData.begin(), pkData.end()); { CCoinsModifier coins = view.ModifyCoins(txid); if (coins->IsAvailable(nOut) && coins->vout[nOut].scriptPubKey != scriptPubKey) { std::string err("Previous output scriptPubKey mismatch:\n"); err = err + ScriptToAsmStr(coins->vout[nOut].scriptPubKey) + "\nvs:\n"+ ScriptToAsmStr(scriptPubKey); throw std::runtime_error(err); } if ((unsigned int)nOut >= coins->vout.size()) coins->vout.resize(nOut+1); coins->vout[nOut].scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey; coins->vout[nOut].nValue = 0; if (prevOut.exists("amount")) { coins->vout[nOut].nValue = AmountFromValue(prevOut["amount"]); } } // if redeemScript given and private keys given, // add redeemScript to the tempKeystore so it can be signed: if ((scriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash() || scriptPubKey.IsPayToWitnessScriptHash()) && prevOut.exists("redeemScript")) { UniValue v = prevOut["redeemScript"]; std::vector<unsigned char> rsData(ParseHexUV(v, "redeemScript")); CScript redeemScript(rsData.begin(), rsData.end()); tempKeystore.AddCScript(redeemScript); } } } const CKeyStore& keystore = tempKeystore; bool fHashSingle = ((nHashType & ~SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) == SIGHASH_SINGLE); // Sign what we can: for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++) { CTxIn& txin =[i]; const CCoins* coins = view.AccessCoins(txin.prevout.hash); if (!coins || !coins->IsAvailable(txin.prevout.n)) { fComplete = false; continue; } const CScript& prevPubKey = coins->vout[txin.prevout.n].scriptPubKey; const CAmount& amount = coins->vout[txin.prevout.n].nValue; SignatureData sigdata; // Only sign SIGHASH_SINGLE if there's a corresponding output: if (!fHashSingle || (i < mergedTx.vout.size())) ProduceSignature(MutableTransactionSignatureCreator(&keystore, &mergedTx, i, amount, nHashType), prevPubKey, sigdata); // ... and merge in other signatures: BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction& txv, txVariants) sigdata = CombineSignatures(prevPubKey, MutableTransactionSignatureChecker(&mergedTx, i, amount), sigdata, DataFromTransaction(txv, i)); UpdateTransaction(mergedTx, i, sigdata); if (!VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, prevPubKey, mergedTx.wit.vtxinwit.size() > i ? &mergedTx.wit.vtxinwit[i].scriptWitness : NULL, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, MutableTransactionSignatureChecker(&mergedTx, i, amount))) fComplete = false; } if (fComplete) { // do nothing... for now // perhaps store this for later optional JSON output } tx = mergedTx; }